Lifeguard Brother

By Dude Sweet

Published on Jan 6, 2004


I was kind of lonely when my brother moved out last year to go to college. I was 11 at the time and really missed. I still saw him on Christmas, holidays and a few weekends, but it wasn't the same. This year, however, was going to be different. My parents were going on a 25 day vacation to `see' Europe and I was going to get to stay with my brother in his apartment!

He was coming home to pick me up on his day off. I was excited and happy to see him, and not at all sad to say goodbye to my parents. We loaded up his beater; that's what he called his car because it was such a piece of shit. The fifteen year old silver Civic was originally my dad's car, then he got a new one and gave it to my mom. Eventually it made its way to David, my brother. Maybe in 4 more years it will be mine; but I doubt it. It would be lucky to last four months. David always has to borrow money from dad to repair it and stuff.

Most of what was in my suitcase and backpack was games and stuff. My PS2 with ten games, Yatzee and Monopoly were all in my suitcase. There were four pair of boxers and four pairs of socks stuffed between all the games. My two pairs of shorts, board shorts and one pair of pants were wrapped around the PS2. My four t-shirts were wrapped around my Game Boy in my backpack. Also in my backpack was Order of the Phoenix, which I had since Christmas, but had never gotten around to reading it. When he lived home, and I was little, he used to read me Harry Potter books. I am a little old for bed time stories now, but thought I might get into reading it during the summer.

The drive to his apartment was only about two hours. We used the time to talk about the stuff that was going on in our lives since we were together last. I told him all my grades. He didn't want to tell me any of his. I think because maybe they weren't so good. He also told me about his job as lifeguard at the pool. When he has to work, I would have to be there. So that meant I would be spending a lot of time at the pool. I was excited about that. I love the water.

When we get to his apartment I am surprised. The entire place looks like my room on a bad day. Stuff was everywhere: clothes, pizza boxes, dishes glasses. Mom would be upset if she knew he lived like this. Me, I would love it. Because it meant that he wouldn't be bugging me to keep my stuff clean and organized.

His place also stunk. It smelled bad. I could smell moldy food, old beer and, and, I guess it basically smelled like old socks. Old gym socks. Old gym socks that hadn't been cleaned out of the locker all year.

Plus it was hot. They don't have air conditioning. The windows are always wide open to try and get a breeze going. But there was no breeze.

"Sorry Alex, the place is a mess," David says.

"It doesn't bother me. Where should I put my stuff?" I say indicating my backpack. He puts my suitcase down on the floor next to the couch.

"Right here. You can sleep here." He points to the couch. The couch is covered with socks, underwear, shirts, newspapers and crumbs. He starts to clean if off for me. It looked pretty disgusting, but I didn't really care. I was looking forward to a fun 25 days.

I help him. We also pick up the trash and take the beer cans into the kitchen. We spend the next 30 minutes organizing the living room. I guess he felt bad for me having to live in a trash heap. Well, the kitchen was still a nightmare, but I really didn't care. I'm not a big kitchen person.

We hook up my PS2 to the TV, then pop in Final Fantasy and take turns playing. Well mostly he plays and I tell him what to do. When his roommates comes in. He doesn't even say `Hi' He just stumbles past us and goes to the bathroom, then his room.

"That's Simon," David explains. "He's working graveyard shift with tons of overtime at Home Depot."

"Graveyard?" I ask.

"Yeah. He goes to work at ten at night. He usually gets home around noon. Then he sleeps all day. Don't talk to him when he gets home until he wakes up." Ok.

We go back to our gaming. I get up to go to the bathroom to pee. I look into David's room. It's even more trashed out than the living room. He has two beds in there, underneath all the junk.

But it's the bathroom where grossness takes on a new meaning. As I peed, I looked into the bathtub. No way was I ever going to step foot in their; not even for a shower. There were things growing! And the toilet was gross. I was worried that I would have to go 25 days without taking a dump. I was pretty sure that was impossible.

You know, people are always saying that 12 year olds are not into cleanliness and neatness and stuff like that. Well that may be true; in fact, it is true. But twenty year olds are worse. Way worse.

