Little Dude

By Mark Back

Published on Aug 19, 2002


Brian walked into the room. Mike was sprawled out on the couch watching TV while pretending to study. It had been a full week since Mike and Brian had begun their sexual relationship. They had known each other for years, and Brian looking back on it couldn't figure out why he had not realized that Mike was interested in him. Not that that mattered much. Brian's thoughts and eyes shifted to focus on his lover. God he looked good thought Brian. Mike was lying on the couch wearing a pair of running shorts and a tee-shirt. It was obvious that Mike had returned from a workout just a little while ago. His face still glistened from the sweat. Too Brian it appeared as if the still damp clothes hung on Mike in the most erotic way possible. The shirt nicely highlighted Mike's muscular upper body and firm chest. The shorts showed off his hot ass. Mike in a tee-shirt or in a suit never failed to impress.

Mike looked up at Brian, smiled his beautiful smile which seemed to extend from his chin to his dancing jaguar green eyes. "hey baby, how was class?" He said. From the pouting look on Brian's face he could tell that it had been another unpleasant calculus class. Mike was majoring in Chemical engineering and found calculus to be a breeze. Brian was a literature major, and was taking the class to fulfil a requirement. Mike smiled again "Sit down little dude." He said as he sat up to make room for Brian.

Brian sat down on the couch. "I hate that class."

"I know, but you're getting better at it" said Mike. He put his hands on Brian's shoulders and began massaging them. "Besides I have good news for you." Brian laid back against his hunky lover's chest as the massage continued. "What?" he asked. "You know how we have a couple of days off coming up on Monday and Tuesday? Stand up for a second Bri." Mike's hands had moved down to Brian's lower back. Brian stood up "Ya, why do you want me to stand up" he said. "Any more information is going to cost you your shorts and tee-shirt cutie." Said Mike, he continued massaging Brian. "Well" he said. Mike accentuated this with a light slap on Brian's butt. Mike loved Brian, intensely, he also liked to be in control. Throughout their entire lives Mike was always the dominant figure in their relationship. That didn't change when the relationship had become sexual. For his part Brian had always been more then happy to allow Mike to make the major decisions. Brian turned around and smiled. "Okay" he said. "But only if I get to take your shirt off." "Deal" said Mike.

Brian reached down to his lover's abdomen and pulled Mike's shirt off, exposing his bare muscular chest. He kissed Mike's right bicep. He then pulled his own shirt off, exposing a well proportioned upper body. Brian was considerably smaller then Mike. He stood at less then 5' 6 inches. Whereas Mike was just a little over 6 foot 6. With the exception of a small patch of hair around his cock (which Mike had had him shave off) his body was as bare as the day that he was born. After removing his own shirt Brian stood gazing at Mike.

"Ah little dude, I think you still owe me a pair of shorts. The only thing that I want obstructing my view of that cute little butt is a pair of briefs" Mike reminded him. "Right Mike" said Brian. He pulled his shorts off leaving just a pair of white briefs. He sat back down, this time on Mike's lap. One of the greatest advantages, Brian thought, of having a lover that is so much larger then you is that you are able to do things like sit on his lap and be cuddled. There were many times when Mike had been dating women that Brian would be jealous of the girl because she was getting to sit on his best friend's lap. But as he sat there being held by his hunky lover that would never be a problem again. "So what's the news?" asked Brian.

"Well, like I was saying you remember how we have those couple of days off coming up" said Mike as he wrapped his big powerful hands around Brian's now nearly naked body. "I talked with my folks, and you and I are going up to my family's beach house this weekend." As he said this Mike gave Brian a kiss on the forehead. Mike let his hands continue to wander over his lover's body, and could tell from the tenting in Brian's briefs that he was enjoying it. As Mike reflected on it he decided that he had always loved Brian. The happiest moments in his life were when he was alone with him. Mike loved the feeling of power that he got when he held Brian in his arms. "But before we leave, I have to take a shower, and you can help." Said Mike.

