Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Sep 9, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at It's real easy, just takes a minute and you will make me a real happy guy!

Little Guy

By Stoo

Al's Perspective

The trip up north was so special. Stoo makes me feel like I am the centre of his world. He's so gentle but so strong, I feel incredibly safe in his arms, yet as I lay awake after our trip I couldn't help feeling a little down. Tomorrow we were both working. We both work in the dispatch department of a huge factory at the weekend to give us money for college. Stoo finds it so easy. He's tough, powerfully built and can handle the heavy lifting. I can do the job, I do it every week. It's the contrast in how people treat me that saddens me. They treat Stoo like one of them, even though they know he is gay. They accept him. I don't know whether they do it because he is bristling with self-assurance and is completely comfortable with who he is. Me however, I'm the shy, quiet fag that works in dispatch. Don't talk to him, he's a little pussy. It hurts, it really does. I know that it shouldn't, I know that what they think shouldn't matter to me, but it does.

With a little sigh I pressed myself into Stuart's back, enveloping him in my arms. His steady breathing was a comfort to me at least. He is so in control of things all the time. Sometimes lying awake next to him makes me feel so unworthy of his love. Stupid tears all the time, because I know he loves me, I just can't get my mind to accept it at times. I can't understand why he does. Running a hand through my hair, I stopped the thoughts, realising my knuckles were white as I clenched my fists. Slowly I released pressure, opening my hands. I needed a new job.

God! The alarm beep beeped relentlessly in my ear. I felt as though I had just closed my eyes. Stoo's arm shot from under the covers and slammed the contraption to silence.

"Go to hell!" Stoo muttered at the clock, rolling over to face me, "Hey babes!" He smiled, I had to force a smile back, "Let's get a shower and grab a bite to eat before we head off, eh?" He rubbed my back gently before getting to his feet and padding through to the bathroom. I took a moment to gather myself and then trudged after him. I allowed myself to forget for a moment whilst we showered, enjoying the feeling of his strong hands massaging the shower gel into my back as the steam shrouded us. After a quick breakfast consisting of two slices of toast each, we were off. Stuart's car, reliable as ever even in the morning frosts, started first time without so much as a cough, more's the pity. Well I could hope.

When we arrived at work, the manager took full advantage of Stuart's strength, having him help with the loading of the trucks. Meaning he wasn't working with me. I got a fleeting sight of him half an hour into my shift, sweat glistening on his brow as he swung up into the trailer of a lorry. Meanwhile I was cleaning out one of the production machines along with two other guys. They were both slacking off as much as they could and talking amongst themselves, not bothering to even acknowledge my presence. As I finished tightening some of the bolts, I rose to my feet accidentally bumping into one of them. He was a wiry figure about five feet eight tall. His boiler suit was open revealing his skinny figure and a set of abdominal muscles which he clearly viewed as being impressive. For the buttons were opened to display them.

"Watch yourself ya wee fanny!" He growled, his green eyes boring a hole in me.

"Sorry!" I muttered, moving around him to retrieve one of the buckets of detergent and a cloth. As I passed him by he nudged the bucket causing some of the water to slosh onto my leg, soaking straight through the boiler suit and my trousers.

"Oops, sorry there... Ah didn't see you there. Ya know, you're quite a wee fella..." He laughed, along with his friend, who seemed too retarded to make any sort of intelligent conversation.

"You aren't so big yourself Docherty... So get some fucking work done!" A tall team leader called Fran growled as he spotted the two slackers.

"See now, you've got us intae trouble, ya wee shite!" Ben Docherty's face was inches from mine as he eventually got to work, "Make sure that doesn't happen again, all right?"

The whole shift followed a similar pattern with me doing most of the work, breaking my back to try and stick to the schedule. At quarter to five when we were almost ready to go home we had not managed to stick to the schedule. The manager approached the three of us, with a frown on his face.

"Guys, I expected that work to get done, there were three of you on here today. I mean if you can't keep up with the pace we work at in here then you shouldn't be here!" I had to control the anger within me as he frowned at us. I wanted so badly to explode. I didn't though, I just let it go. Like I always did, Alan the doormat. Wipe your feet on your way in and out please.

I waited outside for Stoo by the main entrance, he was taking longer than usual so I suspected he had been held up talking to a friend. To my dismay the next people out the door were Docherty and his retarded friend. They made straight for me.

"Well, how are you, fag boy?" Docherty grinned widely, his friend chortling. Oh, look, ha ha, Ab's here is a sharp one, and original too.

"I'm fine!" I stared up at him defiantly, my anger getting the better of me.

"Lovely to hear, princess!" Docherty was once more inches from my face, coffee on his breath, "You know I don't like you much!"

"Gee I could never have guessed, I mean who would have thought a brain dead homophobe like you would have had a little dislike for me?" I growled, the retarded one, who towered over me at six feet seemed to tense.

"Do you want your jaw smashed you little fucking --"

"What?" I don't know where he came from but Stoo was standing directly behind Docherty, "Come on Ben, finish that sentence!" Docherty and his sidekick had blanched, not as excited with their sport as they had been a few moments previously.

"Leave it Stoo." My voice sounded so small and insignificant compared to the booming tone which Stuart could easily switch on and off, "Let's just go home!"

"Ok babes... See you around Ben!" Stoo maintained eye contact with the pair as they stalked off. Then he turned to face me we walked back to the car, a faint smile on his face.

