Lifes Unexpected Surprises

By Kuragari

Published on Sep 18, 2017


Life's Unexpected Surprises (LUS) is written and owned by me, under the pen name Kuragari129. Posting this story on another site must be done with my permission. Events in this story are fictional, and entirely made up. Any similarities to your personal experiences are coincidental. If you are not the legal age in your area to read this, I ask you to leave now. This story will contain sex between two male partners, so you've got a fair warning.

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Thank you for choosing LUS. LUS is a continuation of the Original "Life" Series. Life's Expectations (LE), Colby's Life Expectations (CLE) and Life's Little Lies (LLL). This story is stand-alone and will provide all information that is required, but it doesn't hurt to read the prequels. Links will be posted below.





LUS– Chapter 11



Start of a boring day of school, with a horrible after school to look forward to. Mom is busy working and I have been tasked with entertaining Arroh for the evening, which will be a pain in the ass.

To top that all off, it's English first thing in the morning. My least favorite class at my least favorite time of day. Even if Mr. Bells is a great teacher, it's not enough for me to be happy about the class. At least Addison is here with me.

"Oh cheer up Regal, it's not all bad." Addison tried to make things better for me, but it's the morning. There are no making things better. "Okay, the afternoon won't be bad."

With a slam, I almost jumped out of my chair. Vincent, the guy who sits on the other side of me, seemed to be pretty upset about something. He roughly pulled out his chair and sat down.

Ms. Albore wasn't that happy about it. "I understand people get upset, please treat everything in here with respect."

"Ya Ya." Vincent waved it off. "Whatever." He whispered under his breath.

"What's up Vince?" Addison asked genuinely.

He glared at us. "Don't call me Vince."

"Sorry." Addison raised his hands in surrender. "Something bugging you?"

"Currently you two talking to me." Whatever guy, I wasn't even saying anything.

Addison shook his head. "Just trying to be friendly Vincent, no need to bite out heads off."

"Whatever." He turns away from us. What crawled under up his ass and died? Great way to ruin my morning even more.

Addison gave me a little hug. "Don't worry; I'm right here. Your morning can only get better." Sure it will, but only if you stay with me.



Coming out of gym class, Quinn with me. He was being a little clingy today for some reason. I didn't mind though; he can be like that some days. "You doing okay today?"

Quinn looked away. "Ya, I'm fine." He didn't sound convincing at all.

"That was convincing," I spoke sarcastically. Quinn lowered his head. "If you don't want to talk about it, just I worry for you."

"Thanks." I noticed a small smile form.

"Hey, Hunter!" Tax shouted from down the hall. He waved before heading over to us. "You're Quinn right?"

"Ya." Quinn gave a little nod. "I gotta go though, I'll see you later Hunter."

"See ya, Quinn." He scampered off down the hall, head low. "Something is bothering him today."

Tax shrugged as Quinn went around the corner. "Maybe he's just having a bad day." No that's not it. "How are you doing today?"

"Good. Gym wasn't too bad today." I smiled towards him. "The other night was lots of fun." Tax started to blush as he turned away.

"Ya, it was fun."

I leaned over to try and see his face. "Can't wait to do it all again." His reaction wasn't what I expected. Tax got this half smile on his face like he didn't enjoy it or something. "What's wrong?"

He shook his head. "Oh, nothing. I feel the same, can't wait to do it again." Tax's smile seemed fake, but I didn't want to call him out on it. "Are you doing anything after dinner tonight? I was thinking of heading down to the youth center with my uncle. Was wondering if you'd like to come with."

"Sure! Lucas... dad has been trying to get me out of the house more."

"Okay sounds great! See you later then." Tax smile grew as he made his way to his next class. As he left, I started my way to my next class.

"Hunter!" Dash yelled from behind me. I stopped and let her catch up. "What did you and Tax talk about?"

"We're going to the youth center tonight with your uncle."

Dash nodded and rolled her eyes. "He's such a loser. Glad to see you two are liking each other."

"Ya, same here. Your brother is really cool." She gave me a little wink. "Not like that."

"Say whatever you want Hunter, a woman knows things."

"You're a teenager, not a woman!" I got a smack right to my chest for that comment. "What was that for?"

"You gotta respect a girl's knowledge, dude."


