Lift and Let Die

By Ty Stoner

Published on Apr 6, 2016


Hey All - hope you've been enjoying the twists-and-turns of this story. As you recall from the last chapter, Davey lost it seemed like a good time for him to dream, or remember some earlier events in his life, that will become important for the plot.

Hope you enjoy! And BTW, I'm loving getting your emails. Thanks a bunch to those who have written. I respond to EACH AND EVERYONE of you.

Have a great day!



Chapter 5 Kappa Iota Delta. KIÎ"

"Mascots!" was the call that went up every time there was a girl in the fraternity house. Usually whoever answered the door would turn, yell into the house and give us all a few courtesy minutes to ensure we were properly dressed in the public areas. It was also a chance to ensure any incriminating evidence was tucked away. Sure, we weren't very good at hiding stuff, the couches had about a month's worth of pizza boxes tucked underneath them, and empty beer cans were now piled so high in a corner it could practically be called modern sculpture, but it was mostly the thought that we tried to look presentable' whenever a member of the fairer sex' entered the public areas of Kappa Iota Delta (KIÎ"). That usually meant anyone wearing less than underwear would usually go back to their room and put something else on. During the warmer times of the year, boxers were common, towels worn around the waist might mean someone was planning on showering (or hot tubbing) at some point and bare skin was proudly shown as a cocky badge of honor usually by the upper class guys. No one cared how our rooms looked, so they were typically decorated like the city dump had just inherited a bunch of homeless lettermen.

"Hey KID's," Stacey Morgan said with a lazy drawl as she sashayed through the front door, closely followed by a new girl I didn't recognize. Stacey was dating Lukyan Massimo, the QB and captain of the football team and she thought that entitled her to a gold pass through our Fraternity. Honestly, her access all hours' pass was more related to her smokin' hot body, big tits and a reputation for sucking cock than any particular person she was dating. Kids was our unfortunate nickname given the name of our Greek House. Still it was better than the alternate - backwards KIÎ" spelled DIK, and dicks' was probably more apt than kids.

Lukyan quickly arrived and gave her the quick obligatory kiss greeting, his eyes however never left the girl standing behind Stacey.

"Who's the new girl?" He asked.

"I'm Jennifer Twill, so pleased to meet you." She responded in a high-pitched `valley-girl' cheerful voice. She extended her hand and gave Lukyan a business-like handshake.

"Jenn needs a date." Stacey said, like she just walked into Nordstrom and asked the shopping assistant for a little black dress.

"Er, OK." said Lukyan confused, but clearly interested.

"Not you, you buffoon," Stacey playfully smacked him, " you're mine! She needs a date for the Sorority Cotillion Friday night. We thought we may be able to pick one up here."

"Ah, alright then," Lukyan began to realize he was being asked to find a date for Jennifer, not be the date. He walked into the main lounge area of the house and looked around.

"George, " he called out to George Stevens, the football team's tight end. "What you doin' Friday night?"

George looked up from playing Madden 2015 on the playstation, accurately summed up the situation in about 2.5 seconds and responded, "Busy."

Beside him was Parker Kilroy, the kicker. Parker knew he was gonna be asked next so instead he volunteered, "I'm out, I got my alcoholics anonymous meeting that night" jokingly.

I could see where this was going. None of the guys liked to get set-up anyway, but when Lukyan asked, it was hard to turn him down. I was in my usual spot reading in the front bay window nook, just off the lounge area. As Lukyan scanned the room for more people, he saw me eyes buried in "Chemistry: A Molecular Approach" trying hard not to be noticed.

"Davey!" He said with the confidence of someone who knew he was about to get what he wanted. "I need a favor." He quickly came over and sat on the window sill beside me, wrapped his large, muscular arm around my shoulder and continued, " How would you like to go on a double date with me and Stacey?"

"Um, " his closeness made me as uncomfortable as the angry scrutiny I was getting from the two girls, watching from the entry way, their arms tightly folded and eyes burning lasers looking at me. I looked up from my book and pushed my reading glasses back up. Looking at both girls, they were undoubtedly fact they were hot. Sure, they didn't look too friendly, but Lukyan was a good friend and I wanted to make him happy. Despite the fact I had a chemistry exam the following Saturday morning.

