Little Doe

By christina holloway

Published on Aug 3, 2023


~ 7 ~

"So, are we all settled in then Faith? I guess there are no security problems in your room huh?" Mikes soft deep voice suddenly broke into Faiths thoughts.

"No Mike, everything is fine thank you, but I promise I'll bleep you if I need you." she replied with a grin.

"Oh Shame!" he laughed and added "I had to ask though, as head of security see."

"Oh of course Mike, I'm very grateful." she chuckled then leaning towards him said quietly. "But if you do have a problem getting laid, how about that big tall blond Russian over there. I can introduce you if you like. I suspect if you did end up in the sack with her it would be an experience you would remember! I can even give you some meaningful Russian phrases perhaps, just to help you along?"

Looking over at Evania (who just happened to glance their way as he did so) Mike laughed again. "I think there are some challenges that even I will not contemplate." and when he glanced back a couple of moments later he was amused to see that Evania was still vying for their attention. "I think Evania is trying to attract our attention Faith but I also get the distinct impression that it is you she wants rather than me and I suspect, in a more than an academic vein."

"Hmmm, I'm afraid you are right there Mike. She doesn't hide her feelings at all does she! I was made very much aware of her sexual inclinations and her feelings towards me when we were first introduced. She wasted no time at all then and has been flirting with me ever since. Every time I look over in her direction she gives me the 'come on' and ..."

"So, Evania's checking up on her choice for the night is she?" Anne's voice interrupted them and turning Faith saw her standing next to her. She grinned cheekily as she handed Faith her drink and turning to Mike went on. "Mind you, you must admit Mike, she's one awful lot of female female, and everything certainly appears to be in the right place and in the right proportions ... "

"I ..." Faith tried to reply but quickly Mike interrupted her.

"... too right, one hundred percent, and that also applies I think to Evania!" He smiled at Faith and it was her turn to blush and when she went to speak, he cut in again. "... I think Anne, she should take Evania on as part of her duties here. As the official liaison officer between us and our foreign visitors, and I use the term 'take' purely in the Biblical term of course!"

"Michael West!" Faith exclaimed with wide eyed false indignation. "Just you behave!"

"Poor girl." Anne murmured looking over to where Evania stood. "She looks so sad and helpless ... and after all Mike," and as she sipped her drink she smiled playfully over her glass at Faith. "Faith does speak her language and I'm sure it would assist and improve Anglo-Russian relations enormously. They could discuss for example the caressing of bottoms and things!"

"Anne! Now just you stop this you two, both of you, right now!" Faith exclaimed, finally managing to break in. "Firstly she looks anything but sad and helpless and secondly, if and I repeat if I want to get involved with anyone here, male or female I will make my own arrangements thank you and, I might add, I promise both of you very sincerely that only two people will know if I do, and I will be one of the two!" She grinned at them and went on "It's just not fair so lay off the both of you, or I'll sulk and go to my room. I'll also report you to someone. You're supposed to be looking after me not giving me a hard time! It's been a very long day and I don't deserve to be teased ..."

"Oh dear, no sense of fun!" Mike said looking seriously at Anne and shaking his head. "I ask you to take note however Anne, in closing it was 'will make her own arrangements', so someone might be lucky tonight!"

"Michael! Anne! Enough!" Faith again stamped her foot in feigned anger and glared menacingly at them but the telltale trace of a smile in her eyes betrayed her amusement and obvious enjoyment of the banter.

"Oh don't you just love her when she gets all dominant." Anne giggled gazing up at her with a calculated look of wistful devotion that in reality she knew was anything but calculated. Glancing down at her upturned face Faith too was thoughtful. That is the second time you have said that my little one ... just you be careful or I just might just start being dominant and then who knows where that will end!

"Okay!" Anne laughed. "Peace! And if Evania comes over here Faith I'll make out that you and I are 'an item' to put her off. That will really bug her!" and ignoring Mikes casual but knowing look she slipped her arm round Faiths waist and made a show of cuddling up to her. Faith sipped her drink and happily accepting the brief contact wondered idly what Anne would have thought had she really known her feelings on the subject of lesbian relationships and her thoughts of them regarding Anne.

"So, who shall we pull to pieces now then?" Mike inquired good humouredly. "How about Helen and Colin? At the moment they're definitely at the top of the hotel gossip column." and noticing Faiths confusion he added "They have the hots for each other but won't actually admit it to anyone."

"The Hotel Deputy Manager Colin Shepperd." Anne stated seeing Faith still looking blank.

"A very nice guy actually," Mike declared. "Helen quite obviously wants to eat him alive and he worships the ground she walks on but they are both petrified to show their feelings in public. You see he's Management and of course, she's only A Head of Department. People might disapprove!"

"Also" Anne put in "he thinks it would undermine his authority if word got round that he was fraternising with junior personnel. Make him lose face and all that! It's daft really as every one in the hotel including Brian knows how they feel about each other and that they are, well you know what I mean, doing their thing, privately anyway ..."

"Whatever happened to the good old days." Mike queried, looking at Faith. "Like back in the sixties and seventies? when two people could have a bit of slap and tickle without any comebacks. Hotel staff and management in particular, they work so hard and have such unsociable hours. At least in the old days we could all let off steam without tongues wagging. I'm sure many romances nowadays are nipped in their embryo stage due to fear of political correctness. I genuinely feel sorry for youngsters these days ..."

"Ah yes Mike, but there is also the old adage, never phoo on your own doorstep!" Faith chuckled. "But I do agree with you, it can be difficult and particularly in this environment. If the relationship were to go wrong, the possible consequences can be appalling."

"What can be appalling?" The tall slim form of Helen had suddenly appeared next to them and she was accompanied by Brian Hilden and a dark haired younger man in stripes and black jacket. Faith noted the badge on his lapel that said 'Colin Shepperd - Deputy Hotel Manager'.

Every one grinned guiltily and Faith, who was the least embarrassed, smiled at them both and extended her hand to Colin. "Colin I'm Faith Hollings, we haven't met" and added to Helen "Admitting that you are nuts over someone Helen" and she laughed.

Politely, shaking her hand Colin said "No we haven't met but I've heard all about you Miss Hollings. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"Please call me Faith Colin and I hope they were good not bad things you heard!" Faith smiled.

Everyone grinned and Helen, handing her empty glass to Colin said "If you are getting a drink Colin be an angel and go get me another will you?" Faith watched with amusement as their fingers just happen to briefly touch and she saw their eyes hold for a moment. Their unsolicited body language blatantly exposed their feeling for each other and she felt an immediate empathy for them both. They had looked at each other with such affection that she had almost laughed out loud and Colin, seeing her studying him, looked a little coy and quickly excusing himself left to fetch the drinks.

"See what I mean?" Anne whispered to Faith then turning to Helen she remarked "You just missed a very interesting conversation led by Faith about not admitting or allowing true feelings to be shown for fear of rejection or humiliation. We have agreed to protect her by the way, the Blonde Bomber fancies her and I'm going to make out I'm a lesbian and that I have pulled Faith for the night."

"Oh really Anne!" Helen exclaimed. "You are so delicate and refined in your phraseology aren't you! I'm perfectly sure Faith is quite capable of looking after herself!" She smiled at Faith and said. "I do apologise Faith. I did mention when we met earlier that she is totally irrational at times and I regret to say it, but I am sure she is slightly mad to boot. Anne, do behave yourself!" Every one laughed and she went on "However, actually there is an element of logic in what she says. We in reception had been thinking about having a sweep to pick who she would devour first. We didn't put your name down though Faith even though she's obviously gay!"

"You're assuming then that I am gay as well are you!" Faith stated with a disarming smile.

"Oh dear no Faith!" Helen exclaimed. "Oh God no, please I meant ..." but before she could finish Faith went on.

