Little beauty

By Lawrence Bradman

Published on Jul 16, 2011



The chase was over, and I felt that old sense of let down, it was become boring - well almost - and I glanced up at the 14 year old as he sought to arouse my interest, playfully swinging hips, buttocks outthrust as he coyly glanced over a shoulder. Strange, only a month earlier he'd been one of this year's intake, a shy timid boy yet one whose sultry puffy lips and ... well, it was those gestures..unmistakable if you watched and oh yes, I watched this one all right, sensuous yet innocent they gave the game away. I was senior enough to ensure he was allocated to me - as a "Fag", we British are renowned for our quirky customs and eccentricities and the public schools are perhaps among the last preserves of quirkiness in this respect, customs long discarded by the adult world remain cloistered my "Fag" was in effect a personal servant or errand boy - in my case however he was rather more than that. So it was with amusement that I watched his antics there in my study, a mere month from his seduction the child was pure wanton. "So, do you want me?" a giggle "or shall I go" a pause and eyes downcast, he shuffled feet before touching my arm "could, well could...we something, you know....?" Oh yes, I knew all right so I ran an eye up and down the now blushing boy..there'd be those slim smooth legs, delicious plumply jutting buttocks, pale breast with rosy nipples and those cheeky, alluring "bedroom eyes" such a cliché yet so apt!

I had sent him on ahead with careful instructions concerning which bedroom to use - in the day time these corridors were out of bounds to all except us prefects - and pleasantly anticipating, opened the door. Then suddenly things became much more interesting. The little wretch remained fully dressed and seemed nervous. "You know, you said that when I was ready, that you would.....fuck a girl that is...well we've been doing stuff for weeks now and I wondered" in a rush "If you could do me now I mean all my friends well they've been shagged by their prefects and they, they are starting to think there's something wrong with me!" He was bright red and probably on the verge of tears. Exasperated I thought OK, ok....perhaps I'm too squeamish..then seeing me still hesitate I heard him mutter "..and I've got some stuff here..guessed you wouldn't bring any..." and with that my scruples vanished, so backing the little fellow against the bed I happily undressed him then paused briefly to admire before whipping off my own stuff. Lying there on that bed I pulled the naked little body close, felt him shiver and ran a comforting hand up and down his back - only to find that the shudders increased! I knew he was hard, could feel his penis pressed up against me, knew that he was ready but...I wanted to enjoy him to the full, foreplay with another boy or man, well I've since decided that you can't beat it, men are expert in this field - a woman's touch can't match his skills - so I smiled reassuringly and reached for the boy's loins, aaaahh..firmly jutting, so satisfying to grasp, his slender penis all mine to stroke, fondle and caress and then oh joy - the sensation as little fingers sought my tip. His eyes looked up, round as saucers, sparkling...and he pouted a smile before glancing down to where our busy fingers played their magic "You know, after we've been doing this for a minute .. I start to feel...all sort of...special...down there and nothing else matters..." he gave a giggle, paused and then swallowed "I'm starting to.. get now..that feeling..and the thought of being fucked.." He was panting slightly. I supposed that he'd be as ready as any boy could be "Where's that stuff you said you had?" Breaking off he felt around, a tube emerged - seemingly well used - blushing he admitted, it belongs to xxxx he's been getting it a couple of weeks now...said to put it up well inside but suppose you know.. I did indeed know and was quite happy to oblige. Funny thing, slipping a well lubricated finger up into a boy and having a quick feel is an ideal preliminary, you have a sort of preview really, I mean you know that you're going to be in him shortly and there's that warmth around your finger, the yielding yet firm flesh of his buttocks, the neat round little hole - your passport to pleasure and he's available, all yours.

