Lincolns Pride

By Emri S.

Published on Jan 19, 2023


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-+-{Lincoln's Pride}-+-

-by Emri-

-'[Part 12]'-

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself as I watched a strange guy walking up the front driveway. It was two in the morning and the house was completely silent. I was up getting water. It had been an awful day. I hadn't heard from Samir and it was the first time he had missed our video chat since I'd left Satra. I was so worried about him. Silence between us was rare and painful. He needed me like I needed him. I couldn't sleep without knowing he was ok.

I set the cup down on the counter and went towards the window next to the front door. He had stopped midway up the driveway and was looking around and checking something on his phone. In the dim light, I couldn't make out much more than his figure, tall and strong.

He took another step towards the house and the security light came on. He froze. He looked Arab or Hispanic with a sharp nose and spikey, black hair. He was young, maybe a year older than me, and wore a tight, sleeveless blue shirt with jeans and trainers. He darted over to the safety of the shadows and my instincts took over.

It had been a long day. Not only had Samir gone silent, but Bilaal, after our play session, had decided I was nothing more than a weak bottom sub boy who needed to be put in his place. Every time we'd crossed paths, he'd rub my ass or pecs and talk down to me like I needed his protection, his reassuring touch. I had to keep reminding him that I wasn't a lost and scared boy.

He'd find me and ask if I was worried, try to comfort me with assurances that Samir would be ok and would contact me soon. I needed to remind him that I wasn't a fragile boy, wasn't a desperate hole. Caleb wasn't helpful either, he had split the day between reconnecting with Emerson and chasing after Bilaal with persistent, flirty overtures. It did keep Bilaal busy while I tried to figure out what was going on with Samir.

Caleb, Emerson's friend since childhood and Samir's ex-love, was looking healthier than the last time I saw him. He had been taking care of himself and Samir had said he was actually doing well with the business here. With the pressure of an Arab master gone, he seemed to become a man on his own.

The stranger paused in the shadows for a minute. I remembered there was a side door from the laundry that went out. I saw it earlier in the day during my exploration. I wanted to stop him before he got inside the house, but I also wanted to trap him before he could run off. I wanted to know how he got in through the gate and why Bilaal wasn't awake and doing his job. With the anxiety of Samir's disappearance, I had a slim hope that this lurking character may know something. He did look Arab after all.

I darted back through the kitchen and into the laundry room. I punched in the disarm code that only disarmed the one door closest to that keypad. It made a small chirp, nothing too alarming. I eased open that side door and closed it gently.

Creeping around the side of the house, I heard him typing on his phone. The idiot had his sound on so it made little clicking sounds as he furiously typed his message and then the little whooshing sound of the text being sent. I peeked around the side to see him staring down at his phone and then looking towards the circle of light around the front door.

A chill went through me. I realized I'd gone outside in only a pair of tight briefs. Worse, they were the white ones Samir liked to see me in that showed off my bulge and had a patch of sheer material in the back that showed off the shadow of my hole.

I didn't normally parade around like that, but it was 2 AM and I had just sneaked to the kitchen for water. The house was silent and dark. I didn't expect to encounter a prowler. This was no time for modesty though. I had Emerson to protect. With Samir missing, I was clinging to the thought that something crazy was happening. This stranger lurking on the side of the house only fueled that.

I got a few inches from him, close enough to smell his cheap body spray. He must have saved a lot of money on it because he'd applied it liberally. I was barefoot and so quiet that he hadn't registered my presence in the dark alcove. He just kept checking his phone and looking around to the front of the house.

"Sup, dude?" I whispered in a deep tone and he turned on me. He dropped his phone and jumped back against the wall.

"The fuck?" he yelled and stared at me in shock for about a second. He sprang into action and darted towards the gate. He didn't even pause to get his phone. I didn't need long to catch up with him and knock him to the ground.

I jumped forward and elbowed him in the back of the head. He tumbled forward hitting the pavement. I landed on his back but still hit my arm against the concrete. I grabbed his arm as he tried to get back up and I pulled it sharply behind his back and forced it upwards until he yelped.

"Fuck, man! Ouch!" He begged, but he was already down.

I heard some scuffling behind me and turned to see Bilaal running out of the house towards me.

"You got him? Is he alone?" Bilaal yelled. He was wearing the same blue lounge shorts he'd had on when we went to bed. He was wielding a baseball bat, and his chest was heaving as he ran towards me.

"Just him. He's down, no thanks to you," I shot.

"What the fuck, dude? You invited me here! Get off me!" The stranger yowled as I ground my knee into his back.

"Who is he?" Bilaal said. He ignored my jab, and was more concerned about securing the situation.

"I thinks he's one of you. You brought a bat! Good! Bash his head!" I said. My heart was racing in my chest. The stranger had been docile after his initial squirming, but my comment brought another round of fighting from him.

"Dude! You invited me here!" He protested again.

"Lincoln, get off him! We're not bashing heads! It's ok, I can secure him. Let's find out why he's here before we decide what to do with him," Bilaal urged. I didn't move though. I pushed my knee harder into his back until he stopped squirming.

"I've got it under control," I said coldly. He wasn't about to claim my victory.

"Lincoln, Now!" Bilaal barked. He grabbed my arm and yanked me up to my feet. He pulled me back against his chest and rubbed my pecs. "Calm, boy. It's ok. I've got you," He whispered.

The stranger started to get to his feet. I was ready to go at him again, but Bilaal held me back.

"Who the fuck are you?" Bilaal demanded as the stranger rose and looked at us with wide, dark eyes. He held up his hands to us like he was surrendering. I noticed a cut on both his arms from the hard driveway.

"This is too crazy man! I came to meet a `Caleb.' We hooked up on the app. He gave me the address and the gate code. He said to wait for him outside. Is this some fucked up sex cult?" the man asked. He started to walk back towards his phone in the grass, but Bilaal raised the bat.

"Don't move!" Bilaal barked.