Once lunch came around, I thought I would go and find Quinn to see if he wanted to hang out with me. The thing was he wasn't anywhere to be found. He doesn't take French so he would be in a study block. Quinn wasn't near there, or his locker, though. I kept looking while eating a bit of my lunch.

There was a sudden slam down the hall. It sounded like someone was pushed into the lockers. I didn't think anything of it at first until I heard a voice. "Stop it!" Quinn's scream echoed through the halls.

My mind took control, and before I knew it, I had pushed my way through the crowd of kids and put myself between Quinn and Vincent. "The fuck is with you coming to this loser's aid all the fucking time?"

Quinn was sitting on the ground, nearly in tears, holding his shoulder. I puffed myself up and prepared myself. Vincent and I glared at each other. "Because he's a friend. Now leave him alone."

"Or what fatty?" I dropped my lunch, and went up and gave Vincent a swift shove across the hall. He almost slammed into the lockers on the other side. "You want to fuck with me!?"

I didn't stand down as he marched towards me. "That's enough!" Vincent stopped dead in his tracks as Mr. Bells came down the hall. "What is happening?"

Vincent was quick to reply. "This kid is pushing people into the lockers!"

"I did not!" I shouted more so at Vincent than Mr. Bells. "I came to defend Quinn!" I pointed towards Quinn, who was still sitting on the floor.

"All three of you, office now." Vincent started his way to the office immediately. I got Quinn up, but he didn't want to walk with me. He wouldn't even look at me. Did I intimidate Quinn too much?



"What the hell Hunter!?" Mom yelled at me over the phone. "You promised no fights! You've not even finished the first month of school, and you're getting into a fight!"

"It wasn't a fight..."

Mom cut me off. "Bullshit it wasn't a fight! It would have turned into one; you and I both know this. Don't give me an excuse, I've heard what happened. It's the same thing every time! A younger boy gets bullied, and you defend them.

"It's great you defend those who cannot defend themselves. But fights got you expelled once already Hunter. You have to think more before you act." I could hear mom's frustration in her voice.

All I could do was hang my head, and I agree. "I'm sorry mom... Quinn screamed, and instincts took over. I don't want to get expelled again, but I can't stand there and do nothing." Tears started forming in my eyes.

It's frustrating; I need to do something when someone is being bullied. I can't fight them though, and that's where my head goes instinctively. Try as I might it's what happens every time.

"I know Hunter... You care too much for your own good. Whatever punishment your dad and Nick come up with I support. I will talk to you later, love you."

"Love you too, mom. Bye..." We hung up the phone, and I sat in my room waiting for my punishment. I knew Nick and Lucas were talking it over between themselves. From the sound of things, Nick was letting Lucas decide it.

Time passed by so slowly in my room. It felt like hours when it was only minutes that had passed. I heard footsteps coming to my room, so I sat up and waited.

A knock was quickly followed by Lucas coming into the room. "So, this is new to me so bear with me."

"How long am I grounded for?" I asked lowering my head.

"You're not going to be grounded, this time." I let out a breath of relief. "After talking with your mother, we're going to try something new. We're going to sign you up for Karate lessons."

I looked up at him, confused. "Wouldn't that give me more tools to fight?"

"Yes, which is why your mother never did it." I think I remember mom saying something like that. Jayce brought it up, but my mom passed on the idea. "The theory is that you'll learn discipline and you won't resort to a physical attack. I know someone who has dealt with a few kids that pick fights; most of them have turned out for the better."

"And what if I'm not one of those kids? What if I will always end up picking fights?"

Lucas shook his head. "I don't think you will. Neither does my friend. Those ones are the really bad kids, that won't listen to anything. From what I've told him about you, he thinks you can figure it out."

I nodded, knowing that there wasn't another option. "Okay... When do the lessons start?"

"Day after tomorrow. Homework done?" I nodded. "Dinner will be ready in a couple of minutes, sorry for it being so late."

"It's my fault anyway... I'm not that hungry anyway."

Lucas came over and sat on my bed. "Hey, Hunter." I didn't move. "Just like your mom, I understand why you do what you do. I get it; Nick gets it, we really do. You regret it every time you do something aggressive. I am not punishing you; we just need to get that anger under control.

