Little Gay Slut

By John Verradezon

Published on Sep 16, 2007


My First Day "At Work"

"You know what to fucking do bitch." He said and gestured downward with a nod of his head. I sank to my knees, eager to please him and took his softening member between my lips. I took much of his length straight into my mouth and licked around his shaft quickly, removing the mixture of spunk, lube and shit as quickly as I could. I swallowed frequently and, to be honest, I quite liked the taste. The thought of swallowing my own shit was actually worse than doing it. I wondered if the taste of someone else's shit would have been any different and the idea made my own erection even harder. God, was I a fucking little pervert or what???!!!

I felt Geoffrey's cock jerk in my mouth, with that telltale twitch of the first shot of spunk. His sperm rolled across the back of my tongue, letting me hold it in my mouth a few seconds to savour his taste before I swallowed. The first spurt of cum was followed by another and another, not as much as before, but enough for me to mix with my own saliva and relish a beautiful mouthful of my man's spunk before I swallowed it down.

"Good girl." Said Geoff', with a bit of a croak in his voice. He cleared his throat, "Christ you've gotten good at that bloody quickly."

I smiled, "I've had some practise... and a good teacher." I replied as I tucked his wilting member back into his underpants and zipped him up.

"I've got a few things for you try on before the others get here." He continued, as he turned and made his way to a set of louvred doors at the far end of the studio. He opened the doors widely to reveal a huge, walk-in wardrobe. It was full of beautiful, sexy lingerie. Stockings, basques, panties, thongs, French knickers, camisoles, bras, baby-doll nighties, teddies, sexy silk night dresses with loooong slits up the side, mini-skirts & tops - it was an absolute dream!

I kicked off my jeans and my own French knickers from around my ankles and ran over to the wardrobe. My little penis hard and bouncing in front of me. I threw my arms around Geoff's neck and kissed him on the lips, "I love you, I love you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squealed.

I started searching my way through the racks of beautiful, sexy clothes he had bought for me. As I looked, I heard a short knock on the door and David answered it. A woman in her thirties walked in and I heard David call over to Geoffrey, "Sally's here, for the make-up."

David walked her to us and Geoffrey called me over. "This is Sally," he said, "she's a make-up artist and does costume on some movies we make here. Listen to her, she'll take you round back and show you how to use the cosmetics in the dressing room and what underwear and clothes to go with what colours. She'll show you how to hide your dick in your panties - there are some special ones over there." He gestured to one side of the racks.

"They're designed for little slut-boys like you." He grinned. "She won't always be here and I you're going to be doing a few movies with us, so I want you ton know what you're up to with this stuff. It's expensive. The make-up & the gear is all the best, so treat it with care."

Geoffrey was stern and I paid attention. I followed Sally around like a little shadow and listened to every word she said. We selected a pair of white silk panties, with a reinforced front that held my little cock in place, even when I was really hard. They also had a slit which ran from the middle of the crotch, right up to the waistband at the back, where it was tied with a piece of silk in a bow.

"Let's the men have all the access to you they want my pretty, and lets them get them off you whether you like it or not." Sally grinned as she trailed a highly manicured, red finger nail down the cheek of my bum, ending with a sharp slap. I didn't much like her, she seemed a bit cruel and bitchy, like she thought, because I was a little cum dump, I was beneath her.

She was a woman wasn't she? I bet she had had her fair share of cocks up her. Why was she so different from me? Just because I took them up the bum and I a lot younger than her, didn't make her better than me.

It was funny, all the men could fuck me, make me suck their cocks, even eat my own shit off their dicks and I'd do it more than willingly. I couldn't be humiliated by them, because I loved it, but she could make me feel humiliated just by talking to me, or even looking at me in that way she had, as I tried on my panties.

Anyway, we also chose a white basque with silk ties at the front and back and a pair of really pretty, white silk stockings, with lacy tops and beautiful, matching suspender belt.

Then she picked out a pair of white, high-heeled, strappy shoes, and a white mini-dress which was sop short it didn't even meet the tops of my stockings.

When I got the clothes on, she took me to an adjoining room behind the wardrobe. It had a huge mirror surrounded by lights and loads of cosmetics and perfume in drawers and a little trolley against one wall.

