Lincolns Pride

By Emri S.

Published on Dec 3, 2015


+{Lincoln's Pride}+

Part 5

"So you remember everything from the file I gave you about my family? You studied well, little cub?" Mr. Hamad asked as the black Mercedes glided down a narrow highway across the desert floor towards a series of sparkling white towers.

"I think so, sir. You have four older brothers but two of them live far away, right?" I asked.

"Names, Lincoln, who lives in my home?" He demanded as he laid his arm across my back and pulled me against him.

"Ali is the oldest brother who still lives at home, and he is with Emerson, that deaf, blonde guy I signed with over FaceTime during my interview, right?" I looked over at him but he stared out the window. He nodded and waved one hand for me to continue.

"Ok, then Zaid is the brother between you and Ali. I saw a picture of him, he is skinny... Not like Emerson skinny, toned, but not muscular like us, right?" I was trying to look out the window to see what had his interest, but just saw sand and some upcoming low buildings.

"Muscular like... US?" Mr. Hamad turned to me with amusement and gave my pecs a gentle squeeze.

"Hey, I'm not weak. I lift. And now we can start working out together. You can train me so someday it'll be a little more even when you try to attack me," I joked.

"I attack you?" he gave a good laugh at that and turned to face me. He kissed my cheek, "And my workout routines for you will keep you just as you are. You're 18, there is no need to erase your youth with overtraining. Ok back on topic, little cub. Yes Zaid is skinny. He's always been the smallest. But he is clever. Do not mistake his size for his power. Now go on."

"Oh and Dr. Hamad your father, and Emerson and Ali have two twin sons. I don't get how they did that though. In the pictures the boys look like a mix of both of them... but um... both fathers are male... right?" I asked.

"Science, Lincoln. China can make anything you want for the right price. Two healthy, perfect boys with both of their DNA and without the hearing loss Emerson might have passed on."

"They are Ali and Amir, did I say that right? Oh and the guy who takes care of them, Jai. I think that's everyone. Plus all the house staff, but you didn't mention their names. What do I call them?" I asked.

"You don't call anyone. House staff speak to the men of the house. It is respectful and traditional for them to avoid the weaker... the innocents of the house." He said.

"I'm neither of those things... sir," I reminded him with a smile to sound respectful, but he turned to me with a serious face.

"We're not in Los Angeles anymore, little cub. Amongst my people, you are weaker. You will learn your place here. You may not speak so freely to me. You will not address others here unless they are my family. And even then it is only if they address you. It is how things are done here. Until you are ready to stand on your own as a man, a leader, you only address me," he put a hand to my cheek to show he was serious.

"Won't that just make me seem weaker?" I looked at him doubtfully.

"Allowing me to be your voice says to others that you understand us and come from good breeding. Your blonde hair and light skin may attract sexual glances, but proper manners will show you are of an elevated position. They will take you seriously as an intern and remember you took your time to learn our culture when you are ready to join our level. The impressions you make now will affect your future success or failure." He said this looking me dead in the eyes.

I nodded, understanding, "That's why you call me a cub? I am learning to be a lion like you."

"Yes... well, something like that," he laughed to himself and then ruffled my hair. I was tempted to reach up and do the same to his, but I wanted to seem serious.

I noticed we were starting to wind up a road into the desert hills above the city. As we climbed, he pointed things out about the city below us. The sports stadium, the world's 12th largest mall, the zoo, the university, etc... Everything was new and clean and looked well-planned. It was very much the opposite of the chaotic landscape of Los Angeles.

"This is our newer house," he waved a hand after we'd driven up through large gates and armed guards to a neighborhood of five homes on small, separate hills high above the city. "We built this two years ago to support our growing family."

The house was angles of steel with large, sweeping windows that stacked glass boxes up the hillside. It looked like a resort hotel and had a large porte cochere covering a section of the circular driveway. We pulled under it and I saw two large, glass doors that looked like the check-in area of a fancy hotel.

"It's still early, most of them will be at appointments so we will have some time to settle in before they come back," Mr. Hamad said to me as he opened his door.

I followed him inside, the driver would take care of the bags. He entered something on the keypad and the glass doors slid open to reveal a sweeping marble room that was a perfect circle with three points of exit. The room was empty save for a round table in the center with a large splay of exotic flowers.

I looked up and three levels above me was a perfect glass dome. I wondered how they cleaned it, but I heard Mr. Hamad clear his throat, "You will have a lot of time to take things in when we are settled. Let's get to our quarters."