I watched him, his fists clenched, back stiff as the tip sank in, he really did have a lovely little body I thought, pretty with it too...but now I had to move carefully...yes he was eager for it, no question but...this moment would be an investment, if done properly I'd have him as an eager sex partner for the remainder of my stay - the alternative, well I wouldn't even think about that one. A gasp and I held off "Relax, relax, just breathe normally...there..." probably the knob pushing through, he'd feel a burning and a stinging - which is what I recalled my first time - so count to 10 and easy there, up, up, pause...another gasp then his voice "keep on, keep on, God I can feel it moving's stretching me...I know this shouldn't happen, not until you're really fucking me but it hurts and I'm randy with it - different sort, ow!" I'm in and fully up, now it's time for the positive stuff "There, God how sexy, feels terrific, right up you, feel that? Lovely fit, clever, aren't you so clever! It's going to be good, very good, so tight...ready?" He nods and his introduction to sex truly begins, he's intent on the sensations for now, questions will come later. I'm restricting myself to a cautious in-out, he's so tight that nothing fancy is called for and he's really very attractive, I have him laying on his side with back to me, petite, slim gem of a body so smooth yet incongruously those buttocks bunch and obtrude and involuntarily I cup one, it is strange to fondle the smooth orb knowing that a part of me is embedded between it and its pair. Casually and as a matter of interest I reach with my other hand for his loins...yes he's retained his erection, it's pleasant to lie there buggering the boy while I play with him, then I wonder what if....yes why not...about there, after a couple of attempts my penis strokes that spot within, an intake of breath, a gasp...leave it a little and then again...then again and warmth splashes your hand, he shakes, bewildered you hear "Oh my God...oh shit, what, what...oh Christ...what was that...?" and the shuddering continues, his buttocks squeeze, contract, it is involuntary but, the effect is sensational as for the first time ever, jets of sperm flood his passage, no one has done this before, I'm the first and my heaving loins flood the boy with their tribute, to my surprise someone else cries out - it is my voice I hear and certainty builds...this boy and I, well so far so good, yes I'd go very lovely he feels, limp relaxed and so ...vulnerable...and I nuzzle the back of his neck.

Remember the feeling as you hold a spent boy, after his first time, how you have to jump on those guilt feelings, reassure him, tell him he was terrific, that it's natural to shoot your lot as you're being fucked, nothing wrong with that..and besides, everyone is doing it! (almost true though some, a few, are simply too stupid to try it). So it was as absently I ran a hand over buttocks still sticky with my sperm, it oozed forth and down one thigh, stricken Doe eyes looked up at me...he's guilty and bewildered at having enjoyed it so much, guilty because he thinks he's now a girl, bewildered because he doesn't understand the physiology of male on male sex, the prostate's function. So I explain..and as he begins to perk up there's a bonus I throw in "There's your little mates too of they won't be able to have a go will they, they'll have to lay off?" I pursue my advantage, looking at him once more I drink in his lovely body and sweetly flushed face " you know...oh look what you're doing...and well well, you too!! I don't think we'll be needing that stuff... sure you're up to another??" Of course he is, I suspect his sex drive is approaching my which case I have probably let the Genie out of the bottle. It is much easier taking him this time, caution is still needed and as always with a boy, you need to be gentle. This time it is exhilarating whereas before it was pleasure, now you know it's safe, you can enjoy him without inhibition and he too senses the difference, there's a sigh from beneath "You know, I wanted you to do this but...didn't know what it would be like, it was the others - thought they were bullshiting - so it got quite bad near the end..wanted it lots but I was scared too" He broke off and we both heard the sounds "Squish, squish, splat, splat". He giggled "That sort of well confirms it, what we're doing, doesn't it...seems to make it real, hearing you doing me like that? You do like it, don't you...I mean how long can you go for...I'd like it to last..if that's ok?" Preoccupied I'd only been half listening, the boy was a joy - to coin a phrase - and I told him so..then added "We can spin this one out for as long as we like...I've already cum and so have you...which means...we can have fun, oh yes!" An excited giggle met this then " how how many times then can you..." Truthfully I answered "So far, the most is...6 times but that was all night". Silence, then timidly and as my penis delved his insides "Who...well um, who was that with?" I told him and shock registered, his body tensed and then relaxed, there was silence for a while and for the first time I felt his buttocks rise to meet each thrust, still silence but then a thoughtful "Well, I'm going to make sure, very like...doing this to me...just as much...even more...I want you to show me...everything 'cause I'm going to be good at this...yes, I'd like to be...the, please like that, that, it nice for, you anything, anything you like with me...just do it". The trouble was...I really couldn't think of anything more I wanted to do to him, anything more than what I was already doing...and you know, right now I'm feeling so randy...oh God I'm randy....just thinking about him!

The Pin

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