Lil Brian Take Charge

By Strange Writer

Published on May 14, 2020


This story is different from my others. I usually write with an intergenerational theme, but I wrote this in appreciation of a very nice reader who relayed this fantasy to me. He liked it, so I thought that I would share. There will be more parts, but they may take awhile as I'm still working on other series.

If erotic writing offends you or is in any way forbidden for you to read, please leave the page. Otherwise, I hope that you enjoy this new area of my writing. Let me know what you think, I love to get feedback whether good and bad. You can reach me at . I answer all emails.

Lil Brian Takes Charge


Brian was forced to work late again, and again it was because his boss had fucked up, and blamed it on Brian. "If I had a nickel for every time that guy screwed things up," he thought.

His boss was Tyler, and just then he stumbled into Brian's office out of breath, "Brian, you need to help me!" he gasped.

"Is someone trying to kill you?" Brian asked in jest, "What the hell is going on?"

"I really fucked up," Tyler started, "I was supposed to be personally overseeing the Johnson account, but I haven't looked at it in months. Today Johnson calls, the account's in default, I had no idea, I missed filings, all kinds of things, you've got to help me!" he begged.

"What the hell can I do?" Brian asked incredulously, thinking, "Now you'll finally get whats coming to you."

"I need you to say that you did it." Tyler said a little calmer, "you won't get fired, just say that you missed the filing, it was on your desk and got lost, say that you'll do anything to keep your job."

"No fucking way," Brian told him, "I don't want to be a dick, but I've covered for you a lot lately, and all it's gotten me is a reputation as an imbecile."

"I'll do anything," Tyler continued, ignoring Brian's refusal, "I can't lose my job, I've got to pay for my kids private school, I'd lose the house. Please!"

Brian thought for a minute, "What did you have in mind?" he asked, "I'd be doing a pretty fucking huge favor."

"You name it," he answered, "I'm over a fucking barrel, I'll do anything."

Brian's wheels started turning. Tyler was a huge guy, older than Brian, with thick hairy forearms protruding out of his stretched out polo (business casual dress code) which showed off his barrel chest. He was an imposing presence even though he carried a little extra weight in his stomach. Tyler was married and a confirmed heterosexual. Brian wasn't either of those things, and Tyler knew it. He always did a shitty job of pretending to support him, which only meant that felt like he got a free pass to tell gay jokes. All of that said, he was exactly what Brian liked in a man. He loved hair, he loved big muscles, and the cocky alpha male attitude even attracted him. Probably why he let Tyler dump his shit on him so many times.

This time was different. "Here's the deal," Brian started, "you are going to do three things for me," Tyler gave him a puzzled look, "you can't refuse a request, and you'll do exactly as I say, what do you think?"

"What requests," Steve spat.

"You'll find out as we go, but the first one, is that you'll give me a blowjob, in your office, with me sitting in your chair and you kneeling under your desk," Brian told him with a smile, "and you swallow my load." Only two outcomes were possible; Tyler agreed, or Brian got a new boss. He was fine with either one.

"You're out of your fucking mind," he answered him, "I'm not a faggot."

"Yeah, I'm well aware of that Mr. Tolerance," Brian laid on with sarcasm, "you can do this or not, guess what? I don't give a shit. One way I get blown, the other, you finally get your ass in the ringer."

"I thought that we were friends," Tyler said, sounding hurt.

"You thought wrong," Brian said, mustering courage that he didn't know was inside him, "What'll it be?"

Tyler stared with a dazed look. He never anticipated this kind of blowback, and never considered having a dick in his mouth even once in his entire life. If he did this, his whole self-image was shattered. "No way, I can't do it," he said.

"Cool, have a good night," Brian said and started to pack up his stuff.

Tyler looked panicked, "Ok, I'll do it," he blurted out, "I need you to do this for me."

"And I need you to do this for me," Brian said grabbing his crotch, where his cock had shot up to full hardness with Tyler's surrender, "let's go to your office," he said.

The two men walked past the cubicles lined up in the center of the room, the offices lining the side, until they reached Tyler's. Luckily for Brian, it was a windowless affair from the inside, so they wouldn't be seen. They entered and Tyler locked the door, then stood there, looking more unsure of himself than Brian had ever seen. "You know where to go," he told him, gesturing under the desk. Tyler was too stunned to even protest, he just slowly inched to the desk, and wordlessly crouched underneath. Brian made himself at home, plopping down in Tyler's leather desk chair and loosening his belt. He undid the belt, unhooked the clasp and lowered his zipper before grabbing the waistband of his pants and underwear and pulled them down, lifting his ass to let them slip by, then plunking his naked butt right back onto his bosses chair. He made sure to really grind his asshole into the leather, hoping to leave a lingering scent. Brian's cock was average length but thicker than most, and he didn't keep his pubes trimmed too closely, preferring the manliness of a hairy groin.

