Like a Daddy to Me

By Sub Boy

Published on Dec 6, 2020



The next morning found me sitting at the breakfast table at my friend Zach's house. Hunched over a bowl of corn flakes, talking about the latest video game we'd been playing. My mom would be coming by in a couple hours to pick me up. Normally I'd be half asleep still, hair amess and eyes filled with sleep. For some reason I'd had a very distinct desire this morning to look presentable. I couldn't quite put my finger on why, but then again...maybe I could...

Into the kitchen walked Zach's dad, and I suddenly became much more invested in the conversation I was having with Zach. I didn't want to seem like I was watching him...

I heard Zach's dad greet his mother, and they carried on what seemed to be a normal conversation. Normal was good. Normal meant things were no different today than yesterday. Like last night never happened...

I once again found my mind drifting as I replayed the events in the hallway. After I realized Zach's dad had seen my erection, I quickly scampered back to the bedroom and my sleeping bag. I was mortified. I'd had that issue in the mornings but never in the presence of someone else. Maybe there was a chance he hadn't seen? The hallway after all was dark. But that smirk he'd had, that twinkle in his eye... Even in the dark it was unmistakable. I replayed his reaction in my head. "We all have urges", he'd said. No mistaking that wording. I guess I could take it as a sign that he understood. He'd been my age before, after all.

"Uh-huh, totally", I replied to Zach, sensing the pause in his dialogue as he waited for my response. If I was being honest, video games were the last thing on my mind right now, but Zach wouldn't understand that. Not like his dad seemed to understand. If Zach had found out about my erection in front of his dad he'd undoubtedly have freaked out as if it were gross and unnatural. But his dad had told me it was nothing to worry about. He understood.

I glanced back at Zach's father. What was his name again? Steve, right? Maybe Steven by birth? Maybe I could ask him. No that would be weird. I got off easy last night, I needed to just play it cool. Cool as a-

"Cucumbers, Bryan?", I heard his mom say. I turned. She was putting together sandwiches for Zach and I for later. Maybe it was the fact that she'd seemingly read my mind, or the fact that I still hadn't fully woken up, but my reply to her question came out "Cock-cumber's good, thanks!" I could feel myself blushing as Zach let out a laugh. "I mean, cucumber, sorry", I let out an awkward laugh. His mother smiled while I heard Steve kind of chuckle to himself.

A few hours later, I was packed and ready to go. My mother was en route to come get me. I realized it may be quite a while before I saw Steve again. I had been anxious all morning at the prospect that he might let out my secret to his wife, and that I'd look perverted. Maybe he already had? Then it dawned on me...he had been watching porn. He probably wouldn't mention being up that late anyway in order to avoid those details altogether right?

Still, I felt like I needed closure. I needed to just say something to him for my own piece of mind. While Zach was in the restroom downstairs, I wandered upstairs to find his dad. His mother was out at the store. There I was in the hallway again, at the scene of the crime, staring down at Steve's office door. It was wide open, with the light on. I entered the doorway and knocked a few times to get his attention.

He looked up from his computer, then back at the screen. He was working."What's up dude?", he said. I'd thought a good deal about how I wanted to frame my words in regards to last night, so I was prepared. I was determined to avoid another cock-cumber fiasco.

"I wanted to apologize for startling you last night," Mr. Jorgensen, I began. "I couldn't sleep and was a little restless."

"Don't sweat it man, seriously," he replied, still looking at the computer screen, typing. Then he paused and added "your secret's safe with me."

I hadn't expected this. "What secret?", I thought. Except, apparently the mechanism between my head and mouth had stopped functioning, and I actually blurted out "What secret?" It sounded just as nervous out loud as it had inside my head. My heart began racing again.

Steve took his eyes off the screen and moved his hands to his lap. He paused. "Bry, why don't you shit the door for a sec?" I complied, and stepped a bit closer toward him.

"You can have a seat man", he said. I listened.

"Bryan I know your parents are a bit on the strict side. I know things are a bit different around here compared to maybe what you're used to but I just want you to know you're always welcome here. You're a good friend to Zach, and I like you too." I shifted my view from my hands to Steve's face. There was a kindness behind his eyes. A warmth I hadn't noticed before. Miraculously, I could feel my heartbeat slowing, my nervousness fading.

He continued, "I just want you to know that you can always come to me if you have any questions or things you don't understand. About whatever, you know?"

I nodded, and grunted, showing I understood, though I didn't fully.

"You're a young man and there are probably a million things you're experiencing right now in your life. Feelings you haven't had before. Those don't make you strange, and you shouldn't need to feel embarrassed." He concluded, "so about last night, don't give it a second thought." Then he grinned. "And call me Steve."

I felt myself grinning back.

"Ok Steve, it is." Somehow I knew it wouldn't be so long until I saw him again

Next: Chapter 3

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