Lifes Illusions

By Allan Brettell

Published on Feb 14, 2015


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It had been 5 days and Josh was holding his own, the doctors had decided he should be lifted slowly from the artificial coma they were holding him in.

For four days he drifted slowly back to consciousness.

Saying he was conscious was really just wrongly stating the facts because his pain was at such a level that he was receiving constant pain relief which put him back into a deep dazed sleep within minutes of his waking.

He knew we were all there for him and he recognised us but communication was really limited.

The doctors were really positive, they couldn't believe he had survived and started to plan his rehabilitation.

On day twelve he was moved into a private room and in the afternoon he opened his eyes and for the first time smiled, looking straight at Bryan. He was trying desperately to speak but words weren't coming out.

Bryan realised he needed water and held a straw to his lips.

Josh sipped and it was clear he needed the water, when Bryan took away the straw he uttered a few words, "I promised you a birthday to remember, bet you didn't see that one coming", then he winced in pain as Bryan laughed with tears running down his face.

Within seconds he was asleep again and Bryan looked over to me, "He's going to be alright PJ, he's coming back to us thank god".

That night I slept soundly for the first time in ages so when Lenny nudged me in the middle of the night I couldn't quite work out what or where I was, but the few words she said were like an electric shock to my system, "PJ my waters have broken, the boys are coming I need the hospital quick".

I was out of the bed like I had an electric prong up my ass, I'd dressed in about 10 seconds, I was going round in circles, reeling off lists of things we needed to do.

Lenny was sitting, dressed and ready, with her pre packed bag watching me go into meltdown, she picked up the phone and spoke to someone, I realised later it was Leo, "Tell Rosa my waters broke then get in here and slap some sense into this nutter I married because he's having a flip out and I need to go now".

Within seconds Leo and Rosa appeared and took charge, Lenny was ushered into the elevator by Rosa, I was manhandled in by Leo, He had the car already parked close to the front entrance and 10 minutes later we were pulling into Mount Sinai Medical Centre.

A doctor, nurse and orderly were waiting to greet us and Lenny disappeared into the delivery suites area, I was directed to the reception desk to get Lenny booked in and cover the expenses.

When I'd finished I turned to Leo, "Thanks Leo, I lost it back there, I've had it planned out in my mind for so long and when it came to it I had a flip out, I feel like a prat".

Leo was laughing so much he was actually shaking, "PJ it was an absolute gas to see what I must have looked like, only in my case Rozel actually slapped me and took charge, come on let's get you into the delivery suite, we can't have you missing the arrival of the boys".

I was dressed in a gown and ushered into Lenny's suite.

Lenny was looking remarkably composed and beckoned me over, "I need you to concentrate now PJ, I'll need your help soon, do you remember the drill when I get the contractions?".

I nodded yes,

"Oh shit just in time, here it comes, arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

I may have remembered the drill but the vice like grip crushing the bones in my left hand to powder sent all reasonable thought out of the window, before the contraction subsided I was screaming as loud as Lenny.

The contractions were now just a couple of minutes apart and the midwife told us we were 'good to go'.

The midwife directed me to a place further down the bed where I could observe whilst still holding Lenny's hand, she coached Lenny on what would be happening and urged her not to push down unless she was asked to, she urged Lenny to use the breathing exercises to stop herself from pushing down and then Lenny was screaming again.

The midwife announced,"Here comes the first one".

I was dumbstruck, I was looking at the dark hair on the head of our eldest son as he pushed his way into the world, it felt almost surreal, it was unbelievable, incredible, he seemed to slide non stop out from Lenny's body as if he couldn't wait to get started on life and suddenly, there he was, our boy, his first act was to let out a hearty cry.

The midwife clamped off the umbilical cord,cut it and handed him off to a nurse to be examined and recorded.

I'd been reassuring Lenny constantly that he was healthy and she was concentrating on the continual contractions as our second son appeared before me, I should have been relaxed now, I'd just seen our eldest son do exactly what our second son was doing but I was mesmerised again watching intently as he made his way into the world, again it was as though he was in a hurry to get started and to find his twin.

I'd turned to Lenny to reassure her that our second son looked to be as healthy as his brother and when I turned back he was already there being handed of to a second nurse.

I went back up the bed to kiss Lenny, "Thank you my love, thank you for our beautiful boys".

The midwife had briefed us on what was happening, they now waited for Lenny's body to expel the placenta and then Lenny could rest and meet her sons.

Lenny told them it felt like it was moving down but it felt exactly like it did with the boys, they just smiled a patronising sort of smile until both midwife and nurse let out expletives that worried us.

"Shit that's not the placenta", said the first midwife.

They looked completely shocked, and the second midwife added, "Not unless it comes with a full head of hair, it's another one, call for a doctor this one could be stressed".

Lenny and I were confused and a little frightened we didn't understand, they were here, the boys had been born, what were they're talking about, I moved back down the bed and got the shock of my life, another head had appeared and was emerging with the same determined speed as its brothers had displayed.

Lenny looked bewildered unable to understand what was happening, "Lenny its a third one hunny, we've got three not two, how in hell did they miss that?".

As the third child came fully into the world the first two were wailing fit to burst, but something absolutely incredible happened, the third child let out just one long wail and then all three were quiet as if they'd been calling to the third one to hurry and once they knew it was ok then they could relax.

