Little Doe

By christina holloway

Published on Aug 3, 2023




Anne Wilde and Christina

A Lesbian Romance

This is a copyrighted work of fiction written by the author. It may not be reproduced and published elsewhere without her permission. This is an adult/adult lesbian romance with erotica, not erotica with romance ... the erotica comes later as it is a love story.

Chapter 1

Anne Wilde felt pleased with herself as she sipped her coffee and surveyed the small group seated round the boardroom table. The meeting, called as a final opportunity for everyone present to confirm all was well for tomorrow's conference was drawing to a close and as she sat listening to the chit chat of the group she recalled the numerous meetings she herself had held over the last three days. Meetings with all the hotel department heads at which they had discussed everything from accommodation, meals, minor seminars, cocktail parties, even down to the timing and content of the basic "Coffee and Tea" breaks. Finally, with a lot of patience and determination, she had managed to create an acceptable programme and when at last she had presented it to Brian the hotel General Manager (even though he had still insisted on this final get together) he had paid her a warm and appreciative compliment for her achievement.

Leaning back in her chair and casually glancing round the table, she admitted to herself that the organising had not been too difficult. True it had been hard work initially but at the end of the day there had been few real problems and it was now just a matter of awaiting the arrival of the delegates. Most of them would be arriving tomorrow and then, she mused, well it's just a case of letting the conference proceed in its own sweet way. She glanced down at the folder on the table in front of her with its impressive blue and gold UN logo beneath which, written in heavy gold leaf lettering, was the caption 'United Nations Organisation for the Voluntary Protection of the Environment'. Turning her thoughts back to the conference that she had spent so much time preparing for, she became conscious of a distinct waning in her enthusiasm for it. Oh well she sighed silently ... the hard work's all been done now ... from now on my presence is purely academic ... I've done my bit and with the help of the interpreter I don't really see any insurmountable problems arising ... there is nothing left for me to do but wait and ...

'Oh my God, the interpreter!' she muttered to herself in sudden alarm and jerking forward in her chair, sat up straight. Her sudden movement had caused Helen the Hotel Head Receptionist to glance across at her with a look of curious surprise and Anne smiled meekly at her then looked down. Heart beating, she quickly skimmed through her delegate list and there, almost at the top among the VIP's, was the name she was looking for. Miss Faith G. Hollings - Linguist - arrival Tuesday am. 'My God she should have been here ages ago. She should be here, here now at this meeting' she muttered to herself ... 'Damn!' she again muttered under her breath. 'How could I possibly not have noticed her absence. Without her we'll all be most certainly as Brian would call it, in deep Do Do's!'

She glanced over at Helen who was casually leafing through her papers. As soon as we finish here she thought, I must ask her to check up on her for me. She then recalled the special priority request she had been given by Brian when she arrived. He had asked her to "personally" look after the linguist throughout the conference. 'Stick close to her please Anne, without her we are really sunk. Try throughout the conference to be a sort of PA to her if you can ....'

Frowning Anne leant forward and highlighted the name with a marker pen and placed the sheet on the top of her papers. 'I'll bet she is a dreary old bat with no sense of humour who will bore the pants off me she thought and sighed dejectedly. Someone who just because they can speak foreign languages becomes a VIP huh ... God I really do not fancy being shut in a cubicle at the beck and call of some weird woman talking gibberish into a microphone all day ... to say nothing of ...'

Suddenly realising how her mind had wandered again she pulled her concentration back to the meeting and at the same time mentally reprimanded herself. 'I shouldn't make a pre-judgement on someone I've not even met. I'm not like that. I'm being unreasonable and I'm forming a negative view of her just because she's late. There could be a hundred and one valid reasons for that and anyway, she might turn out to be someone quite nice ...'

Mike West, the Head of Security for the conference, was the last to speak at the meeting and he was now nearly finished. Anne remembering the times they had worked together before viewed him with warm affection, and she was grateful that he was here for this conference. A nice guy she reflected, a truly 'nice guy' and a real friend ...and also she thought wryly, the only person in the hotel that knows I am lesbian ... With a small grin she recalled her embarrassment when purely by accident he had found out about her sexual preferences. In a blind panic she had pleaded with him to not tell anyone, tearfully explaining how it would ruin her career if it ever became common knowledge. She recalled how gentle and understanding he had been. Telling her she was worrying unnecessarily and that being gay, or being a lesbian as she politely corrected, though disapproved of and unacceptable to many, was no longer a crime. '... and anyway,' he had joked with a broad smile. 'sod what others may think.' Still, she had begged him not to divulge her secret and chuckling with amusement he had reassured her. He had promised. 'If that was what you want then fine, your secret is safe' he had said, and added with genuine humour that he thought 'she was quite bonkers and was being totally paranoid about the whole thing.'

"... and that folks" Mike stated to cheerfully "is about it!" and looking across to Helen and then Anne he said. "Here you go you two, photos of the VIP's I promised for ID purposes." He pushed a small envelope across to Helen and as he handed Anne a similar one their eyes met and he gave her a barely perceptible grin.

"The information on the back of these photos is needless to say, strictly confidential," he went on aloud looking back to Helen, "and definitely not for publication. Please, both of you, I cannot stress the importance keeping these photos safe. Helen, I would be grateful if as soon as you can you would discreetly match them with the guests when they check in and then let me have them back with the relevant arrival slips. As I mentioned earlier, we need to check fingerprints and signatures..."

Standing up, Brian briefly thanked all present for their presence and with a cheerful wish of "Good Luck to all" declared the meeting over. Everyone stood up and began to slowly leave the room except Anne, who remained seated. Now what she thought, was Mike's funny look for as casually, she opened the envelope and spread the contents out on the table in front of her. There were about a dozen photos and somewhat disinterestedly she glanced through them and was just about to scoop them back up and put them in her briefcase when the last one, a partly hidden head and shoulders colour snap of a woman, caught her eye. Separating it from the others she picked it up and as her eyes focused on the picture she caught her breath. A bright clear pair of grey green eyes stared back at her sending a tingling shiver that stirred the hairs on the back of her neck and slid smoothly down her spine to settle deep in the base of her tummy and groin. 'Oh my' she murmured to herself 'Oh my, oh my now you really are something else ...'

She studied the picture closely and mentally took in and absorbed the features. 'Your mouth's a little wide' she thought critically 'and those lips, they're just a bit too full but, but they're sensual and somehow ... is it your mouth or is it your eyes? There's the faintest suspicion of a cynical little smile there ... and oh those eyes, could they really be that colour? ... Well, you're not beautiful but, but you're definitely yummy!' and without realising it, as she turned the photo over to scan the back, she ran her tongue over her lips.

On the back of the photo, surmounted by the familiar Foreign Office logo, was a brief personal resume across which in heavy red print was stamped the word "CONFIDENTIAL". Quickly she read the text.


Surname. Hollings Other Names. Faith Georgina

Sex. Female Nationality. British

Race. Caucasian Date of Birth. 10. 02.1960

Status. Single Hair Colour. Blonde

Colour of Eyes Grey/Green Height 6 feet 1 inch

Weight. 185 lb. Build. Heavy

Profession. Linguist Military Rank. CMRA Major

Security Clearance. MOD Grade 4

Notable Identification marks. Thin knife wound scar on left breast.

Other Information. Judo Black Belt [Dan 3].

Civilian Pilots Licence. Class B.

