Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Oct 2, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at Go on, you know you want to... And I know I want you to... so what's the hassle?

Little Guy

By Stoo

I sat alone in the room, slumped on the bed. Stoo had been downstairs for about an hour now just stewing. I felt so useless knowing he was down there hurting but there was nothing I could do. I began fidgeting endlessly until I heard the door of the room open tentatively. Stoo entered the room looking a little dejected, his shoulders hanging low. Careful not to move too fast and excite him again, I moved slowly across the floor. I was surprised by Stoo's sudden movement. His arms grasped me and pulled me in tight to him.

"I'm sorry." He said, his voice so low, quivering a little.

"Why, babes, why are you sorry?" I rubbed my hands up and down his back, trying for all I was worth to comfort him.

"I got in a fight. I blocked you out. I just couldn't face you. I..." He was holding me like I would try to escape if he let me go "... didn't want you to hate me."

"Stoo! Easy big guy, I don't hate you." I think he knew in his heart that I wouldn't, but his head wasn't focused after the fight. He melted into my arms, placing his head on my shoulders. I could feel him sobbing a little.

"I love you!" he sniffed.

"I love you too!" I guided him gently to the bed and eased down onto it with him, Wrapping him tight in my arms and pulling him into my chest from behind, holding his chest. He curled up, allowing me to envelope him. The big guy needed some loving, some hugging. I may not be any use in a fight, but I must have been doing something good in the aftermath because Stoo's breathing soon became normal again, and I felt him lean back into me.

"Babes, you rock." Stoo whispered, leaning back kissing me.

"I only rock because I have you." I broke contact with him only to dive downstairs and get an ice pack from the fridge. Stoo's dad keeps it for when they come home from the boxing gym. He has two (hee hee).

"How is he?" Stoo's dad asked.

"He's all right, just gonna put some ice on his cheek!" Stoo's dad nodded. When I got back upstairs, Stoo was lying belly down on the mattress. I gently crawled up onto the mattress behind him, and he turned over. Allowing me to scoot in close behind him, he pressed back against me, letting a little contented sigh escape his mouth.

"Here, babes." I pressed the icepack onto his swelling, and he grunted a little. "Shouldn't you get that checked out babes?" He shook his head.

"Nah, it was just cold!" I grinned, shaking my head. Tough guy. I gently nibbled his neck, and he shivered.

"Babes, I think I should get something else checked out." He shivered again as I continued to nibble on his neck, moving round to his throat as I pushed myself up on my arms to lean over him. He placed his hand on top of mine and removed the icepack, tossing it aside. I should have known that being this close to him would only lead to one place. I could clearly see his intense arousal, "God Al," he moaned as I ran my hand along the groin of his trousers. A big pair of arms wrapped around me, and then I was on my back with Stoo leaning over the top of me, "I love you, Al!" I love it when he says my name. Much shivering.

"I love you too, Stoo..." My shirt was slipped up over my head, and then he was all over me. As he sucked on my nipples, I found myself gripping the sheets and arching my back. I reached up and rubbed my hands over Stoo's muscular shoulders, then gently caressed his wounded cheek. "Make love to me, Stoo. Please. Slowly!" I found myself pleading. Stoo just smiled warmly.

"With pleasure, little guy!" Stoo was so gentle, so loving as he brought me to the brink and backed off, driving me wild. All the while I held onto his shoulders, feeling his muscles ripple with every thrust. As he breathed raggedly, he pressed his mouth against mine, our tongues entwined like our bodies. He kept on driving me crazy until I could take it now more. I had been thrashing about the bed for what seemed like an eternity, whimpering and moaning with pleasure.

"Stoo... Stoo... I can't... Stoo..." Stoo must have taken my meaning for he gently pressed a finger to my lips. I gently took the finger in my mouth with yet another whimper. Stoo gently removed his finger and kissed me deeply as he thrust forwards relentlessly. After our slow, prolonged love making it didn't take long before we were both collapsed on each other. Stoo had pulled me on top of him and wrapped his arms around me.

