Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Nov 25, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at Go on, you know you want to... And I know I want you to... so what's the hassle?

Little Guy

By Stoo

A little after one o'clock I was sitting in the student union, racking my brains trying to figure out who would have put that notice on the wall about Ryan, when the strangest coincidence occurred. As soon as he walked in, I knew. It was clear as day. My day had just taken a turn for the worse and I imagined Ryan and I would be in for some stormy days to come.

"Well looky what we have here... Stoo, it's been a while bud." I sat back against the wall on my stool, my arms up on the windowsill, shaking my head.

"Ray, didn't know you had started here." Standing before me was a tall truck of a guy. He was about six feet three, broad shoulders, massive chest held up by powerful legs.

"Yeah well, I didn't know you were here either, though I should have known where one faggot was the other would be close behind." Standing behind Ray were your typical Neanderthal associates, built like bulldozers and with the mental capacity of a boulder. There were three of them and they did not seem to be looking at me with favourable eyes.

"Which faggot would you be talking about in particular, Ray? I know a few." I smiled amiably, watching with interest as Lee, one of my lecturers, viewed proceedings suspiciously. He was ready to walk over and split things up it would seem. I cast him a reassuring glance.

"Your little bitch, Ryan." I smiled, I knew it. It was him and I knew it. I stood up, made a point of getting right in Ray's face. He seemed confused, as though no one should be questioning his authority.

"You made a big fucking mistake Carter... A BIG fucking mistake." I whispered so his stooges could not hear. They were all primed and ready for action. "You just fucked up." I held Ray's gaze for a moment before taking a step forwards as he backed off, not as confident as he looked. I walked right through him and his cronies out of the union.

"Stuart." I heard behind me, as I turned round I saw Lee jogging out of the union after me. The rain was pouring down so we were both getting pretty wet pretty quickly. "What was that all about?"

"Old rugby friend."

Lee grinned.

"Tough old game rugby." Lee's trendy Armani suit was beginning to get soaked.

"Coffee?" I asked.

"Sounds like a plan. Lectures are over for today anyway."

I raised my eyebrow and smiled. "Lecturers don't do much work do they, Lee?"

He grinned and pushed me in the direction of the main building where the cafeteria is.

"So I hear you are with little Al. I take one of his classes. I'm filing in for a friend at the moment." Lee said as he sipped his coffee.


"Is that the guy you told me about a few months back?" I nodded, trying to gauge Lee's reaction to it. He did not seem to have one, "He's a cool kid. Pretty damn good at the course too, from what I gather. I like him, easy to get along with."

"I like him too." I grinned, so did Lee. I liked him. Lee was happy, easy going. A damned good lecturer.

"I gathered that. You have any problems with people knowing you are gay in the college?"

"Yeah. Nothing I can't handle, though. I worry more for Al."

"He's a tough little guy, he'll be fine."

I nodded, I had never talked with Lee like this before, but it was nice. We talked back and forth like that for a few hours. I told Lee how much I loved Al and then we got to talking about Lee's fiancé. How much he loved her and they were going to get married next spring. I learned he had spent several years at university; he had done some lab work, was disheartened and moved on to teaching. He was really a great person, very caring.

"Well Stoo, it's been nice talking to you, but I need to get home. It's parents night tonight for my fiancés sister's kids, so if I don't drive the sister there I will be in the dog house."

I grinned. "No problems, laters," I said. As I got to my feet, Lee surprised me by giving me a loose high five, and then he was gone. As I checked my watch I smiled, I had killed plenty of time and Al would be finished in five minutes. I would catch him at the door and give him a lift home. I could not wait to see him.

I saw Al standing outside by the front door and then was horrified to see Ray and his goons standing around him. Ray seemed to be talking at Al rather than too him. As I got closer, my fists clenched, I saw Al was standing square, not backing off. His chin was not jutting out, and his hands were free. Clever babes, clever.

