Lift and Let Die

By Ty Stoner

Published on Mar 30, 2016


Hi All, I haven't written anything in a long time... but I started writing this story for a friend. Sadly, the friendship ended before the story did...SO, I only have 5 chapters...BUT if you like it, PLEASE let me know, and I may pickup working on it....shoot me an email: if you like it.


Chapter 1. The Workout.

You can tell the difference between those who are serious about the Power Lifter's club and those who just want to look pretty, from the moment they walk through through the door.

You wearing some pretty iphone earphones? Check. You got matching workout clothes? Check. You head right to the treadmills or (worse) ellipticals? Check. You got all those, you can piss off right now, you won't even make me turn my head.

I don't come into this gym for a 'workout', I come here because its my home. My family and friends are these machines of steel and lead and when I feel their resistance against my developed muscles, I know I'm where I'm supposed to be. I'm not here for my health, I'm here because my body needs to be pushed to the very limit of endurance every single day. I need to feel the burn of each muscle grouping pushed to be very limit, pumped with blood and to feel ripped. I may not always be the biggest guy in the gym, but no one works harder than I do or more consistently, and that's why I see results.

My friends know me as Davey and yeah, I obsess about tri's, pecs, abs, lats, quads...and protein. Currently at 210lbs and 10% body fat - so yeah, I can definitely grow a bit more, but I'm happy with my progress. I've watched Arnold movies since I was a kid and my older brothers got muscle and fitness magazines. I knew if I worked hard enough, I could look like those guys. There's nothing like a giant set of hulk arms to tell the riff-raff, not to mess with this guy! It feels great being the best looking guy on a beach, and why shouldn't I? God gave this body to me - I'm just going to make the most of what I got.

Sure, most people think I must be really cocky, but I swear, I'm not. I'm just serious about my own weightlifting and my own physique. One day, these guns are gonna pay the bills, so until that day I need to be prepared. Anyone who ventures over to the free weights section of the gym, I'm always nice enough to them. "Nice form...great need a hand with that?" That last one is usually saved for the best looking dudes. Guys who are serious about working on themselves and making their bodies bigger and stronger. Besides, it's not always safe working out around all this lead alone, it's far too easy to injure yourself, tear a muscle...or worse. Especially if you're seriously lifting and not just playing around.

I was right in the middle of a Chest workout, the second rotation of the week, pumped up for a 10% kicker over my last goal weights (I was pushing it a bit harder than usual) and lying down under a well stacked barbell on the bench press. I was on my last set of 12, when I felt my arms start to lose traction. That's not a good feeling and I knew immediately I was making the rookie mistake of pushing it just a tiny bit too far. I started to imagine how I might be able to get out from under this crushing piece of metal..without making any crashing noises on the floor (yeah, even the experienced guys are embarrassed by that!)... my mind was racing for a solution, when suddenly someone stepped over me, blocking out the halogen gym lights and lifted my swaying bar back onto the stand.

"Thanks" I immediately splutter through my embarrassment. I was clearly getting out of my depth. Wanting to greet the newcomer on an equal standing, I jumped up to my feet, . I almost never needed assistance in the gym and I wasn't used to being the recipient of such goodwill. I turned to look back over the barbell and saw...holy shit... the most perfect physique I had ever seen. A carved statue, a marble god. With close cropped blond hair, his smiling face outlined by a razor sharp jawline, I had never seen him before but I was instantly mesmerized. His head sat upon a muscular neck and perfectly symmetrical traps. His skin stretched tightly over his perfectly meaty pecs with definition and protruding nipples I could see through his tank top! I had never been able to carve mine out that distinctly. My eyes poured over his exposed arms around his loose fitting tank top and dropped down to his sinuous quads straining his compression shorts. Incredible thighs, thickly holding up his body like pylons hold up an oil rig.

"You're welcome," the stranger said. I looked into his smiling face again, and I couldn't think clearly. The blood was now returning to my brain and I was pretty sure I hadn't seen him before in this gym. I'm guessing my quizzical expression gave him all he needed, because the next thing he said was, "The name is Tyler...I just joined the gym."

He was just a little taller than me, and must have been maybe 240 and definitely under 10% body fat. Built like a tank - but he could have been the cover model of any respectable weightlifting mag.

