Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Jun 19, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. Comments are really really really welcome at So far you guys have been brilliant with responces, I thank you all. I hope this chapter is up to expectations.

Little Guy

By Stoo

"Stoo baby... Stoo!" I felt his little fingers lightly rubbing my shoulder, causing tingles to run down my entire length. "Time?" I mumbled, moving back so my body pressed back into his. "It's seven big guy... Time to get up, first day back at college!" I slipped my hand behind me, placing it on the outside of his thigh. "Do I need to?" I smiled inwardly knowing I did. "Well... I could always go for a shower myself..." No more persuasion required. I was out of bed and in the shower before he had time to leave the sheets. It had been just over a week since I had been mugged. Al was spending most nights sleeping over with me. I was still bruised and sore but recovering fast. Not only was I regaining full range of movement but regaining some of my old confidence. We had been taking things slow over the past week wanting our first sexual experience to be a step taken when we were both ready. For now we were both content wrapping ourselves in each others warmth, enjoying the feeling of our bodies enveloping each other. After a quick breakfast comprising of an apple and a handful of grapes we moseyed hand in hand out to my car. A 97 green fiat Brava. The car had been handed down to me by my dad when he had decided to upgrade to a people carrier for reasons only he knows. Not that I was complaining, I love my car. I spend hours meticulously cleaning both inside and out until it shines brilliantly. Al climbed in as I unlocked the door, flipping the sun-visor down to take advantage of the small mirror on it to fix his hair. With the car running we waited. Giving me the chance to do the staring thing. You know what I'm talking about and don't pretend you don't. You know, the thing where you look at minutes details on a person you love. I traced my eyes down his face, even adoring the tiny hairs on his bare arms. Everything about him was just so right. You know what they say, not perfect... Just perfect for me. Five minutes later the rear door opened and in slumped a very unkempt blonde. Ryan Kerr had been a friend of mine for a little over fifteen years. He was one of those friends that are very hard to come by due to the fact he was fiercely loyal and uncompromisingly dedicated. Not once in our friendship had he ever let me down. His reaction to my coming out' was to smile and say. `Didn't see that one coming stud, but it rules out some of the competition... All the more women for me!'. He took to Al from the word go, after his initial appraisal he hugged him, telling him he was one lucky bugger. Al agreed, to my embarrassment. Personally I thought that I was the lucky one, and still maintain that to this day. You'll understand when you find someone who is an ever present part of your soul. Hey maybe some of you already know what I'm talking about, if so good for you, but remember this is my story so lets stick to my telling of it. Ryan flashed me his signature boyish grin from the backseat which I caught in the rear-view mirror. His blue eyes were sparkling somewhat this morning. Leading me to believe he had entertained some female company the previous night. "So what's her name?" His raised his eyebrow curiously. "Who's name?" He asked incredulously, a wry smile replacing his boyish grin. "Oh I don't know... Maybe the owner of the lipstick on your neck..." I prodded, winking at Al, a gesture which Ryan missed due to the fact he was straining in vain to see his neck. "He got you man..." Al laughed, "... So who was it this time?" Ryan's face reddened and he shook his head in defeat. "You guys make me sound like such a slut..." He shook his head sadly as I pulled away from the kerb. "Well..." I grinned, "... Not so much a slut as a... Ok... Yup you are a slut!" "Gee thanks!" The ride to college was pretty much uneventful bar Ryan and Al deciding that it was my turn to receive the sharp end of both their wits.

