Liquor and Lockdown

By Ash Hunter

Published on Oct 6, 2021



This story is a work of fiction. Characters may be inspired by people and fantasies in my life but have in no way actually occurred, with name and location changes as needed. As a first-time writer, I would love any comments, critiques, questions, suggestions, or pictures (or even videos ;) ) that you deem necessary. Help me become a better author and inspire me with anything you think would work. In fact two parts of this story were inspired from a reader's DM on Twitter and another's email!

You can also find me on Twitter @hunter_writing

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Story I for Intoxicated

He had glanced away, unable to make eye contact; I could smell the liquor on his breath. I lowered my ass onto his cock. I preferred to top, but I wasn't going to pass up the chance of feeling him in me. I wasn't disappointed as his tip touched my quivering hole. I gasped as my own spit was the only lube for the sensation of his white cock sliding into my warm Filipino hole. I hadn't bottomed in months and took a second to adjust to that welcome thickness. His eyes widened in shock as his cock head slipped into me, and for a moment he looked completely sober. In that moment, his big hands grabbed either side of my hips, and he thrust up.

My name's Chester. I'm a 27-year-old Filipino-Chinese mix, about 5'8" and just a couple pounds over being toned. I've been out since I was a teen and always do pretty well for myself. Most guys expect me to be a bottom, but I'm actually versatile and love topping. I live with a 28-year-old roommate, Jordan, a fairly average-build straight white guy with some good Nordic blood. He's blonde, about 5'11" and flips pretty quickly between beer belly and jock build. A dad bod that's heavy on the buff side. No matter his build, muscular with the gym or beer belly after parties, he keeps his nice, muscular pecs and firm ass. He's not exactly hot, but he's never had a problem keeping a stream of satisfied women visiting him, and I've never been shy about admitting to a mild attraction.

If you're going to have a straight roommate, definitely find one that's secure enough in his sexuality to walk around the kitchen in his form fitting underwear and nothing else. And trust me, his form is very fitted in those SAXX boxer-briefs: his ass puts me to shame and that chick satisfying dick is filling out the front pouch in very visually appealing ways. He'd even had a few threesomes with a couple of his friends, so he wasn't shy about seeing other men or being seen by men. In fact, he was generally flattered when a guy showed interest, he never showed any back, but his ego definitely liked the attention. It was actually kind of cute.

We've been living together after meeting at a job a few years back and he had decided upon meeting me that I didn't look like a Chester, and started calling me Chess. It broke the ice, and we became fast friends and later roommates, somehow that's been going pretty great. We have common areas in the kitchen and laundry room, but basically have different floors that we stick to outside of that. Like I said, he's super secure in his sexuality and has no issues with living with an openly gay guy. We even have an ongoing joke that I'll blow him if he ever blows me first, because I wouldn't back out of it but he would; and he's hot enough that I'm definitely semi-serious. We share most things, and are even fairly close friends; as a bonus we even fit in well with each other's friends. Whenever his friends were around, I was just one of the guys, and got to hear all about those aforementioned threesomes and sexcapdes of the straight men. When my friends are around he gets to bask in the adoration as the forbidden fruit straight man. It was all going pretty great until 2020 and the pandemic sent us into lockdown. I worked in the aviation industry and he worked in the medical field. That means I quickly become jobless and he became over-employed, and our house was basically in perpetual lockdown. He couldn't risk being a carrier so he never saw anyone, and since I was suddenly unemployed, I just did the shopping and housework to keep busy.

We have an awesome landlord that cut our rent down from $1300 to $1000 during the quarantine, since I couldn't work, and Jordan kept pay his full share of the 1300, while I paid the lesser amount since I was on a tight government funded budget. Since he was in the medical field, and I didn't want to risk spreading, both of us went into a more or less full lockdown. I went out once every two weeks to make sure we were fed and stocked, and he only left for work. As it lockdowns dragged on we tried to make light of it with jokes, so he started calling me his trophy wife. Looked cute, did house work, brought in little to no income. The joking kept everything light hearted, and we started spending a lot more time together as we couldn't see anyone else.

Luckily one of our favorite breweries started delivering and we had similar movie tastes. We started a daily ritual of him working, I cleaned and did a lot of cooking to pass the time, and then got hammered as hell in the evening and at night to alleviate the stress; normally while he playing video games and I supplied commentary or we watched just the shittiest of shitty B-movies. He came from a more redneck family than I, and could put away a six pack of beer on work nights, and the better part of a 24 pack on days off. To keep things as normal as possible, we kept up our long-standing jokes, but tensions did rise a little. Lack of seeing others meant less socialization and, arguably even worse, les sex. Neither of us had gone without sex for more than a couple weeks in several years, and as extroverts, it was getting pretty tough mentally to be trapped in our house for so long.