Brian stood up. "Sure, I'm always more then happy to help." They wandered into the bathroom. Mike turned on the shower. He turned back towards Brian, staring at the white briefs that covered Brian's butt he made a mental decision that they were going to have to find some pairs of briefs that covered less of Brian's cute little ass, and began to wonder how Brian would look in a jock strap. But that wasn't the issue right now. He walked over to where Brian was standing and flashing a devilish grin at his lover he hooked his hands inside Brian's briefs and gave a pull. Brian, sensing what Mike intended to do flashed an angelic smile of his own, and grabbed his briefs in a mock effort to try and keep them around his waist rather then on the floor. "Hey can't a man decide when to take off his own underwear." Said Brian with a grin.

Mike grinned. He loved it when Brian played hard to get. He got so turned on by it. "of course a man can decide when to take off his own underwear, but not little dudes. A real man decides when a little dude's undies come off. It's a good way to remind cute little guys who the man is." Said Mike, and with that he gave Brian's briefs another pull, freeing Brian's hard cock and exposing his cute little ass. "Little Dude that ass never fails to impress," said Mike. He gave Brian's now naked butt a couple of slaps. Mike loved the power and the knowledge that Brian let him slap his ass. To Mike it just made sense that he would be the dominant force in the relationship. He was a big strong guy, Brian while just a year younger at 19 was a cute little guy. Plus he had always been the dominant party in any relationship. The fact that Brian was willing to accept that was a huge turn on.

Brian for his part had never had any interest in a relationship with anyone but Mike. He had no interest in being the dominant partner. For him Mike had always been the man. He loved being cuddled in Mike's strong muscular arms, the sex and the blowjobs were great. To Brian it seemed like every part of Mike resonated strength and power, and the spankings that he got from Mike's hand were just one more part of that powerful hunky masculinity.

After five or six swats Mike decided that Brian had enough, he added one final harder swat on Brian's now slightly pink bottom just for good measure. He then picked Brian up and put him in the shower. Then Mike removed his own shorts and boxers and jumped in himself.

Brian had the bar of soap in his hands and began to delicately wash his lover. He started with the feet and then the calves and thighs. He paid special attention to Mike's strong powerful butt. When he was done with it he planted a kiss on each of Mike's ass-cheeks, before beginning up the back. As Mike flexed his powerful arms, Brian washed and kissed them. He then moved to Mike's powerful chest and abdomen. Meanwhile Mike was fondling Brian's nipples, sending Brian into even further ecstasy. Every once in awhile he would plant a kiss on his cute lover's forehead. "You sure know how to take care of my body little dude." Said Mike as Brian began to wander down to Mike's now throbbing cock.

Brian knelt in front of his lover. He carefully took Mike's balls and rock hard dick in his hands. "I'm glad you enjoy the attention Mike it makes washing your jewels a lot easier," Brian said with a grin. He gently lathered them up and rinsed them off. Brian then planted a kiss on the head of Mike's cock. He was about to put it in his mouth, when Mike stood him up. "Not now baby, I want to be fresh for when we get to the beach house. Come on let's get dressed."

Mike got out of the shower. He then grabbed Brian and pulled him out of the shower. Mike grabbed a huge oversized towel and wrapped it around his lover. He carefully dried Brian off. He then bent down and gave Brian a kiss on the lips. Brian opened his mouth and Mike's tongue invaded, he accentuated the end of it with another light slap on Brian's butt. God he loved that he could do that any time he wanted. He especially liked the sound when Brian's butt was exposed. He was going to have to do that in public a couple of times, just to show the world that this was his lover, and that the ass attached was his exclusive property to spank and fuck as he liked, and that anyone who threatened his lover was going to have to answer to him.

Brian grabbed another towel and began to dry off his hunk of a lover. Mike was his gorgeous Adonis. No more pesky girlfriends to get in the way. No more longing to be the one that was being cuddled and loved, he thought as he dried his muscular lover's body.

