Little Dude

By Mark Back

Published on Mar 17, 2001


It had just started raining a few minutes ago. Brian was sitting at his desk, looking at the rain pound his window. It had been brutally hot ever since he had gotten back from summer break to start his junior year of college. He hoped that the rain might finally break this heat wave.

Brian was torn away from these thoughts when his roommate, Mike, burst into their apartment, soaking wet.

"Hey dude, isn't this weather great." Mike said with a big grin on his face, as he stood dripping in the doorway.

"Hey Mike, yeah maybe this heat will finally break" Brian said as he went into the bathroom and returned with a towel, which he handed to Mike.

"Thanks Bri" As Mike was drying himself off Brian took a quick glance at his roommate. To Brian Mike was an Adonis. He stood six feet six inches. Mike worked out and it showed. He was very muscular, but his body was still beautifully proportioned. He had jet-black hair, a handsome clean shaven face, and enticing jaguar green eyes, which to Brian, at least, seemed to sparkle and dance every time he saw them. Mike was wearing a pair of navy blue running shorts, which showed off his muscular ass beautifully, and a white Nike Tee Shirt which set off his beautiful washboard stomach and strong arms. His arms and chest were only enhanced by the fact that his tee shirt had become almost transparent in the rain.

Brian had known Mike for almost fifteen years. They had gone to grade school and high school together, and were now roommates at college. They had been best friends since ever since they met each other.

Mike had dated a bunch of girls, though never anyone steady. Brian had always been jealous of them as he watched them sitting in Mike's lap or held in his strong arms. He walked back over to his desk, thinking about how nice it would be to be held by those strong arms.

Mike watched Brian walk back over to his desk, or rather he watched Brian's butt. It was hidden under a pair of shorts and by a tee shirt that was at least a size to big. At twenty Mike was a year older then Brian, in every other way he was a lot bigger.

Brian was five feet six inches. He was in great shape and well proportioned. He had sandy blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. With the exception of a small golden patch of hair around his crotch he was as smooth as the day he was born. However to Mike the best feature was Brian's beautiful little bottom. He had gotten to see it just a couple of times, and had barely resisted the urge to reach out and touch it.

He loved Brian, and while he had suspicions about Brian's sexuality, he had never broached the subject. Mike thought that he was perfect for Brian. Brian had always been a very sensitive guy. Throughout high school the other guys had laughed at him because he was so small. There was one time when one of the kids on the football team had pantsed Brian right in the middle of the hallway. What made it even more embarrassing was that Brian had been a junior at that time and the kid was a freshman. When Mike found out he pounded the kid into a locker and made it crystal clear that the next time he pulled a stunt like that that he would have to deal with Mike. That had stopped the physical abuse, but Mike knew that Brian never forgot the embarrassment. Mike wanted to hold Brian in his arms, make him feel safe, and feel Brian's cute little butt sitting on his lap, and if as he suspected, his cute little friend was gay, he was determined to do it before some other guy beat him to it.

Mike Finished drying off. Then he pulled off his shirt and chucked it and the towel into the clothes hamper. He walked passed Brian, without being able to resist ruffling his hair.

"Hey little dude, what are you up to?" He said as he sat down at his own desk. Mike had always been bigger then Brian, and in private always called him "little dude." Though in public he was always careful to drop the "little" part. Brian loved the nickname. It made him feel closer to Mike. One time Mike had had a girl that he was dating sitting on his lap and he had referred to her as "little dude" while Brian was sitting in the room. Brian had felt heartbroken. When Mike looked up and saw the hurt expression on Brian's face, he had cursed himself and had swore to himself that he would never use the term with anyone other then Brian

"Just some class work" Brian responded, as he gazed for a second at Mike's beautiful chest and strong upper body, before letting his eyes wonder down to where Mike's well defined lower back disappeared under the navy blue running shorts he was wearing. He sighed, before looking up at Mike's beautiful eyes and face.

Mike sat down and tried to get comfortable at his desk, but damnit it was just to fucking hot to be able to get comfortable. He looked over at Brian who was working with something on his computer. Mike smiled to himself as he looked at his cute little friend typing away at his computer. "Hey Brian how would you like to wrestle?" said Mike, flashing a cunning smile at Brian.