The midwife arranged all three babies in Lenny's arms and looking at Lenny and me said, "You're now the proud parents of two sons and a daughter, if I didn't know better I'd say the boys knew they had to be born fast to give her the best chance, I've never seen a single birth happen so fast let alone three births and look they've both got one of her hands, I'd say woe betide any fool who tries messing with her with these two around".

I'd brought a digital camera and I got Lenny posed with all three and then one of the nurses insisted I join in and she took charge of the camera to take our first family portrait.

As soon as I got the camera back I tagged the picture with a caption.

The babies were taken off to the nursery, Lenny was given a cup of sweet tea and a mild sedative and within a short time was enjoying a well earned sleep.

I crept out of the room and found Leo pacing in the waiting room, he thought I'd just slipped out for a breather, he was bowled over when I told him it was all over they were here and all fit and healthy.

I asked him if he wanted to see a picture of them and he jumped at the chance so I passed him the camera but said, "I'll give you 10 seconds to tell me what's unusual with this picture".

He opened the picture and a smile spread across his face then it was replaced with a frown, "But, where did, err, I mean why's there an extra one, which are the boys and who's the extra one?". He was looking first at me and then back to the picture then back to me".

I was smiling, "You missed the 10 second limit, not good for a security bloke like you, not thought to read the tag I wrote below the picture?".

He turned back to the picture and read, 'Lenny and I, our first family portrait with, on the outside left, our eldest son, on the outside right, our second eldest son and in the middle our beautiful daughter'.

Leo took a few more seconds then his expression said he'd got it, "Shit, shit, shit, it's triplets, how the bloody hell didn't the doctors know about this, it's bloody fantastic, are you sure they're all okay?".

I reassured him they were all fine and we headed back to the apartment.

On the way we stopped of at a florist shop and I sent most everything in the shop to Lenny's suite.

Back at the apartment I called Gramps and asked him to hold whilst I called Edward and Esther then dropped us all into a conference call.

I was immediately badgered with questions from all sides, after a couple of minutes I remembered Lenny's method of getting attention.

"Ok you guy's, cut the crap and listen up, first off I want to say congratulations Great grandpa, Grandpa and Grandma the babies are here".

"I apologise for not keeping you in the loop but things happened so quick my head was spinning and yes they are all fine.

Lenny is resting right now so I'd appreciate you leaving her alone for the next couple of hours, in fact I'd appreciate it if you could come straight here and be prepared to stay a while". It was almost an instant triple response to say they were on the way.

I thought a little tease was in order, "So doesn't anyone want a peek at the new arrivals because if you do I just emailed the first portrait of Lenny and I with our children and I suggest you read the tag on the bottom before you call back screaming questions at me".

I ended the call just as Leo, Rosa and Bryan walked in, I was laughing uncontrollably, "Anybody want to do a count down from 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,", the phone started ringing and I was laughing again as I answered the phone to Esther, "Hi Grandma, yes you're a Grandma to three not two, and nobody was more surprised than us, so get your butts here asap".

There was no reply the line just went dead and we all could picture Esther hustling Edward out to the car.

There was no call from Gramps, I imagined the grin on his face was about a mile wide and he would be in his car on the way without wasting time on a call.

I showered and went back to the hospital.

Lenny was still sleeping so I went down to the nursery and looking through the window I was surprised to see all three in the same cot with a label stating 'Thorn Triplets'.

One of the nurses saw me and came over, "Boy are you in for some fun with these three when you get home, they refuse to be parted, that's the only way we could get them to settle by putting them all in together and they immediately grab hands and drift off to sleep".

They were in the exact same position as when Lenny held them earlier, a boy on either side of their little sister and each holding her hands, she meanwhile was happily sleeping with a contented smile on her face.

When I got back to Lenny's room she was just stirring, I enveloped her in a massive hug, "Hi there Momma Thorn, Daddy Thorn is going to be eternally grateful to you for making him the happiest man on the planet and he will grant you your wildest wish once you give him a big kiss and rub better the hand you nearly broke during labour".

Lenny gave me a long and loving kiss then started laughing, "PJ I'm so sorry I knew it was hurting you but I couldn't let go, I needed to know you were with me". I smiled to let her know I was teasing, "Was it bad Lenny?".

She looked at me, "I think it was but in all honesty I don't remember, but I'll tell you what is bad, the need for coffee so you ring that bloody bell and get me some of this bloody five star service we're paying for and make it quick before we get assaulted by those lunatic grandparents I just know are itching to get in here".

By the mid afternoon our family and friends had all visited and gone home, Lenny's suite looked like Kew Gardens there were so many flowers.

Lenny yawned and said I should go get some rest and she intended doing the same so I went back to the apartment and collapsed into bed exhausted.

Rosa woke me a few hours later to tell me dinner was almost ready so I showered, dressed and met everyone in the lounge.

I'd spoken to Lenny after my shower and we'd agreed that I would bring the Grandparents back with me this evening since no one had yet been able to hold any of the babies and feeding was due in about two hours so it would work out well.