"It's cool. Let me just get my phone and go. K?" The man said. Bilaal nodded for him to walk.

"Yasir! You made it!" Caleb yelled from the front door. He looked freshly showered with shorts and a small blue tank top that showed he had been investing in his fitness since Samir and I had been away. He was Samir's age but had been taking better care of himself in our absence. He bounded towards us with his light hair still damp from the shower.

"He's leaving now. Don't stop him," Bilaal said and put his hand out to stop Caleb. It hit him in the chest and Caleb just looked at Bilaal with the same adoring eyes he had used all day in his efforts to flirt with him. Caleb didn't care what kind of handsome Arab was in front of him. He wanted them all. With me calmed, he traded me for Caleb against his chest.

"I'm out. You guys are fucking weird," Yasir, the now named stranger, rolled his eyes at Caleb and went to get his phone. He muttered something angry under his breath but Caleb was already focused on Bilaal holding him back against his chest.

"I told you Caleb causes problems," I said to Bilaal.

"It wouldn't have been a problem if you weren't out here playing night stalker in your panties," Caleb said and noted my briefs with a wry laugh.

"That's enough, boys," Bilaal said. He let go of Caleb and walked Yasir to the gate. He secured it behind him as I headed back towards the door to look at my cuts. Caleb waited as though he needed Bilaal's escort.

"You do NOT invite men here without my approval! You put everyone at risk. What kind of idiot are you?," Bilaal fumed at Caleb.

"I couldn't sleep. It's too tense here," Caleb whined.

"Let's all just get back to bed! We'll deal with this in the morning... Oh Lincoln! You're bleeding. You look pretty banged up... Go in the bathroom and I'll get the first aid kit," he said when we got inside and he saw me in the light. He looked down at my white briefs made transparent by the wet grass and dirtied from the pavement. He locked the door and reset the alarm.

"I'm fine. If you did your job, I'd be better," I said. He looked at me with confusion and then swallowed the lump of his pride stuck in his throat.

I went off to my bedroom and closed the door behind me. I only had a simple cut on my right arm. It looked worse than it was. I rinsed it off and applied some of the liquid bandage that burned away any infection.

I took a picture of myself in the bathroom mirror with my arm held up to show the cut. I sent it to Samir with the tagline "I caught a prowler and fucked him up pretty badly." I knew he would get a laugh out of that.

He still hadn't responded to any of my texts or calls. I was worried. I'd asked Ali about it when he had the video chat with Emerson. He looked worried as well, but like he did with Emerson, he held back details from me. He just kept saying that it was fine and Samir was just busy. I could tell in his eyes that something was very wrong.

I changed the white briefs for a pair of grey sleep shorts. I came out of the closet to see Bilaal sitting on my bed.

"Still no response?" he said with a nod to my phone.

I shook my head.

"Me either. I'm sure he's alright, Lincoln. Do you need me to hold you so you can sleep? You must be pretty shook up after that," Bilaal said.

"I think Caleb needs that. He looked pretty shook up," I said dismissively and went to the other side of the bed.

"I'm not here for Caleb. Samir approved his visit, but it's you I'm here for," Bilaal said. I got under the covers and checked my phone to see Samir still hadn't contacted me. Bilaal reached over and put his hand on the back of my neck as though I needed comforting.

"I don't need you here. I can't count on you protecting our house. You're no use to me. You're not my lion. This may just be a job to you, or some G.I. Joe fantasy, but I care about Emerson and his boys. With Ali and Samir away, I'm the man here," I said and looked him square in the eyes. His eyes went through a quick flipbook of emotions; shock, hurt, anger, back to hurt.

"Just a job? If you were my boy, I'd fight the world to get back to you," Bilaal said as I looked down at my phone. My eyes slowly raised to see him looking at me with the hunger Samir usually held.

"Oh," I said, not sure how to respond. His hard lips eased into a smile as his dark eyes twinkled.

"Nothing would stop me, little one," Bilaal assured. He lifted my arm and kissed my healing cut.

We laid there looking at each other for a solid two minutes before I realized that if he didn't leave soon, I was going to be begging for his cock. My shorts tented under the heavy comforter.

"I guess you have to go check on the house... make sure everything is secure again," I said.

Bilaal looked disappointed, but he quickly regained his security guard composure.

"Good night, Lincoln," He said and rose from my bed. He turned my light off and closed my door. I laid there fighting with myself until sleep called the match.


I slept through breakfast. The sun was high and it didn't look fresh. I didn't normally sleep so late, but last night had gone into extra innings. I reached for my phone, but it was gone. I dove out of the bed and scanned the floor to see if it had fallen... it wasn't there. I looked in the bathroom even though I remember checking it every two minutes before I fell asleep. It should have been here, should have been waiting for me.

My stomach twisted at the sudden understanding that Bilaal must have sneaked in and taken it.

I raced out of the room in my sleep shorts. I saw Emerson and the boys in the backyard enjoying the sun. I ran through the living room and into the kitchen where Bilaal was hunched over the bar looking bleary as he sipped his coffee.

He had dressed for the day with a tight blue polo shirt and jeans. His eyes startled when he saw me rush-in, red-faced and angry.

"I can't find my phone," I said, deciding to not start off with an accusation. As much as I wanted to lurch across the counter and punch him, my first priority was to track down Samir.

"I know. I spoke with Ali and he decided it was best to take it. He's worried about you and the anxiety this is causing. Checking your phone every two minutes will only make it worse. Let the men handle the business.," Bilaal said.

"Please... give... it... back," I said through clenched teeth, my fists balled in anger.

"I have my orders, Lincoln. It's directly from Ali," Bilaal explained.

I was ready to fight, but I remembered Samir and that look of disappointment he got when I lost my temper. Suddenly though, I remembered my laptop. It was connected to my phone. Bilaal and I stared each other down across the granite island.

