Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Jan 8, 2004


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at Go on, you know you want to... And I know I want you to... so what's the hassle?

Little Guy

By Stoo

Has been a while guys yeah? I have some major appologies to make, I haven't asnwered all that many emails lately. With it being the festive season and all. So I am sorry to everyone who hasn't received a responce. From this moment forward any emails send will receive a reply. Without further ado, on with the show.

Stoo's Perspective

Al brought Sarah to the house maybe thirty minutes after his initial phone call. All the while Ryan had lain in bed gently crying, my arms wrapped around him holding him tight to my chest. My thoughts were solely on Carter. He had caused all of this and he had meant it. Ray Carter was the stereotypical, dumb headed jock but more than that, he was a dirty underhanded thug.

"Stoo..." I heard Sarah gently knock on the door, so carefully I released Ryan, stroking his hair and walked to the door.

"Hey." I said as I opened it up. Sarah was worried sick. Her eyes told the story. She looked anxious to see Ryan, "He needs you right now, not much I can do now and he'll probably tell you the whole story himself when he is ready. But just be there for him just now, ok?" She nodded. She was truly beautiful, her hair tied back in a pony tail.

"I'll take care of him... I'll stay with him tonight." I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Thank you." I held her at arms length, "Don't let him leave here Sarah. If he does, call me, ok?" She nodded and passed into the room as I moved off down stairs. Al was waiting patiently at the bottom.

"He ok?" He asked, coming forward to hug me.

"Yeah, he will be. Let's go for a walk, eh?"

We walked through the park and sat down beside the stream which flows through the middle. The air was a little chilly, but it did not bother us. Al was snuggled in close to me. My own portable radiator. Al thoughts of Carter were pushed aside for the moment. Having Al close to me was all that mattered in the world. I was safe in the knowledge that all bases were covered. Sarah was looking after Ryan. No worries.

"Al..." I said as he turned those beautiful blue eyes upon me, "Never change... ok? Always be you." He smiled and laid his forehead against mine.

"I won't... I would love you even if you didn't love me, Stoo. You mean the world to me."

We sat by the stream for a long time, just content in each other's arms, but then my pocket began to vibrate.

"Hey?" I said flipping my phone open.

"Stoo..." The voice was filled with panic.

"Sarah, what's wrong?" Al stiffened at my side.

"It's that guy Carter, he is outside with his friends, they are shouting on Ryan, he's going crazy..."

"Don't worry babes, I'll be there!"

I flipped the phone shut and without a word took off at double pace through the park. I knew Al was following me, but he could not hope to match pace. I cut across the park and vaulted the fence leading to the rear of Ryan's row of houses. As I raced forwards, I could hear angry shouts, Sarah's voice and a goon's voice. No Ryan. I carried my speed around the corner, almost tumbling over, but I could see the front of Ryan's house now. My anger welled like a storm about to break as I saw Carter kicking Ryan on the ground. Sarah was being held back by a goon. The other was laughing and patting Carter on the back. They had not noticed me yet; still my legs pumped and propelled me forwards. Ryan let forth a growl of rage and surprised Carter by rocketing from the ground and tackling him round the waist. They both fell, but Carter easily over powered Ry and got atop his chest. His hand was drawing back to strike. The goon who had been patting Carter on the back had noticed me, all too late. I slammed into his chest with my shoulder and sent him flying backwards. With my momentum I spun myself to the side, grabbing Carter by the shirt, yanking him off Ryan, throwing us both to the ground.

Carter let forth a growl of anger as we both spilled to the floor. I landed hard on my shoulder, the wind driven out of me. Before I could rise I felt Carter's hands on my neck, he yanked me to my feet, as I struggled to breath.

"Oh, look who's here, pussy bitch number..." Whack. Carter staggered backwards. A small frame had streaked forwards, fists a blur. Al could move faster than I thought. I smiled inwardly as Carter stumbled backwards. I heard Ryan seethe and then I heard a fist connecting with flesh. I turned to see Carter holding a bloody nose and the other goon laid out on his back. Carter reared back and looked into Al's eyes. Malice and rage festering in his heart.

"Want to go, Carter?" Ryan growled, "On equal terms?" I noticed the other goon that had been holding Sarah was moving forwards. Carter was holding his bloody nose and lips. Ray grinned.

"You'll never be equal to me. My mommy wasn't a slut!"

"You fucker!" Ryan roared, and before I could stop him, he rushed into Carter. Carter was quicker and slammed Ryan hard across the jaw with his right fist. To my surprise and obviously Carter's, Ryan did not go down. Ray hadn't set himself for another punch so Ryan caught him off guard. He drove his knee into Carter's stomach and a wicked left caught Carter under the chin. He crumbled. Ryan was about to get astride his chest when Sarah caught him and pulled him back. The remaining goon looked like a lost sheep.

