Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Sep 26, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at Go on, you know you want to... And I know I want you to... so what's the hassle?

Little Guy

By Stoo

Al's Perspective

I woke pretty late the next morning. Stoo was still asleep. I guess there was no reason for him to wake up early here. If he had been at home, he would have had some clothes to go jogging in. Here, however, the only clothes he had were the ones he had worn last night. This posed a slight problem, but not a huge one. Next thing I noticed was that it was a wonderful day outside, I could tell by the light streaming in through my window. I smiled down at Stoo as I propped myself up on my elbows. The sun was glinting across his upper body, highlighting each muscle. He looked so peaceful just lying there asleep. I looked up as there came a polite chap at the door.

"Al, honey... Are you guys awake?" It was my mum, Well obviously. My dad rarely calls me honey (hee hee hee). As carefully as I could, I slid out of bed and walked over to the door, opening it up.

"Hey, mum, Stoo is still out like a light!" My mum smiled a warm motherly smile and gave me a little peck on the cheek.

"I was thinking last night that he didn't have any clothes in the house. But remember when your cousin Barry came over to stay for a week he left all his. He was in such a hurry to get back when he found out his dad had bought him a new car he left them all!" I smiled and nodded, yeah that would work. Stoo was about the same size as Barry, maybe a little smaller. Barry's jeans always looked a little tight on him. He was a bit of a show off, but I was betting they would fit Stoo perfectly.

"Yeah, I think that will work. Poor Barry said he had to buy a whole new set of clothes!" I smiled again. Barry was at university in America, so he would be hard pressed to collect his clothes from my house any time soon.

I heard the bed move a little behind me, the familiar sound of Stuart stretching. I waited patiently for the next familiar sound of Stuart awakening. Yup there it was, scratching his face. All the more audible because he hadn't shaved.

"Looks like your man is awake, I'll see two downstairs for breakfast in about twenty minutes ,ok?" She gave me another peck on the cheek and then flitted downstairs in her nightdress. With a smile I walked back over to the bed and flopped down beside Stoo.

"Hey big stuff!" He grinned as I ran my hand over his hair. It was starting to grow back in again and it felt really soft. He closed his eyes a little at my touch, his own hand seeming to be drawn to mine. He let a contented sigh escape his lips as he shuddered a little.

"Hey to you too, babes!" he said, gathering me up in his arms and pulling me in close to him. I just let myself relax into his grip, one of my hands on his, the other reaching up behind me to play with the back of his neck whilst he planted little kisses on my own.

"Breakfast in twenty minutes. Don't know how hungry I am though. Sitting here with you has given me another appetite!" I grinned devilishly.

"Can't let your mum and dad down babes. Anyway, I don't know if mine still works... It was used quite relentlessly yesterday!" I grinned to him.

"Oh, I'll bet it still works, it's just being lazy." My hand slowly slid down his belly, reaching his boxers. I could feel him shaking again. It's one of the things he does when he gets aroused, and it's really sexy. With more self control than he usually displays, he placed his hand on top of mine and stopped me.

"Ok, babes, we have established that you can get me going just by breathing, but your mum is making breakfast!" I pouted, pretending to be upset. He caught on, "I'll have more energy when I've eaten anyway! Then I'll need my daily dose of Vitamin Al!" His mouth pressed over mine and his tongue met no resistance as it slid out of his mouth. Greedily I pulled him closer, kissing him deeply.

Stoo's Perspective

After a hearty breakfast we headed back to my place. It was a gorgeous day, so we found my mum and dad sitting round the back. My mum had the huge sun umbrella thing (I can't remember what they are called, so I'm sure one of you nice folks will email me and explain). We were both greeted with big smiles. My dad placed his book down on the patio table and waved as we came through the gate.

"Hey, guys!" He grinned, "Whose clothes are those you've squeezed yourself into?" My dad raised a puzzled eyebrow at the rolled up jeans and tight fitting black shirt.

"Al's cousin's. He either likes his shirts tight, or he isn't as broad as me!" I chuckled, dragging a chair over for Al then collecting my own.

"Such a gentleman!" My mum beamed, sipping on some orange juice, "So how are you, Al, sweety?" Al pulled his chair up close to my mum. He always likes to be close to someone when he talks, I guess to show that the person has his undivided attention.