"Ok then. I guess he wants to protect me," I said and lowered my eyes so he'd think he'd won. I needed to get out without alerting him. I'd play along until I got my phone back.

"It's for your best, little one. If you need an update or something calming, I'm here for you." Bilaal calmed at my sudden return to compliant sub boy. He reached across and squeezed my hand.

"I'll go get dressed," I said and lowered my eyes in respect.

"Sounds good. I'm going to reset the security codes. I'll keep you safe, Lincoln. I promise," Bilaal said. His Arab confidence had returned. His boys were in line.

I went to my room and found the laptop in the charging drawer. I opened it and tried to locate my phone, but of course he had disabled that. Luckily though I had my contacts and messages synced. There was no news from Samir, but my contacts had more promising leads.

Zaid didn't answer when I video-called, so I moved on to Ali. He had always kept me at a distance. He kissed my cheek when we passed, but it was more of an acknowledgment that I belonged in his tribe than any real care. He knew Emerson, his husband, held me as a close friend, but he treated me as his brother's property. I didn't blame him. After the mess Caleb had caused, he probably worried that I'd be an equal disappointment.

"Lincoln, what is wrong?" Ali said without emotion when he accepted my video chat. He was sitting in his office wearing a tailored suit that accentuated his strong physique. He was a very handsome older man who wore the weight of leading his family with reserved, icy dignity. He only melted when Emerson or his boys were around.

"I need to know where he is," I said as I sat cross legged on my bed.

"He's safe. I'm sure of it. He can't contact you right now, but he's ok." Ali looked at me stone-faced.

"He's dead, isn't he?" I asked. My stomach knotted at the thought.

"No! Of course not! Why would you think this?" Ali's eyes softened.

"Then why are you so calm when you have no clue where he is?" I asked.

"I don't want to discuss this further. Things are being handled and I won't discuss our business on an open line with my youngest brother's cub. You are safe, my boys are safe. Samir will contact you when he can." Ali was getting annoyed. I felt the knot in my stomach tighten.

"I don't know what I'd do without him," I said quietly. It hit me how lost I was without him.

"I know, sweet boy. He loves you so much. I promise you will know something soon," Ali sighed.

"I need to know he's ok." I lowered my eyes, this time for real. It wasn't my pride or need to be right. I was his boy. I needed my lion.

"I know. Listen... I can't give you the details, but he's ok. He has important work to do. I'll tell you more tomorrow... give Emi a hug for me. Don't excite him with your anxiety," Ali said. He disconnected the chat and my screen went dark.

I put on swim shorts, a tight white tank, and my sunglasses to head outside. Caleb was out there with Emerson, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. There were sitting on lounge chairs, watching the boys splash around in the pool and signing to each other. Everyone was happy and going about their business like our home in Satra wasn't being invaded by the Arizen.

"Look who woke up! Did you have anymore late night crime-fighting? Or just stay up wrestling with Bilaal?" Caleb joked when he saw me coming towards them. I grabbed a towel from the bin near the glass doors and went to sit beside them.

The knot in my stomach twisted, but I said nothing. I signed hello to Emerson and laid my towel over the empty lounge chair on the other side of Caleb. He shifted towards me and read my mood.

"Still no word?" He said and signed for Emerson. I shook my head and looked over at Emerson to see his face fill with worry.

"I'm sure he is ok. Ali would do anything to protect him." Emerson signed.

"I just wish someone could find him," I signed back.

"He's going to be ok, Link. They would never put him in danger! I know when he gets to a phone you'll be the first person he contacts. I'm worried too, but I trust him," Caleb signed and said. He reached over and put his hand on my shoulder.

"What do you care? I'm sure he's put enough aside to keep you unemployed for life," I shot back.

"I love him too, Lincoln. You've had him six months. I had him six years. I loved him enough to find him you. He wasn't right for me, but you two just seem to work. You keep each other challenged without having it turn into something ugly. I see how happy you make him. He would never risk losing that by putting himself in danger," Caleb said. Samir had only occasionally filled me in on some of his epic fights with Caleb. Samir's right eyebrow started to twitch at the mere mention of Caleb.

Caleb's normally carefree tone was gone though. He looked at me like he meant it, like he understood the seriousness of it all. He reached for my hand and slipped his fingers between mine.

"Thanks, man," I said. He came over to share my lounge chair. I moved over to make room and he slid under my arm. He put his head against my shoulder. His other hand came to rest between my pecs.

"It's going to be ok. I've been through enough of their roller coasters. He will come back to you all hyped up from victory... and fuck your brains out," Caleb laughed. He was trying to put me at ease.

I'd forgotten how much history he had with Samir. It bonded us in a weird way. I still found remnants of their relationship. It was very different from what I had with him. We shared very different sides of the same coin.

Samir lost his confidence with Caleb, gave in to his tantrums and manipulations. They'd ended their adolescence with each other and knew too many of the others' mistakes. With me, he was a man; strong, decisive, in control. He'd learned his lessons, and was determined to not repeat them.

Holding Caleb under my arm felt strangely comforting. It was a piece of Samir, and felt like home. Emerson moved closer and we all three signed and talked about what Caleb had been up to in our absence. It was a welcome distraction until my stomach started to growl from hunger.

Caleb was settling into my chest more. It felt good to hold someone smaller. All those times with Samir I was used to being the boy, the sub. No matter how strong I thought I was, he always had his ways of reminding me who the alpha was.

Caleb felt nice until he started brushing his hand against my junk. I thought it was accidental until he started to grab my meat. I wasn't hard, but even soft it's a nice slab against my thigh. The swim shorts didn't offer any support down there so I was just flopping around. When I didn't resist, he started to grab it. I was thickening up from his touch, but I didn't want to do that with him. Emerson was there and it just felt uncomfortable.

"Nah, dude... I'm gonna hit the gym," I said. I brushed his hand away and gently eased him off of me. He yawned and stretched as though he wasn't aware of feeling me up. I got up to leave and Caleb and Emerson nodded encouragement.

