Lingerie Lust

By moc.loa@2VTevoL

Published on Jul 23, 2002


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Chapter 3

Four hours later, Mike was toweling his hair dry after the shower he had taken to clean up. After swimming in the hotel's pool, and a foolish but needed dip in the Pacific, (which had been colder than hell this time of year) Mike was covered in saline. Having checked out of his executive suite, Mike Carson was no more a corporate dweeb. He had found a cottage for the Memorial weekend (believe it or not!) along the Beach, just off Highway 1 in South Laguna. The normal summer occupant of the cottage would not be arriving until late Tuesday evening, and the Manager of the complex knew that 'any rental is a rental.' Mike had come up at the right moment, and lucked out. As Mike toweled his legs dry, he mused on the fact that the Manager had seemed a bit too gay, and had looked over Mike's body very obviously, as he was telling him about the small but attractively furnished cottage he could rent him for the weekend. Mike just put it up to the crazy southern California lack of inhibition, and thought no further of it, though he had noticed a few more men eyeing him as he took his bags to the room, before changing for the beach.

Now, stepping out of the shower, clean from the chlorine and the salt water, Mike looked at himself in the full- length mirror. Continuing his self-inspection, Mike turned to the outward, rather than the inward person. He saw his body as if for the first time in years.

While he obviously was not 21 anymore, he still had a balanced torso- His chest was smooth, broad, and, looking at his physique, Mike noticed that he was just beginning to show that his pecs needed some serious attention. Mike's hair was full, thick and dark auburn brown, cut for the moment in a short, non-descript 'business cut.' When he was younger, he had let his hair grow quite long, and its natural wave and thick, coarse texture made him the envy of women everywhere, and drew looks of astonishment from the hairdressers at the salon where he went. They had never seen such beautiful hair. Mike's face, now a bit dried by the sun, had always barely showed any wrinkles at all. "Just lucky, I guess," was his response to all his gay friends who had asked him why he stayed so young-looking. He had just put on some moisturizer after showering, as he normally never felt dry either on his body, or on his face. Glancing again in the mirror, he looked towards his midriff, and Mike saw that his waist was just beginning to have the barest hint of a paunch. Looking lower, Mike turned his body in the three way mirror, and saw that his legs, calves and ass were long, strong and sexy, due to the fact that he really did like to ride his 12-speed bike on a regular basis. Mike had tried some amateur bike races at one point in time, and had therefore shaved his legs once or twice, convinced that such a move would 'enhance your speed,' as his coach had told him. Well, it didn't make him come in first in the Alamos 50-mile Amateur Bike Run, but it sure as hell felt sexy! For a while anyway, until the bristle began to come in...

Pretending to be a body builder, Mike proceeded to flex his arms. 'The arms could use a lotta work,' he thought. As to his 'package,' Mike was pretty much normal in that respect. His dick was uncut, and his balls were of normal size. He had never had any complaints from the men who had been his bed partners, but he still would have liked to have more meat in his crotch. As he fondled his dick, looking at himself in the mirror, he sighed, "Oh well, at least it still works, or did the last time I had sex!"

At that moment, the door opened, and in walked a bell hop, bringing the extra towels which Mike had requested over two hours ago. Mike turned, and the bellboy smiled. There Mike was, totally in the nude, his dick starting to get erect! This prettyboy with pierced ears, and slacks that were a bit too tight for regulation uniform for most hotel chains, closed the door, and started towards Mr. Mike Carson. "I'm sorry that I was so late in bringing you your extra towels, sir,' the prettyboy said, as he dropped the towels on the chair by the bathroom, 'but I see I came by just in time." Mike was surprised and excited by this brazen display of sexual come-on. Trouble was, he didn't know how to play the game. "Um, young man,..." Mike started to say, but he was silenced as the boytoy slipped up to him, putting his finger on Mike's lips. "No need to talk, or tell me what you want, sir," the bellhop said, his voice dropping seductively. 'Isn't it rather obvious?'