"All you fucking fags are the same. Fucking check me out you little fuck up. I'll slap you straight!" Ray saw me moving forwards too late, his face was a mask of shock as I walked straight past his monkey troop and slammed into him. He found himself pinned down by my elbow across his throat, holding him over a waist high wall.

"You fucking ever breath the same air as him again, I'll fuck you up Carter. We clear?" I sensed his brain dead friends wondering what the hell they were supposed to do. Ray nodded, his breaths uneven as my elbow pressed into his throat, "I'll see you around." I growled as I took hold of his collar, yanked him forwards and dumped him to the floor. I shepherded Al towards the car park as I heard Ray get back to his feet.

"Yeah, you will see me around, Stoo... You fucking will." I could hear Ray seething behind us, I imagined spittle flying from his mouth, his veins bulging from his neck and his face red with rage.

I sat in the car for a moment shaking like a leaf, resting my head on the steering wheel. Al was rubbing his hand up and down the nape of my neck.

"Baby, what was that all about?" I turned to face him, he was so filled with concern it was threatening to make my heart burst.

"Ray... Ray is a nasty piece of work. Just stay clear of him, ok?" Al nodded, "It was him that put that thing up about Ryan... I don't know how the hell we are gonna deal with this now. Ray and his friends are animals. Ray scares the shit out of me, Al. He and Ryan have a past. He was your typical bully, we played rugby together, and he was not the person to mess with." Al looked surprised.

"You didn't seem too scared a minute ago."

"He a nasty piece of work. He scares me. Not in a straight fight... I'd kill him in a straight fight. Ray doesn't fight straight, though."

Al's Persepective

Events earlier had put a damper on the evening. Stuart had been quiet all evening, especially so at dinner. His mum and dad looked back and forth between him and me with concern, obviously thinking that we had had a row of some sort. I smiled at Stoo's mum trying to reassure her. After dinner Stoo disappeared to the room, quietly excusing himself. I moved to help Stoo's mum with the dishes. She has a special chair that allows her to sit and wash the dishes. It boosts her up so she does not need to stand. As she washed I dried.

"Is everything ok, Al?" She asked her voice soft and filled with concern.

"Yes and no. To put your mind at rest there is nothing going on between me and Stoo, we are fine. I'm still madly in love." Liz giggled and nudged my shoulder, "There is just some stuff we have to work out." Stuart's mum nodded and we quickly got the dishes out of the way.

The door to the room was open slightly and I could see Stoo just sitting on the bed, with his head in his hands obviously deep in thought.

"Stoo... You ok?" I asked my voice sounding very timid to my own ears.

"Can I get a hug?" He said, giving me a little wink and a cheeky grin that melted my heart. I quickly shifted up close to him on the bed and held him into my chest. Immediately his big arms wrapped around me and began gently rubbing my back.

"You can get more than a hug if you want..." I said, grinning a little as I felt Stoo shiver.

"More please..." Stoo chuckled as his hand slipped under my top, lifting it up over my head.

"Coming right up big guy..." I laughed as I pulled Stoo's top over his head. Stoo surprised me next by gently cupping his hand under my chin and pulling me into his neck.

"Al I love you so much, baby... So, so much." Gently he slowly worked his lips down from my forehead to my lips. I swear there were little goosebumps all over my body.

"I love you, too..." I was choked up so much that a tear trickled down my face, only to be caught as Stoo gently kissed the area it had run down, "You mean everything to me..."

"Al, you are the best thing that ever happened to me... You know... I would still be single if it wasn't for you..." That made me laugh, the big goof, "Will you make love to me?" Instead of answering, I pushed him back onto the bed with a smile and began undoing his belt buckle slowly, "Would you do it slowly Al... Spoon in behind me?" Poor Stoo, he's a big stud most of the time but sometimes he is really vulnerable. He just needs to be held close.