Billy and Julia were on vacation in Barbados visiting Billy's Aunt when I managed to catch up with them, they were overjoyed with the news and Julia wanted to come home immediately to see Lenny and the babies but Billy reminded her they were reliant on whatever seats they could bag on the next commercial flight out.

I wanted them back soon and with the least stress on Julia so I offered to send my plane out for them and Billy told me thanks they could be ready whenever our guys got there.

Earlier in the afternoon after everyone had left Lenny and I talked about names for our brood, we'd already gone over the boys names before they were born, we hadn't expected to need a girls name but surprisingly it was a simple decision, all three were a mix of our relatives and closest friends.

Peter Aaron James Thorn - 1st born Paul Edward William Thorn - 2nd born Elizabeth Christine Julia Thorn - 3rd born

The days following were a constant round of visitors. Lenny remained in the hospital a further 3 days before I brought her and our new family home to the apartment.

We discussed having a nanny to live in, something we hadn't considered when we thought there would only be two to look after but with three everything became so much more difficult, however we didn't follow up on the idea thinking we'd try to manage on our own.

Feeding and changing we managed okay with two of us working together but one person working alone ended up really stressed, feeding alone could take up to an hour each, add on changing nappies and by the time you got the last one settled it was time to go back to the first one.

The bond between them proved the most difficult to manage, if they were separated they wailed non stop, it was enough for them to be in the same room but separate them at your peril.

By the time we reached one month I was constantly tired, Lenny looked a mess, her face was haggard, she had dark rings under her eyes, she'd taken to wearing baggy track bottoms and loose tee shirts because invariably she was vomited on several times a day and speed was essential in changing, ready to tend to the next demanding baby.

I came home from a difficult board meeting to find Lenny in tears on the sofa in the lounge, I rushed to put my arms around her and she sobbed into my shoulder, "I'm a failure PJ, I can't keep up, I don't have any energy left, I just want to sleep".

It broke my heart to see her like this and I was determined to make changes.

"Firstly you're no failure, we have both been stupid, this is way more than we can manage and I'm putting a stop to it, we'll hire a couple of nannies and take up the slack when they're off but only when they're off okay?".

Lenny looked relieved, "Thank you PJ, I felt like just walking out today, I couldn't take it anymore, I'll be ok if I know I've got support but I can't keep expecting you to be there for us, you have so much to do with all of the businesses".

Rosa and Rozel lined up nine possibles for interview and one or both of them sat in on the interviews, they also stepped in and helped Lenny every day.

Within three days we had the list down to five when one of the candidates decided to voice her opinion on the bond between our kids and how she would suggest we set out the rules early and separate them, she felt they should understand that they couldn't dictate. They should do as they were told and it would be a style she intended to adopt if successful.

I watched all three women bristle at the thought of someone even thinking of separating our little trio and I immediately put a cross through her interview sheet and terminated the interview.

Now we were down to four, they ranged in age from 25 to 50 years old and all seemed to genuinely love kids and more importantly each had expressed a plea that we never try to break the bond our kids shared they felt almost as one that over time it would relax slightly but for now it was really important to them to maintain it.

We debated the merits of all four candidates for what seemed like hours and finally I suggested we take them all.

I justified my suggestion by explaining, it needs two on duty at all times so I vote we hire all four and let them work out their own working rota.

Lenny felt we were going over the top but Rozel and Rosa agreed with me and persuaded Lenny to give it a try.

All four spoke several languages including Spanish which we had insisted upon as our principal homes would be in Spain and Lanzarotte.

Calling all four to come see us at the same time proved to be beneficial in that we found they all knew each other and some had actually worked together in the past.

The downside was that they were convinced if we had called them all in at the same time we must be giving two of them bad news.

Rozel and Rosa were with us for the final interview and I'd asked Leo to join us as well because we were effectively employing 4 people who would have complete access to the inner workings of our family so if Leo had any objections we either had to work them out or the person of interest couldn't be employed.

Lenny opened the interview, "Thank you all for coming in to see us today, I know this has been a lengthy and arduous process for all of you, but to be fair that could be blamed mostly on all of you. Presenting such similar packages and personalities, plus your views on raising children has given us a difficult time. I will tell you it pleasantly surprised us how in tune you all are with how we want our children to grow. I won't keep you in suspense any longer, subject to the approval of Leo who operates our family security, we would like to offer all of you positions".

Lenny handed over to Leo.

"Ladies, I have to tell you I have already completed an in depth security sweep on each of you and you passed with flying colours, however, what I want to do now before you agree to an offer of employment is to make you aware of what it means to be employed by this family"

He paused to let them take in what he'd David so far.

"Mr and Mrs Thorn are immensely wealthy and I mean in the realms of what most people would imagine to be Monopoly money. They currently have 5 homes around the world and in the near future to accommodate their essential travel for business purposes the number of homes will undoubtedly increase".

Again he gave them a breathing space.

"Because of their wealth, they, their children, and ultimately each one of us by association, becomes a target for every sick wacko out there. It's my job to ensure each of us are kept as safe as possible and in order to do that I insist on strict procedures".

This time his voice became more forceful.

"Understand, and let there be no confusion".

Leo paused again for effect.

"Breaching those procedures could, and most likely would, lead to instant dismissal. You will lose a great deal of your freedom, you will have assigned security personnel with you when outside of a residence. Of the greatest importance, never, and I stress never, are the children to leave a residence without a set security presence this is not negotiable".