"Sure" Brian responded, with an equally devious smile. He figured that he would lose, but so what, it was more then worth it for a chance to have those powerful arms wrapped around him, and to be able to touch Mike's gorgeous body.

"One thing to make it interesting, the winner gets to remove a piece of the losers clothing." Said Mike

"Deal." said Brian

Mike removed his socks and shoes, Brian did the same. Mike looked at Brian and said "Take off your shirt so we start even."

Brian realized that that would mean that he would lose his shorts leaving him in just his briefs. Normally he wore boxers but he had been in a hurry that morning, and the briefs had been the first thing that he pulled out of the drawer, that wasn't to bad, what was absolutely terrifying was the type of briefs they were. He had been to the store a couple of weeks ago, and had bought 101 Dalmatians underwear. At the time he had thought that they were boxers, when he got home he realized that they were briefs. He had pulled a pair of them out of his drawer that morning and was wearing them as he stood there about to wrestle his hulk of a roommate. He would probably lose, and then Mike would see him in 101 Dalmatian underwear. Brian could only imagine what Mike's reaction would be.

Mike pulled Brian from these thoughts. "Hey little dude, we gonna wrestle or what. I mean if you don't want to we don't have to." Mike could see from Brian's face that something was worrying him. Damn, he thought that he had blown it and that he had frightened Brian. He wanted to walk over and throw his arms around his friend and make that frightened look disappear.

Something in Mike's voice gave Brian confidence. "Sure" he said, and he peeled off his tee shirt.

They got into wrestling positions. Mike said go. Brian came charging at him. It took Mike just a second to repel this first attack. Brian came at him again and grabbed a hold of Mike's powerful waist. Mike unhooked him in a second, and this time without waiting for Brian to come at him again, he grabbed Brian and brought him to the floor. A second later Brian was pinned on his back. Mike stood triumphantly over his much smaller roommate. He looked down into Brian's beautiful blue eyes and smiled that devilish smile.

Brian looked up at his powerful roommate. Who at that moment in time had his powerful chest on top of him to keep him down. Brian was in heaven.

"You give Dude" asked Mike. He loved the feeling of power. He loved having this cute little treasure completely in his grasp. At the same time Mike was worried. That `dear in the headlights' look that he had seen before was again on Brian's face.

Brian knew that he was defeated. "Ya I give Dude" he said quietly. He was scared to death of what Mike might say or not say when he saw his underwear. He had known Mike all his life and he was afraid that he might lose him.

Mike helped him to his feet, and gave him a quick pat on the butt. "Ya did good little dude." He could see the fear on Brian's face. "What is it Brian? What are you afraid of?" Mike couldn't figure it out. He had seen Brian in his underwear a bunch of times. Hell they had been best friends for years. He smiled at his friend.

Brian looked at Mike. Oh what the hell he thought. "Mike it's the underwear that I'm wearing. I don't normally wear it, but, well I'm afraid that you might hate me or something after seeing it." He said it sheepishly, staring at the ground. Before looking up to see those beautiful green eyes looking at him sympathetically.

"Brian you don't have to take off your shorts if you don't want. I certainly won't hate you, and I'll never laugh at you, and anyone who does, that I find out about will wish that they hadn't."

Brian smiled at him. He then undid his shorts and let them fall to the ground.

Mike could only stand there gazing at Brian. Mike had always liked briefs on cute men, though he didn't wear them himself. He had always thought that Brian would look much better in a pair of briefs then in the boxers that he normally wore, which to Mike looked almost unnatural on Brian. Boxers were for real men not for cute little guys like Brian. He felt even stronger in that belief now. Brian stood before him in the cutest briefs he had ever seen. They had red borders, and prints of happy puppies from 101 Dalmatians covering the rest of the fabric. Needless to say his dick came to full attention. He smiled at Brian. "little dude I'm not sure what's hotter the temperature or you in those adorable briefs." Mike walked over to Brian, and gave him a huge hug. He gazed over Brian's shoulder at his cute butt that was now only covered by the taught cotton of the briefs.

Brian returned the hug in full. "Mike" he said. He looked up at Mike, and seeing that Mike's attention was directed towards his bottom. He gave it a little shake before he kissed Mike on his chest. "Mike" he repeated.