He extended a hand to me and I took it. He pulled me through the doorway to the right and two steps up to a grand sitting room with large, comfortable couches. A barking dog sounded from a distance and I turned but wasn't sure where it came from. I felt Mr. Hamad pull me again insistently, and I followed.

We went through a long hallway, up more stairs, and out to a grassy courtyard. There was a blonde man, thin and small, but with tight muscles. At first I thought it might be Caleb, and my chest tightened. He would be the kind of guy to fly around the world just to fuck with my head.

He was on a yoga mat and balanced on one hand as his body twisted up above his head like a circus act. He looked at us from his upside-down position and smiled widely. He neatly unfolded himself so his legs shot straight into the air. He brought his other hand down to the mat. He bounced once and pushed up off the mat. He lept into the air, turned, and landed in a crouch, right-side up.

I started to clap like an idiot. It was beautiful movement. He was beautiful, graceful, smiling at me. He came towards me.

He made the sign for link, like you would do for a link of chains, and then pointed at me excitedly. He was giving me a nickname, a name sign. I instantly recognized him from my interview the first day I'd met Mr. Hamad.

I signed back, "Yes! That's me! You're Emerson. Wow you look amazing!" He came for me then and put his arms around me and hugged me excitedly. I don't know why, but when I put my arms around his waist to hug him back I wanted to pick him up. While I felt submissive and weak in Mr. Hamad's arms, Emerson's hug made me feel strong and important. I felt Mr. Hamad's hand on my shoulder and knew he probably wanted a hug from Emerson of his own.

I stepped back and Mr. Hamad lifted him up and kissed his cheek. I looked behind him and two identical 4 year olds were stepping out of a doorway across the courtyard followed by a thin man with black hair and coffee skin. The boys looked at me and then each other. Mr. Hamad moved me gently to the side with a squeeze on my shoulder and went to pick up a boy in each arm. He made goofy faces to each of them and kissed their cheeks while they squealed like kids do.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned back to Emerson who signed, "You're very strong and tall! I expected Samir to bring back someone more..." he stumbled for words, maybe not wanting to offend me.

"Thank you," I signed back, interrupting, "I want to learn how to be like him, run my own business someday. I'm not here to be like Caleb. He's a mess."

"He's my best friend," Emerson interjected with an alarmed look on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I..." I started, but then his face turned to a smile.

"It's ok, he's a mess, but... he's our mess," he pointed between himself and Mr. Hamad. "He was there for me as a kid growing up. He has a lot of good points, he really does."

"I didn't know that. I'm sorry I offended you," I looked down at him. He was shorter than me, half my size, yet knowing his place in this family intimidated the hell out of me.

"Link," he signed again with a smile. He put his hands on my pecs for a quick squeeze, and I was tempted to put my arms around him. Our eyes locked for a minute almost like he wanted me to kiss him, but that wouldn't be right or appropriate here.

He pushed off of me and continued signing, "You have enough to worry about here. I am not offended. I will be here for you. Just promise me you will remember why you are here. I forgot totally and then it didn't matter anymore. My life is good, don't get me wrong and I have two beautiful boys to take care of plus a husband who loves me. But unless you want to end up like I did, keep focused on why you're here."

"Ok," I signed, trying to make sense of all he was trying to tell me.

"Don't misunderstand, Samir is a wonderful man. I see how he looks at you. You would be lucky to have someone like him be your lion. But I know he wants what Ali wanted, someone to be at home and raise his children, someone to come home to after long, stressful workdays. Just promise you won't open that door too much without really thinking about what you want or why you're here." He finished with a serious face. His body sighed and it seemed to clear his thoughts as his lips curled up into a smile. "Oh and welcome!"

"Thanks, I... I'm here to learn his business. Plus I'm straight," I signed.

"Yes, Samir said you say that a lot. I was straight when I came here too," he shrugged with a laugh.

I looked back to Mr. Hamad who was on the grass pretending to wrestle with the boys while Jai, their caretaker, looked on anxiously. I imagined he would be severely punished if anything happened to the boys, but Mr. Hamad was careful and gentle with them.

Emerson called them over with a wave and introduced me using signs. They both signed to me, thinking I was deaf like their father, asking if I was going to live there and did I know how to use legos and video games. I signed and spoke back eliciting surprise from them. They must not be used to both methods. I guessed Caleb hadn't interacted with them much.

"Well boys, we need to get settled in. We'll be here for dinner, I promise," Mr. Hamad said to the twins with a kiss to each one's cheek. I hugged them each goodbye and then followed Mr. Hamad through another door on the other side of the courtyard.