We were in there ages. Not because I needed loads of make-up, but because she kept putting it on me, then washing it off and making me do it for myself until I did it just the way she liked it.

She stood me in front of the big mirror when we had finished. My fair hair had been set around my face in a light, wavy style. Perfectly feminine, yet easy to return to how it was before. My make-up had given me a hint of rouged cheeks, a subtle pink eye-shadow and a really deep, scarlet lipstick, whilst my nails had some extensions which matched the colour of my lipstick.

All this against the pure white of my tiny, little mini-dress, the white stockings with their lacy tops and my little white shoes.

I look like a complete street slut! There was no way anybody would guess I was a boy, but if I'd gone out after dark, I could have had my place on any street corner in the country - or in any man's bed!

I may not have liked her, but Sally sure knew her stuff, "Thanks Sally." I said.

She looked me over and replied, "You're a natural little slut boy." She said without a smile. "Now let's see how you walk in those shoes."

I got off the chair and strutted like a natural. Sally told me to swing my hips a bit more to get my ass swaying. "The men'll cream in the pants." She said.

"What a waste!" I exclaimed. "I want them creaming in me!"

Sally snorted and turned to leave.

"Why don't you like me Sally?" I asked.

She looked back at me, with the first hint of a smile all day, she said, "You want this way too much and the people you're messing with will give it to you. You're going to have so many men fucking you, making you suck their cocks, pissing on you, doing whatever they want to your little body..." She paused. "And when they're finished, maybe Geoff will do a couple of dog movies. Have you ever been raped by doggie cock? By some big old mastiff? By a fucking horse? Maybe Geoff' will get your daddy in to watch when they're filming one day - and he won't know it's his little boy under all the make-up and cum - and maybe he'll fuck you too. I just can't believe you're going to want all you're going to get."

With that, she turned and left.

I don't know if she thought all that was going to frighten me, or put me off somehow. All it did was make my little cock as hard as Hell! Piss on me? Raped by a dog? Fucked up the bum by a horse? By my dad?

I strutted my stuff out of the make-up room and the wardrobe to see Geoff again, swinging my hips and my bum with a huge grin on my face.

Geoff' was in deep conversation with David and the two security guards from downstairs and had his back to me. David looked up and immediately lifted his camera to his face and started taking shots, muttering something to Geoffrey. The two guards looked like they had lost all control of their faces, their jaws just dropped and their eyes looked like they were going to pop out of their skulls.

Geoffrey turned to look at me and his face did the same thing. I was beaming with pride. I knew I looked fucking HOT.

"Jesus, you look incredible." Whispered Geoff'. "Fucking incredible."

In my absence, part of the front of the studio that hadn't caught my eye before, had been lit up with dozens of light stands and focused bulbs. It looked like the end of an alley way. It had fake concrete on the floor and fake brick walls down both sides and at the far end. There were also a couple of mattresses on the floor that looked like they had really been dragged off the street.

Geoff' was talking to the two security guards and I could only make out snatches of what he was saying. "Your costumes are over there... usual rates... you've seen him... you should be fucking paying me... you're sleeping rough when this slut just walks down the alley OK?"

When he finished, the two guards went off and I could see them starting to tug at the top buttons of their shirt collars as they began to take their clothes off.

Geoffrey came over to me. "We're going to make a bit of a movie today. Story's simple. You're a bitch who gets lost, you take a wrong turn and end up down this alley. The two guys sleeping rough down there think it's Christmas and fuck you crazy. You OK with that?"

"What about you and David?" I asked, "Can't you fuck me as well?"

Geoff' laughed, "You really can't get enough can you? We'll see just how much more you can take after these two have done their best - old Frank over there," Geoff' pointed to the black guy, "has got a cock on him that makes the butcher look like you!"

He was referring to Charlie, our family butcher that had fucked me as well, on the night I lost my virginity to Geoff' and his friends. Christ, if Frank was bigger than he had been he must be a fucking monster!

"The white guy's called Peter by the way." Added Geoff'. "You may as well know the name of the guy whose going to be cumming up your ass." He laughed and walked back to stand by David. David was directing another cameraman, who I hadn't seen before, to stand to one side with a smaller video camera. I think he was supposed to get close-ups.