Validated: December 1995

'Well, I'll be damned' she thought ... 'So you are the studious little old bat I am supposed to be looking after are you. Let's see, 1960 - that makes you thirty-six, five years older than me ... but six foot one! Jeez that's tall. Even for a man that's taller than average and 185 lbs? Next to me you must be enormous! Lets see ... six foot one to the short side of five foot one and I am 100 lbs, just ... I guess that would put my face about level with your boobs!' She chuckled silently and turned the photo over again to study the picture. 'Well now, I think perhaps I might enjoy this conference after all ...' she thought with small grin, '

"I thought she might catch your attention. She's quite something eh!" Mike's quiet voice interrupted her speculations and he added softly "and hey, wipe your mouth. You're drooling!"

"Michael for heaven's sake shhh!" Anne gasped in a startled whisper, glancing nervously round the room. She felt her face warming with embarrassment and was thankful that no one was near enough to have heard them. After briefly glancing back at the photo she looked up and smiled at him. "Well I have to admit that if what I see and what I read is fact, then yes she really is quite something." and pushing her chair back she stood up and turned to face him. "I don't suppose you have met her have you Mike?" she asked nonchalantly, trying her best to sound only mildly interested.

Mike smiled. "Noooo, I haven't met her but I very much look forward to doing so." He pointed to the photo. "I have a better one than that of her in my office. A full- length one and I can tell you, don't be misled by the description on the back. It makes her out to be a bit of a jumbo but I can assure you she is nothing of the sort. She is big yes, but from what I have seen and heard she is absolutely stunning. A sort of a cross between a fashion model and a Royal Marine PT instructor! I confess I really am looking forward to meeting her." He laughed lightly and added. "Purely from a business point of view of course!"

"Well I won't bother with the full length photo just now Mike, I'll wait for the real thing!" Anne laughed. "But what's a C M R A Major for heaven's sake, that's a new one on me and what's all the Judo bit, a Dan 3?"

"Oh that? Well CMRA is a rank sometimes given out by the Foreign Office or is it the MOD I can't recall. It's a Civilians Military Rank Allocation to be precise. It's given to a civilian if they, the Foreign Office or Ministry of Defence, feel it might help in certain situations. You know a sort of temporary rank to be used if and when required in a military occupational environment. Generally it is for dodgy overseas assignments. As for the Dan thingy? Well, I am not too well up on Judo but I do know that in Judo there are various stages of proficiency. You get a different coloured belt for whatever class you achieve. Ku's I think they are called. If my memory serves me right you start with 6th Ku, which is a white belt. 5th I think is yellow, then Orange, Green, Blue, Brown and then the Black Belt. After that I think you go up in Dan's. To about seven or eight I think and you then get into a red and white belt category, a plain Red Belt it the top grade I think but I really am not too sure. The last few I do know are very rarely achieved. In fact achieving a Brown is quite something let alone the Black. She really must be quite lethal.

"I gather she speaks God knows how many languages and has mingled with the highest of the high and I am talking US and Russian presidents high! She's very highly regarded and as you may have seen, she has a very high security clearance. There are few civilians who get a CMRA at all let alone one of Major, particularly a woman and someone as young as her, and I am not being sexist I am being honest. My personal view is that she must be connected somehow to intelligence, military intelligence, but that really is just my own view and not to be repeated. Socially she is also a bit of a mystery. Very little is known about her private life and she's ex- directory and all that. It's rumoured that she is stinking rich and doesn't need to work at all. For all that though I hear she does treat her job very seriously." He grinned at her and whispered meaningfully. "I've been saving her for you!" and adding in a matter of fact tone he said. "I think Helen knows a bit about her. Check with her!"

"Oh I am not really interested." Anne said lightly. She was lying and she knew it she retorted angrily when she saw Mike smile at her raising an eyebrow in query "It's just that she reminds me of someone that's all. I just can't quite place her!"

"Bollocks, and I know exactly where I'd like to place her." Mike chuckled leering suggestively.

"Oh God Mike, can't you just for once get your brains out of your pants you, you chauvinist pig!" she hissed and scowling menacingly playfully went to hit him.

"Now really children! and you Miss Wilde, such talk from a lady, and now violence too? Just behave the both of you!" The tall thin frame of Helen Welling had suddenly appeared at their side but she was smiling with amusement. "So what's this all about anyway?" she chuckled.

"We, we were looking at this and this animal was making crude suggestions as to what he would like to do her!" Anne replied trying to look and sound detached as she held up Faiths photo.

"Ahh ... the famous Faith Hollings! Yes, she is quite something isn't she." Helen grinned and looking at Mike added "I honestly would not suggest stepping out of line with that one Mike, in case you hadn't noticed she is bigger than you and just to boot, she's a judo black belt!"

"Yes, Mike was just explaining the Judo bit to me." Anne quipped. "As he says, she sounds quite lethal. At least I'll sleep secure for the next couple of nights. I put her in the room next to mine."

"Well that was lucky wasn't it!" Mike smiled at her knowingly and feeling the start of another flush of embarrassment forming Anne turned away and busied herself with her files. After a short pause however she looked round and seeing Mike was now out of earshot talking to Brian she spoke quietly to Helen.

"Do you know her then Helen? Faith I mean, Faith Hollings?" she asked.

"Well no, I don't know her personally. But I do know a bit about her. According to a friend of mine who has met her she is a remarkably attractive woman and is apparently also quite a character. She is believed to be one of the top, if not the top UN linguists around and is very dedicated to her job. I also heard though that she not only works very hard but she also plays very hard. She likes a drink now and then and can hold it. Rumour has it that one night she actually drank Yeltzin the Russian President under the table!" and with a laugh she added. "I am sorry to say though, I have no juicy gossip about her. She has managed to keep her private life pretty well private!"

"Hmmm, very interesting." Anne smiled. "Nobody seem to know very much about her. A right little mystery woman isn't she!" They both laughed and she quickly gathered all the photos up and put them into her briefcase and together, the two women headed for the door.

"I have a parcel for our Major Hollings." Helen said as they left the room. "I have it in the safe in Reception. Should I give it to you?"

"Sure, no problem." Anne replied and when they reached reception and entered Helens office Helen opened a safe and took out a thick brown envelope.

"There you go, it's all yours!" she said handing the package to Anne.

"Thanks," Anne acknowledged. "So, who made her booking then? I am a little concerned since she should have arrived here ages ago. She's my only loose end at the moment and she is very late, should have been here this morning ..."

She looked down at the package that Helen had given her and turned it over. It was heavily sealed with brown packing tape and a label, stamped in bold red type read Strictly Confidential - Attention Addressee Only and it was addressed to Miss F G Hollings. c/o The Williamson Hotel. 'Well, at least you are a Miss' she thought noting that it had been delivered by special courier. She also saw Mike West's signature and security stamp confirming it had been X-rayed.

"Well yes, I think you are right." Helen replied. "Just hang on a moment and I'll get her reservation details out." and moving over to a metal filing cabinet on her desk she pulled out a folder. Flicking through it she produced a thin sheaf of papers which she studied briefly. "I seem to remember that it was a travel agency booking. ... ah ha! Here we go. The Foreign Office originally made the booking and she is supposed to be flying in from Moscow today. It says "am" arrival so yes she is late. I have a flight number if you want to check it out."

"Please I had better find out where she has got to and when she will be arriving." Anne replied. "God I hope we don't have a major crisis already. The conference hasn't started yet!" and turning back to Helen she handed her the parcel. "This looks far too important not to be locked away Helen. You had better keep it in the safe till we know when she is due in, then with a chuckle she added. "It's all a bit cloak and dagger isn't it! Do you think she is a secret agent or something, you know, like a female 007 or something!"

"Oh really Anne for goodness sake, you do talk rubbish some times." Helen scoffed.

"Okay okay, I know." Anne grinned. "But she just might be, you never know!" They both laughed and turning away Anne added. "I gota go Helen, I'll catch you later." and leaving the reception office she walked across the wide lobby to the small office she had been given for the duration of her stay.

