Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Jul 2, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. Comments are always welcome at The responce you guys have given me has been brilliant. Due to a request by a reader, I have made my paragraphs a little shorter and put more space in between them. To make it a little easier to read. Let me know if it works guys cause I take very seriously any requests you make. Ok then, here is chapter five.

Little Guy

By Stoo

The drive home was quiet; I could tell Al had something on his mind. The roads were empty, as you would expect of country roads at eleven o'clock during the night. Al had his head laid back against the headrest, leaning slightly towards me, his eyes lowered. At first I had thought he had nodded off, but a small sigh had escaped his mouth and as we passed into a modest little hamlet the streetlamp illuminated his face enough for me to catch the glint of his beautiful blue eyes. As quickly as we had entered the hamlet we passed through it, leaving the tiny little pocket of houses behind.

"Something wrong Al?" I reached across, stroking the side of his face gently. His head rolled to the side as my finger touched his neck and the slightest of moans escaped his lips. "I was just thinking, your mum and dad know that we are together... But we haven't told my parents yet..." He obviously felt quite disappointed in himself for keeping this from them. His voice twinged with a little sadness. Seeing that this was a real important issue for him and I could not offer him my full attention whilst driving I pulled over into a small parking bay which I almost overshot and shut off the engine. Luckily the car had good brakes because the next parking bay was three miles down the road. The car was immediately plunged into darkness, then my practised fingers found the small interior light and its feint glow brought my angel back into view.

Alan had seemed surprised by the sudden stop and his usually bright blue eyes were filled with hesitation. He seemed suddenly very tense as though he were expecting an angry retort. He had no grounds for the concerns though, I had his feelings in mind, it just so happened that I didn't want to drive another three miles knowing he was hurting. "You know that whenever you are ready to tell them, I'm behind you all the way..." I said, my tone as sympathetic and loving as I could make it. My tone seemed to loosen him a little, seeing there was no danger of me spewing out acrid smoke and erupting any time soon Al budged over on the seat and moved his head in to lean on me. I lifted my arm enough so that his head rested against my side and my arm cradled him.

"Would you go with me when I tell them?" He said, his voice shaking slightly. "All the way!" I repeated. "I love you!" He said simply, I could feel his chest heave as he let go some pent up emotions. "Hey, hey, it's ok Al!" I kissed the top of his head. I mean right now your probably thinking, damn, these guys do a fair amount of crying. Well, we did, at the time it was really a roller coaster ride of emotions. I'm sure you can understand, many of you may have gone through the whole, realisation of being gay, then the whole telling the parents thing. It's a real scary time, a time which you put off and off but when you finally manage it you are relieved. The huge weight you've been carrying on your shoulder is gone. I knew in my heart that Al's parents would not react badly to Al `coming out', they were good people. It was still a daunting thing to him though; I would need to be as supportive as I could to help him through it.

"Let's get you home, we'll sleep on it then we will see what you want to do in the morning!" I said as he slid back over to his seat. For the rest of the drive home, he said very little and then eventually he fell asleep. As we arrived home I saw that my dad must have still been awake. The living room light was still on, and I could see the glow of the television. As I drove towards the house I flashed the lights once, as we were pointed directly at my house and saw my dad moving to window. As he recognised the car he moved to the door to open it.

I parked up at the front of the house Al was still fast asleep. I strolled round to the passenger side and then easily lifted his small frame from the car, closing the door with my leg. My dad had opened the door and was now sauntering down the wheelchair ramp. He smiled as I reached the foot of it. "Want me to pull the car into the drive?" He whispered, I nodded my head and smiled in gratitude. "Keys are in the ignition!" He patted my shoulder as I passed, carrying my little guy straight up the stairs to my room and laying him gently on the bed. I heard my dad pulling the car into the drive, putting the alarm on and then shutting the large wooden gates which my uncle had built. As he made it back into the house and shut the door I took time to dive back down and say my goodnights.

