Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Oct 18, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at Go on, you know you want to... And I know I want you to... so what's the hassle?

"Stoo... Oh god... Stoo..." Al moaned as I gently thrust back and forth. This was one of those mornings where we could have long, slow, tender sex. I had my arms wrapped around Al's chest, kissing his neck passionately. The warmth of his body, pressed back into mine soaked into my skin. Each little whimper and groan sensual to my ears, "I... Oh god... Oh..." Al's hands, which had been thrown up behind him holding on to the nape of my neck, stiffened as my body went rigid. His orgasm, as it always did, bringing me over the edge. Gently I withdrew from him and snuggled close, pulling him in so our bodies were touching in every conceivable place. Al's breathing was returning to normal, his body so warm against mine. "Are you ok, babes?" I asked, rubbing my cheek along his neck and back again. "Man! You would think you had done that before," Al giggled. "You make me feel so good. So good." I glowed at the compliments. Yeah, I'm good, I grinned, and modest too. "Yeah, well, there is this little sexy guy, who I've been able to practise with. God, he is so hot! I just wanna kiss him all over. Taste him in every way I can. Run my hands up and down him endlessly." I whispered seductively in Al's ear. He turned to face me, nuzzling against me. "Well, I think you should do all those things you talked about. They made me all hot." He pressed up against me, his member running down my thigh. I could feel it thickening again. Horny little guy. "I intend to. I intend to do them all very slowly." I smiled, placing him on his back, taking his left nipple in my mouth, sucking gently, teasing with my tongue. Al gasped, his now fully-fledged erection pressing into my lower abdominal area. "Stoo... Damn... You are sex on legs man." I smiled then returned to my little guy's chest, taking the other nipple. At the same time I began slowly rubbing the underside of his balls. Looking up at him, I watched as he slowly closed his eyes and opened them again. So loving. So beautiful. When we finally ran out of steam, we shuffled down into the kitchen. Al attached to my side. So comfortable with my family now. My dad was wearing only his boxers like Al and myself and my mum was wearing a silk night-dress. She smiled at Al and me and motioned us over to give her a kiss. A request happily fulfilled. "Good morning, sweet." My mum said smoothing Al's hair, "Your hair is wonderful, Al, it's very soft." Al blushed at the compliment before sitting down. "What's for eating?" My brother asked, staggering into the kitchen wearing a pair of black cotton pyjamas. "Give me two minutes to sit down and I'll make us an omelette." My dad smiled and my brother nodded, grabbing some oatcakes to stem his hunger till then. "Hey, bro." He smiled. I pulled him over and ruffled his hair before he sat down, "Hey, Al." Al grinned and blew Scott a kiss, causing giggles from my mum and a chortle from my dad. "You ain't getting this sexy bod, that's saved for Louise..." My brother stopped short. His face flushed. He had spoken too quickly for his brain to follow, revealing a secret. My wolf whistle infuriated him, he gave me he evil eye and I shut up. "Louise, honey? Is that the little pretty one with the brown hair. She plays the piano?" Scott nodded his head, "Aww, she is lovely dear. Are you two going out?" "Ehm..." Scott was embarrassed now, "She kissed me. It was nice. Yeah, I think we are going out." I grinned, patted him on the shoulder in brotherly fashion. No more evil eye. I could again speak. "Good stuff, bro. Maybe bring her round for tea." I grinned, and Scott shot me a funny look. "Yeah, introduce her to my mad family." He laughed, we all did. "On second thoughts, maybe not," I agreed. My mum gave me a good ole slap on the arm. Later that morning we swung by Ryan's house. As usual, his dad wasn't home. Poor guy was breaking his back to make money. I really felt for him. I pressed the buzzer on the door, and Ryan answered after a few minutes. His eyes were bloodshot, from lack of sleep I presumed, and his hair was messy. He was wearing only boxers, displaying a fine body, I might add. Eww, I just felt like I was ogling a brother or something. Mental slap. Yuck. I felt better when I saw Al too had given him the once over with his eyes. Ryan was still bleary eyed enough not to notice, or too shy to comment. Yeah, right. "Hey. Come in, guys," he said. He stepped aside and closed the door behind him. "If you are tired, we can go man, let you get some sleep," I offered as he pushed us into the living room. Rubbing his eyes, he shook his head. "Couldn't sleep last night... Still felt kinda down." He sat on the big couch, which could easily sit three. So Al and I made a mental decision conveyed through eye contact. I pushed him into the middle of the couch, sat down on his left, and Al sat on his right. Two sets of arms draped over him and he smiled.