"Hit it hard, bro," Caleb mocked, but he gave me a wink.

I went back into the house and avoided bilaal. I grabbed a protein bar from the pantry and made my way down to the gym. I had put a stash of workout clothes down there and it was empty so I quickly changed as I gnawed on the tasteless but nutritious bar.

I got in a few miles of running before Bilaal stormed in to interrupt me. He looked furious.

"You!" He started to say but then caught himself. "Lincoln... you can not go around me like that. Ali was concerned. You come to me with your worries. Samir hired me to be here for you," he said. He came over to me as I finished up on the treadmill.

"I needed answers. You had none," I said and went for a towel. I wiped my face and turned away from him. I felt him move behind me, his hard chest against my back.

"Did he tell you more than I could? I'm in contact with them whenever there is an update on either side. I'll let you know as soon as I find something. Worrying them with your anxiety will only slow things down. They want to be back with their cubs urgently. Let them do their work to protect your home," Bilaal sighed. He was frustrated with me, frustrated that I wasn't settling down so easily.

"I need to do weights," I said and turned to see he was blocking me into the corner. I looked over his shoulder to see our reflections in the wall of mirrors. His hulking brown frame with my pale face and damp, blonde hair peeking out over his shoulder. He turned his head to see what I was looking at. A smirk shot across his lips.

"I was wondering what made you look so hungry," he laughed and winked at me in the mirror as our eyes locked through the reflection.

I lowered my eyes quickly and used the distraction to move around him. I went for the weight bench and he followed me.

"I'll spot you while I'm here. I have a break coming anyways," he noted. I just shrugged.

I did a set of bench presses at my regular weight and was hit with the memory of the last time I did that with Samir. He was always coaching me. "Lock those elbows... plant your feet... straighter, Lincoln!" Even when I did it perfectly he seemed to have something to add.

"Not bad," Bilaal said as I put the bar back. "Want to spot me?"

I nodded. I sat up and Bilaal struggled out of his pants. He slipped off his shirt too. He seemed to like stripping down to his boxer briefs in front of me. I got off the bench and watched as he switched out the weights to add twenty pounds to each side.

He went through a few sets. He made that grunting noise like it was something impressive. I stood over him, but he seemed to be doing ok. I looked down to see his dark eyes focused up my shorts. I stepped back and our eyes locked.

"Yuh!" He grunted with a final push and set the bar back. "You're up."

He got up and started to slide the weights off, but I stopped him. "I'll try."

"Need to prove something?" he smirked. His dark chest heaved with a chuckle and a bead of sweat trickled down between his pecs.

"Nah," I responded and laid down on the bench. I pushed up easily enough, but then realized he was helping.

"I got it," I said. He gently eased off and the bar sank down. It was too much, but I wanted to show him I could do it. He kept his hands just under the bar to show he didn't believe I could do it.

I struggled, but managed to get it up as my arms began to burn. "Uhh."

"Lincoln," he growled and grabbed the bar. He eased it back up to the rack.

"I got it," I said and tried again. I pushed up and got it out of the rack. I used every ounce of strength to keep it controlled, but it started to shake. He was on me again.

"That's enough," he said angrily.

I wanted to argue, but my arms protested. I sat up and something in my back felt off.

"Mmmm, fuck," I growled. I'd pulled something and it pushed the breath out of my lungs.

"You're hurt! Lay down on the mat. I can fix it," Bilaal said. There were a few thick yoga mats where Emerson did his workouts and meditation. They were stacked near the window. I got up and Bilaal prodded me towards them.

He nudged me to lie down on my stomach. I turned my head towards the window to see the side yard with a high flower bed and the green, rocky hills behind it. He straddled me, wearing nothing but the tight boxer briefs and his bulge settled in between my ass cheeks. He was soft, this was work.

He pushed my arms up and slid off my tank top. He brought my arms down straight against my sides and began to rub my back. He pressed into a muscle and a loud moan escaped me as a shot of pain buzzed through me and was replaced by a warm spreading buzz.

"Do you do this with Samir? Always trying to prove yourself?" he asked.

"I used to," I laughed.

"What stopped you?" Bilaal asked as he worked a knot out of my muscles.

"Just seemed futile with him. Like we're not even the same species," I whimpered as his hands roughly straightened me out.

"Is that the whole Lion thing?" Bilaal put his elbow in my back and worked me like a piece of steak.

"I guess so... AH!" I yelped. He settled back into just using his hands, working me in slow circles. He paused and gave my back a gentle smack. He started to rub his bulge against my ass and I realized he was thickening up back there. I seemed to get pawed at by anyone who was near me today, but this felt good.

"You like that? Being put in your place by a real man?" Bilaal whispered into my ear as he pressed his chest into my back and slid his hands under me to grab my pecs. He ground his hard bulge between my cheeks and pumped a few times on me.

"Kinda," I breathed and heard my voice make a weird squeak. I felt his heat spread through me, soothing my sore muscles. My hole twitched like it felt Samir. I closed my eyes and gave into it.

"Fuck you feel good," he growled in a low tone that sent shivers through me as he nibbled on my ear.

I don't know why but I pushed my ass up against him. He raised up off me, planted his hands on either side of my torso and started to do push-ups against my ass. I had my shorts on and he made no move to free his cock, but it was hot nonetheless.

"Seeing you in those little briefs last night. You wear that for him? I was fighting to not rip them off you. They showed off your little hole so perfectly. I just wanted to drop right there and suck on it while you held down our prowler." Bilaal breathed.

"Samir liked to rip them off me," I moaned.

"I can see why. Exploring you the other night, opening you up, hearing your little whines and begging. I haven't cum like that in a long time." Bilaal bit down on my neck.

"I hope we get to do that again," I admitted.

"We can. Samir said to keep you satisfied. He knows you need it often. He said you get unsettled and confused when you go too long without Arab seed," Bilaal confessed. He ground into me again and a chill tore through me. I did need it.

