
Published on Oct 6, 2003



Part 2

By Bald Hairy Man. Contact me at or This story is all fantasy, all gay and mostly bear. If you don't like that, Don't read it!

Sean and I were not that close. I knew he liked sex a lot and guessed he was versatile. I certainly didn't know he was the Humphrey Bogart and Marlene Dietrich of anal sex all rolled into one. Once he took a sniff of the poppers his ass swallowed up Eubank's cock like a hor's d'oeuvre. It was effortless. It was hard to tell who was more excited. Eubank looked as if he had struck the mother load; Sean was on his way to the moon and Bruce, Johnny, Bubba and I were about as turned on as guys can be by just watching a sex act.

Randy obviously wasn't the jealous type. He was cradling Sean's head in his lap and was enjoying the show. From time to time, he would give Sean another sniff of the poppers. Later he offered the bottle to Eubank.

"What's it do?" he asked.

"It opens you up to the possibilities." Randy answered. "You'll either like it, or it won't do anything. It's worth a try." Eubank was slowly thrusting and withdrawing his cock from Sean's ass. The ass seemed to form itself to the shape of the monster dick, almost as if it was shrink wrapping itself to the contours of the organ. When he pulled all the way out there was a gaping hole and you could see deep into Sean's ass. Eubank let it contract to a normal shape before he shoved his cock back into the love tunnel.

"I've never seen a fucking cunt do anything like that!" Bubba exclaimed.

"It really isn't that easy, is it?" Johnny asked me. I had a strong suspicion Johnny's knowledge of gay sex was limited. He was excited, intrigued, but unsure. I didn't think Bubba knew much about man sex either, but he wasn't unsure at all. As long as it was fun and involved his cock, Bubba was game.

Eubank's slow fucking of Sean came to an end when he took a snort of the poppers. Sean was really open by then, so all was well. As we watched Eubank frantically ram Sean, we all knew he couldn't last long. Sean began to shoot, Randy popped and as Eubank was sprayed by Randy's cum, he shot off too. It was getting late and we all went to bed. The men had to get on the road early. Bruce was going to make breakfast; so he would be up at four.

It turned out I was up at four too. Bruce and I were sharing a room and he was noisy as he woke. I made snacks for the men's lunch, while Bruce made breakfast. I had known Bruce for a while, but had never seen him in action. He could move more food in a short period of time than I had ever seen before. He seemed like a flake, but in the kitchen he knew his stuff.

By six the men were in for breakfast and they were surprised at the spread. Bruce figured food might be in short supply in the un-air-conditioned and un-refrigerated city. His work was greatly appreciated. Everything quieted down by 7:00, when they were all off to work. The lull lasted until 10:00, when more men started showing up.

Apparently, the word was out there was hot food and cold drinks available at the Wigwam. The word got out we had real food. Most of the phones seemed to be working, so Bruce called some friends and asked them to come over to help. We got a lot of stuff from Grocery stores, which had lost their refrigeration. Most of Richmond's residents were grilling anything they could before the food went bad. The linemen didn't have any food with them, so we met the need.

We had a steady stream of men throughout the day. We also had a number of our regular guests and friends stopping by. Several needed to use our phone and others were just checking to see how we were. Some chipped in to help in the kitchen others went to help some close friends, who had a tree lodged in their roof and needed help getting furniture into undamaged rooms.

Around five, more of Bruce's friends arrived and we started working on dinner. Many of his friends were spectacularly swishy, but like Bruce, great in the kitchen. We had word most of the men would be returning after dark. Several teams were working on restoring power to the city water pumping stations. The lack of water was unsanitary and annoying, but the lack a pressure made it impossible to fight a fire.

Rural Fire Departments were sending tankers to the city, but there was no way to put out a major fire. Johnny called and said, they wouldn't be back until they were done, whenever that was. He clearly didn't think it would be before dawn, the next day. He said, we should give his room to someone else who needed it. He was at a substation in downtown, so I took a care package to him.

The drive to the substation was an adventure. Normally the trip would have taken ten minutes. It was a good 30 minutes of avoiding blocked streets and non-functioning traffic lights. I found Johnny and his crew working on the downed lines, which connected to the pumping station. As was true elsewhere in the city, some blocks were all but untouched, but others were devastated. Johnny was working his way down a street replacing snapped poles and fallen transformers. He was behind tree trimers who cut up huge oak trees which completely blocked the street. There were a good dozen crushed cars beneath the trees.