"Thanks guys, I needed a hug."

"What wrong, chief?" I asked, stroking the back of his neck with my hand.

"Just me. I'm such a fuck up man. I dunno... I'm just having doubts about the kind of person I am lately."

"Yeah, I had a doubt about the kind of person you were lately too," I said. He looked at me, a sad look, "I doubted you were a normal guy, I began to think you were some sort of genetically altered super-friend or something." He smiled weakly. He really was hurting. I pulled him against my shoulder, "You rock man, don't doubt yourself... You rock."

"I second that motion!" Al said kissing his temple.

He totally relaxed into the embrace.

"Thanks, guys. Motion carried. I rock." I grinned, that was better, "I need to know who nearly fucked up our friendship man!" He growled. I nodded.

"I'll find out, leave it to me. Please. Trust me, I'll find out." He nodded rubbing my shoulder.

"I do trust you."

Just then his house phone started ringing, and he hopped up to answer, "Hello. Hey." He sounded happy to hear from the person on the other end of the line, his face seemed to light up, "Oh yeah... I'm just up. Ha ha, your mind is in the gutter." It was strange listening to one half of a conversation, "Yeah, I was going to call you. You do? Great. When? Sure. Yeah, they swung by. Yeah, they are still here. Yeah, I'm practically naked with two horny guys in my house. I know. I don't know, maybe if I get hornier. Ha ha. Yeah, ok. See you later then. Ok... Sarah..." He hesitated waited to hear a response, " I... Thanks for calling. I'll see you tonight. Looking forwards to it." He put the phone down with a smile, took a breath and savoured it.

"You were gonna say `love you' there... Towards the end of the phone call," I said. No hint of curiosity, just a simple statement of fact.

"Yeah, you read me well, man. Was it that obvious?"

"Yes." Al added.

"God, what if she read it too?" I shook my head.

"She was probably hoping you would say it. She's probably running things through her head right now like, was he gonna say it? Nah, couldn't be. Could it?" Al giggled, "I did that with Stoo loads of times!" He laughed, and I hugged him.

"Yeah. I hope I didn't scare her off. She wants us to double date tonight. Would you guys do that?" I smiled. That sounded fun, I did need to get out.

"Al?" I asked, the little guy nodded without hesitation.

"Yeah, that sounds brilliant."

"Ok, great. Thanks, guys. Dinner and a movie ok?"

"Sounds good to me." I said, I grinned mischievously, "And holy cow batman, put that monster away!" He flushed red as he realised that he really was showing more than he should be through his boxers. I saw Al's eye widen in shock. Then he too flushed with embarrassment. I'll tell you one thing, little Ryan was a bit bigger than little Stoo. Ryan had always been pretty shy about showering too in school. He only started to shower in his final year at school, let me tell you. Those who had poked fun at him being afraid to show his little willy winkie were shut right up. I had always known he had nothing to worry about anyway. He had often slept over at my house, and he was never embarrassed about changing in front of me and vice versa. Anyway I digress. I just thought I would put in a bit of description of Ryan. I mean many people seem to be emailing me about how HOT he is. Even though he is straight. I don't mind... The story is after all... About... Him. (Stoo goes in a huff and refuses to write any more. Why does no-one email me and tell me I'm hot, Stoo pouts like a baby. It's all Al and Rayn boo hoo hoo.)

Damn, couldn't resist. Had to keep writing. Where was I? Yeah, sitting in front of my computer. That's where I was. We had left Ryan pretty soon after his anaconda had escaped and headed to my car. Next stop. Sarah's shop. Al said I need new shirts. Who was I to argue? Sarah was more than happy to see us. She rushed over immediately, coffee in her hand as always and gave us both a kiss.

"Hey, guys. Al you look hot, as ever! Stoo... Stud." She grinned and we all had a good laugh. A young girl who was working behind the counter gave us a good going over with her eyes too. Sam just grinned, he knew what she didn't. He wouldn't spoil her eye candy for her though.

"I need to get Stoo some shirts, Sarah... Something sexy." I shook my head.

"Mmm, yup, I think I know a few we can try him in." She moved quickly over to a white t-shirt and picked it out. I was one of those silky materials... that aren't really silk. Polyester I am reliably informed. "You have a changing room?" I asked. Sarah gave me a wicked smile.

"It's only a shirt dear. Just whip your shirt off and try it on." She said, smiling widely. I shrugged my shoulders and pulled my shirt up over my head. I'm sure the girl at the counter was shocked, but who cares?