Once inside, Anne swiftly took the photos out from her briefcase and placed them in a neat pile on her desk and seating herself at the desk she pressed the call button on her phone.

"Hi, would you get me International Arrivals at Heathrow please?" she asked quietly, and picking up the photo of Faith Hollings she gazed at it thoughtfully. "Well well well ...You really are something aren't you Miss Faith Hollings!" and as she studied the picture she felt her pulse quickening again and once more, without thinking, she licked her lips. The phone rang and without taking her eyes off the photo, she picked up the receiver.

Several minutes later there was a light tap on the door and Helen entered. Anne was still holding and looking at Faiths picture and feeling decidedly guilty, she quickly replaced it on the pile and looked up. Had Helen known what she was thinking at that instant she thought with amusement, she would have been horrified and probably disgusted! "Hi!" she smiled innocently. "What's new?"

"Well I just thought I would check if there was any joy with the Hollings woman?" Helen said. "and here, I brought you a coffee." She placed a mug on Anne's desk and went on. "She should have been here hours ago you know."

"I know, now. I just found out that her flights' running several hours late. Heathrow said they would call me as soon as she had arrived. Apparently they are expecting the flight at any moment and the Foreign Office have a chauffeured car standing by to bring her here."

"Oh er, that's posh for you. She must be a VIP then." Helen joked. "I hope for your sake she isn't going to be a stuck up little Hooray Henry. Still, that's your problem isn't it, you're the one who has to look after her and work with her. Very closely in fact for the next forty-eight hours or so if you count tonight." Helens voice had an element of coldness to it and she looked at Anne sympathetically. "You had better watch out, she may be a big butch Lez and try to seduce you!"

I should be so lucky Anne thought wistfully and clearing her throat she said "Thanks but actually I don't think she will be a problem. She just doesn't look the type to look for trouble. It's usually short arsed little buggers like me that cause problems and for the record, I don't think a six foot plus 185 lb. "Butch Les" as you call her would be interested in a titch like me. Mike incidentally seems to think she brill!"

"I'm five eleven but unfortunately I'm nowhere near 185 lb.!" Helen said. "Actually 185 is not that heavy for someone her height, it sounds a lot but it is not if it's well dispersed!" She walked to the door then turned to face Anne. "and perhaps I should remind you Anne, Mike thinks any female is brill as you call it so I wouldn't bank on that being the case with our Miss Hollings!"

"True, very true but all will be revealed!" Anne grinned and as she spoke the phone rang and quickly answering it she held up her hand to Helen. After a brief pause, with a polite "Thank you, thank you for calling us" she put the phone down and looked back up to Helen. "That was Heathrow. She is on her way. Should be here in less than an hour. The flight was delayed ... by four hours to be precise."

"Poor little thing must be shattered. Probably been travelling for days!" Helens voice had warmed noticeably and she went on. "If you are going to meet her then I will get her room card ready. You can stop by reception and collect it for her and I'll also register her for you when she arrives, it'll save time."

Anne chuckled aloud. "Oh you're sooo sweet Helen, and I thought you were such a hard bitch! What happened to the potential pain in the arse by the way, the Hooray Henry? The Big Butch Les? ... Oh and by the way Helen dear, for the record, she a is a woman of thirty six who is over six feet tall and weighs in at 185 pounds. She is also alleged to be stinking rich and just for kicks is a judo black belt and flies bloody aeroplanes! By any stretch of the imagination, our "Major" Faith Hollings is definitely not a poor little thing!"

They both laughed and Helen grinned. "Okay but you know what I mean! Let's give her the benefit of the doubt shall we, just for now?" and with a casual wave she left the office closing the door behind her.

Anne looked again at the photo. So Miss Hollings, are you a big butch lesbian about to seduce me? What ever you are the more I see and hear about you the more and more interested I get. My God we haven't even met and you've already got my libido doing overtime ... With a smile she looked at her watch and replacing the photo carefully on the pile she locked them in her desk drawer and stood up. Critically she glanced at herself in the mirror and brushing the creases from her skirt she straightened her blouse and pushed her thick black hair back over her shoulders. Turning from the mirror she crossed the room and locking the door behind her left her office.

"Just going to pop up to my room to freshen up a bit but you can bleep me if you need me." she called to Helen as she passed Reception. "I'll only be a few minutes or so." Helen waved acknowledgement and she hurried up the stairs to her room. In her suite, after closing the door behind her, she quickly removed her skirt and blouse and after a quick wash seated herself at the dressing table. She felt excited. Physically and mentally excited at the prospect of Faith's arrival and picking up her hair brush, as she began vigorously brushing her long dark hair, she was tense with anticipation. Finally, after some meticulous application of her makeup, she stood up. Crossing over to a wardrobe she removed a clean white cotton shirt and a short cream skirt and after slipping them on, pirouetted before the mirror, examining her reflection. Appreciatively, she noted the snug fit of the skirt and blouse and smoothing and straightening them silently admitted that for a shortie, figure wise she didn't look 'half bad' and with a final adjusting touch to her hair, she stood back. "That's the best I can manage for you now Miss Hollings." She murmured aloud and as she stepped into a pair of white high heels murmured quietly. "I hope you are ready for some very, very personal attention when you get here Faith Hollings, because you're about to get a king size portion!" and with a final glance at the mirror she walked to the door but, as she went to open it, she glanced briefly at the other door in the corner of the lounge. It was the adjoining door to Room 111. The room she had allocated to Faith Hollings. "Well," she muttered quietly crossing over to it and she turned the key to unlocked it. "Let's not have any barriers between us shall we, we don't want to give the wrong impression ..." She glanced at her watch. "... about half an hour to go I guess and she'll be here ... Let's just hope Helen's wrong about the butch bit." and with a chuckle she left her suite, closed the door behind her and made her way down to the foyer.

~ 2 ~

Wearily Faith Hollings entered the arrivals concourse at Heathrow Airport and after commandeering a stray luggage trolley she retrieved her two cases from the carousel and headed for Customs. Like most trolleys the one she had found had a mind of it's own and making her way somewhat erratically into the customs area she watched with mild concern a customs officer observing her inelegant progress. As she moved up the isle in the direction of the exit the expression on the officers face was one of amusement with a heavy overtone of lechery, and for a moment she was annoyed. Randy bugger she muttered to herself but realising he was showing more interest in her and in what he envisioned lay within the confines of her clothes rather than in her luggage she was almost thankful.

With a tight condescending smile she wrestled the manic trolley past him and though still very much aware of his continued observation of her backside was too fatigued to be bothered with a retaliatory or reprimanding glance. Dream on sunshine she muttered under her breath, it's the wrong time wrong place and for you amigo, for what you are after you are the wrong gender as well ... But as she rounded the corner and disappeared from his vision into the main terminal she gave a quiet sigh of relief and pushing the deranged trolley across the crowded terminal hall, battled her way through the throng of people to finally reached the airline desk.

"I am Faith Hollings." she politely informed a ground receptionist seated behind the counter. "I have just come in on your Moscow flight? Hopefully you have some messages for me?"

The receptionist looked up and on seeing Faith stood up immediately and replied with gushing enthusiasm. "Oh Miss Hollings, oh yes I do!" Faith noted the woman's quick but undisguised visual body check and resulting look of approval and as Faith gave her a guarded but friendly smile she went on. "I do have a message for you Miss Hollings but on behalf of the Company may I first apologise for the delay on your flight? I believe it was explained to you in Moscow that the delay was for reasons beyond our control ... a corny phrase I know but it really was out of our hands. This business with the Chinese President dying, I am afraid everyone's air traffic schedules from the East and Far East have been very badly disrupted over the last twenty-four hours. All the same though, we sincerely apologise for any inconvenience you have incurred." She smiled broadly at Faith who again noticed her eyes drop to gaze quickly and approvingly, if not lovingly over her figure.