Mike noted the name tag on the uniform, as he took in the vision standing before him. Mario. That was the name of the boy, who couldn't be more than 20- green eyes, dark lashes, almost black hair, smooth face, with a deep color that came from being out in the sun as much as from the natural olive complexion Mario's face and body showed, as the young boy took off his jacket. Mario then peeled away his shirt, to show a nice hairy chest, which made Mike's dick get hard. Mario looked up, and that one look exuded gay lust. Mike noticed as the boy sank to his knees, licking his lips, that Mario took what was going to happen, as if it were a common occurrence, and not unusual. The thought of sucking a patron's dick, here, right in his hotel room, was considered an usual event for an employee of the hotel. 'Relax, baby,' Mario smiled, as he unrolled a condom onto Mike's now fully engorged dick, 'Mario will make baby feel real good, si?'

Before Mike could answer, Mario had Mike's erect dick in his mouth, and proceeded to deep-throat him. The kinkiness of the situation, and the rippling sucking action Mike's dick head was receiving, told him that here was a cocksucking master, a boytoy who loved mandick, and lots of it. All thoughts of impropriety disappeared as knees got weak, and Mike let go and felt how good it was to have a man suck him off once again... it had been sooo long! While Mario sucked and slurped with an urgency that made Mike think this boy had not sucked anyone in months, Mario was just doing his job.

"Oh, god, yess,' Mike moaned, as Mario, sucking in earnest now, deep- throated his client. Mario loved this part of his job as much as the tips he got from the management for servicing its guests. In this all- gay hotel where he worked, it was a pleasure to suck a dick such as the one this handsome man before him sported, nice and manageable, but sexy and horny all the same. It was a damn sight better than what he had had to do when he first started, when he was the only one on night duty. It was then when the trolls, old men, and toads came back to the hotel, empty handed from the bars, and it had been Mario, who had to service as part of his employ, these old and disgusting men. (often called at all hours of the night, when he had worked the graveyard shift) These trolls often called him at the switchboard, asking for 'towels' or some lame excuse, and he ended up being in the sack with men who had let themselves go to pot. But not today! Not this man he now sucked. He was buono!

Mario's dick grew, excited by the moans of the good-looking man before him, and the precum from his trick's cock, which had finally began to flow, tasting like a musky wine in his mouth. Revelling in his own need, Mario's cocksucking had made his thick prick become cramped in his too-tight slacks. Mario worked with his free hand to get his nice, thick sausage out of the briefs he had to wear, as part of his uniform. Damn, they were confining, especially at moments like this. What was more, these briefs continually aroused him as he walked around the halls of the hotel, for they were little more than satin female undies, but it had been the decision of the 'wife' of the owner, who was the featured drag act of the Gay bar in the basement, that all 'her boys' were to be ready to service, and feel sexy while doing so, the gay male clientele that had made this resort on the Beach in Southern California the hot spot that it was.

So prospective employees to the Chaillot Beach Hotel, all young boys under the age of 24, had to obey the wishes of 'Chanteuse,' the effeminate, cock hungry, and bossy lover of Richard, the owner of Chaillot. For it had been at 'her' insistence, pestering Dick, her well-hung lover, to outfit the boys in this manner. So vindictive had she been, s/he had withheld sex from Dick for a month, and it was only a matter of time until "Big Dick," as he was known, had given in to 'her' demands. Dick loved what his lover did to his huge dick, and he didn't want to lose Chanteuse.

Chanteuse was the person that had made red satin undies part of the regulation uniform, along with the too-tight trousers for the males on staff. Dick, her lover, really liked the uniforms as well, to be honest. He was the lover of a man who lived to dress in drag after all, and his own taste in clothes was toward the kinky. A big man with lots of hair on his chiseled body, and an almost 11" cock to boot, Dick liked his men in denim, lingerie or leather- as long as it made them feel seductive, sexy, and ready to pleasure him! Dick loved sex with young men, and often. Now that Chanteuse was satisfied, s/he was willing to let her 'stallion' roam a bit. Dick often got a chance with the 'boys' at the hotel, whenever Chanteuse was either out of town touring, or just when she was being a bitch, temporarily refusing Dick her sexual favors.