"I'm great thanks. My mum and dad said I had to tell you hi!" My mum placed a hand on Al's shoulder and smiled all the wider.

"Aww, that's nice. We should have them over, Stuart!" My dad grunted a response, it wasn't a question anyway.

"Rugby is on in an hour, Scotland versus South Africa. Should be a good one!" My dad turned to me, trying to distance himself from dinner plans.

"Yeah, got some beer in?" I asked, knowing fine he wouldn't have.

"Nah, cash is tight this week kiddo!" I smiled nudging my mum's arm. She gave me a knowing look.

"I'll get them in, my treat!" It was always my treat when the rugby was on, but I didn't mind. It was like a tradition. Anyways, the only reason I had a car to drive was because he gave me it. I figure buying him a few beers now and then is no big deal.

"Old Harry has a good deal on bottles of Miller!" I nodded again, Old Harry always had good deals on Miller, "Eight for five pounds!" Well within budget, I nodded checking my wallet. There was a twenty inside, more than enough.

"I'll be right back!" I ran my hand along the back of Al's neck, giving him a tender kiss just behind his right ear before I left. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Want me to come with?" he asked, his blue eyes sparkling.

"Nah, babes, only be a second!" He nodded and then lost himself in conversation with my mum again. The shop is just round the corner from my house, a row of businesses with the shop at the end. As I passed by the chip shop two young guys strode out with chips in their hands. One I recognised, the other I didn't. Not that it mattered who the other one was, the one I knew had already spotted me.

He was what we Scottish people like to call a ned. Pretty much just your basic scummy low-life with a nasal voice who thinks the world revolves around him and we all owe them something. I'm not the biggest fan of the ned population. Especially not this one. Charlie. If he has a second name, I don't know it. I'd imagine not many do. Chaza to his scumbag pals, dickhead to the rest. He's a short, skinny character with a drawn-in face. Dead blue eyes which hold little to no intelligence but are always scanning. Always hungering for trouble. I took a glance at his hands, awash with gold sovereign rings with large faces. I made a mental note not to let him get a punch in first sign of trouble. Then I went about sizing up the others. To his left there was a tall brown haired guy, face peppered with acne. He was tall but skinny but he had the look of a street brawler, wiry. Definitely the danger man.

"Whit you looking it man?" That nasal squawking from Chaza.

"Nothing!" I rumbled, motioned to keep walking, but both had veered into my path blocking it off.

"You hink ahm a wee bam, eh?" For those of you not fluent in ned, that translates roughly to, "You believe me to be a rather unsavoury character, yes?"

"Funny that you're so insecure that you are creating this all in your mind. Before now the only word I had shared with you was, nothing!" I tried to keep my tone civil but this guy was really getting up my nose.

"Whit?" As I thought, no brain present in subject A. Subject B however was scowling like mad, like he had understood partially what I had said. Still the danger man.

"Ah heard you wis a poof!" The taller one, deeper voice. Chips still in hand.

"I tend not to believe rumours I hear around this place, I've heard so many false ones!"

"So you're no?" Chaza cocked his scrawny little head.

"I didn't say that!" That did it, my mouth was running away with a mind of its own. Why couldn't it just shut up because now there was only going to be one outcome.

"You're a fucking smart bastard you, eh? Ah say we fuckin chib'em Scott!" Ah, Scott. The dangerman, a name to go with his ugly face. Once more translated as: "You have a smart mouth. I say we take a medium length piece of wood/metal/bottle/or other tool that could be used offensively and beat this fellow up!"

"Aye!" Simple from the tall one, not good. My eyes were now firmly fixed on him. He still hadn't moved, chips were still in his hands. From the corner of my eye I saw Chaza move. He was quick, I'll give him that. I spun around ready to bat aside one of his skinny arms, but he moved back. He had only feigned a shot. I cursed myself. Danger man was un-observed. I spun back too late. Smack. I managed to see the bottle before it smacked into my right cheek. Buckfast I believe. Tonic Wine, a ned's signature weapon. The blow jarred my jaw and knocked me off balance and into the shutter of an unoccupied shop space with a hell of a clatter. The bottle didn't smash like you see in the movies. It's more like a club, very hard to break. Fuck! I cursed myself again, what an idiot. Fell straight into that one. I had hit the shutters with my shoulder but now had my back against them. The tall one was bringing the bottle back around, reversing the same swing which hit me on the cheek.