Leo left a pause between each statement.

"You will never bring anyone into a residence or onto the grounds of a residence unless, and until I personally have approved that person".

"It is not acceptable to gain the approval of Mr or Mrs Thorn they do not have the authority to give approval".

"Working for Mr and Mrs Thorn you would become part of the family and you would be employed by two of the nicest and most loyal people you will ever meet but I would urge you to consider the information I have given you before you make any decision".

Lenny took over again, "Thank you Leo, now ladies, everything Leo has told you is true, including and most importantly the fact that Mr Thorn and I do not have the authority to overrule Leo".

"Does anyone now feel they would prefer not to work for us?".

"I guarantee if that were the case, we would willingly give you a glowing reference and willingly participate in a positive verbal exchange with any alternative prospective employers".

Without exception all four agreed they still wanted to work for us and so I called Pip and asked her to arrange contracts for our newest employees.

Isabel the oldest of the four having just turned 49 had expressed an interest in living in.

The other three, in order of age, Louise, Senner, and Charlotte, all had their own properties and preferred to live out but fully agreed there would be times when they would need to stay over as well as agreeing to the required travel of varying durations, they understood that for most of the year we would be in and around Europe.

Isabel agreed she would move in the following day and take up her duties the day after, Leo offered his help in getting all of her belongings moved and she accepted with grateful thanks.

Lenny appointed Isabel the Head Nanny and handed over control of their working hours to her. Leo confirmed he would set out the security parameters they needed to work within and discuss this the day after tomorrow when they took up their posts.

Within a week I saw a marked improvement in Lenny, she bounced back to the happy caring totally mad woman I married.

Leo had asked for a meeting with Lenny and I and we were apprehensive about the reason, praying he wasn't quitting.

Lenny tried to pump Rosa but all she would give up was that he had no plans to quit.

When the time for the meeting arrived we met in my office at the apartment.

Leo kicked off, " Guys firstly thanks for being true to your word and backing me in every decision I have made to date, I hope I have been instrumental in delivering improved security and safety for the family, but, I'm worried".

Leo paused to let us absorb, and he sure had our attention.

I asked him to continue.

"Over the last two years PJ, your personal wealth has increased substantially, you have come onto the Forbes radar, you have married a wonderful, strong, outspoken and confident partner, you have become the father of three beautiful children, since your fathers departure you have moved into the position of heir apparent to the Woodruff Empire and finally you have with others launched the hugely successful SPECTRUM Restaurant Chain onto the international market. Lenny most of the aforementioned applies equally to you. Would you both agree this is a fair assessment?".

Still wondering what this was leading to we agreed it was correct and asked him to continue.

"Since you first employed me I have singlehandedly been organising and overseeing your, our, security, with the occasional help of Freddie Fellows and James Garret who as you know are also stretching themselves by lending me their help, so we cannot continue in this form. I am far too thinly spread to take care of everything and for the sake of safety I am asking for permission to make drastic changes by appointing a dedicated security team devoted purely to family security.

If you agree I will still have overall charge but there will be a large degree of autonomy to take account of changing situations.

Do you want me to continue?".

Lenny looked at me and I knew immediately we were in agreement, but the urge to have a bit of fun at Leo's expense was too tempting.

"No Leo, I don't want you to continue".

Leo looked dejected and a glance at Lenny told me I was about to get slapped so it was time to clear it up.

"Leo we appointed you as THE person to take overall control of our extended families security, that brief has not changed, nor as far as our trust goes has there been any change, but we fully understand the scope of the job has increased substantially plus we have further loaded you with the Board level security position at Woodruff and the Security position with SPECTRUM. I speak for both of us when I say the decision to appoint you was one of the most important and clearly positive things we have done or will ever do, so our joint answer to you is, keep us in the loop as you always do but we trust you to make the changes you feel are necessary, so go for it tiger".

Leo's face was a picture, I don't think he could decide between smacking me or hugging me, fortunately he chose the latter.

"Wait guys, you haven't asked what this will cost, we need to discuss a budget".

Lenny and I smiled at him but she answered this one, "Leo you've already indicated you know roughly what we are worth and we are discussing the safety of our nearest and dearest so as a budget we would appreciate it greatly if you could keep it within the limits of our nett worth, but if that shouldn't be possible, let us know and we'll go see the bank manager. Seriously Leo you have no budget, just do your best to keep us safe".

Over tea and coffee Leo gave us the first change he intended to make was to appoint Casey White - Ex American Black Ops -as Head Of Personal Security.

We'd met Casey in London acting as our chauffeur and Leo admitted that had been at Casey's request.

He had left his last employers because they refused time and again to follow his security measures and the result had been his employers being almost killed and the abduction of their daughter for ransom. Casey had effected the safe return of the daughter and promptly resigned his post.

Leo told us that Casey was an almost mirror image of him in everything so he knew we would find him easy to work with. Casey and Leo already had a plan and Leo promised as soon as Casey was on board which should be within the next few days, they would lay it out for us.

Leo and I both had appointments at the Woodruff so we travelled together and I couldn't resist asking what the bit that didn't mirror him was about Casey. He laughed, "I'm not sure I can give you that information, it relates to Casey's private life and it really has absolutely no bearing on the position he will be taking up".