The food was welcome. Bruce was a good cook and his meals hit the spot. As I left, Johnny followed me. "Thanks for the food." he said.

"No problem for us; we want to help any way we can." I said.

"That was real good last night."he said to me, almost whispering. The noise of the chain saws made it hard to hear anyway. "I enjoyed it a lot."

"Me too, it was good to really let go and have some fun." I said.

"Are you gay?" he asked.

"I sure am."

"I don't think I am, but I sure like it." Johnny said. "Not like Bruce."

I laughed. "I'm not much like Bruce either." I replied. "He's not my type, but he's a nice guy. One hell of a hard worker." Then I told him about Randy's description of me as a straight guy who liked cock. Johnny smiled.

"Maybe that describes me." he said. "The sex was good, really good. Better than anything I've done before."


"Divorced, with two kids." Johnny said. "It wasn't much of a marriage. I knocked her up just after High School. Once she had the kids, she didn't have much need for me. Have you been married?"

"Confirmed bachelor."

Johnny smiled again."Would you like to do it again?" Johnny asked. He was really uncertain; he wanted it badly, but was afraid he hadn't done it right.

"I sure would!" I replied. Johnny looked relieved.

"Do you think we might try some of that other stuff?" he asked.

"Like Eubank and Sean?"

Johnny looked uncertain, then he finally said, "Yes, like that." I smiled at him and nodded. I had to get back to the Wigwam and Johnny had work to do, so we shook hands and I went home.

By the time I got there, the place was bustling. Dinners were served and we got the complete lowdown on the storm and the damage. Each crew seemed to have a story about a freak incident or miraculous escape.

Most of the crews were from out of town, so there was a lot of maps being looked at and directions given. Some of the men from rural areas didn't know how important the north, south, east or west designations were on city streets. Some parts of the Richmond street grid were never built, so the name can disappear for a few blocks and reappear again. We exchanged a lot of useful information. Everyone got along well.

By 10:00, dinner was over and most of the men were in bed. I went back to the pool and found a small group of ten or fifteen men there. As the kitchen crew finished up, they drifted to the pool, stripped and jumped in. There was no possibility that anyone didn't know Bruce and his friends were gay. A few of the linemen left for bed, but eight or nine stayed.

The days work had been concentrated on city utilities, so the night was just as dark as the night before. The pool was warm, but there was no moon, so it was truly dark. Guys were talking quietly in the water, chilling out. I had a strong suspicion there was more activity under the water than above. It was quiet and peaceful.

Bubba arrived with two friends. They ended the quiet. Bubba was redneck loud. If he had been a bit shy the night before, all of that was gone. He also was a sexual sparkplug. As he swam around the pool, he made contact with my cock and a good many others. No one left the pool. Apparently no one objected to genital contact.

I was next to a small man from Ohio named Byron. He was older with a white beard and was moderately hairy. Byron was shy, but he did feel my cock. When he saw I didn't mind, he stroked me. I reached over and fondled his cock. He was well lung and well on the way to being hard. I stroked his cock a few times.

"Shit, that's nice." he whispered.

"Are you new to this?" I asked.

"Not exactly," Byron replied, "but it's been a long time."

"You like man sex?"

"What's not to like? Byron asked. He leaned toward me and whispered. "I fooled around some when I was younger, but got married and moved to a small town in Ohio. No sex there, at least none I could find."

"You're ready to try it again?"

"Damn, yes." Byron exclaimed. He looked around the dark pool area. "Where can we go?"

"It's a bit laid back here. There's a cabana over there for play. Do you want to go?" I asked. He nodded. We got out of the water and went to the teepee. No one was inside.

"Is it private here?" Byron asked.

"Nope, but anyone who comes here will be doing the same thing we're doing." I said, as I got on my knees and sucked his cock. I deep throated him and as I pulled back he oozed a big glob of cock jelly. Byron's thick and sweet precum was what Sean called `desert quality.' I like the taste of cock juice and it turns me on. When you have a guy you've just met, precum shows he's sincere, or at least his balls are. A minute later we were 69ing.

One of Bruce's friends, Sonny, came in with one of Bubba's friends and got down to heavy duty sucking. Bubba entered next, followed by Bruce. Byron apparently knew Bubba; he was startled when he recognized his acquaintance. Bubba was hard as a rock, so Byron knew the score and returned to my cock. Bubba was never that quiet and we could hear him talking with Bruce and Sonny.

"What's it like, taking it in the ass?" Bubba asked.