"Just joking Helen, though I do admit I have a very open mind on peoples sexual inclinations. I learnt long ago that affection, physical attraction, even love has no respect for convention. Love or lust, and I believe there is a very fine dividing line between the two, ignores the whole spectrum of age, gender, religion and even race and so-called 'class' differences. If old Cupid picks you out I reckon you have to take what he gives you and there is nothing you can do about it!" she smiled at Helen and added. "In this instant however Helen you do your sweep, but leave my name out as far as Evania is concerned." and lowering her voice she said. "She just isn't my type you see. She has no chance!" Again every one laughed and Anne who now stood next to her turned to ask the obvious question but Mike started to talk and she changed her mind.

"Funny." he said. "I have grown very broad minded in my old age you know and I accept though I don't understand gay and lesbian relationships but, well actually ..." he paused and glanced slyly at Anne. "Actually that's not completely true. I can understand a lesbian relationship. I like women. I generally find them mentally and physically appealing and certainly stimulating so, so I guess I can understand a woman being attracted to another woman but men?" He shook his head. "No. I get on with men, in fact most of my staff are men and we get on very well but I just couldn't imagine having anything like a physical attachment to one.

"If one is honest in your average normal environment, and I'm not talking the swinging night club scene but just our every day life environment, people generally here in the UK don't mind a male and a female showing their emotions in public. With in reason that is, and in the same vein no one really thinks twice about two women holding hands or even kissing in public. But to me it just seems different with two men. I'm not referring necessarily to a sexual relationship and also I'm not condemning in any way but I'm just saying it's just that ... well you know what I mean." He looked over at Anne helplessly and she grinned. She was aware of his hidden teasing and was happy to be the butt of his humour and with amusement she also realised he had got totally out of his depth and was floundering helplessly.

"You say that Mike." she responded faithfully coming to his rescue. "But there's kissing and cuddling and, well there's kissing and cuddling. Also, one assumes generally that everyone is heterosexual unless it's proven otherwise. If you take present company as an example, unless you had been told differently, by the way we have all behaved tonight you would assume I imagine that we are all heterosexual right? If Helen and I or Faith and I touched, held hands or whatever, no one would blink an eye but what if you learnt that one of us wasn't heterosexual. That one of us was bisexual or even 'gay' as you call it! Well you'd probably think very differently then wouldn't you? and more to the point, would you approve of or like the person more or less?

"Take me for example." she went on matter of factly. "If you found out I was lesbian would you change your opinion of me as a colleague? Would it change our friendship?" She looked him straight in the eye with a small challenging grin and Faith suppressing her own cynical smile looked nonchalantly round the room as she reflected on Anne's comment. ... I wish she thought, and I should be so lucky...

"Not at all!" Mike retorted taking the bait. "Providing of course that you let me watch!" he added with a leering smile.

"You filthy beast I knew you would say that!" Anne exclaimed and she lunged forward to playfully hit him. Everyone laughed but Faith halted her in mid-stride by reaching out and holding her back with a restraining hand against her tummy. Anne stopped her attack and her hands instead closed on Faiths constraining arm. She felt its muscular strength and the electric warmth the hand on her stomach and her pulse instantly started racing. She looked up at Faith and the brief glance Faith gave her back left her weak and a churning rush of longing welled up deep inside her. She edged closer to her but seeing Mike was still watching she reluctantly released Faiths arm and coyly smiling up at her, resumed her place at her side.

"I'll tell you what I don't like." Helen said. "It's not people being Gay that I object to. It's all this business of Gays advertising their relationships so blatantly all the time! All these rainbow ribbons, red triangles, black triangles and I'm gay T-shirts and things. I've nothing against their relationships but they act as though they have to prove a point or something. Don't think I'm a prude, I assure you I'm not, not by any stretch of the imagination. What goes on between them is fine with me but does it have to be so blatantly advertised as being 'cool'? When I see gay couples I just think so what, you're gay, big deal!"

"Well Evania certainly doesn't seem to worry about having come-out." Anne joked.

"No" Faith said quietly, smiling down at her "but when you're built like her Anne no one is lightly to argue are they. However, if as in your hypothetical situation you or I were found out to be lesbian, even in this enlightened age we would almost certainly suffer some form of discrimination." She looked at Brian and smiled. "I don't know of any Hotel General Managers who have come out or for that matter Conference Organisers or Linguists! Though people are becoming more open minded in business life nowadays any deviation from the acceptable norm regretfully is still open to condemnation. I personally wouldn't ostracise anyone for their sexual leanings but I know a lot of people who would. I believe that ones sexual inclinations whether heterosexual, homosexual, transsexual lesbian or whatever, they just happen. I don't think there is much you can do to change your make up and frankly why should you anyway?"

"Transsexuals I find difficult to understand." Brian said thoughtfully "Though I agree with all you have said Faith. But men wearing women's clothes? and do women do the same?" He looked questioningly round the group. "Being just an old fashioned heterosexual I am a little ignorant on the subject I am afraid!"

"A transsexual Brian is someone who by an unpleasant quirk of nature is genetically and physically of one sex but who identifies physiologically with the opposite one. If you can imagine say a female living in the body of a male? In other words to all outward physical appearances she is a he. You can also have the reverse, a male inside a female's body. A lot of people don't understand or accept them or even believe it possible to be that way. I know one or two and can assure you that some of them have a life of hell. It's the transvestite that you are thinking of I think. They retain their sexual identity but cross dress. They just like to wear the clothes of the opposite sex, though not necessarily on a permanent basis ..."

"Well at least with Evania she doesn't have the problem of guess-work with regard to her preferences." Mike chuckled. "Everyone knows exactly where they stand with her. Don't they Faith!" he added eyeing Faith good humouredly.

"Thank you for that Mike." Faith laughed. "I didn't need reminding thank you!"

"Coming out does have its advantages but it takes courage." Anne declared. She had been closely watching Faiths expression throughout the discussion but apart from the knowledge that she was sympathetic towards non-heterosexuals she still had not the faintest idea where her own preferences lay. What Mike says is true she thought looking up at her and thinking of her own present turmoil. Lesbians and homosexuals with the courage to come-out ... they don't have to pretend or hide their feelings and they can at least immediately identify with each other. Me, I've got no easy way to tell who I can confide in ... and if I make a mistake?

The room had now become very crowded and on several occasions she had been firmly and unceremoniously pushed into Faith. I could stand a bit further away if I tried she thought as once more she leant into her to let a someone pass, but there again, I doubt I will ever have the chance of another close encounter situation like this ... and anyway, she needs TLC, lots and lots of TLC ... and that includes body contact.

"To me it's a bit like religion." Faith stated. "I'm agnostic but I have nothing but respect for people who hold religious beliefs. In fact I almost envy them. But, I do find it just as difficult to understand how someone can believe in God as a believer finds it to understand how anyone could not. I would however expect them to respect me for my beliefs, just as I respect them for theirs. The same applies as far as gender attraction, even politics. I consider them to be strictly personal and private and I would again expect people to respect that privacy. I don't want someone trying to change my views on religion any more than I want anyone telling me what my sexual attitudes and behaviour should be. Quite simply I believe it has nothing to do with them."

"Here here I agree." Anne said and turning to Helen she said. "But going back to the original subject Helen, if you do go ahead with that sweep in reception you can leave me out of the running for Evania as well!"

"Oh Shame! Now that would certainly have been an interesting scenario to observe. You and Evania!" Mike chuckled.

"Michael Behave!" the three women chorused in unison and everyone laughed.

The conversation continued in a similar vein and it was some time later when Anne looked up at Faith and asked quietly. "And may I be nosey and ask if you have a current relationship or attachment going Faith?" She silently prayed for the negative reply but when the reply did come, she was devastated.

"No." Faith answered firmly looking down at Anne. A cold twinge of hurt had turned briefly inside her chest, momentarily clouding her feelings of happiness. "Let's just say I'm just out of the recovery ward so to speak. I sort of needed a heart replacement recently. Someone sort of broke the old one up. In a word I got ditched!" She tried to sound humorous but it didn't quite come off and Anne detected the catch in her voice.

"Oh Faith!" she gasped in dismay. "Oh Faith my God I am so sorry. Truly truly I really am sorry. I just didn't think ... Oh God I am so stupid sometimes! I'm always putting my foot in it ..."