His room, or rather aparment, was one large open room behind it's own privacy wall at the end of a stone pathway up a hill. There was a keypad and he punched something in without telling me what it was. The thick cement door slid sideways and opened to the large room. There was a huge bed to the left, two couches in the center, and a kitchen with a long bar to the right.

"You said you prefered to share my quarters. If that changes, you can take a room in the main house, but it will need to be monitored for security. I am responsible for you here and I need to know what you are up to." He spoke as though I was a criminal he'd agreed to sponsor.

"This will be fine for me, sir... I can work from the kitchen bar here if you need me to do things at home. I am here to learn from you all that you can teach me," I answered knowing full well that he'd want me with him.

"Yes, perhaps it would be best for you to have everything here in one place to keep you focused," he said flatly as though it made no difference to him. "There is the kitchen, here is the living room, and over there is the bedroom." He waved his hand around the large room in one sweeping motion.

"There is a bathroom and closet just behind that wall," he said pointing to a continuous wall. He moved towards it and I followed and watched as the wall wasn't what it appeared. It was an optical illusion from the front doorway, but getting towards the bed revealed a side opening. I followed him through it to a large open bathroom with a private area for the toilet. He showed me the closet and pointed to a small side area of it noting it held clothes for me.

I smiled to myself thinking he must have known all along I'd prefer to stay with him. He had set up here for me. Or maybe he didn't care what I preferred and would have made moving into another room the more uncomfortable option.


Our bags arrived and then two covered plates arrived for our lunch. So far I had counted a staff of four since we arrived. It seemed like a different person showed up for each small task. We sat at the kitchen bar and ate the artfully crafted sandwiches that looked ready to photograph as he told me about what we would work on this week at his business.

He showed me around the grounds after lunch. His estate had everything one could want including a large pool and extensive outdoor party area, a small movie theater, a gym, and finally a garage with sixteen cars for every need from sports racing to a shuttle van. He let me sit behind the wheel of his prized Bugatti and promised he'd take me out to drive it one day. He leaned over me with his arm across my back pointing out all the features as his eyes glowed excitedly.

"This can be yours someday, Lincoln. If you work hard and learn to be smart about business here. Anything you want can happen. There is much money to be made," he said to me with a smile. He touched a finger to my cheek and then traced it over to my lips.

"You want that, little one? You want to be like me someday?" he poked his finger into my mouth and I sucked at it with a nod.


Dinner gathered the large family around a circular dining table with 12 chairs. Mr. Hamad had laid out for me dark blue briefs, a blue button-up dress shirt, and black pants with blue socks and dark leather shoes. I admired myself in the mirror and brushed my blonde hair to the side. I came out from the closet and was surprised to see him wearing a nearly identical outfit. The clothes fit me well, but they were snug on him. I was sure it was intentional to show off his muscles and remind me he was the stronger of us.

I followed Mr. Hamad into the dining room and saw Emerson sitting with the two boys on one side of the table. On the other side of the boys, an older man who looked like he might be Mr. Hamad's father rose and smiled at me. He came towards me and pulled me towards him by my hand. He kissed my right cheek and then the left. "Welcome," he said with a warm smile. His dark eyes sparkled like his son's, and there was a look in them that seemed to say, "You are important to me."

"This is my father," Mr. Hamad said to me. "Dr. Hamad."

"It's nice to meet you sir," I said, bowed slightly, and shook his hand.

Next up was a smaller version of Mr. Hamad who was toned but not nearly as built as his brother. It was Zaid. I recognized him from the pictures in the file. He came towards me wearing a tight, soft pink polo shirt that showed his slim, toned body. He got close and looked up at me and then down, appraising my worth.

"I'm surprised, Samir," he said to Mr. Hamad in the same deep Arab tone of his brother without taking his eyes off of me. "You usually go for the weaker boys. He is more someone I would choose for myself." He reached for my biceps, squeezed them, and gave an appreciative nod.

"Nice to... to meet you, sir," I stammered trying to stumble through introductions as he continued to appraise me. He moved behind me then and I felt his eyes on my ass. A second later I felt his hand. I jumped to the side.

"That's quite enough, Zaid," Mr. Hamad pulled me protectively into his chest. I inhaled his cologne and felt his warm breath on my neck.

"Oh, the new baby already needs daddy's protection? Now it makes sense. Muscle jock on the outside, daddy's little fag on the in. I thought as much. Still cute though," I heard him laugh behind me.

Mr. Hamad started to say something to him in Arabic. It sounded harsh, but something inside of me snapped. I pushed off from Mr. Hamad's warm, comforting chest and turned back to Zaid. "I can defend myself, but I was raised to be a polite guest in someone's home. If you step outside with me, we can see who needs protection."

