Lifes Discoveries

By moc.loa@97bK

Published on Oct 12, 2001


DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. The characters are real people but are being written in fictional situations. This is not saying anything about the sexual orientation of anyone mentioned.

WARNING: This story deals with homosexual themes. If this offends you, don't read. If you are under 18 years of age, don't read. If reading this story causes you to break any laws, don't read.

FEEDBACK: I'd like to know what you think, email me at

QUICK NOTE: Last chapter guys. I don't even know if anyone remember this story or was reading it in the first place. Sorry it took so long, time has been limited for such stuff and I haven't had real internet access since May. Hope it was worth the wait. Thanks.

Life's Discoveries Chapter 12 - The End. By: Kelly

6 Months Later

The weather was perfect. The sun was bright, there wasn't a cloud in the sky, and it was a dry 70 degrees out. Rows and rows of chairs were set up in the grass in front of the makeshift alter. There were flowers everywhere, intermingling with all the other decorations. The trees were in near bloom and just added to the ambience.

The rows and rows of folding chairs were filled with guests and a nervous, handsome young man stood at the altar. A wedding would be taking place in ten minutes, at 3:00. A double wedding to be exact. Two couples would be getting hitched this afternoon.

There was a line of men at the altar waiting patiently. They were serving as the ushers and best men for the grooms. Harold Littrell, Jerald Richardson Jr., Aaron Carter, Lance Bass, AJ McLean, and Howard Dorough all stood in line waiting for the ceremony to begin and for the grooms to hurry up and get to the alter. There was also a slew of young ladies standing in the wings waiting for the bride (or was it brides?). Most were friends and family of Leighanne, but also included the three Carter sisters.

The grooms, Kevin Richardson and Brian Littrell, were standing behind the wall of the alter having a last minutes pep talk.

"I can't believe we're about to get married!" Kevin exclaimed, cheerfully.

"I know!" Brian beamed. "Especially because your bride to be in Nick!"

The two of them cracked up for a moment.

"He is not my bride to be and you know it!" Kevin said, with mock anger. "He's going to be my husband."

Brian stopped joking. "I know Kev, I know. And I wish the two of you all the happiness in the world."

"As I wish you and Leighanne." Kevin replied. "I love ya Bri."

"I love you to Kevin." Brian answered as the two men hugged. "Let's get out there."

The "brides to be" were still inside, waiting for the wedding march to begin. Leighanne was the picture of perfection as a bride, she was completely calm, collected, and radiant.

Nick on the other hand was a wreck. "What the hell am I doing here? I'm 21, way to young to be getting married! And why am I with the bride and bridesmaids? I'm a man! I should be with the grooms! I'm not about to become anyone's wife! I'm going home!!!" He screamed as he paced.

Leighanne grabbed him by the shoulders. "Calm yourself Nick! You are not a bride, look you're in a tuxedo, just like Brian and Kevin. You are a groom. You are about to be come Kevin's husband! It's just that one of you had to walk in and one of you had to stay at the alter due to the whole it being bad luck to see each other before the wedding. And it just made more sense for you to be down here with me. Kevin and Brian are family, you know. And as for the age thing. Do you love him? Look at me and answer that Nick. Do... You... Love... Him...?" Nick looked her directly in the eyes. "More than I have ever loved anyone in my life, more than my heart allows."

Leighanne smiled. "Than age don't mean jack shit."

Nick completely relaxed. Leighanne was right. Suddenly he heard the wedding march. "Thanks Leigh! I think were on! Let's go!"

Leighanne and Brian went first and it was beautiful. Kevin's brother, Tim was performing both ceremonies and was doing a lovely job. Brian and Leighanne had both written their own vows and Brian sang a song he had written just for Leighanne. When Tim pronounced them man and wife there wasn't a dry eye in the house and many people cheered.

It was then Nick and Kevin's turn. They stood hand in hand in front of Tim. Tim gulped nervously. It had taken a lot of pleading by everyone involved to convince him to perform the ceremony. He still wasn't to keen on two men marrying, but it was his little brother and he wanted him to be happy. He started the ceremony and it began smoothly.

"We are gathered here to unite these men in the bonds of holy matrimony which is an honorable estate. Into this, these two now come to be joined. If anyone present can show just and legal cause why they may not be joined, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." Tim said as he looked around.

Everyone saw the devious look on AJ's face and feared a mid-ceremony joke. But Nick shot him a pleading look and he behaved himself.

When Tim got to the vows he stopped, because he knew his brother and Nick had written their own vows for each other as well. Kevin went first.