Though appreciating the homage, Faith returned the smile but without giving encouragement. "Please don't worry about it. Though I have to admit I could have done without the delay. I am just a little bit weary." For a moment they stood looking at each other until Faith finally, with some amusement, broke the silence and said politely. "The message? You said you had a message for me, may I have it please?"

"Oh the message. Yes but of course Miss Hollings!" The woman's face coloured as she quickly looked down to her desk and retrieved an envelope which Faith saw had her name on it. "A suite has been reserved for you Miss Hollings at the Williamson Hotel. For three nights and transport has also been arranged for you. The journey from here to the hotel takes about three quarters of an hour to an hour... depending on the traffic of course! Are you ready to leave now?"

Faith nodded and handing the envelope to a uniformed chauffeur who had suddenly appeared at her side the receptionist went on. "Please go with Peter Miss Hollings, he is your chauffeur and will take care of you and your luggage." and with what Faith thought was far more enthusiasm than would normally have been expected by the airline, she added the obligatory "... I wish you a pleasant journey and thank you for flying with us. I do hope you will fly with us again!" Faith gave her a friendly polite farewell smile and then turned to the chauffeur who picked up the two cases and together they walked towards the main terminal exit.

When they reached the doors he turned to her. "Please wait here Ma'am whilst I bring the car. I will be just a moment." Faith nodded and watched him depart with her luggage. The instant that the doors swished open then closed behind him a chill gust of damp air had swirled through the gap to remind her that summer in the UK was long gone. ... Better than St. Petersburg and Moscow though she thought as hurriedly she slipped her jacket on and moments later when Peter pulled up in a shining black XJ, she walked to it quickly, hugging herself tightly to keep out the cold. Thanking a porter who had rushed to open the door for her she ducked inside and settled comfortably back into her seat.

"It should take us about an hour ma'am," Peter said politely "just you relax and enjoy the drive."

The car pulled smoothly away and soon they were quickly slotted into the motorway traffic heading for London. Faith stretched her legs out and rested her head back on the headrest. Generally speaking she decided, these last couple of days have not been ones I want to remember. In fact, they have been a shambles! She recalled arriving at a freezing Sheremetyevo airport in Moscow at four am that morning. The delayed flight from St. Petersburg causing her to miss the connection flight to London and then finding that the next flight to London hadn't even arrived and that she would have a four hour wait. That I could have done without she thought glancing at her watch. I've been travelling now for over eighteen hours ... and I worked for nine hours before that ... Realising she was tired and appreciating the warmth and silent comfort of the car she closed her eyes. It's nice at last not to having to talk she told herself, and it's even nicer not having to think!

But she did think. She was back in England and brief fleeting and painful recollections shadowed across her mind reminding her that all her hard work over the last couple of months sadly, had been a self-inflicted burden. A burden she had taken on in an effort to blot out the grief of Sally walking out on her. She recalled the desolation and despair she had experienced as the memories of arriving home exactly three months ago to the day returned. How she had been greeted not with the love and affection she'd expected but instead a neat cryptic note from her now ex-lover. After five years she had "met someone else" and left. Left without a trace.

She remembered shutting herself away in what had been 'their room' for two whole days and nights lost in grief ... and then I hit the bottle ... God how ill I felt afterwards, it was weeks before I could face a drink again and even now the thought of Scotch makes me gag! I was so lucky Annette and Sylvie had been there to watch over me. Eventually, with unbelievable patience they had coaxed me back to reality. They were so understanding ... flat mates but true friends as well ... true friends are hard to find but I have definitely got a couple there. I owe them both ... and since then? Well I've combated the loneliness and sadness with hard work. Driving my self to the limit has kept my mind occupied and basically the exercise has been successful. I have recovered as they said I would. A little hardened and even a little bitter perhaps but time does heal ... but it also leaves its scars ...

"Hotel Williamson Ma'am!" Suddenly aware of a voice she blinked her eyes open. The car had stopped outside the hotel and Peter was getting out. He opened her door and said. "The porter will look after your luggage Ma'am, enjoy your stay here."

Quickly she retrieved a ten pound note from her purse and getting out of the car handed it to him with a smiling "Thank you". Seeing a porter collecting her cases she acknowledged Peters polite touch of his cap and seeking the sanctuary of the hotel, passed swiftly through the revolving doors in to the welcoming warmth of a modern spacious hotel lobby. Now this is more like it she thought. Civilisation again. She paused, briefly taking in the comfortable surroundings, then locating the check-in desk began to walk across the wide hall, closely followed by the luggage-bearing porter.

Sitting patiently at a courtesy desk in the foyer awaiting her arrival Anne had seen the car pull up. Her heart beat quickened as she briefly glimpsed the tall blonde figure exit the car and she waited with bated breath for her to enter the hall. When she did, her heart literally tripped over it's self. Oh My God she gasped silently, she really is impressive ... and getting up from her chair she walked round the desk and watched as Faith paused for a moment then purposefully moved across the hall towards reception. Move is the right word for it she thought. She doesn't walk she, she glides ...

As she studied her more closely the pleasurable little shiver she had experienced when she first saw her photo returned and the next emotion that swathed through her was one of an overpowering, very basic, sexual arousal. She felt her sex suddenly warm and tighten, her nipples hardened and suddenly her mouth was very dry. She licked her lips and fazed for a moment, almost dizzy, she leant back against the corner of the desk to steady herself. Oh my she whispered again under her breath, but you really are something else. You are everything I expected and more ... but you are gorgeous ...!

With a deep sigh she pushed herself away from the desk and somehow managed to start walking towards her. Mesmerised, she watched as Faith casually removed her jacket to reveal smooth sun-tanned arms. They looked strong but not muscular and Anne again licked her lips and her eyes were drawn to the full gentle swell of Faiths breasts. She sighed again and swallowed as her mind quickly digested the details of Faiths stature and general appearance. She's taller and she's bigger than I imagined. The photo brief had said "Build - Heavy" but that's a tad unfair ... her figure is magnificent, big but it's so perfectly proportioned ...!

"Miss Hollings, Miss Faith Hollings?" She heard herself call and determined to appear efficient she steeled herself for their meeting. When Faith turned and their eyes met. Immediately her heart thudded, tripped a beat and she faltered. Thankfully her legs that had suddenly threatened to give way didn't, and though feeling unsteady, she battled on and reaching Faith held out her hand. "Miss Hollings. I am Anne Wilde the Conference Co-ordinator. Welcome to the Williamson Hotel."

Hearing her name called Faith had stopped and turned. She saw Anne approaching her and watched her with immediate interest. She is obviously confident that I am who she thinks I am she thought quickly taking in the neat trim figure and wavy dark shoulder length hair and smiling face. My but you are a cute little bundle aren't you she mused, and returning the smile took the offered hand. "Yes, I am Faith Hollings." she said quietly.

For a second Anne was speechless as her body took another battering of emotional turmoil. Faiths eyes were the clear grey green she had seen in the photo and her voice was soft, low and in her view, unbelievably sensuous. Suddenly conscious of the light cool pressure of Faiths hand she gazed down stared at the long slim fingers that held her. They're beautiful she thought and realising she had been holding on to them far too long she quickly released them and looking back up at Faith said. "I am here to look after you Miss Hollings, I gather you have had a bit of a rotten day so far!"

"Well thank you Miss Wilde." Faith answered smiling down at her. "Actually yes, it has been a bit of a rough couple of days! How did you know who I was?"