My stomach rumbles as I get a brief turn at the controller. David looks at the clock on the TV. It's three. "You're hungry right?" he asks.

Now that he mentions it, I'm starved. I get into my backpack and get out an envelope I was supposed to give him. It has the details of our parents' trip and a check for him to buy food and stuff for me. It was for $200! That's a lot of food.

We go to the food court in the mall. He puts the money into the ATM and gets some cash. We eat, then go to the arcade for a while to play video games. I'm glad he still likes stuff like that.

When we get back to the house another one of his roommates is there playing my PS2. "Matt, this is my little brother Alex. He's staying with us for a while."

Matt looks me over. "Hey."

"Hey," I say back, as cool as I can.

"This yours?" he says about the PS2 controller.

"Yeah." He grunts, then goes back to his game. He doesn't ask if he can use it or say thank you or anything. We sit on the couch and watch for a little.

Simon walks through the living room, on the way to the kitchen, in his boxers. "It's kind of informal here." I nod. "You didn't turn shy or anything did you?"

Turn shy? When he lived at home I was the opposite of shy. I never cared who saw me naked and mostly just wore underwear in the evening in the summer. I also didn't care if anybody came into the bathroom when I was in the tub. But a few months ago, I got my first dick hairs. I became a little more shy about walking to and from the bathroom naked. In fact, I never did it anymore. I also started getting hard ons, like I had now. He didn't know any of this.

"No." I lie.

"There anything to eat?" Matt asks my brother.

"No. We went to the food court."

"Damn." Matt gets up and rummages around the kitchen. David gets the controller and restarts the game.

When Matt comes back he says, "Hey, I was playing that."

"You were playing, then you went to the kitchen." I wanted to laugh, but held it in.

"Fuck you Silverman." Matt gives him the finger.

"Fuck you," my brother says back. I had never heard my brother say `fuck' before. In fact, I've never said it out loud. Matt plops next to me on the couch.

"What's your name little Silverman?" he asks.


"Alex. Alexander. Alexander the Great?"


"So what makes you so great?" What?

"Leave him alone Matt."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll kick your ass."

"Yeah. You and what army?"

I know it sounds like a lot of cursing and violence, but I was pretty sure they were just joking around. After a while, Matt went to his room.

Later, Simon woke up. After stopping in the kitchen to get a Dr. Pepper, he came in the living room, still wearing only his boxers. David was into the game so I said, "Hi, I'm Alex. David's brother." I thought I was real friendly.

"Why the hell are you here?"

"He's staying here for a while," my brother says.

"Yeah. Is going to pay rent?"

"Shut up Simon."

"Well, if he's staying here, he has to pay rent. That's the rules." He looks at me. "You got a job?"

I feel like laughing at his stupid question, but he's all serious and stuff, so I don't. "I'm 13."

"I thought you were 12?" My brother pauses the game and turns to me.

"Yeah, but I'm almost 13."

"12, 13, 140, I don't care." He turns to my brother. "We all agreed that if we got any more room mates they would have to pay rent."

He's not a room mate, he's my brother. And he's only staying here while my parents are on vacation. I'll pay for his food. So shut up about it."

Simon grunts. It might mean ok.' It also might mean fuck you, but I'm too tired to argue.' He puts his hand down his boxers and scratches his balls. I mean, he wasn't sneaking a scratch. It was like he didn't care if the entire world knew he was scratching his balls.

"You want to play a while?" My brother asks, giving me the controller. I play.

Matt comes from his room. He sits on the couch with the other guys. "You know, we really need a second controller."

"That's a great idea." My brother pops up. "Come on." Matt grabs my controller as I get up. David takes me back to the mall. We buy another controller and eat at the food court again. I think David used my food money for the controller. Plus I think he used my food money for his lunch and dinner also. But he's in charge, so I think about it; but I don't worry about it.

When we get home, Matt is still playing. It sounds like Simon is in the stinky shower. As we hook up the controller, Simon comes out of the bathroom totally naked and walks into his room. I only get a short look, but his doesn't look that big. I mean it's bigger than mine, and way, way hairier, but not as big as my brothers.