I felt Mr. Hamad's arm slide across my chest and he pushed the air out of my lungs as he pulled me forcefully back into his arms. "Settle, boy," he whispered angrily in my ear and then bit at it softly. It wasn't a suggestion. I nodded and looked away from Zaid who smiled mockingly as though he had gotten what he wanted from me.

Zaid sat opposite me and two muscle-bound men who looked to be twins and wore matching blue polo shirts came in and sat on either side of him. They took turns kissing him passionately and he kept checking to see that I was watching.

I turned to Emerson who signed to ask what happened. I signed back nothing, I was ok. He signed that Zaid liked to shock, especially when he thought he could get a big reaction. Looking at him, so beautiful and graceful. It made me feel shame that I'd let Zaid get me upset in front of him. I offered him a half smile and he started to return it but got distracted by the twin boys begging for their father's attention. I felt embarrassed as I calmed down.

Mr. Hamad kept my hand firmly gripped in his lap under the table. He massaged my hand in his. It felt patronizing, like he needed to calm his out of control boy. I wanted out of there. I wanted my hand back. Then strangely I got lost picturing Emerson pushed against the wall with my cock pounding him from behind. I was no one's little fag. I suddenly felt really uncomfortable in Mr. Hamad's hold.

The last to arrive was Ali. His pictures didn't do him justice. He was the leader of the siblings, the tallest, strongest, and most charming. He entered the room and everyone changed. Zaid straightened up and stopped trying to get my attention. My Mr. Hamad, who everyone called by his first name, Samir, sat up taller and squeezed my hand with traces of anxiety. Perhaps he was worried how his out of control boy would look to his older brother. I thought of my own older brothers and my constant need to prove I could keep up.

He had on an expensive suit and carried a leather workcase in one hand. He must have rushed from some meeting, anxious to get home to Emerson and his little family. My heart sank as I took him in.

Of course Emerson would have the best of the pack, the strongest of the herd. I had a weird mix of emotions as his dark eyes found me, the newest addition. He offered a warm smile, but quickly passed me by. Every stride flexed the stonework that built his tall frame. He stretched that dress shirt's every thread as he passed me and went to kiss Emerson. He lifted his children then, one in each arm and they adoringly settled into his chest. He hugged them and danced a few swings before setting them back in their chairs.

Next up was my Mr. Hamad who rose as his brother called, "Samir, my brother, welcome home." Ali enveloped him in a warm hug that shrouded him in the protection of the alpha. Samir straightened up as tall as he could. He fought to meet his brother's height. They released after kisses to each other's cheeks.

"This is my boy, Lincoln," he said waving a hand towards me with a beaming smile.

"Of course," he towered over me and I quickly rose to my feet. "I have heard all about you. Welcome. I hope this will be a warm home for you" Ali spoke through a more pronounced accent than his brothers. Mr. Hamad had said he didn't like spending much time in the English speaking world, but that he was fluent.

I extended my hand towards him, but he brought me in for a hug and kissed my forehead. I felt my switch flip again as he covered me in a blanket of muscles, a soft shirt, expensive cologne. My heart gave a little flutter at that. I alternated between jealousy that he had Emerson and jealousy that Emerson had him. I didn't know which side was winning and either way I wasn't in the mix.

He let me go and we settled in to eat. Mr. Hamad again took my left hand and brought it back to his lap as some servants came and set plates of food in front of us. It seemed like everyone had their own individual things though not much of it was identifiable except for what looked like roasted chicken or duck or some kind of white meat in front of me.

Mr. Hamad let go of my hand to begin on his food. He looked over at me with a smile and a raised eyebrow as though he wanted my confirmation that it looked good. I looked away and began to take my hand back from his thigh. I took a few bites of everything on the plate, but honestly I was too preoccupied with my own thoughts, my strange attractions, my repulsion to Zaid, my worry that perhaps his appraisal of my need for Mr. Hamad might have been accurate. Was I his little fag? Was that the role I had slowly crept into?

"Eat, Lincoln, everyone else is nearly finished," he said quietly and put an arm around my back. I started to lean into him like my body wanted, but then I looked at Zaid who smiled that obnoxious grin. I pulled away from him and pushed his arm off of me.

I turned back to my food and tried to start forcing it down. I still didn't know what it was, but I just chewed and swallowed until most of it was gone. I set my fork down and looked over at Emerson taking turns helping his boys as Ali sipped a glass of wine and looked over them appreciatively. I looked at Dr. Hamad playing on his tablet, occasionally scanning the table to ensure his boys were all enjoying themselves.

