Lift and Let Die

By Ty Stoner

Published on Mar 31, 2016


Hey all. I've been reading a little James Patterson lately and have felt like I wanted to turn my 'rub 'n tugger' into more of a mystery/spy style novel... This is chapter two, which turns up the action and intrigue to 11!

Hope you like it...WARNING..I have only written 5 Chapters so PLEASE email me encouragement if you like this story, I'll continue it. I know where its going...lots more action! But I feed off encouragement!! Send me a note to

Oh - and go ahead an donate to The good folks there need our support :)

Enjoy. Tyler. =================================== Chapter 2 The Palace...

Today was Saturday, and more importantly it was a day off. My day off work. I wouldn't be on the schedule again for another few days, and it was a day off my workout. Typically I like to sleep in on days like this - to savor every extra moment in my bed, but today I awoke earlier than usual, the thoughts of last night's escapade still swirling in my head. A workout like none I had ever had before. Last night I met someone with a swagger, a confidence that was magnetic and a physicality that was everything I wanted. Everything I wanted to be, everything wrapped up in one smooth and muscular man.

The morning sun shone through my window, and seemed a little brighter than normal. I breathed in deeply, lifting my lungs and bare chest, breathing in the morning air. My silk sheets gently grazed my nipples...and then like stabbing knives the blissful feeling of the morning was erased by the harsh realization that I had pushed my muscles too far in the gym! Crushing cramps suddenly erupted down my left leg accompanying searing pain shooting in all directions. Any effort made to move just created more pain. A shriek escaped my lips as I quickly decided I needed to stop moving immediately.

Lying prone on the bed, I began to wonder how I could go about my routine without actually moving any muscles...Perhaps if I thought hard enough, my breakfast would make itself and march into the room and jump into my mouth? Knowing that wasn't a reasonable solution, I began to wonder how long it might be until the searing pain of muscle fatigue wore off, and I could move again...? Maybe I could just wait it out...?

I let my mind wander to the events of last night again, thinking about what happened in the shower at the gym. I would never be able to go into that shower again without thinking about what happened. I have never enjoyed my abs workout as much as I did last night. Tyler's abs were just incredible and touching them, feeling them flex as he crunched was like feeling the muscles of a prize stallion. All this thinking about last night had chubbed me up and my engorged organ was now sticking straight up through my silk boxers, tenting the sheet that covered my body. "Not now," I thought silently, "my arms just aren't up for a workout yet this morning."

Somehow I struggled into the bathroom for a morning pee and then to the kitchen for a beverage. I know it's not the best for a health-freak who should have a protein shake, but I had always enjoyed my breakfast OJ and this morning it came with a side of Ibuprofen. I decided to sit down and pulled out that piece of paper Tyler had given me last night. Carefully I eased myself into an armchair in my living room. Still only wearing my silk boxers, the fabric feeling cool against my bare skin.

Opening the paper, I could see his handwriting, Tyler Stone53 Christopher St.11am. Be On Time!

That last part was underlined. Whoa, I thought, that's a bit unusual to be so demanding after our very first meeting. In fact, it's downright controlling to write that. Who does this asshole think he is? Well, he can demand all he likes, but I'm not his damn girlfriend! He can't just tell me where to be and expect me to show up and give him everything he asks for! I was starting to get a bit angry now. I was going to tell him exactly what I thought about him being a minor dictator...fucking Nazi! I will tell him when I see him next, in my own good time. Puhh-leeezzzeeee...

I looked at the clock. Damn, it's 10:15am... I'll need 45 mins to get to there and then I'll tell him how angry his demands made me. I don't have time to get dressed - it hurts too much to move!

I quickly returned to my bedroom and saw the swim trunks I had been given, dropped on the floor next to my bed. Carefully bending over to retrieve them, every muscle that moved ached intensely, but I was able to get them in my hands. I shucked myself out of my silk boxers, which dropped to the floor gently. Looking at myself in my bedroom mirror, I liked how I looked naked. Sure, not the icon of perfect male beauty, but my years of weightlifting and healthy eating choices showed on my tight frame. My own chest well formed and my meaty cock hung calmly now over my ample nutsack.