I thought for a moment, "He's gay".

Leo was smirking, "Would that be a problem?".

I was grinning as well, "You are asking if I am a hypocrite?".

He was still smirking, "I know you better than you know yourself, I know you would never take a hypocritical approach and I believe Casey will make you aware of anything he feels it is in your interest to know, and that is my last word on the matter".

My appointment at the Woodruff was to interview two candidates for the roles of Hotel General Managers, I'd fired the three fools who had allowed a rude and lazy department manager to mistreat guests whilst they ignored the problem in their midst.

I'd drafted in a Probationary General Manager from another location who came with references from his own property General Managers that should have had him vying for my job instead of General Manager and 2 months on I was in full agreement.

I had my methods of learning what went on in a property and I'd been impressed with his style it was so similar to mine.

On the days following his appointment he'd advised his new secretary that he was suffering a viral infection and would be absent for several days and all departments were to operate as normal until he got better and could come in.

He then checked in at reception under his own full name just like I'd done in Torremolinas, he was determined to check out the typical guest experience.

On day three he walked into the General Managers office and called a staff attendance by shift meeting, meaning that for the next 24 hours every employee would attend a meeting with him.

The result was eight managers sacked and their deputies elevated to temporary manager in their place.

On entering The Woodruff I noticed the reception/check in staff were all new, I asked to be announced to the General Manager and was politely asked to take a seat.

I'd listened intently as guests came to the concierge desk and been impressed with the level of service.

When I was escorted up to The General Managers office I was met by David Parnell whom I'd appointed as Temporary General Manager.

David greeted me, "Mr Thorn it's good of you to give up your time for us, I hope we can have this settled fairly quickly".

He gave me a brief rundown on the two candidates being interviewed today, I believe you know one and have met the other.

I was puzzled until I saw the names, Bryan Fielding and Abigail Renfrew.

I asked what I knew was a contentious question, "Why Bryan Fielding, and call me PJ when we're in private please?".

He smiled, "Not because he lives in your apartment, and not because he happens to be the partner of Josh Hartnett or the cousin of Billy Fielding, if those were his only qualifications he would be sitting on the kerb with my boot print on his butt irrespective of his home address or his connections".

I was impressed with his candour.

"Bryan didn't have to sell himself to me, he just stood out, he did his job, and in the course of doing it, he did the job of probably 5 other Department Managers without batting an eye, he approaches a problem from the point of improving the guest experience, nothing is ever too much trouble, he never drops the ball he carries it to the line for touch down.

You should know he didn't apply, I asked him to apply and he agreed, but only on condition that if he could persuade Abigail to apply I would accept her application because as he put it, she is a carbon copy of him but with feminine wiles so all in all the whole package would be covered, then we would just need to find the third General Manager and my job will be done".

I knew we wouldn't be doing interviews today.

"David, I put you here because I was hoping I was right in thinking you operate as I would, in fact the testimonials I received should have been for someone applying for my job not General Manager. I can't understand why you have not been promoted already, and I have not been disappointed, in fact I'm impressed beyond my best expectations, so first off before we see these guys, will you agree to take up the post of Hotel General Manager on a permanent basis?".

He just stared at me, "PJ, can I talk frankly".

I nodded.

"I never expected this, I thought I was just helping out, I would jump at the chance to be a General Manager, but, and this trumps everything else, I have a partner, who was injured pretty bad in Afghanistan, we live in a small apartment and since his repatriation he's been undergoing a pretty intense medical rehabilitation program and there's been no success in getting employment so we are not exactly flush.

He paused to get us both a bottle of water.

"The medical bills are only partly covered by the Defence Department so we still have to pick up the slack, financially to move here would just not be a possibility, I'm really sorry but I have to say no".

I was gobsmacked, this guy was way more than I could have hoped for.

I looked straight at him.

"Ok that's settled then, you are appointed General Manager, your partners medical expenses will be taken care of under your medical cover, you'll get relocation expenses and a subsidised housing allowance, oh and I want to meet the person who can get you to say no to me, I need to know this person, just one thing, and you don't have to answer this, you can tell me to fuck off if you want, is your partner male or female?".

He was chuckling.

"My friends said you were a fair and honourable man but Jesus PJ you are a legend, I don't mind at all answering your question, he's male, I'm, well, we, are gay, he has amongst a host of other decorations, The Silver Star, The Navy Cross and The Medal Of Honour we've been together since I was 14 and he was 16, we were a first for each other and I would die before I would put anything before him".

We never did do the other interviews, I told him to appoint them and then get his move arranged.

His partner Doug was here in New York with him so I invited them to dinner the following night.

As soon as I returned to the apartment I called Leo, he had still been in a meeting when I left the Woodruff so I left him a message advising I'd taken the Limo and about our dinner guests the following night incase he needed to do a security sweep.

A clearly excited Leo came to see me as soon as he got home, "PJ tell me you don't have Douglas Wainwright, one of the most decorated marines of recent years, coming to dinner tomorrow night".

"I believe we do Leo, why, is that a problem?".

Leo was positively bouncing.