And then I looked at my Mr. Hamad, making conversation with his brothers in between sips of wine. He turned to me with a worried look and reached to brush my blonde hair away from my forehead. I jerked back and looked towards the doorway.

"Well I think this little one is ready for bed," Mr. Hamad said lightly and put his hand on the back of my neck with a fatherly squeeze.

"He's had a very long day, I'm sure," Dr. Hamad said to permit our leave, "Sleep well, little one." I turned towards him and saw his gentle smile. I nodded and returned it.

"Thank you sir. Goodnight, everyone," I stood and Mr. Hamad rose with me and pushed me quickly towards the door.


"He's wrong about me," I said when Mr. Hamad touched in the code to close the door to his quarters behind us. "I'm not a fag. I don't want to be that." I gathered my breath and finally let my eyes meet his.

"I know, sweet boy. He didn't mean that. Zaid says the most hurtful thing he can think of to a straight boy, especially one he thinks is proud and overconfident. He does it to get in your head. You may be disgusted by him, but his opinion starts to matter to you. It's a control move. He does it to slowly destroy a man until his opinion is all you care about. He loves the challenge. He wants you desperate for his approval until you find yourself doing things you don't even like. It's just his game," Mr. Hamad insisted.

"That's sick. And what's your game, sir? What do you want of me?" I backed against the cold, stone wall. He turned and considered me, came closer and leaned into me, pushing me against the wall. His arms slid around my back and a hand pushed up under my shirt, touching my skin. I smelled his cologne again, the one he had bought because I liked it. It reminded me he had allowed me to mark him. His warm bundle of muscles wrapped around me and felt confused, desperate to hold me.

"I know it's a shock to be away from everyone you love, but I'm your family here, Lincoln," he whispered as he kissed my ear. "I'll guide you through this if you let me in. I'll help you find things you love and guide you to make choices you can be proud of." He pushed harder into me, arching my back as he kissed down my neck and buried his lips in between the neck of my shirt.

"No... wait... I'm not a fag, ok?" I said half-heartedly. I tried pushing him away, but he held me tighter and my resolve was breaking under the ripples of happy his lips produced on my skin.

"Ok, little cub, whatever you want," he kissed down and popped each button on my shirt with his teeth. I lost my breath when he hit somewhere near my belly button as my body started to melt in his arms. My body bucked a few times in quick involuntary motions. He looked up at me with those perfect white teeth and round soft, brown lips.

And then my feet were in the air, he tossed me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and carried me across the room. He said something in Arabic and the lights dimmed to black. Another command and soft blue lights glowed from around the bed like a landing strip. Music came over speakers in the corners and a soft thumping beat filled the room.

I was staring down towards the floor, my head just above his ass. Plump cheeks muscled and flexed as he moved across the room. I felt guilty for even thinking about his brother. I had all I could handle with this one. He had opened my shirt with his lips and now in the inverted position, it slipped off and onto the floor.

He got to the bed and pulled on my legs until I slid back over his shoulders and faced him. He held onto my ass and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He sat down on the bed, bringing me to his lap. His lips found mine and he rested me on his thighs as his tongue explored my mouth.

"You're daddy's little straight boy, yeah?" he laughed as he pulled back from me. But I felt so safe in his arms that I knew he wasn't making fun of me.

I sat there shirtless, straddling his lap and thinking about it as my cheeks blushed. I turned my face to the side and looked down.

He put a hand to my cheek and turned my face to look at him again, "You're 18, you're not supposed to know what you want just yet. That's why you need a daddy like me," he said. "Don't let labels limit your pleasure. Don't let other people paint your picture."

I nodded and put my lips an inch from his. I chewed on my lower lip for a second, thinking about what I wanted to do with him. He looked at me expectantly with a sly smile that asked what I would do to him. I pressed my lips to his and then pushed him away and he fell back against the bed. I lowered myself to him and put my hands on his biceps, pushing his arms back over his head. He let me.

I leaned down over him and kissed on his neck like he liked to do to me. He moaned and squirmed under me, brought his hands to my back and rubbed down to cup my ass. The dress pants I wore strained to keep up with my movements. I sat up and undid the belt. He pulled at it and slid it out of the loops to help me. He reached for the button and undid it and pushed the pants down as his hands reached back and dug into my briefs. He cupped my ass as I fell back down to his chest and I felt him slide the pants and briefs down my thighs. My cock flopped out, hard and already leaking. It pulsed against his bulge which strained his pants against my thigh.