"Oh that was quite easy really Miss Hollings. I knew what time your flight came in from Moscow even though it was late and I also recognised you from the photo in our security file." With a quiet laugh she added. "I also have friends at the airport. They tipped me off by ringing me to say you were on your way!"

They were standing very close to each other and Faith, aware of the slight fragrance of Anne's body, found herself deliberately inhaling. Oh dear me she thought wryly when she realised what she had done. Now I haven't done that for a while. She looked down at Anne and smiled. "Well, I am impressed and I'm flattered Miss Wilde and I really don't think I warrant such attention!"

Anne chuckled. "If you would be kind enough to come with me I have a couple of bits and pieces for you and I disagree! Contrary to what you say, the Hotel Williamson has never had such a prestigious conference as this one and without you being here it would be a complete non-starter!"

"You're very kind but I assure you there are dozens of other interpreters who could do the job just as ably as I." Faith replied. "but I do thank you for the complement!" Anne indicated a nearby courtesy desk and as they moved towards it Faith felt a light pressure on the small of her back and realised it was Anne's hand lightly guiding her. Oh yes, she thought. You can dish out this sort of looking after treatment as much as you like little one, it's just what I need right now. Deliberately she let her body drift over to brush Anne's side and though the contact was barely more than a gentle nudge she enjoyed the contact and realised, with a touch of amusement, that very subtly she was flirting with her.

Anne was now totally smitten and captivated by Faith. The warm smile, the soft low voice and the unwavering gaze ... That in it's self is enough to turn me on she thought but the warmth and firmness beneath my hand on her back ... Wow! God but she is just something else ... Then it happened. She felt the gentle contact of Faiths hip and thigh on her side and she caught her breath as the wave of blatant sexual awareness and yearning surged through her. Thankfully they had reached the desk but as she quickly went to walk round it to sit down she inadvertently bumped into Faith, and to her dismay, she felt her breast briefly but very firmly press into Faiths arm.

"Oh I - I am sorry!" she stammered pulling away. She could feel her face turning crimson and hurriedly sat down behind the desk and avoiding eye contact with Faith, she fumbled with her keys to open the drawer. She swallowed and cleared her throat. "Tell me Miss Hollings. How many languages do you speak?" As soon as she asked the question she regretted it. If that isn't the stupidest bloody question of the year I don't know what is she sighed silently. She's a multi-linguist for Gods sake ... Oh God I'm lost ... I need time, time to pull myself together ...

Faith had felt the soft and distinctly feminine touch on her bare arm. She had immediately registered the tender yet firm roundness of Anne's small breast through her thin cotton blouse and the smaller hard little imprint of what she knew could only be the point of a decidedly firm little nipple. It had been unmistakable and her own body had instantly reacted, and powerfully. Her own nipples at once had hardened and smooth tingling engulfed her sex. Somewhat taken aback by the force of her physical reactions, she looked down at Anne who had seated herself and after nonchalantly pushing her hair back over her shoulders, was now unlocking a drawer in the desk as though nothing had happened.

"Oh, about eight or ten I guess." she replied. "Fluently that is, but I can get through on a couple of others." Come on Hollings she muttered to herself, get your act together for heavens sake. Your getting carried away here ...

Anne once more cleared her throat. "I have you booked into a suite on the first floor Miss Hollings. It's not non-smoking as I didn't know if you did. Smoke I mean. I hope that is all right. I can change it if you wish?" She forced herself to look up at Faith but meeting again the unwavering stare had to look away again. God but you are devastating, your overpowering me and I'm not used to being overpowered ... in my little world I do the overpowering ... Nervously she moved the brochures round on the desk, stacking them into neat little piles, fighting for time to collect herself.

"That will be fine." Faith replied quietly. "I don't smoke but that will be fine and please, if we are going to be working together and I hope be friends, can we drop the formality? I would prefer you called me by my first name." She realised she was repeating herself and cursed under her breath and little alarm bells rang at the back of her mind. Accidental or not she mused, and I think that last touch was, any physical contact with you little one is going to cause me serious problems. This is no ordinary encounter and you are no ordinary woman. If your lesbian, if you make a play for me, I know I will be unable to or want to resist ... She shook her head. I'm too weak right now, too vulnerable. I must keep my distance ... and returning Anne's smile, she ruefully stroked her arm.

"Thank you Faith and please, please call me Anne. I hope and I'm sure we will be very good friends." Having at last retrieved the right key unlocked the desk drawer and produced "the package" she went on. "This is for you, it arrived yesterday. It looks sort of important." She handed her the parcel and as she meekly sat in front of her she felt her pulse throbbing noisily in her temples and felt drained and unsure of herself. This is bloody stupid ... for goodness sake pull yourself together Wilde, you can handle this ...

"Ahhh thanks." Faith replied. "I was a little worried that this might not have arrived. Actually it's the written text of the opening speeches for tomorrow. I'll be giving an on the spot translation of course but they insist on a written copy of the actual speeches. They being the Russian delegation that is. I will have to type the translations for them ... do you happen to know if my typewriter's been delivered? It is a sort of, well it's a very special type of word processor!"

"It came yesterday and I had it put in your room." Anne smiled.

"Great, and thank you. I'll do these later after I have unpacked. Perhaps I can get some photocopies done?"

"Sure, of course." Anne answered enthusiastically. "Just give me a buzz when you're ready. How long will the typing take you?" Faith was holding the package in both hands, turning it over as she examined it and Anne watched, again mesmerised. Those hands, those fingers, they are so long and so sensual ...

"Oh an hour or so I guess." Faith replied. "Not too long hopefully with Sam's help. She's a bit like a conveyer belt, you shove all the Russian in one end, she looks at it, and then shoves the English version out at the other and vice versa. It's cheating really but I do have to check her grammar. She isn't very hot on that!"

She had laughed lightly and Anne gazed at her in silent adoration. God but you're gorgeous when you laugh. I must make you laugh more often Faith Hollings ... then pulling herself together she asked with a grin. "You, you call your typewriter Sam?"

"But of course!" Faith chuckled. "She has to have a name. I believe it's the Buddhist monks who consider everything, even machines have an awareness, a soul of some sort so, I gave my processor a name just in case. Samantha actually!"

"Well, I didn't know about the monks but I call my PC Sophie so I guess after all I'm not so daft as some think!" Anne smiled. "Anyway, I have a message for you from a Mr Howard? He called to say he would not be arriving tonight. He says he will see you before the conference tomorrow morning."

"Oh yes that's Mark," Faith replied. "he's sort of my boss."

"Oh, I see. Well here is the room card for your Room, Room 111 and you do not need to register as Helen, our head of Reception who you will meet later, has already done it for you. As I said before Faith, please call on me if you need anything at all. We are here to help." She handed Faith the small perspex room card and as Faith took it from her, their fingers fleetingly touched. The brief contact sent a little shiver of awareness swathing up her arm and she stared for a moment at the long fingers then looking up she met Faiths steady unwavering gaze. Her close proximity was beautifully overpowering and her insides churned as her awareness of Faiths intoxicating sexuality enveloped her. God but I want you Faith Hollings she silently murmured. You're unbelievable, I'll never be able to keep my hands off you if we are going to be together for two whole days .... your just too much ...

Pulling her eyes away and taking a deep breath she went on. "Your room card is also your door key. Although for you all services are complimentary in the hotel should you use any of the hotel services the hotel does ask that you show the card if requested to do so. If you have any problems whatsoever Faith, please call me. I have a bleeper so just dial 977 on the nearest phone, tap in the extension number you are on and replace the receiver. I will be in touch immediately. We are neighbours by the way, I'm in Room 110 and Oh, I almost forgot. Although many of the delegates arrive tomorrow an informal buffet reception has been arranged for eight-thirty this evening. There should be at least a couple of dozen delegates there plus members of the hotel management and senior staff. I do hope you will attend!" She looked at Faith questioningly, raising an eyebrow. At least I sound efficient she thought having struggled to sound natural. Let's hope I look efficient ... but she is so impressive, so cool, so tempting ...

