Lifes Unexpected Surprises

By Kuragari

Published on Aug 2, 2016


Life's Unexpected Surprises (LUS) is written and owned by me, under the pen name Kuragari129. Posting this story on another site must be done with my permission. Events in this story are fictional, and entirely made up. Any similarities to your personal experiences are coincidental. If you are not the legal age in your area to read this, I ask you to leave now. This story will contain sex between two male partners, so you've got a fair warning.

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Thank you for choosing LUS. LUS is a continuation of the Original "Life" Series. Life's Expectations (LE), Colby's Life Expectations (CLE), Life's Little Lies (LLL) and Nikolai's Life Expectations (NLE). This story is a stand alone, and will provide all information that is required, but it doesn't hurt to read the prequels. Links are posted below.





LUS – Chapter 2.3 – Elijah Holmes Act 2 – Renegades

"Come on!" Breston called out to me as we walked through the airport. Mom and Brandon were up near Breston, while I slowly sauntering my way through. "Elijah! Dude come on!"

Mom turned around. "Elijah, you need to hurry up. We still need to get passed security." She gave me her serious face, so I sped up and kept up. Mom only gives one warning before she gets super mad.

I hate the idea of leaving my life behind. All my stuff is in a moving van... who knows where that is. All I have is my suitcase, which I left with some stranger to get it on the plane, and my backpack. At least I have my laptop.

The wait for security was so stupid. It took forever just to get there and then I had to take up three of the bins. One for my laptop, another for my backpack and one for everything else. Kill me.

As we were getting out of security, I saw an older boy with what looked like grandparents. His blonde hair was so blonde it could be white. One side of his bangs hung right down to his chin and just perfectly worked with his amber eyes. He has suspenders and a tie on over his white dress shirt and blue skinny jeans.


Breston caught my comment and took a look. "He's cute, but 17."

I swung around to him. "How do you know how old he is?" I push out my bottom lip, pouting.

"Look, he's able to go in by himself. So either his parents trust him way too much or he's 17." Fair point. Why do all the cute guys have to be so much older than me? "Come on, Dad and Liz are heading to the gate."

I sighed and took one more look at him. Just when I did, he looked directly at me and smiled. His hand waved at me, and all I could do was blush and turn away. I'm literally the worst at flirting.

Now he's going to think I'm an idiot. Good news is he's never going to see me again. He's going to show up at our gate now and be on our plane. No worst of all he's going to be from my new home. That would be just my luck.

Brandon was the one to notice my mind spinning away. "What's up kiddo?"

I looked towards the ground. "There was a cutie at security..."

He pinched my neck gently. "Found a looker, did ya? What's the chance with them?" I feel like he is purposely using gender neutral terms but who knows.

I laughed before looking up at him. "They are spotted in an airport, for all I know they could be from Germany." Brandon let out a booming laugh that filled the corridor. "It's not funny..." I said giggling.

"You'll find love one day kid. I promise you that." He ruffled my hair before handing me a 20 dollar bill. "Go get everyone something to drink; that's our gate right there." He pointed at our gate. With a pat on the back, I headed off to one of the many shops in the airport.

I went around trying to find our favorite drinks. Sunny D for Breston, Cream Soda for myself, water for mom and Pepsi of Brandon. If was tempting to get candy, but I would have to get Breston some, or share... Maybe I'll get Twizzlers or something.

"Hey." There was a soft voice behind me. I turned to see the kid from earlier. "You were at Anime Revolution, weren't you?"

I stared at him blankly. What do I say? What do I do? Why is he talking to me? GAAAAAAAAHHHH. "Umm... hi." My face burnt it was so red. I haven't paid yet, so I'm stuck here.

"My name is Regal; I work under Antoine Rieu." My eyes grew huge in size as I looked up at him. "Yes, that Antoine Rieu. I was in charge of the Blades booth when Isaac was at the signing."

I bit my lip and lowered my head again. "That's so cool..." I stood there swaying back and forth not knowing what to do. "Elijah, oh I mean my name is Elijah."

"You're cute, where are you heading today?"

The smile crept itself onto my lips. He thinks I'm cute... "Same as you probably. I'm moving to the hometown of Isaac Rieu."

"You'd be right; we are heading to the same place. Maybe we should get to the gate; boarding will start soon." Regal went in and grabbed himself a bottle of apple juice. "Do you want anything?"

I quickly shook my head back and forth. "No, I was sent here to pick up drinks for everyone. Thank you though." I grabbed everyone their drink and headed to the till. "It'll be cash," I told the lady running the register.

