Lifes Unexpected Surprises

By Kuragari

Published on Apr 20, 2023


Life's Unexpected Surprises (LUS) is written and owned by me, under the pen name Kuragari129. Posting this story on another site must be done with the permission of the Author. Events in this story are fictional, and entirely made up. Any similarities to your personal experiences are coincidental. If you are not the legal age in your area to read this, I ask you to leave now. This story will contain sex between two male partners, so you've got a fair warning.

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Thank you for choosing LUS. LUS is a continuation of the Original "Life" Series. Life's Expectations (LE), Colby's Life Expectations (CLE) and Life's Little Lies (LLL). This story is a stand-alone and will provide all information that is required, but it doesn't hurt to read the prequels. Links will be posted below.





Starting now; more POV for other characters. No more numbered POVs being seen. Just straight up chapters. I realize this doesn't affect you nifty readers much, but GA will be in for the big change.

LUS - Chapter 13 Vega

Simon and Evie apparently have been talking to my mother about the talent show. My mother took it upon herself to tell them that I can sing and play. They would like me to play with them in the talent show coming up.

"You three together?" Our student body president asked us. "You sure? Regal is going to be taking part."

"Yes!" Evie was the clear leader of this ship. "We will give him a run for his money." I've heard the guy sing; he's killer. If Evie thinks we can give him a challenge she's got high hopes.

"Okay..." The president took down our names. "You've got ten to fifteen minutes of stage time, with a maximum of three songs in that time. We will cut you off if you extend over that time."

Three songs, fifteen minutes, seems pretty straightforward. "Is someone allowed to perform outside of a group as well?" I ask her.

Evie and Simon look over at me. "You want to perform yourself?"

"I do..." I could tell I was blushing a little. "But if that isn't allowed then I will perform with you two. I already agreed to do that, and won't go back on my word."

Simon came over and hugged me. "Awww you're so nice to mostly strangers." That caused Evie and me to giggle a little. "But I would love to hear you perform yourself."

The president was looking over a booklet, which I assume was the rules. "There is a ruling specifically about that." All three of us took an anxious gulp. "You are allowed to perform by yourself. You cannot perform with other members of your group though. So if Evie and Simon wanted to perform without you as well, they would not be allowed."

"That makes sense." Evie agreed with the ruling. "Glad you can do your thing, Vega."

I smiled. "Yeah me too."

We left the student council office, and my mind went wild. What songs will I do? What instruments will I need to bring on stage? Can I even do it?

Simon shook me out of my thoughts. "You look nervous... what's up?"

"I just made it so I would perform in front of strangers. I haven't done that since..." I stopped myself mid-sentence. "I haven't done it in a while."

Both of them noticed my change in attitude. "Well, I think you'd do great." Evie tried to cheer me up. "What songs should we do guys?"

"7 Years," I said instantly. "I can prepare a video to go on in the background as we play."

Evie's eyes lit up instantly. "Simon can do drums, and I can play the violin. We've got just over two weeks to practice. What other songs? I'd like to do a duet with you, Vega. Simon can't sing very well, but he's an excellent drummer."

"Oh, thanks." Simon rolled his eyes. "She's right though, can't sing worth dick. Rap I could do though."

I smirked at his comment. "We could do Bruises by Train featuring Ashley Monroe." Both Evie and Simon nodded at the song choice. "You guys really agree with my song choices?"

"Yeah, they are great picks." Evie pats me on my shoulder. "What songs are you going to be performing?"

Without even thinking about the answer I spoke. "'21 days' by Scott Helman, 'Hero of War' by Rise Against, and Matt Anderson's rendition of 'I'm on Fire'" I was straight face the entire time like it was nothing. I knew what I wanted to perform; I'd been thinking about it for a while.

Simon's jaw dropped "You seriously already know exactly what you're going to perform." I nod. "You're crazy. You probably already have been practicing, haven't you?"

"They are my favorite songs to play, so yeah kinda." I dropped my head, embarrassed.

Evie lifted my head up. "We will figure out our songs. We're practicing every other day at Simon's since he has the drum set. Agreed?"

"Sure." Both Simon and I speak together. Guess I'm in a makeshift band now. This seems kinda cool. Hopefully, the performance goes well.


I couldn't go over to Elijah's today. His parents had to do something, so I'm at the restaurant with Elijah and Breston. Vega is working, but not doing his usual. Dad thought it would be great to have him practice his guitar songs for the talent show for the guests. They seemed to be enjoying it.

He was even taking requests from the people in the restaurant. Vega seemed nervous the whole time, but he was doing fine. I liked listening to his music over Elijah and Breston talking about Blades, as I did my homework.