I waited for the two "down and outs" to get into their places, before I walked onto the set of my first movie.

I did like I was told and strolled onto the fake concrete toward they two men lying on the mattress.

"What've we got here Frankie?" The coarse voice of the old white guy began. "Looks like miss cum slut has lost her way!"

"That it does." Said Frank, swinging himself up to look at me. They were both about six feet in front of me and looking up my skirt from down on their mattresses.

"She's looks fucking ready to doesn't she?" Said Peter.

"R - R - Ready for wh - wh - what?" I stammered, trying to sound scared. Instead I was certain both the men could see my little, four inch hard-on straining at the reinforced front of my panties.

"Ready for a fucking slut!" Peter almost shouted as he jumped to his feet, surprisingly fast for an old guy. I turned to try and run, but he lashed out and grabbed hold of my left wrist, swinging me round so that my arc took me backwards toward his mattress.

My high heels hit the mattress and I staggered back, losing my balance and landing on my back on the filthy surface. I screamed and tried to close my legs together as my little mini-dress rose up past my thighs, revealing the soft "V" of my panties. I put one of my hands down in front of my panties and the other behind my bottom, trying to pull my dress back down.

Peter got down on top me, straddling my thighs as Frank approached from the right.

"Easy beautiful, we aint gonna hurt you... any more than you want us to that is." Said Frank.

Peter put his hands between my knees and roughly spread my legs. Exposing my panties to their gaze. His hands travelled up my thighs to the front of my panties and continued over my cock, stroking and caressing me through the material.

I wriggled slightly and groaned with lust.

Peter sat up and, grabbing one ankle, he lifted my leg over his chest and spun me over onto my front. It was then that they both got a look at the slit up the back of my panties, revealing the crack of my bum and parts of both cheeks.

Frank whistled and laughed, "She is so fucking READY for it man!"

"And she's going to get it!" Peter replied as he ran his hands up the backs of my thighs to my buttocks. He slid his hands over both cheeks, squeezing and stroking, pulling them apart and tracing a finger down my crack and over the delicate rosebud of my anus.

He must have got some lube from somewhere, probably hidden under the mattress, but the next thing I knew, he had smoothed some over my bum-hole and was sliding a finger inside me.

I groaned and pushed back against him, desperate for more... and more than just a finger. For a few seconds he pushed one, then a second, then a third finger inside my bum, finger fucking me slowly but firmly, making me moan and thrust back my hips in sensual abandon.

Frank moved around to my face and between him and Peter, they stuffed a few bundled rags and coats under my stomach and chest to get me up to the right height. He shuffled about and I could see him dropping his dirty old jogging bottoms around his ankles. He stepped out of them and lowered himself to present the head of the longest, fattest cock I had so far seen to my waiting lips.

I remembered that I was supposed to be unwilling here, so I resolutely clamped my lips shut as he pushed his mammoth cock forward. The big tip had been leaking pre-cum all over his cock and much of his length was slimy with it, glistening in the lights. He began to smear the head of his cock and large amounts of his salty, secretions over my made-up face. I didn't want him to ruin my eye-shadow and lipstick, so I moved my face away and his pre-cum smeared all over my nose, both cheeks and lips.

Frank grabbed my hair and I gasped in pain, opening my mouth as he pulled my head up. His cock-head slipped into my mouth and I stretched my jaws wide to receive him. I licked the head enthusiastically, running my tongue through the slit at the tip of his engorged knob, moaning around his meat as I swallowed the mixture of my saliva and his pre-cum.

He pushed forward with his hips and slid a couple more inches into my mouth, forcing me to keep swallowing so that I didn't gag. Slowly he withdrew a little, then slid forward again, building a steady rhythm and fucking my mouth with his great cock. I squealed in a kind of muffled, high-pitched protest and both men laughed.

Peter's hands had become quite busy around my little, rounded bottom. One hand held the cheeks of my bum apart, whilst he finger-fucked me with three, thick digits with rapid fire thrusts. My poor little bum quivered and shook as my own cock got harder and harder. Suddenly, I felt that tingling of no return that signalled I was about to reach my own climax. Peter had hardly touched my little penis, but the hard and fast fucking of my ass by his fingers and the fucking of my face by Frank's monster had just been too much. My cock began to twitch and spew cum into my panties as those delicious sensation washed over my body.

