Little Gay Slut

By John Verradezon

Published on Jan 20, 2008


The camera zoomed in and caught my massive smile as the spunk dripped from my face...

And that was pretty much how my weekends were for the next few months. Geoff' or David (the photographer) would pick me up from outside my parent's house early on Saturday and Sunday mornings and they would drive me in to work at the studio.

There would always be a change of clothes in the car. Geoffrey used to drive a big, comfy Mercedes, and I'd climb into the back and get changed there.

This was odd, humiliating, but a turn on. There I was, stripping naked on the back seat of a car driving through the streets of London, with people able to look in all the way! Then I'd be putting on the underwear Geoffrey or David has selected. Invariably, this would be sexy, lacy stuff. Panties with a slit up the back, so that I could be fucked without taking them off, a matching wonder-bra of some kind, usually with something to enhance my non-existent, little boys' cleavage, stockings - sometimes hold-ups, sometimes with a matching suspender belt. Then there would be a dress of some kind.

If David was picking me up in the studio van, I'd usually be in the back, struggling to get into some slutty little mini-dress that hardly covered my bum! It was usually bright red, black or white. If Geoffrey was collecting me, then I'd usually end up wearing a smart, but tiny, office-like mini-skirt, with a simple white blouse.

Then I'd climb into the front and start on my make-up, they never liked me to wear much, but I didn't seem to need to. I had the kind of face which just looked like a little girls if it floated above the right clothes. All the same, I was usually given bright lipstick, a little eye-shadow and a touch of mascara. My hair was already grown long and I'd just brush it into a girly style and finish off with a light hairspray.

By the time we got to the studio, if Geoffrey had driven, I'd look like the office man-killer and would strut confidently through the reception area, swaying my hips and knowing that I made cocks twitch to get up my bum! If David had driven, I'd look like a cheap whore, the kind that would wrap her lips round your cock and take it up her ass if you just asked her nice!

Frankly, looks were not deceptive.

I usually stopped and had a flirty chat with the two security guards on duty. These were the same guys that had been my co-stars in my first paid movie!

They were both old degenerates really. Always their talk was dirty and suggestive, usually accompanied by invitations to go round to their side of the desk and "polish a knob" or "sit on their laps".

I never went unless Geoff' or David told me I could. Sometimes they would nod slightly and I'd round the reception desk like a shot. I'd plant my pert little bottom on Frank or Peter's lap, wriggling into their manhood until I felt them hard and twitching against me.

"Don't go leaving your spunky stains on my dress!" I'd warn, as I felt their cocks straining against the cheeks of my bum. Frank would usually position me so that his great, black member, pushed through his clothes and straight into my crack. Peter liked to feel himself against the soft cheeks of my buttocks. I loved it either way.

Whoever I was seated on, the other would usually present his cock to my lips and I'd lick the head of his cock lovingly, before taking his length into my mouth and letting my tongue wash over his shaft. I would suck and lick frantically, gently caressing his balls and letting one hand caress his thighs and his buttocks as he fucked my face. I was lucky, I'd feel the fumbling of a belt and zipper, hurriedly pulled open as a the other, rock-hard shaft was aimed at my tight, little hole.

Pre-cum and a good dose of spit is usually okay to get me ready to be mounted by whoever's going to take me. My dress or skirt would rise over my hips and I'd take my first cocks of the day up my bum and in my mouth before I ever made it up the stairs of the building!

The guys would finish pretty quickly on those occasions, and I'd straighten up my panties, my clothes and my make-up before I went up to the studio with fresh spunk on my breath... and oozing out of my tiny, puckered ring.

For the first few months, there was a succession of movies and photo shoots. The themes were usually of me being kidnapped or just forced to dress as a girl and being fucked silly by a whole load of men. In the first three months of working for Geoffrey, I figured I had been fucked by at least five or six men every weekend. Sometimes several times by each, some I had fucked on different occasions, mostly they were new guys every weekend.

I lost count of the times Geoff' and David had fucked me. David's favourite was to have me just sit on his cock and ride him while he sat on the sofa in the middle of the studio - in front of everybody!

When he finished cumming inside me, he'd just slap my bum and tell me to clean him up. I would stand on shaky legs, easing his wilting, spunky, lubed and shitty cock from my bum, then I'd turn and kneel in front of him, taking him in my mouth and lovingly cleaning him up as his cock would return to hardness and eventually reward me with a mouthful of his salty maleness.

Then there were the men that Geoffrey bought back to the studio. They would stand and watch me getting gang-banged for the camera. Watch the spunk ooze from my bum and the cum drip from my spattered face, as I was humped time and again in front of the camera, then they'd take me into the "hospitality room" and take me themselves!