Seeing her obvious distress Faith quickly interrupted. "Shush, it's okay. Really! Maybe I'll tell you all about it sometime but I'm over it all now, honest. The surgery was a success!" She chuckled and smiling at her she reassuringly gave her shoulders a little hug. "Though I still get a bit lonely sometimes!" she added quietly looking at her with mock seriousness.

"Oh Faith I feel absolutely dreadful I really do." Anne sighed. "Please forgive me"

"There is nothing to forgive!" Faiths voice was almost a whisper and she brushed Anne's hair with her palm. "Just look after me whilst I'm here okay!"

Anne nodded, for a moment unable to speak. The touch of Faiths hand on her hair had been electrifying and the warmth and penetration of her eyes left her breathless.. Awkwardly she swallowed and though still concerned, as she realised how much she'd inadvertently upset Faith, she looked round and was grateful to see that their brief discussion had passed unnoticed by the others. She also realised that she had no idea who, as Faith had so subtly put it, had "ditched her". Was it a man or, more importantly, was it a woman she wondered and reluctantly she turned her attention back to the general discussion.

" ... but I'll definitely keep my office door locked from now on." Helen joked. Colin you'll protect me won't you?" Everyone laughed loudly and both he and Helen looking a little embarrassed looked around smiling It was evident that they were a little confused and somewhat baffled by the excessive laughter, both obviously unaware that they were the cause of the humour.

Brian grinned and shook his head. "I think it's time I made a tactical retreat and left you Guys and Gals to enjoy yourselves and to solve the moral dilemmas of the world without me! Faith, it has been a pleasure meeting you and I'll see you tomorrow!" He raised a salutary hand to the group and turning away he almost collided with the housekeeper, Amanda Willis. "Sorry Amanda." he laughed. "I'm off. I'll see you tomorrow as well. Bye you lot!" and with another casual wave he left them.

"Ah ha!" boomed Mike. "I'm saved! It's the lovely Amanda, Amanda - Faith Hollings, Faith - Amanda Willis our untiring Head Housekeeper and my guardian angel."

Faith noted the pint of beer in one hand and what looked like a gin and tonic in the other as Amanda joined them. Smiling broadly at everyone she handed Mike the pint and turning to Faith, still smiling, shook hands with her. "Hello Faith, nice to meet you. Welcome to the mad house!" and turning back to Mike she latched possessively on to his arm. "I hope you have behaved yourself." she quipped kissing his ear and with a sheepish grin he smiled and took a pull on his beer.

"He's sort of behaved Amanda." Faith joked and at that moment Colin returned with Helens drink. With a polite "Excuse me" he squeezed behind Anne but as he did so was himself jostled from behind and was inadvertently pushed quite firmly into her. Anne, who was stood crossed legged, immediately lost her balance and fell forward, solidly into Faith who smoothly caught and held her with her free arm.

For some time Faith had been very aware of Anne's closeness and when on the several occasions Anne had gently leant against her to let guests squeeze past them she had appreciated the brief body contact. Breathing in her delicate fragrance and feeling the soft supple touch of her body had been more than pleasant and she had suppressed the urge several times to hold her but now, as she held Anne up, she was immediately conscious of her unmistakably feminine form pressing into her. She felt heat and suppleness and the outlines of Anne's figure seemed to melt into her own. A warm wave of sexual arousal swept through her.

Suddenly she realised she had been holding Anne longer, far longer than was necessary. Quickly she released her and looking down saw the lovely light flush of embarrassment filling Anne's cheeks and knew that the brief moment of intimate awareness had been mutual. The whole incident had lasted barely seconds but the now familiar wave of desire that had washed over her and the impromptu shudder of yearning had left her surprised and shaken. You have no idea she murmured silently, you have no idea what you just did to me Anne Wilde ... not the faintest idea ... and oh God but you're lovely when you blush ... Faith released her hold and Anne pulled back and gasped an apology.

"Oh Faith I'm so sorry I really am! I do apologise!" In the brief moment that Faith had held her she had became very much aware of their bodily contact. The awesome firmness and warmth of Faiths thighs and tummy, the pillowing soft yet firmness of her breasts against her cheek. The intimate lines of her body were unmistakable and Anne's insides rocked with a massive wave of desire. A rush of heat swept through her and she felt her neck and face burn.

"Are you all right?" she murmured struggling to regain her composure. "I'm afraid I seem to be doing and saying all the wrong things since we met don't I!"

"Rubbish!!" Faith laughed gently. "And we didn't even spill our drinks! You're doing just fine. I'm having a lovely evening so just you carry on looking after me the way you are!" then she added with a smile "but I think Evania would have been furious if she had seen us just now!"

Anne smiled and lowered her eyes. To an onlooker the episode had probably all looked quite innocent she thought, it had lasted just seconds but, but during the evening I've sensed a sort of mental rapport forming between us ... an awareness ... we've been parrying, playfully teasing even ... it's been lovely yet at the same time, very unnerving. All very correct proper and innocent, never quite crossing the lines as it were but then, for that brief moment when I fell into her, was it my imagination or had she really held me and hugged me just a little to tightly, and didn't she hold me against her just a tad longer than was really necessary ... I wonder, is there really something there ... or is this all purely my own imagination running wild.

"What time does all this mad house pack up?" Faith asked looking at her watch. It was ten to ten.

"Gawd knows." Mike chuckled. "Probably about two or three in the morning I expect, maybe even later."

"Oh please don't go yet Faith." Helen said and was immediately backed up by the others.

"Well thank you, that's very kind of you all! " Faith replied. "Well I would like another drink, but then really I must go. It has been a very long day and I seem to have lost out on a nights sleep some where along the line."

Fresh drinks duly arrived and as the party continued Faith noted happily that Anne still stayed close to her despite the earlier mishap. Very close in fact she thought and because of that she took her time with her drink. Finally however, though reluctant to leave, at ten thirty she decided to make a move. Turning to Anne she said quietly "I'm going up to my room now Anne, I want to sit and ... well switch off if you know what I mean. If you would like to pop in for a night cap though or just come in to say good night I would be delighted. You are more than welcome ..."

"Of course I would like that Faith, but it may not be for about another hour or so. Tell you what, leave the communicating door open and I'll look in and join you if you are still awake, okay?"

"Sure thing!" Faith smiled and as she turned to the others and wished them a good night she thought with a smile 'if you wish join me if I am asleep or awake my little one you are welcome' and with wave to the group, gently threaded her way through the crowd and left.

~ 8 ~

"That folks is one hell of a woman!" Mike declared profoundly as he watched Faiths departure. The statement was addressed to no one in particular but when Anne, who was also watching her looked round she saw him looking at her and his eyes were smiling. Oh Bugger, she muttered silently. Surely he doesn't suspect does he ... a small frown briefly creased her forehead and she deliberately looked away to avoid his gaze and it was Helen who answered him.

"Isn't she just, and I don't think she'll cause us any problems either." Helen chuckled then she added with a grin. "or for that matter be the Hooray Henry pain in the arse Anne and I originally thought she would be."

"Hey you hang on there a minute! Point of order!" Anne quickly chipped in laughing nervously. "A correction there please, less of this we business! It was you Helen who said you hoped she wouldn't be pain in the arse and Hooray Henry and I was the one who said I didn't think she would be!"

Everyone joined in the laughter but seeing Mike was still watching her with an expression of knowing amusement she again averted her eyes from his and sighing, with a feeling of frustration, she stood silently and thoughtfully sipped her drink.

I reckon she's caused quite enough problems already she thought, a wry grin slightly lifting the corners of her mouth. Lovely big problems and problems that hopefully I will somehow resolve before this conference is over but ... but there again ... what does happen now? As a potential seducer my record has not had much to show on the positive side so far. The only thing I've been successful at to date is making a complete ass of myself. In less than twelve hours I've not only fallen in love with the woman but I've confounded the situation with a string of disasters. I told the porter to put her in my room. I've asked her personal questions about her love life which obviously hurt. I've been physically clumsy, like sticking my breast in her arm and head butting her boobs, elbowing her in the ribs ... oh God the list is endless. I surely haven't a hope in hells chance of impressing her now ... my performance has all in all been so far removed from the cool sophisticated operation of seduction that I originally had in mind. I've made an impression all right but a disastrous one and yet, and yet after all the mishaps she's still been so friendly towards me ... even asked me to pop in and see her before she went to bed ...

