Little Dude

By Mark Back

Published on Mar 21, 2001


Mike woke up several hours later, looking at his alarm clock he saw that it was nearly noon. Brian was still nestled against him, deep in sleep. Mike's arms were still wrapped protectively around Brian, his hands still on Brian's cute little butt. Brian's head lay against his powerful chest. Mike could feel Brian's easy breathing, on his chest. It felt great, and what made Mike even happier was that Brian had slept soundly all night lying right next to him, naked and vulnerable, with Mike's powerful arms wrapped around him. Brian clearly felt comfortable and safe. Mike was getting turned on just thinking about how much faith Brian must have in him to let himself be so completely under Mike's control.

Hell, thought Mike, Brian was over a foot shorter then himself and certainly less then half of his weight, yet Brian had let Mike strip him naked, fuck his cute little bottom, and take him over his knee and give him a spanking. Then he had fallen asleep with Mike's huge muscular arms wrapped possessively around his body. Mike's dick was getting hard and he didn't want to disturb his little dude, so he gave him a kiss on the forehead, and allowed himself one more squeeze of that cute little bottom that had been cradled in his hands all night, before gently untangling himself from his cute little lover and best friend of fifteen years.

As Mike got up he heard Brian sigh. God thought Mike, Brian looked just as cute sleeping as he did awake, with that shock of sandy blond hair and cute little face. Mike's eyes continued to follow Brian's hot little body down to Brian's butt, which was unfortunately covered by the sheet, but still looked extremely cute. Ah well thought Mike, there will be plenty of time to see that later.

All of this thinking of Brian had left Mike's dick rock hard, so he headed to the shower to seek relief. Mike had always been proud of his dick, in Mike's current state it stood a full ten inches. It was like everything else about Mike, big. He stood Six foot Six inches, was very muscular, though not in the ugly way that body builders are. He had a washboard stomach, a muscular ass, jet-black hair, and beautiful green jaguar eyes. He looked even bigger standing next to Brian, who stood at most five foot six, and was no where near as muscular as Mike, not that Mike would have wanted Brian to be muscular, because what Brian lacked in size he made up for in cuteness. He had an angelic face, with lots of freckles and baby blue eyes. His hair was a beautiful sandy blond, and with the exception of a little patch of hair around his dick his body was as hairless as the day he was born. This was something that Mike was finding he liked a lot. Hell thought Mike, Brian didn't need hair on his chest or legs, or even worse his butt. No Mike loved Brian's smooth body, it felt great against his body, and in Mike's opinion, only augmented the rest of Brian's cute features, especially Brian's butt, which Mike still believed was Brian's cutest asset. As Mike wandered towards his shower to relieve his now throbbing dick all of these things flashed through his mind.

The best part thought Mike was that it was all his. He had taken Brian last night. He had heard some rumors at the athletic center about some guys that might have an interest in Brian, and he knew that at least a couple of his teammates on the hockey team had had some interest in Brian. There was one guy in particular named Greg who had been flirting with Brian after a practice. Brian wasn't on the team, of course, but he had come down to the locker room after practice one day because he and Mike were going shopping afterwards. Greg had just stepped out of the shower, when he noticed Brian, who had just come in. Greg had asked Brian to grab him a towel from the closet. Brian had brought Greg the towel, and as he was walking away Greg had given him a slap on the butt, and with a wicked grin said "Thanks kid." Brian had returned the smile with an angelic one of his own, before walking over to where Mike was getting dressed.

Mike had seen the whole thing and glared at Brian as he came over towards him. He had never allowed himself to touch Brian's ass, and the idea that some other guy would just burned him up. "Why did you let him slap your butt?" Mike had asked in a cold tone.

Brian had smiled and responded "its just one of those athletic things. I've seen you give other guys on the team pats on the butt a bunch of times."

Mike did not see any similarity between the two, and he certainly did not just see it "as some athletic thing." He saw it as some six- foot hockey player trying to flirt with his best friend. What burned Mike even more was that Greg had boasted about it during the next practice and had said that "he had never fucked a guy before but that Brian was just asking to be screwed by a real man." And he then said to Mike "That roommate of yours has got one cute ass, I just hope that he can take it rough."

That had been enough for Mike and Greg had joined the list of people that had gotten their asses pushed into a locker, because of something that they had said about Brian. This brought laughter from many of the other guys on the team. Pete, the right wing, had responded "Na, Greg, you'd have to be gentle with a little guy like Brian, or you might hurt him." Mike had turned, furious with Pete. He had expected a comment from Greg, he was a jerk, but not from Pete. Before Mike could take up the issue with Pete, he had been intercepted by Luke, the team captain.