Looking down at Tyler, he said, "Ok, lets see how you do," and held his erect member straight out, pointing it right at the other man, "suck my dick, Tyler." The man was crouched ridiculously under his own desk, staring up at his co-worker's fat cock. He felt a little sick, but knew that there was no other option, so reached up, took the penis in his hand, and stroked it a few times, testing the feeling of another man's dick for the first time. It was an interesting feeling to him, he'd stroked his own almost everyday since he was 11, but to touch another was a whole new sensation. He stared at the cock, transfixed while Brian let out a contented sigh at the light touch of the big man. "Do it Tyler," Brian said less forcefully, snapping Tyler out of his daze as he looked up into Brian's eyes, "time to put it in your mouth."

Idly stroking the nice smooth dick, Tyler looked back down at the slit of the penis, clear precum oozing out, and finally stuck his tongue out and made contact with the fluid pooling there and licked across the sensitive head, Brian letting out a shocked groan. Tyler backed away and smacked his lips together, but didn't make a face, "It tastes different than I thought it would," he said more to himself than to Brian.

"It's sweeter, right?" Brian asked.

"I guess," Tyler said, "definitely not what I was afraid it would be," and he took another swipe across the glans.

"That's it," Brian groaned, "you can do it. Take it in your mouth big guy," which Tyler followed, bringing his head down and taking his first cock into his mouth, "Yeah, just bob on that dick," Brian added, "do everything that you'd want someone to do to you, and really enjoy it, I'll get off much faster. Just go to town."

Tyler was clumsy, not watching his teeth at times, stopping and starting, making faces, but finally he settled down and started working the shaft. Initially the power that Brian felt ordering around his big hairy boss was what got him hard, but now the sensation of that warm mouth sinking onto his cock was what kept him that way, "Oh yeah, that's nice," he told Tyler, then pulled his cock free from his lips and said, "lick my balls," as he presented his sack to the burly man. Tyler didn't hesitate, and immediately started lapping at the fuzzy ballsack before taking a testicle into his warm mouth, shocking Brian.

As he leaned back and enjoyed the work of his boss on his scrotum he noticed a family portrait on Tyler's deck. His pretty wife and two handsome boys stared back at him as their husband/father soaked his balls in saliva. "How old are your boys?" Brian asked, a sick thought hitting his brain.

Tyler stopped for a second and looked up with a confused look, "13 and 15," he answered, "why?"

"Get back to it," Brian ordered, and held his cock with the piss slit pointed again at Tyler's face. The big man took the head back in his mouth, and Brian's balls tingled as he luxuriated in the warm mouth. Tyler was doing a surprisingly good job, not bitching about the task or gagging repeatedly unless Brian thrust a little too hard (something that he didn't work too hard to avoid). The thrill of his hard cock stretching the vehemently hetero man's lips was making Brian's erection as firm as he'd ever remembered, and was causing his orgasm to approach quickly. He leaned back a little further in the chair and grabbed onto Tyler's head, forcing it down a little more onto his thick meat, "Fucking suck that cock," Brian blurted out, lost in the intensity of the moment, "you're good at sucking my cock, you're gonna make me cum in your fucking mouth," he told him, "you want that? You want to drink all of my cum? I make a lot," he proclaimed.

Tyler was trying hard to keep up, if he did a decent job this would be over quickly, so he worked the shaft like he would want it, but he didn't engage in Brian's banter, trying to block it out of his ears. He just focused on sucking the dick that was being shoved into his mouth and trying to breach his throat.

"I'm almost there," Brian announced, then looked back at the sweet family portrait on the desk. It was as if the boys were looking right into his eyes as their daddy prepared to take Brian's load. "I'm going to fuck one of them tonight," Brian thought, the idea hitting him like a ton of bricks, "whose tight asshole will get me off later?" he wondered, and continued to make eye contact. Finally the picture of licking the younger boy's hairless asshole brought him to the brink and he looked down at the boy's bear of a father and announced loudly, "Here it comes, swallow it asshole!" and the orgasm started, every muscle in Brian's body froze as if it was recoiling in preparation for the coming shot, then released and with a roar his first shot of semen flew into Tyler's sucking mouth followed quickly by four more blasts, Brian letting out a grunt with each contraction. The cum rapidly filled the large hairy man's mouth and made him gag. He had every intention of swallowing as ordered, but he couldn't keep the mouthful of jizz in place, releasing the cock and opening his mouth to spit the large load onto the office floor. Brian didn't even care, the orgasm was the best of his life as the dominated man had done everything that had asked of him up until now.

