Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Aug 14, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at It's real easy, just takes a minute and you will make me a real happy guy!

Little Guy

By Stoo Babes (hee hee hee I had to put that cause Al told me too)

This chapter is dedicated to Underthehoodster who suggested the dinner idea to Al and who has been a constant source of love and affection for both Al and myself.

Al's Perspective

I woke up fairly early that morning, surprised to feel Stoo's arms wrapped around me. It was about eight thirty and he should have been in the shower or eating breakfast after a run by now. He was fast asleep, showing no signs of coming round any time soon. I pawed my tired eyes, then kissed Stoo lightly on the forehead. As carefully as I could, I slid his muscled arms gently off my body. I really didn't want to leave. I, however, had things to do.

"Later baby!" I whispered gently in his ear. He smiled slightly, shifting himself in his sleep. As quietly as was humanly possible, I retrieved some clothing, then slipped out of the room and downstairs. Now normally I would take a shower, but to be honest with you I couldn't be bothered this morning. I'd take one when I got back, hee hee hee, it's more fun with two. I took Stoo's car keys out of the key rack down stairs and took off out the back door, locking it behind me. Stoo's dad had had a key cut for me the previous day, telling me everyone else in the family had one. He's such a great guy, I can see how Stoo is so nice. His mum is great as well. Good genes.

As I slid myself into Stoo's car, I smiled, adjusting the seat forwards. Stoo is almost fanatical about keeping his car tidy and clean. The inside is spotless and smells faintly of strawberries or something. It's nice, not like one of those obtrusive air fresheners that you see stuck to people's rear-view mirrors. I think it's little gravel-type stuff that he keeps in the ashtrays. No one smokes in the car, so the ash trays would be redundant otherwise. Turning the key slightly, I engaged the electrics, flicking the cd player on. Immediately I found myself being assaulted by a wailing guitar. I quickly pressed another button which switched cd's and was satisfied when "Send it up" by Vertical Horizon began. Turning the key again the motor started up without a cough. The joys of a well-serviced and maintained vehicle ladies and gents. I turned the fans onto full. Scotland gets real cold at night, so the windows were misted up pretty good. Leaving them to work their magic I slipped back outside, shivering a little. I hate the gates to the drive. They are really heavy. Stoo and his dad have no problem opening them, but I'm smaller. They're good for security but almost Al-proof. Eventually I managed to swing them open and secure them into their wall brackets. When I returned to the car, it was all de-misted and ready to go. With the engine heated up and the windows clear, I was ready to hit the road.

The drive into town was brief, and as I parked up the car I saw the shops begin to open. The place was practically empty, just the way I like it. No hustle and bustle. My first port of call was a small designer shop that I frequent... You know... Frequently. As I slipped inside, the assistant, a pretty brown haired girl called Sarah smiled in greeting. She was a real friendly girl who often helped picking out new outfits for me. I gave her a little wave, and she moved across the floor, a mug of coffee in her hand.

"Hey Al babes, long time no see!" She took a sip of the coffee before giving me a little hug, "No Stoo this morning?"

I grinned. "Nah, I'm picking something up for him at the jewellers today, so I'm on my lonesome!" She perked up at the mention of jewellers.

"Ooh." She cooed, "What might you be getting the second most handsome guy on the planet from the jewellers?" She asked, her eye's sparkling a little as she raised her brow.

"Who is the most handsome guy on the planet?" I avoided the question teasingly.

"You are, of course, now what is the occasion?"

"I got two identical rings made... Got them engraved too!" Another hug, this time accompanied with a little peck on the cheek.

"Al, you are precious, I hope Stoo appreciates you!"

"He does, believe me!" I winked causing her to grin wickedly.

"I thought you were walking funny this morning!" She joked, causing me to blush furiously.

"Damn it, woman, your mind is in the gutter!" She just preened all the more.

"Don't I know it, maybe that's why I can't find a fella!" I shook my head sadly, knowing that any `fella' would be more than willing to date her. She was just holding out for something special, "So what can I squeeze your tight little butt into today?" She wasn't helping the blushing.

"I need some new jeans and a few shirts!" I said, willing the blush to go away.

"Shouldn't be a problem... We have some really cool faded jeans in this month, hey Sam..." Sarah called out to the cashier who looked up from his mug of coffee. He was around twenty two, slim, of medium height and quite the looker.

"Yeah, Sar?"

"Show Al your jeans!" He stepped from behind the cash desk with some hip hugging faded jeans on. They were pretty good looking, I hoped they would look as good on me.

"Yeah, damn, those look about right!" Sarah placed her hand around my waist and led me over to the shelves where she picked out my size and folded them neatly into my arms.

"Maybe get you a darker coloured pair too, can't have too many jeans!" She beamed.

"Damn straight!" I smiled.

"No, you're gay honey, more's the pity!" She winked -- another blush for me. After collecting a few much needed pairs of jeans, I found myself a few shirts. In case you are wondering where the money came from, my gramps gives me two hundred pound every four or five months, and my mum and dad add about a hundred to that for clothes. Yeah, they are great. I couldn't dress so sharp if it were my wages paying for it. My dad always said that a man should take pride in his appearance.