My first Monday back was almost unbearable. I wouldn't see Al until four o'clock when we both finished. Our lunch breaks were even at different times. All day seemed to drag in and the last lecture was the worst. Darwin had previously seemed like an ok guy, but damn was I getting to hate his guts by the time half past three rolled around. Ryan was sitting directly to my left, all day giving me those reassuring smiles. He isn't on the same course as me but sits in on my Monday lectures because they will benefit him next year when he takes biology. Periodically he flashed me his watch to let me know another hour had passed. As the lecturer droned on and on I felt a strange sense of restlessness building in me. I could not wait to be done with my day I missed his touch, his smell, the sound of his voice. My pencil was twirling around my fingers, something I do when I am nervous. I desperately tried to clear my head for a moment but it was not happening. I simply could not wait to wrap my arms around him and hold him close to me. I so badly just needed contact with him. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't feel Ryan's hand on my shoulder. "Stoo... It's like four. Time to go, or we could just sit here and not see Al!" I noticed the lecturer giving me a smile, then with a shake of his head he strolled over to us. "So who's the girl?" I was taken aback by his question, Ryan stifled a giggle. "Girl?" I raised an eyebrow. "You've spent the entire day staring into space, twirling that damned pencil of yours and willing Ryan's watch to leap forwards miraculously to four o'clock. So I shall ask again, who's the girl!" Lee was cool like that, Lee is the lecturer by the way, but I guess you figured that out on your own. See I knew you were a smart one. He had this manner about him when he wasn't lecturing, the type of manner that let you know he was approachable and his job was not just a vocation. His students meant something to him, if they did well he got this sense of purpose, he had made a difference. If they failed, he had failed. That's why what I told him next was not all that difficult for me, even though Ryan's jaw had bungeed to the floor. "It's a guy sir." Well there we have it. Just like that. I at that point was only openly gay to a select few. Lee had just become a member. "Ahh..." He smiled, "... Then instead of sitting around here, why don't you go home and see him!" He shook his head again, ruffling my hair as he passed, "Young love!" He said, as if recalling some experience from his past, straightening his suit he was gone. I had to practically carry Ryan down the stairs; he definitely had not expected me to tell the lecturer. As we reached the reception area of the college I spotted Al sitting on a big leather sofa in the waiting area. He literally sprang from the seat as he saw me then remembered we were in public. Putting the brakes on, he casually strolled over to us. I guess we were gonna both have to work on the public displays of affection thing. Then again, anyone watching us as we walked to my car would have had trouble not seeing that we were a couple. We were walking real close, our shoulders touching and our hands brushing past each others with every stride. Constant eye contact. Dead give away. "So guys, I was thinking of going out for a while tonight, maybe just for a few games of pool... Fancy joining me?" Ryan said as we got in the car. "What do you think angel, do we want to be seen going around with this looser?" I had earned the playful slap I received. Al smiled, running his hand over my arm. "Would you mind if I just spent some time with Stoo? I don't really feel like going out much tonight?" Ryan ruffled Al's hair lightly. "Cool man; just don't keep mah boy up all night, he needs his beauty sleep!" The conversation bounced back and forth like that for most of the trip home. It was fine day, everything was perfect.

Al's Perspective

Stoo's mum and dad had gone to a friend's house for the night leaving us with a completely empty house. I was curled up on the couch, taking in the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen. Stoo has been cooking since he was thirteen through no choice of his own, but I'm not complaining, the smell was fantastic. He pretty much had to take on many responsibilities when he found out his mum was going to need a lot of care. Never once did he complain though, always striving to do more to help. God he is such a good person. I stretched, snatching another cushion from the other end of the couch and positioning it behind my head. How could I stay away from him, no matter how many cushions I padded myself with the couch would not feel comfortable without him sitting on it with me. I padded through into the kitchen to see him adding some spices to the wok which he had just slid back and forth to mix things around. "What are we having?" I moved behind him wrapping my arms around his waist, pressing my body against him. "If you're not careful I'm gonna turn this cooker off and just have you!" He said, leaning his head back into mine kissing the top of my head. "That would be a bad thing?" I grinned, stroking his stomach under his shirt. "I'm only worrying about your nutrition little guy!" He laughed as I moved my hands up to his shoulders, gently massaging the tough muscles. "It smells good!" "Well... Proof is in the tasting, ever had Schezuan Beef?" I grinned at the question. "I don't know!" Stoo shook his head sadly, "What's in it?" "Well... Beef... Obviously, peppers, some garlic, some ginger, a little bit of lemon juice... Eh... Onions, soy sauce, sesame oil..." "I get the picture... Want me to set the table?" "I already did that!" Stoo grinned, adding some soy sauce to the mix. "What do you want me to do?" He leaned forwards giving the concoction a good sniff. "Just keep doing what you're doing... It's making cooking seem more fun!" Believe me; if the cooking smelled good, it tasted a million times better. If I close my eyes I can sometimes smell it, the first meal he ever cooked me. He sat and waited for me to begin, smiling as he saw me savouring the taste. Only when I told him how good it was would he take a bite. Pouring me glass of red wine he had bought for the occasion. There are not many words which can describe the depth of love I saw in his eyes. The depth of love that I was trying to convey to him through mine.