A vision of Faith waiting for her in her bedroom in a state of undress drifted through her mind ... the magnificent Faith Hollings she mused, standing naked, her arms outstretched beckoning, her body completely open to my gaze ... Oh my, what a dream, what a beautiful dream ... she smiled and was then suddenly startled back to reality by Mikes voice. Without her noticing he had moved over and was now stood next to her.

"That smile, a private joke is it then or can everyone share it?" his voice was quiet but it made her jump.

She looked round startled and embarrassed. "Oh no, I mean yes." she blurted. "I mean it was no joke I was miles away!" She forced a smile and at the same time was relieved to see that their conversation was going unnoticed.

"Miles away?" Mike queried softly with a chuckle. "Oh I don't think so Anne. Certainly not miles. How about just one floor up! Now at least I know what your problem was earlier in the swimming pool!"

A chill shiver of uneasiness washed over her. If he suspects, then it was quite possible that someone else might do too. "What do you mean a problem and a floor up?" Her voice sounded controlled as she fought to gain the upper hand but her insides began to churn uncomfortably and she felt anything but in control and again she looked about nervously to see if she or they were being observed.

"I have to go and do walk about." Mike continued calmly. "Got to check the conference hall and so on, care to come along?" He grinned at her and his eyes showed affection as with a wink, and without waiting for a reply, he turned and made his way towards the exit.

Quickly she made her excuses to the others on a pretext of "work to do" and followed. Catching up with him in the corridor and as they walked together she linked her arm into his. "Now then" she asked. "what on earth are you on about Michael West?" Again she tried to sound composed and casual but she was apprehensive and painfully aware that her voice was a couple of octaves to high.

"All that this afternoon silly. I knew there was a problem and I did ask if I could help but you said Oh no, there's no problem! I knew very well there was and I was right. And as I suspected at the time, it was the arrival of a certain Miss Faith G. Hollings on the scene wasn't it, and more to the point your subsequent mental and probable, if I may be so bold, physical reaction to that said persons arrival! You young lady are completely smitten by her."

"Oh Mike for heavens sake, don't talk crap!" Her exclamation was intended to sound deriding but it didn't come off and she went on nervously. "Don't be so absolutely ridiculous Mike. You don't honestly think for one minute I am ... that I'm interested in Faith Hollings that way do you?" She looked round and was again relieved to see they were alone. "For heavens sake, she's nice Mike really but ... but she's way out of my league!"

"Oh Gawd, come on Anne its Mike West your talking to. I don't have to think I know exactly how you feel about Faith. It's written all over your face, and you needn't worry," he quickly held up his hand as with a show of alarm Anne attempted to cut in. "Its okay, no one else would have seen it. I've told you before Anne, I told you at the pool this afternoon in fact and I'll tell you again. We're friends and I like to think very close friends so you should know better than anybody that you have nothing to fear from me and that my confidentiality is one hundred percent." He gave her a friendly hug and added. "I won't even tell Amanda okay!"

"Yes Mike, we are friends, close friends, but Mike, you have got to be joking I'm not ..."

Putting his hands up in a show of mock surrender Mike interrupted. "Anne, you don't have to explain to me and if you want to deny your feelings, that's fine with me. That's it, end of conversation! But just one thing, as an old friend please give me some credit. If I find her attractive, which I do incidentally, it's is perfectly reasonable and logical for me to think that you, being a lesbian, could do so as well. So why all this denial? and out of your league did you say? Ha! I think not. I've known you long enough to know that that really is absolute crap as you so politely call it, and you know it. We both know you consider nothing and no one as out of your league. You don't have a league for heavens sake!" He laughed and squeezed her hand affectionately. "But if you must have it your way, forget I ever mentioned it. However, should at some time you need my help or a shoulder to cry on? Well you know where I am."

He walked quickly on and she had to hurry to keep up with him. Her initial overwhelming fear had passed but that was now replaced with concern as her mind whirled. I know I can trust him but the last thing I want is people suspecting my feelings for her or for that matter, even suspecting me of being a lesbian. The very thought is appalling! She sighed then hugging his arm she cuddled up to him and said "Oh shit, all right know all! So I admit I find her a bit attractive. But Mike please only you know and no one, but no one else must ever know, especially her."

"Anne, for goodness sake don't get so up tight. I'm sorry but it is after all my job to watch and assess people. I do it whenever and wherever and, lets face it, you're an old buddy of mine so I naturally watch over you, perhaps a bit more than others, I admit it but well, so what ... Incidentally, to any outsider who doesn't know you like me your behaviour tonight with Faith has been impeccable, no one else would ever suspect you had the remotest feelings for her apart from the friendship that has obviously formed since you met. I however, on a personal note do think your saying attracted a bit is a bit of an understatement. Let's face it Anne, you're totally infatuated and probably already head over heels in love with her!"

"Oh Mike, that is crazy, you really do talk absolute rubbish! I just, well I admit I fancy her just a little bit. Lets face it, she is rather gorgeous isn't she!"

"Anne she is not rather gorgeous, she is gorgeous full stop! But tell me, just out of curiosity though. Not being all that well up on female logic and female to female romance procedures, if Faith is not to know you are a lesbian and that you fancy her and, and you don't know if she is or does in that order, how ever do you plan on the two of you getting together romantically?"

"Oh Mike come on." She laughed pushing him away playfully. "I just like her that's all!

"Yes Anne." he stated sarcastically and he grinned knowingly at her.

Anne stared back at him and then she gave up. "Oh shit! Okay I admit it. She's got me." She sighed heavily and looked away from him. "I just have to look at her Mike and I go all mushy inside. She only has to speak, or worse still fix me with those gorgeous green eyes of hers and God I'm syrup ... and if we touch? Jesus! then I'm really in trouble. and the trouble is Mike, I just haven't the faintest remotest idea how she feels. About me I mean. I know she likes me, I can pick that up but for a start she must think I'm a nut case. You wouldn't believe what a twit I have been with her. Literally a walking disaster!" Mike smiled but said nothing and she went on. "If you're so clever and so observant perhaps you can tell me something about her. Like for example how you think she might feel about me. Do you think she might be lesbian?" She had linked her arm back into his again and hugging it as they walked she decided she felt considerably better now that she had someone to share her secret with.

"Hey, you just hold on there a minute!" Mike chuckled. "I'm not a mind reader. There I'm afraid I can't help you. I picked your feelings up and was alerted to the fact that something had disturbed you quite early but that was because I know you personally and am fond of you. As far as Faith is concerned you probably know more about her than I do. I observed her body language but even that and her comments told me very little. She's a very cool calm dude is our Miss Hollings. I think perhaps she's a rather secretive person too or perhaps a private person better describes her. She likes you though Anne, that I can promise you. But whether it is ... er ... well on what basis I can't say!"

He grinned at her and went on. "She certainly made it clear that she wasn't attracted to Evania but she actually showed very little of her emotions all evening. She didn't condemn or approve of anything or anybody. I am afraid Anne you'll have to sort that one out yourself. I think also, and this is strictly a personal opinion, I think that she is a very lonely little soul. Just now and then I sensed a flicker, a look perhaps of sadness. Loneliness perhaps. I suspect she's trying very hard to hide something. Some emotional problem she's wrestling with perhaps. She's doing it very well. Putting up a front I believe is the expression but to me I felt she dropped her guard just a couple of times and it was then that it showed."

Anne decided not to mention Faiths admission to the recently broken relationship but she smiled up at him and said. "Interesting, that's very interesting Mike. I had the very same feeling. Two great minds think alike eh? Mind you I swear I really don't know what to think. Sometimes she actually seemed to come on to me and then she's all cool calm and collected, even aloof and she's so, so impressive, so ... she just overwhelms me Mike! Just my luck she had to be a VIP and just my luck I have to be the one person who has to look after her. Really of all the people in this hotel I am the last one who should be thinking of making a play for her. Can you can imagine what would happen if I made a, well made a pass and she took offence!"