"Friends call me Davey, and you didn't just join the gym." I said extending my hand. He gripped me firmly, and lingered just a few moments longer than you'd expect. His blue eyes looked at my face, searching for some reaction. I wasn't used to being so obviously hunted in public, but this new man had more confidence than I had ever seen, and every reason to be considered the new alpha dog in this place. I returned his smile and what passed between us at that moment was a silent, yet very clearly understood message. I wanted him physically and he wanted me. That would all happen in good time, but first I would punish myself with the hardest workout of my life.

"Yes, " he chuckled, "I've just joined THIS gym," he emphasized. "Perhaps you could show me around?".

I didn't need to be asked twice. Turns out Tyler was also working his upper body, so I showed him my regular routine and we traded off, the equipment and spotting each other. He lifted a bit more than I did - but he always reset everything at lightening speed so my cooldowns were never too long. Chest, back and arms...mostly the basics, but working out with Tyler was pushing me further than even my 10% stretch, and I felt great at every changeover. His touch seemed electric and working out beside the biggest guy in the gym was hugely motivating. Watching his muscles flex and bend was like a lesson in anatomy, his form was near perfect on every move he made, nothing lazy and nothing rushed.

We moved to the mat, and then I saw him do something no one is this gym had ever done before. It was late, and we were the only two guys left in the weights area. In one quick motion he whisked up his tank top and lifted it off over his head. I stared at the perfect torso revealed. Of course, I had been staring intently each time one exercise or another had lifted up Tyler's shirt. His perfect abs had peeked out many times earlier in the evening, and his perfectly carved, shallow belly button had practically been winking at me all night. Now, they were on display. Coupled with his tightly fitting compression shorts, he looked almost naked. We were both hot, covered with sweat and smelled like a college locker room and it was the sexiest moment of my life. I quickly shed my t-shirt also, and we were half naked together.

"I like to end my workout with some core strength conditioning," Tyler said as if challenging me to keep up. "You think you want to try some of these with me?"

"Sure, " I could see he knew how to punish his abs, "I'd like to know what you did to get that brick wall chiseled out!"

We grabbed some dumbbells from the case, and lay down on the mat. I moved to give him some room, but he grabbed my leg and pulled me right beside him so our sides touched.

"Stay close, and move with me." He said.

I could feel him starting to pump away with a standard weighted crunch, and I kept up. Oddly working this closely, I could feel the mechanics of his muscles moving and it helped me focus on form. Our arms and sides touched frequently and we were liberally sharing our manly sweat. Three sets of 12 reps ended quickly. Without a word of warning, Tyler swung himself around to place himself in front of me, his legs on either side of mine.

"Now lift those legs in the air, and lets do some Russian twists. Same reps." Almost without a break, we started grunting and twisting, rotating the weight around our torso's. Each side moving smoothly and quickly. The burn was intense. The last rep, Tyler yelled, "Keep pushing through to the end." as he placed his weight down on the mat, and came over beside me, resting his bare hand on my bulging abs.

"You feel that?" he asked as his fingers probed my abs. "That's perfect form right there. You're just killing it dude." His fingers kept probing my stomach and belly button. His little finger gently grazing my treasure trail above my shorts.

I completed the final rep of the Russian Twist and lowered the weight, and my legs to the ground, exhausted. I lay there arms and legs extended, belly exposed and Tyler took advantage, rubbing up and down my flesh. Rubbing each muscle he could find.

"Yes, you are very well built." Tyler said. Coming from him, a huge compliment. "Now, I'll finish with one last thing. You will feel my form." It was an order, not a suggestion.

We moved over to the metal frame in the corner and Tyler lifted himself up on the hanging bar. He pulled me behind him, and placed my hands onto his torso. I could feel his massive body flex and strain as he tucked his legs up and down. Over and over again in a standard gym move called the 'hanging leg raise'. His back flexed beneath my chin and each muscle in his back was accentuated by his sweaty and deliciously sweet aroma.