"I will look forward to it Anne and I'll call you when I have finished this lot," Faith said holding up the papers. "though I think that perhaps I'll shower and maybe just get my head down for a couple of hours. I am a bit weary. I had a very early start this morning, in fact thinking about it it was yesterday when I actually started travelling!"

"Of course Faith, if I haven't heard from you by about seven thirty I'll give you a call," then with a sudden pang of guilt Anne added "unless of course you are too tired and would rather perhaps give tonight a miss. I will quite understand!" Holding her breath she waited for Faiths reply. Don't you dare she prayed, don't you dare say you won't come, if you do I'll scream ...

"Oh no, not at all, it will do me good. I look forward to it." Faith answered and with a broad smile said. "Providing of course that you will be there to look after me. I am a stranger here you know!" A twinge of nervous but pleasurable raw adrenaline slid through her chest as she realised she was again mildly flirting with her and she looked down into the clear blue eyes with a sudden renewed interest. You young lady ... I think you and I should ... Mentally she shook herself. Oh for heaven's sake she murmured silently, behave yourself ...

Anne was for a moment lost for words then finding her voice she gasped. "But of course I will Faith!" and regaining her composure she said. "I know you must be weary after your journey so I will let you go now. I'll tell reception that you are not to be disturbed." and thinking for a moment she said "I'm afraid you've missed the restaurant for lunch but you can order anything you like from room service ... may I order you something?"

"Thanks but I'm fine, I ate on the flight over and I have been offered so many meals in the last couple days, dinners, breakfasts and lunches at the airports and on the aircraft. I couldn't face food right now thanks but one thing I would like to do, may I put my passport and some money in the hotel safe?"

"Of course, I will take you to reception. Unless you would like me to do it for you." Anne offered. "I can give you the receipt later this evening before we come down."

"That would be kind. Thank you." Faith replied and she quickly opened her hand bag and took out her passport and a small envelope. Anne again watched Faiths hands as she manipulated the envelope and passport and her heart began thumping again. I have never seen such beautiful hands ... such long, such sensual fingers ... She watched her take a couple of notes from the envelope then as Faith lifted it to her lips she stared transfixed. The pink tip of Faiths tongue slid slowly along the flap and looking up she saw Faiths eyes were smiling at her as quickly sealing the envelope, she handed it and the passport to her. "Thank you." she said quietly. "I am very grateful."

"My pleasure." Anne managed. "I'll, I will sort this out and, well I look forward to seeing you later then." Looking past her she signalled to a porter and when he arrived she said. "Please take Miss Hollings to Room 110 Paul." Immediately realising her mistake she put her hand over her mouth and stared at Faith totally appalled. "Oh no, 110's my room!" Covered in confusion she looked back to the porter and quickly corrected herself. "111 Paul, take Miss Hollings to Room 111!"

Faith watched as the surge of colour rose up Anne's neck to swiftly flush her cheeks. How divine she thought, how absolutely divine but really little one you needn't be embarrassed. I would be delighted to share your room with you, and your bed for that matter! Raising an eyebrow in mock surprise she grinned at her. "Thought there for a moment I'd be seeing you sooner than I expected!" she teased and before Anne could reply she turned away and followed the porter to the lifts on the other side of the foyer. Looking back when they were inside she saw Anne casually leaning against the desk watching her. She was smiling and returning her wave she smiled back and purposely held their eye contact until the lift doors had swished shut cutting off their vision. Well well she mused. I wonder if you would look at me like that if you knew my thoughts right now ... She chuckled silently, thinking of Anne's slip in asking the porter to put her in her room. What an appealing and delightful suggestion she thought with a smile, you my little one can come and tuck me up anytime ... right now I could do with a bit of personal attention and affection.

~ 3 ~

Resting back against the desk Anne watched Faiths retreating figure with a mixture of admiration and lustful desire. She was perplexed, embarrassed and yet strangely elated. Faiths graceful walk and the gentle swing of her hips, so clearly defined by the snug fit of her trousers she found intoxicating and unashamedly she ogled the light undulating play of her buttocks. Some people have legs that just go up and blend gently and unobtrusively into their bums she thought with a grin, and some people have legs that go up to create a butt that's so sensational that ... well you Faith Hollings are one of those chosen few and I don't care how big you are, you are one very sexy lady ...

She watched her enter the lift then turn and face her. A tall, elegant, perfectly composed and to all outward appearances, truly impressive and attractive woman Anne thought. But to me you are the epitome of total desire and sexuality and unabashed by the highly salacious thoughts that careered through her mind, she smiled and gave her a polite wave. At that moment she suddenly became aware that across the lobby, Faiths eyes had somehow homed in and were now locked with hers. The bewitching gaze held her and helpless to stop it she felt a the wave of yearning desire sweep through her again. Her insides shuddered and when the lift doors slid shut to cut off their eye contact she remained still, staring at them entranced. What is it with her she groaned inwardly ... she aroused me, she turned me on just by looking at me across a crowded room ...

Grateful that she had been too far away to see her confusion she quickly recovered her composure and stepped away from the desk. Roll on seven thirty she sighed turning to go back to her office and she all but collided into the ample figure of Amanda Willis the hotel housekeeper, who unknown to Anne had just arrived in time to see Faiths departure and was standing close behind her.

"Do I see a little touch of envy there Miss Wilde?" Amanda grinned, nodding innocently in the direction of the now closed lift doors. "So tell me Anne, was that a bird, was it a plane? No! That was Superwoman! Jeeez I didn't know they made women like that. I heard she was kind of special but Wowee! She should be in the movies! Have you ever had that feeling that you might as well give up trying to look female?" she chuckled then added quickly "No offence meant by the way!"

"None taken Amanda and I know exactly what you mean." Anne laughed. "But at least you have a body that's comparable. Me? she made me feel like a stick insect!"

"Rubbish! I am afraid she leaves us both well and truly in the wings Anne. She really is quite something isn't she." Amanda chuckled.

Having now regained her composure Anne grinned at her and with an audible sigh said. "Yeah, as you so rightly say Amanda, quite something." They both laughed and Anne with a parting smile, headed for Reception.

After depositing Faiths documents and collecting the receipt she walked thoughtfully to her office. She was very much aware that Faith Hollings had successfully inflicted a very pleasant, but a very severe, shock to her whole system. Entering her office she closed the door behind her and with a groan of relief sat down at her desk and dejectedly sat back and reflected on the way things had gone since Faiths arrival. I had wanted so much to impress her she said half aloud. But, but oh God it - it could not have gone more horribly horribly wrong ... I was a bumbling idiot. She closed her eyes as she recalled bumping into Faith at the courtesy desk and how her breast had brushed against her arm. Brushed? Stabbed more like it she thought cupping the offending breast in her hand. She felt the hardness of her nipple pressing into her palm and she knew Faith could not have failed to have felt it too and she recalled how she had blushed with embarrassment ... and when with out thinking I circled her waist, touching her lightly to guide her to the courtesy desk, I have never felt such a sensation. Such an awareness of physical power and ... and such overwhelming powerful and feminine sexuality ... and the more she thought about the encounter, the more she became amazed at the strength of her physical response.