As me and David play, Matt starts yakking on the phone with his girl friend. I listen only because I want to learn a little about him; not because I'm nosey or anything. Simon leaves for work without saying goodbye or anything.

David says, "We got to be up early tomorrow for work." Matt gets off the phone since the PS2 is free now. I follow David in his room. He pulls the blanket off his bed and takes it into the living room. "Don't you need a blanket?"

"No. It's usually hot here, even at night. You probably won't use this for covers. I just wanted it so you wouldn't have to sleep straight on the couch; it's kind of dirty." Yeah, it is.

"No pillow?" I ask. Then I feel like a stupid kid for asking.

He brings me his pillow form his room. "You can have mine."

I decide that it's ok to strip to my underwear and lay on the couch. David goes to his room. I watch Matt play until I fall asleep.

My brother is shaking me. "Wake up. Time to go." I awaken. My hard on is tented up in my boxers and I have no covers on; but my brother didn't notice. I sit up in a position that doesn't show my hard on. I always get them in the morning now. When my brother goes back to his room, I quickly pull on my shorts from yesterday. I make my way to the bathroom and piss. It's too gross to even wash my hands or brush my teeth. I get fresh socks and a fresh t shirt from my bag and pull them on; then my shoes. I wait around a few minutes for my brother. "Man, you get ready fast," he says. "Got your bathing suit?"

No. I grab it.

The parking lot at the pool is huge. He park far away, even though there a millions of places up close. He explains that employees are not allowed to park close.

He unlocks the gate and we go in. We are the first ones there. He shows me how he punches the time clock. We go into an office and he starts to change.

I follow. I'm not shy around him; in fact, I hope he notices my new hairs. But he doesn't notice or say anything. His is like I remember it. We put our clothes away and I help him get the chemicals to check the water.

We also hose off several areas around the pool. We check both locker rooms. Both! I see a girls locker room for the first time. It's not like ours. They have stalls for changing and stalls for showers. They get lots more privacy; I wonder why.

I like swimming and hanging at the pool all day was a blast. When it's time for David's shift to be over he gets us towels and a little bag of his stuff and we go to the locker room. There, he pulls off his bathing suit.

"We going to take showers here?"

"Unless you'd rather take one at home?" He asks, teasing. He's got a point.

I pull off my shorts and follow him into the bathroom. He has soap and shampoo and we shower together. It's fun. I want David to notice my new hairs above my dick but he doesn't. A couple guys walk past and peek at us, but nobody else comes in when we are there. It's in the shower that I realize that I am sunburned. Ouch! I really should have put on suntan lotion. We dry off and carry our bathing suits to the office. We pull off our towels and pull on our shorts. Before I put on my t-shirt, he gets some aloe and rubs it all over my sunburned parts. Makes it feel cold and nice.

We stop at Carl's on the way home and get dinner. Simon is playing PS2 when we get home. David sits next to him and challenges him. I have nothing better to do so I watch. I get bored, then I remember my Harry Potter book.

I get it out and start reading.

During a break in the game, David has me strip to my boxers and puts aloe on me again. It's fine until Matt comes home. He's got his girlfriend with him. She sees me in my boxers! Not sure what to do, I grab the pillow and cover up. She just smiles. The guys don't even notice.

She sits next to me on the couch as Matt goes to him for something. It's a little embarrassing talking to a girl in my underwear. No, its very embarrassing. In fact, I start to get a hard on. Fortunately, I have the pillow over my private parts.

When they leave, Simon gets up to get ready for work. I jump up to sit next to David on the floor, forgetting about my hard on. It's sticking straight up. He sees it, smiles, and doesn't say anything. As we play, it goes away. Well now he knows I get hard, I wonder if he realizes I have hair yet.

Simon leaves for work and we get ready for bed. Well, I'm already in my underwear, so I don't have too much getting ready to do. David gets the Aloe for one last coat before sleeping. While he's rubbing it on my legs, I start to get hard again. By the time he's finished, it's all the way sticking up. He sees it, but doesn't say anything.