"PJ he is, or was before his injuries, the top dog in his field, he was a magician when it came to security. He could plan a mission and identify dangerous elements when no one else even had a clue there was something that could go wrong".

Leo stopped to think before each statement.

"He has singlehandedly saved the lives of hundreds of our troops".

"His injuries came from driving a Humvee directly into an attacking force who had two platoons of our soldiers pinned down, he allowed all 31 of our guys to escape but at a horrific personal cost, he lost both legs, one fully and the other below the knee".

"He has been though the mill on recovery, I know of at least 15 operations and then cosmetic surgery to remove shrapnel and rebuild his face".

I asked a simple question which I honestly couldn't figure out.

"If he's so good why is he having trouble finding employment?".

Leo's face took on a dark look.

"Mostly it's a concerted campaign to hold him down, to punish him because he spoke publicly about the ineptitude in office by uneducated idiots making decisions which can have life threatening consequences for our forces personnel on the ground. From what I've heard it was not taken well and as a reprisal any prospective employers get some sort of reminder that it would not be a good idea to employ him".

"Are you saying if I offered him a job someone would try to persuade me not too?".

I couldn't understand why anyone would be influenced in this way unless Douglas was a liability for some unknown reason.

Leo sighed, "No PJ, I'm saying clearly you would receive a very credible threat backed reminder that it would not be a good idea to employ him if you value a quiet and easy life".

To say I was incensed was an understatement.

"Could he fit anywhere in our organisation?".

Leo looked troubled so I put my hand up to stop him answering.

"Before you answer, I can see you're conflicted, I'm guessing this centres around making me aware of a situation which, if I get myself involved, could put us, as a family, in the firing line, so now you're concerned you may have inadvertently caused us all a problem and you are desperately trying to find a way out, well it's admirable that you want to keep me from upsetting some high ranking arsehole but forget it, you should know me by now, I don't cave to arseholes, now I believe you were about to answer my question".

Leo was smiling, "Jeez PJ you'll probably be the death of me, but in answer, yes, he would be a first class asset to us in security for both Woodruff and SPECTRUM, but please PJ, think long and hard on this before you do something that has the potential to cause us untold trouble, but you can be assured whatever you decide I'll be with you".

"Thanks Leo, I need to speak to Lenny, Josh and Gramps but my gut feeling is that if we all kept quiet because some arseholes don't like having it told as it is,then we end up living in a dictatorship and I'm not prepared to allow that, there's a saying I quote often, it's one I heard a lot from Gramps when I was growing up, 'No Sugar On This Pill' so whenever the occasion warrants it we should all be prepared to accept or give an accurate account of the situation without any sugar coating".

As I expected Lenny was infuriated and agreed we hire him if it was to our advantage.

Josh, who was improving fantastically and due to be discharged soon said, "Hire him and tell em all to fuck off".

Gramps sighed and said he couldn't believe people in public office would stoop to victimisation just because they didn't like what was being said, he agreed if we thought it was for the good of the company we should offer him employment and deal with any fall out as and when it occurred.

Dinner the following evening started off rather quietly. We'd invited Billy and Julia to join us and Julia was only a week away from her due date to deliver their little bundle of joy.

David and Douglas arrived promptly at 7pm bearing an excellent bottle of wine and flowers for Lenny which she promptly used to rag on me. "I got a whole flower shop when the triplets were born but not a smell of a bloom since so it's particularly nice when someone reminds my husband I like flowers".

Rosa had put together a beautiful meal and two of her girls and one of the boys from the housekeeping team were acting as waiter and waitresses.

Around the table we had, Lenny and myself, Leo and Rosa, Billy and Julia, Bryan, then David and Douglas.

I asked David how the moving arrangements were going and he hesitated a little before saying, "We've got several places to see over the next few days but prices are so expensive here it frightens me just looking at the brochures".

Everyone around the table was getting on really well when Billy asked Douglas what he did now he was out of the military and the table fell silent.

With the exception of Billy and Julia everyone around the table knew of the problems Douglas was having finding employment.

Billy looked around, "Okay, I asked a simple question, but obviously there's now a ruddy great elephant in the room so who's going to explain this to me".

Everyone except David and Douglas looked toward me and Both Lenny and Rosa did that annoying push with the hands gesturing for me to do something.

"Sorry Billy but Douglas doesn't have to answer that right now if he doesn't want to, though I'm hoping later this evening he might have something positive to tell you".

Billy knew me well and understood I'd just asked him to drop the subject.

"No prob bro, but maybe you can answer me this one, is it true that you sacked my cousin here, or is that just a nasty rumour?".

Billy was smirking, he already knew the truth.

"I most certainly did not, I don't know where you get this crap Intel, in fact I do believe Bryan has some interesting news to share".

All eyes turned to Bryan, "Today I was promoted to Hotel Director alongside David and Abigail".

Billy was out of his chair and hugging his cousin, looking at me he said, "Remember he's only on loan".

I gave my usual reply, "Dream on Bro, you get him back when we merge".

Fortunately everyone was laughing at the comedy exchange between Billy and me so the original question was forgotten.

After dinner Bryan excused himself to visit Josh and we adjourned to the lounge for drinks and coffee, David commented on how beautiful the apartment was, it was my opening and I offered to show them around. I eventually guided them to the balcony overlooking Central Park signalling to Leo to join us.

