Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Sep 16, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at It's real easy, just takes a minute and you will make me a real happy guy!

Little Guy

By Stoo

Following our usual morning habits for weekends, Al and I were up and washed pretty quickly, grabbing what breakfast we could find and eating it on the way to the car. Even though Al knew he was working with me today, he was so tense on the drive in. He kept fidgeting in his seat and changing the radio stations. As I pulled up to a red light, I stuck the handbrake on, then flipped the radio off to Al's surprise. He turned his beautiful blue eyes on mine. His seemed so sad, almost grey. "I got fed up hearing half a song, then half another!" I grinned at him, and he looked at his feet.

"Sorry," he mumbled.

"Sing to me!" His head snapped round in surprise, one eyebrow raised.

"What?" he asked, his lip trembling a little.

"Sing to me!" I stated simply. He looked at the floor again. The traffic light turned green, and I pulled away. Reaching one hand over, I touched his shoulder lightly, "Please... I love when you sing to me!" Al smiled weakly as I indicated to turn left.

"Ok." His voice was barely a whisper, I could see him mentally counting himself in, playing the tune in his head. His voice starts off a little trembly but when he hears me begin to sing along with him, it strengthens. Soon we are both singing along to one of my favourite Don Henley songs, "The End of the Innocence".

"Remember when the days were long And rolled beneath a deep blue sky Didn't have a care in the world With mommy and daddy standin' by But `happily ever after' fails And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales The lawyers dwell on small details Since daddy had to fly

But I know a place where we can go That's still untouched by men We'll sit and watch the clouds roll by And the tall grass wave in the wind You can lay your head back on the ground And let your hair fall all around me Offer up your best defence But this is the end This is the end of the innocence

O' beautiful, for spacious skies But now those skies are threatening They're beating ploughshares into swords For this tired old man that we elected king Armchair warriors often fail And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales The lawyers clean up all details Since daddy had to lie

But I know a place where we can go And wash away this sin We'll sit and watch the clouds roll by And the tall grass wave in the wind Just lay your head back on the ground And let your hair spill all around me Offer up your best defence But this is the end This is the end of the innocence

Who knows how long this will last Now we've come so far, so fast But, somewhere back there in the dust That same small town in each of us I need to remember this So baby give me just one kiss And let me take a long last look Before we say goodbye

Just lay your head back on the ground And let your hair fall all around me Offer up your best defence But this is the end This is the end of the innocence."

We finish with a smile. Al seems a lot brighter now, a knowing smile on his face.

"I love you!" I wink back at him.

"Right back at'cha kiddo!"

Work flew by with no incidents. Al and I worked easily stripping down one of the machines and cleaning it out for the first hour. Then we moved into dispatch and began taking a stock check. It was all running smoothly until lunch. I left Al briefly to go to the toilet. Come on! I had just had three cups of orange juice. I was thirsty but the downside was my bladder was filling rapidly. After diving out the toilet, I came back in and saw Al standing with his back to me in front of Docherty and his partner in crime. Docherty was leering at Al and I was about fly over and see what was happening when a wicked smile passed my lips. In a flash Al's hand had shot out and took a grasp of Docherty's groin. The taller guy doubled over and Al thrust him backwards against the wall with a thud.

"Shit..." I muttered, not really thinking that Al would have actually taken these steps. I moved quickly across the canteen just as the tall one was reaching out for Al. I snapped my arm out and took hold of his wrist, applying gentle pressure causing him to turn in my direction. I shook my head and motioned for him to back off. He complied dumbly, a growl on his face but nothing to back it up. I flashed my eye back to Al.

"Next time I'm gonna rip your little balls off," Al growled. He must have squeezed to emphasize his point because Docherty grunted in pain, "... and force feed them to you!" All of the canteen's eyes were upon Al, some grinning. Ben wasn't as popular as he would like to believe. I think I saw something on a few of their faces, a grim respect, I assume. Ben's eyes were bugging out, a look of sheer pain and disbelief. I locked eyes with him and winked. Then gently I placed my fingers on Al's shoulder.

"All right Al, let him go, you little terrier you!" Al slowly released him and Ben immediately dropped to his knees, clutching himself. Al was glowering at him, his eyes dark, but I could feel his body shaking.

"Shouldn't have fucked with him man, just be glad you have your little package intact!" I laughed as I guided Al out of the canteen by the shoulders. Once outside Al rested his back against the wall, exhaling deeply, his whole body shuddering.

"You ok, tiger?" I drew him into a hug, and he melted into me.

"I was scared shitless!" He exclaimed.

"Damn straight! So am I every time I have to do something like that. It's natural, adrenaline baby!" I grinned, "I must admit, the come down's a bitch!" He laughed, kissing my neck.

"Get a room you too, breaks over!" One of the manager, a powerfully built man named Neil, grinned as he passed us by on the way to the canteen.

