Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Jun 10, 2003


The following is a pure work of fiction and is the property of the author.

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Little Guy

By Stoo

First day of college. It should be exciting right? Well yeah, I guess it should. Unfortunately I was far too nervous to be anywhere near looking forwards to it. I guess an introduction would be a good thing. My names Stuart, most people find it easier to abbreviate my name to Stoo though, hell... Even me. You want a description? Of course you do, can't read a story without the mental picture now can you? Okay, well I'm five foot and eleven inches. Not to short not too tall. I've got dark brown hair which has a hint of copper in it when the sun hits it. Not the most manageable mop of hair when it's long, tends to get a bit fuzzy, that's why I keep it trimmed short. I have very deep brown eyes; I get those from my mother. I never saw myself being one of the nicest looking guys but I guess I am by no means ugly. I'm built quite powerfully, with broad shoulders and a wide solid chest. Attributes which my rugby coach at high school level made full use of until I was injured, but that's a story for another time. Enough of the description and on with the show.

Here I am sitting alone in the College union, sitting at a supposedly trendy round table with a high stool. I'm nursing my third beer in my hands wondering how I intend on making it through the year. I've spent the morning traipsing around this class room and that with this lecturer and that lecturer. All the while a bunch of so called intellectuals spent their time trying to make grand first impressions upon the lecturers. Asking all the questions and firing all the buzzwords around. Frankly I felt completely out of my depth. They looked upon my rough appearance, the two day old stubble, my un-ironed jeans and the crumpled t-shirt with disdain. Stay back from the poor kid, you might catch financial hardship. Suited me fine, I mean why would I want to be reminded that everything was not handed to me on a silver tray, that everything I ever achieved in life was because of my grit and determination. Everything had been fought for, loosing some blood along the way. Three hours of introductions and tours, finally called to a halt for the day with promises of more of the same tomorrow, happy days. The union had drawn me in with its beckon call of Miller, Budweiser and Saint Andrews Ale all half price. I guess I was just feeling the hurt of leaving my friends behind, well one in particular actually. I pushed those thoughts aside momentarily, no point moping. I had to find some positives about my new surroundings apart from half priced drink. That would certainly not see me through the year; it would instead see me ending up with nothing. Looking deep into the bottom of my bottle I lost myself in the golden coloured liquid not noticing the arrival of another lost soul. "No matter how long you stare at it... It isn't going to make you smile!" The voice was sweet, kind of musical. It was a voice I knew well, a voice that never failed to make me feel warm inside. Slowly, unbelieving I shifted my eyes from my beer and upwards into those two blue eyes which had never failed to gauge my moods so accurately. The person standing before me was beautiful. I did not need to look him up and down to ascertain this, for I knew every contour of his body already. He stood at five foot five, so small and delicate and so very beautiful. He flashed a smile, a smile so perfect that for a moment I could not move, and then my rational mind began to kick-start. "Al... How... Hey!" I stammered. "We never really talked bout where we were going to further our education now did we..." He tried to switch to a proper English gentleman's voice but failed miserably, it made me smile though, "Guess we both picked the same college... Mind if I join you?" I answered his question by pushing another stool out with my foot and waving my hand for him to sit down. It was there where I re-established my friendship with Al, a little guy I had met during my time at High School. We were both doing different courses, I was doing Biology and he was doing some sort of Architecture course which to this day I have never understood. Our friendship was a solid one and our days in the union served to secure the foundations. During the first few weeks of our courses we became inseparable, he would spend time at my house and I at his. Of course this was torture for me; if you haven't guessed it already I was in love with this little guy. My parents knew I was gay, and after a slight struggle to understand they grew comfortable with it. They realised that nothing had changed, that they still had their son. They realised no matter what they loved me with all their hearts and that I loved them equally strongly. I was also comfortable enough to share with them my feelings for Al. They urged me to talk to him about them, but how could I. How could I chance loosing him. Well as they say things sometimes have a way of taking care of themselves, as I was about to find out.

Wednesday mornings was my favourite time of the week. No college, a full day to myself. As usual I woke pretty early, slipped out of bed, relieved my bladder and then I pulled on my training gear. A pair of fleece lined jogging bottoms and a hooded jumper. Putting on some gloves and my training shoes I shuffled down into the kitchen, taking a pint of water before bounding out the door, locking it behind me. As was my routine I started off slowly, letting my legs warm up before I pushed a little harder. As I rounded a corner I was aware that my lace was untied. Frustrated at this unintended break in my work-out, I bent angrily to tie it back up but as I straightened up again my head was smashed forwards. Something solid had connected with the back of my head just above my neck. My vision blurred and it took me a few seconds to register what had happened. In this small window of time my assailant had turned me around to face him. My body would not respond and I could do nothing as my blurred attacker's head slammed into my nose. There was no sharp sound like a twig breaking, more a squelch as my nose exploded in a crimson cloud. I remember falling backwards and landing heavily on my tail bone. After that it all began to fade, muffled sounds of my attacker's feet connecting with my face and midriff.