"Douglas, do you prefer that or would you rather I call you Doug ?", he nodded.

"I feel a bit of a fraud because I got you here for two reasons, the first is quite legitimate, I wanted to meet the man who was so great David would say no to my offer of a promotion, it's not something I'm familiar with".

"I hasten to add I didn't take any notice of his refusal, hence why you are looking for a home in this city".

Doug looked at me, "I appreciate that you could convince him that he doesn't always have to say no because of a misguided loyalty to me. I know he could soar if he would let himself be free of me but he is a stubborn SOB".

I looked at David who had tears in his eyes before I answered, "For a supposedly intelligent fearless man you sure can act thick as shit sometimes".

Doug looked at me and started laughing, "They told me you were a firebrand, I didn't believe it but I sure do now, it's been a long time since anyone except David had the balls to say anything like that to me, now I believe you mentioned a second reason for having me here".

"Okay, I want to offer you employment, and before you raise the obligatory objections I know about all the shit that's dragging along behind you because you felt it your duty to tell it as it is".

I paused smiling.

"I'd probably, no strike that, I would do and have done, the same thing. Anyway, I want you to work for Leo, he'll fill you in but basically it involves the security in all its forms for Woodruff and SPECTRUM".

He was now silent and concentrating on my next words.

"Now if you were genuinely concerned enough to voice your opinion and I'm guessing you've done your homework, you should know I expect all of my family to have an opinion and voice it in a democratic way, if you follow that rule you have my backing".

He looked ready to cry, "I can't believe I could be so lucky twice in my life. David you were right, I love you, Mr Thorn I love you too but not in the way I love David, that involves full frontal nudity and lots of naughtiness, but if you're serious then yes please".

"Okay I believe you can now answer Billy, shall we rejoin the others".

Doug cornered me just before they left, "PJ, you do understand what will happen when certain people find out I've accepted a job offer from you".

"Doug I hate to seem presumptive, when we hadn't even discussed you working for me, but my Grandfather was at a dinner this evening in The White House and about an hour ago he dropped a little nugget of information about you finding employment in the lap of The Secretary Of Defence.

Of course he won't elaborate, they'll need to work for that information but I'm guessing since Leo applied to the Defence Department for a background reference on you earlier today, even they should be able to put two and two together, so we will most likely have a reaction by morning.

Whatever the response I'd ask you to hold tight my friend, you're part of my family now and you should know people don't usually choose to fuck with me unless they enjoy pain, in the past it's been noted that I don't play nice when my family are threatened".

Bryan returned later than usual from the hospital but as soon as he was home it was clear he was bouncing with happiness, Josh had been given the all clear to be discharged tomorrow.

We'd already discussed this at length and decided Josh's apartment was too small to accommodate the staff Josh needed to continue his recovery so he agreed he would come here and his staff of two male nurses and a physiotherapist would live in until his doctors decided he was ok to continue under his own steam.

At this point most of his broken bones had healed but he couldn't walk, his arms were too weak to support him or help him pull himself around so he needed constant help but what the hell he was alive and slowly inching his way back to full health.

One of the guest rooms had been kitted out with all of the equipment Josh would need and the three rooms nearest were set aside for his staff.

Lenny and I had decided that once Julia gave birth we would head home to Torremolinas where there was the other arm of our extended family who were anxious to see the triplets who were now 6 weeks old and besides we felt it was time to arrange the christenings with the Priest at the church where we were married.

The following morning while Bryan went to the hospital to collect a very relieved Josh, Lenny and I visited the Woodruff. I'd asked for her help on something that was bothering me and she jumped at the chance.

I asked to be announced and headed to the General Managers Office, David was in the process of talking Bryan and Abigail through the procedures and report compilations.

I wanted to speak with David so suggested we meet in the coffee lounge when they were finished.

Lenny and I went down to the lounge and got settled in a corner with sofa and armchairs and ordered coffee.

Not ten minutes later David joined us.

I had a slight feeling maybe I'd done something to put David and I at crossed swords and I needed to get that out of the way, "David I'm not sure if maybe I've overstepped the mark by offering Doug a job without speaking to you first, I know there's something wrong but I'm having trouble finding out what it is so I wanted to try and talk it out".

David looked surprised, "PJ you've done nothing wrong, offering Doug a job is probably the best thing that's happened in a long time for him and for that matter for me as well.

Its given him a sense of purpose and a confidence that I haven't seen in him for a long time, I'm overjoyed for him".

So that wasn't the reason David was showing concern, then it hit me, he'd said they were really tight on funds, it was the cost of accommodation in New York, I was sure of it, "David, is it the cost of accommodation that's worrying you?".

He looked shocked, "I'm sorry PJ, it must seem like I'm so ungrateful, but I'm worried sick, I've scoured the adds and the only places we can afford are in dodgy areas and so far from here I'll be spending hours of each day commuting and I've already seen a lot of the staff here doing the same thing and they arrive here stressed and tired to start their shift, I'm still not sure I can accept this post permanently".

I looked at Lenny, "Okay Luv, this is why I wanted your help, what do you make of what David has told us?".