"Anything for you." We had not really made love like this all that often. We had on a few occasions in the morning but usually flipped on the other side with Stoo making love to me. Throughout Stoo would make little noises at the back of his throat, which turned me on. His muscles contracting every time I slid into him. All the while, he would lean back and kiss me deeply, passionately. Every time I withdrew, he closed his eyes, shivering. It was my indicator of how much he felt. He was clearly enjoying the new sensations.

"Al... Baby... God... Love... You..." He shivered again, his hands reaching back and running through my hair. I couldn't hold out much longer. It had been a long, slow love making, but I couldn't hold out anymore. With a moan I released wave after wave inside of him. We lay like that for a short time. I did not want to withdraw, but my rapidly deflating organ had other ideas.

"I love you babes..." Stoo whispered so quietly. There were tears in his eyes.

"I love you too, Stoo, I'm always there for you man. No matter what, ok?" I said as I rolled him onto his back and moved gently onto his chest, "Now your turn big guy..." Stoo smiled as I wiggled back onto his groin. In the time it had taken for us to snuggle close he had deflated. Though with the renewed pressure on his groin he was soon standing proud again. I made quick work of preparing myself, then easily slid down onto him. I moaned as he entered me, and he gasped out a breath. Our slow lovemaking had obviously fired him up. He was so turned on, and it was easy to see. I was dictating the pace, though, and I kept it slow, watching it build his hunger. He arched his back as I ran my hands along his chest, breathing raggedly.

"Please... Al..." He was gripping the sheets tightly. His body burning for a release I was so painfully denying him, "God..." Seeing him like that was making my own body burn, and yet again I was close to orgasm by just watching him. Knowing I couldn't deny him forever I increased the pace, his body now squirming beneath me. His eyes were wide open and locked with mine, so much love and desire it was unimaginable. A large hand cupped my cheek gently, and then reached up stroking my hair, "Al I... Al I can't..." Stoo breathed raggedly as I felt his whole body tense, and then he came deep inside of me. Driving me over the edge for the second time in quick succession. I couldn't contain myself and didn't even feel it building up I just came, on Stuart's chest. Exhausted yet feeling totally fulfilled, I slid off Stuart and curled up beside him. He smiled dipping his finger into what I had left on his chest.

"That was a surprise..." He grinned.

"Sorry... It was a surprise to me too, didn't think I had reserves..." I laughed and moved to wipe it off with a tissue.

"Don't you dare..." He grinned evilly and scooped it up with his fingers and licked them clean, "mmm... An Al smoothie. Made with fresh cream with a subtle hint of sex." I shook my head sadly and snuggled into his shoulders as he lay back.

"You are so fucked up." I suggested, rubbing his lower abdomen.

"I know... You love it." I hated to ruin the moment but I knew I had to ask.

"Stoo what's going to happen now with Ray?" Stoo took a deep breath and closed his eyes, letting air escape slowly from his nose in a sigh.

"I don't really know... We have to talk to Ryan that IS for sure. I also know now that I need to keep Ryan away from Ray." He ran his hands through his hair and tilted his head back sighing again, "That will be harder accomplished than it sounds mah wee angel."

"We should speak to Ryan as soon as possible..." I mused.

"Right after a shower..." Stoo grinned and before I knew it he had me over his shoulder and was padding into the bathroom with me.

We now sat quietly in Ryan's living room. Ryan sat perfectly still after hearing Stuart out. He had said nothing throughout Stuart's explanation. His face was blank. White. I began to get worried because he wasn't moving, Stuart's face was also awash with concern.

"Ry... Buddy..." Stoo began but Ryan's lip began to tremble, colour rushing to his face.

"MOTHER FUCKER!" He roared springing to his feet. Tipping his head back, he let a pained growl escape his mouth. His whole body quivered with rage. He brought his fist down through the slamming at the nothingness, "FUCKING BASTARD!" He screamed again and then he wheeled on his heels heading for the hallway. Stuart leapt to his feet and flew after him as I meekly followed. I had never seen Ryan this angry before. As I reached the hall, I saw he was throwing on a jacket.

