Liquor store delivery

By J Russell

Published on Jul 27, 2015



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When I was 18 I got a part time delivery/stock boy position with a liquor store near where I lived. The liquor store closed at 9pm and at 10 minutes before nine we got a call for delivery. The store manager was about to tell the customer that we couldn't deliver it because it was too late and we were about to close but I stopped him and told him I would make the delivery on my way home. The manager liked that and I was able to get out of the store a few minutes earlier. So after getting the order together off I went.

I rang the bell on the door and after a few minutes the door opened and standing behind and mostly covered by the door was a very tall man. He smiled when he saw me and said "you got here faster than I thought you would, I need to find my wallet" and pulling the door further open invited me inside. As I go inside and walk past the man I see that he is not only tall but huge! He has very big muscular arms and the thighs of his legs were massive. But what really got my attention was his stomach; it was huge! I thought to myself I probably wouldn't be able to clasp my hands together if I was to reach my arms around him he was that fat! I continue into his apartment and look at the big screen TV. He had been watching a movie which he paused when I rang the bell and on the screen of the TV was a totally nude tall very well built black man with a huge hard cock and kneeling in front of him was a white woman with really big tits. I gasped audibly and just stood there and stared.

He closed and locked the door, comes and stands next to me so that his big left arm was touching my bare right arm. He stood so close I was able to smell him. For a man his size, he smelled nice and clean. Standing next to me and looking from me to the TV he says "she's got some pretty big tits, huh?" thinking I was gasping at her tits when I really was looking at the black man's cock. When he spoke to me, I took my eyes off the screen and looked over at him. We could not be any different! I was 5'9" and on the slim side I still looked like I was 15 and he was about 6' 4" and looked to be in his 30's. I am a white kid and even though I have a bit of a tan, still looked pale compared to his deep dark color. I have light blonde hair that is on the long side and his hair is cut short and kinky. I looked up at his face and just nodded, smiling.

*He then steps away and says to me "I'm sorry, I know that your store closes at nine and your boss must be waiting for you. Let me find my wallet" and walks around the apartment looking for it. I watch him as he walks around and see he's just wearing a pair of boxer shorts and as he walks around I see his cock swinging inside his shorts and like him it looks huge. He catches me looking at his boxers and says "oh, the shorts, I had just finished drying off after getting out of the shower and when the bell rang these were the closest thing I could grab to put on, I hope you don't mind" again I just smile and say "no I don't" looking away quickly. As he's looking he keeps apologizing for keeping me from getting back to the store when I say to him `take your time, I told my boss I would make this delivery on my way home so I'm in no rush" and I keep stealing looks at the big dick on the big screen TV. He turns to me and catching me steal a peek again at the screen says "well in that case, why don't I make us a drink and since you seem to really be into those tits, we can see how this movie turns out?" I smile and liking that idea say to him "that would be great". He tells me to take a seat on the couch and taking the bottle of booze goes into the kitchen. *

*I sit down on the couch and looking at the still picture on the screen I am thinking about all of this and what I should do. Looking at the cock on the screen I think about the cock in those boxer shorts in the kitchen and I decide I want to get to know that better. I've had sex with black guys before, mostly with my friend Randy and his family but I've never had a man that was this fat before. Even though his arms and legs are big, they still look muscular and though his belly is so massive it looks solid. He comes back bringing me a beer and brings himself a drink tells me he wasn't sure if I'd like the liquor he had but knew I'd like the beer. He stands directly in front me and hands me the beer. My eyes just stare at the outline of his cock in his shorts as he moves over and sits next to me on the couch. I am sitting kind of in the middle of the couch and he sits to my right side with his back up against the arm of the couch instead the back and puts his left leg up on the couch and his right leg on the floor spreading his legs and presses play on the TV remote. As he moves his legs about getting comfortable his boxers ride up outlining his cock nicely and I can't help but look at his bulge which he doesn't miss and I pick up the beer and almost down it in a few sips. He laughs and says "wow, you must have been thirsty, finish it and I'll get you another one." I finish the beer as he stands up and again is standing right in front of my, his big stomach just about brushing up against my head and I hand him the empty bottle. *

*As he's getting me a fresh beer I start to second guess myself and also start to feel the first beer. He comes back right away, hands me the second beer and sits back down in the same position only now his cock is a little larger and the tip of his cock head is at the edge of the shorts. I take a look at his hot bulge and then look up at his face when he picks up his drink and tilting it towards me and says "bottoms up" takes a drink of his beer and I take another long drink of my beer. By now I'm really feeling the affect of the beer and I'm getting warm even though I'm only wearing shorts and a tee shirt. He moves his left leg down along the back of the couch so that his foot is right behind and up against my ass so that if he moves his toes I could feel it against my ass. I look back at the TV watching the woman suck the big black cock in front of her wishing it was me sucking on that cock. As we watch we are both getting excited, I know my cock is rock hard in my shorts and every time I look at his cock it looks bigger. I finish my beer and he finishes his drink and getting up asks me if I want another and I say yes. As he stands up I can see that his cock has gotten harder and is sticking out of his boxers and I stare at it as he reaches down and picks up the glass and empty bottle and then turns and goes into the kitchen. *