"If you were my boy, I'd never leave the house without breeding that pussy," he said.

"Yes sir," I agreed and chewed on the mat as he rubbed against me. His sweat dripped down over me. His heat warmed my muscles.

He took one hand off the mat and brushed his fingers through my hair. He grabbed a chunk of it and pulled my head back. I looked up at him, one hungry set of eyes to the other.

"I love finding a submissive muscle jock like you," he noted as he let my head fall back down. "It's not just the tight body or that beautiful ass. It's the way you submit and dedicate yourself, focus that discipline on pleasing a real man." Bilaal leaned down and kissed the back of my neck. He buried his nose into my neck and rubbed it up into my hair. He gave it a deep sniff, seemed a little odd but I was so turned on. He kissed the back of my head and then went back to rubbing against me.

"Ahhh," a loud moan escaped my lips as his fat cock slid between my cheeks. Separated only by the material of our shorts, he still had me on the edge of cumming.

"I need to breed that pussy, Lincoln. I knew it the first time I talked with Samir, read his instructions for your care and domination. He sent some pictures of you, your hole, him fucking it. He was bragging, but also opening me up to what I was born for. I need this," Bilaal claimed.

"What... do we do? Samir didn't seem ok with us going too far the last time we played," I whispered with heavy breath. I realized I was used to Samir taking what he wanted, but I wasn't Bilaal's to take. It felt so good, but confused me.

"Relax, little one. Samir told me what to do to help you feel good. When I talked to him yesterday he said it was ok. He wants your needs taken care of," Bilaal mumbled thoughtlessly as his instinct took over, his lips explored my back.

He didn't realize what he had just confessed. He kept right on as I let it sink in.

"Left? What are you... wait!" I tried to roll over but Bilaal had me pinned down. He was stronger than I was and intent on showing it.

"Calm down, Lincoln. Settle," he choked and tried to keep me still.

"Get the fuck off me!" I said and twisted my back around to get my left arm around his neck. Samir always taught me wrestling moves, insisting I would need them someday. From the first week week we spent together in his hotel room he had made a game of pinning me and helping me learn how to wiggle out. I finally was able to use them.

"Stop!" Bilaal ordered, but I had his neck hooked under my elbow. My hook had him easing off me as he fought to get out of my hold. It gave me time to slide forward off the mat and put a few feet between us.

"What do you know?" I demanded as I got to my feet and pushed my hair back out of my face. My shorts were still tented, half from the grinding and half from the fight I'd just won.

"I don't know much more than you do. I swear. They only tell me things to pass on to you and a few things to hold back, but it's nothing important. You're stressed and paranoid, Lincoln. I'm not hiding him in a warehouse somewhere. I'm not the enemy," Bilaal said. He got up on his knees and rubbed his neck where I'd pulled it.

"What are you holding back?" I asked. I came towards him and knelt on the mat in front of him.

"Please," I said and put my hand to his chest. He was pulsing with heat and I felt his heart pounding rapidly above his left nipple.

"He went to sneak into their city, the Arizen or whatever they are. Samir went to make a deal, get them to focus on the tribal leaders they are fighting with and leave the Hamad companies out of it. They pay their fair share and yet the Hamads are losing money every day with the shut down. He has a few friends there who can help him," Bilaal said.

"The fuck? You knew this and you let me wait for his phone call last night like a dope," I pushed hard against his chest and got to my feet. My back felt amazing after his massage, but now I had other concerns. I rushed back to my room. I didn't know what I would do with the information or how it changed anything, but I thought I would think of something.

"I didn't know until Ali called me this afternoon to discuss your contact with him. I swear I wouldn't let you sit and wait and worry for him. Samir had only told me that he had an important meeting. He said he would be back last night to chat with you... I didn't know, Lincoln. I would have told you he wasn't going to call and just taken care of your needs myself," Bilaal said as he rushed into my room behind me.

"You should have told me right when you found out," I countered. I paced back and forth across my room in anger and opened drawers like I'd find the magic solution in one of them.

"Right, because why? You were going to help? No, Lincoln. My job is to keep you safe and keep your anxiety as low as I can. There's nothing you can do about it but wait,. This isn't about proving you're a capable strong young man, it's about being patient and trusting that he will do everything to come back to you," Bilaal urged.

I paced across to the window then and it hit me. He was right.

"I can't do anything," I admitted to myself.

"It sucks. I'm sorry... but we just have to wait," Bilaal said as he pressed up against me from behind. He wrapped his arms across my stomach and pushed his lips into my shoulder. I shivered as the air conditioning hit my naked, damp chest. He hugged me tighter.

"What if he doesn't come back?" I asked the window.

"Then you'll have me, He hired me to protect you until he comes back," he offered.

"I don't think we can afford your services forever." I sniffled and tried to laugh.

"You have an assload of money, Lincoln. Seriously, he was just shoveling it into a variety of banks last week. He sent me a folder full of accounts... but you know I do accept other forms of payment," Bilaal cracked a smile and brought me into his chest. He kissed my cheek and then slid his hands around to my ass.

"You have me, Lincoln. Let's take a shower and get lunch. You'll feel better." Bilaal put his lips to mine and I felt my tension release.

We kissed our way into my bathroom and then slid off each other's clothes. We were hard again and both on the edge. We'd built up to it in the gym and our cocks demanded release.

"You want that?" Bilaal asked as he held one hand behind my neck and used the other to squeeze his hard cock. A pearl of precum formed at the fat tip and I dropped to my knees on the cold tile to suck it.

I stroked my meat as he turned on the shower. He tested the water while I nursed at his cock. He had it wedged in my throat and fucked it eagerly. I needed his seed as badly as he wanted to give it.

"Mmmm," I moaned as he shoved into me and then slid back out. He was teasing my throat as I coughed and sputtered around his cock. I massaged the underside of his shaft with my tongue as I tried to breathe through my nose. My eyes watered as he rubbed my neck and pushed his thumb along the side of my cheek where his cock pushed it out.