"Sure, the possibilities are horrifying if you look on the dark side." Mike grinned. "But as I said, she does like you Anne so don't be frightened of her. I strongly suspect if you did come on to her and it was not welcomed, well I would be very very surprised indeed if she created and made a scene. I reckon to be a pretty good judge of people Anne and I know she is just not that sort of person. She's more lightly to pick you up and put you over her knee, smack your bottom and tell you to behave yourself!"

"Oh don't Mike, what a divine thought! I'm going all wet and gooey at the very thought of it."

"Don't be disgusting!" he reprimanded with a smile and she giggled quietly to herself as he went on. "As I said before I'm quite sure she likes you but whether or not she'd want to go jumping into bed with you, well I wouldn't care to say."

They had reached the conference room and Mike turned to her." I wish you luck Anne but I think, unfortunately for you, if anyone is to make a move it will have to be you. Remember, she's a pretty high flyer and has a reputation to keep intact. She wouldn't want to spoil that reputation on a three day conference with a scandal and I've heard nothing to remotely suggest that she is anything but absolutely squeaky clean, and let's face it, she wouldn't be where she is if she was indiscreet regarding her personal behaviour. Especially her love life. Oh and also, we all heard her say it and I think I quote correctly ... only two people would know about any relationship I might have here and I would be one of them ... even though it was said jokingly, I think she seriously meant every word. Just remember Anne, she's a VIP. A very important and also very highly respected person, world wide." and seeing her saddening expression he chuckled. "Hey! She's only human you know. She has human weaknesses. Who knows, maybe you will be her weakness!" and then with a smile he added "and just for the record, I suspect she is also a very nice human."

"Thanks Mike, you really are a pal." Anne grinned. "Trouble is, to be totally honest it is not as though I just want a one night stand with her now. At first I admit I just wanted her sexually for some really cool loving, but now? I really like her Mike and I want to be her friend as well. I think now that I would be hurt and disappointed if it turned out to be just a one nighter."

"I know. You rubbished me a minute ago but I know Anne. Just ask yourself though, how hurt and how angry will you be if it ends up a no nighter or no relationship at all through lack of trying!" It was a comment again rather than a question.

"Worse I guess." Anne murmured as Mike placed his hand on the security panel and spoke his name but as the doors opened she asked. "What's that saying, better to have loved and lost than never loved at all? Trouble is whoever said that probably didn't have to face dire consequences if it all went pear shaped!"

"True, but if you want my advice Anne, if it was me I would just play it by ear. If the occasion doesn't arise then forget it but if an occasion does arise, well go for it and tell her what you feel, show her! Hey, what happened to that confident, aggressive hard as nails and dominant little female I used to know? Seriously, if a chance came up and you didn't take it you'd hate yourself afterwards. She'll be gone in a couple of days time and gone, is gone, possibly for ever. If it is any comfort by the way, I do understand your feelings. I really do think she is something special too!"

"Well you can jolly well join the queue Mike West and I'm at the front of that queue Okay?" Anne quipped cheerfully "At least you have Amanda, so one of us will have someone to keep them warm tonight Nighty night and thanks Mike!" and kissing the back of his hand she turned and walked away.

"Bon chance!" he called as with a smile, then gently but firmly he closed the doors.

Anne was deep in thought as she slowly walked back to the reception room. On reaching the entrance she decided against rejoining the party and instead went on to her office. Sitting down at her desk and taking out the conference folder she absentmindedly leafed through the files. But as her mind began to wander she finally closed the folder and sat back to quietly reflect on the evening, and inevitably, Faith. Those eyes she though, those gorgeous grey green eyes ... so warm and yet so, so probing ... she made me wet just by looking at me ... and then those body contacts, intended and unintended they had all been so electrifying ... She picked up Faiths photograph and a comforting warm glow materialised in her chest and quickly spread downwards and she smiled. It is that bad Faith, so bad I'm physically affected by just looking at your picture? She studied the photo and was again thoughtful. At first I thought it was your eyes that gave the impression you were laughing, but it's not your eyes it's, it's your mouth and eyes together ... like the Mona Lisa ... a smile that isn't there but is ... and that lovely mouth with its wide fullness ... those lips ... She touched t he lips on the photo with her finger tip and a shiver of pleasure slid through her as briefly she fantasised on what it would be like to kiss and be kissed by them. She ran her tongue across her own lips as her heart beat quickened. Whatever happens I must ask Mike if I can keep this photo, he said he had a full length one in his office I must ask him to show it to me ...

Again she stroked her fingers across the picture and suddenly she knew that she had to go to her ... and she had to go now. Glancing at her watch she saw it was eleven thirty. "My God!" she exclaimed aloud. "She's probably gone to bed and is asleep!" Hurrying now, she placed the photos and the file back in the desk drawer and locking it and then the office door behind her she quickly crossed the foyer and headed up the stairway to her room. Almost running the last few steps she reached her suite and inserted her key card in the door.. "You might never know how I feel Faith Hollings" she muttered quietly but if you're awake, then God help me it will not be through my lack of trying to show you." As she opened the door she silently prayed. "Please, please oh please be awake." She entered the room and gave a low sigh of relief and leant back against the door, clicking it shut. The communicating door to Faiths suite was still open and more importantly, there were lights on beyond.

She stood still for a moment, heart thumping and temples pounding, her head resting back against the hard wood of the door. "At least I can say good night if nothing else." she murmured quietly and taking a deep breath, she pushed herself away from the door and quickly crossed to the entrance of Faiths suite.

~ 9 ~

After leaving the reception, as Faith headed for her room she was apprehensive. Something tells me that inviting Anne to my room might have been a mistake, I have enough trouble controlling my emotions towards her in public so how do I expected to cope with her alone in a bedroom ... but when she reached and entered her suite she noted with a smile the open communicating doors to Anne's suite and leaving them ajar went on to her bedroom.

In the bedroom the curtains had been drawn and the bed was turned back and two sets of fresh towels were laid neatly on the bottom corners of the large double bed. I should be so lucky she thought sadly as quickly she began to undress and as she slipped her pants down and stepped out of them she smiled at their tell-tale dampness. She touched herself intimately and felt smooth warm wetness and chuckled quietly. "Anne Wilde, you have a lot to answer for!" and picking up the towels she carried them through to the bathroom.

Turning on the shower she quickly adjusted the flow and stepped beneath the hot spray and for a while stood relishing its cascading warmth. Nonchalantly she began to wash herself but then, as she did so, thoughts of Anne returned. Closing her eyes she pictured Anne in her mind and she sighed. With out realising it she moved a hand down over her tummy, down to the join of her thighs. Her legs parted and her fingers probed gently. She began too stroke and caress. Sensual tremors began pervading her body then suddenly she gasped out loud and quickly pulled her hand away. "Oh My God No!" she exclaimed and with an adamant shake of her head she swiftly finished her shower and stepped out of the tub. Though the thought of being "caught in the act" of masturbating by Anne she reflected with a grin as she briskly dried herself, does hold a deliciously erotic appeal but ...

After the shower she felt refreshed and quickly drying herself she wrapped herself up in one of the towels and returned to the bedroom. Picking up the offending pants and other discarded clothes she opened a cupboard she dropped them into a laundry bag and chuckled to herself quietly. "Guess I'd better buy panty liners if I'm going to be around you for the next couple of days Miss Wilde!" and removing the towel she slipped on the short gold coloured night wrap she'd worn earlier and padded through to the lounge. Pouring a double measure of vodka into a tall glass she added ice and opening the bar fridge door she took out the last can of diet coke and filled the glass up to the brim. Switching the radio on she turned the volume down low and settling back on the settee propped her head up on the arm rest with a cushion and put her feet up. She was still unable to shake Anne out of her mind and sighing contentedly she began to thin k. So, what happens now Miss Hollings?

The strains of "Help me make it through the night" drifting over the air from the radio and she grinned. Very appropriate I'm sure she thought, I definitely think I'm going to need something to help me make it through this evening let alone the night! Ruefully she took another sip of her drink then setting it down on the table and as she thoughtfully rubbed her hands together, warming them from the cold wet condensation of the glass, she thought on about Anne and the reception.