As is always the case waking up involves stages. It's usually the hearing that returns first. In this case I could hear the mumblings of an elderly gentleman. He seemed to be informing someone that their son was stable now, and that he would need to be kept in for observation. Whoa, here comes the next stage. It was not the usual opening of the eyes stage but instead I was welcomed back to consciousness with a searing pain in my chest and a dull aching pain on my face. Well that was a surprise, with a mighty effort I managed to open my heavy eyes. Bad idea. The lights. Close the eyes again. Scrunching up my face as the light attacked my eyes only served to worsen the pain in my face. "Is he awake?" That was my dads voice, ok what the hell is going on? "I think so... Stuart... Are you awake?" No shit Sherlock, ok ok hold the temper. "I think so..." I managed to force a smile which just served to make me wince as my face failed to see the humour. "Thank god..." Whoa my mums here too. Where is here? Time to try the eyes thing again. This time slowly. I carefully managed to open my eyes fractionally and saw the blurry outlines of my mum and dad. Then as I shifted my focus to the left I saw the owner of the elderly voice. A man in a white coat, a doctor by the looks of things stood beside my dad. "Where?" I managed to croak, my throat feeling suddenly very dry. "In hospital son, you were attacked!" Oh that's nice, my throat still wouldn't let me focus on what my dad had just informed me. "Some water?" Another croak which the doctor responded to, giving me a sip of the most refreshing, satisfying, plain old water that I have ever tasted. Then it hit me, I had been attacked. Slowly I was beginning to remember going jogging and then something hit me.

Al's Perspective

Wednesday mornings, god I hate them. Fully booked for the day, sitting in the same old classroom for eight hours with only a few scattered breaks. It was now eleven thirty, five hours to go. The lecturer doggedly continued muttering about building foundations, every once in a while checking his watch counting the minutes left before he got a much needed coffee break. I placed my head in my hands, running my fingers through my soft black hair. Then the damn mobile in my jacket pocket began ringing. "Take it easy" blared out from the little phone. I reached into the pocket of my jacket which was discarded under my seat and pulled out the wretched contraption. I checked the display and saw that it was Stuart's dad. That wasn't right, something was wrong. I mumbled and apology to the lecturer as the whole class's attention was on me and I was off out the door. Once in the corridor I pressed talk and fitted the phone to my ear. "Hello." I managed; a little fear tinged my voice as scenarios ran through my head. "Alan... Sorry for bothering you when you're at college pal... It's just that Stuart was attacked this morning, he was out jogging... I thought I'd let you know." My hands began trembling uncontrollably, no this can't happen. Oh god don't let him be hurt. I love him. He can't be hurt, "Alan... Are you still there..." "Is he... Is he ok?" I placed my back against the wall to support myself, my legs were not functioning as they should. "He's a bit knocked up... But he's gonna be all right, he has a broken nose and a few busted ribs. We are at the general hospital in the city if you want to visit him later..." The mobile was off and stuffed back into my pockets. I threw open the door to the classroom to the surprise of the lecturer and the class. Snatched my bag and jacket throwing them on I sprinted down the corridor to the stair well oblivious to the questions of the lecturer. As fast as my legs would carry me I flew down the stairs, out the main entrance and up over the gates which I would have normally taken the time to open. I raced along the busy street until I found a taxi rank. No one was waiting on one so I leapt in the first one I saw. "General hospital mate, city centre!" The taxi driver saw my red cheeks and smiled. "Training for the marathon pal?" He smirked at his own joke but I was lost in thought as he pulled away from the kerb.