"Now here." He quickly said, as he shifted my hands to his perfectly formed glutes. I was entranced by this Adonis, and too aroused to refuse. Suddenly he lifted his knees right up to his chin, and back down again. He quickly repeated this motion many times in succession. Grunting through the effort, he said, "These are called 'Gorilla Chins' - and they push it over the top on a core core workout." My hand were now just feeling his beautiful body through his tight shorts and I wasn't familiar with exactly what I should be learning from this. But the one thing I was taking away, was how incredibly hot this guy was, and how much I enjoyed feeling each muscle move.

At the end of his set, he dropped down and said, "Now, you ready to wash up?" and he added a sly smirk. We both knew where this was going, and the workout clearly wasn't over. Of course I nodded and then followed him back into the lockers.

Being late at night, the rooms were empty, but the shower stalls were large enough for us both to fit into one. He presses me violently against the wall and starts kissing and sucking my lips. His beard stubble scrapes my own 5o'clock shadow as I push back against his hungry ministrations. My hands begin to explore his massive torso with reckless abandon. No one is looking at us now so my hands are as hungry as my mouth.

His face breaks away from my lips for a moment, and he slides his tongue down my neck to my rigid nipples. First his tongue laps at each nipple then he playfully bites them and finally sucks them shooting waves of ecstasy through my whole body. Not wanting to be left out, I begin sucking on his tight firm tits, while massaging his massive pecs. My hands glide down his rocky abdomen and then stop at the waist of his compression shorts.

How far is this going to go? I wonder. My question is answered as Tyler reaches around behind me and turns the water on. Streams of water being shooting out all over us, cooling our bodies. He grabbed the waist of my shorts, and pulled them down to the ground releasing my turgid monster cock. The red engorged head sticking out in front of me. I understood how this game was played and I took the opportunity to peel his shorts off him and expose his perfectly huge cock, muscular glutes and upper thighs. There was no tan line, just brown perfect skin from neck to ankles. His dick quickly firms up and I can feel the heat coming off it as it presses into my abs and catches on my belly button. Slowly he humps my stomach, tearing at the flesh of my navel, like he wants to tear his own entry hole.

He returns to roughly kissing my face as our bodies become entwined and our dicks slide between our wet abdomens. The soap dispenser on the wall adds froth and lubricant to our frenzied shower sex. Tyler moves around behind me and continues rubbing his long heavy pole against my body, this time finding a warm home between my ass cheeks. Reaching around my body, he wraps one hand firmly around my dick and the other plays with my nipples.

My head bent back trying to kiss his lips at this angle isn't working so well, so he begins sucking on my neck. My whole body is now one huge sex organ as it begins to spasm in sweet climax. My upper body twitches in small muscle spasms and I feel a hot burning sensation in my asshole - which moves forward through my body into my nutsack. From there, the volcano erupts out my solid shaft, exploding in ropes of hot steamy cum which splatter against the shiny tile wall.

As I'm still gasping for air, Tyler grips my body with both arms and pulls me against his hardened man-chest. I can feel the final thrusts of his huge cock between my cheeks as he shoots his hot wad all over my ass as he grunts, :"yes, yessss, fuuuuck yes!" into my ear.

The water is warming up now, and I wonder what will happen next. What does someone say after the best sex of their life?

"That was a great workout." I said, smirking to him.

"Yes, we should do it again sometime." Tyler responded, his eyes twinkling in their mischievous way.

We quickly washed each other's naked bodies, being sure to clean each crevice properly. We toweled off together and started to dress into street clothes.

"Same time next week?" I asked hopefully...

"How about tomorrow?" Tyler responded, winking.

"I can't do a workout that intense two days in a row," I responded muscles were still burning, and I knew they would be worse in the morning.

"Not that," Tyler said. He reached into his locker and pulled out a tiny pair of Nanofit Swim Trunks and threw them at me. Catching them out of the air, I saw they were tiny and would barely be able to hold all of me - and certainly not if I was sporting wood.

"Come over to my house and we'll tan out at my pool." Tyler wrote his address down on paper and handed it to me. "Tomorrow's a rest day."

Looking again at the sexy swim trunks he had given me, I raised an eyebrow and asked, "What will you be wearing?"

He picked up his gym bag (he had finished changing,) threw it over his shoulder as he headed toward the door. Turning back, he answered my question with a wink. "Nothing."

And then he was out the door.


Next: Chapter 2

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