Lil Brian Take Charge

By Strange Writer

Published on Jun 5, 2020


I wasn't sure how quickly that I would be able to work on part 2, but Brian needed a new chapter, so I was happy to comply.

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Lil" Brian Takes Charge 2

As they worked for the next two hours, Brian got more and more pissed off at Tyler. His brief emasculation of his boss had relieved some tension, but as the extent of Tyler's fuck-ups became more and more apparent as the evening wore on, his hatred returned. At one point it may have crossed his mind to end the deal after the blowjob, but now he was determined to extract his three wishes, and at least one of those was going to include Tyler bent over.

Wrapping the work up, the final piece of the puzzle, Brian taking the blame for Tyler's mistakes, wouldn't come until tomorrow. This left Brian with one of the greatest things in the world, leverage. "That should about do it," Tyler offered.

"Yep, let's head on over to your place," Brian answered, not letting his boss off the hook.

"Come on Brian, enough's enough, jokes over, man," Tyler said, acting as if this would change anything.

"This is the deal, you'll do three things for me, you did one, two to go, or we go back to you getting fired," Brian laid out for him. Tyler was silent, "you drive," Brian finished.

The silence was deafening as they drove to Tyler's house. Brian still didn't know what his plan was, but humiliation was high on his wish list. When they pulled into the driveway and stopped, Brian didn't hesitate to say, "Let's go meet the fam!"

When they entered the house, there wasn't a sign of anyone, just some faint music playing from a distance. "Shit, I forgot, my wife and my son are at a baseball tournament," Tyler remembered, "only Scotty's home."

"How old is Scotty?" Brian asked.

"He's my 13 year old," Tyler answered reluctantly, then straightened up, "don't get any ideas."

"I've got lots of ideas," Brian said, "why don't you call your boy and have him come meet your lover?"

"What the fuck are you taking about?" Tyler demanded, "no fucking way is he getting involved. I'll never let you hurt my kids, fuck the job."

"Ok, you're choice, guess that I won't see you tomorrow," Brian said as he turned toward the door.

"Wait, wait," Tyler pleaded, "ok, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that you'll call your son down to meet your lover," Brian repeated, "so let's go."

Tyler relented and did as he was told, calling up the stairs, "Scotty, come down, I want you to meet someone." From across the house, Brian heard the music stop, followed by footsteps upstairs.

"What!" came the typical adolescent reply.

"Just get down here," Tyler yelled back, in no mood for arguing. In a few moments a boy appeared at the top of the stairs. The 13 year old looked nothing like one, he was small and skinny with little noticeable development. He was a complete contrast to his large, hairy father. "Come here and meet my coworker Brian," his dad instructed.

"Nice to meet you," the boy said politely while extending his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Scotty," Brian answered, then scolded Tyler, "now be honest with your son," he said, "we're much more than coworkers."

"What are you talking about?" Tyler asked.

"Tell your son what we are," Brian answered, "Ok, I'll do it," he continued then turned to the boy, "Scotty, your father is my lover," he bluntly told the boy who he'd just met as his father gasped. Scotty just stared at him, "That means that we have sex together, do you know what that means?"

"You what?" Scotty said in shock, but Brian pretended that it was confusion.

"Ok, we'll just have to show you," he said as if it was a chore, "Tyler, come take my pants off," he ordered.

"What the fuck!" Tyler exclaimed.

"It's ok, the boy should know what his father likes," Brian said calmly, "now come here and take off my pants, or I'll need to leave."

This were turning out to be the magic words, because as soon as he threatened to leave, Tyler immediately complied with any request. The large man walked right up to Brian and started to unbuckle his belt.

"Daddy!?" Scotty blurted out, in shock at what he was seeing.

Brian jumped in, "It's ok Scotty, your dad wants to show you the fun things that men do with each other when the women aren't around." As he spoke, Tyler continued to work on the buckle before unzipping Brian's work pants and dropping them to the floor, leaving him in his tented underwear as the erotic scene unfolded. He loved ordering this big alpha male around, and now having him do it in front of his own son was giving him the stiffest erection of his life.

Scotty's eyes immediately focused on the hidden cock, his eyes wide, "Have you ever seen a grown man with a boner?" Brian asked to which Scotty slowly shook his head in the negative. "Well then, take a look," he said as he hooked his thumbs into the front of his waistband and pulled the front of his underwear out and over his erection, which bounced in front of the young teen, "What do you think?" he asked.

"Um, um, it's good?" Scotty said, trying to give the answer that this stranger wanted and confused by what was going on.

"You don't have to answer Scotty, everything is ok," his father said.

"That's right, just enjoy the show buddy," Brian said as he stroked his thick shaft, "ok, Tyler, you know what to do," he said to his boss as he held his cock out.

"What?!" Tyler asked.