I reached down and rubbed it, his pants were a soft, semi-shiny material. Everything he wore and dressed me in felt so expensive. I worried about the drops my cock was leaking on him. I reached for his zipper as my lips continued working on his neck. He kept his hands on my ass, squeezing and pulling at the cheeks.

"Fuck yeah baby, you feel so good. You want daddy inside you?" He growled against my ear as he started kissing and biting on my lobe.

I shook my head, brushing my nose against his neck. "No sir, too big," I whined in a voice that didn't sound like my own.

"Someday, little cub. I will conquer my boy," he said confidently and poked his finger against my hole.

I raised up off of him a little and kicked off my shoes. He sat up slightly to push my pants off and they fell to the floor followed by my briefs. I laid back down against him. I was naked and he was fully clothed with his zipper open and his cock straining the briefs he wore.

I rolled off of him and onto my back. He sat up and ripped his shirt open. A few buttons tore and one landed on my chest as he tossed his shirt on the floor and then quickly shucked his pants and shoes. He bared his teeth at me and then winked. His dark tower of muscles over me flexed and turned so I could take him in.

My mind flashed back to the image of me buried inside Emerson fucking him against the wall, but then quickly changed to me against the wall with Mr. Hamad doing the same to my ass. I shook off the image and looked up at him as he knelt over me and pushed at the waistband of his briefs to free that massive brown snake. It tumbled out like a firehose ready for a fight. I inhaled sharply and my body honed in on what it needed.

He had this way of boxing me in. I was in his world and left everything outside. I could be the biggest, faggiest, neediest boy for him and crave his cock and it didn't change who I was out there. The only thing that mattered was here, in his bed, making him happy. My struggle cleared up when I saw him over me. Every other image scurried to the darkest corners of my mind.

He gripped his thick cock at it's full length that likely could have passed a ruler's measure. He wagged it over my chest and for some reason I licked my lips. I leaned up to try to taste it. My tongue wanted its warmth. He pulled it away from me.

"You want it, little one?" he asked. I nodded and again tried to get to it. His free hand gripped my blonde hair and he tangled it in his fingers. He held my head back, away from what I wanted.

"You forget your manners," he reminded. I looked up past his cock which was no easy task and saw his lips pressed into a firm line that told me he meant business.

"C'mon sir, please let me... you know... please," I started.

He walked back down the bed on his knees, taking his cock farther away from me. He bent down and got in my face, "Please let you what? What do you want, Lincoln?"

"I want your cock, sir, please," I said as I gathered my courage.

"Do you even know what to do with it?" he whispered slowly, I got lost in the seductive movements of his soft, brown lips. He leaned in and rubbed the beard of his chin across my smooth cheek. "Do you want to taste me?" he growled against my ear.

"Yes sir, please let me suck your cock," I whimpered, "Please... daddy. Make me your boy."

"Fuck yeah, that's my baby," Mr. Hamad raised up off of me to show me his pleasure at my words. "Good baby," he beamed and then went to kiss me roughly.

He rolled over onto his back and put a hand to the back of my head. I got up on my knees as he laid there and I looked down at him as he massaged my neck. He pushed me down to his cock as it laid, fat and full against his stomach. I hadn't sucked a cock before, but of course I'd seen it done and had it done to me.

I put my hand on the shaft and squeezed. It was so thick my fingers barely touched as my hand wrapped around it. I pumped it a few times and watched a drop of precum form at the tip. I leaned in and lapped at it. It tasted as sweet as it had this morning. He pushed on the back of my head impatiently, pushing his cock past my lips.

It stretched my lips as he shoved into me, holding my head with one hand and lightly face-fucking me. He didn't push in too far, just savored the action my lips and tongue gave to the head of his cock.

Secure that I would stay on his cock, he let his hand go and turned his attention to the ass I was wiggling in the air behind me. He gripped my thighs and raised me off the bed, slid me over and rested me on his chest so my ass was dangerously close to his face.

"My baby's beautiful pink hole," I heard him mumble and then felt his hot, wet tongue slide into me.

"Ahhh fuck, daddy, fuck yeah," I tossed my head back off his cock and whined as his tongue worked expertly inside me. "uhhhh!"

I felt a hand land on the back of my head, reminding me I had his cock to take care of. I pushed back against his tongue and wiggled in time to the circles he was painting inside me. His cock pushed back into my mouth and this time he drove it deeper. I started to choke and sputter on him as he pushed in too far.

"MMMM!" I protested, but he pushed on as my throat started to gag on his massive invasion. I put my hands down against the bed and tried to push up and off his cock, but he held me there with one hand on the back of my head. He was reminding me that his muscles weren't just for show.