When I returned to my room Al was half way to being conscious again and stripping out of his clothes in the dark. He stumbled slightly as he removed his jeans but as he fell back he only made contact with my chest and stomach. Feeling the now familiar shape of my body he relaxed himself and pressed back into me. "God you feel so good..." He sighed, "... Get out of those clothes and come to bed!" He ordered, who was I to protest? As quick as my hands would allow in the darkness I relieved myself of all clothing, discarding them haphazardly somewhere on the floor. Then with great care I eased myself under the covers, placing my arms around his body engulfing him with my own. My head rested between his the tops of his shoulders and neck and I marvelled at the fresh outdoor smell of him. After our barbeque we had spent all evening in the garden with his friends, sharing banter and hearing all the embarrassing extracts from everyone's youth. "I love when you snuggle against me!" Al's contented sigh was the last thing I remember of that night, for I quickly fell asleep. The warmth of his body and his steady breathing soon sent me into a tranquil slumber.

As was usual to the morning I was awake first, turning my drowsy gaze to the alarm which read 6:25. Carefully I removed my arms from around Al's form, clenching my left hand several times to promote the return of some blood flow. Al may be light but my arm had been trapped under his person all night. He was sound asleep and had only mumbled lightly as I withdrew my hand. As quiet as I could I manoeuvred my self out of the bed and landed lightly on the balls of my feet. Then slowly, so as not disturb the rest of the house, I pulled on my jogging attire. I followed my usual routine of downing a pint of water before I was off. The morning air chilled my body, making the hairs on my arms tingle. The sky this morning was particularly clear as I made my way towards the large park which skirts my hometown. I hate this section of my morning run, it moves upwards along a hill at the top of which your calf's are burning and your lungs gasping for air. As I reached the top of the dreaded incline however my breathing rate lowered as the hill sloped downwards.

I love the quiet of the morning, that's why I chose to jog so early. Rarely are any people awake, it gives me time to think. I find that through these early morning jogs I plan my day, I love the clarity it allows, no disturbances to waylay plans. Occasionally I pass another jogger, always offering a curt nod and smile, healthy respect for those who have the motivation to work towards the body they want. My thoughts turned to Al, as they often do.

I allowed my mind to mull over the problem of his coming out to his parents. The mental effort of working on such a problem allowed me to put aside the want for my body to stop running and rest. I knew that my only use today would be to offer Al support, to let him know that I would be there, that I would care for him no matter what. Certainly he would need time to speak with them on his own, which I would be more than happy to accept but I would stay near by. It might even be of use to his parents to have my opinion close to hand. In the time it had taken me to think things through with my regular morning lucidity (yeah... it only happens in the morning, the rest of the day I am a rather unsystematic fellow), I noticed that I was nearing my own home again, I had almost completed my three mile morning jog.

As I re-entered my own street I saw one of my neighbours, an old man who had once upon a time been a Captain of our Navy. He was out early walking his dogs, his old habits of rising early died hard. He was decked out in his usual apparel; a faded old brown leather jacket, grey suit trousers, a skip hat and his tartan slippers. At somewhere in the region of sixty he still walked with his back bolt straight. He was a robust gentleman but a man of very few words. I had always gotten along fine with him; he was in no way mean. As I slackened my pace both his dogs barked in recognition, straining the leads to be first to lick my hands which I held out to them.

"Hey fellas!" I grinned, scratching them under the chin. Both Bloodhounds licked my hands furiously as the old man nodded, acknowledging my presence, "Good morning John!" I said, smiling heartily. "Aye!" He returned, speaking past the pipe dangling from his mouth, itching his grey trimmed beard off the shoulder of his jacket. "How are you?" I asked as the two dogs sniffed around my legs. "Fine lad... How's your mother?" His voice was stiff but filled with warmth. I was quite a combination which gave him an air of power yet a certain charm. "She's doing ok, she's glad the good weather is coming in!" Both dogs had been more than satisfied by my chin tickling and were now sniffing around the grassy area to our left. "Aye!" John nodded, "Be good to see her out and about again!" I nodded in agreement, "Well lad, best be off with you, can't have you standing around soaked with sweat, you'll catch your death of cold... Tell your mother I was asking at her now!" He patted me on the shoulder firmly and then he was off, striding with a purpose towards the park, the dogs ambling in his wake.