"It does that a lot now." I say.

"Yeah," he says.

"Cool?" I ask.

"Yeah, cool." Ok, I feel better now. I wake up later when Matt comes in to play the PS2. It really sucks sleeping in the living room. After a long time watching him, I drift back to sleep.

What seems like a few minutes later, David is trying to wake me up. I didn't get enough sleep. I'm tired. It's summer. I'm sunburned. I don't want to get up. Suddenly, he dumps some cold water on me. That sure wakes me up fast. He is laughing. I slowly sit up.

"We leave in five minutes," he says.

I pull off my wet boxers; I need to change anyway. My hard on pops out; it's funny when it does that. I bend it down and watch it pop back up. Matt walks in! I turn around to pull on some clean boxers too late. He saw it. He saw me playing with it. I hear him laughing, but he doesn't say anything. After I'm dressed, he comes by again. He looks at me and smiles, embarrassing me. But he still doesn't say anything.

I guess he doesn't tell my brother, because he doesn't say anything on the way to work. After we get everything ready and change, he puts a gallon of suntan lotion on me. Good thing I was wearing my bathing suit, because I get a hard on again. He works, I hang out and swim. After we shampoo and shower naked again, as we are drying off, I say, "I've got hair now." I indicate my dick area.

"Yeah, I saw. Cool."

My dick starts to get hard, so I quickly pull on my boxers and shorts. We go straight home and I try to take a nap. I say try because Simon has the sound up full blast on the PS2. I finally give up trying to nap and play against him. David comes in and watches us, waiting for his turn. By the time Matt comes home, me and David are playing and Simon is laying on the couch watching.

Matt says, "You like playing with the PS2 or playing with yourself the most?" I knew it. He was just waiting for the most embarrassing moment to bring it up. David looks at me and smiles. "Well?" Matt says again, right to my face.

I decide to go on the attack. "Well, at least I've got something to play with."

Instead of fighting back, he laughs and goes away. When Simon also goes away, David asks me, "What was that all about?"

"Well, when I was changing this morning I was naked, because you dumped all that water and made me wet. Anyway my thing was hard and I know and he saw."


"Is that ok?"

"Yeah. Everybody plays with their dick." I sort of knew that; but it's good to get confirmation.

"Even you?" I ask.

"Oh yeah."

After stripping to my boxers, he puts aloe on me again.

"I leave this aloe here, in case you want to use it."

"Use it?"

"Yeah. Don't you use lotion?"

"For what?" I ask, totally not getting whatever point he was making.

"When you jack off."

"Jack off?" I've heard the work before, but had no idea what it meant. Something dirty I was pretty sure, but that's all.

He looks at me, can see I'm seriously in the dark. "Never mind."

"No tell me, what it is. What is jacking off?"

"When you play with it. It's called jacking off."

"And lotion?"

"Yeah. Lot's of guys use lotion. Or aloe."

"And you just rub it on your dick?"

"Yeah, basically."

"And that's jacking off?"

"Yeah, basically."

Well by then, mine is hard and sticking up. I squeeze it.

"Do you put the aloe on your hand, then rub it on your dick? Or squirt it on your dick, then rub it in?"

"Alex. You do whatever you want. You do whatever feels good. I'm pretty sure you will figure it out."

"Ok." He turns around and goes back to his room. I pull down my boxers, then kick them off, my hard on popping out. I decide to squirt both my hand and the dick with the slimy green aloe. I rub it around and on my dick. It feels great. It makes a squishy noise that sounds funny. I rub it some more; not only on my dick but my balls as well. I decide I really, really like aloe.

After a while, I get bored with it, plus I'm pretty tired so I go to the bathroom and use the toilet paper to clean off my dick area and hands. I pee, flush, and run naked back to the couch. I put my boxers back on and try to go to sleep. I say try, because my hard on starts to demand more attention. After a while I fall asleep; but I wake up when Matt plays the stupid PS2. It makes me sorry I brought it.