About three months into the lockdown alcohol starting becoming much more of a requirement and I occasionally saw him glancing more at me when we were making our blow job jokes. "I'll blow you as soon as you blow me, just to make sure you don't back out. I sure as Hell won't." I'd say with a laugh. He'd chuckle too, but his eyes would linger on my crotch and when I spoke, he wasn't looking at my eyes: he was looking at my mouth. Due to some thin walls and floors, I heard him start experimenting with phone sex about five months in, but he was a more... physical person. Listening to him trying to be a verbal dirty talker through was enough for me some days, the husky sound of another man edging his way to orgasm was a turn on, but the phone sex seemed to be more of a cause for blue balls and exasperation than actual relief for Jordan. At month six, things hit their breaking point.

It started normal enough. Jordan had 4 days off, and we just gotten a big order of beers and liqueurs from our brewery. We were several beers and cocktails in, watching just the worst B-movie we'd seen in a while. Well, I guess "Caligula" was a X-Rated masterpiece when it was released in the late 70's, but now it is barely R-Rated. While, I was only half paying attention, stretched out on the couch and on my phone, Jordan was eight beers, two very strong cocktails in, and captivated by the erotic nature of the film. I also found out later that just before we got into the movie, he had gone through another blue balls causing episode of phone sex with one of his ladies while I had gone out shopping. It was hot that summer, we were both in just our t-shirts and underwear with the TV screen supplying the only light in the dark basement. The dim hum of a fan off to the side giving short bursts of relief from the heat as it rotated on and off of us.

I heard him get up and head out to the bathroom, I glanced up and watched that full ass get swallowed by the shadows as he left the room. It was definitely one of his best attributes and I never missed a chance to take it in. Moments later, I could easily hear a powerful stream hitting the toilet water. I finished my second cocktail, chasing my previous three beers, and was just considering getting another beer when Jordan came back into the room and pause just at the edge of the light from the TV. I glanced up again as the partial light from the screen threw him into sharp relief, highlighting a lot of very nice attributes. This was welcome as the amount of booze I'd had and the heat was making my lightheaded and gave the world that little pre-drunk spin. He had taken off his t-shirt, which wasn't uncommon, but the front of his SAXX were considerably more filled than usual; and as it was always an impressive sight, that was saying something. I could never decide which one side, front or back, was more appealing. He picked up his ninth beer and slammed it back before he spoke, steady but barely more than a husky whisper.

"I have to go first, cause you won't back out." It was said almost in a trance. He walked towards me on the couch. And looked down at me on my phone. His blue eyes filled with a look I'd never seen before, gliding over my warm brown complexion and slight frame in a loose-fitting sleeveless tee and my own boxer-briefs, and pausing at the crotch. He seemed to be coming to building up his courage and having some sort of internal struggle when he spoke again. "You won't back out right?"

"Right?" I spoke it more out of habit that anything. My mind was foggy from the alcohol and processing a little slow. Even as he knelt beside the couch, I wasn't still wasn't fully following what was happening. At least not until the fingers of one hand brushed my stomach as they curled around the waistband and he pulled my underwear down in a quick, jerking motion. His other hand, shaking intensely, took my flaccid dick in and lifted it up. "Wait, what are you doing?" He didn't answer, he just shut his eyes, leaned forward.

I gasped as my straight roommate took my limp cock into his mouth. The sudden warmth from his breath and moisture from his tongue sent a shimmer of excitement down my shaft and up my spine. My cock was rapidly hardening in Jordan's mouth as he started jerking my cock and licking the head. All the air seemed to rush out of my lungs and I couldn't speak. His lack of experience was painfully obvious but the fact that he was actually blowing me was one of the hottest things I'd ever seen. His eyes stayed tightly shut and my cock filled his hand. Six inches of hard, uncut cock was sitting on his lips as he jerked me. Just the tip was slipping into his mouth as his inexperienced hand moved on my cock. His jerking was starting to hurt: he was pulling far too hard on my foreskin.

I reached down and put my head on the back of his head, my skin contrasting harshly against his thick blond hair, and pulled it forward. He instinctively resisted it, eyes snapping open and pulling back. "Hold up. You want what me to do it, you have to actually try it. You've had enough blowjobs to know what feels right. Stop trying to pull my dick off and just relax." He stopped pulling away and took a deep breath, and kept his eyes anywhere but on me or the rock hard cock in his hand.