I was surprised to find the door being opened for me as I shuffled up the ramp; Al was standing there only in his boxers. His hair was sticking out on end, and his eyes were puffy and tired. I let my eyes wander up and down his length encouraging a smile to form on his wonderful lips. "Enjoy your run?" His voice was so damn sexy in the morning, every word sounding like a groan of sexual pleasure. Like a magnet he drew me in to him as he closed the door. I breathed deeply and contentedly as he hugged me tight.

"When I heard the door shut this morning I dragged myself from my bed and made you some breakfast!" I raised my eyebrow and smiled. "Well aren't we the considerate boyfriend!" I kissed him fully on the lips letting my tongue roam free in his mouth. I tasted the mouthwash mingled with toothpaste which he had recently used. His teeth always sparkle, adding to the killer smile he posses. "Al, could you put my son down for a minute please?" I heard my dad mumble from the kitchen. Ah... Someone is working the early shift this morning.

My dad works in the steel industry as a team leader, a job he had held down since he was sixteen. He had started at the very bottom as a mail room assistant and slowly over the years moved from one end of the factory to the next, finally settling in the rolling area where the massive plates of red hot steel are rolled flat. He had been appointed team leader the previous year, a job he was at first reluctant to take. He did not want to be alienated from the men he had befriended through the years. On the contrary, he had become even more popular. His manner with workmates was revered by his men; they respected him greatly for unlike some in the position he did not mind getting his hands dirty and mucking in with the lads.

I smiled as Al's face reddened and we both padded into the kitchen. My dad was sitting at the kitchen table, a novel in his left hand, a crumb littered plate before him and a mug of steaming tea in his right. He looked up and smiled at us both as we entered. "Good run?" He asked, sipping on his tea, placing a marker in his book. My dad is never one to read a book in another's presence, conversation is key with him. "Excellent, John is asking after mum..." "She didn't sleep too good last night so let her sleep on for a while today son, ok?" I nodded as I took the tray which Al was holding out to me. It was a bowl of Scot's porridge, something my grandfather had got me hooked on, a plate off scrambled egg, a few slices of toast and a large glass of pineapple juice (my favourite). "You're a gem!" I kissed him lightly on the cheek, causing him to blush even more before my dad. "Man can make some mean scrambled egg!" My dad smiled as I tucked into my porridge.

My dad was right; the whole breakfast was very well made. Al said his mum had always told him how important a meal breakfast was, so he said it was the one meal he knew how to make. My dad left for work halfway through my devouring of the scrambled egg and toast. Giving me a hug and to Al's great surprise giving him a hug too. I could see that the act of affection had touched Al deeply for after the door had closed and my dad had left his eyes were still sparkling. "Yeah..." I nodded, taking a mouthful of pineapple juice, "He loves you too!" Just as Al was about to respond my young brother shambled into the kitchen. His soft light brown hair usually spiked was flat to his head. He passed his eyes from me to Al, trying to decipher who we were through his bleary eyes. When he had finally arranged our shapes and focused he raised his hand and waved to Al. At twelve he had been very mature in accepting me and Al's relationship, and obviously relishing the fact he had been allowed to be party to the family discussion which had ensued upon our getting together. Yeah guys, I know, I have a real nice family. Don't need to tell me how grateful I should be. I know it.

"What did you guys have for breaky?" He mumbled, opening cupboards randomly, the true hunter gatherer foraging meticulously for his next meal. "I can make you some scrambled eggs if you want big guy?" Al said, getting to his feet. "Oooh, kewl!" He high-fived Al as he passed, my little brother, my own little piece of stereotypical America. He dragged a chair so it was sitting level with my own, "You stink!" He observed with the honesty only a youngster can muster. "Why thank you, I love you too!" I grinned, he just shot me one of those whatever' looks. You know the ones, the ones that annoy you so much but make you smile all the same, "So what's the plan for today batman?" I gently punched his shoulder. "Dunno..." He shrugged, "... Skate for a bit... Maybe play some fitba..." "The world is your oyster?" He shot me another one of those looks, this time with a your weird' one thrown in for good measure. "Why can't you just be normal like Al?" He shook his head sadly before leaving the table and joining Al at the cooker.