Mike was brought back to reality by the kiss on his chest. "Ya little dude, I'm sorry I was just admiring the view" he said with a sly smile, and a little pat on Brian's butt.

"Let's wrestle again Mike, with the same rules" said Brian returning an equally devious smile. He felt as though a weight had been lifted. Mike his best friend and protector was gay.

"Sure little dude, I can't wait to get a look at that butt without anything obstructing my view. Not that I don't like the briefs, there a huge turn on, but I can't wait to have that cute little bottom, naked, sitting on my lap, just the way God intended." Said Mike giving Brian a kiss on the forehead.

Brian smiled as he slipped out of Mike's arms with a kiss "We'll see who loses their shorts big guy. I've waited a long time to see that nice ass of yours."

Mike smiled as his green jaguar eyes danced. "I plan on losing my shorts tonight little dude, just not yet."

They got into wresting positions and Brian came charging at Mike. Mike again easily countered Brian's assault, and grabbing Brian by the waist gave him a slap on his butt, and whispered to Brian "The next time I give that delicious little butt a slap there won't be anything between my hand and your butt." Brian twirled out of his grasp and came charging at Mike again. This time Mike didn't play around and took Brian to the ground. He was just about to pin Brian again. When Brian yelled "ouch"

Mike instantly became concerned and jumped off of Mike. "What is it little dude? Where did I hurt you?" Mike cursed himself. If he had hurt Brian he would never forgive himself. He wanted to protect Brian, and cuddle him, not hurt him.

Brian jumped up grabbed Mike's shorts and boxers and pulled them down, freeing Mike's hard dick. Brian laughed. "See I told you would lose your shorts Mike."

Mike smiled "you're going to pay for that little dude" Mike pulled his shorts back up and grabbed Brian by the waist and pinned him on the ground.

"You give little dude" said Mike.

"Never" shouted Brian

Mike grabbed Brian flipped him on to his back, and still holding him down began to tickle him. "Now you give little dude"

Brian began to writhe on the floor "Ok, Ok Mike I give, you win"

Mike stopped tickling him, gave him a kiss and stood up. Brian offered his hand for Mike to help him up. Mike grabbed his hand, but rather then bring Brian to his feet, he flipped him over his shoulder, so that his head and upper body was facing downwards towards Mike's butt and the rest of him was draped over Mike's chest, with his little butt sitting on Mike's shoulder, the briefs taught against the two beautiful little mounds that made Brian's butt.

"Looks like I finally have you where I want you little dude" Mike was just about to give Brian a slap on his butt when he remembered his promise. "Your little butt is going to get it Bri, but first I think you owe me a pair of briefs, and as you have a pair on you I think I'll collect. Don't worry though you'll be getting these back. I've never seen a bottom look so good in undies. We'll have to see what else they sell at the store for pert little bottoms." With that Mike grabbed Brian's briefs by the crotch and pulled them off, to reveal a cute little bottom with out a hair on it, and a dick that while pressed against Mike's chest was standing very much at attention. "Feels like someone likes what's going on." Said Mike with a light slap on Brian's now very bare little bottom. Mike liked the sound and the feel of his hand slapping Brian's bottom so much that he did it again, and then rubbed Brian's butt. He then carried Brian to his bedroom with a little hug.

"Mike what are you doing?" Brian purred. He was in heaven. He was naked leaning against Mike's large powerful chest, with a full view of Mike's muscular butt, which was again obnoxiously covered by Mike's shorts. Brian could feel the strength and power flow through Mike's body. The sensation was absolutely tremendous, and far from having hated his briefs Mike had thought that they were a turn on, and had made it real clear that Brian was going to be wearing them in the future, even if he wore little else. Then Mike had pulled them off of him, leaving him naked and vulnerable on Mike's chest. This was followed by a couple of slaps on his bare bottom, which only further reminded Brian who was in charge. That sent him even further into ecstasy, as he felt that powerful hand brought against his little naked bottom. He was finally the special person being held by those powerful arms, and being carried by Mike, naked, fully under his control.

"I'm taking a winner's ransom, cutie" Mike said as he deposited Brian on the bed. Mike then pulled off his shorts and boxers, freeing his dick from captivity.

