Lifes Little Lies

By Kuragari

Published on May 11, 2014


"Life's Little Lies" belongs to the pen name Kuragari129. Posting this on another site must be done with the permission from the author. Even though some events and/or characters in this story are from my memory this is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real life events have been altered to keep the actual names private or are completely fictional in every aspect of the word. If you are not legal age in your area to view this then please leave now. This story holds sex between two males and your delicate minds might not be able to handle it.(Without jacking off of course.)

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Thank you for choosing to read my story. LLL is a sequel story to Life's Expectations but I will attempt to make it as good of a stand alone story as I can. I also have other stories that I have completed or are being worked on. Were I to start the new stories, I will update the list of links below.

Life's Expectations:

Where Life Takes Us:

Colby's Life Expectations:

Thank you for reading LLL and I hope you enjoy this story!

Welcome to chapter 6! Things are going to get moving along for the boys.

A character is going to be introduce a character. Again, a new character. He's gonna push the plot and things. Hopefully, he'll be good for the story. If he's not I'll think of something else.

This guy will offer some light and darkness to the story. He's gonna cause lots of conflicts but it's gonna be good. Trust me, please?

I awesomely got approved for a credit card. (Not telling you the number). It's gonna be awesome! I'm gonna get so in debt! Probably not but still I get to get things from the interwebs!

Just realized I've done something I didn't wanna do. I have lots of charcters with POVs and not allot of resolve... I feel like Game of Thrones >.> Sorry if this fact bothers you. It's true now... So I guess lets get some stories over with fast!

Anyways lets get this going! Onward and upward!

LLL – Chapter 6 – Jayce Miles – On The Inside

Matthieu Rieu's POV (Yes he's getting his own POVs... it's gonna help, trust me)

My conversation with Nick the other day did and at the same time didn't help at all. I am still finding a problème with bringing up the sujet. I should really stop saying french words in english sentences. It would help if everyone understood what I was saying.

Nick brought up a good point though. Just don't talk to them directly about it. Just say how much you support the Style de vie. There I go again! All the French!

Currently though I'm at a dinner with the family, so... you know I could mention something now. "So Mattieu, what have you been up to Wednesdays after school?" Dad I guess wants to bring it up instead. Yes I translated it for you.

"I've been at the GSA club meetings." Antoine gave me a look. Emile just continued eating.

Dad nodded and took a bite of food. Mom continued the enquête. "How is that going Matt?"

"Good. The numbers have been growing since the beginning of the year."

Antoine, slouched in his chair asked, "Aren't you afraid of people calling you gay?" Vu que venir! Sorry, saw that coming!

I shook my head, "No, I'm not gay but I feel the need to support something that bullies target the most. It's also given me some good friends since I've joined. People can think of me whatever they want. I couldn't care less."

Mom and dad had a proud expression on their face. That marked the end of the dinner conversation. Antoine quickly finished dinner and got excused. It wasn't his turn to do the dishes so he got off Scott free for now.

I was stuck entertaining my youngest brother while we did the dishes. Emile is a ball of energy and can be hard to handle at times. He's only 12 after all. Still, he's okay to hang around with. Just don't tell him I said that.

After we had finished the dishes Emile perked up even more. "Would you like to play a game with me? We can ask Antoine to join too!"

"I'll go get him. You get the game, make sure it's not shitty." He stuck his tongue out at me and ran off towards his room. He has all the games since I'm usually at my laptop and Antoine is on the house computer most of the time.

There he was playing a game of LOL, or League of Legends with his friends. Headphones on and talking about a jungle or something... I don't know... When he realized I was there he muted himself on his skype, "What's up?"

"Emile wants to know if you want to play a game with us."

Antoine thought about it for a moment. "Give me till the end of this jeu." Antoine usually doesn't speak French all that much at home. At school though, that's another story.

In a matter of 10 minutes he was done and said good-bye to his friends. He got up and was about to head off towards Emile's room when I stopped him. "Why would you think I cared if anyone thought I was gay?"

He shrugged, "It ennuyer some people."

I just smiled at him. "Even if my entire family was gay, I wouldn't care what other people thought of me. Just as long as I knew my family loved me." Antoine looked like he was gonna say something but decided not too.

We had some fun playing Settlers of Catan. Mom and dad wanted to join in so we moved out to the living room and had a family game night. Mom won most games making what I call a 'whore hole' and farming up just one thing. It was a good night just hanging out as a family.