"Sure," I said hesitatingly. "I need a break from study anyway." I closed the book and stood up, and introduced myself to the newcomer. "I'm David Tattuaggio." I extended my hand to shake as Jennifer had done earlier.

"He'll do." Jennifer said chirpily and without making a move in my direction, spun on her heels and headed toward the door.

"Thanks sweetie," Stacey said as she quickly pecked Lukyan on the cheek. "Pick us up at 11, and wear that suit I like." Then they both were gone.

"Thank you bro'," Lukyan said, still perched beside me. "I promise, I'll make it up to you." His deep brown eyes looked deeply into me, and I wondered if he could see the wheels and cogs turning behind my own eyes. Could he possibly see exactly how I might want him to make it up to me? His perfect physique and square jaw had always made him a leader, someone others looked up to. The `alpha dog' in almost every situation and with his italian genes, to me he could have been the modern embodiment of Adonis - the archetype of youthful male beauty. That and his sports acumen made him the best QB in the Eastern Conference. Physically, he was everything I wanted to be, bigger arms, bigger chest. At 6'4 he was a wall of solid muscle.

Later that evening, I was sitting in my room. Around 6pm my room became an important interchange point in the house. Located right opposite the 2nd floor bathroom, guys often stood around waiting to use the shower. Early in the semester I learned that "my room" was a quaint name for public space to be used by anyone lining up to use the shower. Visiting guys were always friendly, happy to chat and shoot the breeze. Most importantly, they were almost always naked, with a towel slung over their shoulders. Limp cocks of all shapes and sizes paraded through my room and into the shower between 6 and 8pm. The fraternity, being mostly athletic guys made for a study in the male form. In hindsight, that experience probably heavily influenced my interest in muscles and development.

Often while waiting to shower, in my room some fraternity brothers might ask to borrow soap, or shampoo or a razor or something. That was how this, admittedly strange practise began.

"Davey, you got the timmers?" Sebastian Rowe asked. Sebastian was a wrestler and had a thing for keeping himself properly groomed, One time, he asked for a razor as he was passing through my room to the shower. I didn't have any since I used electric, but I told him I didn't think his baby smooth face needed it anyway! Yanking away his towel and flashing his furry package at me, he explained, "Not for my face, for this!" indicating his healthy bush.

Living so close to the bathroom - I knew that guys trimming their bush in the shower was a primary cause for blocking the drain, so I explained to him that he should trim OUTSIDE the shower, and put his pubes in the trash! That way the drain wouldn't get clogged.

I went to my desk and pulled out my own trimmer, put on the number 1 guard and offered it to him. "Stand over the trash can - and use this" I offered it to him.

Taking it awkwardly in his hands he turned it over, and found the on switch. He jumped briefly as it vibrated to life.

"No way," he said incredulously, "You want me to put this near my junk?" Looking up at me with wide, quizzical eyes. "You show me." He said, passing it back to me, then thrusting his naked pelvis toward me.

I got up, stepped around him and found my wastepaper basket and sat back down on the end of my bed. Putting the wastepaper basket between Sebastian's legs, I pulled his waist a little closer and proceeded to shave his pubic hair down from a 70's era afro, to a millennial close cut. His brown pubes short, neat and clean. The off cuts neatly falling in the basket.

"Shit," Sebastian said, impressed. "That looks awesome dude! Thanks." He gently caressed his trimmed pubes, "It feels as good as it looks! Touch it." he commanded.

I reached my hand up and stroked that triangle below his belly button.

"Yeah, " Sebastian repeated, "that feels great." He turned and it was his turn to use the shower. But just as I was about to put the trimmer away, I looked up and was confronted by another cock and hairy bush.

"Can you do me too?" asked Tommy Steele. Tommy played baseball and wasn't known for his cleanliness. Let's just say his junk smelled of real junk. But since this wasn't my first time, I felt a little more confident and carefully handled his package to get around the sides and made sure the trim was neat all the way around. I think my attention to detail was appreciated because very soon word spread, and most guys were stopping by weekly for a trim. When necessary, I distributed jock itch powders (I kept some for when I found a welt or wound) and I'm pretty sure my care and attention to detail improved the health of the guys in the whole house. Not to mention the fact that all the guys liked the dude who handled their most prized possession weekly. I may not have been "popular" in the traditional sense of the word, but I was very well liked and trusted. That's how I earned my nickname, "the ball boy" and no one outside the fraternity ever knew why they called me that! Some probably thought it was because I wasn't officially in any of the college sports teams, but in a fraternity full of jocks.