"If you're willing to put in the work, I know you'll get it done. Now come on, let's go have something to eat." Lucas squeezed my shoulder.

"I'll be out in a bit." Lucas left me in my room. Karate lessons... here I thought I'd be grounded. Guess I'm going to learn to defend myself and not be the aggressor. Good luck me.



It had been a couple of days since I had gotten told about Elijah. Dad told me all about how he was adopted and how I wasn't allowed to tell him. It's been bugging the shit out of me every time I think about it.

Elijah and I were just getting home, and it was on my mind. He apparently had some news to share once we got home. Wouldn't even tell me what it was, wanted to share it with everyone.

"Seriously, what is your news?" I badgered him.

He shook his head. "We're literally outside the house; you can wait." I just rolled my eyes and walked up the driveway. Dad and Elijah's mom both had a day off today. Once we went inside Elijah yelled out. "GUESS WHAT!?"

"What?" I sarcastically asked.

"I'm gonna go hang out with a new friend tomorrow!" Elijah got a new friend... cool?

"Who's your new friend?" Elizabeth, Elijah's mom, asked.

Elijah spoke as he took off his shoes. "Simon, we met him at Antoine's shop a few weeks back."

Oh, that guy! "He's the one dating Evie right?" Elijah nodded. "How did you manage to get to hang with him? He's two years older than you."

"We talked to each other at the beginning of lunch. He wanted to talk Blades with me, but there wasn't much time."

"What about Quinn? He should be coming here tomorrow." He would be coming over today, but he had a bit of a freak out at school. So his dad wanted to be close to him.

"Simon said Quinn could come, and I sent Quinn a text. He's down to hang out with Simon." Elijah was still all smiles about the whole thing.

His mom was a little more serious. "What did he actually say?"

Elijah took out his phone and read the message. "Quinn said, 'I guess... if he doesn't mind.' See he doesn't mind!"

I grabbed his phone. "'But I would rather not' he continued in the next text."

"Hey, give me my phone back!" Elijah's bottom lip came out into a pout.

Dad's voice came booming through the house. "Phone, back." I immediately gave Elijah his phone back. "Elijah, tell whole truths, not half-truths."

"Yes, sir," Elijah replied. "He asked if Breston would be interested in hanging out with him."

Dad looked over to me. "I don't mind, Quinn is cool."

"Settled then!" Elijah returned to his excited self. I just shook my head as we made our way through the house.

The night remained fairly quiet until bedtime. Elizabeth came up just as I was getting ready for bed. "Hey Breston... can we talk?"

"About Elijah?" She sighed and nodded. "Sure, why haven't you told him?"

"It's been my decision not to tell him; there's a lot more to understand than just 'he's adopted.' Elijah is the biological son of one of my good friends from high school. She married a man, whose wife had gone missing and was found dead a year after.

"When she got pregnant his behavior changed. She went missing too, and we looked everywhere for her. We found her just a couple days before her due date, but he was already born. Both Elijah and his mother were hospitalized, but his mother didn't make it.

"It turns out his father had kidnapped his first wife, and when she didn't have a baby boy she was killed. Charged with the death of his first wife, his daughter, and my friend, he got three life sentences and is currently serving them.

"I don't want Elijah to know he is the son of a murderer. I don't want him trying to find his father, or thinking that he will become like him. For his safety, I haven't told him anything about it." She was fighting back the tears, failing more often than not. "So please Breston, Elijah doesn't need to go through that."

I just nodded. "Okay. I won't tell him."

"Thank you Breston." She gave me a little hug. "Sorry if you get a bad sleep tonight, I know I just loaded a lot onto you."

"It should be fine." With a kiss, she left the room.

No wonder she hasn't said anything... I wouldn't want to know those things. Elijah is definitely the kid to go search for his father and meet him. It's better if he doesn't know, as much as I want to tell him.



"What?" I asked Arroh who was staring at me. We had been sitting at the mall for a while and just being there.

Arroh sighed. "I thought we were gonna do something as brothers."

I shrugged. "What do you wanna do then?"

He slouched in his hair. "You can go do whatever you want. You clearly don't want to hang out with me." He let out a sigh and looked at the table between us.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. "Has mom talked to you about dad?"

Arroh's face told me before he even spoke, he knew nothing. "No... what about him?"