"Get down there and suck my cock," Brian said as if it was an everyday occurrence. Tyler made a sound as if to protest, but stopped himself. Realizing his predicament, he kneeled in front of Brian, their size difference causing him to almost come to the other man's chest, and bent his head to the side to once again take the drooling penis between his lips while Brian worked his underwear the rest of the way down and off.

"Mmm, yeah that's good," Brian sighed as his shaft slid into Tyler's mouth, "see how good your daddy is at sucking my cock, Scotty? He really likes tasting me, see him use his tongue to make me feel good?" and he wasn't lying, Tyler actually was doing a passable job, even making "mm, mm" sounds around his cock as he allowed it to slide in and out of his wet mouth.

Scotty just stared, looking as if he'd seen a ghost, "That's good for now," Brian said to Tyler, tapping him on the shoulder, "let's show your boy what daddy's got. Take all of your clothes off," he ordered. Tyler's resignation was total, as he immediately did as ordered, rising up to tower over Brian and began to take off his shirt, revealing his hairy chest to Brian, and hairy back to his son.

"Mmmm, I like your furry body, lover," Brian said, the affection intended to further emasculate the tough man as he ran his hand through the carpet of hair, then ran it down to the trail of hair leading into his boss's pants. Brian ran his hand over the front of Tyler's trousers, feeling the hard ridge of his erect cock, "Your daddy is nice and hard, Scotty, he's really enjoying playing with me. Tyler, turn toward your son," he instructed.

Tyler slowly turned around, so that he was facing Scotty. Brian reached around him and started to work on his belt buckle, unclasping his pants when it was open, then slowly lowering the man's zipper. When his fly was wide open, Brian was able to easily let the pants fall to the ground. Tyler stood in front of his thirteen year old son in just his underwear, his body betraying him as his cock pushed out against the material forming a wet spot right at the tip.

"See how big your daddy's cock is?" Brian asked the boy as he stroked Tyler through his shorts, "He's so hard, do you want to see his cock?" Almost subconsciously, the boy nodded slightly causing Brian to smile. He grabbed the front of the waistband and slowly pulled it over the bulging dick and down his legs, leaving Tyler naked in front of his adolescent son.

Scotty stared unashamedly at his father's erect penis, "Wow," slipped quietly out of his lips.

"It's nice, right?" Brian said as he took the prick in his hand from behind and started to masturbate the man, "but what's nice for me is back here," he said, turning Tyler around so that his hairy ass was available for inspection. He then grabbed the man's cheeks and spread him wide, opening his hair-rimmed picker to his son's view, "I'm gonna fuck your daddy, right here, right now," he said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"What!?" Tyler bellowed, "no fucking way!" as he looked down at the smaller man in front of him. Brian said nothing, put his index finger in his mouth, then walked around Tyler, spread his hairy cheeks, and poked his digit at the sweaty anus. With a little pressure his finger began to slide in, "Argh, Jesus!" Tyler yelled.

Brian loved the warmth of his boss's tight, unused rectum, thinking about the fact that he was going to take the man's anal virginity. "Where do you keep the lube?" Brian asked.

Before he could think any clearer, Tyler responded, "In the medicine cabinet."

"Do you know what that is?" Brian asked Scotty who nodded, "then I need you to run get it," he told the boy. Scotty ran up the stairs, skipping one stair with each step. "Let's go in there," Brian told Tyler, pointing at the family room, "you'll be more comfortable. I want you to kneel on the floor and lean over the couch."

Brian was amazed by Tyler's lack of protest, some of this was verging on the edge of not worth keeping his job over, but he had no intention of letting up. He kneeled down behind his boss and peered directly into his dark, hairy ring of muscle. Just then, Scotty came into the room with a bottle of astroglide. Brian held out his hand for the bottle, "Thanks, kiddo," he said, and noticed a nice little something pushing out against the shorts that the boy was wearing, making Brian smile.

Brian poured some of the lube onto his index and middle fingers, smeared it around, then touched his slicked up digits to Tyler's hole. He rubbed around the entrance for a second before sliding both fingers in with one push into the tight tunnel. "Fucking-A," Tyler gasped at the intrusion. Brian glanced toward Scotty and saw that he was riveted by the action taking place in his fathers hairy hole.

Working his fingers around in a circle, the big man loosened up easily. He pulled his hand away and wiped his fingers on the couch, leaving a nice slick of ass smell for Tyler's guests to enjoy. Then he took the lube and greased up his cock before putting one foot on the ground to raise his hips to Tyler's level and placed the head against his asshole and applied pressure.

The head of Brian's penis popped into the tight ring causing him to groan and Tyler to start wailing, "Oh, fuck, Jesus," he hissed through a grimace as Brian sank farther and farther into his rectum.