When he returns and stands in front of me holding my beer and his drink I see his cock is big, hard and sticking completely out of his shorts just inches from my face. He laughs and says "I guess the liquor and movie are getting my juices flowing and these shorts aren't keeping nothing in, I should just take them off, what do you think?" I look from his cock to his face and say "go for it, I don't mind." He then holds up the drinks he's holding and says "my hands are full, can you reach around me and pull my shorts?" I look from his face to his cock and just say "ok" and I attempt to reach around him. He laughs and tells me I have to get closer and reach farther around than that and moves closer to me, sliding his cock against my face. I lean forward and with his cock sliding against my cheek and head I reach around almost putting face up against his groin and grabbing the band of his boxer shorts pull them down over his big ass and then move my hands around to the front of his boxer shorts pulling them down in the front as well releasing his cock letting it bounce up and down against my face. His shorts slide the rest of the way down by themselves and stepping out of them hands me the beer thanks me and moves over to sit back down and again takes the same position again moving his foot behind my ass.

*I look at his cock and then go back to watching the big black cock on the TV when he says "it's big isn't it". I look at him and he's stroking his hard cock and he nods at the cock on the TV. I look from his cock to the cock on the TV and I say to him "yea but so is your cock." He smiles and asks me who's cock do I think is bigger all the while slowly stroking his cock. I tell him I don't know and he says to me "well take a good long look at the cock on the TV and then come down here and take a good long look at mine" so I do. I look at the cock on the TV and then I lean over a little between his legs to look at his hard cock. He's stroking his cock with his right hand and moves his left arm around my shoulder and pulling me between his legs says to me "if you really want to see how big my cock is you need to get closer than that and take a big feel of it." As I slide between his legs his cock is now right in front of me and he's rubbing my back and says "you feel hot" and I tell him I am. He reaches down pulling off my tee shirt and he says `then take off your shirt" and I put my arms out allowing him to take off my shirt. I am now holding his cock, slowly rubbing it up and down when he takes a deep breath and asks me "so who's cock is bigger" and I look up at him and I say "yours". He asks me if I like it and I nod yes. *

He is rubbing my back and running his fingers through my hair and saying things like "so soft, so sweet" and then says to me "boy I would really like a nice pair of pink lips licking and sucking on my cock like he's got" and I look at him and sticking out my tongue I lick the tip of his fat cock head. He moans and saying "baby boy that's what I'm talking about and pushes his cock further into my mouth. I bring my legs up onto the couch when I realize I still have my sneakers on and I quickly take my feet off of his couch. He tells me to take them off so I kick off my sneakers and reach down and pull of my socks and moving back between his legs I pull my legs and feet up on the couch so that I'm laying on my stomach between his legs. I reach down and again I grab his cock and start to suck on it again. He continues to rub my back and shoulders but then goes lower to the top of my shorts and sticks his fingers and then his whole hand under the waist band of my shorts and starts massaging my ass cheeks. As I suck his cock he reaches his hand around my waist still inside my shorts to get to the front and I rise up my hips giving him access. When his hands get to the front he undoes the button opening my shorts. When I don't object he slides my zipper down and slowly slides my shorts and briefs down over my ass and down my legs until I kick them off. I am now completely nude.

*I keep sucking in his cock taking as much of it as I can down my throat and slowly jerking the part I can't get into my mouth because his cock is that big. As I suck his cock he is moaning and rubbing my ass and then one of his fingers slide into my crack and start to massage up and down my crack paying special attention to my hot willing asshole. He puts his index finger into his mouth, gets it nice and wet and starts to rub around my asshole. He slowly inserts his finger and every time he takes it out, gets it wet again until my asshole is nice and wet and his finger is going in and out of my ass completely up to his knuckle. Soon a second finger is inserted and I'm being finger fucked by two big fat fingers. I am still sucking his cock and I can tell he's getting closer because his cock is swelling and his breathing is getting more rapid. He then pulls his two fingers from my ass and sticking three of his fingers into my ass he moans loudly and pushing his cock as far as it would go into my mouth and down my throat he shoots his load sending squirt after squirt of his hot cum into my mouth and down my throat. He pulls out a little and I can feel his cock pulsing as it unloads in my mouth. I swallow his cum loving the taste of it, not wanting it to end but after several minutes he starts to slow down and pulling his cock out of my mouth I lick the last few drops from the tip of his cocks and I lay my head on his groin with his big belly heaving above me. *

He still has his fingers in my ass and slowly pulls them out and sticks them into his mouth licking them saying how good my ass tastes. I sit up on the couch and then I stand up. He stands up next to me his cock still hard reaches down and picks me up carries me into the bedroom and growls "baby boy we are just getting started".

*To be continued ... *

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