Dick, or Richard Mann as he was known to his family, was the Manager at the front desk, when Mike Carson checked in. "Obviously gay,' Dick realized, 'but naive," Dick thought this, when it became apparent that Mike had no idea that he was checking into a gay-friendly hotel!

As the bellhop, Mario, continued to suck and slurp on the tool in his mouth, Mario swished his panty-clad ass against his boots. To tell the truth, Mario too had finally come to like the feel and swish of the femme underwear he donned every day at work. In fact, some of Mario's co-workers had come to like lingerie so much, and the pervasive sexual atmosphere of the hotel, that they had been 'chosen' by Chanteuse, who lavished what she called 'submissive sexual education,' (sessions in bed with Chanteuse, the bitch,- and Dick, the darling!) and corresponding lessons in 'feminine deportment.' So completely did Chanteuse work her sexual seduction magic, that any young man who liked to 'go deeper' into the fetish of satin and silk, soon became addicted to it. Every one of these boytoys Chanteuse had 'taken under her wing,' had been transformed, feminized, sluttified- and they all enjoyed it! These men soon were thinking of themselves as 'women', and had become the 'female drag chorus' in the review, which was a trademark of the hotel. That added 'work responsibility' allowed these young boys a 'lingerie clothes allowance' in addition to their pay as well. The 'girls' took advantage of it, and soon had wardrobes bursting with panties, garters, hose, bras, slips, teddies, negligees- all the 'necessary attire for a slut,' as Chanteuse termed it.

It also meant they had the privilege to dress in drag as often as they wanted, when they were not on duty as bellhops, for their own sexual pleasure, or for the pleasure of the guests in the hotel. Some of the nicest macho guys Mario had started working with a year ago now were acting more like women, than men. Almost all wore hose and garter under their slacks, in addition to the mandatory panties. And many were on female hormones, or had had injections of silicone, to enhance their breasts, all with the supervision of Chanteuse, who loved her 'little sluts,' as she called them. It had made the hotel quite famous within the gay culture, as well as a tourist spot for some 'kinky straight men', who loved to see boys becoming succulent, uninhibited, sluttish women, who longed to suck, fuck and be used by men.

Mario's best friend, Chico, a nineteen year old from Sonora, Mexico, now wanted to be called 'Chica,' and damn, if s/he was not a fucking hot slut in drag! Mario had fucked with her many times since he had met 'him.' Chico was a hopeless bottom sexually, and Mario liked his roomie's 'chulo' from the first. But now, with the hormones and breast implants s/he had received, "Chica," when having sex with Mario, (which had decreased to about once a week, since Chico had started 'training' with Chanteuse) just did not seem as interested in her roommate. Chica told Mario that of course, s/he loved him as a sister loves a brother, but Chica wanted to find a 'straight man' who would love her for herself, as a 'real woman.' Chica was turning more and more female, more so each week than the time before. Mario was a bit dismayed, but Chica loved it. She was soon to have her operation, and would be a real woman, which had been the dream of her life since she had gotten her cute ass fucked at age 11 by her cousin, a soldier in the Mexican Army. Mario was a 'good fuck,' but he was gay, and Chica wanted a 'real man.' Besides, Mario also liked to be the bottom as well, and Chica couldn't (or wouldn't) do that anymore....

Mario was pissed off at first, but the free and frequent sex at the hotel made up for his not humping his roommate, after 'she' had talked to him. Mario did not think of himself as 'less than a man' though, for being gay. He was a real 'uomo,' an Italian stallion. No hormones for him, that was damn sure! He could see why his boyfriends, who were now his 'girlfriends,' wanted what Chanteuse had given them. And even Mario, a year after starting at Hotel Chaillot, felt the need for silk and satin when working, and even now, Mario cared not that he sashayed a bit more as he walked than he had when he had started. Mario shared his room with Chica, and he, at first for a lark, and later, to appease Chica, had come to wear with some regularity, some of his roomie's negligees and teddies to bed, when his pj's were dirty, or being washed. He couldn't deny that he liked the feel and look of them on his hot body, and Chica certainly tried to make Mario more 'Maria' when they had sex, even so far as to put makeup on him, and call him by her pet name, "Puta.' But off duty, Mario still much preferred wearing nothing under his jeans, so that his short but thick member could swing freely as he cruised the streets of Laguna on a Friday or Saturday night.