After my baby had filled my brother's stomach, Scott had showered and then he was off, with promises that he wouldn't be late for dinner. A promise that he rarely kept. Al had already gone for a shower but I knew the door would be unlocked, so I opened it a fraction. "Mind if I join you babes?" I called into the bathroom. I caught a glimpse of his tantalizing body through the steam, droplets of water glistening off his body as rays of sunlight glinted off him through the shower curtain. A small hand drew back the curtain and I saw his beaming face protrude from the opening. "I'd mind if you didn't!" His bright blue eyes sparkled all the more as he motioned for me to come into the bathroom. Returning his smile I slipped inside and removed my sweaty training gear. "Scott was right... I stink..." Al giggled as I spoke from behind the shower curtain. "Well you are in the right place to be remedying your orrible stench guvna!" His Londoner accent was not improving. He held the shower curtain open and allowed me to pass into the warm jet of water. As he closed the curtain again he placed his hands on my shoulders from behind pulling me in close to him.

"Can I be of any assistance?" He reached for the soap and began to slowly lather up my back and shoulders. As his hands ran freely over my body washing me from head to foot I let my muscles relax. The mixture of the warm water and his caring hands were so calming. "How long have you been working out?" Al's gentle voice brought me back from wherever I had been. "Can't really remember, I've been doing the punch-bag since I was knee high to a grasshopper and I went to Kung Fu when I was about Scot's age... I guess I started doing weights when I took up rugby!" Al ran his tongue along my neck causing me to shiver even under the warm water.

"I wish I was built like you..." He mused, I turned my body so I was facing him now, placing my hands on his hips. "You have a beautiful body Al... You have no idea how much it turns me on!" Al's gaze had lowered and he was smiling. "I think I can guess..." He placed his hands on my rigid organ, causing me to moan a little, "... Little Stoo seems to like me too!" Al whispered with an evil grin as he pressed me back against the wall of the shower. "I think little Stoo likes you a lot..." I was finding it hard to speak as Al toyed with me, my breathing becoming uneven. As his hands played with my length he leaned forwards, kissing my neck, driving me wild.

My neck is probably one of the most sensitive areas of my whole body, every little touch of his lips; every little swish of his tongue caused my body to quiver. Slowly he lowered his head, running his tongue down my chest, snaking it towards my abs, teasing my navel. I ran my hands along the back of his hair as his head dropped lower; his tongue tentatively touched the head of my penis. My hips rose to the touch, my knees wobbling. Then the moment was lost as there was a pounding at the front door. Alan jumped, looking like a deer caught in the headlights; he relaxed as he heard the door pound again.

"Fuck..." I muttered, stepping out of the shower, partially drying myself and then throwing a towel around my waist. Alan shot me a grin. "Later!" He mouthed as I bounded down the stairs. I took a quick glance out of the spy hole to see Ryan standing there with his back to the door. I turned the key in the lock and then opened the door as he turned round ready to resume pounding. His eyes registered surprise as he saw my naked upper body. "Was I eh... Interrupting something?" He gestured with his head at my now semi-inflated organ which was creating a tent in the towel. "Yes!" I said woodenly (look I made another joke, aren't I clever). Ryan smiled knowingly and shook his head. "Horn dog... I'll come back later!" As he turned I took hold of his shoulder, spinning him around.

"No point now... You've ruined it already!" I broke into a grin, seeing the funny side of things, "Get your ass in here, sit in the living room, sit on your hands and don't touch a bloody thing till I come back down!" He saluted me theatrically as I pushed him into the living room. As I turned to leave he shouted after me. "Hey Stoo... Sure that tent there wasn't because you seen me in the spy hole..." I flipped him the finger as I bounded back upstairs.

Al was already almost dressed, and wearing a huge grin on his face. "Glad to see you think this is funny... I am so worked up right now it's unbelievable!" I said as I looked around for something to wear. I heard him cross the room behind me, and then jumped as his hand gave me a good squeeze through the towel. "I can see that big boy!" He laughed as I removed his hand. "You are not helping..." I found some boxer shorts and dropped the towel, "... Go amuse Ryan, he's sitting downstairs on his hands hopefully!" Al grinned, slapping my bare backside causing me to jump once more. "Can I not stay here and watch you're cute..." I threw him a threatening stare and he raised his hands in surrender. "Ok ok, I'm going!" He said turning to go, not before giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

Next: Chapter 6

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