Lifes Unexpected Surprises

By Kuragari

Published on Oct 20, 2016


Life's Unexpected Surprises (LUS) is written and owned by me, under the pen name Kuragari129. Posting this story on another site must be done with my permission. Events in this story are fictional, and entirely made up. Any similarities to your personal experiences are coincidental. If you are not the legal age in your area to read this, I ask you to leave now. This story will contain sex between two male partners, so you've got a fair warning.

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Thank you for choosing LUS. LUS is a continuation of the Original "Life" Series. Life's Expectations (LE), Colby's Life Expectations (CLE), Life's Little Lies (LLL) and Nikolai's Life Expectations (NLE). This story is a standalone and will provide all information that is required, but it doesn't hurt to read the prequels. Links will be posted below.





LUS – Chapter 4.2 – Hunter's Conviction – In Your Room

After spending the entire summer at my dad's, Lucas and Nick's place. Honestly, their guest room feels more like my room by now. This honestly feels like home more than moms does now.

Today was one of Nick's days off, but Lucas had to go to work. I was just waking up and getting out of bed; it was about noon as I strolled out into the kitchen. Nick was sitting in the living room drinking a cup of coffee with the TV on.

I was just in my underwear... "Oh hello, nudist." Nick joked. "You definitely take after your father. Please put pants on."

That was when I noticed I had morning wood going on down there. "Oh... sorry." I quickly returned to my room and grabbed a pair of PJ bottoms. I finally got back and into the kitchen to grab food. "Is there any eggs?" I asked as I opened the fridge.

"Check the fridge," Nick called back. "So the time is coming up, you're mom will be in town tomorrow. You and Lucas will be picking her up at the airport."

"Ya, she's really excited to see me." I haven't seen mom in almost two months. That's the longest we've ever been apart and it makes me really excited to see her. "I'm looking forward to seeing her too."

I crashed around the kitchen looking for a pan to cook eggs in. It was something that Lucas taught me to do. Lucas taught me many things while here. This can honestly be the best summer of my life.

"Lucas will be home at four today. What would you like to do until then?" It's been a very busy summer. Almost every day we've done something. Whether it is something as simple as going for a swim or a family dinner.

I stood at the counter. "I think we should just hang out today. Maybe go to Antoine's shop? I still haven't had time to go there yet."

Nick got up from his seat and peeked into the kitchen. "Sure, Isaac isn't in town at the moment, but I'm sure Antoine wouldn't mind us coming in for a visit. Maybe his niece will be there." He headed off to his room. "I'm getting dressed; I recommend you don't burn the eggs and get changed."

Sure enough, the smell of eggs just hit my nose and I quickly shifted the eggs, so they didn't burn. Before long Nick and I were heading out to Antoine's shop to check it out. It actually seems pretty cool in there; he had tons of collectible stuff!

"Welcome to the shop Hunter!" I had met Antoine on an earlier date along with Isaac. This was my first time in the shop, though. "How do you like it in here?"

I looked around the shop. Tons of Blades collectibles, many of them signed by Isaac or the writer. This was THE place to be for Blades stuff. Behind the counter was a bunch of Trading card stuff and some of the more expensive stuff.

"It's actually cooler than I thought. I figured it would be mostly Blades stuff."

Antoine smiled at me. "I mean it's probably 51% Blades, but I have a bunch of stuff in here that creates a large variety of stuff." Man was he not wrong about that.

Nick and Antoine talked to one another while I looked around the shop. I eventually found the selection of posters and wall scrolls. There was this really cool Fairy Tail wall scroll in there.

"You can open it if you'd like." A girl spoke. When I looked up, I saw a rainbow of hair in front of me. Stunned, I stared like an idiot at her. "Ya, I get this look a lot. I'm Dash."

I snorted. "Like Rainbow Dash." I laughed a little harder than I should. "I'm so sorry; my name is Hunter."

She waved me off. "It's fine Hunter; I get it all the time. So you like Fairy Tail?"

"Ya, it's cool. You live in town?"

Dash shook her hand signaling 'soso.' "I'm in the middle of moving to town, my brother and I are staying at our uncle's at the moment."

"You have a brother? Does he have crazy hair like you?" as she spoke I continued to laugh to myself.

She laughed. "No, but he's gay like you." I went instantly silent and stared at her. The conviction in her eyes was nerve wracking. "I have a gay brother and gay Uncles. Each of them act a little different than the other which makes my gaydar top notch."

"Wait..." I pointed to Antoine, and she nodded.

"Yep, my uncles are the artist behind Blades of Eternity and the owner of this shop." Aw, man, that's so cool! I wish someone in my family were famous! "So Hunter, what brings you to this shop today?"

"I'm here with Nick." I'm sure she knows who Nick is; she's Isaac's niece. "And please don't tell anyone I'm gay. I might be coming to school here..." I could feel my face redden.

She pulled me around to head back to Antoine and Nick. "I got your back! And you should totally come to school here; we could hang out all the time! What's the other option you got?"

"I don't really have another option honestly... It's basically if I stay here by choice or not." Honest truth time... awesome. "I got expelled from my last school for fighting too much. I only fought when my friends were being picked on, though."

"Must have happened a lot then, for you to get expelled." I nodded. "My guess is they are gay, or they are getting called gay, or their parents are gay. Basically, it's something to do with the whole gay thing."

"Right on the nose." Damn this chick is good! "They have gay dads... And since there is no alternate school where I'm from, this is my only option at the moment."

"Well Hunter, I'd be happy to learn about this town with you!" Dash gave me a pat on the back with a huge smile on her face. "Uncle Antoine, I think I made a new best friend!"

"Best friend already?" I questioned her. "We literally just met."