Now I was thinking. He had lost that element of surprise. My turn. As the bottle came back up, I took his bottle hand by the wrist, wrenching it round. With my other hand I pressed into the joint of his elbow the wrong way. A groan of pain escaped gritted teeth. My cheek was burning from the impact, angering me. Holding him in the arm bar, I sent my knee up into his face. His nose made that satisfying squelching noise as he staggered backwards and tumbled over a small trashcan on the side of the pavement. I wiggled my eyebrows at Chaza who had lost his confidence.

"Come on big man!" I goaded, my eyebrows deeply furrowed, "Do something!" I heard the tall one stumble back to his feet. There it was, seeing his friend back on his feet gave Chaza the boost he needed. He had balls again. A puny fist flashed out, quick but wild. I brushed it past my face and caught him under his left eye with my right hand. Not the best of contacts, but enough. Neds don't like pain, they aren't used to it. It disorientates them.

"Fucker!" I heard the big man charge. Now we'd see whether he could fight or not.

Al's perspective

As Stuart's mum was making plans for having my parents over I heard an almighty crash. Sounded like someone had thrown something heavy against the shutters of the shop behind me. I spun around, and my mouth dropped open. I saw Stoo recovering from being knocked into them.

"Stuart..." was all that escaped my mouth, more like a whimper of fear. There was movement to my left, a chair falling. Stuart's dad bursting forwards, a scary sight. His tree trunk arms gripping the gate as he vaulted over it. I was right behind him. Stoo was being attacked. Sounds pretty noble, me rushing out to help him, eh? Well, not really. All I could hope to achieve in situations like these was to be the punch bag for some guy while Stuart took out the other. Or I could always stand around and cry, I'm good at that. As I rounded the fence in front of us, I saw a tall guy charge in on Stuart. He lowered himself as though he was going to tackle him, but then his head snapped back up as Stuart caught him with a blurred fist. I winced. Stuart's dad was racing ahead of me, but I was willing him to go faster. The smaller one had just smacked Stuart in the side three times with his fists. Even though the blows seemed to have little effect on Stoo, I still winced. He had just sent another punch into the tall one, a straight punch from his left, and it seemed to hit the guy with the power of a bull because he flew backwards on wobbly legs which folded sending him to the ground. Another punch from the little guy. This time Stoo bobbed his head, and the punch went wide. The little guy caught an elbow of Stuart's on the mouth. He staggered backwards, then also fell to the floor. Stoo was towering above them both now, hands dropped to his sides.

"Fuck off, ye pair of twats! Next time you want to pick a fight with me, bring a crowd! I'd be happy to kick fuck out of them, too!" The two on the ground had finally seen sense and picked themselves up before bolting down the street, "Wankers!" I heard Stuart growl. Stoo senior had drawn level with Stuart and seemed about to race after the two when Stuart's powerful arm shot out and caught him round the chest, heaving him back and holding him still. "Leave them, not worth it!" I had reached Stoo. My chest was heaving. I hadn't run that fast since that day Stoo was mugged and I left college. I needed to get fit. What was I thinking, who cares about getting fit? It was the shock, you see, things were coming to me very slowly. I slapped myself mentally and then got to the matter at hand. Was Stoo ok?

"Stoo, you ok, babes?" I asked, doubled over, out of steam. Probably red in the face, adrenaline come-down and all.

"Aye!" He said, letting his dad go. Stuart senior nodded solemnly, looking like a gundog who had just been reigned in. He placed a hand on Stuart's face, turning it to check out the swelling on his cheek.

"Bitch, that looks sore!" He said.

"I'm ok, I just need some space guys, gimme some time eh?" Stoo said as he strode back towards the house.

"Just let him be for a while, he just needs some time to chill out, vent some steam!" Stoo's dad placed a hand on my shoulder seeing my troubled expression, "Later on when he cools off he'll be pretty upset. He doesn't like fighting. Just hold him, ok?" I nodded, "Go sit with Liz Al kid, she'll be worried sick." I could see Stuart pass his mum, kissing her lightly on the head before going into the house, "I'll grab a few beers for us. Stoo'll want some later!" I nodded and jogged back to the garden. As Stoo senior had predicted, Liz was pretty upset. I found her looking forlornly at the door Stuart had just passed through.

Love and Peace all. Stoo

Next: Chapter 17

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