"Where you going Ry?" Stoo asked. Ryan seemed to ignore him, pulling on the jacket and heading for the front door. Only then he realised Stuart stood between him and the door.

"Get out my way Stuart." He said, his voice frighteningly calm and icy.

"No." Stoo said simply, eyes lowered.

"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY WAY!" Ryan screamed.

"Ryan please..." I begged so frightened at what could happen if Stuart did not move and what would happen if he did.

"Please what?" He wheeled on me, even the veins on his temple were bulging out.

"Please calm down..." I whispered.

"Calm down? I guess you would be calm... Hmm, would you?" He growled at me.

"I'm sorry..." I trembled.

"Ryan, it isn't his fault!" Stoo rumbled, now locking eyes with Ryan who had spun back on him, "Now, please, sit the fuck down... And we will talk about this? What are you going to do, go find Carter and fuck him up? You gonna take out his bunch of goons too?"

"Fucking right I am." Ryan spat.

"Well you won't... All you will accomplish is getting the snot beat out of you. Do you hear me? Ray is a fucker, a nasty fucker. NOW SIT DOWN!" Stoo boomed, stepping forwards.

"Or what tough guy? You gonna `beat the snot out of me'?" Ryan walked forwards into Stuart.

"You wanna hit me Ryan? Go ahead, if it will make you sit down go ahead." Stoo said, his face set. Ryan's whole body shuddered again and then his shoulders sagged and his eyes dropped.

"I don't want to fight you," Ryan said, his voice quivering, choked up emotionally, "It just hurts so fucking much." he said, grabbing Stuart by the shoulders and burying his face in Stuart's chest.

"It's all right." Stoo said, wrapping his arms around Ryan as I slumped back against the living room doorframe, thanking God that there had not been a fight.

"Why did he have to, man? Why did he have to?" Ryan sobbed, "I wanna fucking smash the bastard!" His whole body shook as he cried into Stuart's chest. Stuart's face was pained beyond description. I had seen this big guy after he had been beat up and even that didn't compare to how much pain he seemed to have for his friend, "My fucking mum, man," Ryan said, his hands clenched on the material of Stoo's jacket.

"Come on, Ry, you wanna lie down for a while, eh?" Ryan nodded forlornly into Stuart chest.

"I want Sarah... I need Sarah," he whimpered.

"I'll call her," I said, as Stoo took Ryan upstairs to his room. I flipped open my phone and dialled her mobile number, knowing it was her day off anyway.

"Hello this is sexy Sarah's hotline for little gay studs called Al." Sarah answered, she had obviously checked who was calling.

"Hey Sar... Can you come to Ryan's house just now?"

"Al baby what's wrong? Is Ryan ok?"

"He just needs you here right now."

"I'll call a taxi right now sweets ok... I'll be right over."

"Sarah wait... I'll come get you, I'll take Stoo's car, I'm pretty useless here anyway."

"Ok... Al... Is everything ok?"

"It will be when you get here. He's just really cut up about something. I'll explain when I pick you up.

"Ok, see you soon." She hung up.

"Stoo, I'm gonna go pick Sarah up. Where are your car keys?"

"Here." He said coming to the top of the stairs and fishing them out of his pocket, "Look after yourself, babes." I nodded as I caught the keys.

"I love you." I called back up to him, he smiled and nodded.

"I love you, too." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S'been a while eh folks? I am back and raring to go though which is good. Thanks go out to my Editor, you have no idea how much I missed you when you were away Tim. Underthehoodster, as ever you rock. Your forum is tops my friend. As is Perry and Jesse. Lori thank you for your continued support of this story, hope you are still feeling good. My horny Alaskan friend, hope to see you writing again soon. DAVE DAVE DAVE from Hawaii... YOU ROCK!!!

And to all my readers, I LOVE YOU ALL. Next chapter won't be too long, and will be a continuiation of this.

As for my other story, 'Cayden', next chapter will be out shortly, almost finished it.

Love and peace folks,


Next: Chapter 23

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