Lime Green Panties - Trans/TV Section

By SomaVF

Published on Jul 3, 2018



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Lime Green Panties

By Mindy

I always have a hard time determining when the beginning of my story really starts. Was it when I was 6 and saw my older sisters silky white panties on the bathroom, wore them to bed, was caught and then told I could never wear them again because I didnt want to be a nasty faggot? Perhaps it was when I was 11 and was bored once day and found my mothers red baby doll nightie and panties at the back of the bottom drawer of her dresser? or perhaps at 14 when I was at my friends house and his mother didnt know we were there and walked into the kitchen in a pair of velvet floral high cut panties, (that I still fantasize about to this day).

No, those arent it. I think it truly started when I was 18 years old and started talking to this slutty girl who was a cast off by my friend as he was on to other women.

I remember in those days we used to talk on the phone. I got her number and we would talk for hours. I was a very horny teenager at that time with a few panties and lingerie items, I had bought and or "borrowed". I still lived at home and had a job at a local gas station, trying to save for a car or college or my own place.

Eventually we started talking dirty and I asked her what kind of panties she was wearing. She told me they were Lime green high cut second skin satin from Victoria Secret. (In hindsight this girl really was slutty, what other 18 year old girl was wearing that kind of grown woman panties). I was of course very turned on and told her I wanted to see them. She told me to come meet her so she could show me. Unfortunately she lived in the next town over and I told her it was too far for me to go on my bike. She begged me and told me she would make it worth my while. I was turned on but also wanted to raise the stakes at the same time. I told her I wanted her to give me those panties and I wanted to wear them. (She was just some hoe,I thought at the time, and if she told my friends I could easily say she was full of shit). She loved that idea and was dying to see me in her panties and eagerly agreed.

I told my parents I was going to a friends to help fix their computer and rode my bike the 15 miles to her house. When I got there her Mom answered, she was half in the bag already as I could see a few empty looking natty light cans on the coffee table and from the one in her hand. I asked for Jenny and got the who are you, I said a friend from school and that we were going to hang out. This seemed to appease her mother and then Jenny came outside and said we are going for a walk. A Walk? I rode all this way for a walk? I was not happy about this.

"Hey there naughty boy" she said

"...Hi Jenny, what do we do now?"

She laughed took my hand and said "come on, it will be fine."

Jenny's apartment complex was next to a park and then a fairly decent wooded area. She lead me through the park and into this wooded area. Lots of big tall trees and dense foliage. We walked along a path and then eventually cut through the trail to a small clearing that had been made with a few logs to sit on and lots of beer bottles and cigarettes. "Here we are, are you ready to see?" she said

"Hell yeah I am hun. I am dying to see these lime green panties."

Jenny stepped back, she was about 5'6 inches tall, she was a little chubby but all in the right places. Her breasts looked to be a small C. She had on a grey t-shirt and some beat up light blue jeans on. She was cute but her attitude made her very sexy to this horny teen.

She lifted her shirt to show me a dirty white bra that looked a little small on her and then unzipped her jeans and I finally saw the prize I had been dying to see. "Do you like?"

"Yes, oh god yes" as I stepped towards her and touched her and that silky fabric. She then lowered the jeans and stepped out of them to reveal the panties in their full glory. They looked a little big on her and she finally told me that they were her mom's. "Your turn" she said

I was a bit taken a back but I also had a surprise for her. I took off my blue jeans to reveal a pair of pink hanes her way bikini panties. She was shocked but also very into. "Wow! uh that is hot"

"Do you like?" I said and her reply was to step forward and start rubbing my panties. I was getting very turned on and started leaking through the front.

"Lets trade our panties, do you want these?" I suggested to her

"Yeah, this is so hot, I have never done this before"

We both stripped and my cock was at full attention and I finally saw her beautiful pussy covered in few strands of pubic hair. We each handed the other our panties and then I took hers, looked at the crotch and saw some white goo and a few hairs. They were damp and I lifted them to my nose and took a massive hit. I thought i might cum right there. it was incredible. Jenny laughed and then did the same to mine. I dont think she liked it nearly as much as I did but she did lick the front in what looked like was an attempted to eat some of my pre cum.

"What now?"

"I want to see you in my panties like you told me on the phone"

"Ok, I want to see you in mine."

"Ok at the same time" Jenny said and we both started putting on the others panties. She looked hot in my panties which were a little big on her. Her mom's felt amazing on me and seemed to be the right size. Jenny walked over to me and we started making out and rubbing the front of our panties together.

"JENNY!" a boys voice yells. "JENNY!"

"Oh shit, that's my brother" Jenny says as she breaks the kiss and starts putting her jeans on. "Get dressed quick"

I quickly put my jeans on and we both are dressed but sweating and a little dishelved. She takes my hand and we walk back to the trail just in time for her brother Eric to run up on us. He appears to be about 11 and a little nervous. "what do you want?" Jenny demands of her little brother.

"Uh, Mom says time for dinner and you have to come home."

"Bull shit, she wants me to make dinner"

"Ha ha, yeah she does" Eric replies "What are you guys doing?"

"Nothing butt munch, talking to my friend from school. Tell mom I will be right there"

"She said you have to come now"

Annoyed Jenny responded back with "Fine, we are coming"

I had blue balls like crazy due to the hot make out and panty sniff/trade session and was very disappointed in this outcome as I knew Jenny wasn't going to be able to take care of me tonight.

"Sorry!" she said to me as she let the back of her hand rub the front of my jeans.

"It's ok, next time we can spend more time hanging out. I gotta get back anyway."

We got back to her apartment and I gave her a hug goodbye, got on my bike and began a painful ride home.

Once home, I immediately went to my room and took off all my clothes except those panties and rubbed myself to a frenzy and came all over the front of those panties. I was so exhausted I past right out.

Ten years later

I was checking out at Soma Intimates after a naughty fun time in the dressing room with the sales girl Stacy and I remembered how these Lime green panties changed my life.

I paid for our items, thanked her for picking them out and this amazing afternoon and then said "I know this may seem a bit backwards but, can I have your number? Maybe we can go out sometime."

She smiled and winked as she said "I was hoping you would ask but, I already wrote it on your receipt. You know if you need any further assistance and I would love to go out with you sometime."

"Ok, it's a date" I said as I turned and walked out of the store. Before I got out the door I heard "Hey, wait. Uh this is awkward but, I never got your name."

I turned back to this beautiful girl, hopefully my girl, and said "It's Mindy."

I hope you liked this story and my other story that I have posted shopping trip.

Please email me for any questions, comments, or suggestions.

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