Little Gay Slut

By John Verradezon

Published on Jun 28, 2007


Back to the Party

On aching limbs, I began to sit up on the bed. I could feel the spunk drying on my face as I moved my over-used mouth. I lifted my fingers to my nose and wiped off a still-wet glob of semen, God knows whose it was, Jack's Sanjay's, Goerge's or Geoff's. I looked at it on my fingers and lifted them to my mouth, sucking the cooling semen onto my tongue and swirling it around before swallowing.

Jack was standing nearest to me, his now spent cock, hanging limply between his thighs. I looked at it before I met his eyes as he said, "You are still so fucking hot."

I smiled as sweetly as I could and edged to the side of the bed. "I need to get something to drink." I said, looking down at my beautiful French knickers, now screwed up around my knees and soaked in my own cum, not to mention the dripping remnants of a sound fucking by four, full grown men. I stood up and pulled my knickers over my bum and my own aching dick. I had cum once, but I knew by how semi-hard I still was that I could do so again.

The cold semen on my knickers stuck to my balls and made the silk cling to the cheeks of my little bottom. As I stood up and moved toward the door, Geoff' patted my ass and gave me a squeeze. "You've been such a good girl." He said, "All the slut we could have wished for!" He kissed me lightly on the ear as I passed.

Again I smiled, and turned to look him in the eye, "I want to see you again." I said, with a real yearning. I didn't want this to be the last time this lovely old guy had his cock up me. I wanted to feel him mounting me again and again. The more I thought about it, I could feel my little cock getting harder.

"Here," he said, handing me a small, white card, "this has all my details on it. Call me as soon as you can and we'll sort something out." I took the card and headed for the door. George and Sanjay just sat, looking somewhat exhausted, but with big grins on their faces, on the other side of the room.

As I got to the door, I turned to George. "I want to see my performance. I want to take a look so I know how to improve for next time." With that, I headed out the door in search of my shorts.

As I headed down the passage, I could hear remarks behind me... "Look at that... somebody got a good seeing to." There were less people around than before, but I reckon there were still about fifteen to twenty in total. The front room was dark and the music low as I walked into the shadows. I counted seven or eight figures lounging on the sofas and chairs in the darkness as I looked around for my clothes. After about a minute, I located my shorts. I could see them screwed up and kicked under a coffee table by one of the windows. I wandered over and lowered myself to my hands and knees, fishing around under the table. As my hand made contact with the material, I could feel someone standing close and to my left.

I looked over my shoulder and a voice I recognised as the man that had answered the door to me earlier, came down out of the darkness, "Told you I'd look out for you babe."

I sat up on my knees, to be faced with a healthy, six or seven inch uncircumcised erection. I knew what to do by now. I reached up with my left hand, gently smoothing his foreskin back from the glistening, swollen head of his cock. I leant forward and gently tasted his pre-cum with the tip of my tongue. I let the clear, salty fluid roll across my tongue to the back my mouth. Loving the intimacy of tasting my man's semen. I licked the underside of the head of his cock and slowly moved my left hand up and down his shaft. With my right, I gently cupped his balls and squeezed ever so slightly in a rhythmic manner.

I eased my lips over the his swollen glans and took his length into my mouth. I swallowed frantically to avoid gagging on my own saliva and the copious amounts of pre-cum my latest lover was producing. Slowly his hips began to move, gently fucking my mouth to the same rhythm that I was caressing his balls.

I ran my right hand over the front of his thighs, stretching my arm up and around so that I could stroke and caress his buttocks, gripping tightly as I pulled him into my eager mouth. I used my tongue to lick up and down his shaft, flicking occasionally into the slit at the tip of his member, exploring the tiny hole and tasting all I could find.

Gradually, the slow movement of his hips, pushing his cock into my warm, sucking mouth and withdrawing, leaving only the tip of his cock between my lips, became more insistent. His cock twitched, once... twice... a pause, a third spasm which seemed to go on and on as he began to pump his warm, gooey sperm into my eager mouth. I swallowed the first spurts, enjoying the aftertaste of his semen and sucked hard to draw as much of his load as I could get.

I felt his legs shudder and he lurched forward as fucked my face with one or two hard thrusts. I heard him gasp and he groaned, "You are fucking good... so fucking good."