"Ya but you're my first friend here, so you're my best friend!" Fair enough? I hope this friendship lasts; Dash seems like a cool girl honestly. If she's gonna be here, that'll make moving here a lot easier.

The Next Evening.

"You ready to see your mom?" Lucas asked me as we were getting our coats on.

I shrugged. "Ya... but I don't like how I won't see her for a while after this."

Lucas seemed confused by my answer. "You have a choice to stay or not Hunter. Your mother and I agreed that we would not force you to stay. The way you're talking, it sounds like you are staying no matter what."

"Well, that's basically how it is anyways." No options at home. "Even if I say I don't wanna stay and I go home, I would go off to boarding school or something. It's either here or who knows where."

Lucas nodded. "You are correct on that note." We got into the car and started off towards the airport. "So you've made up your mind then?"

"I guess so... I didn't think it would be so easy to do that." The rest of the car ride was pretty quiet. Neither Lucas nor I had much to say.

Honestly, I didn't know what to say to him. I had way too much on my mind about how I'm going to break the news to my mom. She already understands that this is an option but who knows if she realizes that it's would actually happen.

Silently we walked into our small airport and sat down. We waited for a bit until we saw the airplane land. That was when I went straight to the window and watched the plane come closer.

The plane got into position, and the first one off the plane was this kid. There was a man, who I could only assume to be his dad, right behind him. When he came into the terminal, he was shaking. My eyes followed him to his seat where he continued to shake as the man consoled him.

The kid had tears streaming down his face coming from his green eyes. His brown hair was just barely not covering them. He had his arms wrapped around his legs and shaking uncontrollably. Half his face was covered by his hoodie, which somehow made him cuter.

I was so engaged in him that I didn't even notice mom come in through the doors. "He was scared the entire flight." She knocked me out of my stare. "His dad did his very best to keep him calm."

"Mom!" I wrapped my arms around her and gave her a huge hug. "Summer has been so awesome here! Nick and dad are awesome to hang around, and their friends are so cool!"

Mom gave me her 'I'm really happy for you' smile. "I'm really happy you have been having a good time with your father."

Lucas was standing off to the side. "I'll be right back, want something to drink?"

"A coffee please."

"Apple juice!" Lucas smiled and headed off to the cafe. "How was your flight?"

Mom shrugged. "It was alright; I couldn't help but feel bad for that kid. Flying really freaked him out." She rubbed her hand down my back. "I brought a bunch of your clothes for you and some of your stuff for your room."

"That's all you brought?" She nodded. "So you figured that I would wanna stay?"

"Well, Lucas told me all about how much fun you were having. Soon though Nick and Lucas are going to be your parents, they will have to be a lot more serious." She's not wrong, but that doesn't mean they are gonna be strict. "You have to promise me that you won't get into any fights."

I looked towards the ground. "I'll do my best."

Lucas came back with drinks in hand. "Here you go. It looks like the baggage is coming in now." Mom and Lucas went to the baggage carousel, while I looked over at the kid again.

I walked over to him. The dad looked at me. "He's just a little stressed from flying."

"Would you like my apple juice? I haven't even opened it yet." The kid looked at me and then to the drink. His shaking seemed to calm down slightly as he took the drink.

He took a small drink before setting it down. "Th-th-thanks." He stuttered out.

"No problem. Is there anything I could do to help calm your nerves?" The kid shook his head as he held onto the drink. "I hope you can calm down soon. I don't know how your anxiety feels, but it looks terrible."

The kid blinked at me but said nothing. His dad was the one who replied. "You've done more than enough; that's the fastest I've seen him calm down. Thank you."

"Hunter, it's time to go!" Mom called out to me. I gave a wave to the kid before catching up to them. I looked back, and I think I saw a smile on the guy's face.

When we got back to I guess my house now, Lucas and Nick went to bed. That left mom and me in the living room by ourselves. I figured now is a time as any to tell her I'm gay. "Mom..." She didn't say anything waiting for me to continue. "I wanna tell you something."

"Go ahead; you can tell me anything." She looked at me with a caring look at her face.

I grinned and looked away. "Umm... I wanted to tell you that umm..."

She shut off the TV. "Hunter just tell me what you want to. I won't be mad."

Taking a deep breath, I just let it out. "I'm gay."

Mom got this huge smile on her face, and she pulled me into a hug. "I know, but I'm happy you were able to tell me." She looked at the time. "I love you, Hunter; I'll see you tomorrow." With a kiss on my forehead, she was off to sleep in my bed.

I grabbed my blanket and pulled out the pullout couch. I fell asleep pretty quickly snuggling my pillow. I dreamt of the kid I saw at the airport, what it was like for him on the plane.

Damn... why did the kid have to be so damn cute!!!!

Chapter End.

I know I skipped over Hunter's like... entire summer. But I needed to skip ahead too when he was confirming to stay! More Hunter and Lucas will come in the future. It's one of the most important things for him.

LUS is getting off to what I believe is to be a good start. I have a serious question about chapter 5 for you all, though. Would you like me to make it all one chapter or continue the separate chapters for each character's POV?

My email, Twitter, and Facebook are below. Just get a hold of me somehow and let me know! Thanks!

I also have other stories that I have completed or are being worked on. For a full list of stories on Nifty just follow the link below!

You can contact me at, and I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner. You can also follow my Social media pages to get regular updates and more information on my stories and their progress



Thanks for reading!


I know I sent you here in Taxon's POV, and I'll do so again in Regal's, but on the off chance people only ready one POV I'm posting it here too. It's just a couple of questions about LUS, and its future is all. Thanks in advance to those who do this!

Next: Chapter 13

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