"Look at me, eyes up, boy," Bilaal ordered with a deep tone that sent shivers through me. I looked up and we locked eyes as he thrusted in and out of me.

"Fuck that's good. Get up, in the shower and don't let my cock out of your mouth," Bilaal commanded as I struggled to my feet and bent over to keep sucking him. He guided me over the lip of the shower and then I squatted down as the hot water fell over us.

I fisted my meat as he throat-fucked me. It had been two days since we played and my balls were full and aching to be released. Samir had told him to make sure I finished. I wanted to do this to make him proud, but I also wanted Bilaal to get off.

"Wait, I'm about to cum, but stand up," Bilaal gasped and pulled his meat from my mouth.

"Turn around. I want to see that little pink hole... Oh fuck that's hot," Bilaal groaned as he pulled my cheeks apart and rubbed his thumb over my hole.

"Uhh, yes... Oh!" I whined as he pushed his wet thumb inside me. I leaned forward and his hand caught me. It held my stomach, rubbed my abs appreciatively.

"That's a good boy, and that hot cock, fuck yeah," Bilaal praised as he gripped my cock and stroked it hard.

Before I could stop myself, my cock began to pulse and shoot cum against the shower wall. I leaned back against his chest and he slid his cock between my cheeks to hump against my hole as he stroked me. He looked down over my shoulder to watch with amusement as he kept grinding against me.

"That's a good boy, let it out," he praised. He stroked my cock with one hand and rubbed my chest with the other. He squeezed my nipples as I bucked and jerked in his arms. His cock ground against me, rubbing over my sensitive hole.

"Huhhhh! Yes!" I whined as he jerked me, rubbed my hole, squeezed my nipples, and kissed my neck.

"Fucking hot little muscle tits," He growled using Samir's words as he tweaked my nipples roughly. I wasn't sure that was a turn on, but I was too busy spraying the wall with my seed to argue.

"So good, boy. So beautiful," he admired as I finished and he kept rubbing me and grinding his cock against my ass.

"Thank you, sir," I said as I calmed in his arms. He was just warming up though. I knew he was about to coat my back with his seed. I felt his heavy, furry balls swinging against my thighs as he sped up against my hole.

"Fuck baby... Fuck Lincoln... I'm gonna... Oh fuck!" Bilaal whined suddenly as his lips found my ear. He sucked on my earlobe as his body started humping against me at full force. He knocked me forward, but his arms brought me back against his chest as he tightened up and humped against me with fury.

"Fuck Lincoln. So fucking beautiful, boy. I love... uh... fuck," Bilaal caught himself. My ears perked up and I instantly knew this had gone too far. I felt a few shots of his white hot seed fly up my back. He went silent except for his muffled whines as he buried his lips against my neck.

When he finished, he held me tightly against him, his lips frozen on my neck. It was so hot, so good, but so awkward. I was Samir's, on loan to him to keep me distracted and fulfilled.

He coughed, gave one quick kiss to my neck and then nudged me forward under the hot stream of the shower. He grabbed the body wash and poured it over my back. He rubbed it in and cleaned me. We soaped each other up in awkward silence.

"I um... I wasn't saying that I... well you know... you're not mine for that," Bilaal said.

"No worries, man. Heat of the moment, right?" I laughed and tried to play it off to protect his pride.

"Yeah... I mean... Any guy would be lucky to have you, but your heart isn't..." Bilaal trailed off.

"It's owned," I said truthfully. I missed Samir. I wanted to go home. I wanted him safely back with me. I needed my lion. It was too much to think about.


We dried each other and then went to the kitchen to get lunch. Emerson had come back inside. His boys were on the couch wrapped up under a blanket and drifting off to a cartoon. Caleb found us eating at the kitchen island and pulled up a stool between us.

"Everyone's napping. What are we up to tonight? I'm bored," Caleb said as he interrupted our conversation. I was actually happy about the interruption. Caleb could see what was forming between us and was naturally inclined to crush it. Bilaal gave Caleb an annoyed grunt.

"No one's keeping you here. You are free to go home if you wish," Bilaal informed him with an air of formality. He wasn't eager to have Caleb there.

"Samir would want me here for safety... And Emerson clearly needs me," Caleb insisted.

"Samir said to permit a short visit. He said I should send you home when you became disruptive. He also told me to remind you that there are children in the house when you get too overt with your sexual advances or jokes," Bilaal warned and took a bite of chicken.

"I want you to stay... We can watch a movie or something... I need you here... Stay, Caleb," I said and got shocked looks from the both of them. Caleb was certainly an entertaining distraction, but he was also a link to Samir, a grounding wire for my confusion with Bilaal. He reminded me who I was.

"That's settled then, Linky-dink needs me too," Caleb beamed a perfect white smile as his green eyes sparkled. He gave me a look of genuine friendship. He didn't expect me to be an ally. Assured that he was wanted here, he left us alone and wandered off to find Emerson.

Bilaal waited for Caleb to clear the corner before he leaned over and kissed my cheek. He rubbed my back and leaned into me.

"My cousin is coming over to watch the house for me. I have an errand to run for Ali, would you like to come with me? Getting out of the house might be good for you," Bilaal asked when Caleb had left.

"Yes!" I yelled a little louder than necessary. I needed to get out of the house. I didn't care what the errand was. We finished up our lunch and I went to change my clothes. It felt good to get ready. We'd been trapped in the house for a few days. I put on jeans, a tight white t-shirt, and red hoodie. I found Bilaal waiting for me wearing dress pants and a blue button-up shirt.

His cousin was next to him and equally handsome. He filled out a pair of jeans with that round Arab bottom. Slightly less muscular than Bilaal, he still stretched the fabric of a light blue muscle shirt. It had that low v-neck collar in the front that showed just the inside of his smooth, shaved pecs. He had warm eyes and that gelled-up hair that probably took twenty minutes. When he saw me, he nodded with that confident look that said he had everything under control.

