Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Jul 22, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at It's real easy, just takes a minute and you will make me a real happy guy!

Little Guy

By Stoo

We stayed as we had fallen for a few minutes, Al's chest flat against my back. I could feel it every time he breathed in, his chest rising and falling. Almost grudgingly, as he softened he rolled off of me, lying on his back, the sides of his arms still in contact with me. I still could not summon the energy to move, I was so overloaded with love.

"Stoo..." I heard his voice, still shaking a little, soft as the red silk shirt draped over the bed post. Knowing I had to move, I rolled, over leaning my head against his chest. Immediately his hands began caressing my hair.

"Yeah..." I savoured the warmth of his body, my hands stroking his abdomen lightly.

"I knew you loved me... From when we got together but... You totally surrendered yourself to me there..." he took a moment to kiss my neck gently before continuing, "... It means so much to me!"

I wrapped my arms tightly around him, knowing I didn't have the words to describe my love for him, hoping that by holding him so close he could feel the love pour from my heart.

He sighed, content in my arms, his little body relaxing against me. "I was scared!" He admitted.

"Scared of what, babes?"

"Scared I'd hurt you, scared you wouldn't like me after this... Scared I wasn't good enough for you..."

Despite myself, a small chuckle escaped my lips. He looked hurt. I shook my head. "I'm laughing at how absurd that sounds to me man... You thought I wouldn't like you, that you weren't good enough... Al... Babes, you are the one of the things in my life that I thank God for every day! Every day I spend with you is precious; everything we share together is special... You are special!" I said, holding him ever more close to me.

"I love you!" He kissed me gently, so tenderly on the neck.

"I'll never get bored of hearing you say that!" I grinned widely.

"Oh yeah... We'll see about that, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you..."

I placed my hand over his mouth. "I love you, but we need a shower!"

Al grinned wickedly. "I love the shower... With you in it!"

He let forth a little growl which caused me to laugh heartily. So content and fulfilled we made our way to the shower, locked together at the lips all the way.

Sweat dripped down my nose, my shirt clung to my body saturated. With each punch a cloud of moisture exploded from my gloved hands. My calves were burning as I danced on now heavy feet. My right hand snapping out, jabbing solidly against the punch bag. Right, right, left. The left making that satisfying thwock as I moved back, jabbing out as I moved. Shuffling forwards, I let fly with a speedy combination of what would be right, left body shots followed quickly by a right hook. Quickly skipping onto my stronger side, I followed the same combination only in reverse, finishing with a left hook. The beeping of the countdown timer signalled the end of another three and a half minute round. I dropped my heavy hands to my sides, shirking out of the bag mitts, letting them fall haphazardly to the floor. Lifting the front of my shirt I wiped the stinging sweat from my eyes and forehead, reaching for my water bottle sitting on the floor by the side. It had been filled with ice when I had begun my workout, but now the ice had all but melted. The water, however, was freezing cold and bliss to swallow. I sipped it slowly; knowing that gulping the water down was a bad idea. Letting my body hydrate nice and slowly.

Later that day I made my way to the gym, knowing my dad would be waiting for me. "Hey Stoo baby!" He grinned as he walked up to me. He was wearing his shorts and a white vest, "Ready to get your ass whooped off your old dad?" He asked giving me a wide grin, throwing me my protective sparring gear.

"In your dreams old man!" I picked up the sparring equipment, placing the head gear on securely as my dad fastened his own. My dad and myself had been making use of the boxing gym not far from the house recently. A friend of my dad's owned the gym, and at this time in the afternoon it was almost empty, allowing us free reign. I think my dad liked the idea of sparring due to the fact he could illustrate his point with a punch. We both smiled as I held the bottom rope down with my feet and the top up with my arm. He bowed theatrically then stepped in to the ring.

My dad stands only an inch taller than Al, giving me a height and reach advantage, but what he lacks in height he makes up for in speed. He is a very hard man to shake off when he gets in close. Our sparring match had drawn some attention today. A few men who were training intermittently had now come over to watch. My dad moved in close to me as he fitted his gum shield and I mine.

"Seems we have a few spectators. Hope that doesn't throw you off... I wouldn't want to hurt you now!" My dad jested holding out his gloved hands.

"I don't think I'll need to worry too much about you hurting me, I'll need to worry more about tripping over you, little man!" We touched gloves. "Ding ding!" My dad grinned, moving back on his spry feet, seeming to hover above the canvas ring. I jigged from side to side trying to throw him off balance.

"Watch out now!" I moved my arms back and forth. Flicking out a stiff right jab, which missed his head fractionally as he shuffled backwards.

"I'm watching, kiddo!"

Afterward, the steam of the shower room was a welcome change from the beating I took in the ring. I let the warm water run over my aching muscles. With my eyes closed, I hadn't realised my dad had joined me. His deep voice alerted me to his presence.

"You were pretty good out there!" He said, as he began to soap himself up.

"Yeah..." I grinned turning to him, displaying the nasty cut above my eye, "So were you!"

"Well... That jab of yours stings, I saw red!" He laughed, shampooing his hair, "I'm not unmarked myself you know..." I looked him up and down seeing the dark red marks on his abdomen and the swelling on his cheek.

"Well, old lion, what's say we get us a tub of pasta and some water from the supermarket on the way home, my treat seen as how I beat your ass in the ring!" My dad laughed heartily. We often stop off at the local supermarket to pick up two small cartons of tuna pasta. Just something to tide us over until dinner. Saying nothing, we both made our way to the lockers. Neither of us bothering with a towel, drawing some looks from some folks in the locker.