I licked the tip of his cock, and kissed it tenderly as I tucked his softening member back into his pants. Getting to my feet, I looked up into a pair of watery blue eyes, "Can I put my clothes back on now?" I asked. He smiled drunkenly and reached down to grab me by my ass cheeks and pull me closer.

Abruptly, his grip on my ass slipped and as I looked into his eyes, my mystery lover staggered backward toward the sofa at the back of the room. The seat hit him behind the knees and he sank, laughing into the cushions.

Somewhat disappointed, I slipped my feet into my shorts and pulled them up my legs. My own little penis was rock hard as I pulled my shorts over my knickers.

"That's a shame little boy." Came another voice from the shadows. I looked over and could just make out a looming shape in the darkness. "Let me help you with that." The shape stepped forward and I could see now it was another man, but I recognised this guy. I had seen him before. His name was Charlie and he was the local butcher. My mum took me into his shop every Saturday to buy the meat for our Sunday dinner.

He was a huge man, more than six foot tall and heavily built. He had very little hair and his balding head glinted in the half light of the party. Charlie reached forward and grabbed me by the top of my right arm, pulling me to him. He kissed me wetly on the mouth, his tongue invading my lips and playing across my own. Quickly, he spun me around like a toy, my body so much smaller than his, he could do just what he wanted.

Reaching round me with one hand, he began to fondly and tweak my nipples through my camisole. My nipples responded immediately and I relaxed back into his massive frame. I could feel his throbbing hardness in the small of back and I wriggled into him, being rewarded with a lusty grunt as he adjusted his hold on me.

With his other hand, he reached round the front of my hips and roughly pulled at my shorts. I hadn't had time to zip them up, so my shorts dropped round my ankles easily. His hand immediately slipped into knickers and found my little cock, hot, hard and waiting. He was rough, and jerked my dick fast, I could feel the silk of my lingerie rubbing against the tip of penis and I knew I wouldn't last long.

Charlie backed us up into a corner and his hand left my penis to free his own cock from the confines of his pants and boxers. The tip of his cock was wet with pre-cum and topped a raging hard-on that was bigger than anything that I had taken up me so far. I moaned and pushed back against him. Eager for the fucking I knew I was going to get.

Charlie sat back into a chair in the corner and pulled me to him. His legs slipped between mine and his knees pushed my thighs far apart as I squatted over him. He aimed the head of his cock at my opening and stretched the cheeks of my bum wide apart with his fingers, I felt so deliciously vulnerable as he lowered the entrance to my ass down onto his throbbing maleness. His cockhead pushed insistently at my rosebud, forcing his way into my soft channel.

I arched my back as he penetrated me, sliding easily now into my well (ab)used bottom. I gasped and wailed... "Oh God, Oh God that's good. That's sooooo goooooood!" Suddenly, he pulled me down onto his cock, his balls banging against the back of my thighs and making me squeal in pain and lust. He fucked me hard whilst stroking my cock through the front of my silky knickers.

It didn't take long before my cock began to twitch and spew cum into the front of my panties. My sphincter contracted as I came and I heard Charlie gasp, "Oh yes, oh yes, ooohhh yessssss!" His hot cum shot into my bowels, mixing with the combined sperm of four other men and running hot and creamy out of my bum and over his hairy balls. Charlie was stunned when I hauled myself off his wilting cock and took him into my mouth. Licking him clean of the earthy mixture of the small brown flecks from my own bum, large drops of cum from all my lovers and traces of the lube that had me so wet.

Try as I might, I couldn't get old Charlie hard again so, disappointed that I wouldn't get "one for the road", I stood up between his legs and, leaning forward, I kissed him on the lips and whispered, "Goodnight."

I bent down and picked my shorts up. Not bothering to stop and put them on or look for my shirt, I headed for the passage and down the stairs to the front door. I slipped my shorts on before I opened the front door and, peeking out to make sure the coast was clear, I ran next door to the darkness of our porch.

Locating my keys, I slipped through the front door and headed for the shower and my bed.

I was utterly and completely exhausted.

When I had left my house earlier that night, I was a virgin. I had only ever had fantasies about fucking and sucking real, grown men. Now, I was a total semen-covered mess, I had taken cock after cock up my bum and swallowed more sperm than I'd bet my own mother ever had!

I had a huge grin on my face as I slipped my knickers and cami into the washing machine and padded, naked, upstairs to the shower.

Next: Chapter 5

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