"Koiji is gonna kick Kizane's ass! He did it before, and it's only been a few months since their last fight!" Elijah was talking about the main character fighting his cousin I think. "Kizane might have gotten some training, but Koiji is too badass to lose."

"Badass doesn't equal the winner always." Breston scolded his step-brother. "The training could put him over the edge."

"Koiji didn't use everything last time, just Kirin the untouchable and his pulses." I have no idea what that all means. "Now he's not holding back. Kizane is screwed."

"Enjoying Vega's music?" Dad spoke behind me, causing me to jump. Elijah and Breston stopped their conversation. "Oh, sorry Quinn. How is homework coming boys?"

"Done!" Elijah beamed. "Breston still has Math to do." Elijah got a smack before Breston took out his math books.

"Homework is almost done, and Vega is very good."

"Yeah, he is." Breston took a second and absorbed the music that was being played.

I turned to my father. "Could I get some food?"

"Course, what would you like?"

I lowered my eyes. "I thought maybe I could make it myself." My father didn't say anything. "If not that's fine..."

He chuckled. "G0 get ready like everyone else in my kitchen, and you're more than welcome to use it under my supervision." My smile grew from ear to ear.

"Be back soon guys." I made my way to the kitchen sinks.

Dad's rules are strict, but it's all to keep his kitchen clean. You have to wash your hands until the timer goes off. After you've got on your apron and hairnet, you're ready to cook.

I did all this and walked into the back. The other staff all had this proud look on their faces looking back at me. Dad's was the most prominent though. "Where do we start?"

Dad shook his head. "How about what you'd like to eat?"

"Oh..." I hadn't realized I hadn't decided what I wanted to eat. "I'd like some... chicken tenders and onion rings." It was probably the easiest thing for me to make. I don't want to screw up things on the first try.

"Okay, come with me." Dad manages to show me how to cook my food and maintain the kitchen. His voice is clear as he speaks above everyone else. Dishes are still sent out at a reasonable pace with me crowding up the kitchen.

My food doesn't take very long to make, and dad even put more in so that the three of us boys could enjoy the food together. I walked out of the kitchen, went and grabbed the food from the window. "Thanks, dad."

Dad stopped what he was doing and turned to look at me. "No problem, you were good for your first time," which means I need improvement. "You're welcome in my kitchen anytime."

I walked passed Linda, with the two plates in hand, with a huge smile on my face. "Did you make those?" She asked me.

"I helped."

She took a fry as I walked by. "They are excellent Quinn." My face heated up as I blushed.

Elijah and Breston were still going on about Blades. "Bon appétit!" I say as I put the food down on the table. The two of them start devouring the fries. I take one of the mini plates I brought for us and take enough food for me. They can fight like savages over the rest.

"You made this Quinn?" Breston asked between bites.

I nodded. "I got lots of help from my dad, but yeah."

Elijah swallowed what was in his mouth. "It's great! Thanks." I shrunk in my seat, taking a bite of chicken so I didn't have to say anything in return. Maybe... I should help out some more in the kitchen...


I'm still not used to this silence in my house. Last year my older siblings and their chaotic schedule always had some noise going through in the house. Either my Sister was blasting her dance music, or my brother was practicing with his band.

They are my half-siblings, I'm the product of two broken homes coming together. My mom is my brother's mom, but not my sister's. My dad is my sister's father, but not my brother's. In the odd time they would be at their other parent's home I was never here.

Dad's ex-wife had a mid-life crisis and started going to church. He calls her 'bible humper' when Mia, my sister, isn't around. Both parents are good at not insulting their ex around their kids. Mom called her ex a man whore.

I was busy playing video games, the latest Monster Hunter to be exact, in the gaming room. "Shit! Come on, let me hit you!"

"Oh really?" Mom's voice came from behind me.

I turned to see her signature stare of disapproval. "Sorry."

"What are you playing?" Here's the thing about mom and dad, they spend time with all of us. They take an interest in us, and that's why we sit down for dinner every day. We sit down as a family and tell each other all about our days. I like it, but I don't like sitting at the table.

"It's called Monster Hunter, and it is exactly what it sounds like. You hunt monsters to make better weapons and armor so you can hunt better." I was using a bow gun at the moment, which I was not very good with. "I'm trying a new weapon, and I'm not very good with it."

Mom sat down beside me. "When did you pick this game up?"

"When dad and I went to the mall last week." I gave up hunting one monster and started looking for a new one. "I paid for half of it, dad paid the other half, guess that would make you also paid half."

"Sort of yes." Mom nodded. "How was school today?"

"Mostly boring, but English was fun."

Mom smiled. "Why cause Tax was there?" I could feel my face warm up. "Why don't you ask the boy out already?"