Mike stood Brian up "come on baby lets get dressed." With that the two lovers walked into the bedroom. They emerged twenty minutes later fully dressed and packed, ready to hit the road for Mike's house on the beach. They had packed light since Mike had told Brian that they were going to stop at a store to pick up a few things. Brian in particular was bringing next to nothing. Ten minutes later they were on their way.

They had been driving for about forty minutes when Mike pulled off the road. "Where are we going Mike." Brian asked. He had been to the beach house a couple of times and didn't remember this being the turn-off.

"I found this store a year or so ago." Replied Mike as they took another left. "It's a great place, and only about a half hour away from the house. We have to get some new clothes for out first weekend together on the beach." They drove for another five minutes before pulling up to a large white building. It had a sign in large black lettering "Adult Store."

Brian was excited he had never been in a porn shop before. Mike opened the door and they walked in. Its' shelves were loaded with XXX videos gay straight, you name it. Mike seemed to know where he was going. They walked over to the counter where an old guy was reading of all things the National Enquirer. He looked up. "Morning Mike." He said. "What can I help you boys with." He looked at Brian and smiled. Brian blushed.

"Morning Bob, we need some clothes shorts in particular, but I'd like to look at the tee shirts as well." Mike said as he threw his arm around Brian and gave him a hug.

"Well I'll show you what I have." Bob replied. They wandered towards the back of the store. "What do you have in mind." He asked.

Mike looked at the selection and pulled a silvery nylon pair off the rack, then a sky blue pair. "Here Brian try these on."

"Changing room is right there," Bob pointed. "Those shorts that you have are worn without underwear. "

Brian went to the back and removing the rest of his clothes pulled on the silver pair. They were tight, but stretchy. He looked at himself in the mirror. As he turned around he realized that they left nothing to the imagination. His package was completely outlined, especially now in his heightened state. The shorts also completely traced his butt, and the shorts covered almost none of his thighs. "I think that they're a little tight Mike." Brian called from behind the curtain.

"Come out and let me see little dude." Replied Mike. Brian walked out feeling slightly embarrassed. His face had gone red again. He was wearing almost nothing at all and Bob was standing right there.

Mike stared, Brian looked gorgeous. He could see the outline of Brian's cock straining for release. As Brian turned around Mike saw that the material was cut in a way that accentuated Brian's butt, and outlined every detail perfectly. On top of that the legs on the shorts only went down a couple of inches, meaning that most of Brian's thighs were left uncovered.

He walked over to Brian "Baby you look so hot. Try on the other pair."

Brian smiled he felt sort of hot, also the way that the shorts moved when he walked sent shocks of pure pleasure through his dick.

At this point Bob offered his "professional" opinion about the shorts. "If you want to show him off, or just keep an eye on what is happening below deck they're great. Also whenever they are exposed to a liquid, be it water, semen or whatever, they turn red. That way you know how much fun he's having. Finally they're made in such a way that when he moves it excites his cock. So when a guy wears these his pecker is kept at full attention."

Brian heard this explanation, from behind the curtain, and turned red again. He liked the idea of modelling these for Mike, but he didn't really want to do it in front of Bob. He pulled on the second pair of shorts. They were thin cotton that had been dyed sky blue. They were tight just like the last pair. The legs covered more of his front thighs then the last ones, but they were cut shorter in the back. This meant that not only were his back thighs not covered but that the lower part of his butt cheeks were just barely covered. At the waist there was what looked almost like draw strings on a swimsuit, except instead of ending in string that could be tied they ended attached to a metal loop. When both loops were pulled they had the same effect as the draw strings on a swimsuit, except that they obviously could not be tied together since they ended in the metal loop. Also unlike swimsuit draws they were on the outside rather then the inside.

He came back out. Mike had always liked cotton better then nylon and immediately decided that he liked these better. These just seemed to be normal tight cotton shorts. But as Brian turned around Mike could see that they covered much less of his back thighs, and the lower part of Brian's butt was barely covered by the material. He quickly figured out what was special about these shorts. "Brian would you bend over." Mike asked.