"I am what I am, Sar!" I wasn't comfortable talking to a lot of folk bout my sexuality, but Sarah was a priceless girl. A real gem.

"I know, babes, and you are beautiful!" She guided me to the cashier's desk, and Sam smiled.

"Hey, big spender!" He grinned as he ran the items through. Even with Sarah's generous discount the clothing came to little short of two hundred pounds. Oh well, appearance costs.

"Thanks, Sam, Sarah!" I said, picking up the bags and signing my receipt, "Sorry to rush off. I would love to stay, but I have a few things to pick up!"

Sarah smiled warmly. "You are always welcome here, lil guy. You take care now... And call me!" She said as I made off, waving as I went. We had exchanged telephone numbers almost straight off after meeting. She had made a big impression on my life, a good friend who was always willing to offer her shoulder.

Stoo's perspective

I woke up much later than was usual for me. The clock read ten-forty. Al was gone, his side of the bed was cold and empty. Giving myself a good stretch I flopped down from the bed and padded through to the bathroom, still bleary eyed. After taking care of business, I made my way wearily back through to the bedroom and slumped face first back onto the bed. Man, that had been a wild night; I had never had such a wildly passionate night like it in my life. We had made love many times during the course of the night, and Al was like a man possessed. Knowing I couldn't lie around all day, I dragged myself from my bed and opened the windows in the room, letting some fresh air circulate. Then my mind moved on to wondering where my lil angel was. Answers could surely be found down stairs.

I made my way with all the haste of a bear fresh from hibernation down stairs and into the kitchen. As per normal I had only my boxer shorts on and was in the process of scratching my belly when I noticed one of our next door neighbours was sitting wide-eyed at the breakfast table with my mum. Her jaw was somewhere between the floor and the table.

"Ugh... Hey..." I mumbled as I walked cross the room and kissed my mum on the forehead.

"Hey sweets, don't worry about him Linda, he's worse than his father. No shame!" The woman was beginning to regain some composure and blushed a little.

"Where's Al?" I asked my mum, buttoning the front of my boxers as they had come undone.

"He left pretty early honey, I heard him moving around. He took the car too!" I nodded.

"Oh, ok. He probably went for some clothes or something, shopoholic that he is. What's for eating?" I began systematically checking cupboards for something to munch on.

"There's some cereal in the cupboard... Maybe some toast, that's about it, your dad and I haven't been for messages yet!"

"Great!" I grumbled sarcastically, causing my mum to smile. Digging out a bowl, I made myself some cornflakes and sat down at the table to eat them. "So what are you guys up to then?" I looked at the table spread with all sorts of material and wool.

"Just making some pot-pouri dishes. We were bored!"

"Oh." I had finished the cereal, no point making Linda blush any more than was necessary. I had had my fun, "Well I'm gonna go get myself a shower. Have fun!" I smiled as I walked away.

"He's a strapping lad that one Liz!" I heard Linda whispering to my mum as I left. I shook my head, taking two stairs at a time towards the bathroom.

After my shower I was beginning to feel more alive. As per my morning after the night before ritual, I took a shower, got out, had a shave and then re-showered. It was a habit I had picked up from a girl friend (friend who happens to be a girl ha ha), something to do with moisturisation!? I was pleasantly surprised to see Al sitting cross legged on the bed – which he had made. With no hesitation I walked across and locked lips with him as though we hadn't been in each other's company for longer than a few hours.

"Hey to you too stud!" Al grinned, rubbing my stomach. I noticed the bags spread on the bed and burst into a large smile.

"Shopping!" I declared as though it was a shock to my system that Al had been feeding his shopaholic needs. He smirked right back, nodding his head.

"Stoo... I asked your mum if it was all right if we had a few friends round tonight, maybe had a little dinner?" He said it more as a question than a statement. I smiled warmly, lying down beside him.

"Sounds good... I don't want to cook, though, so let's order out... Maybe get a Chinese!" Al nodded enthusiastically, his little eyes lighting up.

"Great... I'll phone around... Can we keep it to a minimum... Maybe just Ry and Sarah?" I raised my eyebrow... This was cosy.

"Yeah, sure!"

"I'll call Ryan... I want to apologise to him about yesterday!" I hugged him close. He shuddered a little as his cheek touched my bare chest.

"You know you don't have to. Ryan loves you man!" Al had his eyes closed as he nuzzled into my chest.

"I know I don't have to... But it's because he loves me that I WANT to!" I smiled lovingly and tousled his hair.

"You're something else, Al babes..."

Ry and Sarah were more than happy to come to dinner at my house that evening. I guess because Sarah knew what it signified. Ryan, he is always more than willing to spend time with us. We had arranged for them to arrive at around seven, but it was a relaxed meeting time. I knew that Ryan would be early, as he always is. I also knew that Sarah would arrive on the dot. Punctuality is key with her.