Brian lay on his back naked with his dick rock hard. Mike got on top of him and began kissing this little succulent treasure starting with Brian's cute little face working down his chest and nipples, another kiss took him past Brian's naval, and suddenly Brian's dick disappeared into Mike's mouth. Brian gasped, and after a few seconds yelled. "I'm going to cum Mike."

Mike let Brian's dick escape from his mouth licked it a couple of times and responded "Go ahead baby, let it all out."

A few seconds later Brian exploded cum covered his stomach. "Oh my God" he gasped "That was tremendous."

Mike got up and getting a towel said "just lie back cutie and let me clean you off" a few seconds later Brian was clean, and with another kiss from Mike the towel was discarded.

Brian flipped himself over and got up on all fours on the bed. Mike adjusted his dick and said "little dude get ready for a hell of a ride" He then inserted his dick in Brian's ass and began pounding back and forth, in his opinion this was the best ass he had ever fucked. It was certainly the cutest. He wrapped his arms around Brian's chest and gave him another kiss on the forehead, as his hands played with Brian's cuddly little nipples, and stomach. He whispered to his lover "Baby I'm going to cum" a few seconds later he deposited his entire load into Brian's ass. He then withdrew from Brian's now deflowered ass, giving Brian's butt a little slap followed by a kiss. He sat down on the bed.

Mike picked Brian up and lay him over his powerful legs, so that Brian's dick and balls were hanging in space and his pert little bottom was sitting up high. What a cute little bottom thought Mike.

"Dude what are you doing" said Brian

"My little dude was naughty earlier, when he tricked me into thinking he was hurt, so now he has to be taught a lesson, and I can think of no better punishment then a good old fashioned spanking on your pert little bare bottom. It is so cute, but not cute enough to spare you the punishment that you so justly deserve" Mike said, in a mock serious tone, in fact he figured that Brian would look even cuter with a mildly pink butt. He stared down at those beautiful little globes of flesh that now sat on his leg. He let his hand wander over Brian's little bottom, which quivered in anticipation. He decided that 10 ought to do it. He wanted a pink little bottom, but at the same time Mike wanted one that could still sit comfortably on his lap so they could cuddle, while Mike held Brian in his powerful arms.

He gave the first blow "SLAP"

"Ow Mike that hurt" said Brian. He had expected a couple of light slaps, and while this wasn't terrible it was harder then he had expected.

"Well maybe that will be a reminder not to try and trick me again. I was worried sick that I had hurt you" responded Mike as he slapped Brian again and again until he reached the tenth. He then began rubbing Brian's little bottom which had turned a delicious shade of pink. He then gave each cheek a little kiss.

"All right Mike I promise I won't trick you again" said Brian with a playful look in his eyes. "Just don't spank me anymore."

"You had better be good little dude" said Mike adding one final light slap for good measure as he helped Brian up. He looked so cute, standing there naked in front of him, rubbing his now deliciously pink colored bottom. "Or your cute little bottom will be right back over my knee, naked, getting another spanking, rather then sitting on my knee being cuddled and held and kissed."

Brian felt like a little schoolboy, who had just been punished for being naughty, and was now standing before the teacher, ashamed. It was such a great feeling that he began to feel hard again almost immediately.

Mike quickly relented "awe come here little dude" he grabbed Brian and sat him on his lap. He went right for Brian's mouth and the two engaged in a long passionate kiss, each probing the other's mouth. They then fell backwards onto the bed, both were exhausted. Mike had his huge strong arms around his cute little friend who was curled up against Mike's chest. "Little Dude I love you, and will always be here to protect you from the rest of the world." He gave Brian one final hug and let his hands wander down to Brian's butt and gave it one more squeeze. It was his. He gave Brian one more kiss on the forehead before falling asleep, with his arms wrapped in a jealously possessive way around his "little dude's" butt.

Brian sighed and gave another kiss to Mike's mammoth chest. He finally felt safe, no more bullies, no more being laughed at because he was so small. Mike was there and no one could hurt him. He wrapped his arms around Mike's strong lower back and with one last kiss on his hulky lover's lips fell asleep, feeling completely safe with Mike's arms wrapped possessively around his much smaller body.

This is my first attempt at with this genre, so any comments or suggestions for future stories would be greatly appreciated, including any suggestions for the next chapter of this story.

Next: Chapter 2

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