Lifes Unexpected Surprises

By Kuragari

Published on Jan 21, 2017


Life's Unexpected Surprises (LUS) is written and owned by me, under the pen name Kuragari129. Posting this story on another site must be done with my permission. Events in this story are fictional, and entirely made up. Any similarities to your personal experiences are coincidental. If you are not the legal age in your area to read this, I ask you to leave now. This story will contain sex between two male partners, so you've got a fair warning.

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Thank you for choosing LUS. LUS is a continuation of the Original "Life" Series. Life's Expectations (LE), Colby's Life Expectations (CLE), Life's Little Lies (LLL) and Nikolai's Life Expectations (NLE). This story is a standalone and will provide all information that is required, but it doesn't hurt to read the prequels. Links will be posted below.





LUS - Chapter 6.1 – New Friends, New Problems – It All Adds Up

Taxon Jewels


School has been going for the past couple of days, and so far it's been pretty good. I was getting into the whole new school thing and starting to get to know some new friends. While still being pushed away by a certain one.

I didn't get it, Dj is still not saying anything to me, and it's starting to bug the hell out of me. All he ever does in class is sit there and grunt once in a while. He's honestly really annoying now, mostly because I don't get it.

Today I was hanging out with Tyler during the lunch hour. "DJ has been odd since we started school. He won't even talk to me now."

"Dominique is an odd one sometimes. He just cuts himself off from the world for some reason. I couldn't tell you why." I guess even Tyler is left in the dark about it.

"Would anyone know why? Or at least have an idea on why?" I would put my thinking cap on, but I don't really have the experience here to know. So Tyler is my saving grace.

Tyler thought to himself for a moment. "Honestly I think the best would be Evie, his next door neighbor."

"I have English with her... and DJ."

"I can tell you he's not here today." I looked at Tyler confused. "We have Life Skills together. It's a class that actually teaches you things you'll need. You start it in grade 11. Yes DJ is one year older than you."

"I didn't know that... Well, thanks, Tyler." The alarm bell went signaling the start of the next class. "I guess I'll see you later."

"Come to the center sometime; it's lots of fun." Tyler waved as he walked off towards his next class.

My class was English, so I get to talk to Evie about DJ. When I arrived at the classroom, Evie was already sitting down. She was using a small mirror; she was touching up her makeup.

I sat down and waited for her to finish. "If you want to say something I can talk and do makeup at the same time." She looked over at me. "I bet you would look really pretty with makeup on."

"Oh thank you?" She chuckled and continued her touch ups. "I was wondering what you could tell me about DJ and his random lock offs."

Evie looked away from the mirror for just a second. "I don't know much, and what I know is private to him. Why should I tell you about him?"

"Honestly I don't have a good excuse. I met DJ in the summer, and we really clicked then. Now it's like I'm a stranger to him and he was a cool guy to hang out with."

I didn't think that was a good reason, but Evie did. She closed her mirror and turned to me. "Were you and him sorta into each other?" I nodded. "That's why he's cutting you out. He doesn't like the feelings he gets for guys after a while. The entire time in the summer you were hanging out, he felt like shit at night.

"Anytime he gets really close to a guy and starts getting feelings for them; he shuts out hard. Unfortunately for you, that means he's got one hell of a barrier up around himself. Good luck breaking that down."

Evie went right back to doing her makeup when she finished speaking. I wasn't able to say another word to her until after the lesson finished and we were left to do class work. "Do you know why DJ does it?"

She shrugged. "I don't know DJ well honestly. I know his parents bicker a lot and that he is the baby of his family. Aside from that, I know nothing about him." Well, I guess I'll have to get more information somewhere else then.

"Thanks anyways Evie."

"Anytime Tax. Oh, and you owe me a makeup session on you for that info." I scooted my chair back, causing a huge screech in class, and looked right at her; she laughed at the attention I brought to us. "Don't worry I'll make your face real purty." She added the country accent to make it even worse. I fear what she might do to my face.

Hunter Brooks 4 "What would you like to do today?" My dad asks me. We were going to go and do something after school before going over to Isaac and Antoine's for dinner. Apparently, Nick and Lucas have dinner with them once a week usually.

I shrugged and walked along the sidewalk. "I don't know... we could go for ice cream."

Lucas looked over at me. "That's what we did last time. I would like to get to know my son outside of getting ice cream all the time." My stare went to the ground; I couldn't help but smile, just a little.

"We could get... Lets go go-carting." We had passed by a track once while driving around. I thought it would be really cool to go.

Lucas... dad thought about it for a moment. "Yes, we could indeed. I also suggest a round of mini-golf. Let's see who is better."

I couldn't help but smile shyly. "Challenge accepted old man!" I got a look and a smack to the head. "What was that for!?"

"Calling me old."

We had the race of a lifetime. We passed each other just to pass each other again. In the end, I came out on top in the go-carts. Lucas... dad, gave me a pat on the back and told me I could go first in mini-golf because of my victory.

Golfing, I didn't do so good. I may have gone first on every hole, but my ball didn't go in first a single time. Hole after hole my strokes went up and up and up, and Lucas' barely moved. I think at the end I was 20 strokes more, which encase you didn't know is bad.

"You didn't do too badly." Lucas jested with me.