"Fuck yeah," Brian said, "you're so fucking tight you asshole, oh, man I'm going to fuck you so hard," he added as he slid all of the way to the hilt, his hands holding on to Tyler's waist with his fingers pressing into his boss's firm, hairy asscheeks. He immediately picked up a fast pace, bringing groans, grunts and exclamations of discomfort from Tyler. The feeling of his tight warm ass was sending chills up Brian's spine.

Wanting better leverage, he pulled on Tyler's big shoulders to get him off of the couch and pushed his head down to the floor, forcing his legs wider at the same time to bring his ass closer to Brian's hip level. This let him really start to pound his ass and Brian started to really give it to him verbally.

"This is for all the times that I covered for your fuck-ups," he grunted as he slammed his cock into the bigger man's ass. "You'll remember this the next time you want to screw around and not do your fucking job!" he practically screamed as he bottomed out as each word spat out of his mouth.

Brian looked over and saw that Scotty was obviously grabbing at his own young cock as he watched the men fuck. He leaned as far over Tyler as he was able, and whispered loud enough for Scotty to hear, "Look how hard your boy is," he said as they both stared at Scotty, "do you think that he's dreaming of me fucking him or dreaming of fucking his daddy?" he postulated with glee. "Tell him to take his pants off, that you want to see his cock," he whispered in a quieter voice so Scotty wouldn't hear.

"Ugh, take off your pants," Tyler instructed his son without a moment of hesitation as he struggled with the pummeling of his ass.

Brian gave him a slap on the butt, "What do you want to see?" he demanded.

"I want to see your cock!" he was barely able to choke out. Scotty had been kneeling, but stood back up and slowly removed his shorts and underwear, his cock pulled down by the shorts initially, showing just a cute, small patch of soft curly pubes then his 4 inch, uncircumcised erection popped out and slapped up against his tight belly. He had an obvious smear of precum pooling in the cone of his partially retracted foreskin.

Brian kept pounding away as he stared at the cute boy with his shorts around his knees. Suddenly he got the picture of what he wanted to do, "Scotty, come stick your cock in your dad's mouth and tell him what an asshole he is," he said, taking a risk that Tyler wasn't that great a dad to his skinny offspring.

Scotty walked right up to the two men, and held his hard dick out toward his father, "I get the feeling that you better do what he says," he said flatly, but with confidence, obviously picking up on his father's predicament from Brian's torrent of insults, "Suck my dick dad," he ordered.

Tyler looked momentarily concerned, the gave in and leaned forward, his tongue the first to ever touch the young cock, "Oh, yeah, daddy!" he moaned as his father sank down on his shaft, "oh my god!" Seeing Tyler be completely broken as he sucked on his own son's hard penis, Brian began to slam even harder into him, and started a list of grievances that he was putting right by each thrust up his rectum.

"This is for making me work every Saturday because you didn't finish your work," as he hit bottom, "This is for when you took credit for my work on the Kaszinsky project," slam, slam, "This is for the time you made fun of me in the company-wide meeting," Brian's balls slapped against Tyler's perineum twice more.

"This is for never going to my plays," Scotty chimed in, then pushed his cock in until his new pubes hit his father's lips, "this is for only loving Rob because he plays football," he raged with tears in his eyes, "this is for all the times that you called me weak," and the boy started to piston his smooth prick in and out of his fathers gulping mouth.

The two fuckers got into a rhythm as they took all of their rage for the man out on his ass and mouth. Brian was fucking him fast, hitting him so hard that he was forced forward onto Scotty's penis. The sight of Tyler taking his son at the same time that his rectum was squeezing his shaft was too much, as he felt his cum start to rise, "I'm gonna fucking shoot my cum up your ass you dick!" Brian announced, his small hips slamming into the large man.

"Oh my god," he heard from the other end of Tyler, "I'm cumming daddy!" Scotty shouted, then pressed his pubis against his fathers face hard and twitched as he unloaded his newly thick semen into his daddy's sucking mouth, "oh, oh, oh," he cried with each shot of cum.

Seeing the orgasming adolescent was the end for Brian, and he screamed out, "Oh, fuck!" and groaned loudly as he pressed himself against Tyler's ass and felt the cum shoot up from his balls, and his cock swell and flex as the first shot of hot jizz rushed into Tyler's colon, followed by a series of spasms that wracked his body as he finished filling the hairy ass full of his cum.

Brian sat with his hands holding onto the hairy back of his boss for a few seconds before finally pulling his spent cock out of the messy hole and letting him fall to his side onto the floor.

Brian looked at the scene before him. Scotty had collapsed in front of his father, not bothering to pull his shorts over his soft cock, now shrunk to about two inches, laying limply to the side. Tyler was laying with a shocked look, his asshole visible, shiny with a mix of lube and cum, and a small dribble of his son's young semen was on his lips.

As he came down from his intense orgasm, Brian thought, "What will I ask for for wish three?"

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