As we dragged our heavy feet in the door at home, our training bags slung over our shoulders, Al rushed out to meet us. He took a moment to look us up down seeing the cut and the swelling.

"Who did that?" He asked, his eyebrow raised. We both grinned and pointed at each other, drawing a rather sceptical look from Al. I was in no mood to make dinner, so instead my mum got on the phone and ordered some pizza. As we sat down in our favoured seating arrangement – my mum sitting on her own special chair, my dad on the armchair and me and Al nestled on the couch – my mum gave us a smile. Some times she looks so frail, but seeing her tonight with the sparkle in her eye filled my heart to overflowing.

"Is my son comfortable, Al?" My mum grinned, seeing how Al had just melted into my side.

"Your son is the most comfortable, warm and safe place I know!" Al said, I could sense the sincerity in his voice. I held him closer to me, my arms wrapped around his waist. I love how cosy my house is in the evening. We never turn the lights up too high, usually just a lamp in the background and my mums scented candles flickering on the coffee table. Everything is just so relaxed.

"I'm going to take you for a drive tomorrow, Lizzy Bee..." my dad reflected, partly to himself and partly to my mum, "... Get you some fresh air... Maybe go down the coast, pick some strawberries... Like we did when we were young!" My mum smiled warmly, nodding her head, remembering. The door bell broke the moment as Al flopped up and made his way to the door. There was a few seconds where Al traded pleasantries with the delivery woman, then he brought two large boxes into the living room.

"Tea's up!" He grinned.

After stuffing our faces, Al and I settled in up the stairs on our bed. He lay with his head on my chest, gently stroking the small line of hair below my belly button, tracking it till it was lost beneath my boxers. I love the feeling of his soft hair on my bare skin. You guys probably have your own weird eccentricities, I love his hair. It just the way it is so soft, and every time I breathe in the hair slides up and down with every movement of my chest.

"I have something for you babes..." I said softly.

His hand continued playing with my treasure trail. "Mmmm..." He kissed my chest, his lips gently passing over my right nipple. "... You have a few things for me..."

"Easy tiger, heh, I meant I want to give you something!" He grinned wickedly, and I shook my head, pushing his head off my chest before getting to my feet,

"Not that!" I grinned shaking my head. He looked defeated. "Awww!" He grumbled.

I was having none of it though. Oh yeah guys. He wasn't getting the better of me. I was in control. I reached into the pocket of my leather jacket and withdrew a solid gold chain. It had cost me a pretty penny and I hoped that it was a good enough gift for my little angel. As I walked across to Al, the chain concealed in my hand I ordered him to hold his hand out, palm up and open. He obliged with no need for encouragement.

"This is for you!" I placed the chain in his hand, he looked down at it, for a moment confused.

"You bought me a chain... But this must have been..." I held my finger to his lips, pressing my own lips against my finger, slowly removing it so our lips were touching.

"You are worth every penny and more... But that's not all!" I said, removing my ring from the middle finger of my right hand. It was a beautiful twenty four carat gold ring, set with a black stone which had a golden eagle emblem on it. The ring was very dear to me, as it was given to me by my dad on my eighteenth birthday, "It's too big for your little fingers... So I bought you a chain, so that when you wear it... It's always close to your heart!"

Al seemed to choke up, he was obviously pretty taken aback. "I can't..."

"I want you too... You mean so much to me, I want you to have something of mine... Something special to me!" I placed the ring on the chain and gently put it round his neck. As I did, he leaned in to me, placing his forehead on mine.

"Now I have something that belongs to you... It means so much to me..." He placed his little hand over my heart, and a tear escaped my eyes.

"Yeah..." I smiled, "... You have more than my heart... You have my soul too!" Ever so tenderly he took my cheeks in his hands and kissed me softly on the lips. Removing his lips he stared into my eyes intensely.

"A whole lotta love right now!" He giggled kissing me again, softly we both lay down on the bed. Content just to hold each other, just to be together.

We must have fallen asleep like that, or just completely `zoned out' - yeah it can happen when your lying in the arms of the person you love - for the next thing I knew I heard my dad's voice at the doorway to my room.

"Hey... You guys busy?" He whispered, I looked up and smiled.

"Nope... Just lazing!" He smiled and made his way into the room.

"It's bank holiday tomorrow, so you guys aren't at college... How about we take a trip up north? I was talking to your mum, and she seemed to want to do that instead of going down the coast, you game?"

"Hmm, let me check with my personal organiser..." I laughed, "Al, do I have any appointments tomorrow?" He grinned.

"Well... You have a one thirty with me... A two o'clock with me... A two thirty with me... It's pretty much all me, all day!" He said, pretending to mull things over in his mind.

"Hmm..." My dad shook his head, "... Cancel them all... I've never liked you anyway!" That earned me a good poke in the ribs, "Ouch sorry, I meant, yes let's go up north, Dad!"

My dad smiled. "Excellent Lizzy Bee will be thrilled, g'nite fellas!" My dad kissed me and Al both on the forehead before leaving and considerately closing the door.

As I flicked off the lights and climbed under the covers, I felt Al press himself against me. Gently he nibbled on my ear, whilst casually rubbing my back.

"I've never been up north before..." He whispered, "... I'm glad my first time will be with you!"

I smiled mischievously. "I'm glad my first time was with you!" He caught on to my meaning and I felt his chest heave as he stifled a giggle.

"You are so bad!"

"You better believe it!" I laughed, rolling him onto his back, "Bad to the bone!" I giggled as my mouth worked its way down his torso.

P.s. Does this authors note at the end of the story piss anyone off? Or should I keep it in? Answers on a postcard to lol, love you all. Love and Peace, Stoo.

Next: Chapter 9

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