Bending over now to slip on the swim trucks, I realized they didn't hide much. In fact they accentuated my package now so well, it was all I could look at in the mirror! Had I been feeling better, I would have flexed a little, playfully enjoying the sexy new look I was trying out today, but instead I quickly slipped on a pair of flipflops - perfect for tanning by a pool. I threw a towel over my shoulders for coverage, grabbed my car keys and headed out.

I was halfway to Christopher street before I realized that I was practically naked, headed to a stranger's house. My old Toyota Corolla gave me enough coverage driving through the streets, but at some point I was going to get out of the car and then I would be just walking around in the skimpiest shorts I had ever put on. They felt so sexy when I was alone - but the prospect of anyone else seeing me like this seemed embarrassing. Oh shit, why don't I ever think this stuff through?

Turning onto Christopher Street, I was looking at house numbers and counting up the odd side. 13, 15, 17...etc. The houses here were huge, and beautiful. Some offered huge palm trees in the front yard and landscaping that included statues, circular driveways and even fountains. If Tyler lived here, he sure must be rich! 47...49...51... I looked up as I approached my destination, and there I saw a huge gate. Locked. I couldn't even see the house. Crap, what do I do now?

As I sat there wondering, I heard a knock on my window. I hadn't seen him approach, but there was large black man wearing a black suit and dark sunglasses standing beside my car. He was motioning for me to roll down my window. Fumbling for the window switch, I quickly reached over to my towel beside me, and placed it over my bulging crotch in the tiny trunks. I didn't need this stranger thinking I was some kind of weirdo, who drove around practically naked.

"Good morning sir," the black man said politely as my window lowered. "Can I help you?" he said in the tone of voice reserved for lost fools who bothered him.

"Um, ahh" I stuttered, not expecting the third degree interrogation from some well-dressed rent-a-cop, and still feeling a little self-conscience being exposed in front of this stranger.

He reached inside my car and took the paper out of my hands directly. Looked at it quickly, then lifted a black radio up to his mouth and said, "Looks like the Doc has invited him here. Open the gates."

There was some crackling and a voice on the other side of the line protested briefly, "Are you sure Captain?"

"I said `open the gates' Lieutenant." he responded firmly. As he passed back the paper note, the tall gates in front of me opened slowly revealing the most beautiful driveway I have ever seen. Lined by white rocks, trees, flowers and shrubbery I saw the driveway wind away out of sight. What the hell have I gotten myself into? I wondered as I drove up this extended driveway, towards what I would finally recognize as the main house. Who ever knew such a beautiful mansion would exist in my hometown?

I saw two more men in black suits standing in front of the house and at least one security camera trained on the front also. Tyler must be very concerned with security, but I guess if I lived in this house I probably would be too! But I kept wondering, this kind of paranoia to protect a big house seemed a little weird.

Parking the car in front of the large house, I could see the door open. I was hoping Tyler would appear, but instead a tall, dark haired muscular man, wearing a tight white vest, and white cotton dress pants walked down the marble staircase toward my vehicle. I stopped the engine and leapt out of the car, grabbing my towel to drape over my shoulders and provide some coverage for this unfamiliar place.

"Hello und Velcome," the dark-haired man said, smiling broadly with a light german accent. His vest didn't cover his arms at all, and his biceps and tri's flexed as he held his hand out to warmly welcome me. "You must be Mr. David." he said.

"Ahh, just David," I responded nervously. Who was this guy? Where was Tyler? This was getting stranger and stranger, and I wasn't sure if I could take any more of this. I began to wonder if it had been a mistake to come at all.

"Pleeze to come with me. Dr Stone vill be happy you are here." He reached up and took my towel from my shoulders, turned quickly and headed back up the stairs toward the front door. Feeling exposed and realizing the security in black were now staring at me, I quickly followed.

Stepping into the grandiose foyer of this mansion was like entering a five star hotel lobby. Marble columns and a winding staircase swept up to the second floor, overlooking the area I now stood. The floor was polished hardwood, accented with exquisite rugs, placed in accent areas. Above the table in the center of the room - a focal point, a huge crystal chandelier hung from the second floor ceiling. A massive vase of tall white flowers and what looked like crystal wands sat on the shiny, polished wood table, all reflecting the light in an ethereal, otherworldly quality.

The ceiling was plastered with curved ridges and delicate designs sweeping their way across the vast ceiling space. The lighting was subtle, and somehow made this vast white canvass feel at once, warm and clean, but most importantly, it made me feel calm and relaxed. Furniture was soft and comfortable, the beauty of it all made my mouth gape wide open.