I toss and turn, both from the noise of the game and from my hard on. Finally, he leaves. I pull off my boxers and squirt the green stuff on my dick and rub it all around. I don't know how long he's been standing there, but Matt says, "Doesn't look that big to me." I almost shit my pants. Well, if I had pants on, which I didn't, which is why I almost shit them.

I cover my hard on up with both hands. My mind isn't working well enough to make an attacking comment. He just stands there, laughing, enjoying my discomfort. The knowledge that everybody plays with themselves, confirmed by my brother earlier, leads me to the solution. I pull my hands away and start to play with it some more. "You going to watch you pervert?"

He laughs again and walks out of the room. I did it! I got rid of him in a cool way. Eventually I wipe what's left of the slime on my boxers, pull my sheet over me and go to sleep.

When my brother wakes me early the next day, not only am I naked and uncovered, but my hard on is sticking up again. As I wake, I start to cover it with my hands, then stop. My brother doesn't care; I don't think I do either. I stretch, noticing how much bigger it looks when I stretch out. My brother just smiles. "Let's go."

I get up and dig for boxers and a clean shirt and socks. I dress. After we do the morning pool chores and change, I ask him if I can use the cot in the office and go back to sleep. He lets me. I sleep. Almost all day. I had a lot of catching up to do. I have time for some swimming before we head out.

As we drive home, the car dies. We push it to the side of the road, and David starts to work on it. We talk. "So you haven't been getting much sleep? In the living room?"

"Not really. Matt plays the game and it keeps me awake."

"So tell him to turn the sound down." Yeah, good idea, I didn't think of that.

"Also Matt saw me playing with my dick last night."


"Yeah. At first I was freaked out when he walked in. Then I just started back up. I asked him if he was a pervert since he was looking at me. Was that ok?"

"Alex, that was perfect!" Perfect. Yeah! I fell like a big shot. He finally gets the car going and we go to eat and then go home. I can understand why he doesn't like to eat and shower at home; it's a pit. But why don't they just clean it up?

We play PS2 for a while. We walk down to the gas station and get Dr. Peppers. When we get back, Simon is up, Matt is home so they are playing PS2. I follow my brother into his room. He is gathering his clothes together to wash. I go into the living room and get mine too. We carry them down to the basement of the apartment As we are putting them in, he asks, "Dude you only have 3 underwears?"

"Plus the ones I have on."

"How many days?"


"How many days for those shorts?"



"Two or three."

"No wonder you stink," he teases. "Wait here with the stuff." He runs out. I wait. He comes back in with a black t-shirt of his. A big one. "Put all your stuff in. You can wear this." I hold it up. It comes down to my knees; it's big enough to cover the important stuff. I strip naked except for his shirt. I feel like I'm in a dress. We turn on the machines and head back up to the apartment. It feels breezy with no pants on and by the time we get to the living room, I have a hard on.

Matt is on the floor playing by himself. I grab the other controller and wait for him to finish. When he looks over, he says, "Where's your pants fag?"

"If I'm the fag, why are you the one looking?" I was ready with my comeback.

My brother comes back in the room. "We're doing laundry, so our clothes don't stink. You might try it sometime."

My brother in the room, I add, "Yeah, Matt, you stink."

"Well at least I don't run around naked all the time."

I look at my brother; he's just smiling and there for backup. I don't need backup. I can take Matt.

"I'm not naked." I pull off my brother's shirt. "This is naked." I grab my dick. "See the difference?" My brother is laughing his ass off. After taking a quick peek, Matt concentrates on the game. I beat him at dissing and I'm beating him at the game. Simon comes in the room.

"Is it party time? Naked party time?"

"Matt gave me a dollar to go naked." I say. Now both David and Simon are laughing their asses off. Matt seems a little embarrassed. Amazingly, during all this attention, my hard on goes only to a semi. I like that. I hate it when it's shrivelled; it looks like I'm a little kid. My semi is pretty good; especially with my hair on top of it.

I beat Matt and pull on my shirt. Me and David go down to transfer the wash to the dryer. On the way I ask, "Was that ok? What I did? How I teased Matt?"