Isaac Adam's POV

Dakota – You look cute tonight! <3

Oh god what did I get myself into... I get horny and then Dakota messages me and this ends up happening. I'm on cam, in boxers and a t-shirt and he calls this cute. I mean I do have some muscle here and there, but still.

Me – Thanks

Dakota – Seriously, how do you make yourself look so good? I just wanna kiss you!

Seriously kinda weird there, Dakota. I know lots of girls, and a few guys, who want my lips... but none say it every time I see them like you. Oh well at least I have a last resort right?

Me - You always say that.

Dakota – And I always mean it!

Me – I know...

Dakota – How 'bout me? How do I look tonight?

Me – The same as always. Cute.

Dakota – Good. I've been meaning to shave but haven't gotten around to it.

You do have some hair going on that chin of yours... Shaving might be a good option.

Me – Well I'm horny and tired. Lets get this going.

Dakota – OK!

And that started a cam session between us. Which ended in both of us blowing our loads and feeling great. I mean I don't think of Dakota when I jack off it but it's good to look at another cock when you do it.

Dakota – That was awesome! You still going to visit your cousins for winter break?

Me – I think so. My parents haven't said anything against it, so...

Dakota – Awesome! That means we can hang out!

Ya... He lives near my cousins... It's lots of fun since I am going there for Christmas. Dakota is convinced that we are going to hangout at this time. But you know Christmas is family time. I don't think I can ditch them even for a little bit. Especially cause I'm going to see my Favourite cousin!

Me – I'll see what I can do. I don't know for sure if I'll have any time for myself.

Dakota – You just gotta ask and get some. There's plenty of time for that though. I can't wait to see you! Ttyl!

And then he signed off.

How in the world did I manage to not scream at Kale about this guy. I didn't cam with him the entire time we were going out. He was a 'off limits' area of my life. He kept wanting to and I kept making excuses. He's just a bit annoying at times.

It's midnight though... and I'm tired so I'm off to bed. Maybe tomorrow will be awesome. Monday of week 4 of school. Almost time for the first dance of the school year. Will I get a date? Probably not, oh well, could be worse. Bed time now though.

Tyson Jackson's POV

Monday morning... wooo! NOT!! I hate Monday mornings almost as much as being at home. Home sucks cause there is nothing to do and my parents are never around. School sucks cause I would rather be sleeping in my room instead of weaving my way down the hallways avoiding bullies.

It isn't always easy... It's like Jake has his eyes set on making my life a living hell. It's always him! He's always the one to push or hit me away. Wish he would just find someone else to pick on. Why does it have to be me?

"Hey, Tyson!" Taylor comes down the hallway. He's a morning person... "Have you done your Science work yet?"

"Ya... It was homework for the weekend."

"I forgot about it till this morning and I need to get it done before the end of lunch?" He was practically begging me. "Please!?"

I rolled my eyes at the goof ball in front of me. "Sure." I looked through my Science binder and handed him my work. "Here, I need it back before Science class."

"Ya no problem, thanks a tone! I'll see you at lunch!" Taylor ran off waving.

I shut and locked my locker. I turned around bumped into someone and fell down. SHIT! I looked up and saw Jake standing there. "Seriously kid, what is wrong with you! It's this kid Peter, he's always fucking bumping into me."

My books were spread across the floor. I tried to pick them up just to get out of there. The Peter guy stepped on my art book. "Are you seriously retarded?"

"I just need my art book and I'll be off." I went to grab it but Peter slid it away from me. He pushed it to the other side of the hallway. "If you just give it back..."

"Fuck that kid!" Jake rolled his eyes. "This is three times now that you have rudely bumped into me. You're not getting away with this again." Oh shit... Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!

They can't just leave me sitting on the ground. They have to do something worse than this? I am not getting out of this alive am I?

I braced myself as Jake's foot went into my gut. I got struck by someone's foot two more times. It stopped after the third kick. I was laying on the ground crying. I couldn't hear anything from anyone. Someone put there hands on my shoulder, I flinched.

I heard someone speak. "...Son. Tyson! Tyson Jackson!" I managed to open my eyes enough to see a blurry mess in front of me. "It's Mr. Neilson. I want you to know 'they' are gone. How many times were you kicked?"

I managed to whisper out a, "Three."

"Can you show me where?" I tried to move but it hurt to much so I stopped. I shook my head, "Okay, I need to be able to check how bad the damage is, okay?" I nodded.

"I'll carry him to the first aid room." The voice was new. I haven't heard this voice before.