"Thought you said he needed shirts Al. Come on, just let him walk around like that!" Sarah laughed as I pulled on the shirt. It fit perfect, not too tight. I hate that.

"Sold." I grinned, "I like it. How do I look, babes?" Al nodded, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Sexy." I grinned and kissed him lightly on the lips. Recently we had become pretty much more at ease with the public displays of affection. I mean who cares what people think? Well that would end the cashier's fun for the day.

"How many do you want?" Sarah asked, putting her arm around us both. She snipped the tag off the shirt I was wearing and left it on me, tossing my old one in a bag.

"Two or three." I said. Not wanting to overspend.

"Hee hee, make that five." I shook my head but Al had already made it quite clear that the extra would come from him. It was his firm I'm not going to budge face which finally did it.

I had decided to air a casual suit which I had had for ages, another piece of clothing which I owned but which was neglected to the point of being forgotten about. Well, Al found it when he was digging around.

"Oh, babes, this will look great with the suit jacket open and that dark blue silky t-shirt you got today." Al beamed, rubbing his hands up and down my chest.

"Yeah... Yeah, whatever, just keep doing that," I said, slipping my fingers round his waist, running them down his cute ass.

"Behave." He grinned, pushing me off, causing me to groan.

"Tease." I poked him in the chest with a smirk, "What you wearing tonight?"

"Nothing." Another groan, this time I licked my lips seductively.

"Damn it boy you are THE tease of the century."

"You love it." I did, it was true, "I thought I would dress pretty similar to your good self, but I'm gonna stick a white t-shirt on." Al knows how much I love him in a white shirt. I don't know what it is, it just turns me on.

"I'm gonna drive tonight," I said. "I'm gonna do some extra jogging in the morning, so I'm not going to bother drinking."

Al smiled warmly as he took out his suit and laid it on our bed. "Sure you wanna play taxi tonight?" he asked, snuggling into my arm as he sat down beside me.

"Yeah, it's not a problem, I just wanna see Ry and Sarah happy. I think they will be good together." Al nodded and kicked back onto the bed, pulling me down on top of him.

"You are soooo sweet." He didn't give me a chance to respond, pulling me into a long, slow, sexy kiss. As he released his hold on me I smiled, running my hand along his soft cheek.

"Ditto..." Al giggled as I ran my hands up under his shirt before I leaned in and kissed him again.

I had arranged to pick Ryan and Sarah up at around half past six. Ryan first, as he lived so close. Then Sarah. As we drove to Sarah's Ryan sat in the back seat, tapping his hands on his knees. It was pretty comical. He was so nervous and wound up. Though to be blunt and honest he looked pretty amazing tonight. He was wearing a pair of really cool black trousers with a big silver square buckle and a white t-shirt which seemed to be painted to his skin. I don't like the whole tight shirt thing but it looked so good on him. His blonde hair was roughly spiked, that whole messy yet designer messy look. It looked good on him. Again he was wearing some pretty expensive jewellery, a big white-gold chain was visible under his shirt which I knew held his cross. His silver watch and white gold ring on his thumb. Again, I'm not keen on the rings on someone's thumb but it looked good on him.

"You ok, mate?" I asked as I caught his look in the rear-view mirror.

"Nervous... But I'm good." I smiled.

"You look fine by the way, no need to worry there... And Ry?" Al turned in his seat and gave Ryan a sparkling grin.


"You smell good too, if you were a guy..." Ryan shook his head and laughed as Al tried to infer Ryan was a woman.

"If YOU were a guy I'd beat you about the head!" Ryan growled in mock anger tapping Al's shoulder gently with his fist. I looked at the big fist and smiled, it could have smashed my face in the gym the previous day. He didn't hit me though. Even though he was so angry, he didn't hit me. Pushed me yeah. Wanted me to hit him. Though not once did he make a fist. Ryan has really long graceful fingers and a really strong grip. I also knew he could handle himself. I respected him for not using that against me.

"We're here," I said, turning onto Sarah's street and honking the horn. I saw the blinds of Sarah's house move slightly as a pair of small eyes looked out. Must have been Sarah's little sister, Beth. She seemed really excited when she saw us, as excited as eight year olds can be. I saw her dance back from the window as I looked back, "When she comes out, man, get the door." I said smiling at Ryan, he nodded.

"I had planned on it Stoo." Ryan said, I saw his eyes sparkle a little as the door opened. Sarah flowed out and down the steps rather than walked. She was wearing a royal blue sparkling dress, with a lighter blue coloured silk shawl over her shoulders. She looked radiant. Her smile was captivating as her skin glowed locking eyes with Ryan. There was some strong eye contact going on as Ryan stumbled out of the car and she seemed to float over to him. Little Beth was back at the window, peering out with those little green eyes. I gave her a little wave and she returned it.