The "hospitality room", was a small side room on the main studio. This had a double bed, an adjoining toilet & shower, a closet and a large dressing table and mirror, with a range of make-up and feminine toiletries - mainly for my use. The unique thing about the room though, was that it absolutely covered by cameras and microphones in every conceivable hiding place. All of these were connected to a control booth in another room off of the main studio. A room to which only David and Geoffrey had access. I was pretty certain that a few of those men that Geoffrey let fuck me, were going to be blackmailed in some way. Still, I didn't care, my weekends were a blur of fucking and sucking and that's what I lived for!

It was one of those weekends that changed my life yet again. I was one my knees in front of the cameras. I had cum dripping off my cheeks and nose, my hair was plastered around face by a mixture of sweat and sperm. A fat, older guy, he must have weighed about 280lbs, was pounding my ass with a nine-inch, rock solid erection and showing no immediate signs of slowing down! Another guy had taken his cock out of my mouth and was masturbating over my face. I was holding mouth open and waiting to take his spunk over my face and my waiting tongue. A third guy, who had just shot his load over my face, was taking a breather and gently playing with my own tiny cock and balls through my white, lacy panties as he knelt by my side.

It was then that I almost screamed as I saw my own father walk through the studio door, accompanied by Geoffrey!!

I caught the look on David's face as he stood behind the main camera.

He scowled and gestured for me to carry on as usual.

This was surreal, my dad was going to go fucking nuts when he realised who was up here getting gang-fucked by a bunch of fat, horny old bastards.

But then, I felt the old guy up my ass beginning to tense. He was cumming and demanded my full attention. His cock began to twitch spastically in my bowels and he gripped my hips harder, pulling me onto his cock he rammed himself deep into me.

I was in Heaven as he filled me with his seed. The guy kneeling by my side rubbed my little-boy cock a little more firmly and I started to spurt my own climax into my panties.

The third old bear fucking my face grunted and at that moment, he shot his load across my face and I looked up, eyes closed (I had learnt that spunk stung like Hell if it got in your eyes - too much of a waste as well), mouth open and caught his following shots in my mouth and over my tongue. I swallowed greedily and smiled a big, beaming smile.

The big, fat man fucking ass, pulled his wilting cock out of my bum and David told me to turn around, still on all fours, and clean his cock off, whilst one of the cameras closed in on the state of his dirty genitals before I took him between my lips. The other cameras zoomed in for a close-up of the dripping, messy, cream-pie that was my little, stretched bum-hole.

My own tiny, spunky, still twitching, cock and balls, hanging exhausted between my thighs for all to see. The fat man with his cock in my mouth groaned and I increased my ministrations, fondling his balls with one hand. I pulled my mouth off his shaft and held his erection against my face as I lapped at his hairy balls like a kitten.

He groaned louder and his shaft twitched again against my face. The strength of his manhood was such that it jerked away and I took him back into the welcoming warmth of my mouth. I could tell he wasn't going to last long, even though he had fucked me once already.

He was so virile and a huge, strong, old man, even though his hairy stomach pushed hard against my forehead!

His cock started to spew its load unexpectedly and I took his load into my mouth, making sure I never swallowed. His diminishing penis slipped from between my lips as I turned to face the camera. I opened my mouth and showed everybody my tongue and teeth, swimming in his milky sperm. I laughed as some dribbled down my chin. I closed my mouth, swallowed it all and began to scoop up the loads that covered my face with sticky fingers. I licked up every drop as the camera recorded my cum addiction!

A few seconds went by and I could hear the fat man saying, "Jesus, I've never cum like that before, that little slut is fucking incredible!"

It was then that I realised my fucking father was watching!! I shot up off my knees and David was at my side instantly. "Just calm down!" He whispered sharply in my ear. "He hasn't recognised you. Geoff's told him we do this sort of thing every so often for the cash, and he's sent you off with a delivery van so you'll be out all day."

I was still scared, my dad hadn't had a clear look at me yet and despite the feminine hairdo, the make-up and the sexy lingerie, I was convinced he'd know it was me instantly. My heart was pounding as David led me away from the cameras and I realised we were going over to Geoffrey and my daddy!

"We call her Pamela." I could hear Geoffrey saying to my dad. I looked up at my dad, nervously touching up my hair and trying to adjust my bra to cover my nipples and pulling my cum-soaked panties over my little cock all at once.

He was my father after all.

My daddy smiled and Geoffrey continued, this time to me. "Pammy, this is Ray, he's little John's dad. You know Johnny." I nodded. My throat had closed up and I was staring at my dad like a frightened rabbit, caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

Geoffrey carried on... "He was passing and dropped in to see how his baby boy was getting on. I explained we send him off on errands on days like this." Geoffrey was doing his usual routine, eloquent and believable.

Then I caught the words that terrified the life out me. I jerked my head around to Geoffrey and had to ask him to repeat himself.

