Lifes Unexpected Surprises

By Kuragari

Published on Dec 14, 2016


Life's Unexpected Surprises (LUS) is written and owned by me, under the pen name Kuragari129. Posting this story on another site must be done with my permission. Events in this story are fictional, and entirely made up. Any similarities to your personal experiences are coincidental. If you are not the legal age in your area to read this, I ask you to leave now. This story will contain sex between two male partners, so you've got a fair warning.

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Thank you for choosing LUS. LUS is a continuation of the Original "Life" Series. Life's Expectations (LE), Colby's Life Expectations (CLE), Life's Little Lies (LLL) and Nikolai's Life Expectations (NLE). This story is a standalone and will provide all information that is required, but it doesn't hurt to read the prequels. Links are posted below.





As you can see, I made a decision. At the beginning of sections, you will see a number before it begins. This creates a chronological order of the chapters from now on. Stick to my social media accounts, to find out the exact orders.

I may end up releasing the chapters as one complete chapter in some way in the future. Again stay tuned to my Social media accounts, and you'll get more information faster than looking at

LUS – Chapter 5.1 – Tax & Hunter – Give Into Me Hunter Brooks 2 "Ready to go Hunter?"Lucas, my Dad, had to go to work early and couldn't drop me off at school. So Nick is dropping me off, so I'm in very capable hands. His mom, Brittney, is the principle of the school and his older brother is a teacher.

"Ya, I think so. I mean, is there a better school for me to go to?" Nick shook his head with a smile. "Hopefully I won't get into too many fights..."

Nick's tone got serious. "You promised your mother that you wouldn't get into any fights. I'm your guardian now, just like Lucas is, so if you don't uphold to that promise, there will be consequences." I lowered my head. "But I have faith that that won't happen."

"Thanks, Nick. Your mom will be waiting for me in the office right?" Nick nodded. "Okay, I'll head straight there. Should be an easy find."

"Have a good day Hunter." Hoping out of the car I gave him a wave before he drove off out of sight.

After I couldn't see the car anymore, I went into my new high school. It was overwhelming at first honestly. All these new faces around me, many of them looking at me. The worst was when groups of kids all turned their eyes to me. It was insanely awkward because you could tell they know I'm new.

I hurried off to the office. Safety was in reach when someone stepped in front of me. "No running from me, Hunter!" That voice and rainbow hair could only be Dash! "How have you been looser?"

"Why am I a loser?" I raised an eyebrow.

She placed a hand on her hip. "Because all boys are losers, isn't that right Tax?" Her brother is here?

A boy, who could easily be mistaken as Dash if it weren't for the obvious differences. His hair was much shorter and brown, but his eyes were the same. I have to say though Tax is very cute, I wouldn't mind seeing more.

Tax smiled at me. "So you're the Hunter I've heard about. Nice to finally meet you." His smile looked so pure and sweet. I watched him give me a once over and then lean just a tad towards his sister.

Dash grabbed my arm and started to shake it. "Uncle Isaac is like best friends with Nick, so that makes us sort of cousins!" Dash you're ruining the whole 'Tax is cute' thing with that. "Anyways, do you have your schedule?"

"Not yet, he doesn't." Brittney poked her head out of the office. "All three of you can come in here; you're all waiting for your schedules. I wonder where the other two are..."

"Other two?" Tax asked. "There's more new kids coming?"

"Oh yes, surprisingly it's only a few this year. Anyways, come in here." It didn't take long in the office. She gave us the rundown of how the schedule works and all that new kid stuff. Our classes weren't picked out completely, but we have enough for this semester. "The councilors will see you sometime this week to fill out the rest of the schedule. I hope you enjoy your new school." was the last thing Brittney said to us.

All 3 of us in chorus replied. "Thanks!"

Tax got distracted by someone, so Dash and I set out on our own to explore the school. We also compared our schedules just to find out I'm a grade younger than the twins and only by a few months.

"Damn that sucks." I sighed looking at Dash's schedule. "I guess I'll have no friends in my classes then."

Dash placed her hand on my shoulder. "It's fine; you'll get friends soon! Promise!" That got a smile on my face. "In other news, Taxon has a huge crush on you. That lean tells me he had a problem down below. When you live with a kid long enough, you learn a thing or two about them."