"David, " a voice rang out. I recognized Tyler's voice, " so glad you came." he said genuinely pleased. I turned and saw him approaching from a room which held a beautiful grand piano.

Finally, someone I recognized. I felt relieved, but as I turned toward him was surprised to see him dressed in a tuxedo and bow tie. If I had been confused before - now I was speechless. Who wears a Tuxedo at 11am?! He must have seen it in my eyes, because he came right up to me and wrapped his large arms around me in a warm hug and held me tightly, just long enough to melt my anxiety away.

"It's good to see you," he said directly into my ear, only loud enough for me to hear. I winced slightly as his arms embraced me. "You still a little sore?" he asked.

I nodded in the affirmative, realizing that even nodding was still painful. Tyler started rubbing his hands around my neck and shoulders. It felt good to have contact with him - but each muscle ached deeply.

"I could touch your beautiful skin all day long," Tyler said generously, " but I have something that will be much faster." He turned to the dark haired man who was still holding my towel. "Lars, please get my guest a drink and a number fourteen. Then take him out to the pool." He turned to me, "I need to change, but I'll be right with you." He touched my face with his hand briefly then turned and went up the staircase.

Lars stepped forward and beckoned me to follow him deeper into the house. "Vat vill you drink?" Lars asked.

"Do you have a Dr. Pepper?" I asked, thinking they probably had everything here. It was unsettling to walk through this amazing home. I felt so small, almost naked, chasing some dude carrying my towel walking past rooms much too quickly to explore properly. I tried looking around, but found myself mostly focused on keeping up with Lars! Like Hansel and Gretel in that German forrest, I didn't want to get lost. Like those children, I was also susceptible to getting distracted by treats!

We shortly arrived at a large set of double exterior patio doors that my guide opened onto a large stone deck, overlooking a gorgeous, almost Roman Bath-style outdoor pool. The column theme continued here, accented with terra cotta planters and tiles. A six lion fountain on one end of the pool had streams of water shooting into the air, sending a light spray around the roaring beasts.

A young blond man wearing a matching white vest and cotton pants (now I understood it must be the uniform of the staff), stood alongside a recliner beside the pool, holding a silver tray with a tall glass full of a dark liquid. I walked over to him, wondering if that could possibly be...

"Dr Pepper, sir?" The blond man said passing me the cold, full glass and beckoning me to sit down.

"How did you...?" I begun, before Lars cut me off.

"Sven vas vatching on the security cameras." the first man said, less formally than when Tyler was here. "It's not magic, it's hospitality." he added, as he reached into his pocked and pulled out a silver pill box. Reaching inside, he pulled out, then offered me a single white pill.

I didn't recognize it, perhaps an aspirin I wondered.

"It's a number fourteen," Lars explained.

"So is it like an aspirin? I already took something for it." I said.

"Doctor Stone formulated this particular NSAID for muscle recovery, " Lars responded matter-of-factly.

I figured it couldn't hurt to take one small pill and all of the men I had encountered here clearly know about building and tending to muscles. I took the pill and quickly swallowed it with my Dr Pepper in one gulp. Just one small pill, but I could feel it tingling all the way down my throat. The drink, sweet and crisp on my lips tasted better than any can of Dr Pepper I had ever tried. "Do rich people even get better soda than the rest of us?" I wondered aloud.

"It's from our own soda fountain." Sven answered. "Doctor Stone insists the formulation is precise, just like his medicines." again beckoning me to sit on the recliner.

Obediently I lay down and was offered a pair of sunglasses to protect my eyes. I had about 10 seconds to take a deep breath and survey the incredible surrounds I found myself in. Then, Tyler appeared wearing a thick egyptian cotton robe. He walked down the side of the pool toward me grinning broadly. I couldn't help myself, I grinned back.

"Do you like my pool?" Tyler asked proudly.

"It's incredible." I said.

"You look great in those trunks I gave you," he said admiring my physical form.

"Thanks, " I responded, "You said you'd be..." I begun to ask, as he slipped out of the robe and let it drop into the arms of Sven, who swooped in behind him. Underneath the robe, Tyler was completely naked. His carved muscular body every bit as perfect as I remembered it from last night. It was clear now how he managed to have such a smooth, line-free tan. It wasn't from a bottle, it was from pure sunlight. "...naked." I finally said, almost choking on my drink.