"I'm sorry?" I almost shouted.

"Ray was just saying how horny your little performance was making him. Why don't you take him back to the hospitality room and show him what a hot little slut you really are..." the rest of his words were lost as my eyes drifted over my daddy. I was seeing him as a man for the first time. The belly, the growth of beard where he hadn't shaved on weekend and, as my eyes drifted lower, the growing bulge between his legs.

My daddy was getting a hard-on for me! My daddy wanted fuck me... and I was going to let him!!

My mouth went dry and I felt my little cock begin to harden in my panties, my hand reached out and my little fingers touched my daddy's to take his hand. I turned and said in a cracking voice, "Come with me Ray. Let's have some fun."

With that, I led my father across the studio to the door in the corner, beyond which, I was going to take my daddy's cock up my bum and swallow the spunk which had made me only a few years ago!! I was certain my father could hear my heart pounding and the voice screaming in my head, "He's your father! Your father for fucks' sake! Have you no fucking shame? Will you fuck anything with a cock?"

The answer, I was beginning to realise, was probably a resounding "YES".

We got to the door and I reached out for the handle, I could just see David and Geoffrey disappearing into the video control room further down the studio as I pulled the door open.

I walked in and held the door open for my father. As he walked past, his left hand stroked my naked thigh over my stocking top and a shiver of lust ran through my whole body.

I closed the door and twisted the handle to lock it.

He was standing just in front of me, a light sheen of sweat on his forehead. He reached forward just slightly and ran both his hands over my hips and cupped my little bottom in his big hands. He pulled me to him and I felt his erection throbbing in the centre of my tummy.

I reached up and put my arms up, I jumped slightly into his grasp as I wrapped my arms around his neck and drew him into a deep, passionate kiss. His tongue invaded my mouth and fenced sexily with my own.

I could feel the rough stubble of my father's beard scraping my skin, but I ignored the discomfort and held him tight as we kissed wetly and eagerly.

His cock was throbbing and rock hard against me and I couldn't ignore it any longer. I just had to feel what my daddy's hardness felt like between my fingers, my lips and my legs. I opened my arms and slid away from his grasp. I began unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his chest, bristling with dark and silver hair which spread down over his stomach.

I kissed his chest and down his stomach, pulling his shirt free from the top of his beige Chinos. Sinking to my knees, I unbuckled his belt and slid his zipper down. He stepped back slightly and kicked off his shoes and socks. I looked up, locking eyes for a few seconds as I reached forward and ran both my hands over the front of his crotch, pulling the beige cotton apart and running my hands over the growing bulge in his white Y-fronts.

His cock gave a pronounced lurch and I could see a large damp patch of pre-cum over the tip of his hard-on, as his copious pre-cum soaked through. I leaned forward and ran my lips along his shaft and licked hungrily at the damp patch of the material.

He pushed me back and reached into the waistband of his underpants and pulled the material down, over his raging hard-on, his strong, hairy thighs and kicking them to one side.

My daddy was naked from the waist down, with his strong, throbbing erection waving about four inches in front of my eyes. He was circumcised, with a pronounced and swollen tip, about seven inches long. I reached up with one hand and wrapped my fingers around his girth, slowly stroking his shaft with one hand and cupping his balls with the other. My finger tips just met around his shaft and I smiled with anticipation. I looked up into his eyes and he nodded slightly. I leaned forward and ran my tongue over the head of his organ, tasting my daddy's pre-cum, which covered his entire length. I took him gently into the warmth of my mouth and breathed through my nose as I lovingly moved my lips up and down his shaft.

He gasped, and I felt his thighs quiver as he moved into the rhythm I was setting. After a few seconds I let him pull out as I stood up and backed over to the bed, gently pulling him with me, with one hand on his manhood and the other caressing his chest. I was so focused on my daddy's hot and throbbing organ I climbed onto the bed without taking my hands or my eyes from him. I laid myself back and he slid over my body until his cock was again right in front of my face and his knees pinned my upper arms to the bed as knelt over me.

He reached behind my head and with both hands, bought my mouth up to the tip of his prick. He smeared his pre-cum over my lips and I licked eagerly along his slit.

"Put it in my mouth daddy!" I begged - then I realised what I had said. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! How could I have been so stupid??!!

"Wh- What did you say?" He asked, a bit croakily.

"I'm sorry, i- it's just, you're so much older than me... and I... I.."

"It's OK," he replied. "Call me daddy. I like it."

Christ I thought, that was a near thing.

I looked into his eyes and asked again, "Please, please put your thing in my mouth daddy. I want to taste your spunk so much."

I couldn't say any more, my mouth was so full of cock. My daddy face fucked me hard. I could hardly keep up with the pre-cum and my own saliva as I gobbled his length as fast as I could.