My mum and dad had decided that they would go out for dinner, leaving the house free and for their generosity I had given them a few extra pounds. So they could have a few drinks on me, my way of saying thanks. Al and myself were sitting on the couch together, watching a video tape of and Eagles concert from 1994. He was wearing a pair of faded jeans and plain black t-shirt which complemented his body. It wasn't tight but still accented his beautifully-formed chest. Al has one of those bodies with a natural definition which is not overdone. He was wearing the chain holding the ring outside his shirt, which made me smile. He had one leg placed on the arm of the chair, his almost new black vans trainers hanging over the edge. The rest of his body was leaning lightly on my hip as I casually played with his short sideburns.

I had decided to make an effort to dress up a little myself tonight. I was wearing a black shirt with a silver dragon stitched onto the breast. It was a short sleeved number which Al liked because he said it showed off my arms. On the back was the same dragon, only it was full length. I had trousers on, but what can I say... They were black dress trousers. Nothing special, ha ha. On my feet I had a pair of black slip on leather shoes with a shiny thin silver buckle.

As I had suspected Ryan arrived early by a good fifteen minutes. He chapped on the door lightly, and I jumped up deliberately abruptly. Al slumped onto his back then growled some empty threat to me as I opened the door. Ryan beamed as he saw me and winked.

"Looking sharp, Stoo babes!" I cast him a threatening look and he got the message, slapping me on the back, "Joking man!" His ear-to-ear grin was contagious, and I allowed him safe passage into the house. Once inside he gave me and Al both a hug, holding onto Al for a little longer, affirming that there were no bad feelings. He was decked out in black dress trousers, which is unusual for a guy who loves his jeans and a tight white t-shirt. He was also wearing some expensive looking jewellery. He had a platinum bracelet and a shiny silver watch on his wrist. Obviously items he saved for special occasions.

"Nice... Some Eagles for background!" He said as he breezed into the living room and kicked back on one of the armchairs, "So when does Sarah get here?" He asked, almost looking anxious. Now I understood the extra effort. I gave Al a wink.

"She isn't coming man..." He looked horrified, "... She heard you would be here... And turned us down flat!" I laughed. Ryan shook his head, waving his hand dismissively.

"Really though man, she is FINE!" He laughed, Al gave him a warning glance.

"She is, but she's a friend!"

"I know man, I'm cool, I wouldn't hurt her!" Ryan assured. He looked up restlessly as he saw someone walk past. It wasn't her, so he settled uneasily again. Sarah arrived bang on time, and she made quite an impression. She was wearing a peach-coloured dress with a matching peach cardigan over her shoulders. She had a really elegant form, and much to Ryan's pleasure she hugged us all. When she got to Ryan she hugged him and her hand lingered just a little longer than was necessary on his shoulder. Al smiled giving, me a little nod.

The evening was very pleasurable; Al had set the table beautifully and had really gone to some effort. He had lit some candles and everything. He had also brought back a few bottles of red and white wine. Some Cabernet Sauvignon for the beef and lamb dishes we were having and some Zinfandel for those who preferred it. Personally I couldn't tell you the difference but what the hey. I can't remember the names of them all so there, I didn't pay too much attention to be honest. They were nice, though.

Ryan as usual was fine entertainment, and it may just have been me but Sarah and he seemed to be getting along famously. The food was great. I had Kung Pao chicken, and it was real nice. So next time y'all have Chinese that's what to have. After we cleared up the meal we sat and chatted genially with our guests. They really were good company. It was around ten o'clock when I began to get a little light headed and realised that all the bottles of wine were empty. Ryan and I had a beer in our hands, whereas Sarah and Al were now drinking Malibu and pineapple.

Al got up and turned the music low for a moment, causing everyone to turn in his direction. He seemed to be fidgeting nervously. I began to get worried that something was wrong.

"Eh guys..." He stammered, clearing his throat, Sarah was smiling a little, but Ryan and I were lost, "I ... Well I mean... I had a bit of an ulterior motive for asking you here tonight for dinner... It's been a really lovely evening and all... Perfect in fact." He was now standing pretty much directly in front of me. I set my beer aside and looked up at him, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Stoo..." He shakily got down on one knee producing a small blue box from his pocket. Ryan almost blew a quarter bottle of beer through his nose and Sarah had little tears forming in her eyes, "I love you more than I ever thought was possible... And to have you love me back is just... Well there is no way to explain how special that is. I want to make a commitment to you, and I hope that you feel the same. You are the best thing in my life!" He flipped open the small box revealing two identical platinum commitment rings. One was engraved `Stoo you are the brightest star in my life' and the other read the same only for Al. My words were caught in my mouth as my hands shook and my heart somersaulted in my chest.

"Al... Babes..." A tear escaped my eye. "I... God... I love you so much!" All through my stammering speech Al had been quivering a little but now he just leapt up and latched onto my neck. Kissing me deeply. He removed himself to slide the ring onto my finger, and I took the chance to return the favour.

"Ah-hem!" Ryan had recovered sufficiently from the beer flowing through his nasal passages, "I'll drink to that!" He shouted raising his beer.

"Me too! God, you guys are so special!" Sarah cried, raising her glass.

Next: Chapter 11

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