Brian bent down, and as he did Mike saw that as Brian bent down even more of his butt was revealed. Mike loved them, even less of Brian's butt was covered when wearing these. He also noticed the drawstrings and turning to Bob asked him what they were. Bob quickly explained that they could be pulled together and a small lock could be put in place. This would stop the shorts from being removed and also block access to the dick and balls.

Mike turned to Bob, he didn't like how he was ogling Brian. "Bob, we'll take two pairs of each, same size. Plus a couple of jock straps of different colours." Mike walked over to Brian gave him a kiss and a little pat on the butt and said, "go get dressed sweetie, then we'll look at the videos."

Mike wandered over to the video selection. Brian joined him a few minutes later, they chose a couple. Ten minutes later they were on the road, Mike having paid for everything. Twenty minutes later they got off the freeway. Mike reached back and pulled out one of the silver pairs of underwear. "Here little dude take everything else off and put these on. We'll be there in about ten minutes.

"Mike what if somebody sees us," Brian asked.

Mike shrugged his shoulders. "That's all right cutie I want the whole world to know how much I love you. Besides little dude you might as well get used to not wearing much all weekend. I had thought about forbidding you to wear clothes all weekend long. But I figured this way would be even more fun."

Brian thought about no clothes for a whole weekend, as he playfully pulled off his tee shirt, shorts, socks, and boxers.

Mike happened to see the boxers. "Hey little dude what in the hell are those."

"Nothing" Brian responded sheepishly.

"Baby are you going to get it when we get to the beach house." Mike said as Brian pulled on the silvery shorts.

Five minutes later they had arrived at the house. It sat right on the beach and was bigger then most peoples' houses. As Brian got out of the car he admired its' beautiful brick fa^Çade.

As Brian started walking towards the house, Mike stopped him. "Just a second cutie." Mike picked Brian up and carried him towards the front door. His butt now covered in the silver shorts now glistened in the sun. Mike took him into the large living room and placed him on his stomach on a large couch. "Wait here while I go out and get the rest of the stuff." Mike gave Brian a kiss and then went outside to collect the bags. He drove the car into the garage retrieved the three bags and sprinted inside.

He dropped the bags, and after opening one up he retrieved the first of the porn videos, it was on DVD. He walked over to the 32" flat screen television and put it in. He sauntered back to where Brian was laying and gave him a slap on his butt. He noticed to his satisfaction that where his hand had hit the shorts they had turned red.

"Come on cutie, it's time to help undress your man." Said Mike as he sat down on the couch. Brian greedily pulled his lovers' shirt out of his pants and helped Mike pull it over his head. Brian then started kissing Mike's big strong biceps. Mike then stood up. He turned towards Brian. He hastily undid his hunks' pants, while Mike kicked off his shoes. The pants fell down around Mike's ankles, leaving Mike's dick straining against his boxers. Brian grabbed his lover's shorts and pulled them down allowing Mike's throbbing cock the freedom that it had sought. Mike sat down on the couch, grabbed Brian and pulled him down onto his now naked lap. "Do a little dance for me baby, and make it real slutty."

Brian jumped up with a grin. The porn was playing in the back round and Brian started to dance. He shook his hips and played with his cock through the silver material of the shorts. He turned away from Mike and started and bending down stuck his butt in Mike's face. Mike grabbed a hold of his lover's little butt and gave it a kiss. "ya baby, shake that cute little butt." Brian continued his sensual dance. He took another step backwards so that his butt was now just inches above Mike's throbbing dick.

Mike grabbed hold of his hot little lover and pulled him down onto the couch. His hands feeling every inch of Brian, with one hand holding Brian the other grabbed the silver briefs and pulled them none to gently down to Brian's ankles, revealing his excited cock and cute butt. Mike pulled Brian on top of him so that their dicks were against each other. One of Mike's hands began to administer a series of swats on his lover's butt, the other holding Brian firmly on top of him. His huge muscular arms looked almost out of place holding on to his much smaller lover's body. For his part Brian was paying homage to his Adonis' nipples kissing and licking them.