"Be careful, I know his gut has been hit and it appears to be in the most pain."

I felt the person put his arm around my back and below my knees. "Okay, I'm gonna lift you now, okay?" I nodded. He slowly picked me up. It hurt enough that I couldn't walk and awkward movements from this guy would shoot pain from my gut.

He set me down. I was sitting upright, still holding my stomach. "Thank you young man. What is your name?"

"Jayce Miles, I just moved into town a week or so ago." A new kid helped me, why?

"Well thank you Jayce. You should make your way to class now." Jayce didn't say anything else but I heard him walk away.

Mr. Neilson spent the next half an hour trying to help me out. He gave me an icepack for my stomach amongst other things to help me out. After about an hour I was okay enough to move a bit on my own.

"Am I gonna be sent home?"

He nodded, "I would advise it of you. You can't be feeling well enough for class."

"I think I can do it."

His head shook, "No." His voice was stern. "I'm calling your parents and you are going home for the day. What's the number I need to call?" I reluctantly told him my dad's cell number.

After a few minutes wait Mr. Neilson came back and told me my dad was on his way to pick me up. I remained quiet the entire time.

The bell went for recess and I could hear foot steps out in the hall. Someone came into the first aid room, "Oh good, your doing okay now."

I have never seen this guy before but I knew his voice. This was Jayce Miles the guy who carried me here. He smelt of burnt wood. His wavy dirty blonde hair was pushed off his face and away from his grey eyes. He looked dam sexy from my position.

He must have noticed my confused look. "I'm Jayce Miles, I carried you here. You had your eyes closed pretty tightly though. Are you okay now?"

"Better than before. I'm going home now."

He smiled, "I hope you get better soon. I have to get going though, chemistry is calling my name. I'll see you later..."

"Tyson... Tyson Jackson."

"See ya Tyson." He waved as he left the room.

I remained in silence until my dad came into the room. I could tell he was pissed at me but Mr. Neilson was oblivious to it, I guess. They had a brief conversation about what happened. I stayed quiet...

"Okay Tyson, let's get you home to rest." I nodded. I was able to walk but just barely. I was slow and it added to my dad's anger. When I got into the car dad spoke again, "I was in a business meeting Tyson and now I have no idea what is being said."

"It's not my fault..."

He snorted, "To hell it's not your fault. You probably started a fight you couldn't finish. Now when we get home you are going up to your room to rest and not making a sound, got it?"

"Yes sir." I barely managed to whisper out.

The car ride was silent. We got home swiftly. I went into the house and grabbed some frozen vegetable and made my way upstairs and laid on my bed. I started to cry... but it hurt too much to continue... but I couldn't stop the tears.

Jayce Miles' POV

I feel so bad for that Tyson kid. He got his ass kicked for whatever reason. I got there as Mr. Neilson was checking him out. I have no idea who were the people who did it. It kinda fills me with rage. He went home at recess and he should be resting right now. That's good.

It's lunch time now though and I need to find a place to sit in this disaster of a cafeteria. I got approached by two kids, "Sit with us new kid. You look like a nice guy." The kid smiled at me, "The name is Jake Milton, this is Peter."

"Peter Small."

I had a little laugh at that name. "You are kinda 'Small'." Peter rolled his eyes and continued on his way.

They sat down in the hallway, kinda secluded. We started just talking about things. Jake eventually asked, "Where did you come from? I mean where ya from?"

"I moved here from Calgary. Dad got a position at the local plant and we had to move." They seamed interested in it. "I got here in the middle of last week. Been moving stuff in before I could go to school."

"Pretty cool. Did you enjoy living in Calgary?"

I shrugged, "When you've lived somewhere all your life it gets boring. My mom is still there waiting for the house to sell and finishing up her job."

Peter looked over at me, "I've been to Calgary a couple times, it's fun there."

"Lived there, got boring."

Jake gave Peter a sly smile, "You, Jayce, are welcome to hangout with us when ever you want. It'll be loads of fun."

"Sounds like a plan guys. I'll see what I can do." They seem nice enough. I'm still concerned about Tyson but I can't let that stop me from making friends.

Chapter end.

I know Jayce only had a small part in this chapter but it's his introductory chapter. I had to name it after him.

I'll have you know that I have up to chapter 10, what is going to happen each chapter, completed. So I'll be able to update quickly for the next few chapters. I'm still open to ideas for the story so keep sending ideas.

The first 10 chapters are titled "How Lies Begin"

LLL is gonna get good! Trust me.


Next: Chapter 9

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