She laughed as my face lit up in red. "He really does?"

Swiftly Dash came in front of me and looked right into my eyes. "You think my brother is cute don't you?" My face became even redder. "I warn you he's a nerd of the tenth degree. Want to know anything Blades, he's the guy."

"That's cool. I think maybe..."

With an eye roll, she continued on her way. "I'm sure Tax would like to get to know you better. I have to run; Tax is sure to need his sister soon. I'll see you at lunch Hunter."

Like that, I was left all alone to explore the halls of my new school. It was pretty cool to look through it all. The school had its own theater and plenty of shop classrooms. I guess those are quite popular here.

I was just coming out of the shop wing a kid came running down the hall. Making my way up the stairs from the shop wing I was nearly ran into. We stared at each other right in the eyes. "Oh..." it was the kid from the airport. "I... I'm sorry."

He tried to bolt down the stairs, but I grabbed a hold of his arm. "Hey, what's wrong?" The shaking I felt when I grabbed him was insane. He was so stressed out over something. "Calm down, bud."

"Where'd you go Quinn!?" Some kid came up to the top of the stairs looking down on us. "Oh, there's the little guy!"

Quinn, I guess his name is, pulled himself tightly into me, his eyes wouldn't leave the student in front of us. The guy looked older than I am, probably in grade 12 or something. His red hair went right around his shiny emerald eyes. You could tell by the way he stood he thought he was a tough shit.

"Your name is Quinn?" The kid nodded against my chest. "What do you want with Quinn?" I glared up at the other boy.

He let out a laugh. "I'm Vin, and I was just helping my little buddy out when he freaked out." There's no way Quinn would act like this if he were helping him out. "So why don't we just go back to getting your locker sorted out?"

I wrapped my arm around him for comfort and protection. "I don't think he wants to Vin. I can take care of Quinn from here." The guy stood there scowling down at me before turning and finally walking away.

As that Vin guy got out of sight, Quinn calmed down and stopped shaking. He backed away and lowered his head. "I'm sorry..." Again he tried to walk away from me, but I still had hold of his arm. "Could, could I please be let go?"

"My name is Hunter; it's nice to meet you, Quinn." I let go of him, but he didn't move. He stared at me blankly until he blushed and looked away. "I'll see you around if you need anything just ask."

"Thanks, Hunter, again." He headed up the stairs and was gone before I knew it. Why do I have this feeling that I have entered into a territory I promised to stay out of. Just have to stay out of fights, no fights what so ever.

Taxon Jewels

Dash ended up being in my first class, and since we have the same last name, we sat beside each other. And she hated every second of it. All she heard was, "Hunter is fucking hot!" and things like that.

Once class ended, and we were out in the hallway she stopped me. "Please, for the love of all that is sacred, shut the fuck up." Her face was so serious that I was honestly quite scared to say another word. "Thank you. Now we have separate classes, so I won't have to hear your aggravating voice. I'll see you after school."

The tension cleared, at least for me, when she turned around and walked away. "Can't help it, he's very cute!"

She turned and glared at me. "If you ruin things for my best friend and me, you will be killed." I couldn't help but snort out a laugh. "I'm one thousand percent serious here." And I believed her so I stopped.

I made my way through the halls and barely had enough time to get to my next class. There were even twenty minutes between classes. It turns out I had Gage, Uncle Isaac's friend. He had been over to the house a couple of times while we've been here.

When I got into class, I saw DJ sitting there by his lonesome. There was a seating chart that was in plain sight. Luckily, I had a seat right beside him. I was very excited about it.

"Hey DJ." I sat down beside him, but he didn't even look my way. I waved at him but still he didn't budge. All excited and nothing, not even an acknowledgment of my presence. It makes me angry.

A girl sat down to my right. "Hey, you're that new guy at Antoine's store!" She extended her hand as she dropped her backpack. "My name is Evie; you're Tax if I'm not mistaken."

"That's me. Antoine is my Uncle." I think I've seen her at the store a few times while I've been there. Pretty sure she's a regular. "Well glad to have one friendly face in the class!" I spoke a little louder than I should have just to make sure DJ would hear me.