Friday morning came around quickly and I woke up to find a text from Lukyan, "Date tonite. Don't forget suit and girl flower-thing. See you at 10. Btchs SMH". Great, now I needed to find a corsage for my `date'. Just add that to the list of things I needed to do today. I called a few flower shops near campus and ordered a wrist corsage, figured white was a neutral color, so it should be fine. That was $25 I hadn't planned on spending, but I figured another week of ramen noodles would mean I'd still be able to feed myself and give the girl what she wanted. Thank God for ramen noodles, a meal for under a quarter! It's the only way I could afford to go through college!

The day was going well enough, until the last period at 4pm, the Chemistry professor had planned a review of course material in preparation for the exam the next day. This class was a critical class that would decide my entry into the medical program I had hoped to enter next year, and I needed to score a B grade or better. I felt confident that if I simply studied hard, it would pay off. That was until I arrived at my class and realized I had been studying the wrong part of the textbook! I needed to switch gears and do it FAST. Brain dump of all the stuff I had been trying to learn and brain-stuff all the correct sections of the text. If I had been able to pull an all-nighter, I would be OK...but I was committed to this double date.

I raced out of the class as soon as we let out, and made sure to stop by the florist to get the ordered corsage. I just missed closing time at 5pm, but some knocking on the door and heavy begging secured the flowers. Arriving back at the House by 6pm, I stuffed the flower into the already packed and overflowing fridge. I hoped the smell of rotting food didn't get into the flower, and headed upstairs to hit the books for a few hours before I needed to get ready to leave.

By 9pm, I was having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Chewing on Starburst candy and sculling coke wasn't keeping me awake, like it should, so I talked myself into taking a 15 minute nap. Chemistry wasn't the most exciting subject at school - more like a necessary evil.

"Wake up!" Sebastian said as he vigorously shook my sleeping body. He was kneeling beside my bed wearing his suit jacket and tie and he looked great. I rubbed my eyes and lifted my head.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily.

"10:15. We'll be good." Sebastian said confidently. Then he stood up, and I could see he was naked from the waist down. "I just need a quick hand from you. I'm probably gonna use this thing tonight, and I want it looking great." he indicated his furry jock needed a trim.

I sat up, found the trimmers and waste basket and reached up and held his big heavy balls in my left hand as my right got to trimming. I was careful to get into every crease and while I knew nothing I could do would make it any more of a masterpiece, I knew my efforts were appreciated.

"You ready in 15 minutes Ball Boy?" said Lukyan standing at the door watching me finish up with Sebastian.

"Ah, yeah." I responded. I knew I could get dressed quickly but this would require a super effort. I hadn't even showered! Fortunately, `rush hour; was over and I quickly stripped and jumped into the shower just long enough to soap up and rinse off. Quick coverage of Axe bodyspray and I was dressing in the nicest suit I owned...OK, it was more like slacks and a jacket, but it was going to suffice. I wouldn't look as good as Lukyan, but nature had made that decision long before this jacket was bought at the strip mall. I couldn't compete with his jawline or his shoulders, so why even try with the suit?

Lukyan showed up just in time to help me tie my tie. His big hands expert at making himself look great, now turned their magic to me. He was always dressed perfectly and looking great and I felt a little self-conscious until he tied my tie, held his big hands on my shoulders and smiled at me.

"Thanks so much for helping me out here, Davey." He said with a warm smile. "I owe you big time." he repeated.

"Do you think I look OK?" I asked knowing those sorority girls held very high standards.

"Of course you do! Hell," he said, "I'd date you! You better watch out, or I'll be the one getting lucky tonight!" he smiled again and gave me a tight, brotherly hug.

The he quickly checked himself in the mirror and we raced downstairs to get our corsages. His came out of the fridge unblemished, mine had somehow gotten some kind of gravy smeared on the outside of the box. Trying to wipe it off, we headed for Lukyan's car.

Pulling up outside the Sorority house, it had just turned 11, and we were right on time. The party had started and I started to get nervous. I think Lukyan knew how I was feeling because he came up beside me, put his arm around me and said, "You ready for this? Don't worry. These girls don't bite." Then he put his face so close to my ear I could feel his lips and warm breath, and added whispering, "...but they sure can suck!" followed quickly by his deep belly laugh.