Lenny was looking thoughtful, "Well first off David I'm going to have a word with Josh, he won't be needing his apartment for the next 6 to 12 months at least, so I'm pretty sure he'll allow us to borrow it and that should take care of you and Doug, don't worry about rent, if my husband wants you badly enough he'll sort that side for you, but something else you said concerns me just as much"

She stopped to get it right.

"You say there are a lot of staff here who have to undertake this gruelling commute daily, I'm pretty sure that concerns PJ as much as it concerns me, we need to arrange for staff to be more local and just as importantly for them to be safely housed"

"David could you get me a rough idea of the number of people we are looking at and in what sort of family grouping they fall i.e. Single, couple, family units and how many in the unit".

We told David to stop worrying everything would be okay, for the time being they would move in with us and pretty soon we would have them settled into Josh's apartment.

On the way home Lenny asked if I'd ever thought about how the staff managed for a home life and I must admit I felt ashamed to admit I never had, I'd just assumed that staff applying for employment had that covered.

Lenny could see me turning it over in my head.

"Okay PJ, give up with the self recrimination, you're not God, you're not expected to think of everything, it's not your fault if you didn't know, the true test is what you do once you know about it".

I looked at her, "You see the good in everything, I'm ok with agreeing I didn't know about this problem, but that's not really good enough is it. I should have thought about this and done something about it sooner and I didn't, that means I failed on that point, but I'm sensible enough to know putting it right is more important than beating myself up about past failings".

As soon as we got home I called Ramon and discussed the problem we had encountered with staff accommodation and Ramon was as surprised as I had been.

He asked if I would leave him to think on this for a day or so because he wanted to look at the various properties around the world.

My next call was in person to Josh's room where he had been settled in whilst we had been at The Woodruff, he was sitting in a specially adapted piece of gym equipment, supervised by his physio, he was sweating profusely but looking determined to reach his goal of a return to full health. I asked if he could spare a couple of minutes and he laughed and said he would love a few minutes break from his torture master.

Once he was settled comfortably in an orthopaedic armchair, I explained the problem I'd had at The Woodruff, how I'd sacked the entire General Management Team and brought in David who I knew was someone Josh had already earmarked for fast track to management, but, and I stressed this as the problem.

David and Douglas were having great difficulty finding accommodation, they were really limited financially because of Douglas's medical bills and I didn't want to chance losing someone perfectly in tune with our aims so I hoped he would lend us his apartment whilst he was convalescing.

I hadn't realised I was holding my breath until Josh laughed.

"Breathe PJ before you go blue, of course you can use the apartment".

He was laughing.

"I hadn't had a chance to mention this before but I closed on a new apartment a few days before the accident, I'd been intending to show it to Bryan that evening as our new home together but of course best laid plans and all that, so I'm thinking if you don't object to us camping out here for the foreseeable future, I want Lenny to work with Bryan and I to remodel the new place for us".

I was thrilled that not only had I got the solution to David and Doug's problem but it was really good to see Josh so positive.

"Thanks Josh, how do you want to handle this ?, do you want to sell the apartment or keep it and rent it out ?, and what have you bought for the two of you?".

Josh was laughing again, "PJ you'll kill me if you keep making me laugh like this, how many questions in one sentence ?, I'm going to keep the apartment so we'll work out a reasonable rent that they can afford, now as to what I've bought, its almost a whole floor of an apartment building, I couldn't get the last unit but I know the neighbours and they're ok so I'm happy".

Whilst he'd been describing his new apartment he'd been pointing down at the floor and suddenly I twigged what he meant, he'd bought out the entire floor below us and the unit he couldn't get was the one we owned and were using as staff accommodation.

I'd called David and given him the news that Josh's apartment would be ready for them to move into by the end of the week, I told him that we'd work out a salary package but I was thinking it would be better for Woodruff to pay the rent and take an amount out of David's salary, he was absolutely stoked.

Late in the afternoon we got a call from Billy to tell us Julia had gone into labour and was at Mount Sinai Medical Centre, he told us she'd been getting contractions since yesterday afternoon but didn't want to tell anyone thinking it might be a false alarm then this morning her waters broke and she was now into full labour so he hoped it wouldn't be long before we could welcome his son into the world.

Lenny of course insisted we head for the hospital straight away so with Leo in tow we arrived at the Maternity Unit just as a dazed looking Billy came out of the delivery suite.

He saw us approaching and I could see the tears in his eyes, "He's beautiful PJ, oh my god I can't believe it, I'm a father".

After the congratulations and a trip to the nursery where, through the glass we got to see the newest member of the Fielding family we went up to Julia's suite to congratulate her.

Lenny told Julia we'd be returning to Torremolinas in a few days and would be arranging the christenings for our brood and she wanted Billy and Julia as godparents for each so they would be coming out to stay with us quite soon.

A few days later we were packed and ready to go.

The flight crew had a gruelling few days shuttling everyone out to Malaga. A lot of the staff flew out ahead of us to ease the crush when we finally flew out plus it allowed Rosa and two of the nannies to travel ahead and make sure the apartment was ready for our arrival.

We thought it was all going perfectly but there it was again, life's illusions, then there's the reality.


Constructive comments, good or bad to please, headed "Life's Illusions" in the subject box. Thanks for giving your time to read this.

Author ARB

Next: Chapter 11

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