"Dude, what's taking so long?" Breston came up behind me. "You've been like 20 minutes."

I turned and quickly turned to Regal. "He works for Isaac's Antoine! He was at Anime Rev and was running the Blades Booth!" Breston wiggled his eyebrows at me. "His name is Regal, and he's going to be on our flight."

Regal offered Breston a wave. "I'm Breston, nice to meet you, Regal."

"You as well."

"Here," I handed Breston his Sunny D. "I still need to pay."

Breston rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's pay and get back. Hope to see you around more Regal." I had to leave Regal there. On the plane, we gave each other a wave, but he was at the front, and we were at the back. The plane ride wasn't too long, but it was really boring. Breston ended up falling asleep; leaving me to look out the window and watch the clouds float by.

Breston almost missed his bag when we finally got off the plane. It was quite humorous to watch him chase after it. Mom went and got a rental car. Ours would get to town much later.

Tonight we would spend the night in a hotel, and our stuff will arrive tomorrow. We drove passed our house, and it looked very pretty even if it was 11 p.m. Breston and I had to share a bed, but that wasn't anything new. We've done it a bunch of times before.

The next day the moment of truth happened, we came into our new house. We walked up together as a family, Brandon with his hands on Breston's and my shoulder. "This is what we're going to call home from now on!"

Breston looked super happy. "And we're not moving again for a long time?"

"The contract is for five years; you'll be graduated by the time it's over." Breston's smile made him glow with happiness. "What do you think Elijah?"

I shrugged. "I like our old place." I pouted as we got to the door.

Mom raised my chin up so I would look her in the eyes. "I know you like the old house buddy, but we needed to come here for Brandon's work. It'll take some time for you to get used to the change, we'll be here every step of the way. Let's go in, and you two can pick your rooms."

Breston stepped up to mom. "How many rooms are there to choose from?"

"Well..."Brandon thought out loud. "We get the master bedroom, which leaves just two bedrooms left."

Breston took one look at me and booked it to the front door. Mom shook her head. "We are going to discuss who gets what room. It's not first come first serve." Breston gave a small pout until Mom unlocked the front door. "Welcome home family."

We went inside, and the house was pretty nice looking. Everything looked fresh and new. Like the entire house has been renovated before it was sold. Everything was so pretty.

Though the house was empty right now, I could see some spots to put stuff. Just a couple of idea, but I'm sure mom already has ideas on where to put everything. She's like that, and I wouldn't be surprised if there were a blueprint.

"Where are the rooms?" Breston chimed in. "We should figure that out before the moving truck gets here."

Brandon shook his head. "One is beside our room upstairs, and the other is off the living room." Oh great, they are both in bad spots. "Follow me." He led us over to the room off the living room.

The room was a decent size; it could fit all my stuff. I just don't like the idea of being attached to the living room. Though it might be better than next to the parents. It does have a small bathroom like right beside it. "Let's see upstairs now." Breston grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs.

We got up there and looked into what was clearly the master bedroom. There was a walk-in closet and a bathroom. It was quite big too; damn the parents are getting obviously the best room.

I opened the door into the second bedroom. "It's a little smaller." It has a closet, though, so that's cool. "What do you think?"

"Beside the parents would suck... but I like the closet." He looked at me and shrugged. "What do you think? You have more stuff than I do, which can you work with?"

"I kinda like downstairs more. It's more open; I could get all my stuff on display." I looked over at Breston. "What do you want?"

"I'll take either, your choice." His voice was clear to me... He was letting me choose because I was taking the move harder.

I couldn't help but smile at him. "Thanks."

"What are you thanking me for? I'm just letting you choose the room."

"You're letting me because I'm taking the move harder. Don't tell me you're not because I won't believe you." Breston held his hands up in surrender. "I'll take downstairs then."

"Great, I gotta drag all my stuff upstairs!" I laughed and smacked him. "Wait, we're paying the movers to do that aren't we?"

"Yes we are, and they will be here any minute." I turned around leaving Breston in his new room. Well, we're here... hopefully, it's not as bad once everything gets in.

Chapter End.

That's chapter 2 for everyone! If you check out my Facebook page (Link below), you will see what Regal looks like. My Twitter (Once again Link below) you will see Elijah!

More is in store for our cast of LUS.

One small question: Would you like to see more POVs of characters? If so who? I would love to know what you would like to see. I'm thinking of doing one for Regal... I might; I like the picture I based him on.

I also have other stories that I have completed or are being worked on. For a full list of stories on Nifty just follow the link below!

You can contact me at, and I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner. You can also follow my Social media pages to get regular updates and more information on my stories and their progress



Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 7

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