Right now, however, the man he was servicing was getting close to his orgasm. Mario gripped his 5" dick, uncut and thick as a kielbasa, and Mario started to stroke himself feverishly. This would be the first cum of the day for Mario, and he wanted to time it with the orgasm of the guest in Cottage 3. Mario always hoped, dreamed, fantasized that someday, one of these rich bastards would make him their lover, so that he would never have to work, but could attend Dramatic School, and become a famous Hollywood actor. But the majority of men with whom he had tricked, were either married, closeted, or too ugly to even consider as possible lover material, or at the very least, a man worthy of a long term affair. Still, the boyman with the phenomenal sucking reflex hoped that once, just one of these times, he would be lucky.

Mike's mind, meanwhile, and his libido as well, had been over-whelmed by the brazenness of the bell boy. He had surrendered to the minis-trations of this man with the vacuum mouth, and Mike, a bit worn out from two hours of sun and playing in the surf, and the grueling week he had had, could barely stand up any more! He looked down as Mario deep throated him, and stroked his dick, which was oozing precum in a way that made Mike jealous, and hungry. Mike hardly ever had any precum. Mike thought it was sexy when men just dripped, like a woman's pussy dripped, as their lust became evident- and Mike wanted so to taste that precum, to suck the boy in front of him. But when Mike tried to move or touch Mario's dick, Mario shook his head 'no,' and continued, with even greater urgency and force, never letting his mouth leave Mike's cock, to seek to bring Mike to a climax. The smell of gay sex, the feeling of exhaustion that swept over Mike, and the forbiddenness of it all brought Mike to the edge. "Oh, shit, baby, gonna cum!" Mike hissed. With that, Mario pushed Mike's buttocks toward his face, and completely swallowed his cock, as his free hand became a blur on his own cockmeat. Mario leaned back on his calves, his satin undies stroking his cute tight ass, as the cuban heeled shoes gave him the look of wearing 'cum fuck me pumps. "Unh, unh, unh," Mike grunted, as the inevitable happened. His dick spurted into the rubber, and he felt the warm drip of Mario's cum spattering on his legs, while the rush of his orgasm gave that glorious feeling, over and over, fading as it just began to be most intense. Mario himself pulled off of his trick, leaning back to enjoy his own orgasm, lost in his gayboy lust, as the condom on Mike's satisfied dick hung in the afternoon sunlight, filled with the load of manjuice. Mario looked up at Mike, and smiled.

Mike, stunned by the intensity of that quickie, sank onto the edge of the bed, exhasuted. "Did you like that, baby?' Mario beamed at Mike. "I am the best cocksucker here at the hotel. I hope you liked it- we aim to please." Mike could only mutter a feeble 'Yes, god yes,' before he began to lose conscious-ness. "Close the door on your way out, ok?" Mike mumbled, as Mario sought to get himself cleaned up, before leaving the bedroom. "No problem, stud," Mario nodded. Mario often had this effect on men, and he gently, sweetly pulled the satin sheet over Mike's naked body, after removing all traces of his own cum from Mike's sexy legs, of course, disposing of the full rubber in the wastebasket next to the bed.

"Sweet dreams, baby," Mario said, as he sashayed out into the hall, the red satin undies gripping his well-used dick and hungry ass. 'Better drop in on room 105,' he thought. That hunky leatherman who often came to the hotel for some R&R had checked in an hour ago, and he had specifically requested Mario to 'make up his room.' Mario felt a nice warm feeling in his ass, as he walked down the hall, thinking of Butch, the stud who came here regularly. "I wonder if Butch will want to fuck right away, or later this evening?' Mario asked himself. Who cared? He really did like this job!

Next: Chapter 4

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