Sighing, as dismally she relived the final total embarrassment, she leant forward and putting her elbows on the desk, held her face in her hands. Imagine, imagine me telling the porter to put her into my room! Jesus what must she be thinking of me ... Oh God how stupid of me ... wishful thinking on my part perhaps and what a lovely thought but, but what a stupid stupid blunder! and then what did do? I just stood there blushing like a little school girl and it showed, I know it must have showed. My face was on fire, I could feel it burning! Where in hell was the forceful, dominating 'no shit I am in charge' Anne Wilde when I needed her. From the very moment she walked in to the hotel I've been a walking disaster. I've behaved like a gooey, silly little school girl with a crush on the head prefect ... and I guess, with the difference in our size, stood next to her I probably looked like a little schoolgirl ... and all this with a woman who I have to work with for the next two days ...

She sighed again. Her body felt remote and disconnected and swallowing awkwardly she ran her fingers through her hair, pushing it back over her shoulders. The unsolicited action she knew was a nervous response that occurred only very rarely and only when she was greatly disturbed and uncertain of herself. "I am used to being in control!" she muttered quietly clenching her fists in frustration. She closed her eyes and in her mind she saw Faith standing in front of her smiling her gentle wide smile, her eyes gazing at her, almost teasing ... then she saw her swaying hips, scantily wreathed in delicate soft feminine lingerie ... her heart began to thump and she nibbled her lower lip and sighed. God but I want that woman. She is the most gorgeous, sexiest woman I have ever ...

"Hi shorty!" Startled, Anne blinked her eyes open and saw Helen entering the office. "Here you go," she said cheerfully, placing a mug of coffee on Anne's desk. "Thought you might need reviving! So how about our lady VIP then?" and before Anne could answer she went on. "I saw her from afar and like Wooow!" She rolled her eyes expressively and looked up at the ceiling. "Quite some looker huh! Big but oh boy what a looker! Amanda reckons women like that should not be allowed out in public places and she says she's going to lock Mike up for the next couple of days!"

"I take her point, and thanks." Anne chuckled picking up the mug and taking a sip of the coffee. "Actually though, I thought she was very nice. I liked her. Apart from the fact that stood next to her I felt like a stick insect! That is one heck of a lot of female female Helen and what's really alarming is that everything is in the right place and in the right proportion. And do you know what is even more maddening?" She looked up at Helen and grinned. "Just to top it all off she's intelligent! Reckons she speaks about a dozen languages. I wouldn't have minded if she had just been a bimbo but no, she has brains damn it!" She giggled and looked away and tentatively she asked. "Did you see her figure Helen? I have never felt so unfeminine and titless as I did when I was standing next to her!"

"Oh don't be silly, you have a very nice and very feminine little figure Anne. Okay so your boobs are small but let's be honest darling, you're small period." and she added hurriedly. "but very attractive with it!"

Anne glanced up, for a moment caught off balance by the compliment. Fleetingly she wondered if Helen was giving her a come-on but quickly dismissed the thought. Helen was looking thoughtfully across the room at the rain on the window.

"You're what five foot? Five one maybe and about 115lb." Helen said thoughtfully. "I seriously mean this nicely but Anne, your boobs are probably about the same size as mine and you've got much the same figure as me, measured horizontally that is but I'm a foot taller than you. Almost the same height as our Miss Hollings is in fact so you can imagine how I must feel." Her face held an almost vacant crestfallen expression and then she said with a smile. "I watched her crossing the lobby to the lift and got the impression she was gliding, not walking. People aren't supposed to be that graceful Anne. She really pissed me right off!" She laughed and went on. "Seriously though, she was very impressive." Suddenly she turned to Anne and exclaimed excitedly. "Those clothes Anne! Did you see those gorgeous clothes? God they must have cost an absolute fortune and I bet, I bet she had them specially made!"

"Well, according to Mike she's worth a fortune so I guess you could be right." Anne answered. "She can probably afford clothes like that. Honestly though Helen, she did seem nice, I liked her." As soon as she had spoken she cautioned herself. That's twice you've said that she told herself, don't be so enthusiastic, she'll start to suspect ...

"Is she coming to the Reception?" Helen asked folding her arms and walking over to the window.

Anne got up and joined her. "Yes. I'm meeting her at seven-thirty. I'll bring her in to meet you then take her round to meet Mike and show her the Conference Hall. She'll want to check out the sound facilities and the equipment I guess though I have already done it myself." The two women stood together watching the rain until with a deep sigh Anne turned away and returning to her desk sat down." And then" she added. " I'll take her to the Reception."

"Just make sure that Mike doesn't try to check out her equipment." Helen joked as she turned to leave and laughing she added. "Though I suspect Amanda would string him up from the rafters if she caught him straying."

"Mike is okay Helen. I've known him for a couple of years now and I can tell you, he's an Okay guy. Typical male in some ways. All talk and so on but it's harmless talk and believe it or not, he is a gentleman! Apart from which I don't think he would be that daft anyway. The risk of trying something with someone as important as her ..."

"Oh don't get me wrong Anne," Helen interrupted. "I like Mike, in fact in an odd way I think he is quite an attractive bloke really. But as far as our Miss Hollings is concerned don't be too dismissive of her vulnerability. I know there are not many eligible men here but hotels are funny places and get a bunch of strangers together and, well even VIPs with brains have been known to crack and end up in the sack! VIP's have emotions too you know but anyway, enough of this chat I have work to do. If you want me you know where to find me ... I need to do some final checks, make sure I haven't forgotten anything or more important anyone before tonight!"

"Can you tell reception not to disturb Faith." Anne said looking up at her. "She said she'd like to rest this afternoon. I think she's gone bye-byes!"

"Faith? My, so we're on first name terms already are we?" Helen grinned.

"Helen Welling!" Anne retorted with mock hurt. "Shame on you! I'll treat that comment with the disdain it deserves and I would also remind you that it was you who went all silly about the poor little thing being tired earlier on and that we should look after her. Go find Colin if you've nothing better to do than give me a hard time!"

"You fight fair Wilde, that's below the belt!" Helen laughed. She turned on her heel and with a shrug of her thin shoulders she flounced out of the room closing the door noisily behind her.

Anne grinned then thoughtfully, she picked up her coffee, and sighed. Jeeez, in just a few hours my well controlled little life has been turned turtle and the trouble is, I'm all on my own on this one. No one here can know my real emotions. No one except Mike of course, he knows of my leanings but friend though he is I don't want him involved ... and if anyone else found out it would be disaster with a capital D.

A small shiver of dread slid through her as she contemplated the thought of exposure and putting the mug down she held her head, pressing her hands to her temples ... and what if Faith found out ... assuming she's straight that is, she would ...

Quickly she opened her eyes and looked up. If she's straight? In all this I automatically assumed she was but ... but what if she isn't. She gave no indication that she was or wasn't ... maybe she's Bi? Helen referred to her getting involved with an available man but what if ... perhaps ... and she did seemed to like me ... Quickly she shook her head and laughed quietly. Come on Wilde for heavens sake be serious! Even if she is a lesbian I doubt she would fancy a little mouse like me ... a woman as attractive as her has probably got queues of lovers, or would be lovers, whatever side of the fence she's on. Picking up her coffee again she stared vacantly out of the window, barely noticing the downpour that was now streaming down the glass panes completely obscuring the view. Her gaze drifted back down to the photo on her desk and she picked it up. "You Faith Hollings" she whispered softly "You have got me well and truly snared. Bewitched, bothered and bewildered and right now I just don't know how to handle you, I want you but I'm frightened ..." With another shake of her head she quickly drained the mug and stood up. "Enough of this." she muttered. "This is crazy, I need to get sorted ..." and quickly putting the photos and her papers in the drawer she locked the desk and left the office.