"Yeah. It was pretty damn funny; especially the comment about the dollar."

"Was Simon joking about a naked party? You guys have naked parties?"

My brother laughs. "We've had a couple of parties, where the drinking was intense and we all ended up playing strip poker, and most everybody ended up naked."

"Girls too?" I ask.

He laughs harder. "Of course girls too. That was the whole point."

"So girls saw you naked, and you saw them naked."

"Yeah." It sounded kind of scary. But also kind of fun. I got hard thinking about it. Was I hard about seeing naked girls? Or all the guys naked? Or having everyone see me naked? I'm not sure. But being naked in front of all those people sure sounded like fun.

Simon is leaving for work when we get back. David and Matt play each other, me watching on the couch. I squeeze my hard on a little as I'm watching them; just for something to do. We go down and get all of our clean stuff out of the dryer and bring it upstairs. I decide to save my clean stuff and just keep on David's shirt.

When I'm alone, I aloe up my dick and play with it for a while. I use the shirt to clean up the slime and go to sleep naked.

In the morning something cool happens. Nothing. That's right, the cool thing is that nothing happens. My brother doesn't wake me up. I wake up myself when I hear Simon playing the PS2. I look down at my uncovered naked hard on. I decide it's no big deal and walk to the bathroom naked. Simon barely glances at me when I come back. I pull on boxers and get ready to play him.

"What happened to David? No work?"

"He's got close this week."


"Yeah, last week he had open, this week he has close." I understand. Sort of. Anyway, my brother soon comes out in his boxers and heads for the bathroom, then joins us. He explains his work schedule to me. We eventually go to the pool. We have no chores to do, since the pool has been open for several hours.

When everyone leaves and the pool closed David has chores to do; with my help of course. We do the chemicals, just like in the morning. But then the bad news comes; we have to mop. All the showers, all the locker rooms. No wonder my brother doesn't like to clean up his apartment; he has to do all of the cleaning here. We shower and leave.

When we get home, nobody is there, so we get to play PS2 just us. I really like when it's just us.

The next day after the pool closes and we are doing our chores, my brother says, "I'm going for a swim. Come if you want." Then he pulls off his shorts and dives in naked. That's right totally naked. Well I had never been swimming naked before; but always wondered what it would feel like. I strip off my shorts, throwing them on top of his and dive in as well. The water rushing all across your body with nothing on, feels great. It makes me wonder why they invented bathing suits when swimming naked was so much nicer.

Being naked, or maybe thinking about everybody swimming naked caused my dick to get hard in the shower with my brother. He saw it, but didn't say anything. As I was soaping up, I wondered if it would feel as good as aloe on my dick. I waited until my brother was leaving. "I'll be there in a minute," I told him.

When he was out of the shower area, I rubbed the soap all over my dick and balls and just kept rubbing it and rubbing it. The feeling was getting stronger, so I kept at it. My dick didn't get tired of it, so I kept at it.

An explosion happened. I fell to the ground. Something inside me had exploded with a force I had never felt before. I lay gasping on the ground.

I guess I must have shouted when this thing happened, because my brother came running into the shower.

"What's wrong? Jesus, are you ok?" I look down at the exploded area. There is pus around my dick hole.

"Something happened. I was just playing with it and it exploded out this pus. Am I going to be ok?"

My brother looks at me funny. "You never had this stuff before?"

"No. Is it going to be ok?"

"You play with your dick all the time and you never had this stuff come out before?" For some reason he is having trouble understanding what I'm saying.


"Dude. First of all it's ok. Second, that's what supposed to happen when you play with it. Third, that's sperm. That's what makes babies."

This is a lot of new information to understand all at once. I sort it out. "Why didn't you tell me about it?" I ask him.

"Well, you seem to be an expert at playing with yourself, I just figured you knew."

"No." Wow. "So this is what happened when you play with yours?"


"Jesus!" I swore. It just slipped out.

He helps me up. I rinse off, but my dick stays hard. "So every time I have a hard on and play with it, this sperm will come out and I will get that feeling."

