Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Mar 3, 2004


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at Go on, you know you want to... And I know I want you to... so what's the hassle?

Little Guy

By Stoo

I slung my gym bag over my shoulder and pulled a baseball cap low on my head as I bounded down the wheelchair ramp at the front of the house. By the time I reached the car which was only twenty feet from the door my baseball cap was already dripping with rain.

"Stoo..." I turned around as the lock to the car flipped up.

"Yeah?" My eyes locked with Al's. He was smiling at me `cause I was getting soaked. I turned and headed back up the ramp and he met me halfway.

"You forgot to gimme a kiss," he said, pouting. I smiled as he tipped my baseball cap back on my head and gently brushed his lips against mine.

"How could I have forgotten?" Smiling, I moved our lips together in a more passionate encounter. He shivered a little as he pulled back, also with a smile.

"Mmm... Minty..." He giggled. "Take care of my cuz, yeah?"

"Of course." I mussed his hair as he pulled my baseball cap back down low.

"See ya later... and enjoy... and don't you ravage my cousin in the shower!" He waved his finger.

"I'll try my best." I said dismissively as I jogged down the ramp and to the car. Turning the engine on I could see him pretending to be mad at me. With a wicked grin I flicked the window down, "I said TRY." He shook his head sadly, a gesture I caught in the rear view mirror as I pulled away sharply.

Al's cuz was waiting for me out front of the gym complex. He was sitting on the wall of a small raised garden, and when he saw the car he smiled a bit. Now John... Whoa! He looks very similar to Al in many ways but in others he is very different. They grew up together and are about as close as brothers instead of cousins. I parked up, strode over, gripped his hand and slapped his back.

"All right, Stoo," he said, giving me a pearly white smile. He is one handsome devil, let me tell you. He has dark hair. In certain light it could be brown and in other light it's black. So, yea. Dark. Whereas Al's face is soft and cute. John's face is ruggedly handsome. He has more of a strong jaw, not square but strong. He is about five foot nine with a killer build. Not bulky, he has more of a lean, athletic body. A washboard stomach and wonderful arms complete his defined look.

"Pretty good young buck, how about you?" He flashed me another smile, it was one of those mischievous smiles that could mean only one thing. A girl got lucky. I let it slide. It was good to see him happily beaming. It looked good on him. Especially with those bright blue eyes gleaming, "Lucky girl." He grinned as we made our way to the change rooms.

As we were getting changed I couldn't help but give him a look over... come on... I'm human. He is hot... and getting changed. You know you would look too. It was his first time at this particular gym so I was gonna help him out and get him settled. As I pulled on my shorts I saw he was already changed. Ok so I was busy eyeing him up and I got dressed slower. Hee hee. You guys still love me though. You know you do.

"There's a water fountain in there, yeah?" John asked.

"Yeah... pretty pathetic though, so I usually bring my own bottle water... Brought you one too, Stud, just in case." John gave me a smile.

"Thanks Stoo... and yea... Thanks, for coming today. Real good of you!" He said, those sparkly blue eyes taking on a more serious edge.

"Hey no problem. Anyway, Al told me no sex otherwise." John shook his head sadly and pushed me out of the locker room.

I won't bore you with the details of our workout. I'll just skip to the shower, yea?

I felt good, I had gotten in quite a rigorous workout and John actually looked as if he enjoyed it too. I noticed he spent quite a bit of time on the running machines. Which is good, really good but I picked up little things like he missed out the rowing machines. Which to me would help him enormously to work his shoulders and arms and get in some more good cardio work... But anyway... where was I. Oh, that's right... I was staring at his chest in the shower.

I tried to take my mind off him as I soaped up my hair and put my head under the spray. But as I emerged I noticed he was staring at me.

"Hey there..." He smiled. As I rubbed the water out of my eyes I gave him a curious smile.

"Hey... Sup?" I said, he looked damn good all wet, like Al he seems to take a tan well. I knew it had been months since he had been on holiday but his skin was still golden.

"Mate, how long have you been working out cause... Whoa!"

"Since I was knee high to a grasshopper. Like you are now." I received a splash of water from the spray from his shower head.

"Fuck you!" He grinned and soaped up his hair.

"If you want. But make it quick, you know... Don't want someone walking in." I had meant it as a joke but he had stayed quiet. I took it that he didn't hear and shut off the shower on my side and padded out to the changing area. As I had just finished drying off John came out, but quietly went to his locker and got his stuff out. Now I was worried. Hoping that I hadn't offended him, I pulled on my boxers. As he got dried I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched a little under the touch, "You ok man? Look, I was joking in the shower, yea?" He offered me a slight smile.

"It's cool."

"Come on mate, look... I'm a horny fucker ok. It was just a laugh, didn't mean anything by it ok?"

"I know that feeling?"

"What being a horny fucker?" I laughed and he nodded.

"Always." He pushed me backwards and I shook my head.

"Then hurry up and get dried so we can get you out of here... There is nothing in here that you could get off on." He shook his head and buried his face in his towel.