I rolled my eyes. "Ya it was bad, don't try and sugar coat it. Guess mini-golf isn't my thing." I shrugged admitting defeat before setting the golf club down after taking the shot at the last hole. You know it's the type of hole that if you get a hole in one, you can play another round for free? That one. "You're turn to try."

"I've made it once before. Lets see if I can do it again?" He went and lined up his shot.

I laughed. "How long ago was that? Twenty years ago?"

He glared over at me. He turned around and lined up his putt again. "I was twelve." He shot the ball, and it fell off the ramp and into the abyss hole underneath.

"Too bad, you're just as bad as me." I stuck my tongue out at him.

He rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say. Let's go; everyone should be waiting." We brought our putters back and headed out finishing our father-son time.

6 We did end up going out for ice cream before dinner. I mean who doesn't like going out for good ol' ice cream, especially when you can have whatever you want on it. In town, there's an ice cream shop that makes its own and then lets you choose stuff to get mixed inside. It's the world's best ice cream parlor.

We got some for everyone, when we arrived they were all very happy. Our arrival was a little late, but Antoine said it was fine, mostly because of the ice cream. It was starting to melt, so the adults decided it was a desert before dinner day.

Tax was done with his before even I was. "Damn! You guys are the best! Thanks!" Does this kid even get brain freeze?

"It's a good thing you don't have a brain Tax," Dash commented from the other side of the table. Tax glared at her as he took the last bite of ice cream. "How was time with your dad Hunter?"

"Pretty good. I beat Dad in a race but got creamed in mini-golf." I notice a smile on Nick's face from the corner of my eye. "When is dinner? I'm staring!" Dinner was served moments later since it was already done.

Dinner went by in the blink of an eye. Antoine is a really good cook; he made the entire dinner. He made butter chicken, and the entire house was happy with it. Of course, there was the typical dinner banter, but that's mostly boring.

Once dinner and its cleanup were done Dash, Tax, and I made our way upstairs. We went into Tax's room, and I threw myself onto the bed. "Damn that was some good food."

"Uncle Antoine's butter chicken is pretty great." Dash sat down on the bed beside me. She smacked my stomach pretty hard. She thought it was hilarious; I thought it hurt. "What do you two want to do?"

"That hurt!" I yelled holding my stomach. Dash rolled her eyes and looked towards her brother.

"Well... your go to is Truth or Dare." Tax shrugged before looking down at me. "What do you think Hunter?"

"As long as I don't get smacked again." Dash laughed and faked smacking me again. I flinched. "No, bad pony."

"Truth or dare, Hunter." Dash glared at me while asking me.

"Easy, truth."

Tax piped up for the question. "Why did you move here?"

My face went all hot almost instantly. "I got expelled from my old school, and there was only one in town."

"Expelled? How?" Dash leaned closer to me.

I pushed her back. "One truth at a time girl. It appears it's two vs. one, though."

The twins looked at each other. Tax spoke, "Usually how it works with us. We moved here before our parents. This is mom's hometown."

Dash looked sternly at her brother. "That's not how Truth or Dare works!" They got into a mini-squabble for a bit before finally letting me have a turn.

"I get to ask both of you then. Okay, I will ask both of you, and you two have to decide together." They agreed to the terms, and the game continued. "Truth or Dare?"

"Taxon does dare," Dash smirked at her brother.

What could I make Taxon do? Oh, I got one. "I dare you to say three rudely nice things about your sister." Dash's face showed me she didn't like that idea. Tax's said he loved it.

"Your personality is more pleasing than hugging a cactus. Your room is cleaner than a garbage dumb. And finally, your skin makes sand paper look smooth." Tax smiled really big.

Dash went to smack him, but I stopped her. "No more hitting." So she hit me instead. "Eh!"

She smirked. "Not my turn, now truth or dare mister?"


Her smirk got even bigger. "I dare you to kiss my brother." Her eyebrows popped up twice. Tax's and my face both got crimson red before we quickly pressed lips together for barely a second. "Lame."

"Whatever mate. My turn, truth or dare Dash."


I smiled really big, and it made Dash nervous. "Tell me why you made us kiss."

"Well that's obvious, you both like each other and need to get passed the whole awkward stare phase and into the dating/getting to know each other phase." Our faces returned to that state of crimson from earlier. "Yes, it's out in the open, whatever will we do. Tax likes Hunter and Hunter likes Tax. It's a wonderful thing!"

Dash got up and went to the door. "Where are you going!?" Tax tried not to sound anxious.

"Letting the two of you 'get to know each other.' Okay bye!" She shot like a bullet out of the room leaving us two by our lonesome.

We sat there awkwardly for a few minutes before Tax opened his mouth. "So... Dash sort of told us both something new."

"I guess so. What do you want to do?" I looked over at him; he was avoiding eye contact with me.

He shrugged. "I would like to get to know you more for now. Maybe later we can become something more. Until then, I would like us to be friends."

"Agreed." I've never had a boyfriend, so I am more than happy to agree. It makes me nervous opening up like that for everyone. One day we'd have to kiss in public... I've only told a couple of adults, and the twins know, but that's it. For now, just friends is fine.

Chapter End.

There's the reason Hunter and Tax have a shared POV right now. What do you think of it? I would love to know. More to come for our cast here at LUS just be patient and more chapters will be released.

Let me know what you think!

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Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 18

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