Lindsey Born

By Robert Smith

Published on Dec 12, 2010



This story is a work of fiction and contains descriptions of explicit sexual acts of young man having sex with an adult sister. It contains graphic scenes of sex between these two adults.

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This work was produced by an adult.

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Lindsey Born

Where do I start? Hmmm, I guess I should tell you that I wasn't born Lindsey Louise Jenkins, I was named Byron Thomas Jenkins and it was expected that I would have the normal male life, you know, get to know a few girls, find one, marry her, and raise our children. Well, that did happen, sort of, but there were some twists along the way.

I should explain some things. By the time I was eighteen I was only five foot nine inches, a bit short for my age and my frame was slight and willowy. Also, I was more interested in looking at women's clothes online than in watching a football game and I could spend entire weekends, at the mall staring at the prettiest clothes and wishing I were wearing them.

Worse of all I had been wearing my sister Beth's clothes for about three years by that time. She didn't know that I was sneaking into her room and taking her clothes, well not until that day. You see Beth was twenty-two that year I was nineteen and she worked, and still works at the GAP at the mall here in Shreveport, LA and so she gets a discount on clothes so she has a LOT of them.

Beth is a real knockout. She is almost six feet tall, with incredibly long legs, and very nice breasts. Not big ones, but breasts that make sure you know that she is a woman. She has the most sensual lips, and the most beautiful green eyes you have ever seen. Beth has been the most popular girl in town and while she was in High School I used to listen to her have sex with her boyfriends and sometimes some suspicious sounds during sleepovers with girls. But I think the most appealing thing about Beth is her sublime self-confidence.

I had dated a couple of girls in school, but it never seemed to work out. After a date with me I guess they were convinced that they were twice the man I was and they went off after one of the jocks at school, or at least some guy who could act masculine. The good part about this dating was that I had a solid base of girl friends, you know, in the manner that girls usually say that. They were friends, they were girls, and we could talk and interact. This got me teased a lot at school, but I loved just being one of the girls and the verbal abuse was worth it.

Anyway, I was VERY jealous that Beth got to wear those clothes and I didn't, so this day, when I was home alone, I snuck into her bedroom and took a pair of blue panties, matching bra, heels and a teal dress out of her room and ran to my room. I, of course, had been doing this for years, but this time I wanted to really look like a girl. I was going to shave today and feel more like a girl than I ever had.

My heart was beating so loud me though the neighbors could hear me and simply laid out my new treasures on my bed as I stared at them. I wanted them so badly, but I wanted to be ready to wear them as well. I looked into the mirror and wondered if there was a way to apply makeup for the first time perfectly. Probably not and the instructions I had been reading on the internet sounded easy, but like any art, I was willing to bet that experience made things easier and more accurate.

But, as I looked at that face in the mirror, I began to visualize those already long eyelashes with mascara on them and a shade of blue eye-shadow that would make my already baby-blue eyes really pop. I wanted my lips to be so very pink and to find just the right color to highlight my high cheekbones. Well, I had to get started, if I was ever going to ...

I started my adventure by taking a bath; I used Beth's scented bath oil, because I wanted to feel very feminine for my first time and shaved all of my body. Lucky for me I was not a very hairy guy and there is a very sensual pleasure in raising a shapely leg up out of the water and feeling the razor remove all that unsightly hair revealing, one blade-width at a time, a girls leg. It seemed as if I were a Michelangelo, using my razor to create a pretty girl, where only moments ago a plain boy had been.

It was difficult shaving around my boy parts, but I thought it would be worth it. I had seen Beth in the shower enough times to know that she was shaved there and so I figured that girls liked to have their private parts shaved, and after all, Beth was my inspiration I had for what constituted feminine in my world. Anyway, I wasn't all that well endowed as my little cocklette would only grow to about four inches when I was hard and it was only about an inch and a half when soft. I did like the way that shaving myself made me hard.

After I finished shaving I went to the sink and tried to put on my makeup. Well, it was on, but there must be ways of using this stuff that the directions on the bottles, and my online instructions, don't tell you and I had to remove everything except the lipstick so I didn't look like a clown. So, all I was wearing as I left the bathroom was lipstick. It felt wonderful to be wearing it, even if it wasn't all that even, but just knowing that the layer I could feel on my lips was lipstick was exciting.

I had taken my hair out of my ponytail in the shower and had used Beth's conditioner on it. I could see the luster of it; my hair was shining more than it ever had before. I put one of her hair bands on, the one that makes your hair seem to be bunched in a series of tails that then flow down your shoulders. I really liked that look for me.

I was staring over my shoulder to watch my bottom as I walked out of the bathroom, so the first that I realized that Beth was there was when she laughed deliciously and said, "So, I was right, I really have a little sister." My head snapped forward and there, about four feet in front of me was Beth. She was standing there with her body leaning to the left from her well-planted feet and her long brown hair falling along her right side. Her hands were on her hips and her eyes were moving up and down my body, concentrating on my face as she slowly began walking towards me.