Tears filled my eyes as he kept ramming his cock to my throat, pushing in just far enough to make me gag and then easing off as I scrambled to recover. He kept it up over and over again taking me to the edge of losing it and then easing off. He knew how to time it perfectly. This wasn't his first time breaking in a boy. It distracted me as he worked fingers inside my hole.

By the time he let me off to sit up a little and wipe the snot from my nose, I felt two slick fingers inside me. A wave of pleasure hit me and I instantly forgot the mouth assault he'd just put me through.

"Ahhhh, daddy, yeah," I sat back up and started to bounce on his fingers. "Uhh, uhh, uhh, thank you sir," I mumbled and bounced. And then my eye caught something to the side, a mirror on the wall reflecting back my shame. I saw myself there, blonde jockboy with proud muscles, quintessential Americana. There I was lost in lust straddling my dark Arab master's chest, bouncing on his fingers while he kissed my ass and poked his massive cock towards my face.

I froze for a minute and took the sight in. He raised up to see what I was looking at. He pushed me down his body and then flipped me around to face him but kept his fingers buried in my hole. We looked at each other for a solid minute and then he smiled.

"My beautiful baby. See how good you look submitting to Daddy?" He beamed as I nodded. He put this free hand on the back of my neck and brought me in for a kiss.

He started ramming his fingers into me as he kissed me and bounced me in his lap. Our cocks pressed together between us as his tongue wrestled mine into submission.

His free hand gripped my cock and his together between us as I bounced on his fingers. He was pumping our cocks together and it gave me a sense of just how much bigger and thicker his was. It covered mine on all sides. Instead of shame though, I felt strangely proud that this thick meat had chosen me. I buried my lips into his shoulder and whimpered against him as he expertly worked both sides of my coin.

"You like Daddy inside you? You like him pumping your little boy cock?" he growled into my ear.

"Yes sir, please fuck me. Fuck your boy," I kissed at his neck and wrapped my arms around his neck to hold on tight as he bounced me over and over. His fingers weren't just ramming me now, they were stretching, pulling apart at my hole. He did it just enough to cause a little hit of pain and then another flood of pleasure. He was so damned good at this. My body was pushed to the edge under his expert touch.

My cock was leaking precum all over his hand and his own massive meat. I felt it building like thumping in my ear. I fought to keep my eyes open.

"I'm going to cum, daddy," I begged, "Please let me cum."

"Yeah baby, cum for me. Cum for daddy," he growled in that deep, measured Arab monotone.

I started to bounce myself on him, humping at his palm. I felt the spurts building and rising up my shaft, inching up with each thrust.

"Fuuuuuccckkkkkk," I let out one continuous yell as I started to pump hot white all over us. He let go of my cock then and used that hand to steady me and press me against his chest. The only stimulation now was his fingers ramming into me and it was more than enough. I shot in rhythm to his fingerfucks and my body shook against him as I screamed and buried my lips into his neck.

"Mff Mff Mff," I let out as he kept ramming into me. He rubbed over that button inside me that made my whole body convulse and my eyes roll back and my toes curl. I lost complete control of my body then and it was ok. I was his.

I finally calmed and my body fell limp against him. He slowly slipped his fingers from my hole and wiped them on a little towel on the side table. I hadn't noticed it before. It was next to a bottle labeled "Sexglyde."

"Your pussy feels tight but ready, baby boy," Mr. Hamad said as he laid back against the bed and let me recover my breath against his chest. His arms held me tightly against him.

"I don't have a pussy," I mumbled sleepily and then added, "sir."

"Whatever this hole is that I've been fingerfucking... it's ready. You want Daddy inside your little boyhole?" He asked, not sounding sleepy in the least.

"It'll hurt," I whined and bit at his furry nipple to try and distract him.

"Life hurts, Lincoln, at least the things worth doing. But I won't hurt you too much and I promise it will feel good. Just a little, ok baby?" He said gently and rubbed my back.

I pushed off of his chest and stared down at him.

"Don't look so scared, baby," he smiled and brushed the hair out of my eyes.

"You want to fuck me?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes, but only if you want it too. Do you still want Daddy inside you?"

"Yes sir," I said without giving it much thought.

He leaned up and kissed me, slipped his arms around me and rolled me over. I fell against the bed and his weight came down on me then. He quickly pushed off of me and then backed up. He took my legs and pushed them up, folding my knees against my chest.

I held onto my legs, presenting my hole up for him.

He reached for the bottle and lubed up his thick shaft. He brought the bottle to my hole and lifted my ass up. He squeezed a long thick stream into my hole, using as much of it as he could. I reached down then. I'd never really felt inside myself. I pushed into the wet hole causing some of the lube to leak out and down my cheek.