After about five minutes of this Mike stood Brian up. "Turn around Little Dude." He commanded. Brian turned around once in a complete circle. Mike was pleased to note that Brian's butt had now turned that delicious shade of red that only came after a light spanking. "You look so cute, your ass turns just the right shade of red after it's been lightly spanked. All right Bri get on the coffee table in the doggie position. I'm going to fuck you in every room of this house starting here."

Brian eagerly jumped onto the coffee table. He got on all fours. Anyone who looked into the window would have seen him up on the coffee table like a human statue. His dick was still rock hard but his balls were now hanging into space.

Mike came up behind him and after slapping his ass a couple more times growled in his ear, "you ready baby." Brian purred in response.

Mike slapped Brian's ass with his dick a couple of times before inserting himself into his lover. He pumped in and out. Brian screamed in delight as he was again skewered by his hunk of a lover. Mike pushed in and out until finally he screamed in carnal pleasure and released wave after wave of cum into Brian's ass. He gave Brian's ass one last slap as he pulled out of his butt.

Brian stood up and began to jerk himself off. Mike grabbed his lover's hands and pushed them away from his dick.

"Mike I haven't cum yet." Whined Brian staring at Mike who was rustling through the packages.

He stood back up holding a pair of the cotton shorts with the strange draws and weird cut in the back. "I know baby, but you broke the rules by wearing boxers. So you don't get to cum right now, but if you're good I'll give you an extra treat later. Now put these on."

Brian stood horrified that Mike would withhold such pleasure from him. "But Mike, look at me." He said pointing to his dick. " I swear that I will never wear boxers again, but please let me cum." Brian knew that he was going to lost this argument. He had seen Mike punish his girlfriends when they had not followed his instructions. Mike had even punished him a few times before they had become lovers. He had always done so privately, and it had normally entailed nothing more then a short calm rebuke. He had hated these as it had been at these times when he had felt the furthest away from Mike. It had not occurred to Brian that just as everything else in their relationship had changed when they became lovers so too might Mike decide that he was entitled to take stronger measures to punish his cute little lover.

"Baby we'll take a nice long hot shower in an hour, and you're right you will never be wearing boxers again, because I am going to throw away every pair that you own," He said. "Now come on cutie pull these on" He added with a kiss and another slap on Brian's butt. Mike had no doubt that Brian would relent, to Mike it was clear and simple, when he became Brian's lover he accepted responsibility for him. He was the man in the relationship, Brian had accepted that. For Mike there were certain signs that showed the man, boxers were one of them. It was his job to take care of Brian. Brian was therefore the submissive partner. To Mike there were certain signs that showed that one was submissive, one of these was wearing sexy underwear, and when in private little else. This served as a reminder for both parties. To Mike this was a great system.

Brian relented. He pulled on the underwear. His hard on still raging. Brian knew what Mike's beliefs were, and in truth he completely agreed. He wanted somebody to take care of him. Mike did this and in return he accepted Mike's benevolent domination.

Mike gave Brian another kiss on the forehead. He pulled out the small lock that had come with the shorts and pulling the draws together attached locked it in place. "Now little dude, no touching your dick until I say that they can come off." He accentuated this with a harder slap on Brian's ass. He was happy to note that the thin cotton gave almost no protection from his hand, as Brian winced. "Baby you look so cute, maybe we'll make it just thirty minutes until we shower. Now sit here on my lap let's watch the rest of our movie. This way you will stay good and hard, but won't be able to get relief until I say so." Mike Smiled as he pulled Brian down onto his lap, with another slap on his exposed butt.

Brian smiled as he cuddled up against his lover's hunky chest. God he thought these are going to be the longest thirty minutes of my life.

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