Tyler seemed pleased that I was admiring his beautiful form. He smiled at me again, and walked over beside me, his weighty cock gently waving between his muscular legs. He lay face down on the lounge chair close beside me. His arms bent up and providing a cradle for his handsome head, then he turned toward me to continue our conversation. His perky, firm ass proudly soaking up the sun. My own cock twitched.

Without needing to be told, Sven came up beside Tyler, removed his own shirt to reveal a exquisitely formed strong chest and began to administer tanning oil to his boss' back.

"I'm glad you came, " Tyler said again. "I have something I'd like to share with you." He said, his voice sounding more serious than I had heard before. "Have you wondered what I do for a living?" he asked.

Oh great, I thought. Here it comes, the sales pitch for some vitamin company or something. I knew there must be a catch. He's going to ask to put me on the bottom rung of his exciting new MLM opportunity...shit. Why am I such a sucker for a pretty face and a hot set of pecs?!

"Uh, yeah.." I said, assuming that was the answer he wanted.

"I'm a Biochemist," he said. OK, I thought, that explains the drugs. "I have been working on answering the question of why we get old."

Clearly Tyler was very interested in this topic and very good at it - it seemed to have made him very wealthy. I however, was focused on Sven who was now erotically massaging oil into Tyler's firm glutes. They both seemed to be enjoying it immensely.

"When chromosomes replicate, " Tyler explained, " the end part is a region of repetitive nucleotide sequences." I was still focused on his now very shiny and well rubbed ass.

"Over time, cell division causes the disposable ends of the chromosomes to shorten, eventually damaging the chromosome and causing aging." He said, as a broad smile creeped across his face. "Those end parts are called Telomeres, which you are clearly interested in."

"What do you mean?" I asked, my attention snapped back to the conversation and I was clearly confused.

"Telomere, is Greek for `end parts'...and I see you're looking at my ass, and, ehhem," he coughed, nodding toward my growing erection in my trunks. "Perhaps you need some tanning oil?" he offered.

"Sure," was all I needed to say.

Tyler raised himself up off his chair, took the bottle of lotion in his hands and stood over me, his own thickly cut man-meat hanging right over me. Kneeling on the ground beside my body, Tyler put some oil in his hands and started to rub my arms and chest.

"How does that feel?" Tyler asked. Incredibly, it felt great! My muscle pain had now completely gone! That pill really worked I thought. I was astounded.

"Amazing," was all I could splutter. His muscled arms knew what they were doing as he started rubbing oil on my chest, gently rubbing around my neck land lats. My pecs, arms and abs were next. I wondered if I should roll over so he could get my back, when I heard Tyler say,

"Sven, Lars, get wet, then come lend a hand."

I heard two splashes in the pool, then quickly I saw the two shirtless and firm muscular bodies of Sven and Lars approach me on the recliner. Their white cotton pants now wet, clung to their bodies, almost becoming transparent. I could see both their wet dicks through their pants as they knelt on either side of me. Neither Lars nor Sven were circumcised, their dicks looked like meaty snakes. Their hands started rubbing my reclined body, all three of them working with care and passion.

Tyler leaned over the chair and bent down and kissed my lips forcefully. Harsher than a woman might kiss and I felt his short beard gently grind against my skin. I enjoyed his firm, deep kiss and returned it with a little tongue. He tasted sweet and manly.

Lars and Sven worked together to reach into each side of my swim trunks and gently eased me out, by pushing my engorged member over the waist and slipping them off my feet. Their hands continued their gentle erotic strokes as they wiggled out of their own wet pants. The feeling of ecstasy shooting through my body, I couldn't imagine anything feeling better than being the focus of these three masters of sensual pleasure. I could have closed my eyes and sunk into my own personal violent storm of euphoria, were it not for the alluring sight of these three men and their erect cocks hovering over my body.

As they continued, they began rubbing with greater intensity. One cock was rubbing my nipple, releasing a steady stream of precum mixing with tanning oil. Another was stroking my well greased abdomen . Tyler was bent down over me and had lifted my arm up and he began licking my shaved armpit. Honestly, I'm glad I shaved that - because his tongue was causing the most intense lightening bolts of pleasure to shoot through my body I felt like I might explode. (Thankfully, no one was licking my toes, because toes are gross.) My head felt dizzy, I was afraid I might pass out from over stimulation! I have never experienced anything like this before.