"Hey Mike can I talk to you for a second." Asked Luke, as the rest of the team filed out of the locker room.

"Sure Luke" seeing the expression in Luke's face Mike had said "Look I'm sorry about Greg, but after what he said about Brian he deserved it."

Luke had cut him off with a sigh "Mike, I don't blame you for what you did to Greg. He's a jerk, he's had it coming a long time about a lot of things." Luke went on though, "But you can't stop them all Mike. Guys like Greg, sure, but eventually some decent guy like Pete is going to come into Brian's life"

"Two things Luke" said Mike angrily interrupting "First you don't know that Brian is gay. He's never told me that he is, and second the only reason that they are interested in him is because they want a trophy. They want to be able to say that they screwed him, and brag about it to everyone else."

"You're right they want a trophy, even people like Pete would just do it for the novelty of screwing a guy like Brian." Said Luke nodding his head. He went on quietly. "I don't know whether Brian is gay or not Mike. All that I know is what I see. I see Brian around at practices all the time."

"A lot of people come to our practices, Luke that doesn't mean anything. We're roommates, and best friends, we do a lot of stuff together." Mike responded, still angry, but noticeably less so.

"No one else's friends come to practices two or three times a week, Mike. The only people who come that frequently are some of the guys girlfriends." Said Luke

"I can't tell Brian not to come up to the practices any more. It would break his heart. Its not like he's in the way, and he doesn't hurt my performance, in fact I would say I play better when he is around" Said Mike. He was angry again, and was about to add more when Luke interrupted him.

"Your missing the point Mike. I don't care if Brian comes up here every day. Most of the guys on the team like him. Hell I like him, he's a nice guy. What I'm saying is that, well, take your girlfriends for instance. I've seen the way he looks at you whenever you've had them around, and my friend it was pure jealousy. Now maybe its strictly that he's jealous because he doesn't like to have to compete for your attention, but dude I don't think so." Luke continued though his voice got quiet again. "Mike I don't know if you're attracted to Brian in a sexual way, but the way that you always rush to his defense. I've only ever seen guys do that for their girlfriends or their family, and I've seen the way that you interact with him. Mike, even when you've had a girlfriend around, if Brian's around she might as well be on another planet. Most guys when their girlfriends are around, may not pay any attention to what the girl is talking about, but they always pay attention to her, shall we say more physical assets, but not you. Brian gets it all. I also know that your nick name for him is "little dude," and while you obviously try not to use it in public, its slipped out a couple of times. I've heard you use it both when you didn't think anyone was listening and a couple of times at parties, and speaking of parties do you remember that party at Neil's a couple of months back, and how drunk your roommate got. I remember watching you pick him up and carry him across campus, back to your dorm." Added Luke with a feint smile.

"He was drunk and he needed help. I've helped a lot of guys on this team back to their rooms after they got drunk, including you Luke." Said Mike, quietly as if he was trying to rally.

"Ya Mike, you've helped a lot of guys, but you have never picked them up, off the ground and carried them, and yes Brian was very drunk, but with some help he could have walked. But you wouldn't let him. I remember how worried you were Mike."

Mike remembered looking at Luke and quietly saying "Have I been that obvious, Luke? Does everyone know?"

Luke laughed a little "You have been that obvious to me. But then I don't miss a lot of the details that the other guys do, and I've known you longer then most of them. So I know your relationship with Brian a little better." He went on quietly again "Mike I don't care, you're a great guy and a tremendous center. Coach won't care. Hell he one time told me that the captain of the team a couple of years back was bi, and the guys on the team won't care, the ones that would be against gays don't see Brian as a real man, rather like you said they see him as a trophy. The others wouldn't have cared anyway. But Mike if you want to continue to be the center of Brian's life I suggest you get him soon, before somebody else does." And with that Luke had begun walking back to his own dorm.

"Thanks Luke" Mike shouted.

Luke turned "anytime my friend." And then had walked away.

Mike now looked back on that conversation with Luke as one of the most important of his life. It had been a kick in the butt. He had been confident that if he just waited Brian would come to him. Luke had been right, he couldn't wait forever, because eventually some guy would have come along and made a trophy of Brian, or even worse thought Mike, would have actually wanted a relationship with Brian. That would have left Mike standing on the outside of Brian's life for the first time in fifteen years. But that was all over now, thought Mike as he walked towards the shower. He had not just touched Brian's butt, as Greg had done several weeks ago, he had fucked it and spanked it, and had had it, and the rest of Brian, resting in his hands all night long. He would have to remember to thank Luke, and make it real clear to Greg and everyone else that Brian was not going to be a trophy for anyone.