"Sometimes I just can't keep my hands off the little stud!" I grinned, as Al's face flushed a bright shade of red as we walked back into the factory.

The rest of the day flew by, Al and I had pretty much wrapped everything up by four o'clock, and there was another hour to go. The floor manager came round ten minutes later with a smile on his face.

"Good work, guys, I should get you two to do this more often. Why don't you both crack off early? Leave me your cards and I'll clock you both out at five so you don't loose out!" I grinned widely, and we both thanked him as we made our hasty exit. All during the ride home, Al asked me what it was I had planned for tonight. It was hard to keep my mouth shut. I knew it was killing him. It was kinda fun, to tell you the truth. As I pulled to a halt outside the house, we both made our way inside, finding my mum asleep on her chair in the living room. The TV was on, Dragonball Z or something. My brother was sprawled on the floor watching it intently.

"Oh my god, bro... Dragonball has bored mum to death!" Scott turned his gaze up to me, giving me the "go to hell" stare.

"Hey Al!" He got to his feet and gave Al a high five before returning to the floor.

"Stop sucking up to my boyfriend, he's mine and you can't have him!" I growled in mock anger.

"Eww, shut up, you're gross. No offence, Al, but you don't do anything for me!" Scott grinned at Al shaking his head at me.

"What's wrong with me?" Al pretended to be upset. "I'm sexy!" he pouted.

"Yes, you are, but you can't have both my sons!" Only one of my mum's eyes was opened, and there was a sly grin on her face. Al turned that bright red again, causing me to smirk.

"Sorry, Liz!" Al's blush made my mum smile even wider, "Go get a shower, honey, and take your smelly boyfriend with you!" It was my turn to be shocked.

"Hey!" I laughed, "I don't smell... too bad!" I shook my head, "Wonder what you would smell like after a ten hour shift..." I gave myself a sniff, all I could smell was Lynx Voodoo, pah, she was lying. Although, it had been my intention to get Al into the shower anyway... mmm... Sorry, anyway back to the story.

"Can you tell me where we are going please?" Al asked for the tenth time since we had gotten back into the car.

"Nope," I said for the tenth time. Twenty minutes later I pulled the car into the parking lot outside an old Victorian-looking house which had been converted for its new uses.

"What is this place?" he asked as I stepped out. He quickly followed as I locked up. His arm around my waist gave me a little shiver, and he must have felt it because he smiled up at me with those shiny blue eyes. His eyes gave me another little shiver, and he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Easy, tiger!" he giggled; god, the giggle was so cute! Ok, ok so what? I'm horny after a ten hour shift. I showed that in the shower, even that wasn't enough to quell my intense feelings. Eventually I managed to get my body back under control as we climbed the steps to the house. As we entered we found ourselves in a reception area.

"Hello, Stuart!" The guy behind the desk was a friend of mine, the one I mentioned way back in the story. The gay friend, who wasn't so sexually inexperienced. He moved from behind the desk and gave me a manly hug, yeah not a camp bone in his body.

"This must be Al." He looked him up and down for a moment before turning to me and smiling. "Whoa!" he grinned, causing Al to blush furiously.

"I know!" I responded, feeling Al's body warmth against mine as he pressed himself into me. Damn! Yep, I was starting to get hot again. I knew I had to move the conversation on before I was standing in reception pitching a tent, holding on to my boyfriend.

"Are we early?" I asked, clearing my throat, trying to engage my mind on pure thoughts.

"Nope, we'll take you right through!"

"Cheers, Kyle!" Kyle, pushing six feet five, broad shoulders, dusty blonde hair and a rugged handsome face. He led us into a small waiting area with a welcoming brown leather sofa. He told Al and me to sit down whilst he went to get things prepared.

"What the hell are we doing here, and what is HERE?" Al asked, seeming to be very nervous. He looked like a kid in the headmaster's office. Far too tense.

"Ok, babes, before you explode!" I grinned, "This is a massage parlour. Kyle is an old friend... Used to play rugby with him. He was the captain of the team when I was sixteen. Two years older than me. This is his place. I came here when I strained my shoulder. They were great. Really relaxing!" Al smiled warmly at me.

"Have I ever told you that I loved you?" I grinned and nodded.

"On occasion!"

"I always wanted to get a massage but didn't have the balls to come and get one!" I shook my head.

"Don't talk about your balls man!" I squirmed in the couch, "I am so horny!" Al giggled once more, blushing.

"Are you getting one, because if you are, and someone is gonna be rubbing you up and down... I'd lie on your back!" I punched Al lightly on the arm, "Don't want anyone to loose their eyes man!"