Evie looked around me. "Hey DJ, how are you?" I turned just slightly to look at his reaction.

"I'm fine." DJ barely moved as he spoke. I only saw his lips move, is he purposely ignoring me.

I could see in Evie's face that something was different about DJ than usual. So in the middle of the opening speech of my second class of the day I passed a note to Evie.

Me – What's up with DJ? I met him during the summer, and he's not saying anything to me. Evie – I don't know he gets in these weird moods sometimes. Me – Weird... thanks Evie – Anytime

Evie and I spent the class getting to know each other and chatting. It turns out she was just as big of a nerd as I am just about different stuff. I was all about Blades while she liked older anime like Full Metal Alchemist and Naruto. Have to say, it was a great way to spend a class, we even got our work done.

When class finished up, I followed DJ out of the class. He left swiftly almost dropping his books. He turned his head around and saw me before starting to walk off faster. I'm not letting him get off without an explanation.

DJ ended up going out a side door and stopped. I went out too. "Why won't you talk to me?"

"I can't Tax. Just leave me alone, okay?" I glared at him. "While I'm around you I can't control myself..."

"What do you mean DJ?"

"DON'T CALL ME THAT! Please." Dj seemed really stressed about all of this. "It's got nothing to do with you! I just can't right now okay?"

"Can't what? Tell me why you won't even talk to me!"

A single tear rolled down his cheek. DJ quickly wiped it away like it wasn't even there. "I don't want these feelings I have for you!" He yelled before stomping off away from the school.

All I could do was stand there and stare at him heading off. "What do you mean..." I spoke to myself, as I was the only one around. Once I managed to gain my composure I headed back inside.

Dash found me just outside the cafeteria's entrance. "Hey, what's got you all bugged out?"

"DJ... he doesn't want to like me." I was emotionless about it, in shock I guess. Lunch was barely eaten I was just so distracted by his words. What did he mean by them?

Isaac was planning on picking us up from school. He managed to get a crowd around him as he waited. Dash and I managed to squeeze through the crowd. "Hey, Uncle."

The entire crowd grew silent and looked directly at us. "Yes everyone this is my niece and nephew. Now if you please, we do need to get going."

"Shotgun!" Dash shot right into the front seat leaving me for the back.

I got in on the side behind our Uncle, like hell, I want to sit behind Dash. Uncle Isaac didn't get in, though. He stayed until one more came to the car. When he opened the back door, I saw Hunter getting into our car.

"Nick and Lucas are coming over for dinner, and since Hunter is staying with them, I offered to pick him up too." Uncle Isaac explained.

Hunter and I shared a glance towards one another before quickly turning away. The car ride was filled with questions for us kids and a lot of small answers from us.

When we got back home, we rushed inside, Hunter in tow. Uncle Isaac signaled me over to the family room. Hunter followed Dash upstairs. "So what do you think of Hunter?"

The blush on my face exposed it all. "I guess there isn't any hiding it is there?"

"Nope, there isn't. You are easier to read than a book." He laughed. "Don't get your hopes up Taxon! It's possible he's not into you."

I laughed. "Then explain why he and I were sharing the same reactions." The smirk on my face made Uncle roll his eyes. "I won't get my hopes up, but I think there is a good chance I may have something here."

He shook his head. "Yes, okay. Good luck on that front, I wish you the best of luck." Now all I have to do is woo him, and I'll have the hottie of the 9th grade as my boyfriend. I wonder what he's like naked...

Chapter End.

So... yes they will probably be a thing. SORRY SPOILERS AND SUCH. It was hard to resist giving these two a chance. It's a lot like Lucas and Isaac being together.

I will figure out a way for chapter 5 to be released as a whole chapter, promise. Just follow my social media accounts, the links can be found below, for more information about the impending release.

Chapter 5.2 and 5.3 are waiting for you to read. I hope you enjoy!

I also have other stories that I have completed or are being worked on. For a full list of stories on Nifty just follow the link below!

You can contact me at, and I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner. You can also follow my Social media pages to get regular updates and more information on my stories and their progress



Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 15

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