As my tight little sphincter spasmed, Peter withdrew his fingers and in one swift movement, thrust his rock-hard, 7" cock up my ass. He held himself there for a few seconds as my high-pitched squeals escaped past the cock in my mouth, before he began his steady, insistent thrusts into my rectum. I could feel every inch of him inside me, every vein of his cock as it throbbed, hot and hard inside my tight little boy-cunt. His thrusts picked up tempo and Frank matched him in my mouth, as I was skewered between the two of them - venting their lust on my body.

After only one or two minutes of the faster, harder tempo of my fucking, I felt the first signals of Frank's approaching orgasm. His cock began to swell to an even greater girth and I struggled to contain his shaft as the first gobs of cum began to spew into my mouth. The strength of his cock and the power of his orgasm threatened to take his cock from my mouth.

I reached up with one hand, difficult given how hard Peter was still fucking up into my ass, and grasped his hose to prevent my losing so much as a drop. That's when I heard David telling me to let some of it out of my mouth and down my chin for the camera. I moved my mouth back a little and took another shot of cum on my tongue and upper lip, then a third over my left cheek, before I captured the rest on my tongue. I eagerly swallowed, licked and sucked every last drop before he pulled away.

I hung my head down between my arms. My whole body jerking forward as I moaned with each of Peter's vigorous thrusts. After about another minute I could feel him tense, thrusting his hips hard against the backs of my thighs and my buttocks, as he shot load after load of hot cum, deep into my bowels. I arched my back and gasped, open-mouthed into the camera, as I heard Peter all but yelling, "Yes, yesss, yessss, you fucking little whore." He slapped my ass firmly and held me by the hips, pulling me firmly down onto his spasming cock.

There was no relenting though, Peter pulled out of my clasping bum-hole, to be almost immediately replaced by Frank's huge cock. His monster erection ploughed through my already stretched sphincter and buried itself into my bowels. I screamed like a little girl, with pain and joy as his rock-hard prick ploughed into my little bottom.

I thrust back to meet his penetration, arching my back as I was mounted like a little bitch in heat. Peter stepped around to my front, and there was yet another spunk-covered, shit stained cock for me to clean off. I didn't hesitate, opening my mouth and accepting his still-hard member as it slid over my tongue.

Meanwhile, my ass was on fire with an absolute frenzy of lust, as I was stretched to way beyond what I had believed possible. Frank pulled out, leaving only his knob still past my entrance. He paused, making me squirm, trying to push back onto his shaft, before he thrust back into me, fucking his huge member deep into the warm, tight, clasping tunnel of my anus.

I washed Peter's cock with my saliva and stroked it with my tongue. Easily recovering his full erection in a few seconds. It wasn't long before both men had me swaying between their eager thrusts yet again, but with both having already climaxed, I knew I could count on it lasting longer this time.

Once or twice, both men pulled their cocks out of my holes, teasing me for the camera and making me beg for them to put their cocks back inside me.

This was so hot, I knew that neither guy was going to last much longer. Sure enough, Frank was the first to crack, spewing his cum into my bowels, mixing with Peter's and with Geoff's from earlier. The amount of spunk in my ass overflowed and oozed past Frank's cock, still thrust into my rectum right up to his balls.

Almost synchronised, Peter came, spewing his load into my welcoming mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could, letting just a bit escape to run down my chin for the camera. Peter and Frank both pulled out, Peter stepped back out the way as the camera swung round to my face.

Frank stepped in, he took his cock, covered in what I had come to expect from a serious ass fucking, and began to smear his cock all over my face. I opened my mouth and let my tongue lash his balls and take as much of the muck off his cock as possible, but my face rapidly became one shit, spunk and lube covered mess.

The camera zoomed in and caught my massive smile as the spunk dripped from my ass and covered my face.

To be continued... if I get enough requests - let me know what you think... and what you'd do to me if you got the chance!!!

Next: Chapter 7

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