Moments later, Sven lifted me up from behind onto my knees. He gently turned me towards Tyler, pointing my erect penis directly at my Host. He looked up into my eyes and I knew what he wanted. I could see the deep well of desire in his eyes and I knew he hungered for one thing. He closed his eyes, opened his mouth and I plunged myself deeply inside him.

His lips firmly latched around my tubesteak and his warm, wet tongue probed from the frenulum to the root. The pressure was so intense I couldn't believe I could still stand it. Then, when I believed nothing could top this experience, I felt something more.

From behind me, I felt Sven's gentle fingers touching between my ass cheeks. I felt him separate my muscular lobes, then I felt his fuzzy face pressed up against my ass, pushing in deeply so I could feel him gently scratching me with his chin. Then his tongue began licking around my puckerhole. It was firm and energetic and it was a thrill I never knew I might enjoy. He continued to probe my sensitive anus gently pushing against my muscle, which responded by flexing uncontrollably. I was being simultaneously sucked and tongue-fucked, while Lars licked and sucked my erect and painfully hard nipples.

It was enough, by now my body couldn't take any more. My nuts emptied their huge load directly into the waiting mouth still wrapped around my throbbing pink head. I could feel my organ pumping heavy loads of cum, shot to the back of Tyler's throat. My asshole erupted in it's own orgasm, spasming of it's own accord in concert with my dick. Clenching down on the tongue now deeply buried inside my chocolate starfish, I could hear Sven moaning in pleasure muffled by my own ass cheeks.

I was delirious with pleasure, I had no idea what the others were doing. My eyes rolled back into my head as my body felt completely spent. In fact, I think I was only being held up by the three men surrounding me. I gasped for breath as my body felt drained. Looking down, I saw Tyler's smiling face, looking up at me from dick-level. He had finally released my spent cock from his loving lips after he had sucked me dry. Not a drop of cum landed on the ground or on his face, he took it all.

It felt like a dream, some crazy fantasy where three physically perfect specimens would take me to heights of passion like no human should ever experience. Words couldn't explain how I felt at that moment, beautiful surrounds, sexy men and I think I was beginning to fall in love with a man I just met. Looking around however, something seemed off. The mood immediately changed, and I didn't know what had happened.

Out of nowhere, there were now maybe four or five of the black-suited security guards surrounding the pool and they appeared to be walking toward us... and they appeared to be angry.

"Doctor," said the Black man from the front of the house, as he approach and reached into his suit jacket and produced a handgun. "Have you forgotten our arrangement? You cannot pass it on to anyone." he hissed with anger.

"Quickly, " whispered Tyler to me. "Go with Sven and Lars, they are the only ones I trust." His voice sounded urgent...desperate maybe.

Lars helped me into the cotton robe Tyler had worn to the pool, and they ushered me away from the pool toward the house. Confused I followed them, but unsure about leaving Tyler behind. He was my host and the reason I was here. I think I was beginning to have real feelings for him.

From the top of the stairs I could see Tyler and the black-suited man were arguing. The "Captain" as he had been called on the radio. Tyler laughed, his naked body looking so beautiful yet profoundly vulnerable. Without warning, the suited man raised his weapon and in quick succession put two bullets into Tyler's head. The weapon screamed violently and a fine trickle of smoke erupted from the barrel as Tyler's lifeless body dropped back harshly onto the recliner.

"NNNOOOOOOO!!!!" I screamed. What was happening? What the hell was that? I lunged toward the pool and struggled to get to Tyler. Lars and Sven both grabbed me, stopping me from running to his side. The man with the gun put it back into his jacket and turned towards us. Now I knew I was at risk also, as I had seen he didn't hesitate in murdering Tyler. Now I felt the fear of god racing through my body. Adrenaline filled my veins and I could hear my heart beating violently in my ears.

Lars and Sven, grabbed each of my arms, lifted me into the house and hurriedly pushed me towards the mansion's library. Sven reached up and tugged a book - which opened a bookshelf revealing a concrete hallway. Lars pushed me inside, just as the suited-man entered the room. Both Lars and I stumbled into the concrete hallway as the bookcase closed behind us, leaving Sven outside.

"We don't have much time," Lars said urgently. "Do everything I say." Suddenly everything went black.

Next: Chapter 3

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