Little Gay Slut

By John Verradezon

Published on Jun 21, 2007


The Party

I damn near fled indoors! George had asked me over to one of his parties! One of the parties where they suck and get fucked! I had an instant hard-on that just wouldn't stop. I was going to lose my cherry tonight! I was going to wrap my mouth and ass around as much cock as I could get!

The first thing I did was stick my french knickers and camisole in the wash, then I ran down to the pharmacy and got a big tube of KY jelly. The man in shop looked at me a bit strangely, but I explained it was for my mum. He nodded sternly and gave me the gooides. I don't think my hard-on died down all afternoon.

When I got back home, I had a long, hot soak in the bath. While I was laying there, I just couldn't resist a wank. I laid there and let my fingers slide up and down my little shaft, spreading pre-cum over my knob and licking it dreamily off my fingers. All I could think about was what it would be like being taken by one of the men at George's party, on my knees, licking and sucking his shaft, then being stood up and bent over the kitchen table as he guided his cock to my entrance, sliding smoothly in and out as he fucked my virgin bum until he filled me with his cum.

I climaxed hard, shooting my load over my own stomach and greedily scooping my spunk up to my mouth with wet and sticky fingers. I have always loved the taste of cum, even my own.

I was ready for the party about an hour before I was supposed to go over, so I sat in the living room watching the telly and clutching one of dad's bottles of scotch. I was wearing a loose, white shirt, which I had chosen because it plainly showed the outline of the straps on my camisole. I left a few of the buttons undone and rehearsed bending over in front of the mirror. The cami was light lavender and was really obvious, especially when I bent over - just the way I wanted it. I wanted all the guys there to know I wanted to be a "fem".

My french knickers matched my cami, and I had opted for a tight pair of white shorts that clung to the curve of my bum and showed their lines beneath the material. I slipped on a pair of my mum's heeled court shoes, and I set the outfit off with a little splash of her Chanel No. 5. I also spent about an hour getting lipstick and a bit of eye-shadow just right.

When I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked just what I was, a young guy dressed as a girl with a slutty make-up job. Christ was I going to score! I got up and went into the bathroom. I dropped my shorts and pulled my knickers down to my kness. I took the tube of KY jelly and spread a liberal amount over my fingers. Bending over the basin, I reached behind me and spread plenty over the rosebud of my ass, then pushed my fingers as deep into my entrance as I could get.

My cock throbbed with the stimulationa dn the anticipation of what I was likely to get later. I pulled my knickers and shorts back up, being careful not to waste any lube - I wanted be VERY wet for tonight. I gave myself another quick check in the mirror -very fuckable - then headed over to the party.

George didn't answer the door, one of his guests did and as soon as he slapped eyes on me, his jaw dropped and a big grin spread across his face. I smiled and wiggled past him as he cupped my bum, giving me a firm squeeze, he whispered in my ear, "I'll look out for you kid."

I went upstairs to George's living room, where the music was pumping loudly. I saw George in the kitchen opposite and headed straight off to the site of most of my fantasies.

As soon as George got a look at me, he had to do a double-take. "Oh my Jesus, fucking Christ!" He said, his mouth hanging open.

"I'll take that as a compliment." I grinned.

"You're not quite the innocent little babe I took you for are you?" George asked with a huge smile.

"You have no idea." I replied. With that I handed him my dad's bottle of scotch and walking over to the table in the corner, I helped myself to a small glass of white wine. It seemed more girly than scotch.

It didn't take long for me to draw a couple of admirers from the crowd, but both guys were a bit young for what I had been fantasising about. In all my dreams, I had been sucking or being fucked by a big man, tall and heavy, with plenty of body hair, maybe greying a bit, maybe not. Probably in his forties or older. This kind of described George, but not his partner, who must have only been in his twenties.

There was one guy who answered this description in the kitchen with us, and my eyes lighted on him in a kind of "rescue me" plea. He got the message, and after a little while, he butted in and asked me if he could "grope me on the dance floor". I pretended to be shocked, but the idea made my cock twitch. I just gave little laugh and said, "All you like."