She really is something else ... I wonder if she has any awareness at all of how attracted I am to her. Was she just being over friendly or was she really giving me the come on this evening ... this conference, it's all pretty high powered stuff for a hotel like this and is not the place to make a "faux pas". She is surely on the same deal as me and she must be aware that her reputation is just as much at stake as mine. More probably and I don't have to work whereas she does ... or I assume she does and if that is the case, and if she is a lesbian who hasn't come out, then she is taking one hell of a chance coming on to me without a guarantee that it was safe. I've purposely resisted giving any sign to her, or anyone else for that matter, of my leanings so if she is coming on to me then she's "going blind" ... and therefore she's risking big trouble on two counts. First that might I be straight ... she said at the reception that every one assumes heterosexuality unless otherwise informed so she's risking rejection there .... and possibly a formal complaint against her for sexual harassment. Secondly she's risking possible rejection anyway, purely on her not knowing my own personal preferences. Even if she knew I was lesbian she doesn't know if I would be interested in a relationship with her. Nope, on either count she's pushing her luck ... in fact we are both on a "no go" course really. I certainly can't risk a mistake any more than she can ...

Sighing she picked up her drink. All this speculation she thought is getting nowhere ... I'm tempted and want to make a move on her but I can't. I mustn't. I just don't dare! If it had been just for tonight then maybe I might have chanced it, maybe ... but it isn't just tonight, there is tomorrow, tomorrow night and the day after. If I made a move and it was a wrong move how could I possibly face the next two days ... No, difficult though that may be you know it makes sense Hollings. Just be happy with her friendship, if things went wrong just think of your business reputation alone. You would be destroyed for this conference and almost certainly future ones as well. If word got round you were a lesbian you'd be instantly struck from UN and the Foreign Office lists ... She shuddered at the thought and picking up her glass she took a long pull of her drink. It's so damn unfair she thought leaning back into the cushions, so unfair that a persons sexual inclinations can result in business and social discrimination but, but it's better to be safe rather than sorry ...

As she sat silently contemplating, the thought of Anne being an adversary rather than a friend crossed her mind and she instantly she dismissed it. Unthinkable! I'm far to fond of her now, and there's the rub ... sure I fancy her like hell but I've grown very fond of her too. But there is the problem. I'm far more than just physically attracted to her now. I find her delightful and enchanting, and I enjoy her company. She smiled as she pictured her in her mind and thought about their friendship. Well, there's no way I'm going to chance spoiling this relationship just because she's got me feeling so randy ... Perhaps, perhaps I could manage a platonic relationship on a short term basis? Difficult, bloody difficult in fact but, well short term perhaps but long term? She shook her head and chuckled quietly. No, no way, I must keep my distance and if I keep my distance then will cope. It's when we're close and worse still, when we touch, that I really have a problem.

She recalled the beautiful softness and pliant femininity of Anne's small body as it pressed against her when she had fallen against her at the cocktail party and a tingle of pleasure rippled through her. Even thinking of her next to me stirs me she thought, I should never have invited her back to my room ... with the feelings I have for her right now it will be practically impossible for me to behave rationally. She glanced at her watch. "Just gone eleven thirty." she muttered aloud. "If I'm really quick I can be in bed before she arrives." .... but as she moved get up from the settee she heard the door in Anne's suite open, then click shut.

"Ohhhhh shit!" she murmured quietly. "Too late ..." and with a sigh of resignation she put her head back on the cushions, closed her eyes as if in silent prayer, and braced herself.

"You awake?" Anne's whisper sent a small tremor of sexual awareness swinging through her body and the hairs on the back of her neck became alive. Having already resigned herself to the mental pleasure and pain that she was sure was about to follow she opened her eyes and looked across the room to where Anne was standing by the door. Her insides churned and her heart faltered. Oh God, she looks more desirable than ever ... I'll never resist her ... She took a deep breath and said quietly. "I sure am. Please, come on in."

"I didn't know if you were still up and I didn't want to awaken you." Anne smiled. "Do you mind me? It's rather late, nearly midnight!"

"Of course I don't mind. I take time to switch of and actually it's only just gone eleven thirty and as you see, I'm not in bed yet. I don't have to be up too early." and raising herself up on to one elbow she watched Anne approach. "Please excuse my casual garb!" she said murmured with an broad sweep of her hand across her torso and legs. It was then she recalled she had nothing else but the wrap on ....

Anne, having reached Faiths side stood smiling down at her. The one glance at the silk night robe was enough to set her heart racing again. It barely reached Faiths knees and for a moment she stared at the long bare legs, mesmerised My God she gasped silently, that is all she has on, she's naked under that robe, I just know she is .... Her throat tightened as the realisation penetrated her mind and for a moment she could not move. "I - I'm glad you're awake. I really didn't want to go to bed without seeing you. May I get you anything?" she finally managed looking back up to her. "Another drink perhaps?"

Anne was stood very close and leaning on the settee as she was Faiths eyes were level and just inches away from the hem of Anne's short dress. She stared at the slightly parted thighs and as Anne's familiar scent filled her nostrils she felt her groin tightened with sexual expectancy. She swallowed, and fearful that Anne might read her mind, she lowered her eyes and turned her head away. Oh God but to reach out and touch her she thought, to stroke, to slide my hand up between ... She clenched her hands in an effort of self-control and said quickly looking up at her with a smile. "Well, I am out of diet cokes Anne, I didn't want to call room service at this time of night."

Anne stared into the clear unwavering eyes and was again enveloped in a wave of yearning. Her chest tightened, her breathing became difficult and her groin, enveloped in wave of sudden seeping warmth, tingled. Sucking in her breath through parted lips she stared helplessly at Faith who, looking down to her almost empty glass on the table casually picked it up, drained the contents and calmly handed it to her and asked quietly. "Would you mind?"

Nervously Anne took the glass. "I'll get you your drink and a couple of extra cans too. If you're really sure you're not too tired. I would like that night cap you offered earlier. I'll go and change into something more comfy, Vodka and diet, ice no slice. Right?" she chuckled lightly.

"Don't worry about the replacement cans but a drink would be nice and yes, that will be fine. You realise you'll get me drunk if I carry on drinking at this rate!"

"It'll do you good to let your hair down." Anne retorted turning to leave. "I won't be a minute." Faith watched the retreating figure, eying especially the gentle sway of Anne's trim little hips then, as she stood up she muttered quietly to her self "and for Gods sake put something on that covers you up, like a Saudi Haiku perhaps!"

Deliberately she picked up a chair and placed it so that the low coffee table would be between them. Looking down at her will be a lot safer than looking up at her she thought with a ironic grin and sitting down on the chair she waited uneasily but eagerly for her return, pensively reviewing the few minutes Anne had been in the room with her. She was unable to remove the image of Anne's bare thighs from her mind .... God she was so close. I could even smell her sexuality, it was intoxicating ... but I did resist reaching for her... With a brisk shake of her head she began trying to reassure and convince herself she would be able to continue controlling her emotions and erotic impulses when she returned. Just keep your distance from her she sighed, just keep her away from you. If she gets close again you've had it, you'll go to pieces and then you'll do something ludicrous like grab her ... Oh God, please just one quick drink. Make it just one drink and then let me go to bed ...

In her bedroom Anne kicked off her shoes and ran through to the bathroom. Swiftly she unzipped her dress and letting it fall to the floor slid her pants off. "My God I'm soaking!" she muttered and taking a flannel from the basin ran cold water over it, wrung it out then clamped it between her thighs. Giggling to herself she fantasised on Faiths expression had she walked in at that moment and seen her. With a final cleansing wipe she quickly dried herself and retrieving her night robe from the back of the door slipped it on and returned to the bedroom.