"H-hey Sarah..." Ryan said, holding the door open for her. Sarah smiled and placed her hand on Ryan's shoulder as she lowered herself into the car. I'm sure the touch lasted longer than was necessary but Ryan didn't look to mind. I saw him catch his breath as he closed the door and jogged round to the other side and climbed in.

"Hi Al babes." She said kissing Al on both cheeks as I pulled away, "Hey Stoo." She said giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze, I smiled back at he in the mirror, "Relax stud, you look really sexy tonight." Her hand found its way from my shoulder to Ryan's hand. Then she rested both hands on his right thigh as she budged over into the middle seat putting the seat-belt on there.

"You look so good." Ryan said, his voice shaking a little.

"Let's get this party going then." I said with a grin as Al flipped on the cd player. Suddenly James Brown's distinct breed of music was pumped out through my speakers. `Papa's Got A Brand New Bag'.

"Sing it sister." I wiggled my eyebrows to Al who began swinging his shoulders, singing along causing Sarah to laugh. As we drove to the restaurant, Al and I bounced the song back and forth between us.

"You guys are so crazy!" Sarah squealed above the music.

"You know it,soul girl." Ryan said, doing a little dance in his seat still holding Sarah's hand. She had no choice but to join in the festivities. The next song was `The Power of Love' by Huey Lewis and the in-car dancing continued. Much to Sarah's obvious delight Ryan was relaxing. My baby knows just the right music to get people going and settle their nerves. I'm sure us both acting like clowns did the trick too.

We had opted for Italian tonight in the town. The restaurant was one of those intimate affairs. Perfect. As the tall waiter who seemed to be taken by Sarah's appearance led us to our table, I smiled. Sarah's hand was still in Ryan's. I felt really good inside, like watching my own brother fall in love with someone wonderful.

The meal was something else, I can't pronounce what I had but it was brilliant. Some sort of pasta dish. Afterwards we had had Tiramisu which was also superb. The best part of our restaurant experience was as we left though. As we moved into the car park Sarah stopped us, just under a street lamp.

"Guys, I want to thank you. Being out with you all has been really wonderful. I know we still have a movie to see but... It really has been special so far. Thanks." I grinned as I placed my arm around Al's shoulder.

"I've enjoyed it too." I said sincerely, winking to Sarah.

"Ryan, you have been a perfect gentleman all night and since I met you, yaking things nice and slow. But can I kiss you now?" Sarah asked, playing her hands along his shoulder.

"There is nothing I want more at this point in time Sar, believe me." Ryan said, his voice was barely a hoarse whisper.

"I do, I believe you," she whispered back, her hands gently on Ryan's shoulders guiding him slowly to her lips. As their lips touched for the first time, I smiled. Jackpot.

"We'll go get the car." I said, pulling Al away towards the car. As we reached it, he surprised me by spinning me around. He had a big grin on his face.

"I love you." He said, pressing himself against me, his hands around my waist.

"I love you, too." He nodded moving us back against the side of the car, his hands reaching both sides of my face, his mouth closing over mine, kissing me passionately. I placed one of my hands on the nape of his neck. The other found its way to his back and began rubbing up and down it. The kiss seemed to last forever and was broken by someone clearing their throat behind us.

"We couldn't wait any longer, we thought you had lost the car." Sarahs said, grinning from ear to ear. She had her hand around Ryan's waist, and his head was resting gently on her shoulder.

"Sorry... Can't resist him." Al said, opening the door for Sarah and Ryan.

"I know, babes." She smiled getting in and sliding into the middle again, motioning for Ryan to sit with her. Ryan smiled at me and mouthed a thank you in our direction as he got in beside her. I found myself lost in Al's eyes once more as he looked over to me. He seemed to be sparkling, happy that Ryan and Sarah had got together, but I could see behind that the love he was casting in my direction. He stroked the side of my cheek gently.

"We better get going before I lose myself in your touch, babes." I said as I rested my forehead on his.

"You're the best, Stoo... I love you..." Al kissed me gently on the forehead with a smile, "Now, MOVIE!" He shouted, jogging to the passenger side and leaping in. I hovered a moment, his touch still warm on my face. Taking a moment to take a sweet breath, I hopped in after him, starting the car up again. Ah first time. As always.

Next: Chapter 20

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