Of course, Mom hadn't said anything to him. After Addison and I finished our date, I told mom about the text dad sent me. She said she was gonna tell Arroh, guess she never did. "He's coming to town in a couple of days."

"What does he want this time?" I just shrugged. "When do you get the show money?"

"Soonish." I shrugged. "He's probably going to ask for some money."

"Don't give him any," Arroh spoke seriously. "He doesn't deserve anything from you or me." Couldn't agree with you more little brother. It's not often we agree, but when we do it usually on serious issues.

"I wasn't planning on it."

"Do you know when he's getting into town?" I shook my head. "Are you going to see him?"

"Probably. I'm not going to say I'm not gonna see him but..."

Arroh crossed his arms. "Well, I'm not going to see him if I have any say in it." His ferocity in his eyes told me he wasn't lying. Arroh didn't want anything to do with dad... and I'm not surprised.

When Dad lived with us, he was a bit of a drunk. You could see beer in his hands almost nightly. The breaking point for our mother was the night he swore in anger, and backhanded Arroh. That was the last night he was in the house, and the last night Arroh ever spoke to him.

I've never spoken to him either, aside from yelling at him. He's only ever talked to me twice. The first time was only a couple months ago. He somehow got my number and called me about being on TV. All he wanted was to know if I was getting paid.

"You have my word Arroh, that man isn't going to get a cent from me." Arroh showed a small smile before turning away from me.

That day I screamed at my dad for hitting my little brother... Nowadays though that's not the older brother I am.



"So Elijah, since we last talked about blades, is Kiari still your favorite?" It had been a couple of weeks since that time at Antoine's shop, and new Blades had been officially released. "I gotta say Silka was pretty badass."

Silka was a character who had his body stolen. He fought and gained his body back from the evil Zorc with the help of Rasoul. Rasoul hosted Silka's soul for a time and got really strong. It looks like there's lots of sexual tension between Silka and Rasoul too. So it would be cool to have a gay relationship in Blades.

"Silka and his new scythe are cool, but Kiari still has so much mystery." Silka's scythe had two blades, and he stole it from Zorc. It could cut away the energy of attacks. "My favorite still goes to Kiari."

Simon laughed. "I'm not surprised. Roselle has been dead for a few years now, and only Akire has come close to being my favorite." Akire was the Prism Dragoon, meaning she was gifted the power of a Light/Water Dragon. Her Flail can extend its chain to great lengths. She's also a bad guy.

"She was cool, but Kiari is the superior Dragoon. He got a spin-off after all." Simon and I were getting along great the entire walk back to his place. We kept talking about Blade until we got into his father's library. "Wow..." I stared in awe at all the manga in front of me.

"Dad's got everything! From Fairy Tale to Naruto, Deathnote to Pandora Hearts. Full Metal Alchemist, Bleach, even One Piece." There was so many manga I didn't even know where to start reading.

I stood there in awe. "Ahh, this is where you two went." An older man's voice came from the door. "Good afternoon Elijah, I'm Simon's father. You can call me Mr. Foster."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Foster. Your collection is amazing; my brother Breston would love this." I walked over to the Blade collection that he had. He had every physical release of the series. "This is so cool; I love Blades."

"Simon made mention of that. I'm glad you enjoy the collection. I can see why my son keeps talking about you." I looked over to Simon who had a crimson face. "Guess I shouldn't have said that, should I have."

"Dad, you can leave now!" Simon pointed towards the door. His dad let out a chuckle before leaving us. "Sorry about that, you just really caught my interest when we met in the store that time because of how much you liked Blades. You seemed like a great friend to talk to about all that stuff."

It was my turn to blush. "Ya I agree." Mine was a little more than just a friend crush. I wanted to see him naked. "We're both pretty big nerds on the topic of this kind of stuff. We can discuss a lot of stuff together."

"Definitely." Simon smiled before leading me up to his room. We spent the afternoon just hanging out as friends. I spent most of the time hiding my boner from being seen. We even ended up doing some boring homework.

I learned a few things about him. That he was an only child. That his mom was out of town regularly for work. She operated one of the old folks home in town. Simon wanted to be an artist growing up but is not the best at drawing.

Time went by so quickly while I was there. Breston was sure to come with mom when she came to pick me up. He took a quick look through the library and was in awe. We had to drag him away from it.