Slipping on a clean pair of white cotton briefs she walked through to the lounge and began pouring the drinks. She poured two large Vodkas and added ice and, with a smile, she noticed the slight tremble in her hand and was aware of the pounding of her pulse. She pictured Faith reclining on the settee and opening two cans of coke she hungrily gulped down half the contents of one of them before pouring the rest equally into the two glasses. God talk about an instant turn on she thought, she couldn't have looked more seductive and desirable if she had tried ... Quickly, she glanced at her reflection in the full length mirror and pushing her hair back over her shoulders. With a small smile, she loosened her wrap slightly and picked up the drinks. Taking a deep breath she turned. "Okay Miss Hollings," she murmured softly. "you are now in trouble. This is it. One way or another you and I are going to get sorted!" and purposefully she headed back to Faith's suite.

When Anne reappeared Faiths heart sank. She was bare foot and wore a short turquoise wrap tied with a tasselled sash at the waist. The silk clung loosely to her small body emphasising rather than hiding her petite figure and mentally Faith did a retake. Oh God, the wrap. It's even shorter than the dress she just took off ...

Anne walked towards her, a drink in each hand and smiling genially she bent down and placed the glasses on the low coffee table in front of faith. As she leant down the top of her wrap fell forward and opened and in disbelief, Faith found herself staring at Anne's small breasts that were suddenly totally exposed to her. They swayed gently with her movements and Faith clearly saw the small dark nipples, firmed to tight little points. Oh my God ... they are beautiful she gasped silently. Her throat tightened and her insides lurched as blatant sexual lust and desire enveloped her.

For a long moment she stared transfixed and with out realising it, her tongue parted and moistened her lips. The palms of her hands became instantly clammy and she gripped the handles of the chair tightly. She tried to swallow and was conscious that her breathing was now far to fast.. Oh God, I can't cope with much more of this ... Legs, knees, thighs, eyes and now her naked breasts. I'm going to die of heart failure before this night is through for God sake I am only human ... God I want this woman! Struggling to regain her composure she reached for her drink.

"Thank you Anne." she whispered.

Still smiling, Anne straightening up and turned away to seat herself in the chair opposite. "So," she said pushing her hair back. "tell me about your first impressions of the Williamson Hotel!" She eyed Faith thoughtfully over her glass, smugly satisfied with herself. The calculated way I placed the drinks on the table I know exposed my breasts to her. It worked absolutely perfectly ... I clearly saw her eyes drop down and stare ... and that look, it was definitely more than just a disinterested glance, I am sure it was a long lusting stare. .... but then damn it ... she just Casually picks up her drink, quietly says thank you and, and acts as though nothing had happened! ....and now she looks and appears calm cool and totally unruffled! Is she entirely without emotion? She must be made of granite for Gods sake! ... But then, but what did I expect her to do, reach out and hold them? She smiled to herself as she watched Faith sip her drink and she studied the long sensual fingers holding the glass. What a lovely crazy thought ... God how wonderful it would have been ...

"Thank you again for the drink!" Faith murmured taking a sip. "I think everyone has been very kind to me. Except of course you and Mike with your teasing!"

She smiled and wagged an admonishing finger at her. Having recovered partially from the erotic exposure she now became aware that she herself had a problem. Her own physical reaction to the display had been immediate and impressive. Apart from the hidden warmth in her groin she had felt her own nipples instantly begin to firm. They now itched with their hardness and to her dismay she could see that they were quite clearly outlined against the material of her gown and, to add to her embarrassment, she could swear that Anne's eyes were firmly fixed on them.

"Oh yeah ... The blonde bomber!" Anne grinned. "Actually I didn't see the outcome of her evening. Helen will know though, I'll ask her in the morning." She laughed and said good-humouredly. "But we weren't too nasty were we?"

"No, you weren't too bad." Faith replied. "You could have been worse but I did think you were serious at one stage and was just a little worried for a minute. "

"What worried that we thought you fancied her or worried that we thought you might be a lesbian?" Anne asked quickly.

"Worried that you thought I fancied her silly!" Faith said grinning, deliberately refraining from denying or affirming the question of her being a lesbian. She moved in her chair and as she crossed her legs her gown slipped, briefly revealing her knees and a fair portion of thigh. Recalling she was naked beneath the gown she quickly pulled the gown back up but she noticed Anne's eyes instantly drop to view the momentary exposure.

Spoil sport Anne thought as Faith covered up and her eyes moved back again to the smooth swell of her breasts and the distinct imprint of her nipples pressing against the material and she swallowed and, without shifting her gaze, took a long sip of her drink.

"Yes. It was all rather blatant wasn't it." Faith laughed lightly. "But as I said at the time, when your as big and bold as she is you can get away with it can't you. Being open about her, her sexual inclinations I mean!"

"True. I guess no one would argue with her about the rights and wrongs of her methods or preferences but when you are little like me it's difficult if not impossible to imagine being so obvious, and so dominant too. To be so open about it like her. I'm not really the dominating sort I'm afraid. Though some people I believe say I am!"

She gazed at Faith over the rim of her glass. "Actually I have a friend who has a problem that Evania's approach would probably solve. If she had the courage to carry it out that is, which she hasn't. She met another woman recently and has become very attracted to her. Unfortunately she's unsure as to what to do now. The woman concerned hasn't rejected her small advances but she hasn't returned them either, well not as positively as she would have liked her to anyway."

"She? I assume then from the way you talk that your friend is lesbian but that her new friend isn't?" Faith was surprised at her new found self-confidence but was still a little abashed at the way the conversation was turning and she was also now positive that Anne's mischievous blue eyes kept drifting back to her breasts. Thoughtfully she watched Anne as she sipped her drink. ... all this talk of lesbians, what exactly, is she playing at she mused.

"Well yes and no!" Anne replied. "She's not sure about her friend. Her friend doesn't know that though. In fact no one knows that and she has no idea what her friend would do if she found out." She paused and took a sip from her drink then went on. "She doesn't know if her friend is a lesbian and she doesn't want to sort of, well push it in case she loses her friendship. Are you getting all this, I think I'm making a complete hash of explaining the situation. I'm sure you haven't a clue what I'm babbling about. In fact I think I'm loosing the thread of what I'm trying to say myself!"

"Well it does sound just a little complicated!" Faith grinned. "But Let's see. She, your friend that is, doesn't know how her new friend would react if she found out your friend was a lesbian and that she fancied her. Is that it?"

"Exactly! Aren't you clever!" Anne giggled and then she became serious. "They get on very well but, well the relationship is very new and ..."

Faith smiled. "I see. At least I think I see! So what do you think she should do. Do you think your friend should try the Evania approach and sod the consequences?"

Anne casually uncrossed her legs. She knew that from the angle Faith was looking at her she would almost certainly be revealing the inside of her thighs and she watched triumphantly as Faiths eyes dropped. Keeping her legs slightly parted she continued talking. "I think so yes." she said. "As you said earlier this evening, the fear of ridicule or rejection can be very great but yes, I think she should. Waiting for the right moment could take years, assuming of course that the right moment ever comes at all! If she doesn't she may spend the rest of her life wondering what might have been." She looked at her gravely. "But tell me, what would you do if it was you?"

Faith stared for a moment at the inviting gap between Anne's thighs then quickly pulled her eyes away as another sensual shiver swathed through her. Struggling to sound calm and at the same time amused at the irony of Anne's question she thought carefully for a moment then said. "I really can't say Anne. I guess she should do something though. Maybe the bold approach? At least she would end up with an answer to her problem. But honestly I could not advise on such a difficult and personal matter. Particularly as I don't even know the people concerned."

Anne smiled. Oh but you do Faith, you think you don't but you most certainly do ... "Anyway!" she said brightly. "I'm not here to get all serious! Please, I'm dying to see Samantha! Will you show me how it works?"

"Sure, and it's a she not an it!" Faith laughed. She stood up, relieved to have the subject changed. "Come, follow me." she said and followed by Anne she crossed the room to the table where the processor had been placed. Removing the cover she switched it on. "It is easy to operate really. It's just like a normal word processor really. It has a memory like a computer and has its own language spell check. Even a foreign language thesaurus. If you press this button it changes the type font to the language you require. You have to change the type face for some languages as you know since their letters are different to ours. It must be worth a fortune but the Foreign Office in their wisdom have given it to me, or rather given it to me on loan until they want it back!"