Purposefully she crossed the foyer and passed on up the stairs to her room where she collected a swim suit and a towel. On her way back through the foyer she gave a friendly wave to the reception staff. "If you want me I'm going for a swim, I'll be in the pool house." she called to them. "I won't be long!" and she hurried on to the indoor swimming pool at the back of the hotel.

On entering the pool room Anne was gratified to see it was deserted. The still flat surface of the pool looked inviting and she found the silence, broken only by the tap of her heels on the tiled floor as she walked to the changing room, comforting. "This'll do the trick." she murmured "It'll cool my passion if nothing else!" and entering the changing room she quickly undressed and put on the costume. Returning to the pool she walked over to the low springboard. Mounting it she walked to the end and curling her toes over the front edge she stood with her hands at her sides for a moment motionless. She closed her eyes and suddenly Faiths gentle features were looking back at her, smiling ...

With a deep audible sigh she leant forward and in one swift movement, with a subtle bend of her legs and swing of her arms, she bounced once on the board then dived cleanly into the still water. Surfacing quickly she struck out for the far end of the pool. Her arms and legs quickly picked up a steady flowing rhythm of strong determined strokes and it was some time later when finally she pulled herself up the steps next to the board where she had first dived in. Having given no thought as to how far or how long she had been swimming her arms and legs were now numb with the exertion. She had reached the stage where physically she had had to stop and almost staggering, she wobbled over to the board and sat down. Picking up her towel she buried her face in it and panting with exhaustion, she sat trying to get her breath back and as she did so, thoughts of Faith returned. She recalled the soft voice and suddenly she could again clearly see her. That captivating smile, the beautiful full lips, parted very slightly to show even white teeth ... those bewitching grey green eyes. She shuddered as the deep yearning for her returned with a vengeance and she found herself again reliving the few moments they had physically come into contact. She aroused me more than I had ever thought possible, everything about her stirs uncontrollable longing ... Abruptly the uncomfortable reality dawned on her and pulling the towel away from her face she stared at the wall in front of her. "Oh no. Oh my God no. I've become infatuated with her. I think I'm in love...!"

She dried her face, arms and legs then began towelling her hair. Her breathing gradually slowed to reach a semblance of normality. Suddenly, alerted by the sound of a movement she stiffened and sat upright. She realised she was not alone and glancing round the pool room she saw Mike West. He was sitting at a table in a small recess half way down the pool almost hidden from her view. She sighed with relief then frowned. Had he heard me and, and how had I not seen him when I came in ... The desk where he sat was covered with papers. A two-way radio stood on the floor by his feet and it was obvious he had been there for some time and suddenly she was embarrassed.

"Hi! How long have you been there Mike?" she called cheerfully.

"Oh couple of hours me'dear. It's the one place in this hotel where I can find total peace and quiet in the afternoons. I come here most afternoons. I like the silence!"

"Until someone like me comes along and disturbs it." she laughed. "I'm sorry to break up the tranquillity of your afternoon!"

"Not at all Anne, I enjoyed watching you." Mike answered with a chuckle and Anne smiled. She knew he wasn't coming on to her. Over the many months she had got to know him they had become close friends but the relationship had become one more like that of a brother and sister attachment. "I am curious though" he went on "Curious to know what on earth brought on all that aggression. I haven't seen a work- out like that for a very long time. You were sure uptight and out of sight about something. Do you want to talk about it?"

"No!" she exclaimed sharply, then still feeling a bit foolish and embarrassed she said. "Sorry, but thanks, there's nothing wrong honest. I just wanted to you know get ... I don't know, clear my mind I guess before the start of the conference. I find swimming is quite a good therapy!"

"Well, I hope it worked and I don't believe you by the way. People don't go through punishment like that without a very good reason." He then added "If you change your mind and decide you do want to talk you know where to find me."

"I know that Mike and I thank you. Your a good friend to me but I'm fine, really." Her breathing was now almost back to normal and she looked at the large clock on the wall at the end of the pool. Quarter to five. "Guess I'll go and shower. It's getting late and I have to get ready for this evening." She stood up and added casually. "By the way Mike, I'll be bringing Faith Hollings round to see you later. About, about seven thirty eightish be okay?"

"Fine, what's she like?" Mike asked quietly, looking up with a smile.

"Devastating!" She had answered instantly without thinking and immediately realised her reply had been far too quick and far too emphatic. She glanced at him, fearful that he may have been alerted by her tone, but he looked unconcerned.

"I look forward to meeting her then." he said giving her another smile.

"Yes fine. I'll see you then." She gave him a casual wave, relieved at his seemingly unconcerned reply but as she quickly headed back to the changing room she did not see him nod and smile knowingly.

After a swift shower she quickly dressed and wrapping her wet swim suit in the towel tucked it under her arm and re-entered the pool area. "I'll see you Mike" she called light-heartedly across the now stilled water. "I must go and get ready for this evening!"

Mike waved an acknowledgement and as he watched her let herself out he again smiled.

On reaching her room Anne decided to shower again and wash her hair. Entering the bathroom she hung her swimsuit on a hanger and quickly undressing turned on the shower and stepped under the spray. Twice she shampooed her hair then for several minutes she relaxed under the warm water, letting it play over her body. The force of the water felt good as it beat down on her back and shoulders and turning to face the jets she stood with her face turned up into the spray, her eyes tightly closed and squeezing her big bath sponge to her chest she let the water cascaded down her front. Finally, stepping back she began soaping herself. Nonchalantly she stroked the sponge over her shoulders and arms then across her breasts and immediately she thought about Faith. Her nipples began to firm and tighten and she moaned softly to herself as the surge of desire swept through her. "God how I want you Faith Hollings," she muttered softly and quickly she reached for the conditioner. Finally, after rinsing the suds away from her hair and body she turned the shower off and stepped out of the bath.

Briskly she dried herself and as she finished, she saw herself in the mirrored bathroom wall. Dropping the towel away from her body she studied her naked reflection. "However can I possibly expect to appeal to someone like you Faith." she questioned quietly ... just look at me, the epitome of the female form ... in miniature. No wonder my nick name was "Little Wabbit" at college ... With another little sigh and a cynical tight smile at her reflection she wrapped the towel round herself and headed for the bedroom where, sitting at the dressing table she plugged in the drier and began brushing and drying her hair. I wonder what she's doing now ... I wonder what she is thinking ...I must get through to her ... give her loads of friendly affection, TLC and as much physical contact within the realms of decency as is possible ... and the only difficulty with that she thought as she began to brush her hair more firmly, is being able to control the amount of TLC I dish out! Jeeez if you're straight Faith Hollings then God help me, it is going to be a very long and very difficult and very painful conference.

When she was finally satisfied with the end result of her hair setting she stood up and crossed the room to a large wardrobe. Opening the doors she surveyed her limited choice of clothes. That's the trouble with this contract work she mused, luggage limits the options of what one can wear. Quickly making up her mind she took out a plain but smart white oriental design silk cocktail dress. It's my most expensive and is without doubt my best she murmured half aloud. It fits like a glove, it's short and it's revealing. The side vents show more thigh than some would consider proper but so what ... and slipping on a skimpy pair of high leg briefs she stepped into the dress and zipped the back up. Facing the mirror she inspected herself. The smooth silk felt good next to her skin and she noted with approval how the small swell of her breasts and the slight but unmistakable imprint of her nipples showed against the material. "This is war" she said quietly, smoothing her hands over her waist and hips "and it's a war Miss Hollings that I have every intention of winning." Turning, she glanced over her shoulder and eyed the subtle curves of her buttocks outlined beneath the smooth silk. "and you, you gorgeous woman, you I hope, will be to be the prize!"

Next: Chapter 2: Little Doe 4 6

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