"Please fucking do something. I so wanna kick your ass!" I growled. Instead he moved to pick up his comrade and Carter.

"Ryan, baby, calm down please," Sarah said, stroking Ryan's hair as he watched Carter struggling off. Sarah held Ryan from behind. His whole body was shaking, I guess with rage and maybe a little pain thrown in there for good measure. His legs looked definitely wobbly.

"Nice punch babes." I grinned at Al. The little guy just lowered his eyes and looked at his still clenched fists. His knuckles were a little red and the middle one on his right hand was grazed, "Hey... Don't feel bad about what you did. You did it to protect the ones you love. You didn't look for it. You didn't ask for it. You just reacted when it came looking for you." I pulled him into a hug.

"Better get Ryan inside." Al said, his voice muffled into my chest. I stroked his hair lightly and nodded. Always the kind and considerate friend, despite the fact he was injured himself, he wanted to protect Ryan.

"Yeah." I let him go reluctantly and walked over to Ryan who seemed to be sagging a little in the leg department. I took his arm and slung it over my shoulder, "Inside seem like a good plan, Ry?"

"Inside it is, hot shot." He grinned at me, his teeth a little red with the blood from his lip.

"You know I'm so going to love pouring disinfectant into your wounds baby?" Sarah growled from behind us as she followed us in. "You should never have gone out."

"If you were me, would you have?" Ryan lowered his eyes not wanting to fight, but posing a serious question.

"I suppose I would have..." Sarah hesitated, "But that doesn't mean I can't ride you about it." She smiled warmly closing the door behind Al. I set Ryan down on the couch, and he sagged back into it.

"You can ride me about it anytime!" Ryan grinned. Al sat meekly on the sofa at the other side of the room. I guess trying to melt into his surroundings. He didn't want to be seen at the moment but I knew where he was. Sarah came back in with a damp cloth, some disinfectant and cotton wool. As Sarah went to work on Ryan, I smiled as I heard him wince. Deciding I would rather be with Al than face her wrath, I moved across to him. As I approached I could see that his eyes were red and puffy. He had been crying silently.

"Babes... Oh, don't do that..." I said, feeling the tears welling in my eyes. I sat down beside him and pulled him close. He just let everything out against my chest.

"I'm sorry Stoo... I couldn't let him hit you... I couldn't..."

"I know babes... Hey... You saved my handsome face from a bruising..." He looked up at me, his beautiful blue eyes all red, and I winked. Sob/giggle. Lovely. Mission accomplished.

"Hey babies." I heard as Sarah bent down close to us. She smiled a warm smile which seemed to radiate love, "Let me see you hand Al..." Al timidly raised his injured hand. Sarah took a piece of cotton wool and dabbed it with disinfectant. Al never once winced or grimaced. Either testament to his bravery or how gentle Sarah was with him, "What about you... Any war wounds?" She looked at me and I shook my head, "Oh really... What about this." She reached up as though to slap my shoulder and instinctively I shied away. She halted her hand with a smile, "Shirt up tough guy!" I humbly obliged. She was too scary to argue with. I felt sorry for Ryan, "Oh my..." She said, her jaw dropping.

"What?" I asked, wondering how bad my shoulder looked. It only seemed a little bruised to me.

"Oh... It's just a bruise... But ehm... Oh my." Al grinned.

"My sentiments exactly..." He ran his hand along my right side, down along my stomach. I closed my eyes and shivered.

"I'll get you some... yeah ice... Yup... Be back." Sarah said her face a little flustered.

"Put your shirt back on man, damn it! My girl is on overload." Ryan laughed.

"I don't got what you got downstairs." I laughed back and his face reddened.

"Yeah... Mr king cobra." Al laughed, his fingers still playing across my belly.

"Hey, how we gonna explain your knuckle to my mum and dad, cause you know they will notice."

"Could say the little tyke went down the boxing gym with you, tried his hand at the heavy and cause his knuckles ain't used to it they got cut up." Ryan giggled. But it did sound like a good plan.

"Ice..." Sarah tossed me the ice and then backed off rapidly.

"Sarah... Come on, I'm not that horrible that you have to shy away from me." I teased.

"Stop it, you." Al slapped me playfully on the belly as I snuggled into him.

Well there ya go. All you lil guy addicts have had your fix. The next posting won't take months so don't worry. Shouts go out to. Dave baby you rock, your so loving. Kris... you blow my mind, what did I do before i had you in my life? Lori... I'm so I lost contact with you lately. Forgive me? Underthehoodster my man... your writing just keeps getting better. Shouts go out to all my guys and gals really. Love everyone. Whole lotta love. Love and peace everyone.

Next: Chapter 24

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