As we walked into the house, I might as well have been invisible. Everyone recognized Lukyan, guys and girls swarmed all over him. Everyone thought they were his closest friend and everyone wanted to high-five him or pat him on the back. It didn't bother me that he was so popular, in fact I was happy to be the guy he arrived with...even if no one noticed.

It took about 20 minutes of looking to find Jennifer Twill - my date for the evening. She was doing jello shots with 2 guys in the large kitchen. She was made up for the evening with big hair and a lot of eyeshadow to compliment the short skirt she was wearing.

"Hi Jennifer," I said "I'm your date for the evening." I was hoping she would be happy to see me.

"Oh, ok," she said looking up briefly, and scoping me out top to bottom." You didn't have a suit to wear?" She asked, disappointed.

"Ah, no," I responded. Hoping to change the tone of our meeting, I held up her corsage, "I brought you this." She took it briefly in her hands, exhaled deeply like a horse and then tossed it to the side.

"Thanks," she said, sounding more like bitterness and resentment in language form. Then she added, "Meet me out front at midnight." and that was when she turned back to her jello shots and the guys she was on the floor with, basically telling me to disappear until I was needed.

I took advantage of the hors d'oeuvres and drinks. You certainly can't fault the snooty Sororities for their excellent catering. Most people seemed disinterested in conversation, and I assume that had a lot to do with my clothes. It was clear I wasn't living off daddy's trust fund, or a nice fat scholarship.

By midnight, everyone was gathering in the front of the building. On the porch, about 20 Soroity girls in white dresses holding candles began signing the Sorority Pledge Song. It was beautiful, but also comical that these bitchy, arrogant women dressed as purity incarnate. They called themselves the Greek Goddesses, but the only similarity to to real goddesses was their over inflated sense of self-entitlement as they looked down on the rest of the college campus from this house - their own Mount Olympus on 42 Sorority Lane.

"Aphrodite, Artemis and Athena, " began Stacey Morgan, now standing the center of the porch facing the small crowd gathered on the front lawn, "Goddesses of Beauty, Strength and Wisdom, come and hear my call. Under tonight's full moon we accept the quest to prove our skills and earn thy blessing." As she continued, I could see a stack of papers was being handed out among the crowd. I finally got one in my hands, it was a map that led out to a field about 15 miles away. Apparently there was some kind of competition tonight between the women of this Sorority and we were going to go out and watch it. I turned my attention back to Stacey in time to hear her finnish.

"...and the winners will receive their rewards :Honor, Respect and Gold. To the losers :Shame and expulsion. Goddesses, take your steeds and prepare for the hunt! It begins in one hour!"

Suddenly, Jennifer appeared and grabbed me. She held me tight as she leapt up on my back, her legs tightly wrapped around my waist. All around the crowd women selected their men and rose into the air. She dug her thighs into me and guided me towards the stage, like her horse. The crowd began to dissipate as I found Lukyan near the stage carrying Stacey. We quickly realized that we would be the steeds' and our goddesses' would be our riders. Neither Lukyan nor myself knew what we were signing up for - we weren't going to be dates, we were simply their animals for the night.

"Sorry dude," said Lukyan. We quickly carried our girls to Lukyan's car - and followed the map to the distant field. Looking out at the field, it was basically a "tough mudder" obstacle course. Challenging in daylight - but nearly impossible at night. Worse, I was pretty sure we would be expected to do this with a woman on our back!

We got out of the car and looked at the course. Our dates' led us to the start line, and then jumped back up on our backs. Another goddess' this time took a megaphone in her hands and announced, "Goddesses and Steeds, prepare to compete. For Gold: $1,000 prize, for Honor, your name above the House Door and for Respect: The Presidency of the Sorority! Get ready, get set, " Then she held up a horn and blasted it into the air, as we all raced forward.

I felt Jennifer dig her legs into my side, and punch my shoulder to coax me forward. Then I heard her ask, "You're a fucking equiptment manager? Why couldn't you be a football player?".

"In fact," I responded proudly, running forward into the mud right behind Lukyan, "I'm the Ball Boy." I knew Lukyan would win, but I had no idea that what happened that night would change my life forever.

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