"Yeah. Well maybe not as intense as you just had, but it feels good. Plus, it's called a boner, not a hard on."

"Ok. Good to know. In case it ever comes UP in conversation." I laugh hysterically at my own joke.

When we get home, Simon is already up and is playing Matt on the PS2. I can't wait for Simon to leave and Matt to go to bed so I can use the aloe and make sperm. I have a boner the entire time. Simon goes to work, but Matt plays my brother. I'm about to go crazy.

"You got ants in your pants?" Matt asks.

"Yeah." I reach in my shorts and pretend to pull out an ant and throw it on him. "Now you got ants too."

After watching them for a while longer, I ask, "When are you guys going to sleep?"

"You tired?" my brother asks.

"He probably just wants to play with it again," says Matt.

"Yeah, you just wish I was going to play with it so you could watch," I tell Matt.

"Yeah right," he says.

They keep playing. I am getting mad. I want them to leave. I want to jack off. I've been squeezing my boner for like two hours now. It's driving me crazy. I quietly pull down my boxers and let my dick out to breathe for a little bit. Well, breathing is not enough for it. It demands the aloe. As quietly as I can, I squeeze the aloe out onto my hand and silently rub it in. Ok, it's not really silent. It makes squishy noises. They don't notice. I rub it. It feels good. I hope the sperm explosion happens again. I continue to rub it. It starts to tingle. I rub faster.


Uh, they are both looking at me. I think I made some noises when the sperms came out.

"Why don't you do that in your room, you homo," Matt says.

"This is my room," I reply. "Why don't you go to your room and do it and you can think about how big mine is and wish it was yours." I hold my boner up.

"It's not like you don't do it every night," my brother says to Matt.

"Well at least I'm quiet when I do it. Not like you and your brother." He makes loud moaning noises. Did I sound like that? Does my brother?

I take off my boxers and clean up the aloe; then lay there, watching them play, until I fall asleep.

I wale in the morning and go to pee naked. Nobody else is around. When I get back to the couch, I stay naked and squirt out the aloe. I begin playing with it. Simon walks in the front door. It freaks me out for a second. He looks, sees what I am doing and just goes into his room. I continue. He comes out of his room in his boxers, glancing over at me. I keep at it. He comes out of the bathroom at the same moment I sperm. I'm sure I mad noise because he looked over and watch me squeeze it out. Then he stumbled into his room. As I get up to go the bathroom to clean up, my brother comes out of his room. He sees me heading to the bathroom and sees my aloe and sperm. He pees while I clean up.

"Simon saw. He came home when I was in the middle of it."


"He didn't say anything."


"So now everyone's seen me do it."

He laughs a little. "Yeah."

"But I never seen anyone else do it."

"I'm sure you will when you have sleepovers. You still have sleepovers don't you?"

"Yeah, all the time. You mean I can do this with my friends. And they will do it with me?"


"Do you? Do it with your friends?" I ask.

"I did when I was a kid. Maybe not all of your friends will do it with you, but some will I'm pretty sure."

Well that sure sounded interesting. I would like to see someone else do it.

I wonder if they do it like I do. Are they noisy too, when they do it?

After we do the closing chores at the pool, I have to take a dump. I use they bathroom in the locker room because it's way cleaner than the one at home. When I come out, my brother is in the shower. With a boner! Not only that, but it's all soaped up. He's jacking off!

I don't think he cares I'm there, but I don't want to disturb him, so I stay out of the showers and just watch. His is huge. When he makes sperm, he is noisy. I wonder if that's what I sound like. But the cool thing is, he sperms shot out of his boner, like a squirt gun shooting water. It was great.

I go into the shower now, with my boner pointing the way. He is rinsing off, while I am soaping up me and my boner. I jack. He goes to dry off as I do it. When I come, he looks over for a second. I rinse off and change.

"This is cool," I say. I mean watching him jack off, Jacking off with him. Living with him. Learning about sex and jacking off. And basically I meant just everything was cool.

"Yeah," he says.

I bet I had more fun on this vacation than our parents!

Next: Chapter 2

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