Another deep breath and, his eyes closing again, he let me guide his mouth back to the tip of my dick. I was now painfully hard, and extremely warm from both the alcohol and what was happening. His lips opened and my cock slid in. I'm a heavy pre-cummer, and the saltiness of my seed touched his tongue and he pulled off suddenly and locked eyes with me. "You'd better not cum in my mouth or on my face Chess." I smiled an agreement and pulled him back onto my cock.

This time, there was no resistance as I slid into his mouth, but there was very quickly gagging. Rarely have I heard anything that was that much of a turn on. My white, straight roommate was gagging on my Pinoy cock. My fingers were locked in his soft blonde hair and I only pulled out enough to let him gasp for breath before pushing back in. He wasn't skilled, he wasn't good, and he wasn't enjoying it. It was the hottest thing I had ever witness or been a part of. He was on his knees and I was stopping just short of fucking his face. He's lucky I wasn't more hung. I could feel the first parts of my pre-cum dripping into his mouth and throat. I wouldn't shoot my load down his throat, but I was pleased to note that at least some of my seed would still be in him. I was marking this drunk, straight boy's throat with my seed.

Now usually I could last for well over an hour fucking any face or ass, but the combination of a virgin throat, his drunken hesistancy, and who was blowing me was pushing me far closer to the edge far faster than I was ready for. I pulled him off my cock and stood up. He stayed on his knees. He obviously thought that I was just changing positions, but I needed cock. I needed his cock.

"Stand up." I said, and he stood, swaying on his feet; maybe he was more drunk than I had realized. However, I didn't care, I shoved him back into his armchair as he fell, I hooked his SAXX, pulling them off in one swift motion and tossing them across the room. I reached out and grab his semi-hard cock for the first time. His cock wasn't too much bigger than mine, only around seven inches, and like him, had a beautifully proportioned thickness. It was also cut, so that explained why he didn't know how to treat foreskin. At my touch it immediately hardened; he was really suffering from lack of women and craved any contact. I planned to take full advantage of that.

He kept his eyes closed and moaned as I start slowly with a handjob. I had never seen him completed naked, and I wasn't disappointed. Sweat was already beading his forehead, his skin and hair drained of colour in the light from the TV, and his light beer belly only accentuated the mound of muscles that were his pec. It wasn't so much a treasure trail, as a treasure forest that dusted the entire area under his bellybutton. His cock rising beautifully from his trimmed pubes. He shuddered as the fan blew cold air across us, goosebumps dotting his toned arms and making his nipples harden.

His thick thighs spread open in anticipation of my attention. His balls hanging low enough that they rested on the cushions. I wanted to spend the next hour on his cock, but I couldn't help but running my free hand up to his chest and flick his nipple. He grunted in pleasure, but kept his eyes closed. I quickly pulled off my own shirt, and as the cool air of the basement hit my skin, I made my move. In one swoop, I took his entire cock down my throat, bottoming out with my nose in his pubes and forehead on his stomach. He gasped and his hands flew to my coarse hair, gripping it in a painful ecstasy as I started working my tongue against his shaft. I set both my hands on either thigh and a squeezed and massaged them as he moaned. I was deepthroating him and massaging his thighs for a good fifteen or twenty minutes, with barely a breath, before I managed to pulled myself off his dick.

"Chess? Why'd you stop?" Between the lust and alcohol in his veins, he was barely coherent.

"Good oral doesn't stop at with your cock. Don't worry about it. Trust me, Jordan." My own voice was hoarse from the cock that had been massaging my vocal cords. I gripped his thighs tighter, and went to work on his surprisingly smooth ball sack. His nuts were bigger than average and I greedily worked them in my mouth, sucking the sweet, salty sweat off of them. I don't mind a certain amount of man musk, in fact I love it, but I was glad he had showered not long ago. I worked my tongue around his balls and slowly jerked his cock, gently edging him as his balls laid warmly on my cheek, and my tongue found that sweet spot on his taint that straight men don't seem to know exist. He sucked in his breathe and didn't seem to notice that I had stopped rubbing the top of his thighs, and moved to underneath them.

Rubbing my tongue against his taint and feeling the warmth from his cock on my face, I had subtly worked his legs onto my shoulders, slowly pulling him forward on the chair. His moans told me that he was lost in the sensations, so I took my shot, and pushed my face into his thick ass cheeks. The dusting of hair on the thick mounds scrapped against my own smooth face as I worked my tongue between his virgin ass cheeks, and flicked across his hole.

