Lights Out

Published on Oct 3, 1998



The guys knew I was gay. We kidded each other all the time. Comments about butts, erections, masturbation and boyfriends were common. They were straight complete with obsessions about breasts, girls, butts, erections, masturbation and girlfriends galore. Women came and went. I got used to stumbling out into the living room in my underwear in the morning and find some strange woman making breakfast for one or both of them. But on Sundays, football took over. I was a nut like they were. So were our friends and beer poured, munchies spilled and we all routed for one team or another. "I thought fags didn't like sports" one of them told me just after our first tv sports marathon. "We prefer to be called gay and many stars you worship are gay" Ken was dumbfounded but nodded. "Sure why not?" he said with one of the most simplest and rewarding things I had ever heard a straight guy say. Marshall, the other roomie was more philosophical and even admitted to messing around with some friends when he was little.."before it became sex" he defined his early youthful adventures. We went to classes, did all nighters, crammed for exams and wrote term papers just like eveyone else who was suffering on campus. It was my birthday..actually the day after. We had a party and I got drunk and stoned..and went off to another apartment with two of my gay friends. "Get him real laid" Ken said to my friends. But all we did was drink some more and I crashed. I got back to our apartment late Sunday night. I had called them first to see what was going on. They said "nothing and asked if I got laid" I was honest and Marshall seemed dissappointed. The first thing I noticed was that our apartment lights were out. The rest of the building was ok. So I assumed that Ken and Marshall had gone usual. I fumbled wiht the lightswitch and it didn't work. I stumbled towards where the fuse box was, but I didn't make it. I was grabbed and wrestled to the ground. I yelled and someone gagged me. I resisted and I was being held to the floor by at least two or three people. Then the fun began. I was stripped and soon was being sucked and finger fucked. I thought it was one of my gay friends..and yelled out..but the gag didn't help. The mouth on my cock was wonderful. The fingers on my nipples were taking me to a point of no return..and the finger in my butt seemed to know what it was doing too. Pretty soon, I relaxed and was soon breathing hard...the gag removed...and kissing someone.....and another. I knew it was them. And I knew that I probalby could never reveal that I knew. I was being fucked with my legs in the air while sucking cock. A third person was there...their mouth was on my tits. It was all over too soon..and I lay there being kissed, petted and held tight. Then I dozed off...... I awoke in the morning on the living room floor. A blanket was over me. I stretched and felt to see if I was in one piece. Ken and Marshall's bedroom door was opened. That was strange becaue they always kept it closed when they slept. I went to the doorway and saw their beds were made..they had not been slept in. The door opened making me jump. "For Chris sake, homo, put some clothes on..we might have had a broad with us" Ken and Marshall bounded in..their clothing a mess. "You should have gone to the party we were at..a realy honest to god orgy" Marshall proclaimed. "What did you do?" I didn't know what to say. I was confused. My two roomies who I thought had spring a birthday surprise on me the night before apparently were somewhere else. "Nothing" I stammered. "That's not what we heard" Ken said. I looked at him "What did you hear?" "Oh nothing...." he said. It took a month before I found out. I was pulling an all nighter...things were going pretty tough for me. Ken came out of his bedroom to check on me and rubbed my shoulders. "You're getting too uptight about all this buddy" he said "I know how to make you relax" He stripped off his tee shirt and shorts..and knelt in front of me. I thought he was kidding but in earnest he reached into my boxers and found my cock and bent forward to suck it. I let him..and exploded all over him. I led him into the shower and washed him. We didn't speak until we were sitting at an all night coffee shop around the corner. "That was you, wasn't it?" I asked. Ken looked at me and smiled. "You knew all this time?" "Of course I knew" I lied. "It was kind of wild....we were stoned and Larry said we should surprise you..." Larry was a tall, blonde kid who lived around the corner. I had never seen him with a girl..and wondered if he too were gay, bi or just another college "unknown". "You seemed to like it" Ken said. "After the shock of being raped....I guess" I said. "Marshall said you'd be pissed off" "How long?" I asked Ken knew what I meant. "Ever since I saw that cute butt of yours" we laughed. "He knows" Ken said to Marshall late that night as we were passing a joint around. "Good" Marshall said "Now we can do some more sometime..what do you say?" I said "maybe"

Larry answered the door and let me in. I walked in and kissed him. He didn't resist, nor did he kiss back. "We alone?" I asked. He nodded. I was already stripping. Then I unbuttoned his shirt and we fucked and sucked all night long. Ken and Marshall weren't happy about my moving out..and their suggestion seemed ok. So Larry moved into my bedroom..and bed. And the four of us explored all that life and lust had to offer until we graduated. Marshall moved to Illinois to go to law school. Ken moved to LA to work in film. Larry moved to NY to go to grad school and I had open invitations to each of their homes...which I gladly accepted often...and when the call comes "lights out" we have some fun reliving old times. But I'm still single....and don't understand why. Larry has a boyfriend, Ken shares a place with two guys who I know are gay, and Marshall lives with a girlfriend...who's into threeways big time.

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