Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Jul 10, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. Comments are always welcome at The responce you guys have given me has been brilliant. Due to a request by a reader, I have made my paragraphs a little shorter and put more space in between them. To make it a little easier to read. Let me know if it works guys cause I take very seriously any requests you make.

Little Guy

By Stoo

As I found out when I had made my way to the living room, fully dressed, Ryan was here to proposition us to a night on the town. He was going with a group of friends, and he wanted us to accompany him. Al was sitting looking pretty unsure.

"Ryan, we have something important to do... I think we will leave it to the last minute to decide whether we want to go, depends on how we feel... Is that ok mate?" Ryan gave me a kind of questioning look, but seeing Al so uncomfortable, Ryan shot him a reassuring smile.

"Hey that's cool... Just want you to know though, it won't be the same without you both there!" He seemed to be in one of his emotional good friend moods cause he shifted forwards onto the edge of his seat, "You know I love you guys right?" I smiled, as he looked at Al who nodded solemnly, "I'm real sorry if I broke something up this morning..." He seemed to be really upset about that one.

"Hey... It's cool, you've made it all the better for us tonight... We will both be mega horny by then!" Both Ryan and Al turned red at my comments, Al giving me the death stare.

"I don't wanna know man. Ok you guys have stuff to do so I'll be on my way, and anyway I need to buy some new clothes!" I looked at his faded jeans and denim jacket with a grin.

"Yeah, those are looking a bit old man!" He raised his head sharply.

"These are new, I just got them last week!"

"Eh... If you wanted the faded falling apart look I could have given you a pair of mine! We are heading to Al's anyway just now, so we could drop you off in the town!"

"Nah s'cool, my dad is running me in. I'm gonna treat the old boy to a pint afterwards!" Ryan signalled the end of the conversation by getting to his feet, "I'll see you guys later, hopefully. Whatever you two are working on... I hope it goes good!" He left, gripping my shoulder as he passed. No questions asked, just acceptance that we had something to do. No jealousy, completely selfless. I smiled, my heart warmed to the very core by his unselfish and complete friendship.

After Ryan had left we hit the road, driving the short distance to Al's house. As I drew the car up to the front of the house I could feel the tension pouring from Al and gushing around the car. He looked fragile, as though the slightest touch would shatter him there and then.

"You ready for this?" I asked, my heart constricting, seeing the pain he was enduring.

"No... But I have to..." He said, steeling himself before opening the door. I followed suit and slid from the car, pressing the remote on my keychain to lock the car and arm the alarm. As casually as he could, Al walked towards the house. Before we had even taken a few steps from the car his mum had came rushing from the door. She was so pleased looking to see Al. Guess he had been spending a lot of time at my house. She grabbed him in a warm embrace, kissing the top of his head.

"I've missed you, our house not good enough for you now eh?" She was joking of course as she tousled his hair, "Hey Stuart, nice to see you again!" She took us both by the shoulder and led us inside.

She was very familiar with me, as I had been Al's friend since high school but not only that, we both worked in the same factory at the weekends. As she led us into the living room of the house, I saw Al's dad. He was a broad-shouldered man who looked like he would have been better born in America and suited to playing American football. He looked up and burst into a rather large grin.

"Hey..." He folded the paper he was reading and motioned for us to sit down, "... Long time no see!" He seemed pleased to see us both. As his mum sat down also, they both quickly noticed something was amiss. I guess it was just cascading from Al; all his worries seemed to be moving around the room by osmosis or something.

"Something wrong son?" Al's dad's brows furrowed, which may not have been the best thing at the moment because it was intimidating me. Heaven knows what it was doing to Al.

"Yeah... No... Kinda..." Al was fidgeting like there was no tomorrow.

"The best way to say something is to, well... Say it son!"

"I want you to know something first... I love you..." Al said, a little tear trickling down his cheek, "... Please don't hate me... Mum, dad... I'm... Gay!" Quickly Al lowered his eyes so he did not notice the reaction that passed through his mum and dad's face. It was a strange one, to be sure. There was no shock, certainly no horror and I was sure I recognised some relief in there. His mum was first to move. Up until now we had been sitting on the couch. His mum now crossed over to us and sat in between us. She took Al into a loving hug, tears were now in free-flow from my little guy as emotions over took him.

"We know baby, we know!" She said, stroking his hair. Al looked up, his eyes red and swollen, confusion apparent on his face.


"Don't worry little guy, your mum and I have known for a long time. I mean it was clear to us by how much you cared about Stuart. I mean there is damn sure no woman on this planet that could love him!" His dad said, pulling his best poker face and almost succeeding until Alan let forth a sob/giggle. Yeah guys, a sob/giggle, those are magical things. Really rare, there are a few people in life who can turn tears into laughter. Obviously Alan's dad was one.

"I take it you too are you know... Together?" Alan's mum turned her attention on me. Up until that point I had been completely lost, trying to piece together what was going on. This was not meant to happen like this. I mean there wasn't even any acceptance, well obviously there was, but it didn't happen there. I was confused. Dumbfounded might have been a better word.