Mike took a quick shower. He decided that he would wait for Brian to get up before he gave his dick any relief. He then wandered back to the bedroom, where he saw Brian still sleeping, though the sheet that had been covering his entire body was now just covering his the lower part of his butt. Damn thought Mike its like it's trying to tease me. As he walked closer to Brian he thought he could almost smell his cute little lover. He had smelled it before, and always when Brian had been sleeping a long time. Mike had always found the scent enjoyable, now he found it sensual and just a tad carnal, like when a predator gets the scent of his prey. His dick went rock hard under the towel, damn, he thought again.

He walked over to Brian, and pulled the sheet off of his sleeping lover, completely exposing Brian's cute little butt. It quivered just a little bit as it's protective cover was removed. Mike bent down and gave it a kiss. This failed to produce any response so he gave it another longer kiss, and whispered "Brian, its time to get up little dude." Still nothing. Mike considered shaking him. But then he looked down at Brian, and a wicked smile came over his face. He put his hands underneath Brian and began to tickle him. This got an immediate response. Brian burst out laughing, and his instinctively moved to protect his very vulnerable stomach.

Brian woke up. He looked around, and not instantly seeing Mike, thought why am I in Mike's bed. The next thing that flashed through his mind was Mike didn't have an away game this weekend, what if he catches me.

Brian often slept in Mike's bed when Mike was gone for the night. He did it because it made him feel closer to Mike, lying there in his bed, covered by Mike's blankets, surrounded by Mike's scent. It had always made him feel safe. But Mike could never know or what would he think. Then he looked up and saw Mike standing there in a towel smiling down at him, with his green eyes dancing, and the events of the previous evening came flooding back to him. He smiled back up at Mike.

"Hey little dude, do you know what time it is" said Mike with a smile.

Brian looked at the clock, groaned, and then jumped out of bed. He walked over to where Mike was standing and gave him a big kiss. Mike returned the kiss, and then let his hands reach down and grab Brian's butt. Brian's hands quickly undid the towel around Mike's waste.

Mike gave him another passionate kiss before saying. "later cutie, right now you need a shower."

Brian released him and wandered into the bathroom, followed by Mike. Brian took a piss, and he heard the shower go on behind him. He turned around.

"Hop on in little dude." Said Mike after a moment of fiddling with the temperature.

Brian stepped into the shower, followed by Mike. "I thought you already took a shower Mike."

"I did cutie. But the sight of that cute ass of yours made me decide to get in with you, just to make sure you get good and clean." As he said that he picked up the bar of soap, he began washing Brian's hairless chest. Mike paid careful attention to Brian's nipples, which he gave a little pinch to, then he went to work on Brian's arms and back, and bending over washed Brian's legs. He then stood up and scrubbed at Brian's face. Mike was careful not to get any soap in Brian's cute baby blues, but he made sure not a dimple was missed. He gave Brian a little kiss on the cheek as he finished off the face. He then turned his attention to cuter parts. But before he continued he stepped out of the shower and picked up a bottle of some liquid from the cabinet.

Brian was in heaven. Mike was washing him just like a little boy. He was getting turned on. He had not asked Mike to wash him and Mike had not asked if he wanted to be given a bath as if he were a little kid, rather then just six months younger then him. Mike had just done it, and now those massive powerful arms were washing him, caressing him, and completely controlling him. He was Mike's little dude, there was no reason for Mike to ask. Brian had wanted to be Mike's and now he was.

As for Mike, he never considered letting an opportunity to see and touch Brian go by. He had always been the dominant one in their relationship. He was just taking care of Brian like he had always wanted to take care of Brian. He had tried to find similar enjoyment by taking care of his girlfriends, but it had never been satisfying, with Brian it was. That said there was one thing that needed to be taken care of thought Mike, as he stepped out of the shower, and that was that patch of golden hair guarding Brian's dick. It got in the way, Brian didn't need it, and frankly it didn't fit with the rest of Brian's body. No thought Mike his little dude's pubic hair had to go. Brian would look cuter without it, and besides Brian had always been embarrassed by how little hair he had, this way there wouldn't be any so Brian could feel more at ease with his own cute little body, and damn it thought Mike cute little guys like Brian had no business with pubic hair, that was for real men.

