Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Jun 11, 2003


I made a mistook in my disclaimer in chapter one... that's what I get for rushing to post. It says the work is fictional when actually the work is based on real events, some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. Sorry guys... please forgive me, ok good you forgive me, now we can develop our relationship further through chapter two.

If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. Comments are welcome at

Little Guy

By Stoo

Waking up has never been one of my favourite activities, but this morning I didn't much mind it. As I opened my eyes I was met with a wonderful sight. Alan, true to his word had stayed with me all night. A nurse working the late shift must have taken pity on him, for there he was on the chair with a pillow behind his head and a blanket wrapped around his little form. Seeing him asleep is one of the most beautiful sights you could ever imagine. I love the way he looks, I could never imagine anyone not finding him attractive. He has a really handsome face with soft features set off perfectly with his slightly dark skin. His dad is half Italian and most of Al's looks come from there. However when he smiles there is no doubt that he takes that after his mum. I beamed as I saw him slowly coming around. He opened his sleepy eyes, giving them a rub and then stretched his legs and arms as far as they would go. He saw my attention and smiled shyly. "Hey there. You know you're really cute when your sleeping!" Al blushed, something he was very prone to doing. I thought better of pushing the boat too far by telling him I found that insanely cute too. "How are you feeling?" Smooth change of subject little guy, well executed indeed. "Like I went the distance with Mike Tyson... But I also gotta take a major leak!" Before I could move Alan was bedside, helping me gently out of the bed and across the room to the small toilet. Once he was sure that I wasn't going to topple over he retreated and closed the door. After I had attended to business I made my way back into bed. Knowing that my night of observation was drawing to a close, it would soon be time to return home. "Stoo..." Alan was sitting uncomfortably on the chair twisting his hair with one hand whilst drumming his fingers on his knee nervously with the other. "Yeah?" I questioned, seeing the hesitation in his mind. "We've not really made anything... You know... Formal... Yet... So... Are we like..." "Going out?" I grinned. "Yeah... Are we?" "Al... There is nothing in the world I want more than to go out with you... I mean that!" I suppose I must have been wearing a goofy smile on my face because Alan began giggling. "Me too!" I smiled, and drew my little guy in close. A few hours passed as though they were minutes. Al was pretty much a new section of my chest by the time my dad knocked lightly on the door followed by the doctor. Not the elderly gentleman but a young doctor who looked not much older than twenty five. He breezed in behind my dad and checked my chart. Then after a few simple checks he looked up at me proclaiming. "Well you're not in anyway one hundred percent but I do believe your recovery will be better made in your own home... So you are free to leave!" He smiled, took a few moments to confer with my father, obviously not important enough for me to hear and then he left. I looked up into Alan's eyes, seeing how unsure he was about things. I saw his walls of confidence shatter, the confusion pouring from him. His thinking was that when we left this little hospital room things would have to change. He thought of how his parents would react, what would happen if people found out and that we wouldn't see each other. My dad, ever sensitive to the feeling of others around him spoke up. "So Al, you wanna give your mum and dad a buzz, tell them you'd like to stay with Stoo baby tonight?" I hate when he calls me that, but I let that one slide. I would have my revenge, oh yes I would. "Yeah... I mean if it's cool... Will it be... I mean... You ok..." My dad patiently waited with a huge grin on his face until Al turned bright red knowing full well that everything was indeed `cool'.