Just on cue Kyle came back into the room and motioned for us to follow. We were led into a small room which smelled faintly of lavender, as I was told later by Al. All I knew was it smelled kinda nice. There were two raised platform type things... I dunno what you call them. They aren't beds and they aren't seats. Go figure.

"You guys wanna pop out of your clothes?" Kyle said with a wicked grin, "Strip to your boxers!" He winked at Al, "I've wanted to say that to Stoo for years!" Al grinned back then walked over to me and began unbuttoning my shirt.

"Too bad, he's mine!" Kyle grinned and left promising two of the girls would be in shortly and that we had to hop up on the bed with the towels on. Rules of the place. As Al took my trousers of I shuddered.

"Baby I want you so bad!" I whispered in his ear. He just kissed me gently on the forehead.

"I'm all yours as soon as we get home!" He ran a hand down my cheek and I shifted my head, allowing a finger to slip into my mouth, "Anyway you want me!" I grinned, licking the tip of his finger.

"Ditto!" He smiled, giving a little yelp as I nipped his finger with my teeth before hopping up on the table/bed/thing – on my belly. Shortly after, two girls floated into the room. The one who moved towards me breezed past, a subtle hint of her perfume lingering in the air as she passed.

"Hey, guys, Kyle said you would be wanting shoulder and back massages, is that right?" She had a very pleasant manner.

"Yeah, that would be great!" I answered, my eyes locked with Al. I could see that my need for him was returned as he looked into my eyes. I knew I would have to put the thoughts out of my mind or I would never make it to the end of the massage before I would have to run over to him and devour him right there.

I felt the girl squeeze some oil out onto my back and immediately she began working it into my shoulders. She worked for about an hour the two girls slowly eased the knots out of our tired muscles, gently rubbing in the oils and kneading the muscles. It was a wonderful feeling, totally relaxing. I allowed my mind to drift throughout the experience. As both girls finished up, they gently squeezed our shoulders.

"All done, guys. Are you both ok?" the one who had massaged Al asked.

"God, yeah!" Al grinned, "That was amazing!" I smiled at him, noting a sparkle in his eye.

"That was really great. Thank you very much!" I added.

"No problem. We'll see you later guys. If you just go through to the waiting area when you are dressed, Kyle will come and get you!" I nodded as they left. I hopped down from the and immediately found myself in Al's arms.

"Thanks, Stoo!" He breathed in deeply at my neck, his nose gliding up the underside of my chin. My breath caught in my lungs, my heart aching, "Now let's get you home!" I needed no second invitation. I threw on my clothes and we strode to the waiting area where Kyle was waiting.

"Hey, guys!" He beamed, "Was everything ok?"

"Great Kyle... First rate service man!" I said, giving him a manly hug, "How much do I owe you?"

"You offend me Stoo..." Kyle grunted, holding me at arms length, "It is on the house, anyway... It was more than worth it to see the man who stole your heart!" Al smiled warmly at Kyle. I got the feeling these two could be fast friends.

"Kyle... You rock!" I said, slapping him on the back.

"Oh I know it, boy, I know it!" Kyle led us back to reception where we all loitered for a moment engaging in conversation.

"Listen, guys," Kyle said finally, after we had chatted for a while, "If you guys ever need to get away from the stress for a while, you can come up here. We have a sauna, so if you ever need time to chill come up and we'll sort you out with a massage and you can get in the sauna, whatever you want! I'd love for you guys to come back!" He smiled, that big all star-smile, his teeth perfect white and straight. His lips curled up, a little scar on his cheek just visible from an old wound from rugby.

"We'd like that Kyle. Thanks again!" He smiled even broader and pulled Al and me into a hug.

"No need to thank me. It was a pleasure! See you around, guys!" With that we left. I honestly could not get to the car quick enough. Al pressed against me for dear life.

Ok thanks go out to Mr Tim Mead, Tim I am so grateful to you for doing all this boring editing. Hoodsy (underthehoodster) your love and support through all the troubles I have faced since you have known me is more than appreciated. I love you loads man, Al does too, he thinks the world of you. Lori, babes, as ever my love goes out to you your kind words have often brought a tear to my eye or a smile to my face. Hope you are feeling well. Mark Mark Mark, my horny Alaskan friend... I hope all is going well in your life and as always I am here for you if you ever need to talk. You are a damn cool guy. Ryan my bestest buddy in the whole wide world ha ha, you still rock too... but you know... u can be a dick sometimes, especially when I find that those socks you borrowed from me have never been returned... ewwww what am I saying, I don't want them back anyway. ha ha ha. Thanks to everyone who emails me, and if you guys havn't already read about them read "The Magic in your Touch" in the beginnings section by Sara it is a wonderful tale. One which I have recently finished and LOVED!!!! Cheers all and for those you are interested, Stoo has recovered from the cold. Yup yup, I hit my training with a vengence today. Love and Peace, Stoo.

Next: Chapter 15

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