Mike got back into the shower. "Brian this is hair remover. Little dude I'm going to use it to get rid of that nasty hair around your dick, Ok?" Mike wouldn't force it on him but he hoped Brian submitted.

Brian looked up into his eyes, and said "ok Mike" Brian had never really thought about having his pubic hair disappear. He had been proud of it when the first strand appeared. But when it only grew around his dick, it became more embarrassing then anything else, and besides Mike wanted it.

Mike carefully took Brian's balls in his hand and applied the stuff. He then used it around the rest of Brian's pubic region. A few minutes later he carefully washed it and Brian's pubic hair away. He then gave Brian a big kiss. He moved on to washing Brian's cock and balls, now devoid of any hair. He did it slowly, enjoying every second, and by the look on Brian's angelic face, and from the reaction of his dick, it now stood at its full five inches, he could tell that Brian was enjoying it also. Finally he turned Brian around and began on his favorite part: Brian's cute little butt. He grabbed both cheeks and gently rubbing them lathered them up. Then he carefully washed them before working his way to Brian's crack and pucker. As he did it Brian sighed loudly leading Mike to say "I'm glad you're enjoying it, little dude. This is the way all of your showers will be from now on." Mike kissed Brian on the neck and then gave his little butt a light slap. "Ok cutie, thats it."

Brian turned around, and kneeling down began licking Mike's rock solid dick and balls.

Mike had not been expecting a blow job and moaned "oh little dude, that's amazing." Mike grabbed Brian's head, as he continued to give Mike a slow succulent blow job. After thoroughly licking the base of Mike's cock and balls, Brian took Mike's ten inch dick in his mouth. This brought another moan from Mike "oh Brian that feels so good." It took only another couple of seconds before Mike could feel himself about to explode. "Little dude I'm going to cum." Then all at once Mike let loose. His first load hit the back of Brian's mouth like a wave. It was followed quickly by a second and a third.

Brian had been stunned by the impact of the first load, but managed to recover and took both the second and third. He released Mike's dick and stood up with Mike's milk still in his mouth.

Mike grabbed Brian by the butt and pulled him to him. He gave him a kiss and whispered "Milk is good for little boys."

Brian swallowed Mike's milk, and smiled that angelic smile. He moved his hands to his own fully erect dick and began to jerk off.

Mike moved one hand off of Brian's butt and pushing Brian's hands away began to jerk his cute little lover off, with his own massive hand, while his other hand administered a series of light swats to Brian's little bottom.

Mike heard Brian moan, and a second later Brian's own cum was on Mike's stomach and hand. Brian knelt down and licked it off of Mike's body.

They stood there for a few more seconds, Brian leaned his head against Mike's big powerful chest, while Mike embraced Brian, one hand cupping his butt the other rubbing his back.

Mike got out of the shower, and then picked Brian up and pulled him out. He grabbed an oversized towel and going behind Brian began to dry him off.

Brian looked at himself in the mirror. Standing next to Mike's huge body, he had always looked small, but now he looked young. The hair that had surrounded his cock and balls was gone, leaving him as hairless as a little boy.

Mike noticing that Brian was staring at himself in the mirror, looked and smiling said "little dude you're the cutest thing." And giving a wicked grin said "I just hope that my little dude's tummy is full." With that he gave Brian's stomach a rub, and then kissed him on the forehead.

Brian smiled. He turned around. Jumped up and threw his arms around Mike's muscular neck, and gave Mike a kiss on the cheek. He did look better, his hairlessness was a symbol that he belonged to Mike.

Mike caught him, and placed one muscular hand under Brian's butt to support him, with a little pinch, he was really enjoying being able to touch Brian's cute little bottom whenever he wanted. They smiled at each other and exchanged another passionate kiss.

Mike's tongue possessively explored Brian's mouth. Brian's blow job had convinced him that he had overlooked one of Brian's finest features, and he was determined to rectify the situation immediately. His tongue passionately deflowered Brian's mouth just as his dick had deflowered Brian's ass the day before. Brian smiled at him and gave Mike a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey don't forget who's the man, little dude." Mike said with a smile, and as if to emphasize this point that little dudes shouldn't be giving real men kisses on the forehead, he gave Brian a sharp slap on his little bottom, and a kiss on Brian's forehead. Brian smiled again and gave Mike a little kiss on the cheek.

I would like to thank everyone who has sent in suggestions and comments. All feedback is appreciated, especially suggestions for the next chapter, and if there is anything that you don't think works, I would like to hear that to, so please send e-mails to Thanks.

Next: Chapter 3

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