"Lincoln, this is Jordan. He has worked private security for many VIP events," Bilaal announced as he waved a hand towards his cousin.

"Hey," Jordan nodded as he looked me up and down with appraising eyes. He turned back to Bilaal and gave him a nod like he approved. Bilaal must have told him what we did together.

"Oh! And this is Emerson and Caleb," Bilaal interjected and I turned to see they had both come in. Caleb was instantly smitten.

Jordan broke his stony exterior when he saw Emerson. He went towards him and clumsily signed, "Hi, how you?"

Emerson encouraged him by pursing his lips in an "Ooh" as though he were impressed.

"Oh that was so good!" Caleb chimed in and put his hand on Jordan's shoulder to squeeze his muscles in approval.

"Why don't we take you on a tour?" Caleb insisted as he signed for Emerson who nodded. The two of them linked arms with Jordan from either side. They had him now. Emerson was always up for helping Caleb score. They wandered off happily.

"Well I guess that leaves us," I said and Bilaal laughed.

"He moves quickly," he noted with a nod towards where Caleb had stood.

"Totally, but he means well. Should we go?" I asked. Bilaal put his hand in the center of my back as though I needed guidance out to the car.


We drove down into the valley and up to a shiny office tower in Warner Center. We made it to the top floor of one and were immediately greeted by a slim older man with an oddly chipper voice.

"Right this way, what may I bring you? Water? Champagne?" The man said as he led us into a comfortable lounge area with floor to ceiling windows and a view of the valley.

Bilaal straightened up and tried his best to look like he belonged there. He didn't have Samir's experience with this world, but he was trying his best.

"What are we doing here?" I asked when we were alone.

"Papers for Ali. Some transfer he needs made. They need a Hamad family signature in person. He didn't want Emerson dragged into this, but thought you would be up to it," Bilaal said.

A man came with a tablet and a folder. He was a tall, thin Arab man, probably in his 40's with a very nice suit. I felt underdressed, but Samir usually brought me along to things like this in t-shirts and jeans. He stressed to me that we were the customers and the formality was on them. He also thought of me as a boy who had no need to be taken seriously.

"Lincoln," The man said and I realized he was addressing me rather than Bilaal.

"Uh, yes sir," I said. He offered his hand and I rose to shake it.

"I have everything you requested ready for signatures," he chirped in a high, pleasant voice that gave notice of his sexuality.

"Right, excellent," I said as though I knew what he was talking about. Bilaal erupted in laughter.

"He has no idea why he's here. His family set it up," he informed the man.

"Oh, of course," the man said with a laugh as though white boys were incapable of business. He set-up the tablet and turned it on. He connected it and I saw Ali's face appear. He was in his office again, looking tired but stoic.

"Yes, that is Lincoln. He is my brother's boy and can act on his behalf in Samir's absence. He has identification if you need it," Ali replied to a question no one had asked.

"That won't be necessary, visual ID is sufficient," the businessman responded.

"Do I need to read any of this?" I asked.

"No... But I suppose we should explain some of it," Ali sighed. He looked tired.

"Just give me the gist," I relented.

They explained to me the files of papers. The Hamad family was transferring a large sum of money and shares of some corporation here. They were dumping a ton of stocks and "gifting" things.

"You're giving me my dad's property and house?" I asked with surprise.

"Of course, Samir should have done it at the time of purchase. I'm surprised he didn't," Ali noted as though it was strange. He thought his brother was more free with his control than that.

I signed papers until my hand hurt. I worked through the first file and then we agreed that Ali could go to bed. He seemed patient enough, but I noticed his yawns and promised to finish things up. I missed being involved in their business. Samir used to have me do a lot more with it and I even recognized the majority of the companies and what they did.

We finished things up and then the businessman, who finally gave his name as Hisham, sent us off with our payments from the Hamad company. He gave us each a check. I noted Bilaal's eyes bulge when he saw his. It was a reminder that he was their employee, and likely a warning against getting too attached to me.

We left the place and Bilaal suggested we go to a bank. He deposited his and then we found a branch of the one my father used. I put the money in his account. It would be a nice surprise when he checked his balances. I had no use for it.

Bilaal wanted to show me the juice bar he liked by his gym. They made a special protein shake for him. It was on Ventura and they had a nice outdoor patio to sit and talk. We sat down with our drinks, and he told me about his family and life here in Los Angeles.

"Are you guys using this?" A voice asked me. I turned to see a tall skinny guy about my age. He had floppy brown hair and very pale skin. He had a round, black stud in each ear and piercing brown eyes. He was pointing at the ashtray on our table.

"Uh no, we don't smoke," I said and turned back to Bilaal. He looked mildly amused by our visitor. His cheeks rose as if he had a joke to tell me.

"Thanks, this isn't going to bother you, is it?" He asked and I looked back at him to see him holding a lit cigarette. He took a puff and blew it away from us.

"Nah, it's fine. I live in the Middle East, you get used to intrusive scents," I laughed then realized that probably sounded offensive. I turned back to Bilaal who had this smile of disbelief on his lips. He nodded for me to turn back to the guy.

"I'm Jace," he beamed as he smiled at us. It hit me that he was flirting with us, probably with Bilaal. He seemed a little too eager for our company, maybe he wanted money.

"Lincoln," I told him then nodded towards Bilaal and said his name.

"The Middle East! That sounds so totally ripe. I hear that Dubai is like so amazing! You look like you're from here. I'd love to go there! My parents just drag me around Europe, nowhere near as interesting. " Jace pulled out the chair next to me and slid in.

"Well I'm not FROM there, but..." I trailed off. I felt like Satra was home now.

"Sounds awesome. I'd love to see it! Do you have camels and tents? You know, like all the stereotypes," Jace laughed and leaned into me.