"Save me, god!" He shouted but because his face was buried in his towel it was muffled.

We had arranged to meet up for lunch with Al in the local supermarket's tea room. Yeah I know... not so glamorous... Money was tight and it was hot food. Hee hee. He beamed as we both walked in. John was wearing a track suit but not me. I hate them with a passion. I was wearing my black jeans and a blue t-shirt. My jacket was stuffed in my bag... rolled in a ball because the rain was off. Al as ever looked hot, with his faded bootcut jeans and fitted white t-shirt.

"Mmmm, wish I had seen that... you two studs in a shower. Your hair is still wet!" I smiled and gave him a little kiss catching the woman shaking her head over Al's shoulder. I blew her a little kiss as I sat down. John nudged me.

"Behave." He laughed.

"Not possible! He is an imp... a particularly big imp but one all the same." Al giggled.

"Hey there fellas. Just been down the gym, eh?" The waitress came over. She was in her late forties and looking as though she had worked all her life. Still a nice smile, though.

"Yes," John said, confused.

"Gym is just across the street. A few of the girls noticed you walking across. Their hopes were dashed when the big fella kissed the lil one." She smiled.

"Hey... What about me... I'm free." John laughed.

"They WILL be pleased. Now what will you have, guys?"

"I'll have bangers and mash!" I grinned and caused the woman to laugh.

"Hell yeah!" Al beamed.

"Just make that three then." John smiled and the woman walked off with a smile.

"Kids!" She laughed.

Lunch was great, and yes... John did get several telephone numbers. The dog. All I was looking forwards to though was getting home and snuggling into Al. We dropped John off shortly after two o'clock in the afternoon and as soon as he left the car and entered his house I didn't even have time to put the car in gear. Al grabbed me and pulled our heads together, his tongue immediately wrestling with mine. I moaned a little as his eager hands found their way under my shirt.

"Easy, babe," I grinned as I reluctantly pulled us apart, "Can't wait till we get home?" I laughed causing his cheeks to flush red.

"I've been wanting to do that all day... Kinda horny." He giggled a little.

"Me... I'm never horny... I'm like a monk... Pure... Angelic..." I said gazing into his eyes.

"So if I do this you won't react..." Al rubbed the crotch of my jeans gently and I shivered, "Thought as much."

Al's perspective

Lying with Stoo on top of the covers watching his chest rise and fall steadily, taking in the strength in his arms got me thinking. My knuckles were still raw from our encounter with Ray and my self-esteem pretty low. I had never hit someone before.

"Stoo..." I said, my arm slung across his belly.

"Mmm?" He said, opening one eye to look up at me.

"Will you teach me... You know... To... Like... Look after myself." Both eyes were opened now.

"Like self defence?"

"Uh... Yeah. Just some basic stuff."

"Babe... Fighting sucks... You know that right?" Stoo said, his face very serious.

"I know that... I don't want to fight. But when, in case you haven't noticed the world is still a pretty homophobic place, I would like to at least have a fighting chance if someone took that sort of instant dislike to me." My hands were trembling a little as I said that. Stoo seemed to play things through in his mind. Taking a great deal of time to look me up, he settled on my eyes. He looked very deeply into them and nodded.

"Ok like right now I wanna see what you would do if someone came at you."

"Right now?"

"Well, out there people aren't gonna warn you, are they? So yeah right now." I got to my feet very unsure of myself and Stoo followed. Without warning he stepped forward into me, bringing his leg around behind me to sweep me, simultaneously bringing his arm across my chest. I stumbled backwards but he had me by the lapel, "You flinched." He smiled and hugged me to his chest, "I'm gonna teach you to react instead of flinching. Eventually when I do that you'll block me instead of flinching." I just giggled.

"I love it when you get all physical."

"I just love you full stop. Ok this time I want you to attack me... like come at me... Step forwards." I nodded and then without warning I stepped forwards. As I did he raised his hand and took hold of me by the jaw. Putting slight pressure where the bone meets on both sides. Again I flinched off balance, and he easily swept me off my feet. Gently he lowered me to the floor and lowered himself over me. So our noses were touching, "You got a lot to learn sexy... but I know one thing you have mastered."

"Oh?" I giggled.

"How to manipulate me and how to disarm me with your charm," he said, kissing me in between words, "Throwing me... off guard." He laughed as I kissed his neck.

"And YOU are such a sweet talker." I spoke the last words with a grunt, rolling him onto his back and immediately mounting his chest. "A sweet, sweet talker," I said, sliding down his body, pushing his shirt up. My tongue began probing his naked flesh causing little goose bumps to rise to the surface.

"Al... wait..." I looked up at Stoo, knowing he was turned on and wondering why he was stopping me.

"What?" I said a confused expression etched across my face.

"I love you." I shook my head.

"I thought you were gonna stop me there. Hee hee..."

"Hell no!" Stoo chuckled and wiggled his eyebrows.

"I love you too," I said as I kissed along his belly.

Of course, thanks to Al. For being my angel. "My sunday morning daydream baby". love and peace, Stoo

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