My room wasn't all that big in my parent's house, after all they were by no means rich. They were however also not all that poor. My room was stocked with a decent hi-fi system, a top of the range PC (my uncle made it don't you know) which I had trouble using, and my pride and joy; a leather heavy bag (punch bag). I had spent countless hours practising technique and power on the bag. In fact I had made my way through several since I was a boy. I found out very quickly that a cloth bag would not last long when I got started on it and had quickly changed to the leather one. One thing you can never prepare for though is a mugging. Muggers don't conform to the rules you see, they don't face you directly. They are like Hyena's, the element of surprise is their best weapon, and they use it to great effect. I have no respect for these parasites of society, only a coward waits in the shadows praying on innocent folk. Slowly and very carefully Al guided me gently into my room. I enjoyed the feeling of his arms around my waist, so careful not to hurt me. My arm slung around his shoulder, I could feel every little movement of his muscles. It took me a moment to figure out that we had stopped moving. We were already at my bed and Al was just staring at me. "What were you thinking about? You were somewhere else just now." Al's beautiful eyes settled on mine, causing my heart to surge once more. "I was right here, just completely lost in your touch..." I kissed him gently on the forehead. Only then realising that I hadn't had a shower since I had gone jogging the previous day, "I stink!" The quick change of pace startled Al, he began laughing, his slight frame shuddering. "Yes... You do!" He grinned; he nuzzled my neck, and then lifted his head to kiss gently the underside of my chin. "I should shower... But I'd have trouble washing my back..." A shy grin passed Al's face. "I'll go get your dad!" The shy grin turned to a wicked one as he turned pretending to shout on my dad. I covered his mouth with one of my hands and felt his body shudder again as he began giggling. "I'm only going to let you go if you promise not to scream!" I laughed and then yelped as he bit my hand, "You little swine." I laughed as he kissed me once more. "We should stop messing around and get your smelly ass in that shower!" With a playful slap to my rear he helped me through to the bathroom. There is no bath in the house; I mean that would pose problems for my mum wouldn't it. So instead there is a large walk in shower. I miss the bath sometimes; I mean what's better than soaking in piping hot water letting your muscles un-knot? When we reached the bathroom and locked the door we were suddenly very unsure of ourselves. I mean nakedness has never bothered me; I showered regularly with the twenty or so guys on the rugby squad when I played. This however was different. With the squad I didn't care what people thought of me, but with Al... Well you know how it is. You suddenly become very shy. "Do you want me... To like wait outside..." I shook my head, not trusting my voice, "Want me to help you out of your clothes?" "Please." My voice was shaking and my skin was covered in goose bumps. Al smiled bashfully as he slowly raised my shirt over my head. He let out a little gasp as he saw the bruises covering my right side, he ran one of his small perfectly formed fingers over the muscles in my chest and abdomen. "You are... so... beautiful!" He whispered, I hardly registered what he was saying as his finger stroked the small patch of hair on my lower abdomen. Very carefully he placed his hands on the buckle of my belt, unfastening it, all the while his eyes locked with mine for permission to proceed. I placed my hand on top of his with what I hope was a warm smile, feeling the heat of his little hand encased in my own. "You know you've not had a shower since yesterday either... I'd really like it if you'd join me!" He lowered his eyes, I could read the fear in his face, I raised his chin slightly so he was staring into my eyes, "I love you!" A tear escaped his left eye and I followed it all the way down his neck till it disappeared into the collar of his shirt. "I..." He nuzzled my neck once more, "... Would love to take a shower with you!" I smiled, placing both hands on his shoulder's I ran them slowly down his arms to the ends of his shirt. Then inch by inch I eased the shirt up and over his head. This caused his soft black hair to momentarily spike up and then flop down in disarray. Slowly I ran my eyes along his naked upper body. His dark skin seemed to shine brilliantly as I looked his hairless upper body up and down. His jeans hung low on his lean hips and I could see he was wearing no belt. Placing my hands on his slender waist I drew him close, kissing him gently on the lips. I forced a gasp back down my throat as his body touched my stricken ribs. I reached behind me, without breaking contact with his lips as they parted and his tongue found it's way inside my mouth, with a tug I pulled the cord of the shower turning it on. Al's fingers had located the button of my own jeans and he had worked it free. All the while our tongues fought for dominance inside our mouths. Not to be outdone my own fingers had freed the fastener of his jeans and were now sliding his zipper lower. Al groaned as my hand brushed past his rapidly hardening manhood. My own jeans were now at my ankles and I was stepping out of them as I lowered Al's. As he stepped out of his he pressed me backwards against the wall of the shower, then slowly he moved to his knees. I felt a light touch on my feet as he removed my socks and then I saw his own joining them in a rapidly increasing pile of clothes in the corner. Slowly he moved back to his feet and kissed my neck. My whole body was on fire. Every sense was heightened; I could feel everything going on around me. The steam from the shower was stroking my back. "You are so strong..." Al whispered as he ran his hands along my shoulders. My eyes were closed; I had never felt such powerful emotion. I mean when I was at high school I had shared a few kisses with some of the girls who found it a big turn on to be with a rugby player but that's as far as it went. I felt his hand gingerly touch the waist band of my boxers and I opened my eyes and found I was staring directly into his. I kissed him again, gently on the forehead and placed my hands on his boxers, and then in unison we slid them down to the floor. I took a moment to be captured in the beauty of his body, everything was so perfectly formed no one part of his body more beautiful than the next. Everything seemed so perfect. When I raised my eyes I saw he was smiling, laying his hand gently on my stomach he moved us into the shower cubicle and under the shower. The warmth of the water running down my back mixed with the feelings of seeing my little guy with water running down his soft black hair caused my legs to weaken slightly. Expecting mad passionate sex? Well I'd be lying if I told you that was what happened. I was content to help him wash himself and for him to help me. The feeling of his arms wrapped around my waist and his head on my shoulders was beyond my imagination. No other feeling could compare to it.

After a meal, which was spent at the table with my mum and dad telling stories of my childhood to Al, with intent to serious damage our relationship - That was a joke guys, yup you are allowed to laugh - We retired to my room once more. I popped a few pain killers the doc had given me and then shook my head at the view of my swollen face in the mirror. My little Al's hand lightly stroking my shoulders tore me away from the mirror towards my bed. I've always had a king sized bed, ever since I was ten. My dad said it was due to my restless sleeping habits. He said it gave me more room to practice break dancing in my sleep. Al yawned theatrically causing me to chuckle to myself. "Wanna go to bed little chap?" I asked, loosing my shirt. Al looked around the room looking for possible sleeping areas, "With me..." I grinned and he nodded his head slowly. It was still March and the cold was still hanging around so I left my boxers on. I find that in the summer I prefer to sleep naked. Al followed suit and gently I eased myself into bed lying on my left side to avoid hurting my ribs. Al snuggled in around my front, lifting my arms and placing them over his small frame. "That feels nice..." He said pulling the covers up over us both, "... Your like my own personal radiator, your arms make me feel safe... Stoo!" I pressed my lips against his neck, planting little kisses up and down it. "G'night my little angel... I love you so very much... I'm so sorry it's taken this long for this to happen!" "God I love you Stoo... I love you..." Then he slept. Pretty soundly I might add. I stayed awake for some time, just stroking the back of his hair. Revering in the peaceful angel lying pressed against me.

Well there we have it, chapter two, third chapter may not be up quite so quickly but we shall see. I'd just like to take this chance to thank a special person and brilliant author. Underthehoodster you rock my friend. This story would never have came about without you. What can I say, you gave me the will to write it and the chance to receive some awesome feedback from readers. To the readers - you guys were great, I was not expecting such a warm responce. THANK YOU ALL. By the way, no shame in letting you know that in the Highschool Section there is a most brilliant story called "Perry and Jesse", y'all should check it out... tee hee hee, yes it's written by underthehoodster! Love you all, thank you so much!

Next: Chapter 3

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