"Fuck, man, what are you doing?" I heard him moan as my tongue hit his hole. "Dude, fuck, no, fuck." He was even more incoherent than before as my tongue worked into his virgin rosebud. I ignored him and despite his protests, he instinctually pushing onto my tongue. He kept moaning for me to stop as I fucked into him with my tongue. I reached up and started slowly jacking him off while I rimmed his perfect ass. The cock in my hand was getting even harder, I could feel the veins starting to stand out, pulsating as the he edged closer and learned the joys of rimming. His own hands, still locked in my dark hair was forcing me deeper into him. I had never tasted such a sweet ass, it was so tight that even my tongue seemed too thick for it. I could feel my own cock swelling more in the heat of the moment. "Fuck man, stop, don't," he kept saying while pushing me deeper, incoherently contradicting himself. I could feel his cock starting to thicken more in my grasp and his ball sack starting to tighten as it laid again my forehead. I knew the signs, he was getting close. But I wasn't done with him yet, I didn't want to miss any opportunity that this night was presenting.

I tightened my grip on his thighs and pulled back suddenly. He slid right off the chair and onto the floor in front of me with a dull thud. He was in a sitting position on the floor, eyes rolling with the mix of sensations I had given him and the shock of hitting the floor. I leaned forward and took his entire cock in my throat again, making sure to get it as wet as I could.

"Fuck Chess, I'm so close. Your throat is so tight." He murmured in that husky, drunken voice. He made a grunt of displeasure as I pulled off again. His eye met mine in a drunken question, then they widened as I put my hands on his thick shoulders and pulled myself forward.

"Don't worry, I have something even tighter." I murmured as I moved towards him and swung my legs over his, straddling him and having us almost uncomfortably close. He had glanced away, unable to make eye contact; I could smell the liquor on his breath. I lowered my ass onto his cock. I preferred to top, but I wasn't going to pass up the chance of feeling him in me. I wasn't disappointed as his tip touched my quivering hole. I gasped as my own spit was the only lube for the sensation of his white cock sliding into my warm Filipino hole. I hadn't bottomed in months and took a second to adjust to that welcome thickness. His eyes widened in shock as his cock head slipped into me, and for a moment he looked completely sober. In that moment, his big hands grabbed either side of my hips, and he thrust up.

"FUCK!" I yelled as his cock hit my prostate on the first thrust. I could feel myself stretching to adjust to his straight cock. I'd never gone with so little lube before, and my ass ached and I thought that I was being ripped in half as he pulled out and thrust back into me. The feeling of a willing, tight hole, had seemed to completely sober him; that or his feral, sexual instincts kicked in as he started pumping into me in with a rhythm I could barely handle. He filled me like I couldn't believe, his cock was built to match my hole. Every thrust hit a different spot in me that felt better than the previous. The pain of my hole was subsiding as his cock worked deeper, and I start pushing back to meet his thrusts. My fingers digging into his broad shoulders and his ragged breath against my chest.

"Fuck this is amazing." He moaned.

He started to go harder and faster. I could feel his cock expanding as it stretched me, felt every vein as it rubbed the inside of me raw. My prostate was being hit over and over. I realized that the intense sensations weren't just coming from my hole. My own cock was rubbing against his beer belly, the hair dusting his stomach giving me extra sensations; my precum was coating him as he was inadvertently masturbating me with every thrust up. He leaning forward and took my nipple into his mouth. I cried out again as a new, painful sensation ripped across my chest. My nipples were always sensitive and his biting wasn't gentle. His tongue and teeth razed my nipples in a way that showed he knew exactly what he was doing.

Suddenly his mouth was off my nipple and he gasped again, "Fuck. Chess." In a moment that shocked me more than almost anything else, he pulled me into a deep, angry, passionate kiss. His tongue was dominating my mouth as he gripped my hips and pulled me down again. I could feel his trim pubes against the outside of my hole as his cock swelled. It felt like it doubled in girth and then, I felt it: a gush of thick, warm, straight cum spread deeply into me. Five, six, seven, eight shots of the thickest load I have ever felt coated everything in me. As he came, he kept pumping deeper into me as the orgasm took him. I was filled by him in both holes, his tongue claiming my mouth and his load claiming my ass. I had never felt that full before, and I could feel it already starting to leak out, even as he kept trying to pump it in deeper.

His arms slummed to the sides and his mouth released me. He was gasping in air as his orgasm was running its course. I pulled myself off, unsurprised that my legs were also jelly from the fucking my roommate had just given me. His cock was still half hard and coated in cum. My own cock was still painfully hard and dripping so much precum I wasn't even sure if I had climaxed or not. I delicately reached back and touched my spent hole, his cum clinging to the sides as I instinctively tried to keep it in. I wasn't going to sit right for a couple days.