Breathing heavily, Brian came down from his climax, staring down at his boss, whose eye's were downcast as Brian took ahold of his own cock and rubbed it across Tyler's lips, "Oh fuck was that nice," he gasped, before composing himself and pushing the chair farther from the desk allowing Tyler to escape from his crouched position. As the large man sheepily got to his feet, Brian couldn't help but notice a wet pot on Tyler's tented out pants! "You liked it!" He declared, rubbing his hand over Tyler's crotch, the big man dumbly staring down at the hand rubbing over his half-hard cock hidden inside his pants. Still seated in the desk chair, Brian couldn't resist the sexy bear in front of him, and reached for Tyler's belt buckle, "If I help you with this, it doesn't count as one of the three things that you're doing for me, got it?" he asked as he unclasped the pants and lowered the zipper.

"Fuck it," Tyler said, "I need relief," and Brian answered by reaching his hand inside Tyler's underwear and hauled out a large hardening shaft. The weight of the man's cock made it point straight out as it grew to a full 7 inches and as thick as any cock that he'd ever held. The base was covered with untrimmed hair that ran up under his shirt in a thick treasure trail, ran down onto his legs, over his balls and disappeared between his legs. Brian ran his hands up the furry stomach that rounded out nicely under his touch.

"Take your shirt off," Brian ordered, "I want see your hairy chest."

Tyler didn't hesitate, turned on now by the small man sitting on the desk chair between his legs, slowly stroking his cock with one hand and rubbing his belly with the other. He pulled the shirt off in one motion, revealing a thick body covered in a nice mat of hair covering his chest, lightening slightly on his shoulders and upper arms before thickening again on his forearms and down his back. Brian was so turned on by his hairy boss, and despite cumming minutes before, quickly returned to full hardness. He didn't wait or ask, he was drawn forward and took the large mushroom of Tyler's cockhead into his mouth, tasting the man's dripping clear liquid, "Oh fuck, man," Tyler moaned, "nobody's sucked my dick in years, I need that so bad." Out of the corner of his eye Brian looked at the picture of Tyler's smiling wife, "Trouble in paradise," he thought.

The man's desire helped Brian to keep his power over Tyler, and he sunk down onto the thick shaft using his tongue around the head and caressed the underside as he took more and more cock into his mouth. He tried to relax his throat enough to take the shaft farther down, but it was too thick, so he grabbed the penis at the base and stroked him vigorously in time to his blowjob. He looked up and Tyler had his head thrown back and his eyes closed, gently pumping his hips in response to Brian's bobbing head. He had never experienced such good oral sex, when his wife was still reluctantly pleasing him this way she never liked it and it showed. Brian was the opposite, worshipping his big dick and slobbering over the knob.

Everything that had happened tonight scrambled Tyler's brain. All he could think of was cumming in his coworker's sexy mouth, unable to focus as Brian switched to licking his hairy balls before returning to the spongy cockhead and running his tongue into his slit, lapping up the copious precum. Tyler felt his climax approaching, and started to thrust more forcefully into Brian's stretched lips, "Thank you, thank you," he kept muttering as the pleasure came to a boil.

Brian could feel the cock swell slightly, and redoubled his efforts on the warm shaft while running his hands up across Tyler's belly and up as far as he could reach onto his chest. Ten seconds later Tyler let out a bellow, and announced, "Oh, I'm cumming, Brian!" and the first volley shot into his waiting mouth, followed by several more, Brian was gamely able to keep up, holding the hot semen in his mouth until it slowed to a dribble and he was able to swallow. "Oh my god!" Tyler exclaimed, completely out of breath, "that was so good. That's the best head that I've gotten in my whole life."

"I guess that I'm a little more familiar with the equipment than the others," Brian joked, and stood up to tuck his own erection back into his pants thinking, "I'll save this for later." Tyler did the same, and Brian said, "Ok, let's go figure out the thing with the Johnson account, then you're taking me to your house afterwards."

Tyler stared at him, dumbstruck.

Next: Chapter 2

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