"I... Together... Yeah..." Al's mum took me completely by surprise; she took me with both hands on both my cheeks, and then kissed me. Full on the lips. No there were no tongues (that was for the benefit of people like dreamweaver who may at one point read this story).

"You know, Al has never found it easy to make friends... But you... You accepted him, and ever since then you have introduced him to a whole world of friends. I'll never be able to thank you!" Al's mum had the death grip round my neck and there was no escape. So instead of fighting it, I went with it. Putting my arms around her frame I pulled her in close. It was an emotional few hours as we recounted how we had come to be together. The confusion of knowing we loved the other but not knowing the love was mutual. After we told the story in full and answered all the questions they had, Al's dad looked at me quite compassionately.

"I could use a beer..." He said, "... I think these two have things to discuss!" Alan's dad nodded at my little guy and his mum. I smiled warmly, getting to my feet.

"We'll be in the kitchen if you need us!" It's strange, I've always been around Al's parents since high school, and I always called them by their first names. Alan and Linda. Now however, I was unsure what to call Alan.

He grabbed himself a beer from the fridge, opening it casually with the table mounted bottle opener. I knew I would be driving he didn't offer me one. Instead he took me out a Pepsi, placing it on the table as he sat down and motioned for me to follow. Once I was seated, he slid me the Pepsi which he knew I could not resist.

"You know, this may not be news to you son... But he loves you, with all his heart, no man could love a person more than he loves you..." Alan senior took a long pull on his beer, "... I won't kid you, I feel kind of awkward talking like this to you... I mean UG!" He laughed thumping his shoulder, "I'm a man, don't have any feelings. Or so people tend to believe..." I could see he was struggling; I needed to take the bull by the horns.

"You're rambling..."

He laughed.

"... What you're trying to say is, damn Stoo, you rock, I love ya!"

He smiled and slapped his thigh. "Well a sense of humour will stand you in good stead in a relationship with my son, if he's anything like his mother you'll need it!" He took on a more serious demeanour as he continued though, "All joking aside though, thanks. You make my boy happy... I don't know what life would have been like for him at high school without you..." A tear trickled down the olive coloured complexion of Alan senior's face. He wiped it away, composing himself again.

I was choked. How could I respond to something like that, the lump in my throat allowed only a gargling sound before I too teared up.

We spent a good few hours at Al's house, talking things through. We all decided that it would be best not to tell Al's brother for the moment. Al's dad didn't think that he would be able to accept it for the time being. He thought there would have to be a few things explained to him before he was told. After an emotionally draining afternoon, the only thing to do is go to Pizza Hut. The waitress smiled as she led us to our table, giving Al the once-over with her eyes. His cheeks reddened at the scrutiny, and she gave him a little wink as she walked off.

"Would you stop being so damned sexy for a minute!" I grinned, Al shook his head lamely.

"Born with it!" He said simply, a hint of a smile forming on his lips. It was lost, however, as the waitress returned.

"Well, can I get you both drinks while you decide what you want to eat?" She said, speaking directly to Al.

"I... Eh... I'll just have a coke please..." His voice trailed off and she scribbled something on her pad, reluctantly turning to me.

"And you?" she said, almost bored.

"Same!" I said allowing her to turn her attention back to Al.

"I'll bring that right along! My name is Leslie. Shout if you need anything!" She left, but not before brushing her hand along Al's back nonchalantly.

"I think she likes you man!" I beamed.

"I think she better keep her hands off me..." He grinned wryly. I could see the wheels turning in Al's head, what was he plotting? I wondered, raising my eyebrow. He just winked. We decided that we would both have a stuffed crust Super Supreme I think it was called, between us. Without black olives, yuck. As the waitress returned, she placed my drink beside me, then, leaning over Al, letting her bare arm touch his, placed his down beside him.

"Thank you!" he said, giving her a coy smile.

"Are you ready to order?" she asked, pulling out her pad once more.

"I think so... Stoo, babes... You ready to order?" Caught off guard the waitress shot me a stunned look.

"Yeah..." I said casually, "... We'll have a stuffed crust super supreme please, no black olives..." I reached across and placed my hand on top of Al's. I think she got the message, for when the pizza arrived she was no where to be seen and a waiter brought it over.

"There we go guys!" He said as he placed the pizza between us, passing us both a plate, "If you need anything, my name is Chris!" He gave us a knowing smile and then he was off again. As I placed the first slice of pizza on Al's plate, I shook my head with a smile.

"I don't think she likes you anymore!" I love Pizza Hut. Whoever invented it should be commended eternally. The food is great and the atmosphere is always nice. The place, due to the time of day, was almost empty, allowing me freedom to talk to Al about anything I wanted. He had been really nervous when we first went to his parent's house, but he now felt so good to know they were on-side.

"So, do you feel good enough to hit the town with Ryan tonight?" Al raised both eyebrows.

"I forgot about that. Hell yeah... I'll go anywhere as long as you're there!" I smiled, fishing out my mobile phone and relaying the message to a more than happy Ryan.

Next: Chapter 7

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