For several minutes she directed Anne through the operating procedures but at a break in conversation she suddenly became acutely aware of her closeness. She was standing immediately next to her and she realised that she had after all, made a mistake by offering the tuition. A big mistake. The distance between them had now gone and they were so close that she could literally feel Anne's body next to her even though they were not actually touching. God, I'm so close to reaching for you she thought and mindful of her crumbling resistance she knew she must do something. If I've any hope of not giving in and doing something I might live to regret I must get away from her, and get away now, right now!

Stepping back and moving away from her slightly she said. "Anne I'm sorry to be a party pooper but, but I think, I think if you wouldn't mind terribly I'd like to call it a day soon."

As she spoke Anne, with her back to Faith, reached down to the floor to retrieve a pencil. As she stooped down one leg partially lifted, the hem of her short gown rose up, and Faith was rewarded with a brief glimpse of skimpy white pants clinging snugly to the curves of an adorable little bottom. "Oh my God ..." she sighed with a shudder. The urge to reach out and touch her was now unbearable but she somehow stopped herself. She swallowed thickly and moved further back.

Straightening up Anne turned to Faith. "Oh Faith of course not!" She said handing her the pencil and paused as though deep in thought then she said. "I do understand completely, you must be weary of course but please, just give me one more moment of your time. I have something for you in my room." and with out waiting for her agreement she quickly moved to the door. "I'll be back in a sec." she called and was gone.

"Sure!" Faith said with a confidence she did not feel but she sighed with relief knowing as she watched Anne hurry away that in a few minutes she would be safe. I've done it she murmured, as though congratulating herself. I've done it! She switched "Samantha" off and then the radio. Without thinking she switched the lounge lights off and walked through to her bedroom and sat down at her dressing table. Her hands were still damp and her fingers trembled slightly and her heart was pounding. Just a couple more minutes she told herself, just a couple more minutes ...

Shit, shit shit!" Anne exclaimed clenching her fists in frustration when she was alone in her suite. "So close, I was so close!" She groaned expressively and quickly crossing over to a chest of drawers she pulled one of the drawers open and took out a box. Opening it and removing the tissue paper she took out a brown polished leather presentation pad. "I'd planned on giving this to you tomorrow," she muttered. "but this sudden decision to end the evening has changed all that. I know that it is from the hotel but it will give me one more chance ..." and opening the folder she wrote quickly o n the small card inside then snapped it shut. Somehow I just must find the courage, win or lose it's madness to continue this fiasco ... rejection may be painful but anything's better than this agony ... She pondered briefly on Mikes parting comment. There was no way he'd said, that Faith would instigate any sort of action that could cause a scandal or embarrassment.

"Okay then Miss Faith G Hollings. From now on I'll call the shots, embarrassment or no embarrassment ... I'm going to come on to you so hard nothing will be left to your imagination ... and if you don't like it you just go ahead and put me over your knee ... I'll love every minute of it!" Grinning nervously she tucked the folder under her arm, switched all the lights off and headed back to Faiths suite. Her pulse thudded as the adrenaline surged through her veins. Excited, aroused and at the same time petrified of the possible disastrous consequences if it all went wrong she glanced quickly in the direction of her bedroom. Silently she made a little prayer. A prayer that she would not be returning to the room for some considerable time ...

Entering the lounge of Faiths suite she saw it was deserted and darkened. "Yesss oh yesss!" she murmured in excited approval and quickly crossing the room she reached the open door of Faiths bedroom. Tapping on it lightly she looked in and entered.

"Come in." Faith said rising from the dressing table. She turned to face Anne and took a pace forward then as Anne approached her she stopped and stood still.

Anne looked up at her and faltered. Instantly she was overcome again by the aura of sensuality that Faiths elegance and grace suddenly seemed to emanate. She swallowed and licked her lips nervously ... Oh God she thought, but she is so beautiful she's, she's so ... so ... Suddenly, she was conscious that standing in front of Faith as she was she was very obviously staring, staring blatantly at Faiths long bare legs and she quickly pulled her eyes away and looking up met the full force of Faiths unwavering gaze. Her eyes are greener than before, I'm sure of it she thought and her mouth was suddenly very dry. She licked her lips and swallowed. Those beautiful hypnotic eyes, their killing me ... so warm and friendly yet oh so devastatingly penetrating ... it's, it's as though she's reading my mind God forbid! The churning sensation deep inside had returned and the tightening in her chest forced her breathing to quicken and worst of all, to her consternation she realised that quite suddenly, she had lost her nerve. Her confidence and courage had totally left her taking any thought of the masterful seduction with them.

"Here!" she managed, clumsily thrusting the folder at Faith. "This is for you, it's a prezzy from the hotel, a token welcoming gift sort of thing ...!" Tense and now reduced to silence she stood in front of her unable to move.

"For me?" Faith said lightly, trying to appear composed. She was having a massive internal problem with Anne's close proximity. She's too close again she thought, so vulnerable and desirable ... I can even smell her again, that fragrance of hers it's intoxicating ...

Opening the folder she picked up the small white card that was inside. It was embossed with the logo of the hotel and it read.

With the compliments of the Management & Staff , and in pen beneath the print she read Anne's addition with love ~ Anne Wilde X X

"The kisses, They're ... They're for putting up with all my teasing earlier on this evening." Anne heard herself murmur but her tongue seemed to big for her mouth and as she tried to speak on her voice caught in her throat again and dried. I wanted to say so much more to you she groaned silently. Oh God this is a disaster ... She stood helpless and lost and entranced she gaped at the long fingers holding the card just inches from her face. Despite her internal turmoil the fantasy of how wonderful it would feel to have them hold and caress her flashed through her mind again. I never dreamt fingers could look so sensual she thought, and she again swallowed and licked her lips.

"How very kind Anne, I don't know what to say ..." Faith replied. Hesitantly she bent down to kiss her on the cheek and Anne turned her face up to her but their noses banged awkwardly and they both kissed the air. Pulling back Faith laughed nervously and turning away she put the folder on her dressing table.

Slowly Faith turned back to face Anne. ... She's so close, this isn't what I planned she thought and once more she fought desperately against the impulse to reach out to her. ... so close, so close to her, if I move forward another inch we'll touch and if we touch again ...

"That really was very sweet and very kind Anne, you needn't have ..." Her voice faded and they both stood staring at each other. She sensed a sudden tension in the air and was unsure what she should do next.

Anne, was totally distraught. The one chance, she cried silently as she stood in front of Faith. The one real chance I've been waiting for ... she went to kiss me and all through my own stupid clumsiness I blew it ... Oh God this is just too much ... everything is ruined. She stared back at Faith. It can't just can't end like this she thought desperately, it can't ... Her legs began shaking and slowly, as if in a trance, she raised her hand and reached out.

"Faith." Her voice trembled and broke as it caught again. "Faith please!" Her hand somehow was now on Faiths shoulder and she was instantly aware of the heat against the inside of her arm from the soft swell of Faiths breast beneath the gown,. She shivered and helplessly she looked up.

"Faith, Faith please try to understand, and and please please don't be angry with me. I know you may be offended by what I am going to say but, I have to say it ... Faith I can't hold back any longer." She swallowed and taking a deep breath blurted. "Faith I want so terribly to hold you I ... Oh Faith I'm sorry but Faith, I'm the lesbian friend I was telling you about earlier, it's me and it's you Faith, you are the other woman and ..." Her voice died and to her dismay, unsolicited tears began to fill her eyes then broke through to slide freely down her cheeks. Her legs now began to shake uncontrollably and gripping Faiths shoulder to keep her balance she gasped. "I'm so sorry Faith, Oh God hold me. Please hold me, I've made such a fool of myself, please don't be angry with me ... !"

For a split second Faith stared at her in utter disbelief. She had listened to Anne's outburst but her mind for a brief instant was unable to accept what she'd heard. "This just is not happening." she muttered. "It just is not happening!" Then registering the tear streaked face and the forlorn expression she groaned and in one swift movement she had reached out and pulled Anne to her, enveloping her firmly in her arms.

Next: Chapter 4: Little Doe 10 12

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