"That is so fucking hot, baby boy. Poke that pussy for daddy," he laughed and stroked his cock.

"It's not a..." I started.

"It's whatever I want to call it," he started. He reached for his briefs on the corner of the bed and shoved them into my mouth. "Now shut up while Daddy fucks that beautiful pink hole."

I nodded and chewed on his sweaty briefs. It was that scent I love.

He pumped his cock a few times while I poked my finger around inside myself. I didn't know how to make it feel awesome like he could. He was impatient though and grabbed my wrist and pushed my hand away.

I looked up at him with wide eyes as I sucked on his briefs like a pacifier. I wondered if me ending up with underwear in my mouth would be our thing. He knew how to keep me quiet though.

He lined his cock up with my hole and pushed against it. It was so fucking tight that he barely got half the tip in. He had a thick mushroom head and the rim of it wasn't going in.

"Ahhhh," I winced as he tried too hard to push into me. "Uhhhh!" I felt a sharp pain.

"Ok ok, it's ok, it's ok," he rushed down to kiss me as he pushed in too hard. "I'll just keep it right here until you adjust, damn it feels so fucking good."

We laid there together and he got me to breath as my body adjusted.

"Ok," I said finally, inhaling more slowly now. "Ok, go sir."

He pushed in farther and I felt a pop as the tip got in. The rim of it hit just around my pleasure points and I felt my cock stand at attention and poke against his tummy. I humped up slowly to rub it against him.

"Hard again already! Fuck you feel so good," he laughed and shook his head. He started to slowly push in more and then I felt him tense up.

"Oh fuck, I... Oh fuck," he started to shake over me and pulled me up tight against him. He pumped slowly in me and I felt his hard snake start to fire off inside me. I was filled with warm shots of his juice as they fired up into my gut.

"Oh that feels awesome!" I remarked as he mumbled curse-words against my ear.

"Fuck baby, mmmmm uhhhhh!" He only had an inch or so of his cock in me. There was so much more to go, but his body couldn't hold off. My body shook with him as he filled me with his cream.

"Fuck, baby yeah baby fuck that pussy, so good," He yelled and started to push deeper into me as his cock shook and fired inside me.

I quickly became aware of the pain as he pushed into me faster than my hole could accommodate.

"NO! NO! NO! OWWW!" I started yelling from under him but he was lost in orgasm and his primal instinct enjoyed my struggle.

"Please!" I begged, "Please daddy stop!" I started to cry and my fists beat at his chest until he woke up out of his zombiegasm.

"Oh, Oh shit, baby," He froze and held me there. He tried to slowly ease out of me.

"There, stop there, please, don't move," I cried and tried to breathe.

"Ok ok," he fumbled. "It's ok baby. Breathe with me."

We did, he held me there until our breathing calmed things. I felt his hard cock start to shrink inside me. It didn't get smaller, but it got more flexible. We calmed until he was able to slip out of me.

"That's it, baby," He said and rolled over onto his back, bringing me with him. I settled into his chest as his hands rubbed my back and his warm breath brushed my cheek.

"My good boy," he remarked. "That hole felt too good. I couldn't last. Something about a new hole with a beautiful boy. Nothing better," He rubbed me as sleep overcame me.

"Sleepy boy. You feel better?" He asked.

"Yes sir, just too much too soon." I said.

We laid there recovering and napped for an hour or so. We woke up later in the dark room. It was still nighttime and he took me to shower. He cleaned me, holding me up sleepily against his chest. We dried each other and fell asleep naked together under his thick comforter.


"Baby," he said with a kiss to my forehead that awoke me. Once again I had my head on his chest, with his nipple on my lips.

"Yes sir?" I stirred but didn't move from his warm embrace.

"School starts today. We have to get you down to workout and then get ready for school." He said.

"School? Like a school school?" I asked realizing we hadn't discussed my education much.

"Yes, your classes start today. You have Arabic language and culture classes. You'll learn how our culture works and each week you'll learn how to cook something for me from my culture. They will teach you how to make a nice home too." He said.

I thought back to what Emerson had told me about Mr. Hamad, whom he called Samir, wanting what his brother wanted. Someone to come home to and raise his children is what he had said. Was this part of his preparations for that? Was this me learning how to take care of him and provide the home he wanted? That wasn't me. That wasn't what I wanted.

But I was too sleepy to argue right now. Right now I needed his arms around me and his heartbeat in my ear.


Thank you for reading, please let me know what you think:

Next: Chapter 6

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