"We have to hang out Simon!" Breston grinned from year to ear.

Simon laughed. "At my house of course, right?"

"Where else!?" Mom and I shook our heads. "Anyways we gotta go, see ya!"

Simon offered us a wave as we made our way out. He's a really cool guy, and if it wasn't for Evie being his boyfriend, I might have made a move. Another time hopefully.



"So you didn't get into trouble?" Hunter was explaining his punishment to me. We were at school eating our lunch. "You just have to take karate classes? Doesn't seem like much to me." Arroh, Dash, Luke, Hunter and I were sitting having lunch together.

Hunter shrugged. "It's not the best thing ever, but definitely a punishment." He let out a sigh. "Still have to serve detention after school though."

"That sucks, cool you stood up for that kid though." Dominique came and sat with us. I stopped and stared at him; he had never sat with us. Arroh even had a strange look on his face.

"His name is Quinn," Hunter replied. "He was being bullied so I stepped between."

"Doesn't his dad run that new restaurant?" Dash asked.

Luke nodded. "Ya, and that Vega kid's mom runs the serving. He's an amazing cook. I went over with Elijah for food once."

I spent the entire time looking at Dominique. He noticed I guess. "Why the weird look?"

Arroh spoke before I could. "You never sit with us, now out of the blue you do. It's kinda weird for you to do."

He shrugged. "I thought I would join you guys today. Sorry?"

"It's fine, just weird is all," Arroh said just before taking a bite of his food.

Dominique shrugged it off. We went back to just hanging out during lunch. Complaining about the classes we just had, and the ones we're going to have. You know regular high school stuff.

When the bell went off, we all went our separate ways for class. I made sure to give Hunter a special wave before heading off. Dom came up beside me, with a look of deep thought. "What's on your mind there?"

"I was thinking I'd start eating with you guys more often. You're more fun to be around than my other friends."

"You're more than welcome to Dom."

"Sick, cool, I'll see you tomorrow at lunch then!" Dominique quickly turned down a hallway. "See ya! And call me DJ!"" We both waved as we went to our classes.

I got into cooking class, and Dash came into the room just after me. "You could have waited for me Tax."

"Oh, sorry Dash. Lunch was just weird."

She nodded. "So, about Dominique..."

"I still need to talk to Hunter I know."

"Oh good, that's all." I rolled my eyes. Good thing that was all she wanted to say, class started right after her comment.

The entire rest of the day I had on my mind how I could bring it up to Hunter. I was stumped. I didn't know how to bring it up to him without breaking his heart. There was no doubt in my mind that he was gonna hate me.

And then it came to me. So after school, I found Hunter and pulled him aside to a quiet place. "So I was thinking..." He nodded. "I think if we be more of friends with benefits, that would be better right now than boyfriends."

"Oh... okay." I upset him, my plan was terrible. "That makes more sense since we're still getting into things here. Maybe one day we will actually be a thing." He took it well actually... that's good. I didn't want to not hang out with him anymore.

"Awesome, I do like you, but don't want to rush into something so fast. Glad you understand." Hunter smiled with a huge smile. "You start Karate today?"

"Tomorrow. It won't be fun." We both laughed. "Maybe we can hang out this weekend?"

"Ya, sounds like a plan!" Well, everything went well with Hunter. But now I can't rush into things with DJ either. Or Hunter will be pissed. It helps that DJ doesn't want to get into anything right now. So all is well that ends well?

Chapter End.

Sorry for the long wait! I know two months suuucks, but I have news!

Starting in November LUS is going on a bit of a hiatus. At that time I will be starting up a retelling of Life's Expectations, my original story. So I will have four stories active. As a result, I am going to use that time to think of a plan of LUS's story, and as soon as one of my active projects finishes LUS will return to my regular rotation.

Project LRE will take LUS's spot in my rotation and will focus on retelling my first story. I hope you all read it, as I will release an LUS chapter at the same time so you will have a link to it.

Thanks for understanding, Kuragari.

I also have other stories that I have completed or are being worked on. For a full list of stories on Nifty just follow the link below!.

You can contact me at, and I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner. You can also follow my Social media pages to get regular updates and more information on my stories and their progress



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Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 27

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