Stoo's Perspective

After clearing up our meal we both settled in the living room on the couch. Al entwined in my arms and legs. His lithe body wrapped so completely in my own. "I can't believe all this, you know." Al turned himself so that our noses were touching. "Believe what?" I stroked his face gently. "That we are together, I... I love you!" I smiled, leaning forwards kissing him deeply. The kiss felt like it lasted forever but when Alan released me I saw a passion in his eyes that I had not seen before, "I need you tonight!" He said, his tone pleading, his voice quivering. "Are you sure?" I said, my hands trembling as I stroked the back of his hair. "I need you!" He repeated, with more passion in his voice. Gently I got to my feet, holding out my hand which he took. Then as gently as I could I led him upstairs to my room. Reflexively I closed the door and turned the lock. Then with great care I took my little guy into my arms, planting little kisses all the way down his neck. His breathing was ragged as he rolled his head back giving me access to his throat, submitting fully to me. He moaned softly as I kissed the base of his throat. I could feel his hands lightly rub my back as he pressed his body into mine. Tenderly I lifted his top over his head, placing both my hands on his hips, I slowly guided him backwards to my bed. He made a move to remove my own shirt but I softly took both his hands. "This is all about you, I want to make you feel good, I'll come later!" He giggled a bit at my joke but his giggle turned to a groan of pleasure as I placed both my lips over his right nipple causing him to squirm under me. I lovingly ran my tongue over the surface of both his nipples, occasionally sucking gently on them. He had both is hands on the back of my head, stroking the back of my neck. He let forth another little moan as I slowly kissed my way to his waist line, stopping to undo is jeans and slide them off. Gently I pulled his boxers partially down, kissing around the pelvic region just above his groin. He whimpered slightly as he moved my mouth lower. Letting forth a gasp as I lowered his boxers all the way, releasing his erection. I looked up into his eyes, needing the permission to go further. He stroked the back of my neck, closing his eyes and opening them slowly. "I love you!" I whispered, watching intently as he locked his eyes on mine. "You are the best thing that's ever happened to me!" He croaked. That was permission enough. Slowly and carefully I took his head into my mouth. Immediately a moan escaped his mouth and his hands stiffened on my neck. With great care I began to slowly move my tongue around, each little movement causing his body to squirm in what I hope was ecstasy (hee hee hee, he tells me it was). "God!" He groaned as I lowered my head and slid his member into my mouth. At the time this was un-chartered water for me and him both. I think I must have managed ok, but that was due to some advice I had received from a gay friend who was shall we say, not as inexperienced in the ways of sex. I used my tongue to lick along the length of his shaft, not managing to take all of him into my mouth. Come on, first time, gimme a break. By this time he was raising his hips of the bed, so caught up in the new feeling swelling up inside him. Carefully I placed my hand under his rear, holding him gently off of the mattress. Carefully I began sucking gently, affecting yet another groan, which let me tell you was turning me on no end. As I ran my mouth over the head of his penis again he grasped the back of my short hair moaning. "Stoo... I'm gonna cum... I can't..." As I moved my head lower to take him deeper into my mouth I felt his throbbing member pulsate and then release spurt after spurt into my mouth. What I couldn't swallow dribbled down his shaft only to be licked back off. Easily I placed his rear back onto the mattress and saw that he had his eyes firmly closed. His chest was rising and falling raggedly. Slowly I moved alongside him on the bed, draping one of my arms over his chest. I smiled as he opened his eyes; he had a strange look on his face. As if he was no longer connected to his body. Lightly I stroked his chest. "You ok angel?" He slowly turned his blue eyes onto mine, emotion pouring from his very soul. "Oh god yes... I am lying beside someone who loves me... I can't describe how that feels!" He whispered. "Neither can I... But it's definitely a good thing!" I smiled, as he leaned in and kissed me deeply, trying to swallow my soul through the kiss. After one of the most loving kisses I have ever experienced Al drifted off to sleep. I was not that far behind him, mesmerized by the rising and falling of his chest I was soon asleep.

Next: Chapter 4

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