"No! Well... wait! Yes we do! Zaid has a stable he took me to once!" I remembered. That got incredulous looks from both Jace and Bilaal.

"I'd love to learn Arabic! Can you say something for me in it? It sounds so sexy!" he asked.

"What would you like us to say?" I asked.

"Something sexy, he said," Bilaal interjected with an amused grin.

"That would be hot," Jace laughed.

"Maybe Lincoln could tell you how big his cock is in Arabic," Bilaal suggested.

"Sure," Jace said as a blush spread across his cheeks.

"Or Lincoln could just show you," Bilaal carried the joke a little too far.

"Hey!" I laughed and smacked him in the chest. Bilaal pretended to be injured.

"You guys are wild," Jace laughed like he'd just heard his first dirty joke.

Bilaal said something in Arabic, but it wasn't a dialect I understood. Satra varied greatly from Saudi Arabia as Samir had tried to teach me.

"What does that mean?" Jace and I asked in unison with curious smiles.

"It's like an old saying, it means to avoid the advances of strangers when you already have a full heart," Bilaal said. It was his way of putting off Jace. He wasn't welcoming the guy's flirtations.

"Oh... ok," Jace said, picking up on the hint.

"We need to go," Bilaal said suddenly. "I have to check in on the house." He stood up and I followed. Jace looked disappointed. He held a hand halfway up in a little wave of goodbye. I nodded and offered a smile as Bilaal pulled my arm.

"I can see why Samir keeps you under lock and key," he laughed when we got in the car.

"What do you mean? He was all over you," I exclaimed.

"You really don't even see yourself, do you? He has you so under his thumb that you don't even realize what a hot muscle boy you are? Clean-cut all-American poster jock... That boy was drooling over you. He would have dropped and sucked you off if we'd stayed much longer." Bilaal pulled out of the garage rather abruptly and zoomed between cars.

"I guess... I guess I don't even think about it anymore. After Samir, I wouldn't even begin to look at guys like me. I don't even think of them sexually," I admitted.

"You're a good boy, Lincoln. He's damn lucky to have you," Bilaal sounded agitated.

"Are you jealous of Jace?" I asked and chuckled to myself.

"No, Lincoln, although I did feel the need to rush you out of there. I'm surprised Samir let you travel alone. I'd be too jealous for that," Bilaal laughed.


We got back to the house and Jordan was entertaining them all by playing charades. Emerson was on the couch with a boy on each side while he and Caleb guessed Jordan's clues. Jordan was dancing around acting goofy, we didn't stick around to find out what he was. Bilaal went to the kitchen to check on dinner and I went to check my computer for messages from home.

"Samir's still a no-show?" he asked when he came in to find me stretched out on my bed. The sadness hit me all over again.

"Let's get some food. You'll feel better... I promise," Bilaal said. He offered me his hand and I took it. He held it until we got near the dining room and heard the clatter of plates and conversation. We all sat around and ate. I watched Caleb flirt with Jordan and Emerson feed his boys. One of the staff helped him cut up the meat for the twins. Everyone was in their place, except for Samir and Ali.

We watched a dumb movie. It was funny enough, but the only one who focused was Emerson. He had his twins wrapped in blankets and lying on either side of him with their heads in his lap as he stroked their hair and read the captions. I sat in an overstuffed chair and Bilaal sat in the one next to me. We sneaked awkward glances at each other while I pretended to pay attention to the movie.

Caleb and Jordan shared the loveseat and made quiet conversation punctuated by obnoxious laughter. Caleb was doing that thing where everything Jordan said was hilarious and highly impressive. I was happy that he was finally getting some action. Jordan had changed into a tight tank top and small shorts that showed off his muscles. Caleb kept sneaking a feel of his legs, chest, arms. I was sure they would disappear to his bedroom at any moment, but they stayed for the whole movie.

Afterwards, Jordan and Caleb carried the twins to their bed with Emerson's direction. Caleb pretended to be the dutiful uncle, concerned about Amir and Ali getting tucked in safely. That left me and Bilaal alone again. We stared at each other awkwardly until he declared that he needed to lock up the house and set the alarms.

We headed for my room. He stripped down to his boxer briefs and set up the security cameras on the tablet. I fell asleep against his chest while he told me about his old college soccer championships.


I woke up about 2 am. Something about that hour kept bringing excitement. I heard a noise and turned to see Bilaal opening the bedroom door. The dim light of the side table lamp was on.

"No..." I whispered as he headed out of it. He stopped and gave me a sad look.

"I'm here, my love," said a voice, but it wasn't coming from Bilaal. I looked up to see Samir standing near the foot of my bed. He was pulling off his t-shirt and smiling at me.

"Bilaal must go, the bed isn't big enough for both of us," he said. I thought it was a dream. Samir looked exhausted and his hair had been cut off. It was shaved down to about an inch on top and very closely cropped on the sides. It gave him an army look.

"What?" I sat up as I heard the bedroom door close. Bilaal was gone.

"I'm finished," Samir said. He pushed off his jeans and stepped out of them. His heavy, flaccid cock swung between his dark, hairy thighs.

"What happened? How? It's finished?" I asked and sat up. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes.

"I'll tell you about it tomorrow," he yawned and dragged his muscled frame over to the bed.

"No! What happened?" I demanded. Samir slid in next to me and pulled the covers back over us.

"I'm so tired, my precious one. All I want is to hold my love and sleep. Please, baby." Samir begged. He brought me into his chest. He smelled of sweat and stale air, but I didn't care.

"Tomorrow," I demanded and snuggled into his warmth.

"Of course," he yawned again. He kissed my forehead, cupped my bottom with his hand, and wrapped his other arm around me. We weren't home yet, but it didn't matter. My lion was there. My stress melted away, and I knew everything was going to be ok.

I laid there for the longest time until his rhythmic snoring lulled me to sleep. I wanted answers, but I'd settle for this. My world was complete again.


Thank you for any comments and suggestions! :)

Next: Chapter 13

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