"I fell in love nearly four years ago. It was a love I feared admitting, because I was convinced it would never be returned. I fell in love with one of my best friends. That in itself has turned out to be a God sent. It may have taken a while for the two of us to be truthful with each other, but when we did everything began to fall in to place. Getting to the point of this wedding hasn't been easy, dealing with family upsets, feuding friends, and legal difficulties is worth it all to finally call you my husband. I've loved you for nearly 9 years now Nick. First as a friend, a brother, and now as the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. We've always taken care of each other and I look forward to continuing for the rest of my years. I love you Nick and no matter what happens from this point on, I will never falter from saying so." Kevin spoke his vows to everyone, but looked only in Nick's eyes.

There was a collective sigh when he was done. Nick's mouth was stretched in a silly grin, but his eyes where moist with tears. He took a deep breath and stepped forward to take his turn.

"There are a hundred things in my heart that I would love to be able to say to you Kevin. But the path from my heart to my mouth seems to be a broken one, because they just never come out the right way. I figured there is only one way to say the things I need to. Right before we got together I sat down to sort out my feelings and ended up writing this song. And because I believe music can be a purer form of expression in my case, I'm going to sing this for you. So, I hope you can accept this song as my vows." Nick turned towards AJ, Howie, and Brian and gave a small nod. The four of them began to sing.

Remember when We never needed each other The best of friends Like brothers We understood We'd never be Alone Those days are gone Now I want you so much The night is long And I need your touch Don't know what to say Never meant to feel this way Don't wanna be alone tonight

What can I do to make you mine Falling so hard, so fast this time What did I say, what did you do How did I fall in love with you

I hear your voice And I start to tremble Brings back the child That I resemble I cannot pretend That we can still be friends Don't wanna be alone tonight

What can I do to make you mine Falling so hard, so fast this time What did I say, what did you do How did I fall in love with you

I wanna say this right And it has to be tonight Just need you to know I don't wanna live this lie I don't wanna say goodbye With you I wanna spend the rest of my life

What can I do to make you mine Falling so hard, so fast this time

What did I say, what did you do How did I fall in love with you

What can I do to make you mine Falling so hard, so fast this time Everything's changed, we never knew How did I fall in love with you?

Kevin, Nick, and the whole rest of the crowd were in tears, happy tears.

Tim wiped his eyes and turned towards his younger brother.

"Kevin Scott Richardson, will you have this man as your lawful wedded husband, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love him, honor him, comfort him, and keep him in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be true to him as long as you both shall live?"

Kevin looked at Nick, his family and friends, and than back at his brother and replied confidently. "I do."

"Nicholas Gene Carter, will you have this man as your lawful wedded husband, to live together in the estate of matrimony? Will you love him, honor him, comfort him, and keep him in sickness and in health; forsaking all others, be true to him as long as you both shall live?"

Nick looked at Kevin, nervously. He then let his gaze wander over to AJ, who lowered his glasses for a moment and gave him a wink. Nick looked back at Kevin and felt a surge of love rush threw him. This was so right! He only needed Kevin. Life would be complete. "I do!'

Tim smiled and continued as he held the rings. "Behold the symbol of wedlock. The perfect circle of love, the unbroken union of these men united here today. May you both remain faithful to this symbol of true love. Please join hands and repeat after me. I, Kevin Scott Richardson, take Nicholas Gene Carter as my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

Kevin repeated the vows and slipped the ring on Nick's hand.

"And Nick. I, Nicholas Gene Carter, take Kevin Scott Richardson as my wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

Nick repeated the vows as well and slipped the ring on Kevin's hand.

"For as much as Kevin and Nick have consented together in wedlock, and have witnessed the same before this company of friends and family, and have given and pledged their promises to each other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving a ring, and by joining hands. By the authority vested in me by the State of Kentucky, I pronounce this couple to be, well husband and husband." Tim finished up the ceremony. "Kevin, Nick, you may kiss your husband!"

With tears on their cheeks, smiles on their mouths, and love in their hearts, they kissed.

The double wedding had finally taken place.

Everyone was content.

And everyone lived happily ever after.


  • Well, I finally finished it. I hope everyone enjoyed it. I know Nick didn't write that song, Howie did... but I didn't know that when it first appeared in the story, so I hope you will all allow me the liberty. The wedding was inaccurate, but you know me, realism sucks. It's been fun. I hope to hear from some of you. Take care and if you get the chance, check out my website: As always thanks to my friends who help all the way. Hasta la byebye, KB*

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