"Cause I'm not gay mom!" I raised my voice to her. Probably shouldn't have but I'm tired of hearing this from mom and dad. I know Tax has gotten my attention in a sexual way, but there's a part of me that doesn't want them to be right. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you."

Mom got up from the couch. "It's fine; we have been pestering you about it. Just be yourself, and I'm sure Tax will ask you out in no time." She smirked as I grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it at her. I missed but whatever, time to go back to the hunt.


"That was amazing Addison." I lay next to my naked boyfriend under his blankets. He had just given me a beautiful pounding, and I was on cloud nine. No one was home, so I got to scream for him to really give it to me and boy, did he.

Addison was lying on his side watching me pant. "I'm glad you liked it." He had his deep breaths too, but nothing compared to mine. "I love it when you scream like that."

I laughed. "Then we need to take advantage of being home alone more often." Addison rubbed my chest and kissed my cheek. "Seriously though, we totally need to."

He rolled his eyes. "You think you could handle that pounding every time we do?"

After just a moment of thought made me rethink this. "Yeah, maybe not. You do get rough."

"You love it." He's not wrong. We laid in bed, me snuggling into him. Out snuggle session was interrupted by a phone going off. "It's yours..."

"Who is it?" Addison remained silent, so I moved so I could see who it was. "My dad...?"

"It's weird right?" I shrug. "You going to answer it?"

"I guess so." Grabbing my phone, I swiped the green button and put the phone to my ear. "Hey... dad."

"He... hey buddy, how are you?" My dad sounded awkward as always over the phone.

I sat up crossing my legs. "I'm fine, what's up?"

"Oh, I'm in town now." Of course, he is. "And I don't have a place to stay. I was wondering if you knew anyone who could host me for a bit."

I rolled my eyes. "No, I don't know anyone with an extra room."

Addison tapped my shoulder. "We have enough room."

Dad kept talking, but I was barely paying attention. "Okay... bud... Anyways. When's.... show?"

Shaking my head, I covered the mic. "You are not having my dad stay here, and that's final." Addison nodded in agreement. I uncovered the mic. "Sorry, what was that?"

"When is your talent show?"

"It's Friday next week."

Why am I having this conversation? "Okay, I'll see you there then. Talk to you later."

"See ya..." He hung up the phone. I sat there not moving. "Arroh's going to hate me..."

"Tell your dad not to come," Addison replied pretty quickly. "It's as simple as that."

"It's not that simple..." I want him to see my performance, but he's a terrible person...


My clothes were almost all packed, minus a couple of outfits for the next couple days. All our stuff was being packed over to the new place today, toiletries aside. It was kinda sad saying goodbye to Uncle Isaac and Antoine's place.

"You look a little sad Tax." Uncle Isaac said from my doorway. "Is moving out bugging you?"

"Little bit, I like it here." I sat down on 'my bed' "I like visiting you guys and sneaking into your study." My grin only made my Uncle's scowl even better.

"That comment aside, I enjoy having you and your sister here too. Antoine feels the same, I'm sure." Uncle Isaac came and sat down beside me on the bed. "You're welcome here anytime to visit or a sleepover if you'd like."

He gave my hair a ruffle. "Hey, I spent twenty minutes on my hair this morning. Now I'm going to have to spend forty minutes fixing it." I rolled my eyes and got up to head to the bathroom.

I could hear Uncle Isaac chuckle as I left the room. "Oh Tax, you're very much a drama king, especially about your hair."

"Oh, keep your opinions to yourself, old man!" I tried to grab my brush and get to the stairs before Uncle Isaac could make it out of my room. The keyword is tried; I was grabbed and picked up by my Uncle. "Put me down! Put me down!"

"Only once you apologize." He started to tickle me.

I squirmed in his arms, legs flailing in the air. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I was finally set down, that didn't stop me from giggling. "I'm gonna miss hanging out with you here."

"I agree we will miss having you and your sister here." He went off on a train of thought. "Maybe it's time to have the talk with Antoine..."

"I think Uncle Antoine is a little old for the talk." I joked with him.

Uncle shook his head. "Not that one, a different one." What talk is he talking about? "Anyways, don't mind me. Just finish getting everything together and then you can be as lazy as you'd like."

"SOUNDS GOOD!!" It's going to suck not living with Uncle Isaac and Antoine, but I do look forward to having a room to call mine again. I can get my room all Taxed up! Only a matter of time.

Chapter End.

Next chapter will be the chapter to put LUS on Hiatus for a bit. Sorry in advance for the cliffhangers I will leave you with. I hope you are enjoying the story so far. Once I have freed up my story count it will come back into my rotation I promise!

I have been making plans for LUS, just have to finalize some things and drop my story count. I hope you can wait.

Thank you for your patience.

I also have other stories that I have completed or are being worked on. For a full list of stories on Nifty just follow the link below!

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