He didn't last much longer. His cock suddenly spewed forth a long, hot powerful jet of sperm. I swallowed gratefully, savouring his taste as I heard him gasp.

"Ohhhh, Gooood... you're so good. My little baby... daddy's little baby girl."

His cock unloaded again and again, filling my mouth with the seed that had made me... and I swallowed as fast as I could. I didn't allow any to escape and I loved it all.

When he had finished, he rolled off of me, letting my arms move once again and releasing my head to fall back on the bed. He lay to my right, with his semi-erect cock, glistening and twitching.

I lay there for a few seconds, but I wasn't ready to stop yet. I sat up and knelt over his thighs, facing his feet, I put both my hands and his thighs, just over his knees. Slowly, I lowered my ass over his cock and let my freshly-fucked crack slide over his knob.

I could feel him growing back to hardness and I pushed back into him more firmly. His hands caressed my hips, running over my smooth flesh and stroking my buttock through my panties.

I reached behind and grasped both the cheeks of my little bottom and pulled them apart, obscenely offering my little puckered opening to his throbbing maleness. He moved a hand to his shaft and aimed the head of his cock at my opening. I used my weight to bear down on his fleshy pole and I felt his bulbous head penetrate my bottom.

"Oh God, Oh God! Daddy you're inside me! Fuck it to me daddy! Fuck your little baby girl-boy with that big stick! Fuck my ass daddy, fuck me!" I was incoherent with sheer lust as my head lolled forward and I babbled any filth that came to mind.

My daddy just gripped my hips and thrust up into my bowels, filling me with his beautiful weapon. I could feel every ridge and vein of his wonderful cock as it ploughed up into my ass and slowly withdrew, just leaving the tip inside me, then I would shove back down as hard as I could and he would slam his hips up into me whilst pulling me down by my waist.

We were fucking like wild animals and I was screaming obscenities as his cock ploughed into me. I reached down and began to stroke my own little penis, which was tenting my panties painfully.

My father saw me touching myself and this seemed to spur him on to redouble his efforts, fucking me with a frenzy I hadn't known in my short, but experienced career!

Suddenly he froze, I could feel the swell of his erection in my bowels as it twitched and the first white hot jets of my daddies cum spurted into me. He held me hard and thrust his hips into my buttocks violently, once, twice, three, four times, emptying his balls into his baby boy.

The very thought of my daddy's sperm swimming inside me sent me over the edge and I filled my panties with my cum once again. I slumped forward, my fathers cock sliding from between my buttocks and the cum of several fuckings that day dribbled from ass and down my thighs.

I swung around, eager for him not to have clean himself up, I took his now flaccid member once again into my mouth. I licked him clean and eagerly swallowed the familiar mixture that coated his penis. I quickly realised he wasn't going to get hard again though, and let his member slip from my mouth as kissed my way over his rounded tummy, across his chest and eventually back to his mouth. We kissed long and passionately until he muttered something about getting home before John got back here.

I almost laughed out loud. He still hadn't realised who he'd been fucking the ass off?

He collected his clothes and staggered into them, before mumbling something about seeing me again sometime. He fumbled with the lock on the door and all but ran out of the room.

I lay there giggling. My daddy was embarrassed! He had just given me an incredible fucking and an amazing orgasm and then ran off like I was going to eat him!

I got off the bed and staggered into the bathroom on shaky legs. I took a somewhat painful shit, great globs of semen spurting into the pan. I cleaned myself up and changed my underwear into a clean set of rather racy, red, silk bra and panties .

I wandered back into the studio with a big grin on my face and stood behind David and Geoffrey as they watched my father fucking me on one of the studio screens.

Geoffrey didn't even turn round when he announced, "He wanted to know when we'd do another shoot like today's. He wants to get up his little girls ass on a regular basis!"

"And who can blame him?" Added David.

I looked up at the screen and watched my face and that of my daddy contort in the throes of pleasure as we fucked each other stupid on the big screen.

"Get round here bitch and do what you're fucking here for." Barked Geoffrey.

He and David both had their cocks out and were in need of my attention.

I walked round and settled on my knees in front of my men, taking each cock in turn into my mouth, licking and sucking confidently, working on milking the cum from both.

I caressed their balls and stroked each shaft whilst I sucked the other. Two or three minutes later I was rewarded with loads of salty, milky cum, which I swallowed avidly.

They both took me back into the hospitality room after that, fucking me one after the other until they both came for a second time. I cleaned them both up with my mouth - and David managed to cum for third time - before it was time for me to get changed and head off home.

How the fuck was I going to look my daddy in the eye now? When the last time I saw him, he pulling his underpants up over a cock that had plundered my ass?

To be continued... if I get enough requests - let me know what you think... and what you'd do to me if you got the chance!!!

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