Stoo's Perspective

The next night I decided I wanted to be special. Al was at college till after four, and he had the car because I had the day off, so I spent all day in the kitchen preparing an evening meal for the five of us. My mum and dad had offered to get out of our way and go out for a meal, but I knew fine they were strapped for cash. Anyway, family meals are always the best. My mum insisted on helping, not that I minded the help. She's a good cook too. The starter was very simple to make, we were just going to make smoked salmon and place it on top of some crusty bread with soft cheese. Simple but tastes great. A little squeeze of lemon over the top and you're there. Perfect. For the main course we set about making spaghetti with meatballs. I had never made it before, but with my mum's guidance we got along fine. I must admit the kitchen had rarely smelled so good. My dad, never one for doing the cooking, had taken it upon himself to make the table and set the environment. He set the table with a large red table cloth that we kept for special occasions and broke out the gold coloured napkins and place settings. Whilst my mum and I began to get the desserts ready, we had made the strawberry shortcake mostly the night before but were now just adding finishing touches. We drizzled some of my mum's homemade sauce over the top and round the sides and then placed the five bowls back in the fridge.

I had also managed to sneak out earlier that day to buy a selection of wines. I had taken Ryan along with me. He had seen or tasted most, but don't tell him I told you. We took his car. He had recently passed and bought himself a little run around. It was a well-kept Honda Accord, red and five years old. We drove into Glasgow, which is the nearest big town to where I live. There we spent hours looking for the right wines, and ended up buying a rose, a zinfandel and a bottle of 1995 Möet et Chandon. This cost me more than I would like to tell you, more than I could afford too, but Ryan had twisted my arm till it nearly broke until I accepted some of his cash. Which he will be paid back for.

Finally everything was set, Scott had returned from school and was most impressed with the smell. He had raced off upstairs and was now fidgeting relentlessly, willing Al to get home soon. My dad had a nice CD playing in the background, mostly soul music, and he had lit some candles around about the dining room. Al got home a little after five and trudged into the hallway. I met him there with a smile as he set down his bag and gave me a hug.

"Hey, Stoo! God I'm tired. What's with the music?" he asked, but I just led him by the hand through to the dining room where everyone was seated. His eyes sparkled as he saw the place.

"Thought I'd cook you a lil meal babes."

"Stoo... This is great, damn you're a gem."

"Hey, now, don't be giving him all the credit, I made the table!" My dad grinned. Al released me for a moment to dive over and give my mum and dad a hug. Scott was surprised when he got one too and tried to remain manly by giving Al a pat on the back. Like a man of course, as only teenage boys can do.

"Why don't you sit down babes, and we'll get to the eating!" I smirked as Al sat down. Obviously his seat was next to mine, within easy reach if I wanted to snuggle. It was a really cosy night. My mum's eyes sparkled when she saw the champagne. My dad, ever practical, wondered about the price. It didn't matter though. It was special. Conversation flowed, the food tasted excellent even if I do say so myself, and the music was subtle and relaxed.

After we had cleared everything up, we shifted to the living room where we talked about things past and present. My little brother got tired around about midnight, but it wasn't a school night, so instead of going to bed he snuggled up against Al. It was kind of cute looking. Al was snuggled against my chest, lying across the couch with my little bro in a niche on the couch besides Al's legs with his head resting on his side. My face was still hurting a little bit but being in this kind of cozy environment was helping. My mum was looking at us all kind of misty eyed. Mixture of the champagne and pride I think. Yeah, it was a good day. Yesterday had gone and been forgotten about.

Well guy's me and Al are gonna be gone till monday, but don't let that discourage you from emailing me, you guys keep me writing. Without your comments and constructive critisism there is no point at all in my writing. I write for pleasure, but I post because all you guys have been great to me welcoming me as a new writer. It's that warmth that drives me. On that note I'd like to thank, Underthehood, Tim Mead, Lori, Sara, my Horny Alaskan friend, Dreamweaver (whereever you've dissapeared to, I still love u to bits), Z8, and everyone who emails me. You are my guys! Love and Peace, Stoo.

Next: Chapter 18

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