"What?" I asked, my voice quivering now that the adrenaline was wearing off.

"You look so cute when you jut that chin of yours out when you're angry. But a word of advice. If you are in a fight babes, which you seemed to be mighty close to being in, keep your chin tucked into your chest. Someone catches you sweet on the chin and you are going down." I smiled a little, realising the idiocy of placing myself in a situation like that, "If he tries that again I want you to do something for me. I don't want you to bother trying to punch him. Cause babes, you aren't very good at that." He looked at me seriously; we were now sitting in the car, "I want you to step forwards into him, which he won't expect, grab the fucker by the balls and squeeze!" Stoo wiggled his eyebrows. "Tell him if he fucks with you, you will rip them off next time! Seriously though, are you ok?" Stoo held his arms out and I melted into him. I had never been so happy to see someone in my life. It made the whole day's troubles just melt away.

"I'm ok!" My damned voice was still shaking but I tried to give it a defiant edge.

"Good. `Cause I need you to be functioning one hundred percent for tomorrow. I just saw the schedule. You get to work with a really cool guy tomorrow!" I raised my eyebrow, pretending I didn't know what he was talking about.

"Who? Is he hot?" He looked shocked for a moment but then realised I was playing.

"Oh yeah, really really hot!"

Stoo's Perspective

I didn't notice there was anything wrong with Al right away because as soon as we had gotten into the room he attached himself to me at the lips. Pushing me back against the wall he mashed his groin into mine. I groaned and then gasped as his hand found its way below the waist band of my jogging trousers. Shaking my head a little I pushed him off, holding him at arm's length.

"Eh, excuse me. I think I dropped something." Al seemed confused, looking around the floor.

"What is it?" he asked.

"My jaw!" He giggled and slammed back into me, only this time I could return the favour as I was no longer off guard.

As I settled back in our bed after what was surely the fieriest encounter with Al yet, I heard him sigh. He was lying flat out on his back, sweat glistening on his body, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He looked sad.

It wasn't making me feel all that great I'll tell you. All sorts of things were running through my mind.

"Al?" I heard the uncertainty in my own voice. It scared me, "Are you ok?"

"I guess." His voice was deadpan.

"Baby, have I done something wrong?" He shifted his body so he was pressed into my side, his head lying on my chest. It made me feel a little better.

"No Stoo. You haven't. I just had a really bad day that's all. I just really hate that place. I hate it man!"

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked, lightly playing my hands up and down his side. His smooth silky skin coming out in goose-bumps, he shivered slightly under the touch.

"Not tonight, tonight I just want to lie here in your arms, I don't care what happened today and I don't care if I have a bad day tomorrow as long as I know, you are going to be there, just to hold me!"

I smiled and passed my lips over his neck, my tongue tentatively sliding from my lips trying to taste as much of Al as possible.

"Always!" I whispered. I watched him whilst his breathing levelled out and he drifted off to sleep. His sleep was not a peaceful one. He was very restless. His erratic movements four times jerked me awake. With each little whimper my heart broke. I've known Al for a very long time. He stresses up very easily. There was a time during our exams in our fifth year of school where I was sleeping over. All night he was restless, like that, whimpering back and forth. Back then I felt sorry for him, it broke my heart then because I was so in love with him. Now, the pain of seeing him like that was redoubled, not only did I love him but we were together.

Eventually, I managed to get a few hours' sleep. The alarm went off and was promptly silenced however in the morning at five thirty. With a grumble I dragged myself onto my arms. My whole body was running on reserves. My eyes were tired and stinging. My whole body ached for more sleep, but it was to be disappointed, though. Al didn't look much brighter than myself as he staggered into the shower. He seemed completely lost in the shower, his eyes unfocused, the spray just hitting off him.

"Oh babes!" I said, encasing him in my arms from behind, pulling him backwards into me. I let my arms wrap around his chest, placing my head on his shoulders. He let go a little sob, his body trembling against mine.

"I'm sorry Stoo. I'm such a fucking pussy. I don't know why you stay with me." He hung his head, his whole body seeming to sag.

"Babes, I love you, I stay with you because of this!" I placed my hand over his heart, "You have the biggest heart I have ever known!"

"Why do people hate me so much Stoo? Why can't they just leave me alone?"

"They don't see past their own inadequacies babes. They can't see what a truly wonderful person you are, but Al -- my sweet little guy -- they are the ones that are missing out. I love you, Ryan loves you, Sarah would snap you up if you were straight in a minute, and she loves you deeply as a friend. Reggie, Baz and Paul... Man those guys think you are the man!" He seemed to grow in stature again a little, "There are so many people around you that love you so completely. You are never alone, never!" I turned him to face me, holding his hips and pressing him against me, "I will stick by you, no matter what, and I am here for you, no matter when. Babes, you are so precious to me!" Al hugged me tightly, his slick wet body moulded against my own.

"I don't care what people do man. As long as I know that!" He smiled, I could tell it wasn't a forced smile, his eyes twinkled a little, "We'll be late if we don't hurry!"

"I know. I'm gonna take you somewhere tonight to relax, it'll be perfect. Just trust me!" He looked at me suspiciously, though we didn't have time to discuss it.

Well hope this chapter was ok, write me and let me know!!!!!!!! ha ha ha, shouts go out to the usual guys, love and peace... oh and I have the cold so if anyone wants to feel sorry for me feel free ha ha ha laters folks!

Next: Chapter 14

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