"Thanks Chess, I needed that." Jordan whispered falling from his post orgasmic daze, his head falling back onto the seat cushion, almost seeming to fall asleep and passively dismissing me. I had a flash of anger and immediately decided that I too needed to get off the right way; I wasn't going to miss any opportunities tonight.

"Don't worry Jordan. We're not done yet." He grunted in confusion as I pulled his legs forward, the sudden change of weight sent him sprawling onto his back, his thighs wide open, with me in between them. I grasped his spent dick, and he flinched at the sudden touch of his incredibly sensitive cock, but I was only interested in the cum that was still coating it. I used his own seed to get my cock nice and wet as I pushed his thighs to his chest, exposing his hole, glistening from his sweat and my tongue.

His head was rolling from side to side as he started realizing that I wasn't done. "What. What are you doing?" He was still too intoxicated with his orgasm and drinks to figure it out.

I carefully lined up my dark, Pinoy cock at his milky white virgin hole, slick with both my precum and his own seed. "You go first, because I won't back down. Remember?"

He just had time to say "Wha-?" before I pushed into him and cut him off with a gasp of pain. I wasn't gentle. At least he had had some foreplay on his straight, virgin ass. And he was getting much more lube than I got. I bottomed out in him. His ass was the tightest, warmest, most inviting hole I had even been in. "FUCK." His yell echoed off the wall of the basement. His ass was clenched like a vise on my cock, I couldn't pull out even if I wanted to. His ass held me balls deep in him as beads of sweat started streaming down his face. I pulled his legs open and put them on my shoulders. There was shock and pain written all over his face. He started to try and protest again.


Then I started forcibly pulling back, cutting off his words. He eventually unclenched enough that I could start pulling back out. I only pulled halfway and then pushed back in. He grunted again. He seemed unable to speak coherently, his eyes closed and head rolling around. His own cum mixing with my precum and salvia was letting me into him. At first, I thought he was just in pain at having his cherry taken so forcefully. Then I realized his cock was swelling again. He wasn't just in pain from taking my cock, he was internally fighting that he liked it. I changed my angle a bit and started thrusting with more force. It was amazing. I had thought his cock was made for my hole, but his hole seemed just as well made for my cock.

His thick shaft was again starting to swelling to full mast as I started finding the spots in him that I was looking for. In this moment, I wasn't looking at my straight roommate, I was looking at a man that was coming to terms with the fact that he was a bottom, a whore. His ass was made for cock. My cock. There were tears starting to fall down his face, whether from pain or pleasure I couldn't tell. His teeth looked clenched, but his lips were just slightly parted. I couldn't help it, I leaned forward, getting deeper in his hole and brushing his lips with mine. His eyes spring open, and his hands grabbed my hair, pulling me into another kiss, but this time instead of invading my mouth with his tongue, he bit my lip. I tried to cry out in the sudden pain, but the cry was lost in his mouth.

Just like before, as he locked his mouth with mine, I felt his dick expand between our stomachs. As I thrust in one final time, a metal taste filled by mouth as Jordan bit my lip even harder and I felt his cock twitch and shoot another half dozen volleys of cum between us. The first shots hit us both in the chin, while the rest drenched our chests with his load. His second orgasm, almost as powerful as his first, caused his hole to clench tighter than ever, and I couldn't pull out or push in as my seed flooded into him. It was possibly one of the best orgasms of my life, and I almost blacked out from its intensity. Somewhere, as my vision blurred, I felt Jordan's mouth release my lip and slip his tongue into my mouth. He knew what he had become, I lost count of how many loads I shot. My seed filled his ass as my orgasm slowly started to subside.

As the spots cleared from my eyes, I realized how deeply passionate the kiss I was getting from Jordan. We broke apart, both gasping for air. I fell back into a sitting position, his hole only releasing me as my cock softened, and slid away from Jordan. I saw that he was coated in his second own load, just as I was coating in his second but still filled with his first. I had had three- and foursomes with less semen. But after two powerful orgasms, far more alcohol then was good for him, and his first-time having sex with a man, Jordan was out cold. I wobbled over to the bathroom and grabbed a towel. I mopped him and the floor up the best I could, and got him conscious enough to get him to his bedroom, where he lay on top of his sheets, that perfect, but no longer virgin, ass sticking out. I tossed the towel and our clothes in the wash and went to take a shower.

As I went to my own room to lay in bed, I could barely believe what had just happened. If it wasn't for the way my cock and ass ached, I wouldn't even have believed it. I gingerly touched my hole and felt what was left of his seed in me. I went to sleep, mildly curious on how this would affect us going forward, but far too sexually spent and satisfied to feel any other way.

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