"You noticed that Sean liked it a lot last night?" Bruce replied.

"I guess you could say that. I've fucked a lot, but never considered taking a cock myself until last night. It seemed to me Sean was feeling something more than a garden variety orgasm." Bubba explained.

"I like the bottom, Sonny here doesn't." Bruce replied.

"Bruce, there's nothing that's ever been done with a cock or ass hole you haven't liked!" Sonny interjected. Everyone laughed.

"I guess you're right about that." Bruce concreted. "My prostate is in just the right place for a nice juicy cock to ram it. I admit, not every cock hits the exact right spot, but most come close enough. Let me tell you, when it's right, it's really right! You want to try it, don't you?"

"Well, the though has been passing through my head." Bubba admitted.

"Shit Bubba, I'll bet that thought is popping up in your cock!" Sonny's companion said. "You let your cock do the thinking for you anyway. I'd be glad to pop your cherry anytime you feel like it." With the comment, he stood up. He was a tall thin man with eight inches sticking straight out.

"I don't think you have a starter cock!" Bruce said. "Sonny here is perfect. He's the dream first fuck, long and thin."

"Travis, here has first dibs." Sonny said. "I think it nice when a friend pops your cherry." As this conversation went on, Byron slowed his sucking and listened. As Sonny, Travis and Bruce worked out the details of Bubba's first fuck, Byron's balls went into overtime. The flow of cock juice turned into a flood. He was interested too.

They decided to let Sonny go first and if that was successful, Travis would be next in line. Bubba got on his back and lifted his legs, exposing his hole. Byron and I got up and went over to watch. Neither Bubba nor Sonny was the shy type. Byron and Travis were both really interested and wanted a front row seat.

I didn't know Sonny well, but he was the perfect gentleman when it came to fucking a guy for the first time. He was a few pounds overweight and was moderately hairy. His cock head was almond shaped and slightly pointed. It nuzzled in Bubba's ass hole nicely. I have always felt it's the diameter, not the length that is the challenge fucking.

Sonny's cock was long and maybe an inch wide, oval, with the cum tunnel clearly seen on the underside. His lubricated cock head slipped through Bubba's sphincter easily. After that it was clear sailing. We soon found out Sonny's cock had another useful characteristic. It was easy to cock, but hard to pull the trigger. He got rock hard at the slightest stimulation, but it was a bear to get him to shoot. Once he was hard, he could fuck for hours.

Bubba was an outgoing and aggressive man, big, but not huge. He was a leader of men, but had been uneasy as Sonny worked his cock into his ass. Sonny was careful and slow, but once he was fully lodged, he began to pump slowly. Bubba's cock had gone soft, but as Sonny began to pump, it responded.

Sonny was no virgin and he watched Bubba's meat respond, so he thrust harder and deeper. Bubba's cock inflated like a balloon. I looked at Travis; his cock responded the same way. Travis looked at Bubba and Bubba winked. He was ready to try bigger meat.

"Do you think you could take that?" I asked Byron, as Sonny had his cock showing on the outstroke. Sonny only left his cock head on the inside of the sphincter when he was deep dicking Bubba. Byron was staring at the cock. He nodded without taking his eyes off the lubricant covered organ in Bubba's hole.

Travis tapped Sonny on his shoulder. "Can I cut in?" he asked. "Can you shoot and let me play?"

"Sure, be my guest." Sonny pulled out. Travis was rock had and Sonny spread some lubricant onto the cock. Travis was about as long as Sonny, but was thicker. He was cut, and his mushroom was huge, purple-blue and oozing. The slit must have been a half-inch wide and the precum was literally dripping on the floor.

Travis popped his mushroom through Bubba's ass, then rested, giving Bubba a few seconds to get use to the invader. Bubba winced, but relaxed. Travis shoved his cock deep and Bubba's cock twitched. Travis started to thrust deep and fast, but the feelings generated by Bubba's ass rubbing against his cock was too good to not slow down and savor the feelings. Neither man expected it, but they made love. It wasn't the wild fuck session they expected.

As I watched them fuck, I felt Byron next to me. Sonny was to his rear and had eased his cock into his virgin ass. Byron was enjoying it. I got on my knees and sucked up the sweet ooze from Byron's cock. A second or two later, I tasted the slightly bitter taste of man seed. Byron drained his balls.

"Shit, I'm shooting!" Bubba cried. Travis gave out a deep guttural growl. I knew his cock was pumping his balls dry.

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