As soon as I arrived at the hospital I slowed my pace, no running. Couldn't stop my damned hands shaking. I moved to reception where a pretty blonde woman flashed me a smile. "I'm looking for..." "Al!" I heard behind me, it was Stuart's dad standing next to one of the vending machines retrieving two cups of coffee. I spun around and walked briskly over to him, "Didn't expect to see you here so quickly..." Stuart's dad noticed my hands were trembling and my face was chalk white, "Hey now, you ok?" His dad placed the coffee aside and engulfed me in his muscled arms. He stood only and inch taller than me but all his life he had kept fit, doing karate and hitting the gym with a vengeance. I melted into his chest sobbing my eyes out, "Easy kid, Stuart's gonna be ok!" He released me only to pick the coffee back up and lead me through a large pair of swing doors. I found myself in a small deserted waiting room bar one other person. Stuart mum. God I even love his family, they are so damned nice. Stuart's mum is confined to a wheelchair outside the house, she can only walk small distances before she tires. She has Osteoporosis and arthritis amongst other things, but she is one of the most caring people you could ever meet. She looked up at me with a warm smile and opened her arms. Lamely I walked over still sobbing and let myself be enveloped by her warmth. Stuart's dad, also called Stuart handed a coffee to Stuart's mum. She smiled and rubbed my hair with her free hand. "Alan baby... You really care for Stuart don't you..." She stroked my hair gently. "Yes..." Was all I could manage as I hung my head, she gently raised my chin with her hand. "He loves you... More than you know!" A little tear traced its way down her cheek; she let it fall onto her knee, "Go see him, he's in that room there!" She pointed to a plain door reading room 205. I managed to prise myself away from Stuart's mum and slowly I made my way to the door. With a soft knock I opened it carefully. As I entered I saw the room was sparsely decorated. Basically it was a bed and a television set. Stuart lay with his eyes closed on the bed; the television was still on so I reached up and turned it off. As I moved closer I saw that his face was pretty swollen, especially his nose which was beginning to look purple. I winced as I saw the bruises and a tear trickled down my face only to be wiped off with my sleeve. His lower lip was split and painful looking and his left eye was black. I sat myself at the side of his bed, placing my little hand on top of his. His eyes began to flutter open, before they were fully awake and aware, I withdrew my hand. He turned slightly his big brown eyes staring directly into my puffy tear welled blue eyes and smiled. "Can you maybe... Put your hand... Back, it was kind of nice!" He lowered his eyes shyly. I obliged him holding his hand revelling in the warmth, "How did you know I was here?" "Your dad called me... I was so scared... Stoo... I... Your..." Come on mouth work damn you. Say the words. Say the words. Stuart smiled again, seeing my internal conflict, "... I love you!" Immediately I withdrew my hand and turned away expecting the sting of rejection from the one person I couldn't bear to be rejected by. "If you love me then you better put that hand back..." I looked up, confusion written all over my face. "Did you hear me? I said I loved you... You know... LOVED... You, in like the..." "I love you too, I always have, ever since I met you!" Stuart squeezed my hand gently, guiding me to my feet with his powerful yet so gentle arms. Slowly he drew me closer, bringing our faces together until they were almost touching. My mind was blank, I couldn't move I was totally lost in the moment. "But your lip..." I managed to warn him that contact with his lip being so agonizingly split would cause him great pain. "I don't care!" I could feel his hot breath on my face. Ok heart stop it right now or you are going to burst, I commanded the galloping muscle in my chest. Finally our lips made contact; he never even winced as he kissed me full on the lips. I couldn't move. I didn't want to. He placed one of his hands on the nape of my neck, caressing me gently. I had never felt so much emotion; he seemed to be pouring his very soul into the kiss. Then it was over, gently he pulled our lips apart, leaving his hand on my neck. Stroking the back of my hair. "That must have hurt..." I said my voice barely a whisper. My whole body was still on fire as the shockwaves of what had just transpired reverberated around my body. "It was worth it..." He smiled, pulling my head against his chest. Just then there was a small knock at the door and Stuart's dad strolled in. My first reaction was to move away but Stuart held me firm. His dad smiled and sat down at the other side of the bed. Stuart gently let me go and I sat back down on the seat, unsure of what to do next. Stuart opened his hand and laid it on the bed. Somehow, without needing to be ordered, my hand found his. "How do you feel son?" Stuart's dad placed one foot on a bar of the bed leaning back into his chair. "Damn good!" Stuart grinned. "Pity you don't look it kiddo!" I smiled as Stuart's dad ruffled his sons hair, "Doctor wants you to stay in over night! You want us to stick around?" Stuart turned to face me, his big brown eyes asking a question which I already knew the answer to. "I'll stay with him sir... You and Mrs..." "Stuart and Liz son... none of this Mr this and Mrs that!" I smiled. "Ok, you guys should go home, I'll be fine here with him sir, I'll call you if Stuart needs you!" Stuart's dad smiled for a moment seeming proud of what I had just said. He looked back and forth between me and Stuart, seeming to choke down some emotion. He placed his hand on Stuart's head. "Ok... I'll see you guys later!" He left with a smile.

Next: Chapter 2

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