"Well little sister, you have to stop stealing my clothes, and ... you really are going to have to learn to apply makeup. What is your name, little sister" This last was said as Beth walked towards me, her eyes locked onto mine and her right hand extended outward to touch my lips, my cheeks and eyelids. "Ah, ah, Lindsey," I managed to stutter before her lips touched mine. Beth broke our kiss and as her finger traced my lips she said, "OK, little sister Lindsey, now you know that I am bisexual and that you turn me on." But, we really do need to teach my little sister how to apply makeup and you really need to learn how to walk. Let's go to my room." As we walked towards Beth's room she let her hand roam over my bottom and my thighs, the dress of hers I had taken was very short and her fingers seemed to love the smoothness of my thighs.

She walked me up to her makeup table and started to explain every detail of every cosmetic she thought I should wear. One at a time she had me apply them and, if I was clumsy, she would have me remove it and reapply. I was in heaven as she worked with me. There were so many little kisses and caresses as we were working on my new face. I felt so very girly and very turned on by Beth. It was a bit confusing, having my sister touching me and kissing me, and, well, to be honest, turning me on. I finally had to stop her and ask her why she was treating me this way. You see, as Byron she had never given me much attention and I would have sworn that she really didn't know much about me, but as Lindsey, she seemed very interested in me.

Beth laughed that beautiful little laugh of hers and told me that she was more interested in girls than guys, but had always wondered about transsexuals and whether she would love best a girl who had a cock and could use it. She asked me if I was a virgin, and I had to admit that I was. She smiled again and had me look very carefully at the girl in the mirror in front of me and asked me what I thought of her.

As I paid attention to my reflection I realized that Lindsay was a very pretty girl. She had wonderfully deep eyes; it is amazing how much good makeup can change rather plain eyes into something very spectacular. I also noticed that my cheeks looked longer and how my much defined lips were so very feminine. "Well Lindsey, what do you think?"

"I am very pretty, aren't I?" I asked her. "Oh yes, little sister, you are very pretty. Now, let's find a nice padded bra for you that we can stuff so you have some boobies under that dress." I had to remove the dress from my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor at my feet and took off the blue bra. As my nipples were bared, Beth lowered her head and sucked my left nipple into her mouth. A gasp was wrenched from my lips as my entire body seemed to become involved in that act. Her tongue played with the nipple as her teeth held on to the base. Beth removed her mouth from my nipple, smiled at me and told me that I had nicer nipples than many girls have before she kissed me again.

Beth's kiss was passionate, slow, and demanding. Her lips took possession of mine, her tongue quickly found and conquered my tongue and I felt her lipstick sliding on mine. The result of all this activity was that my cocklette was very hard and straining against my panties, which were, after all, all I was wearing at this moment. Beth's soft fingers wrapped around it as she smiled at me, "Lindsey, would you rather be my lover or my sister," she asked me. I hesitated for a moment as she looked into my eyes. I knew what I wanted, but I also knew what society thought of siblings who fuck each other. I could see the impatience in her eyes as I stammered out ... "lover."

Beth put her left hand at the root of my hair, under the back of my head and pulled my hair, bringing my face up to hers, her eyes held mine as her lips descended. "Oh, little Lindsay, we are going to have such fun," she whispered to me before her kiss once again took over my consciousness. Her fingers tightened on my cocklette and she began to stroke me.

My knees weakened and my nerves seemed to be concentrated in the pit of my stomach. I was being sexually used by one of the most beautiful women I had ever known, this woman had created, or at least helped to create my new identity as Lindsey, and she was bringing me, ever so slowly to orgasm.

Beth broke our kiss and pushed me to the floor, there I was with Beth's teal dress under me, my legs spread wide as her fingers worked my cocklette and Beth lowered her pussy onto my mouth. "Use your tongue on the lips, then lap the little hard nubbin at the top of my cunt little lesbian lover of mine," were the directions I was given and evidently I was a pretty good lesbian if the amount of pussy juice flowing from Beth and her moans were any indication.

As I came closer and closer to orgasm Beth worked my cocklette faster and at the moment of my release, she covered the head with her lips and took all of my cum in her mouth. At about that same time I felt her shudder and heard her moan around my cocklette.

Beth moved off of my face and brought her lips up to mine. "Open wide Lindsay, I want you to taste boy-cum, see if you like it." Then her lips locked onto mine and the wonderful taste of cum swam in my mouth mixing with the sweet nectar of Beth's cum. Her tongue and mine swirling this potent mix around in my mouth until we both came down from our orgasms.

Beth pulled away a bit and looked ever so lovingly into my eyes. "Well Lindsey, I guess we are going steady, aren't we?" I could only nod and I could feel my cheeks reddening from the admission. "I have a lot to teach you, my sweet girlfriend, and I intend to take a long time making sure we do everything right."

I knew then, that I was going to make that dream of my parent's come true, well, and part of it anyway, and I was going to spend it as the lesbian lover of the most wonderful woman in the world.

Next: Chapter 2

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