I followed him out into the living room and I noticed George disappearing over to the CD player and the music changed from loud, rhythmic, pumping to a slow grind.

Oh yeah, thanks George. My mystery man took me in his arms and pulled me close to his body. I could smell the scotch on his breath and realised he'd been drinking my father's whisky. I wondered passingly what my dad would say if he new his scotch had gone to an old queer with his hands on his little boys' ass!

He told me his name was Geoffrey and he was a solicitor, he asked me what I did and I told him I was a student. A complete lie and I don't think I fooled him for a second. I looked to be the eleven year old slut I was. Geoff' held me close, pushing his powerful erection into my stomach and ran his hands across my ass, squeezing and stroking me. I encourageed him by wiggling into his grasp a little and laying my head against him as we swayed to the music.

We continued to dance as he bent his head to mine, kissing me firmly and insistently on the lips. This was the first time I had ever been kissed like that by a man and I went weak at the knees. I surrendered to him utterly and put my arms around his neck, drawing him to me as I stood on tip-toes and returning his kiss with complete abandon.

We kissed like that for ages, until he pushed me away gently and said something I didn't quite catch. I smiled and said, "God it's hot in here." With that, I dropped my shorts to my ankles and stepped out of them. My cock stuck out, tenting my knickers obscenely. I unbuttoned my shirt, and let that slip off my shoulders to join my shorts on the floor. There I stood, in a room full of half drunk, horny, gay men, standing in my mum's shoes and a lavender set of French knickers and a camisole. I stepped back to Geoff' and kissed him again.

He looked me in the eyes and put both his hands on my shoulders, "Get on your knees you fucking little slut." He hissed, his eyes blazing. I knew what he wanted and I wanted it too, more than anything. So there in front of twenty or thirty fully grown men, I sank to my knees, signalling my willingness to be his little slut and take his cock in my mouth.

I knelt in front of him and reached up to the zip of his black trousers. I pulled the zip down and eagerly reached inside, stroking his rock hard cock. Geoff' reached down and undid his button, pulling his trousers open and fishing his cock out of his briefs. His cock was hard and glistening with pre-cum. It wasn't large, no more than six inches long and about two or three inches thick.

I took the engorged head of his cock, eagerly between my lips and sucked his pre-cum into my mouth, savouring the salty, creamy taste of the first sperm in my mouth that wasn't my own.

I loved it.

I sucked and licked eagerly, gagging once or twice in my enthusiasm and with Geoff's slow thrusts. I could feel Geoff's cock twitching once or twice, as he slowly moved his hips, fucking my mouth like a whore's cunt. Or at least, that's what I told myself he was doing, and it drove me crazy.

I lost all awareness of where I was and my man's cock became the centre of my universe. I licked and sucked, slurped and gently played with his balls until at last I heard him groan, "I'm going to fucking cum. I'm going to fucking cum in your mouth whore. Fucking take it. Swallow it all." He put both his hands on my head and fucked my mouth with harder strokes.

He didn't need to tell me. I was literally gagging for it. When he came, his cock jerked a couple of times as he shot his load into my mouth. The salty, creamy fluid washing around my mouth and over my tongue. I kept it there as long as I could, savouring the taste and texture of his sperm until I just HAD to swallow. Eventually, Geoff' pulled his glistening cock out of my mouth. "Put it away." He told me. I complied and tucked his, still hard, organ back into his pants and zipped him up. "You're going to get more of that soon." He said.

I smiled and stood up, I looked him in the eyes and replied, "Oh God yes, I want you inside me so much."

"You are one fucking hot slut." He answered, "I'm going to get another drink."

With that, he just turned and left me standing in the middle of the living room, surrounded by dozens of pairs of staring eyes and a lot of hard cock - in girl's underwear, lipstick smudged by an older man's spunk and my own little cock sticking painfully out of my knickers - that were soaked with my own pre-cum. I looked a fucking mess.

I didn't stand there for long though. My right hand was suddenly grabbed and I was jerked out the living room door and down the corridor. I looked up to see a big guy, about 50+, dressed in a blue shirt and beige chino's, dragging me into one of the bedrooms.

I just got lucky - again.

Next: Chapter 3

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